Runes for a new job. Rune becoming "Get the right job quickly


Job searches can sometimes drag on for quite a long period of time. Unfortunately, even very good specialists sometimes find it difficult to find a vacancy that suits in all respects. And it’s not enough just to find one - you still need to successfully pass an interview and be in many ways better than other applicants for this place. The rune becoming “Get the right job quickly” will help you if you have been looking for a long time or want to find the job of your dreams as soon as possible.

General rules

We put all the work positions presented in the article on our own photograph, in some cases you can draw a ligature directly on your own body. We negotiate according to the desired action, activate it in any convenient way. Deactivate the formula after it worked with fire.

Runic becoming "Work" from Runava

Runic standing for good luck and luck in finding a job from a master with the nickname Runava helps to find the desired vacancy. The main thing - during the reservation, do not forget to say what position you want to take, what should be the level of remuneration. You can even specify the name of the company in which you want to get a job.

Symbols included in the ligature

  • Dagaz calls for necessary changes so that the operator can quickly find a job
  • Mannaz symbolizes a person who likes what he is doing.
  • A bunch of Fehu and two Yera runes provide a good income
  • Turisaz destroys any obstacles that prevent you from getting the desired position
  • Two Nautiz in the background force a person to be collected, concentrated, attentive

Runic becoming "Keykeeper" to work from Kavirra

This runic search for a good job will come in handy when a person is stubbornly looking for a job, but for some reason all the offered vacancies are not suitable: either the schedule is not suitable, or the salary level, or the location of the company is too far from home. The runes of this formula create a situation in which the desired employer finds you himself. Naturally, this does not mean that you need to lie on the couch and do nothing. Just keep looking and the right option will very soon show up by itself. The most important thing is to draw up the right agreement, which will take into account even the smallest details (location of the company, conditions, salary level, expected duties, team, etc.). We will not describe the runes in detail, since the formula is stipulated in its entirety. It will be enough to simply list them: Ansuz, Northumbrian Gar, Fehu, Soulu, Vunyo, Nautiz and two Raido.

Formula "I want a job and money" from Proserpina

This amazing rune to get the job you need quickly has proven its effectiveness more than once. There were even cases when a person found a vacancy that suited him in all respects the very next day after activating the formula. Of course, such lightning speed is the exception rather than the rule. But in general, in a couple of weeks it is quite possible to find an option that will appeal to you.

Runes that work

  • Kenaz highlights job opportunities
  • Two Laguz energize a person
  • Uruz transforms your thoughts and desires into reality, attracts the desired changes, helps to find exactly the vacancy that is needed
  • Mannaz - operator
  • Fehu gives a person the very job he dreamed of
  • Inguz is responsible for income and development
  • Jera symbolizes the successful result of the search
  • Algiz helps to capture and feel all available opportunities
  • Secondary Kenaz shows a person where you can make money

Becoming "Find a good job" from Nemezida

Runic becoming a job search, compiled by the Nemezida runologist, helps to remove existing blocks from a person that interfere with finding a job. It provides protection for the Higher Forces, opens money channels and clears the way for a new job that will suit a person in all respects. Becoming imprisoned for enough quick search, so the result can be expected in the next couple of weeks after activation.

Runes used in knitting

  • Rune of the Lesser Futhark Madr destroys blocks that prevent a successful search
  • Turisaz clears the way for a new job
  • The Icelandic black row symbol Yr makes a difference
  • Raido - leads a person on the road to a dream job and opens a money channel
  • Direct and mirror Fehu in conjunction with Laguz provide energy replenishment
  • Rune Ass is responsible for a positive result
  • Salt enhances the action of the formula
  • Secondary Ansuz provides support, patronage of the Higher Forces

Becoming a quick job search from Natalie

This formula is very unusual: in addition to traditional runes, we see magical hex signs in it. Becoming allows you to get the right job in the shortest possible time.

