Pigeons are circular high-flying. High-flying pigeons: description of breeds, photo. The maximum flight height of a pigeon. The ability to roll is considered a flaw.


High-flying pigeons are not bred for their beautiful plumage. Birds are interesting to watch. They are able to gain great height by performing circles or rising high into the sky. Some birds like to play in the air. They make flips over the back or through the wing, descend to the very roofs of the houses, then rise again into the clouds. Competitions are organized among pigeon breeders, where the flight of birds, the height of flight, and the ability to navigate in space are evaluated. What breeds are most attractive among pigeon lovers? How to care for a bird?

high flying pigeon

Perm breed

The best high-flying pigeons are considered to be individuals of the Permian breed. The breed was bred by pigeon breeders from the city of Perm. Izhevsk and Sarapul birds were used in the work, which were distinguished by a rigid wing and high flight ratings. They were crossed with Permian individuals. Selection work continued for several decades. Samples were taken not only flight qualities but also on the outside.

As a result of selection, medium-sized birds with a streamlined body shape appeared. The feathers are stiff, which allows the birds to quickly get on the wing and reach the point, hiding behind the clouds. The size of individuals is medium, the limbs are short without plumage. According to the color of plumage, individuals of the Permian breed are divided into subspecies:

  • hryvnias - plumage is white, with a gray patch on the neck;
  • color-breasted - the main cover is white-blue; on the collar zone there is a pattern that casts a red, purple tint; light shirt-front on the chest; it goes to the stomach and part of the back;
  • white-headed - feathers on the head, tail and belly are white; the collar zone is distinguished by rich shades of dark blue; black stripes on the steering wings;
  • monochrome - pigeons can be white, black, red or yellow.

Perm high-flying pigeons can be in flight for 5-8 hours. To make longer flights, they need daily training, which does not stop even in winter. Birds are released only in clear weather; a slight wind is not an obstacle for them to fly. Pigeons-athletes can go "uphill" and be at a height of up to 12 hours. They gain height by making circular movements.

Perm high-flying pigeon

The bird is well oriented in space, very attached to its native dovecote. She always returns home in all weather and other conditions. They can only be stopped predator birds, hunters or land animals: making long flights, individuals land to eat. Permiaks are never lost.

Experts say that it is difficult to find a real Permian who would have good qualities. The purchase should be made only from trusted manufacturers who maintain the bird's pedigree. If the pigeon's parents did not have high results, they gained only to an average height, then no training, rational feeding will make him rise "to the point". Flight qualities are inherited.

Sverdlovsk breed

Another popular breed is the Sverdlovsk. If you approach the training of the bird correctly, then it can hold out in the sky for up to 6 hours. If the Permians gain altitude with circling movements, then the Sverdlovsk people go uphill strictly vertically. The pack is not important to them. Sverdlovsk high-flying pigeons can fly alone. Individuals are attached to the nest, and always return to the dovecote. They rarely get lost.

Birds of the Sverdlovsk breed are very hardy. They have well developed flight muscles. The plumage is hard and dense. It helps to resist strong winds. Wings are white. At the base may have dark blotches. The main color can be gray, black. There are the following crosses:

  • gray-skinned;
  • brown-toothed;
  • black-throated.

All crosses have the same flying qualities. Their flight is observed using optical instruments. It is difficult to determine the location of the bird with the naked eye. It can reach the height of a "shimmering dove".

Nikolaev breed

Individuals have good flight qualities Nikolaev breed. They can stay in the air for a long time, up to 9 hours. Specialists evaluate high flight characteristics. The dove is gaining vertical height. He pays no attention to other birds. Flying alone. Individuals are attached to the nest, but may lose their orientation in space. They may get lost.

Nikolaev pigeons acquire good flying abilities not only through training. They have rigid plumage both on the body and on the wing. Broad feathers on the tail and wings allow them to properly use the airflow. If the wind interferes with other birds, then for individuals of the Nikolaev breed it is necessary. Their best qualities they show at a wind speed of 7 m/s.

Nikolaev high-flying pigeons

When rising, the bird holds its wings in front of it, the air flow itself carries it up. The lifting diameter can be 1.5 m. The optimal height for high-flying pigeons of the Nikolaev breed is 400-800 m. They do not rise to the height of the “flickering dove”. Bird training begins at the age of 1.5 months. They love to fly. At the age of 2 years, they can move away from the dovecote for a considerable distance, but usually return home after 2-3 days.

