Presentation on the topic "abstract". Annotation to the presentation “We need security – security is important to us! How to write an abstract


slide 1 Speech development lesson in grade 9. Teacher Lebedeva Evgenia Igorevna, Novlyansk basic comprehensive school

slide 2 Annotation (from lat. annotatio - I notice) - a brief description of books, articles, etc., outlining their content (usually in the form of a list of the most important issues) and sometimes giving their assessment. (Dictionary of the Russian language). Annotation. This is a summary of the contents of the book. A few modest lines, most often in small print, on the first or last page of books, in a bibliographic index, in a magazine, in a newspaper - anywhere where experts try to briefly and accurately comment on a book. The task of the abstract is to convey the essence of the book, to interest and attract the reader. (To a young book lover. Dictionary-reference book) What is common in the definitions of annotations and what is the difference?

slide 3

Signs of annotation: 1. Annotation consists of 3-4 sentences. 2. The abstract is a kind of advertisement that should interest the reader, convey the essence of the book. 3. The annotation is placed on the reverse side of the title page or at the end of the book.

slide 4

Annotation example. Pushkin's Friends: Correspondence; Memories; Diaries. In 2 tons. T 1 / Comp. biographical essays and V.V. Kunina.- M.: Pravda, 1985.- 640 p. The two-volume collection contains documents and materials characterizing the relationship of A.S. Pushkin with thirty of his close friends. In excerpts from letters, memoirs, diaries, the atmosphere of the difficult and wonderful life of the poet and those people is conveyed. who were near and dear to him. All collections of materials are preceded by biographical sketches about Pushkin's friends.

slide 5

Assignment: write an annotation on M. Samarsky's story "The Orphan" Vanka Bryzgalov came to us in the third grade. It was the first orphanage we saw alive. For some reason I didn't like him. Quiet. Forever gloomy, dissatisfied with something. And then there was this fool, Katya Belonogova, who had a crush on him. It runs after him like a tail: “Vanya, Vanya, Vanya!” Really stupid. Found a fiance. He is an orphan. He has neither mother nor father. Why did he end up in an orphanage? And he came to us due to the fact that he was adopted by one family. Such an odd couple. I know them: they are also not friendly with their heads. They used to walk around our house in the evenings. Scream! They walk, as in an old movie, arm in arm, whisper something to each other, giggle, stop and kiss. Well, aren't you morons? I haven't seen them for a long time. As Vanka was adopted, they stopped walking. They probably please their “son” in the evenings, there is no time for walks.

slide 6

Baba Zina from the third entrance told Seryoga and me in confidence that Vanka was not even the son of this couple, but a stepson. This is what adopted orphans are called. What ugly words: "orphan", "stepson", "orphanage" ... Brrr! Some cold and slimy. I wonder why he doesn't have parents? There must have been alcoholics. All normal children have someone, but there is. At least mom or dad. And if there is neither mom nor dad, then something is already wrong. In our class there are both boys and girls who only have a mother. Normal chelas. And Vanya ... Come on, I talk a lot about him. I'd rather tell you what a joke happened today. My friend Antokha from the 5th "b" says to me: Kostya, let's have fun with your "stepson" - now Vanka has such a nickname. - What else did you come up with? I ask, because Antokha is still a comedian. - Let's write "The best orphan of the school" with a marker on Vanyakha's photo on the "Best Students" stand. And we'll draw some whiskers, like a cat's. Cool? - It is possible, - I agreed. We lingered after the lessons and painted the portrait of the “stepson”. It turned out very funny.

Slide 7

In the evening my grandmother came into my room. She was in tears and gasping for air. - Ba, what are you doing? I jumped out of bed. - What happened? Here, - she handed me the phone. - SMS ... Grandmother fell to the floor. I rushed to the city phone, called an ambulance. I was promised they would be soon. I picked up the phone from the floor and read the message: “Mom, hold on. Don't tell Kostya yet. Varya and Oleg died in Egypt in a car accident. I did not immediately understand that it was about my parents. The doctor with the ambulance said that they were late for their grandmother. And I don't have anyone else...

Slide 8

Review - a review, a written analysis containing a critical assessment of a scientific, popular science, work of art, performance, concert, film. (From the Explanatory Dictionary). The reviewer should not retell in detail the content of what he read or saw, he should show the work under review so that the reader understands its theme, ideological orientation, feels the character of the characters, their mood. The review notes the artistic features of the work, the features of its construction, the features of the author's language.