Description of the runescript

  • The central point is the person himself
  • The inner circle is the inner world of this person and thoughts that can change the world around
  • A bunch of Perth - Laguz is responsible for the successful search for a dream job
  • Otala finds exactly the right job (for this rune we stipulate all the desired conditions for the desired position).
  • Fehu is responsible for the implementation of plans
  • Two Runes of Victory enhance the effect of Fehu
  • The outer circle of the hex attracts the right circumstances

Judging by the reviews, becoming works very quickly - within a few days, the people who used it managed to successfully get a job Good work.

Fast rune formula "Successful Interview" from Mo Flying

Sometimes it happens that we find interesting vacancies, go to interviews, but in the end, for some reason, we are not taken there. In this case, we recommend trying this runic stav so that they hire you. It is recommended that immediately before the interview, put runes on a photograph of a person so that Soulu is above his head, Ansuz - on his head and neck, the rest - below.

Working symbols

  • Soulu ensures victory in the intended business
  • Ansuz allows a person to speak in an interview competently, clearly and exactly what is needed
  • Gebo allows you to establish contact between the employer and the applicant
  • Vunyo ensures that these people are on the same wavelength during the interview

I want to note that I personally used this formula for my husband. Before his interview, I put the runes on a regular sheet of paper, since there was no photo at hand, slandered, activated with my breath, and then put the sheet in the pocket of his jeans. Three days later, the employer called and said that he was taking him, although there were several candidates for the position.

When a black streak comes at work, it is important to turn to a proven way to solve problems in time. The runes of work have great power, they are able to radically change the current situation, eliminate difficulties, and improve the alignment at work. Private entrepreneurs, employees of companies, unemployed people can contact them - everyone will find salvation in them.

The meaning of the runes of work

Runic symbols for a career help to cope with difficult situations with difficulty at work. They have a similar meaning to runes for family, health and love. Symbols are applied to objects, photographs, images of people in a certain sequence. Then they have a positive effect on the energy of a person, help to cope with work troubles, and speed up the search for work.

The main difference between some staves from others lies in the syntax, the outline of the tie. For example, the runes of love make the other person love and respect, so they include symbols of feelings, emotions. Money runes in most cases consist of signs of good luck, symbols of wealth.

You need to turn to stavas when you can’t find a job for a long time, there is pressure from competitors, the authorities unfairly reduce. The action of the symbols is aimed at creating a situation favorable for resolving difficulties. Signs cannot work quickly, it will take time. It can be either a few weeks or a few months. After the problem is solved, the ligature must be destroyed.

After troubleshooting, the runes do not lose their power. It is customary to burn them, but the formulas for success will continue to exist further.

General rules for working with runes

You can’t start working with runes just like that, you need to conduct a certain ritual of preparation. The terms of use are as follows:

  1. You need to carefully study the symbols of the selected area. To do this, you need to spend one, three or nine days. The main thing to remember is the style, use, meaning, typology of signs.
  2. Runes have strong energy. To be filled with it, you need to practice meditation as often as possible. During the procedure, it is desirable to record the thoughts visited, the general condition.
  3. Beginners are advised to start with simple symbols, moving on to more complex ones.
  4. Constant practice is the key to success. Regardless of experience and knowledge, runes can always tell something new. The more practical exercises are carried out, the greater the likelihood of a quick resolution of the problem.

Methods for applying stakes

Runes are applied to natural material. It is best if you can then wipe the drawing from it or burn them. It can be a sheet of paper, a wooden board, a human body, water, food. Modern devices, technology will not work. It is not advisable to apply them in the form of a tattoo. This is due to the fact that the symbols work like a pendulum. First they reach their positive maximum, then they work in the opposite direction. It is important during the greatest activity to burn the rune or destroy it.

It must be applied by natural means. It can be henna, dyes. If this is not possible, a red pen will do. You can not write with varnish, blood and a black pen. They attract negativity and do not produce favorable energy.

If the runes are applied to the body, then this should be a place hidden from prying eyes. Signs applied must not be upside down. Standing in front of a mirror, a person should calmly read it. Stakes that are personally associated with a person (attracting success, improving health, solving personal problems) are applied to the left side. Signs for the verdict, the lapel must be drawn on the right side.