Birds are kept in dovecote, which have access to the aviary. The room is made spacious and bright. 1 pair should account for 1 m 3. Such a space will allow the birds to move freely and arrange games. The aviary is a platform fenced with a chain-link: a canopy is made from it. The size of the enclosure can be any, but the norms for one pair must be respected. For individuals, all conditions for training are created:

The human desire for heights also affected pets. For a long time, pigeons were used as postmen. But at some point, the breathtaking beauty of the flight became decisive. High-flying pigeons bring aesthetic pleasure by long-term play in the sky.

Careful selection of high-flying pigeons over several centuries has led to the formation of breeds with excellent flight characteristics, capable of demonstrating the most beautiful figures in the air for long hours.

The main quality is the height, as well as the duration of the summer. Despite this, in recent centuries, many breeds have been selected according to external data (body shape and plumage pattern), in some cases to the detriment of flight qualities. Although as exhibition items, they do not often receive high marks.

In modern pigeon breeding, there are several dozen high-flying breeds. The record for time at height belongs to the famous English Tipplers. It was recorded in 1963, when the bird was continuously in the sky for more than 20 hours. On average, the flight time does not exceed 6 hours.

High-flying breeds are characterized by unpretentiousness, quick adaptation to the regime, as well as the need for light feed.

Pigeons compete. Evaluation criteria in each country are different, often quite conditional. It is especially difficult to measure the height when the pigeon disappears from view - this happens at a distance of more than 1.7 km from the ground.

High-flying rocks are of three types:

  • simple, maximally preserved flight qualities. The most famous representatives, flying higher and longer than the rest, are the Sverdlovsk high-flying pigeons, Nikolaev, Kursk, Odessa;
  • stately. When selecting stately high-flying pigeons, the main emphasis was on decorativeness. Some breeds have even moved to show status. The rest have slightly worse flight characteristics than the simple ones;
  • fighting. A special variety of high-flying pigeons. For a long time they were rejected for a peculiar style - “fight”: they tumble in the air for a long time, rising almost vertically.

Modern technologies complicate the development of high-flying pigeon breeding: orientation is lost at altitude from electromagnetic and radio emissions, there is a risk of falling under the influence of harmful gases in the atmosphere.

Pigeons show the best performance in the area where they were born. Years are affected by weather conditions and the presence of updrafts of wind.

Variety of flights

For several centuries, high-flying pigeons welcomed only two styles of flight:

  • round, when the birds rise into the sky in circles, and then for a long time remain on such a trajectory, above the limits of visibility. This style provides an economical expenditure of energy, which means that the bird will spend a long time at a height;
  • persistent. Height is gained without circles. After reaching a certain level, high-flying pigeons hang and stay in one place for a long time - they stand. This also allows you to increase the duration of the flight.

On the this moment among the high-flying pigeons, there is a separate group of Thurmans or Fighting Pigeons, which show somersaults both in round and columnar flight, the so-called "curly" "fight" with wing snaps.

This style requires great physical effort, and the time spent in flight suffers from this. They were discarded in order to achieve maximum flight duration and altitude.

In addition to flight styles, high-flying pigeons have their types, which characterize how birds move their wings in the process. The most famous, characteristic of a circleless climb, are noted mainly in Nikolaev pigeons:

  • "Lark", similar to the manner of flying of the birds of the same name. At the same time, the wings are kept strictly perpendicular to the body, the dove characteristically trembles with them. Widely unfolds the tail. Periodically freezes, stopping swings;
  • "butterfly". It differs from the previous type in the setting of the wings relative to the hull: at an angle of 30 ° forward. The flight is continuous, accompanied by the same trembling of the wings;
  • "end". A feathered pet in the air, as it were, sits on the most developed tail. The chest is raised up, and the wings are thrown back over the head, as far forward as possible. Keep parallel. Having gained height, they freeze (at this moment they are similar to a plate), tremble with edge feathers;
  • "sickle". Similar to the previous one, but the wings are bent in the form of a sickle, so the head is framed by an oval;
  • "oared". Quite rare. Pigeons gain height by flapping alternately with each wing. Inherent in Zaporozhye - a variety isolated as a separate breed from the population of Nikolaev pigeons.

Breed overview

Different regions can boast of high-flying pigeons. The rocks are usually of local importance. This is reflected in the title. In addition, there are such, for example, the Budapest high-flying pigeons, which are divided into separate groups within the breed, depending on their color.