Slide 9

1. Specify the title of the book, its author. How did you hear about this book? How was the book read? 2. Initial data of the work. (Where and when was it published?) 3. What is the purpose of the author? What are their tasks? 4. What is the main content of the book? Main problems? 5. Who are the characters in the book? What are their aspirations, deeds, characters? What attitude do they evoke in the reader? 6. What did the author achieve? Are there any disadvantages? What are they? 7. What is the artistic originality of the book? How is it built? What is her language? 8. What is your overall assessment of the book?

Slide 10 Literature used: 1. E.N. Nikitina. Russian speech. Textbook on the development of coherent speech for grades 8-9 of educational institutions. 2. A.I. Vlasenkov, L.M. Rybchenkova. Russian language. Grammar. Text. Speech styles. Textbook for grades 10-11 of educational institutions. 3. M. Samarsky. Orphan. www.

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Presentation on the topic: Annotation. Review

slide number 1

Description of the slide:

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Description of the slide:

Annotation Annotation (from lat. annotatio - I notice) - a brief description of books, articles, etc., outlining their content (usually in the form of a list of the main issues) and sometimes giving their assessment. (Dictionary of the Russian language). Abstract. This is a summary of the contents of the book. A few modest lines, most often in small print, on the first or last page of books, in a bibliographic index, in a magazine, in a newspaper - anywhere where experts try to briefly and accurately comment on a book. The task of the abstract is to convey the essence of the book, to interest and attract the reader. (To a young book lover. Dictionary-reference book) What is common in the definitions of annotations and what is the difference?

slide number 3

slide number 4

Description of the slide:

Annotation example. Friends of Pushkin: Correspondence; Memories; Diaries. In 2 tons. T 1 / Comp. biographical essays and V.V. Kunina. - M.: Pravda, 1985. - 640 pp. The two-volume collection contains documents and materials characterizing the relationship of A.S. Pushkin with thirty of his close friends. In excerpts from letters, memoirs, diaries, the atmosphere of the difficult and wonderful life of the poet and those people is conveyed. who were near and dear to him. All collections of materials are preceded by biographical sketches about Pushkin's friends.

slide number 5

Description of the slide:

Assignment: write an annotation on M. Samarsky's story "The Orphan" Vanka Bryzgalov came to us in the third grade. It was the first orphanage we saw alive. For some reason I didn't like him. Quiet. Forever gloomy, dissatisfied with something. And then there was this fool, Katya Belonogova, who had a crush on him. It runs after him like a tail: “Vanya, Vanya, Vanya!” Really stupid. Found a fiance. He is an orphan. He has neither mother nor father. Why did he end up in an orphanage? And he came to us due to the fact that he was adopted by one family. Such an odd couple. I know them: they are also not friendly with their heads. They used to walk around our house in the evenings. Scream! They walk, as in an old movie, arm in arm, whisper something to each other, giggle, stop and kiss. Well, aren't you morons? I haven't seen them for a long time. As Vanka was adopted, they stopped walking. They probably please their “son” in the evenings, there is no time for walks.

slide number 6

Description of the slide:

Baba Zina from the third entrance told Seryoga and me in confidence that Vanka was not even the son of this couple, but a stepson. This is what adopted orphans are called. What ugly words: "orphan", "stepson", "orphanage" ... Brrr! Some cold and slimy. I wonder why he doesn't have parents? There must have been alcoholics. All normal children have someone, but there is. At least mom or dad. And if there is neither mom nor dad, then something is already wrong. In our class there are both boys and girls who only have a mother. Normal chelas. And Vanya ... Come on, I talk a lot about him. I'd rather tell you what a joke happened today. My friend Antokha from the 5th "b" says to me: Kostya, let's have fun with your "stepson" - now Vanka has such a nickname. - What else did you come up with? I ask, because Antokha is still a comedian. - Let's write "The best orphan of the school" with a marker on Vanyakha's photo on the "Best Students" stand. And we'll draw some whiskers, like a cat's. Cool? - It is possible, - I agreed. We lingered after the lessons and painted the portrait of the “stepson”. It turned out very funny.

slide number 7

Description of the slide:

In the evening my grandmother came into my room. She was in tears and gasping for air. - Ba, what are you doing? I jumped out of bed. - What happened? Here, - she handed me the phone. - SMS ... Grandmother fell to the floor. I rushed to the city phone, called an ambulance. I was promised they would be soon. I picked up the phone from the floor and read the message: “Mom, hold on. Don't tell Kostya yet. Varya and Oleg died in Egypt in a car accident. I did not immediately understand that it was about my parents. The doctor with the ambulance said that they were late for their grandmother. And I don’t have anyone else ...

slide number 8

Description of the slide:

Review A review is a review, a written analysis containing a critical assessment of a scientific, popular science, work of art, performance, concert, film. (From the Explanatory Dictionary). The reviewer should not retell in detail the content of what he read or saw, he should show the work under review so that the reader understands its theme, ideological orientation, feels the character of the characters, their mood. The review notes the artistic features of the work, the features of its construction, the features of the author's language.

slide number 9

Description of the slide:

Approximate plan for writing a review 1. Indicate the title of the book, its author. How did you hear about this book? How was the book read? 2. The original data of the work. (Where and when was it published?)3. What is the purpose of the author? What tasks are set for them?4. What is the main content of the book? Main problems?5. Who are the characters in the book? What are their aspirations, deeds, characters? What attitude do they evoke in the reader?6. What did the author achieve? Are there any disadvantages? What are they?7. What is the artistic originality of the book? How is it built? What is its language?8. What is your overall rating for the book?

Description of the slide:

Literature used: 1. E.N. Nikitina. Russian speech. Textbook on the development of coherent speech for grades 8-9 of educational institutions.2. A.I. Vlasenkov, L.M. Rybchenkova. Russian language. Grammar. Text. Speech styles. Textbook for grades 10-11 of educational institutions.3. M. Samarsky. Orphan. www.

"The problem in the thesis" - Authority, Competence Circumstances. II. Finding a Template for Graduation Supervisor Reflection – Initial Problem: Detailed Example. Diploma script. Grouping of algorithms and difficulties of diploma and leadership (see the thesis scheme). "Diploma". What would you like to get. "Scientific".

"Requirements for the final work" - The final work must be a material that will be used in the student's professional activities!!! Vocabulary. Grade 5 Possible forms of VR. Requirements for the topic VR. Annotation examples.

"Graduation design" - Methodological support of graduation design. Degree projects in IT specialties should be carried out on real topics. Digo S. M. MESI - professor, 1C - head of the department for work with educational institutions and AEC. In 2008, the First All-Russian Competition of Diploma Projects was held using the 1C software.

"Thesis" - Belkoopsoyuz educational institution "Belarusian Trade and Economic University of Consumer Cooperation". Figure 1.1 - The structure of the wholesale turnover by form of ownership for 2006, in%. Belarus from 18 Nov. 2004, No. 339-Z // Nat. register of legal acts Rep. Numbering starts from the second sheet of the introduction - page 4-5.

"Research psychology" - Analyze the results of the experiment. The hypothesis should contribute to the resolution of the contradiction! Characterize. Consider. Methods. Foundations of scientific research. theoretical significance. How do the results affect the existing terminological series and the content of concepts. Three or more tasks can be formulated, depending on the inclination of the author.

"Graduation project" - Themes of graduation projects. The designation of course and diploma projects consists of 8 indices. Rights: - to demand a bound copy of the explanatory note and demonstration material. Diploma design participants are: State Attestation Commission (SAC). Objectives of thesis design.

In total there are 21 presentations in the topic

The annotation of the term paper is a kind of calling card, the purpose of which is to create the most favorable first impression of the project, to attract the attention of readers and reviewers to it. Another of its tasks is to show that the author is capable of analyzing and systematizing information, and then concisely and intelligibly conveying it to others.

What is an annotation

According to the definition of the Great Explanatory Dictionary, an annotation is a brief description of the thematic content, purpose, form, addressee and other features of a handwritten or printed work. Absolutely all the methodological guidelines and practical recommendations that higher educational institutions compile for students rely on this interpretation and emphasize that the annotation for the coursework should:

  • reflect the novelty of the study, highlighting it from a number of similar ones;
  • state the key points of the work without duplicating its text;
  • include only the facts presented in the material.