Types of symbols

There are several main types of stakes. They are used depending on the situation, the needs of the person at the moment.

Common rune

When you want to improve your well-being or find a new good job, you need to use becoming "Job". It can be applied both to the body and to surrounding objects. When applying, it is important to carefully repeat to yourself what position you want to take. You can even specify the desired company or payment.

Becoming "Job" helps if a person knows the desired position

The list of stakes is as follows:

  1. Dagaz - brings changes to life to attract work, speeds up the search.
  2. Mannaz is the personification of a person who wants change. In the background there are two Nautiz runes, which make the operator more collected, more attentive to details.
  3. In order for there to be no obstacles on the way to the goal, the Turisaz rune is drawn. It also opens the flow of money, increases it.

When speaking a rune, you need to repeat the following text:

“God, as you fed all the hungry and needy during your lifetime, so help you and all members of my family so that they always feel full. Attract good luck to me, and take sorrow away. Let the long road of happiness, satiety and joy come to my house and never end. I solemnly promise to spend every penny wisely and help everyone in need. Amen"

Runes to attract customers

Such symbols are especially important during the formation of a new business, when the customer base has not been developed. Runes must be applied to items that will lie near the workplace. It can be a calendar, a small pillow, a notepad. Also, signs can be placed on the back of business cards, flyers.

A difficult, but effective rune to attract customers is called the Golden Antelope. It belongs to the rank of complex, because it contains many elements. The dot indicates the person whose firm is in question. The Gebo sign is a symbol of partnership with strong and influential partners. The drawing is almost mirror-like, which means that each side will need the other. The links between them will be inextricable. The combination of certain runes will attract cash flow to a person, make it permanent.

Runes for successful problem solving

If during the work process there are difficulties with contractors, owners or clients, you need to use the rune "Successful way out of the situation." It is easy to perform, helps not only business people, but also those who have turmoil in their lives.

The three symbols used are Dagaz, Soulu and Vunyo. Drawing them on objects, you need to put meaning into each sign.

Symbols for saving work

For those who can be fired by the boss, who do not take root for a long time in a good job, it is advisable to use the “Take Roots” symbol. It is good because it helps a person to settle in the chosen industry. If the effect is not achieved, then the current work is not intended for a person. The rune creates situations that help determine the profession, start looking for a new position.

Runes to block the way

The "Road Destruction" sign is used by those who have not been hired. Or in the case when you need to block someone's path to a position. It belongs to the simple ones, because it consists of two elements - Raido and Hagalaza. The last runes block the path of the Raido rune so that the charmed person does not succeed.

The symbol is associated not only with work, but also with the road in the truest sense of the word - these are the ways to improve.

When runes or work staves are used, it is important to refer to them regularly, repeat as often as possible. Upon achieving success, you need to have time to destroy the tie, otherwise it will start working in the opposite direction. It is important to believe in the meaning of the symbols, then the result will come faster.

magical runes for work help to get the desired result in a very short time. Work and career growth is almost the most important moment in the modern world. We are realized as individuals, we show ourselves through our work.

But sometimes a person's attempts to find a worthy workplace end in failure. Neither the presence of huge potential, nor good creative abilities do not help. What is the problem and how to solve it?

A tangible result is given by rune symbols that work tirelessly. All we need is patience and faith in success.

Runes for finding work

There are several situations in which runes are useful to you for work:

  • A symbol that will help you find a suitable job - Soulou. Thanks to its magical effect, you will finally understand your own thoughts and wishes.
  • Runic sign for a successful interview - Gebo. It helps to find a common language with the most strict boss.
  • Isaundisputed winner among the Scandinavian symbols in cases where you need to improve relations in the work team. In second place is Algiz.
  • If you dream of career growth, they will come to the rescue Evaz, Inguz or Turisaz.
  • Becoming a leader among colleagues is your dream. use magic Evaz or Mannaz.