Medium-sized Budapest pigeons are distinguished by a harmonious graceful physique, however, the birds are muscular, well developed, with strong bones. The eyes are bluish with pink dots, framed by two-row bluish-gray eyelids. The wings, neck and narrow tail are of medium length. Legs are short. Meet with "panties". As a rule, they fly in a flock, in groups. The flight is rough.

The plumage is dense, adjacent. There are different colors. The most famous among the Budapest pigeons:

  1. Pure white. White with a wreath stand out separately.
  2. Stork.
  3. Spotted.
  4. Waist. In the people they are called "Derishi" or Hungarian high-flying gray.


Izhevsk high-flyers have a physique typical of the group. Often they are compared with Perm. It is believed that they and Izhevsk pigeons have the same roots.

These are strong, strong birds capable of a long round flight. The plumage is smooth, dense, adjacent. It comes in a variety of colors, but black, red and yellow predominate.


One of the few fairly young populations of Mordovia is Mordovian pigeons. The style of flight is similar to Perm, the physique is typical for high-flyers. The plumage is predominantly black, red and blue-speckled. Birds look quite decorative and at the same time perfectly show themselves in the sky.


The famous "cloud-cutters", Nikolaev pigeons - birds of endless flight, demonstrate all its types in the air. Official registration dates back to 1910. Distributed everywhere due to the beautiful manner of summer.

Pigeons of medium size, strong, dry constitution. The chest is powerful, convex, rises by 40–45 °. Long wings do not fit tightly to the sides. The eyes are different shades of brown. The tail is wide. Colors from snow-white to different intensity of black. According to the drawing, Nikolaev pigeons are divided into several groups. There are white-tailed, motley, "martyns", "murye".


Odessa high-flying in terms of flight style - Tumblers. These are harmonious, very hardy birds. Reach 43 cm in length. A distinctive feature is a slightly flattened head. Pigeon breeders compare it with a snake. Legs are unfeathered. The plumage is velvety, creates the illusion that it is oiled. The most common are dark cherry whitetails, white redheads, dark gray and pink. Often gray, white with a wide variety of patterns and black.


Perm high-flying medium-sized pigeons. Their length does not exceed 34 cm. The body is strong, muscular, harmonious with high aerodynamic properties. Long wings. The tail is rectangular. Eyes, cere, graceful eyelids. The rainbow is reddish. There are different colors and patterns, they are not distinguished into independent breeds:

  1. Hryvnias.
  2. White-headed-white-tailed.
  3. Color-breasted Perm pigeons.
  4. Single color.


Officially, Sverdlovsk pigeons were registered at the dawn of the 20th century. They were bred in the Urals on the basis of native birds, having formed their own breed of high-flying birds. Up to 37 cm long. Black and bluish-brown lines predominate. Meet with a forelock. The body is elongated, strong, strong. Narrow eyelids and a medium beak are most often grayish in color. The iris is whitish, sometimes yellow. The cere is grayish-white. The legs are not feathered. They have a narrow tail.

High-flying is determined by heredity and training. It is not recommended to allow the appearance of mestizos. The lack of timely culling also has a bad effect on flight performance. However, without experiments conducted by enthusiasts, there would be no modern breeds high-flying pigeons.

The domestication of pigeons took place, according to historians, about five centuries ago. Since then, hundreds of breeds have been bred by man, differing in appearance and habits. But if at first the pigeons had a clean practical use, today they are often bred "for the soul" and for purely decorative purposes.

Pigeon breed classification

Only domestic breeds of pigeons, there are about a thousand. To understand the diversity of this bird, there are several classification options. The most convenient and simple is the separation of pigeons for their intended purpose.

Classification of pigeons for practical use:

  • wild;
  • sports;
  • flight;
  • meat;
  • decorative.

Pigeon breeding is still of interest among people who are not indifferent to the animal world. These birds are grown for both practical and aesthetic purposes. It is simply impossible to consider all the variety of pigeons in one article, let's focus on the most interesting and popular breeds.

An old Russian flying breed. The second name is Permians. The breeds on the basis of which the Permians were bred are the Kamyshin and Dubov pigeons, the white Penza Tumbler. Along with Permian, Kirov, Nikolaev, Kazan, Yaroslavl and Bugulma hryvnias are also bred.

