In the course of the basics of organizing fire extinguishing and conducting priority rescue operations. In the course of the basics of organizing fire extinguishing and conducting priority rescue operations Methodological plans for firefighters means of communication


conducting classes with a group ____________________________________________

Subject ______________________________________________________________

Type of lesson ________________________ Time allotted __________ (h)

The purpose of the lesson ____________________________________________________________

(indicate the specific objectives of the lesson: what the student should

know and about what to have an idea as a result of the

classes, what educational goals are achieved in the lesson).
1. Literature used during the lesson
2. A detailed lesson plan.

3. Manuals and equipment used in the lesson _________________

4. Assignment for independent work of students and preparation for the next lesson

"____" ___________ 2000_
Class leader _____________________ _____________

Full name date, signature
Annex 11

(name of division)
Subject of study ________________________________________________________

Examiner(s) ________________________________________________________________

(position, title, full name)

Date _______________ Start ____________ End ___________


subdivisions _______________________ _______________

(full name) (date, signature)
Annex 12

Thematic plan
individual training of radiotelephone operators (dispatchers) of the State Fire Service units


The name of the topic of the lesson

Number of hours


of which for classes:









Organization of the activities of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia





Documents regulating the procedure for serving in the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Qualification characteristics radio operator (dispatcher)





Construction Materials and their flammable properties. Types, device, structural elements of buildings and structures.





General information about fire, emergency situation and their development, combustible substances and their combustion. Stopping a fire.





Electricity and his sources





First aid





Classification and specifications means of wired communication available in the arsenal of the State Fire Service unit, the operating procedure and safety measures when working with them.





Classification and technical characteristics of radio communication equipment in service with the State Fire Service unit, operating procedure and safety measures when working with them.





Rules for conducting all types of communication





Classification and technical characteristics of electrical fire alarm installations available in the State Fire Service subdivision, operating procedure and safety measures when working with them.





Classification and performance characteristics of fire and rescue vehicles in service with the unit. Tactical capabilities of the unit.





Purpose, types, arrangement and use of fire hoses, manual fire escapes, fire-technical and emergency equipment and equipment removed by fire and rescue vehicles of the unit





Appointment of a fire hydrant and a fire column. Fire-fighting water supply of the protected area.





Appointment and organization of the communication service in the GPS system of the EMERCOM of Russia





Organization of territorial and duty service fire brigade. Responsibilities of a radiotelephone operator (dispatcher) while serving in the duty shift. Requirements for safety, industrial sanitation and hygiene during duty service.





Appointment and organization of communication points for fire departments. Job Responsibilities and the rules for the work of a radiotelephonist (dispatcher) at the communication point of the unit.





Operational and service documentation of the unit's communication point, the procedure for its maintenance





The charter of fire extinguishing and carrying out rescue operations of the fire department on the features of receiving messages about fires, other emergencies and handling calls.





Operational-tactical study of the unit's departure area.








Job placement for 5 shifts



Annex 13

Fire tactics - the theory and practice of preparing and conducting combat operations of fire fighting units.

Firefighting - military operations aimed at saving people, property and eliminating fires.

Fire extinguishing is one of the main functions of the fire safety system.

Combat actions are the organizational use of forces and means of fire protection provided for by the Charter to perform the main combat mission.

Fire tactics at the present stage is designed to explore, identify patterns inherent in the processes of preparing and conducting combat operations of fire departments and, above all, their main type - fire fighting. Therefore, she represents theoretical basis combat operations of fire departments, knowing their patterns and developing the most effective forms and methods of extinguishing fires in the shortest possible time. Based on this, fire tactics solves two main tasks that are closely related:

Knowledge of patterns and development of methods, techniques for rescuing people in a fire;

Knowledge of patterns and development of forms, methods and techniques of conducting combat operations of fire extinguishing units.

In order to improve existing and develop new methods and techniques of fire departments, it is necessary to know their tactical capabilities, the study of which is also the task of fire tactics.

Preparation for extinguishing and successful extinguishing of fires is impossible without the correct organization of tactical training of fire brigade garrisons. Tactical training is closely related to psychological training, i.e. with the readiness of the l / s of the fire brigade to conduct combat operations in any conditions of the situation on fires, including in stressful, extreme conditions. These issues also relate to the tasks of fire tactics, studying and investigating the problems of preparing for extinguishing and conducting combat operations to extinguish fires at various objects.