Runes for good luck at work

Each runic sign plays a role, consider what they are responsible for:

  • Fehu- provides a good income.
  • Uruz- assistant in the implementation of ideas.
  • Turisaz- will not let you stray from the intended path.
  • Ansuz- her strength helps to become more attentive in order to unravel the deceptive maneuvers of partners in time.
  • Raido- a great companion on business trips.
  • Kenaz- Supports in all endeavors.
  • Gebo- Responsible for communication.
  • Hagalaz- will destroy all old prejudices and clear the way to a new life.
  • Nautiz- will lead a person to an understanding of what is happening.
  • Isa- will stop the real world for a moment to give you the opportunity to think again about the choice.
  • Hyères- assistant in big cases.
  • Eyvaz- if you cannot move from your familiar place for any reason, then this rune will push you to take decisive action.
  • Perth- awaken the creative personality in you.
  • Algiz- will provide protection.
  • Soulou- you believe in yourself.
  • Teyvaz– will help to convey your point of view in the work team.
  • Berkana– will create a favorable atmosphere for full development.
  • Evaz- remove barriers.
  • Mannaz- will attract profitable acquaintances.
  • Laguz- all circumstances will be lucky for you.
  • Inguz- will not allow you to stop halfway.
  • Dagaz- a strong symbol that turns the situation in the opposite direction.
  • Odal- you will believe in yourself thanks to the energy of this sign.

Related article:

Runic staves for work

Many of us at least once in our lives had the following questions in our heads: “Does rune magic help me get a job?”, “What runes to use to get me a promotion at work?”, “How not to make a mistake when choosing a formula?”, “Will the runes help find a job for money?

Runostav "Work"

Runes for finding a job proven and slander to them also have great magical power. In this runescript, it is important that you know what you want. We are talking about a specific place of work, about the position, about wages.

The formula consists of the following series of characters:

  • Dagaz- entails changes that are so necessary at this stage of life.
  • Mannaz- this is a symbol of the person himself, the performer of the stave.
  • Fehu and double Hyères- provide a stable and decent income.
  • Turisaz- removes all obstacles that may be encountered on the path to success.
  • Double Nautiz- helps to mentally gather, concentrate and tune in to a good result.

Runnny getting to work "Keymaker"

This formula is suitable for those who, in principle, are in demand among employers. But for one reason or another, the working conditions do not suit them. For example, the company is away from home or the schedule does not match the public transport schedule.

Thanks to the rune symbols, the circumstances are such that the desired company will find you. This does not mean that it will be enough for you to lie lazily on the couch in front of the TV and wait for a call. Keep looking to find a decent option.

An important point: when making a reservation, take into account all the wishes - a good team, a large wage good boss.

Runescript looks like this:

Ansuz - Gar (Northumbrian rune) - Fehu - Soulu - Vunyo - Nautiz - double Raido

Runostav "I want money and work"

There are many positive reviews regarding the magical effect of this formula. Many have experienced the magic of rune charms. There were even such cases when the performer of the runescript found the workplace of his dreams within a few hours after the ceremony.

Related article:

No one says that it will be the same for you - but this is another proof of the effectiveness of the formula. According to statistics, most often people received a position after one to two weeks.

Job search runes included in becoming:

  • Kenaz- builds a list of possible options.
  • Laguz(double) - energy recharging of the formula.
  • Uruz- turns desires into reality.
  • Mannaz- Represents a person.
  • Fehu- helps to choose the most worthy of the proposed places.
  • Inguz- support in difficult times.
  • Hyères- a symbol of good luck.
  • Algiz- develops an inner flair that will allow you to see profitable offers.
  • Kenaz- reveals the places where they pay the most.

Runic formula "Find a good job"

Sometimes the reason we can't get a job a good place, lies in the energy blocks. What should be done in this case?

One cannot do without the help of the Higher Forces: they will open all mental channels and correct the current situation. The runescript has been worked out for the instant fulfillment of a wish.

