Is it worth quitting an unloved but highly paid job? Write a letter of resignation: how to decide How to decide on dismissal from work


Remember the catchphrase “You can’t be pardoned?” Where a person’s life depends on the comma set? Now imagine that THIS LIFE IS YOURS! And no one except you yourself will put this comma. You are your own executioner. You are your own boss. Scary? Perhaps a little...

Leave or stay? The scales tremble unsteadily, the nerves tensely stretch, the eyes strive to be wet from resentment, and the brain is feverishly trying to make a decision ... You need to act urgently, otherwise time will play a cruel joke and someone else will be “in chocolate”.

Complicated relationship with management at work? What to do? Chop off the shoulder and quit immediately? Stay and endure, hoping that everything will change?

In the direction of emotion, turn on common sense! Analyzing the situation...

  • There are no prospects, the possibility of career growth is excluded

If you see that the company is not interested in your development, there is nothing to wait for manna from heaven. Porridge in these heavens has long ended! Or someone else ate it...

Find your way! You have room to grow! Don't waste time! If HERE do not value your skills and experience, "sell" yourself to others. You have the right.

  • No motivation

It's no secret that not only money can increase work efficiency, motivate you to new labor exploits. Sometimes praise, encouragement in the form of an additional day off or an extra ticket to a concert of your favorite artist is enough.

Some people want to go on a business trip for a couple of days and relax at the expense of the company or get to a training on an interesting topic. Everyone has their own motivators.

If you work in the sweat of your brow, you climb out of your skin, and you can’t pull out an elementary “thank you” with ticks ... There is no point in crying! We need to change companies ASAP!

Why do you need a job where no one appreciates you, and sometimes does not even notice you at all? If your boss is not interested in your advancement and improvement of professional skills (you yourself do not mind, but it is more convenient for him that you work quietly and do not ask for anything over the norm), you do not need to prove that you are not a giraffe.

It is better to look for yourself than to captivate and interest yourself, thereby gaining the opportunity to earn more and spend work time for profit and pleasure.

  • There is no way to break out of a fixed salary

You really understand that no matter how much time you spend on work, your salary will not change. No premiums, no interest or bonuses. It is more convenient for companies to pay "outsiders" than to encourage "their own".

Remember the classic Nothing is more depressing than regular, but small earnings"? Here! Step up and tear your claws in the other direction.

"I can't just leave like that..." "I need something to live on." These are real excuses! The most banal phobia of an insecure and notorious for the most “I don’t want” slave. Are you not a slave? Why put a stigma on your professional suitability? Living in anticipation of conflict is unbearable! Leave, you can't stay...

If you weighed all the pros and cons and, throwing aside excuses like “I’m no longer young”, “I have children”, “It’s convenient for me to get to my place of work”, decided to fight for their place under the sun and crawl through the thorns to the stars, go for it!

Leave without looking back... Put a thick comma after "leave", because "stay" is tantamount to "surrender" and "bury all hope for the best."

Dear readers! Have you ever wanted to quit your job? What reasons might prompt you to take this step? Is it worth putting up with low wages and lack of praise and encouragement from superiors? Why continue to work if there are no prospects? We are waiting for your answers in the comments!

Sometimes getting fired feels like the most in a simple way getting rid of work that you are bored or disliked. But it is not always the case. It is worth considering whether it is possible to find pluses even in the case in which you are disappointed?

Undoubtedly, work should bring pleasure. After all, it takes the lion's share of our time, and it is necessary that it has at least some advantages, in addition to a stable wages.

In the event that you cannot find absolutely any pluses in your work, if you enter the office and there is a sharp dislike for everything and everyone around you, if you count the hours, minutes, seconds until the end of the working day and every free minute sit on various sites for job seekers to find yourself a new, not so hated workplace

Immediately you begin to think that the easiest way is to leave. But it is not always the case. As a rule, a person with sufficiently large accumulated funds, which should be enough for those weeks, and maybe even months, needed to find a decent job, can afford it. If your income is not so great, and you are not in the care of your parents, hiding behind your mother's skirt in any difficult life situation, then you should think about the fact that you still need to find positive aspects even in the most hated.