Description. A bird with dense white plumage, a small rounded head and dark eyes. Body length - from 35 to 47 cm. Mane - blue, black or red.

Features of the breed. They have excellent flying qualities. Developed spatial orientation. They can stay in flight for 10-12 hours. They can fly at high altitudes, in a rarefied atmosphere.

Breeding. The bird looks modest, but elegant - it will decorate any dovecote. The breed is admired for its flying abilities.

Named after the city of Dubovka, located on the river. Volga - it was here that this high-flying breed was bred. The second name is Kondratieff.

Description. Bird of medium size, with an elongated body. The tail is slightly raised. Paws are short, without feathers. Elongated head, neck - curved. The beak is white, long - up to 24 mm. The body, tail, head and neck may be magpie, white, blue-gray, gray-white or pure white. The wings have colored feathers - "epaulettes". The eyes are light silver.

Features of the breed. The breed is distinguished by an unusually long and muffled coo coming from the womb. This breed can spend 8 hours in the sky. Developed spatial orientation. They fly in small circles at high altitudes.

Breeding. Bred for flying competitions. Undemanding to content. Well developed parental instinct.

Black and piebald tumbler

It is assumed that this ancient flight breed was bred in the 19th century. crossing Oryol boroduns with Oryol whites. The best Tumblers belonged to Kaluga pigeon breeders, which is why the breed is often called Kaluga. Officially approved in 1912

Description. Body length - 34-36 cm. It is distinguished by long, sweeping wings, descending below the tail. The head is rounded, the forehead is high and convex. Large dark eyes. The beak is white, slightly curved down. The plumage is black, cast green. White - cheeks, thighs, belly, chin and wings. Short legs without feathers. Chub may be present.

Features of the breed. The unique flying qualities of the Oryol pigeons have been lost in this breed. Turmans are characterized by a short flight duration and a heavy turn. Usually the flight is made in a wide and high circle, and is accompanied by somersaults.

Breeding. Previously bred as flying birds, today turmans are a decorative bird.


The breed comes from the town of Kamyshin, in the Volga region. The time of formation is the end of the 19th century. Created on the basis of the gray breed. Kamyshintsev were bred for the favorite pastime of pigeons - the rut.

Description. Proportionate lop-winged bird. Body length - 35-38 cm. The main plumage is black. There are varieties with plumage of yellow, blue, fawn, coffee, red. Standards allow a metallic sheen on the chest and neck. The color of the wings, regardless of color, is pure white. The head is retracted, the forehead is flat. The eyes are yellowish or pinkish-gray. Beak pink, tightly closed. Long wings, tail - flat, raised up.

Features of the breed. Excellent flying qualities. Very attached to the house. In any situation, they find their way to their native nest. They fly alone or in a flock in a high circle. Unusually stable - they rise to great heights in any weather.

Breeding. The breed is bred for its excellent flying qualities.


A high-flying breed bred in Ufa. The time of formation of the breed is the middle of the 19th century, but the final formation took place in the 50s. 20th century. Ancestors - Old Ufa pigeons. The second name is Bashkir. The breed standard was adopted in 1981.

Description. Small body - 33-35 cm in length. Strong, lean and strong body. The plumage is dense - red, gray and black shades. It does not mix with white feathers. White is the belly. The head is broad, the forehead is low. Near the beak is a depression. The eyes are yellow-red. The beak is straight, white. The back of the head is decorated with a forelock. Birds with a forelock larger than 5 mm are especially valued.

Features of the breed. Prolific and viable breed. They prefer flocking flight. They fly for a long time, cutting small circles. They fly at very high altitudes.

Breeding. This high-flying breed is popular in its homeland - in Bashkiria, in other regions it is not particularly known. The breed is bred by enthusiasts for its excellent flying qualities.

These pigeons are wild breeds. Their second name is sisari. Distributed throughout Russia. Named for the color of the plumage.

Description. Body length - 35 cm. Weight - 200-400 g. Plumage - bluish. But it can vary - it can be almost black or coffee in color. Sisars bred by man may have brown or white plumage. The beak is dark or pink. The eyes of domestic sizars are dark, not orange, like those of wild ones.

Features of the breed. They lead a settled way of life, becoming attached to a certain territory. They live mostly in colonies.

Reproduction. Sisari usually breed from spring to autumn. It happens that some pairs make nests even in winter. One pair gives from 3 to 5 clutches. Cizari are very useful for Agriculture– they clear the fields of unharvested grains.