Compose the rune formula for work and career proven for centuries:

  • Madr- This is a runic sign that is included in the Junior Futhark series. His job is to break the energy blockage.
  • Turisaz– paves the way for new successes.
  • Yr is a symbol of the Icelandic people. He transforms reality, changing it for the better.
  • Raido- guides a person, helps to find a way out of the circumstances and get the desired result.
  • FehuLaguz- it is this combination that works on the level of the energy charge of the formula.
  • Ass- ensures the success of the ritual.
  • Soulou- strengthens the runescript several times.
  • Ansuz- helps to establish contact with the Universal Mind.

Runostav "Quick job search"

In addition to the fact that runic signs are activated in this runescript, hex signs are also involved here. This feature turns the formula into a special tool of magic.

The photo will help to analyze the runes for a good job, and the description of the stav looks like this:

  • In the center is a dot, symbolizing a person who is looking for a job.
  • The circle inside the figure reflects the inner microcosm of the personality - thoughts, experiences, emotions.
  • PerthLaguz- the connection of symbols is responsible for the effective search for a workplace.
  • Odal- helps to decide from the provided options.
  • Fehu- ensures success.
  • Double Victory symbol works together with Fehu and enhances its energy background.
  • The outer circle is connected with the surrounding reality, it attracts the right people and the right events.

I propose becoming with a complex mechanism: we combine the classic “money mill” with a job search so that a job is found, good and desirable, and in the meantime the mill grinds and brings us all sorts of benefits through work.

In the end, a person who owns a mill in ancient times was always provided with both a house and bread.

Let's try how my invention works. It will be necessary to build two layers of cardboard or plywood: on the first you draw all the runes, and on the second only the “mill” (three green Feu). Then you need to connect them so that you can spin the "mill" with your finger in the place where it is supposed to be. There are such children's toys and books. The core can be connected with a carnation, toothpick, wire or pin.

In general, the “money mill” talisman is usually untwisted to start the cash flow. So we will try to unwind it in the event that work is needed.

Mannaz (blue) - you, who are looking for and finding a good job, take your place in society. You can specify which location you are looking for.

Odal (brown) - the work itself. Describe your dream job in detail.

Kenaz (yellow) - the impulse that helps to find a job, lights the way on the way to work.

Then we take our “money mill” (if someone tells me now that he is not looking for a job at all for the sake of money, I will be very surprised) and we begin to spin it clockwise so that it starts the process besides money (by the way, do not forget to specify the desired level of income), brought:

Gebo (orange) - a good team, reliable colleagues, reasonable bosses.

Vunyo (red) - the joy of the very process of work, so that you like the work (because if work turns up your soul, you want to hang yourself).

Inguz (purple) - so that the work brings good results, so that there are many projects that bring results and satisfaction from them. Here, think about what you regard as a result in your work.

And when everyone has stipulated and scrolled, we stipulate Yeru (blue) - so that the job search is completed successfully, the work is stable, so that you stay there as long as you yourself want.

I propose to apply all the runes at once (so as not to remove the "mill", painting on the runes that will be under it, and Hyerus), then begin to stipulate each one separately, then we are working on the "mill" with the stipulation of herself and those that she pulls behind him, and then Yera.

I don’t see the need to turn to the Gods here, you can only turn to the power of the Runes. Activation - this will be just the moment of promotion of the "mill". So stipulate: this rune was activated by the movement of the “money mill”, the power of the Runes and my (in the sense of yours) word.

Runostav will be deactivated when I get the job I'm thinking of and work there .... (months) or year…. (in such and such a way) with gratitude.

I promise to pay the fee for help within such and such a timeframe (more on the timeline below!) in such and such an amount!

I thank the Power of Runes and believe in them

And so be it!

I advise you to keep this talisman for another year after finding a job. About the terms of payment: from the first salary necessarily! And depending on your work. You can only with the first salary, you can also after the end probationary period if you have it. Size: as usual - from 1% to 10%, as your money spirit tells you. For me, for example, he is very greedy and swears a lot if I donate more than 5% (begins to build all sorts of monetary dirty tricks). For someone, it may turn out to be even greedier, and someone has to fork out. The same as usual: to a bench in the park, to help animal shelters, a sick child, an old man, prisoners, etc. As conscience commands!