With constant scrolling in the head of negative moments, this negativity will only intensify. As the saying goes, you can't change the situation - change your attitude towards it. This is exactly what you should do if you want to change something in your life. First of all, you should start by rethinking the current situation.

Why shouldn't you quit your job?

1. Perspectives

Understand that your position is not forever. Even if now you are some kind of junior manager, you will not work in this place all your life. You just have to start somewhere. Look at your boss. Did he immediately become what he is now? You need to make a lot of effort and work on yourself, and then there is a chance to get promoted, and one step up, or even several steps at once, depending on your capabilities. Now you are drowning in endless pieces of paper, reports and contracts, but look at your boss. He has much more to do high level. And if you try, one day you will be able to sit in his chair.

In some cases it is very problematic. It depends on your field of activity and the prevailing circumstances in your work team. But this is no reason to despair! Look for vacancies in other departments of your company, you may find something that you like. There is a chance that it will be easier for you to get a job, since you already have experience in this company and do not need special training.

2. Money

Who agrees to work for free? The undeniable advantage of a job, good or bad, is that you get paid at work. Sometimes not so big, but necessary in order to live in comfortable conditions.

It is important to realize that for every hour of your work you receive a certain amount of money. That is, while you are doing seemingly useless paperwork for you, in fact, you are spending your time usefully, earning money. Rent bills, food, entertainment, clothes, and everything else you need, you get just because you go to work.

If you nevertheless firmly decide to change your job, then you need to be prepared for the fact that you will have to maintain financial independence for a very long time, while not having any permanent income. Set aside money.

3. Bonuses

Almost every company has various types of support for employees. These can be free lunches, tea or coffee, a subscription to, various corporate events. You can always find something that you like and brighten up your routine everyday life.

If the company arranges various trainings, then this is an indisputable plus. Think, maybe among what your company is ready to teach you for free, there is something that you just lack for promotion. For example, computer courses or foreign language courses. It would be foolish not to take advantage of this opportunity.

Often people do not appreciate what they get for free. But after all, if you think about it well, then without compensation for travel and a mobile phone or a free subscription to the hall, you yourself would spend a fairly large part of your salary paying for all this.

4. Social package

Compensation in the field of medicine is also very important. Everyone knows how expensive a dentist is now, or the delivery of various tests. Keep this in mind if you have firmly decided to quit, but you don’t have a fallback option where to go.

If you are a woman, and have recently found out that you are pregnant, or just decided to have a baby, then all the more you should not quit your job. WITH " belly”, you are unlikely to be hired, because every employer knows that during maternity leave you will still have to pay your salary. That is, for three whole years, while you take care of a child who is not yet ready to go to Kindergarten, your workplace will be assigned to you and will be paid. You can always quit, but find a company that has the opportunity to go on maternity leave without swearing and requiring you to quit on own will, quite difficult. Think again, maybe you shouldn't quit your job?

5. Stability

In times of crisis, it will be even more difficult for you to find a job. Jobs are being cut in an insane amount, and the unemployed are becoming more and more, respectively, and competition in the labor market is growing at a frantic pace. Wouldn't it be better to wait? Especially if your salary allows you to buy everything you need for life.

6. Networking

The more corporate events you attend, the more chance you have to make new acquaintances. Do not underestimate this plus. New people are an opportunity to get new connections that can be useful to you both in moving up the career ladder, or, perhaps, in a painless search for a new job, or in solving any of your personal issues.

Meet new people at conferences and seminars. During communication, show yourself from the best side (as a professional in your field), and then you have a chance to benefit from such acquaintances.

7. Professional qualities

It happens that you don’t like the work, but the team is excellent. Working in a team of professionals, or with a worthy boss, why not stay for it? No one knows what awaits you in the new team. Understand that in a team of professionals you simply have to comply with them, and this will stimulate you to further self-improvement.

Learn everything from your colleagues. Watch how they write reports, negotiate with clients, pay attention to their Business Etiquette. If you don't have the skills they have, isn't that a reason to learn from your peers? Especially if there is such an opportunity. And there is a chance that the benefits of the acquired skills compensate for the unpleasant impressions of an unloved job.