This wild breed pigeons lives in the Ussuriysk and Primorsky Territories. It also breeds in the mountainous regions of Tibet, Altai, the Himalayas.

Description. The plumage is almost the same as that of the sizar. But the tail is lighter. The beak is black. Smaller than a rock dove. Blue coloration. On the head and neck - darker, and with a metallic sheen. The back color is white. Paws are red.

Features of the breed. Breeds in pairs or groups. He likes to settle in gorges, rocks, as well as on abandoned construction sites.

Reproduction. The rock pigeon can serve as a source of hybrid offspring when crossed with domestic pigeons. There are only two eggs in the clutch.


These are wild pigeons that live in the wooded areas of Asia and Europe. It is a relative of the urban pigeon.

Description. The body is small. Body length - 32-34 cm. Weight - 300-370 g. Plumage - bluish-gray. Neck with a greenish tint. Back, neck, wings - without stripes and spots. The top and bottom are monotonously colored, practically do not differ from each other.

Features of the breed. Migrates to warmer climes. It has two subspecies - eastern and western populations, which differ in plumage.

Reproduction. The population is numerous - it is not threatened with extinction. They breed from spring to autumn. They hatch two clutches of two eggs each.

The breed was bred in the city of Armavir. Breeding work has been carried out since the end of the 17th century. Armavir white-headed kosmachi were bred on the basis of the North Caucasian long-beaked kosmachi.

Description. Breed standards - paws are high, feathered, with spurs. Proud to become. The beak is long, white. Coloring - yellow, black with a reddish tint. On the head and wings - white plumage. The edges of the wings have a dark border.

Features of the breed. A characteristic difference of the breed is the luxurious plumage on the paws - cosmos. There are two varieties of kosmachs - forelock and forelock. Able to fly up to 1.5 hours at an altitude of 50-100 m.

Reproduction. The breed is included in the International pigeon catalogs. It occupies a place among the most beautiful breeds - these are expensive elite birds. The Armavir breed is grown for the sake of decorativeness and fighting qualities - this breed is included in the fighting group.

This is one of the most valuable breeds. The short-beaked breed practically disappeared during the Second World War, but was restored by the efforts of breeders. Turmans have many subspecies, the most popular are Viennese, Odessa, Oryol, Kursk, ribbon, Moscow gray, Volsky.

Description. Most Turmans have a small head and a compact body. Weight - about 800 g. The eyes are dark, and the eyelids are light. Paws are short, standing wide. The tail is raised, it has 13 feathers.

Features of the breed. They are small in size and have excellent flying qualities. They perform somersaults in flight through the head, tail and wing. Differ in strength and endurance.

Breeding. Breeders conduct intensive training with Turmans. For the special abilities of tumblers, they are also called scooters abroad. Most Turmans combine flying qualities with decorative ones.

The breed comes from Tula. Pigeon breeders do not have exact information about the origin of the breed. It is assumed that coffee tumblers were created on the basis of the Smolensk lobachi.

Description. The head is cubic, faceted. The forehead is wide. The eyes are large, light silver in color. Eyelids are white. Wide forelock. The plumage is red-brown. Shades range from fawn to dark coffee. The beak is powerful, thick, short.

Features of the breed. The bird is distinguished by its exactingness to the conditions of detention. Picky to feed, requires careful care.

Breeding. The bird is very beautiful, it is bred for decorative purposes. But its main advantage is its outstanding flying abilities. This is expensive breed, difficult to grow. Like all breeds with short beaks, the coffee tumbler is not able to feed its offspring, so you have to provide the chicks with special feeders.

A beautiful breed, one of the oldest among domestic ones. Its history dates back to the time of Empress Catherine II.

Description. Strong body with developed muscles. Body length - 33-34 cm. The chest is convex and wide. The plumage is gray-blue, shiny. The head and neck are light gray or white. The head is elongated, with a beard. There is a small flat forelock. The eyes and beak are dark in color. The wings are long and close to the body. The tail is straight.

Features of the breed. They have a special flight style. Do not circle while climbing. Slowing down the flight, and turning on the spot, they rise in height. Having reached a great height, a group of pigeons line up in a chain. When descending, make circles.

Breeding. The breed is considered decorative. Breeding does not require large investments and complex care.