And there is one more nuance! Which, by the way, I recommend using even when you didn’t use the stave and didn’t conjure at work at all, but she herself was found. In general, with any new job. From the first salary in the same way - from 1% to 10% - we spend on ourselves. Only for yourself! Not at home, not for a child for new boots (even if you really need it!), nowhere. Only for yourself! Because you work! And if you don’t thank yourself for finding a job and working, then you show an attitude towards yourself: you, they say, pasha and there will be nothing pleasant for you, work is a solution to problems, but no joy. Next time, you will easily and naturally block access to a new job by yourself with such an attitude. So we thank the Gods, but we do not forget ourselves.

Runic magic was created for practical application, which means that it may well be used to improve the life of the practitioner and, in particular, his financial condition. It is best to use magic in such a way that interference in the course of events is minimal. For example, if the goal is to become rich, then you can quickly achieve it by receiving an inheritance as a result of the death of a relative. A little less quickly - by organizing your own business or getting a good job. In this case, you will have to work hard on your own, but magic can help by increasing luck to the maximum, so that the place of work will not be any, but the best possible. In addition, magical intervention will help you get the job you need quickly. For this, there are strong and proven staves, or runic formulas.

General rules

For the success of a magical action, you must follow the general rules for working with runes and the sequence of actions:

  1. Runes for work are drawn on a photo or directly on yourself. It is advisable to wear them until the result is obtained. Be sure to have an activated becoming on the carrier with you or on yourself during the interview.
  2. A reservation is preliminarily drawn up, which includes the purpose of the stav. It is necessary to describe in detail what kind of work is needed, with what salary, with a description of all the necessary features. This will allow you to find a specific desired job faster, and not any.
  3. After application, becoming must be activated, best of all with your own breath. A disclaimer is read before application.
  4. After receiving the result, the bearer with the runic script is activated by fire. Having become on itself it is necessary to draw anew each time if it is erased.
  5. Be sure to bring gifts to the gods. Odin - as the supreme god, Thor - the protector of ordinary people, peasants and farmers, Freyr - the god of the harvest, Njord - the "Generous", who owns an inexhaustible source of wealth.

Becoming "Work" from runava

Becoming "Work".

This simple position on the search for a good job is applied to the carrier, negotiated in as much detail as possible.

It is based on five runes:

  • Dagaz- changes in life: the emergence of a new job that brings income;
  • Mannaz- the realization of a person in society, his social role, the search for his own business, which he likes to do;
  • Fehu- received profit, money;
  • Hyères, repeating 2 times - strengthening Fehu, stabilization, cyclicality: work will bring good money for a long time.

Additional runes in the background:

  • Turisaz- clear the way to the goal, free from any obstacles;
  • Nautiz- give concentration and composure.

Runes of the second plan may appear when drawing up a ligature by chance, being formed from other runes. As a rule, they fit into the context of the formula and serve its purposes. The appearance of such runes may be an additional sign of successful compilation working formula. Their goals are further specified.

Becoming a "Keymaker" to work from kavirra

Becoming a "Key".

This runic position on the desired job is recommended to be used if the search is prolonged, and appropriate place everything is not located. He changes the situation so that the employer sends a job offer. "Keyman" as if unlocks those doors that were previously locked. Of course, the search must continue. The clause is drawn up in detail, as in the previous case. It is based on the Fehu rune and the Northumbrian Gar - a spear that hits right on target, not knowing a miss. These runes provide the attraction of money, establish a permanent "money channel". The rest - Soulu, Vunyo, Nautiz and double Raido - are aimed at changing the situation in the right direction, removing obstacles and bringing good luck to the operator.