8. Reputation

If you come for an interview, the first thing your employer looks at is the place and work experience. In the event that you have worked in different companies, but in each for no more than a couple of months, this makes you wary. You may be taken simply for a negligent employee who is simply not able to stay long even in the most insignificant position. Therefore, if the name of the company in which you work has a worthy name that speaks for itself and will serve as a good argument for further employment, try to work for at least six months, because it’s not in vain that you spent so much time in this position?

9. Convenience

A definite plus if your work is close to home. Also, friendly colleagues and a comfortable workplace play a significant, if not primary, but significant role. However, you should not get hung up only on convenience, you need to think about the future.

However, a friendly team and a pleasant environment will charge you with positive emotions, and is one of the reasons why you should stay in this position.

10. Personal hobbies

This reason, oddly enough, is directly related to your work. Think about all the things you love - books, nice clothes, travel, and more. All this you have the opportunity to receive only thanks to your work. You can get used to the idea that work is only for making money, and not for enjoyment, and start to take it easier. It doesn't matter how boring your job is, what matters is how much money you can get for it for your needs.

Do you like branded items and expensive resorts? All your such desires can only be realized with the help of money. That's why you work. Remember the time when you were children, and you wanted many, many different interesting things, but there was no money to realize your desires, and all finances were in the hands of your parents.

Now, on the contrary, you have every opportunity to get the right amount. You just need to work. Realize that this is one of the main ways to realize your dreams and desires, that without work you will not be able to fly abroad, or buy yourself an expensive Swiss watch, or rent a house on the river bank for the weekend to relax with friends or have a good time on nature in silence, or maybe with a loved one. Work is the key to it all.

The main reason why this point differs from point two is that work gives you the opportunity to realize your dreams. Wasted time at the office, as you may think, is not, as it gives you a chance to do what you most need in order to be happier.

Still, it’s worth admitting that it’s rather sad if you chose the wrong profession, if your relationship with the team didn’t work out, or if you don’t like the company as a whole, but still, the pluses can be found everywhere. By changing your attitude to the situation, evaluating all the pros and cons, there is a chance that there are not so few pluses, and you can wait a bit with leaving. Who knows, maybe your patience will be rewarded at your next job, if after a while you don’t change your mind and change your mind about leaving.

Alexandra Savina

At the end of the week, we tend not to think about work., but about the upcoming vacation. And yet, the weekend is the best time to understand whether what you do is right for you, whether you are satisfied with your position and position. If you feel like the weekend is the only time you feel happy, it might be time to ask yourself a nasty question. Here are some signs that indicate that you should consider changing jobs.

You are unhappy at work

Sometimes we all count the minutes until the end of the working day - this is normal until it becomes a constant practice. According to a survey by Crunch Accounting, 46% of Brits surveyed consider the habit of looking impatiently at the clock in anticipation of the end of the working day as one of the clear signs that it is time to change jobs. Of course, weekdays rarely look like a daily holiday - but if you can't remember the last time you felt joy or satisfaction from what you are doing, this is an occasion to reflect. If you realize that you are spending more and more time on social networks instead of working, if you are bored, if you no longer know what attracted you to your current position before, or it seems to you that you have reached the ceiling and work responsibilities have been brought to automatism - time to figure out what's going on. It will probably be enough to talk to your manager about expanding your responsibilities, promotion or additional training. If that doesn't work, perhaps it's time for more drastic measures.

Your skills are not useful to you at work

Sometimes we are forced to accept a position that does not allow us to reveal all our skills and abilities - for example, in order to be able to grow and develop in a promising company and eventually get a dream job. But if you feel that the situation has dragged on and you are clearly not using your full potential, you should think about change.

"Don't quit your job before you find a new one" - we've heard this mantra a million times. You're tired? Sick? Do you need a break? These are all excuses, whispers an inner voice (which sounds suspiciously like the voice of a colleague, friend, or one of the young people at the next table, whose conversation you accidentally overheard). If you leave now, you will lose. Don't leave your job. Don't make mistakes.