Abstracts are used to convey the content - succinctly formulated basic provisions, simple copying of text parts is unacceptable.

The location is behind the title page, so it is usually not indicated in the content that is on the third page.

How to write an abstract for a term paper

One of the purposes of the author's summary of the completed research is the delicate promotion of the results of one's work. Ideally, the effect of the correct annotation is expressed in the desire to immediately familiarize yourself with the described source. Like any advertisement, there should not be a lot of written "presentation" of the coursework, so the size from 500 to 1,500 characters is considered optimal, depending on the topic.

It's curious:

In the USA, an annual competition is held for the shortest, but capacious and not boring scientific abstract. The maximum length limit is 260 words (about 1,800 characters including spaces). The results are published in the public domain and arouse great interest in the academic community.

When preparing for writing, you should think about what you should tell a potential interlocutor, retelling the essence of the work. A formalized step-by-step instruction and tips with approximate cliches of wording will help you not to miss important nuances.

The answers should be understandable to people who are far from the topic, and to experts, in order to easily convey to everyone what the course is devoted to and what value it represents. Absolute taboo - well-known facts like "The Earth revolves around the Sun", the emphasis is on original developments.

Text Requirements

Standardized design standards and linguistic criteria are established by GOST 7.9-95 in subparagraphs 2.5.4-2.5.10. The interstate standard prescribes when writing annotations to use:

  • simple grammatical constructions characteristic of the style of technical and scientific documents;
  • only symbols and abbreviations commonly used in the technical and academic field, as a rare exception - author's abbreviations and names with their obligatory explanation at the initial mention;
  • unified terminology, refraining from less common definitions or explaining them when first used (in annotations to course papers in social disciplines, it is permissible to operate with specific names found in the text);
  • units of measurement of physical quantities in the SI system according to GOST 8.417, in parallel in parentheses it is allowed to give the values ​​of the quantities in the measures involved in the work;
  • geographical names according to the current edition of the Atlas of the World or in the form given in the study, if they are not in the reference collection of maps;
  • proper names in the form presented in the main text; transliteration (letter-by-letter reproduction of foreign words by Cyrillic graphic characters) or transcription (transmission of their sound) is possible, indicating in brackets the spelling in the original language when mentioned for the first time.

The approach to the selection of language means preferred for writing an annotation for a course paper is based on generally accepted norms, which provide for the use of:

  • unambiguous words;
  • short adjectives denoting permanent properties;
  • verbs in the 3rd person of the present tense with the meaning of constant action;
  • sustainable speech turns (development is traced ...; principles are considered ..., features are distinguished and characterized ..., justification is carried out ..., introduces developments ..., much attention is paid to ..., views are stated ..., is of interest to ... etc.) .

How exactly the annotation to the term paper is written is determined by each university, so it is better to take a sample from the methodologists of the department or download the template from the institution’s website. Traditionally, the structure is built according to the standard scheme:

  1. Name.
  2. Author (faculty, course, group).
  3. Head (position, scientific degree).
  4. Abstracts.
  5. Many educational organizations introduce a paragraph about the description of the composition of the following type: "The work includes 24 pages, was made using 35 sources, contains 8 graphs, 7 tables, 19 photographs and 21 applications."

It is suitable for all areas and specialties.

Despite the fact that the abstract belongs to the optional sections of the course work, its quality largely determines the success of the upcoming defense and the level of the final grade.

Many people ask the question, because the so-called "summary" ("description" from English) may be needed both for an article, and for a program or for any project. Depending on the details, the annotation may have special requirements. We will consider them.

What is an annotation

As mentioned above, an annotation is a description. This word comes from the Latin counterpart, meaning "remark". That is why another definition of annotation is considered a short description.

How to write an abstract

So, you have already done some writing work. Now it needs to be properly formatted. How to write an abstract for a work? Now you will understand that this is not a problem at all. The main thing is to adhere to the basic rules and the following tips:

  • include a description of the main theme;
  • write briefly and to the point;
  • highlight the main thing;
  • tell the essence of the work without going into key details;
  • intrigue.

What you need to know before writing an abstract

As a person is greeted by clothes, so a scientific article is greeted by annotation. Its task is to show that the author is able to systematize and analyze information, as well as briefly, coherently and clearly present it. How to write an abstract for an article so that the work looks as presentable as possible?