Becoming "Find a good job" by nemezida

This becoming saves a person from possible blocks that stand in the way between him and his dream job. It gives support and help from higher powers in the good cause of finding a job, helps to open and strengthen the money channel. Works quickly, within a period of no more than two weeks. The formula uses runes from the Elder and Younger Futhark, as well as the Icelandic black row, which makes it very experimental. Those who are afraid of the energy of black Icelandic runes should probably not use it. However, sometimes destructive energy is necessary, especially when all means have already been tried, but there is no result. It is easier to destroy an obstacle than to lay a detour. Subject to the rules and good gifts, this formula is absolutely safe.

Runes to help you find a job:

  • Madr(younger Futhark) - destroys all internal blocks that interfere with the achievement of the goal;
  • Turisaz- clears the way;
  • Yr, Icelandic rune from the black row - changes the life situation to a more favorable one;
  • Raido- leads in the right direction and directs the financial flow to the operator;
  • Fehu, which is presented here in a direct and mirror position, together with Laguz, energetically feeds the formula over a long period of time;
  • Ass(junior Futhark) - provides a positive result;
  • Salt- enhances the work of other runes and harmonizes the action of the stav;
  • Ansuz in the background - divine patronage, the rune of speech, the magical help of aces.

Becoming a quick job search from Natalie

This is an unusual runescript. It includes not only runes useful for work and career, but also special magical hex signs. It gives results within a few days.

The central point of the formula is a person, and the inner circle is his thoughts, the inner world that influences external circumstances.

Perth and Laguz in conjunction help a successful search for the right job. Otala attracts the desired position, which must first be mentioned in the reservation. Fehu helps plans to be realized in the physical world. The runes of Victory enhance its effect, and the outer circle of runes attracts the circumstances necessary to achieve the goal. For successful work stav, it is necessary to harmonize the external and internal, a sober correlation of one's desires with the possibilities and the correct formulation of goals.

Formula "I want a job and money" from Proserpina

The formula "I want a job and money."

This becoming has a very eloquent name, indicating what it was designed for. Such frankness and specificity in one's desires is useful for the implementation of intentions. Becoming tested by many practitioners and really works quickly: in a period of one day to two weeks. When making a reservation, you must certainly indicate what kind of work you want to get, and the exact amount of money per month that you want to earn.

Runes aimed at finding a job:

  • kennaz- "highlights" suitable options;
  • double Laguz- saturates by becoming its energy;
  • Uruz- turns fantasies into reality;
  • Mannaz- means the operator himself, his place in society and commodity-money relations;
  • Fehu- helps to attract a dream job;
  • Inguz- gives a rapid increase in income, fruitful work and career advancement;
  • Hyères- brings a "harvest", that is, a successful search result;
  • Algiz- acts as a kind of "trap" - it helps to catch all possible options, and also filters them, leaving only suitable ones;
  • kennaz in the background - provides opportunities for additional earnings, sharpens attention to their search and implementation.

If becoming did not work, it may be worth concretizing the intention and cutting off everything superfluous. With a properly formed goal, the flow of energy quickly takes you to the right path.

Quick formula "Successful interview" from mo flying

Quick formula "Successful interview".

This is a runic standing for good luck, helping in a specific case - during an interview. You can also craft an amulet with it to achieve success. The composition includes only four runes:

  • Soulou- achieving success;
  • Ansuz- the rune of speech, helps to speak in an interview convincingly, correctly and clearly so that the words reach the mind and heart of the employer;
  • Gebo- rune of a deal, contract, helps to establish contact;
  • Vunyo- creates a positive atmosphere, helps people to be on the same wavelength.

If the formula is applied to the photo, then Soulu should be located directly above the head, Ansuz - in the throat area, the rest of the runes are slightly lower. Becoming effective, as it was compiled taking into account the authentic meanings of the runes and knowledge of the context of their use, customs and mythology of ancient Scandinavia. In addition, the formula does not contain any extra runes that dispel intent or duplicate each other. The functions of each rune are clear and specific, aimed at practical purposes, according to the principle of harmony of magical action.

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