What can be said about this voice? At least this: the option that seems safe to us is not always the most reasonable. When we are under a lot of stress, we switch to survival mode. And in this mode, we are not inclined to think soberly and in detail. We are afraid of risk. We only think about one thing: relax and forget.

In addition, in this state, the chances of finding something better tend to zero. Trying to escape from one captivity, we easily fall into another if we cannot adequately weigh all the pros and cons. It happens that a person simply does not have the strength to fight for better conditions. He is exhausted, his fighting spirit has disappeared - only a sluggish, lifeless body remains. Is it possible to hope to impress the next personnel officer in this state?

Before deciding whether to stay in a grueling or unpleasant job, analyze your condition. Perhaps you just need a pause in order to recover. Here are some points worth looking at.

You don't feel safe

Your safety is above all. If you don't feel safe at work, you're better off quitting, even if your finances aren't in the best position. Some jobs can be real jobs heightened danger- as disadvantaged areas of the city, zones of radioactive contamination and hostilities.

If you are being harassed or threatened at work, speak up to management. If you remain silent, no one will protect you. If attempts to defend your rights have not led to anything, or after a "lull" the pressure on you resumes with renewed vigor - leave boldly and as soon as possible.

Work undermines your health

Remember: your health is always more important. The word "stability", so beloved by many, acts like a slow poison. We become passive, not ready for action - even when the old life brings only suffering. Work is killing you - physically or in any other way? Then you should quit it as soon as possible, while you still have strength left. In some places people work in fear all the time. How do you go to an interview in such a state and expect to be appreciated?

You feel insecure

The hatred of work can become so strong over time that in search of salvation you will be ready to grab at any straw.

It can be a simple "hack", work under the wing of a friend, the merits of which come down to the fact that it brings a little money and allows you to escape from the hell of your former life. But often these respite drag on, and your determination to find your dream job slips away unnoticed.

Do you need a breather

“I was fed up with my work,” says Alexander, “But I was just not ready to immediately take on a new one. I did not have enough time and inner space to understand what I want. I was in a terrible state. I had to leave before I could think of anything else."

Alexander quit, despite the fact that his colleagues considered his act insane. But he himself admits that he felt relieved: “My blood pressure must have dropped by half the minute I left the building.” He decided to do a three-week internship at a new company and got the job a week after graduation.

“This job was completely unrelated to my previous career, I was paid less, but so what? - says Alexander. - I work, I help people. Now I see meaning in what I do. And I can safely plan my next steps.”

You don't have time for yourself

“I never quit my job not knowing where to go,” says Barbara. But now I had to do it. The previous work absorbed all my strength. While I was there, I couldn't imagine my life outside the office. I felt stuck and couldn't move. Now I can concentrate and understand what I really want.

If, returning from work, you feel completely broken (oh) and squeezed out (oh, like a lemon), you will simply not be able to look for a new job. Everything can end up with new job you won't be satisfied either. Listen to your body - it will not deceive you.

If you need to quit your job first just to look at yourself in the mirror and figure out who you are and what you want, do it now!

About the Expert: Liz Ryan is the founder of the consulting company Human Workspace.

If you don't like what you see in the mirror, then it's time to leave.

We all have bad days at the office. Maybe even a whole week or two.

But, if you can't remember your last good day at work, then it's probably time for you to think about quitting.

Of course, you'll want something more as a sign, so we've put together a list of signals that indicate you should change your job.

If you have noticed several of these problems at once in the last months of your work, then this is a serious reason to think about packing your things.

You are constantly bored

“If you don’t feel any challenge in your position and have already tried to communicate with your boss about it to no avail, then this may be a sign that it’s time for you to leave,” says Lynn Taylor, national work expert, leadership coach and author of the book Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant.

While boredom is a common feeling, researchers believe that feeling bored at work for a long time is a warning sign that you're not doing what you want and are looking for more meaning.

If you spend most of your working day shopping online or playing games, or if you frequently check the time at work, this is key indicators, says Taylor.