All tasks of fire tactics can be grouped into four groups:

Studying the regularities of the elements of the situation in a fire;

Knowledge of the essence of combat operations of fire departments and development effective ways and techniques for rescuing people in fires;

Identification and justification of the most appropriate forms and methods of organizing fire extinguishing;

Finding forms and methods for further improving the tactical and psychological training of the personnel of the units and the commanding staff of the fire department.

From the tasks of fire tactics, it can be seen that it covers the diverse issues of preparing and supporting the combat operations of fire departments to rescue people in fires and extinguish fires. This diversity requires dividing the content of fire tactics into its component parts, each of which would explore only certain areas of activity of the personnel of units and RTP.

In fire tactics, one can distinguish, first of all, a general theoretical basis, which equally applies to any process of extinguishing a fire, regardless of where and by what forces and means it can be extinguished. These are the basics of fire tactics.

When extinguishing fires at various facilities, RTP and subunits are forced to act not only on the basis of general, but also on particular patterns inherent in combat operations on specific fires. This makes it necessary to single out the second section of fire tactics - the features of extinguishing fires at various objects.

The second section of fire tactics deals with particular features inherent in extinguishing fires in open spaces, in fences (buildings) and at other objects.

Fire tactics belongs to those areas of knowledge that are most practical in nature, and therefore its research is carried out mainly by methods of analysis and generalization of the combat operations of units and RTP to extinguish real fires.

At the same time, in some cases, when studying the extinguishing of fires that can arise and develop at new objects, the problems of fire tactics can also be solved by conducting experimental studies on full-scale objects or their fragments, as well as by methods of mathematical-statistical, simulation modeling.

Currently, fire departments are equipped with modern means of rescuing people and extinguishing fires, which allow them to perform tasks in the most difficult fire conditions.

For citizens who first enter the service in the organization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, at the conclusion of a contract, a probationary period of three to six months may be established, depending on the level of their professional preparedness, the results of professional psychological selection and the position to which they are appointed.

The probationary period is established for the purpose of in-depth study of the business and personal qualities of a citizen, verification of his compliance with the requirements for the performance of duties in the relevant position.

Candidates who, after passing the professional psychological selection, have an unfavorable prognosis for the success of adaptation to the service, must not later than five days before graduation probationary period undergo a psychophysiological examination.

The decision to establish a probationary period and its duration for a candidate is made by the head of the organization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, who has the right to recruit and appoint to a position. In this case, the candidate is appointed to the position as a trainee without conferring a special title on him.

The duration of the probationary period is specified in the contract and in the order of appointment as a trainee.

During the probationary period, the trainee performs the main duties and assignments of the position under the guidance of the immediate supervisor and mentor from among the most experienced employees appointed by order of the head of the organization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.

It is forbidden to use a trainee in events where there may be a threat to his life and health.

In case of receipt by the trainee during execution official duties injury, injury, illness or death (death) in connection with the performance of official activities, insurance payments, as well as compensation for harm to health, are made in relation to the procedure established for employees, based on the position to which he was supposed to be appointed and the special rank that could be him awarded at the end of the probationary period.

The probationary period does not include periods of temporary incapacity for work of the trainee, as well as the time of actual absence from service due to good reasons. Extension of the probationary period for the period of temporary incapacity for work of the trainee, as well as for the period of his absence from service for good reasons, is issued by order. In this case, the total duration of the probationary period is calculated by adding its respective periods.

Trainees during the probationary period are paid official salary provided for staffing by occupied position, as well as other payments established for the specified category of employees.

Issues related to granting study leave or leave without saving wages trainee during a probationary period or his dismissal, are decided in accordance with labor law Russian Federation.

The decision to appoint an intern to a position before the expiration of the probationary period may be made by the head of the organization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia on the basis of the application of the head of the internship and with the consent of the intern. In this case, the duration of the probationary period may not be less than three months.

Based on the results of the probationary period, the immediate supervisor makes a conclusion on checking the trainee's compliance with the position held. The conclusion is approved by the head of the organization of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia and is the basis for hiring a trainee who has passed the probationary period, or his dismissal as not having passed the probationary period.

Labor relations with an intern may be terminated before the expiration of the probationary period on the grounds and in the manner prescribed by the labor law. sponsorship Russian Federation.

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