There is no exact information about the origin of this dove. It is assumed that the breed came to us from Asia or Southeast Europe. It has been known in Europe since the 17th century. A special, curly structure of feathers was obtained after many years of selection, in which pigeon breeders participated different countries.

Description. They look like ordinary pigeons, but there is one important difference - their wings are covered with small curls. There are similar curls on the paws. The body is wide and short. The head, chest and neck are absolutely smooth, without curls. Only the white curly dove has a crest on its head. The crown is sloping, the forehead is low. The eyes are orange. Wings and tail do not touch the floor surface. Plumage - black or white. The color should be saturated, white - without yellowness, black - with a green sheen.

Features of the breed. The breed is difficult to achieve the correct color. It needs to be bred over several generations.

Breeding. The breed has a decorative focus. Not demanding in care.


High-flying breed, bred in Nikolaev (Ukraine), at the end of the 19th century. The breed was obtained by crossing pigeons brought by sailors from abroad with local birds.

Description. They are distinguished by thick plumage, streamlined body shape and powerful muscles. Body length - 25-30 cm. The plumage is cherry red, black, orange, white or gray with dark stripes. The head is rounded or oblong. The eyes are grey, black or dark yellow. The beak is white or milky. The wings have a dozen feathers that do not overlap the tail. Regardless of the main color, the tail is always white. The paws are short, covered with feathers above the knees.

Features of the breed. These pigeons are able to fly up without making circles. They reach great heights in as soon as possible. With proper maintenance and training, they can stay in flight for up to 10 hours. They can perform solo flights, demonstrating various techniques. Able to soar with wings spread wide. Or they can often wave them, rising steeply into the air.

Breeding. The breed is bred for high flying qualities. Distinguish end and sickle Nikolaev pigeons. The first rise up only vertically. Sickles fly horizontally.

Volga tape

The birthplace of this breed is the middle zone of Russia. Loop-winged pigeons from Rzhevsk and Syzran were used in their creation. The decorativeness of the Volga pigeons came from the Volga red-chested pigeons. The breed is considered one of the most beautiful. They have a memorable look - unusual even for connoisseurs of pigeons.

Description. The plumage is cherry-white, brown-white or beige-white. The tail is wide, flat and raised. It is crossed by a white stripe 1 cm wide. Round head, crown flat. The eyes are dark, the beak is light pink. The body is short, the chest and back are wide. Long wings, lowered below the tail. Paws are short, with plumage.

Features of the breed. Capable of circular slow flight for 2-3 hours.

Breeding. This breed, being extremely beautiful, is bred not only for the sake of decorative, but also for the sake of flying qualities. With proper training and good maintenance, Volga pigeons demonstrate excellent flying qualities.


The timing of the breeding is unknown. It is believed that their homeland is Nizhyn (a city in Ukraine). The breed practically died out during the Second World War. Restoration began in the 70s. 20th century.

Description. The main plumage is white. The head, beard and tail are dark. The head is small, there is no forelock, the forehead is high, the eyes are black. The beak is long and light. Full rounded chest, wings tightly pressed against the body. Flat tail, short legs.

Features of the breed. They have a beautiful flight - they fly in a "saucer". They are called small vicious circles. Their wings flutter and their body rolls alternately left and right. For a second, the birds freeze vertically. They sit down rapidly, folding their wings and making swinging movements.

Breeding. These pigeons are valued for their unpretentiousness, external grace and unique flying qualities.


This breed was bred at the beginning of the 20th century. The Permian breed was taken as the basis. Breeders tried to create a breed with improved flying qualities, and they managed to translate this into Izhevsk pigeons.

Description. In appearance, they look like Perm pigeons, but they do not have a forelock, and their legs are short - without feathers. They can have one-color plumage - white, black, yellow, red. They have a powerful body and strong muscles - these are excellent flyers. Body length - up to 34 cm. The beak is light, the eyes are bulging and dark. The wings are long, their tips touching the rectangular tail.

Features of the breed. Never fly far from home. They rise very quickly, and fly so high that they are hard to see from the ground. Good ability to navigate the terrain. Easily return to home.

Breeding. Valued for excellent flight qualities. The content is simple, the main thing is to properly feed and regularly train flying abilities.


Pigeons have been bred in Ochakovo for a long time. The Ochakovskaya breed was created by selection, sickle Nicholas pigeons.

Description. Outwardly, they practically do not differ from the Nikolaev ones. They have an elongated body and a slender frame. The head is small and the eyes are bright. Dark doves with white eyes. The wings are elongated, reach the tail. Crested specimens are rare. But many individuals are in "stockings".