You don't use your skills

We all know that sometimes you have to take everything you can, hold on to it and hope that your boss sees that you are capable of more responsibility.

But if it's been going on for a long time and you're still stuck in the same place, leaving you unable to use your own skills, then it's time to look for other opportunities, Taylor says.

“If you are confident that you have something more to offer the world, don't look for any dirty tricks - better prepare for change,” she says.

Your work goals and your personal goals don't match.

People don't stay in their jobs longer than they can stay, former GE CEO Jack Welch and writer Susie Welch write in a LinkedIn post. Today, people are trying to figure out whether they are investing their own time in a good company or a bad company.

As Business Insider previously reported, the Welches recommend asking yourself “if your company is mocking your life goals and values.” “Does it require you to travel more than you want to, given your work-life balance? Does it offer enough potential given your ambitions?” they say.

The answers to these questions can signal whether it's time for you to leave.

You constantly feel physical, emotional and psychological exhaustion

Work can be exhausting for everyone, we all feel tired from time to time after a long day at the office, but if your whole life turns into a chronic state of stress and devastation due to work, then you are most likely suffering from work burnout.

"Stress, fear, and lack of enthusiasm can sap your energy and hurt your performance, creating a win-win situation," says Taylor.

You feel like you can't win at all

In a LinkedIn post, Robert O'Kean, international search consultant at Charles Francis Cooper, warns of the dangers of ignoring the feeling that you can't win at your job.

“Your job should make you feel empowered and challenge you—like you’re trying to succeed at something, not like you’re in an unwinnable, impossible-to-achieve battle,” he writes.

No matter what you do, it's never enough

Even if you are the first to arrive at work, the last to leave, keep in constant contact with colleagues through email and your work schedule exceeds that of your co-workers combined, sometimes you may run into a boss who, believe it or not, still expects more from you.

If your boss is ruthlessly demanding more, no matter what, then chances are that there is no end in sight to this madness, which means that it is time for you to go somewhere where you will be appreciated for what you do, and at the same time acquire some personal frames.

You always watch what you say

Sally Krawchek, director and co-founder of Ellevest, admitted in a LinkedIn post that she has stayed in jobs she should have left several times. One of the signs that she needed to quit, but she ignored such thoughts - she watched her every word.

“How does it sound? How will they take it? This statement was not too distant from other points of view at the table, ”she asked herself such questions by her own admission.

"I've worked in companies where the principle was 'no idea is worse than a bad idea' and where you have to watch your every word," writes Krawchek. "I'm pretty tired of the term 'authentic', but if you can't be authentic in your job, then it's time to find another job."

Even small things seem overwhelming

Physical, emotional, or psychological exhaustion from work can manifest itself in a number of ways, and the biggest symptom of job burnout is that you can no longer handle even the smallest setbacks.

Stress at work is inevitable, but no moment should feel so overwhelming that you can't handle it. If you start to get discouraged by every little thing that happens at your job, then this may be a sign that you need to move on.

you don't grow

“It’s pretty easy to get stuck at work, and if you love what you do, then this kind of dead end can even feel comfortable,” writes Travis Bradberry in his LinkedIn post. "One way or another, it's important to remember that any job should improve your skills and add value to you as an employee."

Bradberry warns that if you're not learning anything new and just doing the same things every day, then it's time for you to look for something new.

Mark Sendella, founder and director of career resource The Ladders, agrees with this sentiment and emphasizes that if you haven't learned a single new skill, discovered a single new perspective, or learned a new workflow in your last six months, then this may be a sign that you need to leave.

"Because the modern economy and modern employers have come to value responsibility so highly, it's important that you not only learn new things, but keep learning them all the time," he told Business Insider.

You can't laugh out loud at work

“Yes, I know a job is called a job for a reason, but in most of my jobs I have had a level of comfort that has led to moments of laughter to tears,” writes Krawczek. “If these moments are gone, then that could be a key signal.”

Your company does not invest in you

Employee engagement is one of those buzzwords we hear all the time around, but there's a reason why it's used so much: employee engagement really matters.