  • This article argues...
  • The article introduces the research...
  • Particular attention is focused on...
  • Characteristic features are identified and described ...
  • The relevance of this article is...
  • The author traces the development...
  • Justification provided...
  • Provides views on...

It is important to emphasize in the abstract what is the innovation of the work, how it stands out from others, why it is worth reading it.


Consider an example of how to write an abstract for an article (the work contains space elevator projects):

"This work is an analysis of the latest achievements in the field of space aeronautics. Possible projects for the development of space elevators are systematized. Based on these data, the advantages and disadvantages of each of the models are given."

Annotation to the economic article:

"The article introduces a study in the field of public financing and public procurement. A reorganization of this process is proposed. The conclusions are made on the basis of an analysis of the financing of the education and health care systems of such states as the USA, Britain and Korea. A comparison is made of the economic reforms of the Russian Federation and these countries. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between economic processes in Russia and its mentality".

To the project

In fact, how to write an abstract for a project is not too different from how to write a summary for a scientific article. In both cases, innovation is a prerequisite. This means that in the annotation, first of all, it should be indicated that the author brought something new with his work. The difference is that the abstract to the project is usually larger and more voluminous than to the article.

Annotations are written in the same style as the work was done. It must contain all information clearly and concisely. For a project, this means the following:

  • indicate the topic;
  • the essence of the project - the purpose of its writing;
  • what problems he analyzes, what he focuses on;
  • what are the results of the study/analysis;
  • conclusions based on the work done.


Since projects can be completely different, their annotations can also be very different. In order to know how to write an annotation correctly, it is better to consider a couple of examples.

Example for an economic project:

  • The objective of the project: the formation of an experimental product that allows increasing the degree of solvency of the residents of the area.
  • Introduce a new banking service, taking into account the demand and implementation of technological processes.

Project issues:

  • Professional activity in the financial sector.
  • Data analysis and bank service delivery practices as a basis for gaining experience
  • Generalization and formation of summed up results in the reporting form.
  • Collect and categorize the types of bank services for residents.
  • Based on the survey, draw conclusions about the need for banking services in a particular region.
  • Identify the shortcomings of this approach.

Completion of the project:

  • As a result of the project, the research group submits a report on the work done, indicating the results and conclusions.
  • Each of the team members demonstrates their own ideas about banking, coordinating them with the group leader.

An example of an annotation for a course project:

"The purpose of the course design was, first of all, to compile a program that is convenient for use by a simple layman.

The program was compiled in accordance with the requirements set forth in the course design task, the teacher's wishes and the logical conclusions on the application of this program by the subsequent user.

An equally important goal of the course design was to polish the student's skills as a future C ++ programmer, develop his understanding of the requirements and wishes of potential customers, the ability to think logically and work on time.

When solving the presented problem, the BorlandC++Builder6Full software package was used.

Each part of the program was developed step by step:

  • entering the required string variables in the appropriate fields;
  • description of the operation of the buttons for editing, translation, exit and adding a new word;
  • designation of conditions for the output of the translation of the entered word, an indication of the fields where the translation is displayed;
  • in addition, the program is attached to two text files containing a list of English and Russian words in the appropriate order, it is possible to expand the lists using the same program.

In the BorlandC++Builder6Full software package, a dialog box form was developed, the purpose of each of the buttons and input / output windows on this form was determined.

As a result, a program was compiled that translates the word entered by the user or displays a message that such a word is not in the database. The user has the right to add it himself or not add it (by choice). In the development of the program, possible cases of entering more than one word in a different order were taken into account.

To the program

In this case, the program is understood as an educational plan, that is, a work program for the discipline. This raises the question: how to write an annotation for the program?

It must contain:

  • normative documents according to which it is drawn up;
  • the purpose of the discipline, and how many hours are allocated for it;
  • distribution by topic or list of main sections;
  • how certification is carried out, how often, at what time.

An important point: the compiler of such an annotation is not indicated. It is also necessary to distinguish between concepts and brief content. The first one is larger.


The article discusses how to write an abstract for an article, project and program. When composing any description, you should keep in mind what the annotation means. In essence, it is an answer to the question, what is the document to which it was written. This means that there is no place in it for empty reasoning "not on the case", but there is only a dry and brief presentation of the facts.

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