As Gallup points out, engaged employees are passionate, creative, and emotionally connected to their work missions and goals, while disengaged employees are indifferent to their jobs and can ruin an entire business.

If your company does not demonstrate its interest in your development, then you are better off going to work somewhere else.

You worry about money all the time

It's true that most of us worry about money from time to time, but if that worry becomes permanent and you're not a shopaholic, then it's possible that you're not being paid enough.

If you've been with the company long enough, try talking to your management about it. Make sure your reasoning for why you should be getting a big paycheck is well prepared and relevant to the situation at hand. Then ask for an estimate.

If a company doesn't agree that you deserve a salary that matches your workload, then it might be time to find a company that doesn't feel like they're doing you a favor by paying you a salary, Taylor says.

Do you think cuts are coming?

There are several signs that your company is facing massive layoffs, from a recent series of layoffs to recent sales and mergers.

"There's no point in going down with this ship," Taylor says. "Put on your lifeline and jump into the water yourself."

You can't imagine yourself in the company in a year

As Business Insider previously reported, according to the Welches, a year is the optimal time for finding a new, more acceptable job. That's why they recommend trying to look ahead 12 months and try to imagine yourself after this time: where in the organization you will occupy, what work you will do, who you will lead, and who will lead you.

“If this scenario causes you nothing but a little excitement, then you are most likely stalled,” they say.

You have experienced a series of trust issues

If you don't trust your boss or your company because you think they're involved in unethical activities, or worse, they expect you to get involved, then you know it's time to leave, says Taylor.

"You should never be pressured into activities that could harm your career," she says. "And, if you've lost confidence in your boss because of lies or false promises, then staying put can be very difficult."

You get the feeling that the boss was sent straight from hell

As management professor Meredith Ferguson once said, most people don't leave their jobs, they leave their bosses.

According to Taylor, your boss's behavior doesn't just affect your time at work; it actually affects many important aspects of your life.

If you've tried everything possible to get a job, but your life is still unbearable, then it's time to visit your favorite job site, she says.

You eat heartburn pills like candy

Sometimes it's amazing how far the impact of job dissatisfaction can go. But, just as a bad situation at work can damage your mental and emotional state, it can also wreak havoc on your body.

Researchers have found a link between work stress and heartburn symptoms, such as burning in the esophagus and nausea. If the arrangement of your abdomen no longer resembles what it should be, this may be a sign that your work is going to take your body as a sacrifice, and very few jobs are worth your health.

You stopped trying to bring your friends to work

"If the thought of linking your current employer to your friends terrifies you, then it could be a sign that you've lost the love of your current job," Senedella told Business Insider. “If deep inside you an inner voice whispers that this is far from being a place that you would proudly show off to friends, then perhaps this is a sign that this is no longer a place that you would like to proudly be a part of.”

Are you afraid of Mondays?

“We all hate Mondays from time to time, but if the mere thought of work terrifies you, then it’s probably time to leave,” writes Bradberry.

While "Sunday Night Blues" is fairly common, one of the biggest signs that you're burnt out at work, according to burnout expert Ben Fanning, is that you start to feel the weekend as a release, but deep inside you are afraid to go back to your job.

"You can tell if you're under a lot of stress if you feel relieved when the weekend comes," he says.

The grass is really greener

If you are looking for career opportunities that are not available at your company, or you want to continue doing the same job but at another company, then there is no better way to say that it's time for you to quit than to conduct the simplest classical analysis.

If you're comparing your current job to a potential job head-to-head and your current job obviously loses out (measure tangible things like wages, benefits, past and current employee reviews), then you can't deny the obvious.

Do you have another option at hand

"One of the best criteria for determining when it's time to quit is, ideally, to have a ready-made alternative on hand," says Tyler Parris, author of Chief of Staff: The Strategic Partner Who Will Revolutionize Your Organization.

He told Business Insider that whether or not you're going to start own business and you need to build a few cases before making the jump, or you're just about to move from one job to another, it's always best to prepare an alternative before you quit. This means that you may need several months of searching for information before you really understand that it is time to leave.

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