Features of the breed. The main advantage of the breed is a beautiful flight. Able to hover in one place for hours. They soar up, then quickly fall. They stay alone in the sky.

Breeding. These unpretentious pigeons are bred for their flying qualities.


The breed was named after the city in which it was bred - Klaipeda (Lithuania). Not very common in Russia, mostly kept by Latvian pigeon breeders.

Description. The body is strong, long - 35-37 cm. The head is broad-browed. The forehead and beak form a straight line. The beak is small - 15-16 mm. The neck is small and the chest is wide. The wings are located on the same line with the tail. Paws are short, without feathers. Plumage fawn, white, red, black, bluish shades. Neck with ripples - brown or gray. Wing tips are white. The eyes are light and small.

Features of the breed. They like to fly in groups of 2-4 birds. They prefer to climb to great heights and circle over their home. Some individuals may tumble, but then they spend less time in the sky.

Breeding. These high-flying pigeons are easy to breed - they are unpretentious in maintenance, prolific and very viable.


This is one of the best flying breeds in the world. They have several subtypes that differ in appearance. There are with feathers on the legs, without feathers, there are species in which feathers reach a length of 20 cm.

Description. Like most flight breeds, they are distinguished by their modest plumage. Rounded chest, protruding forward. Small elongated head. Black or orange eyes. Muscular legs of medium length. A long tail. The wings are black. The main plumage is white. Each individual has its own wing pattern, which persists throughout life.

Features of the breed. They are characterized by high duration and unusual flight style. Able to climb to great heights and perform somersaults.

Breeding. Unpretentious to the content. Valued for their unique flight abilities.


The birthplace of the first domestic pigeons is Persia. And today in Iran, pigeon breeding is a sacred tradition. Iranian war pigeons have many varieties. They are called "fighting" because of the flapping of their wings, which they make in the air.

Description. A variety of plumage - changing color and pattern. More often, Iranian pigeons have red, yellow, gray, almond and black plumage. The body length is 34-37 m. The head is round or oblong. There is a forelock or crest. The eyes are small, their color depends on the color of the feathers. The beak is pink or dark, long and curved. Paws - bare or with plumage.

Features of the breed. Many subspecies of the Iranian breed have been bred, the most common are the big head, Tehran high-flying, Tabriz, Hamadan. A common feature of all fighting pigeons is the style of flight. They roll over in the sky. They can fly 3-5 hours, the most enduring - 8-10 hours.

Breeding. When growing Iranians, you need to devote a lot of time to training. 2-3 times a week they are trained in the morning - before feeding.


A relatively young breed - Hungarian pigeons began to be officially bred in the early 40s. last century. The selection material was the Budapest stork pigeons.

Description. Simple exterior, no frills in appearance. The head is small, dense body. The eyes are large, the beak is small, triangular, lowered down. Rounded head with a smooth line of the forehead. The tail does not touch the ground. The plumage is of different colors, usually brown and gray shades, less often snow-white. Body length - 34-37 cm.

Features of the breed. A high-flying breed with a strong temperament. Differs in good memory, including topographic. Can return home hundreds of kilometers away. The duration of the flight without a break is 8 hours.

Breeding. The breed is not capricious, does not require special care, but decent conditions should be provided. Bred primarily for the sake of good flight qualities. They can perfectly incubate and feed offspring.


There is no data on who and when the Budapest breed was bred. It is assumed that it was bred in Budapest.

Description. It has a proportional body of medium size. Tight plumage. Plumage color - pure white, stork, spotted. The head is neat, smooth, the crown is slightly concave, the forehead gently descends to the beak. The eyes are bluish white. The beak is long, slightly curved. The chest is wide, the wings are adjacent to the body, touching the tail.

Features of the breed. They have a lively temperament. They have a high, circular long flight.

Breeding. These are decorative flying birds that do not require special conditions for keeping.

English Tippler

Bred in the UK in the 19th century. They were created on the basis of the English Tumbler and French high-flying pigeons. Rare in Russia.

Description. Body of medium size, streamlined. It has a wide chest and a smooth head. Bright eyes, long beak. The wings are powerful, tightly pressed to the body. Plumage of different shades - black, gray, yellow, red, blue.

English high-flying tippler, suit - blue-and-white.

Features of the breed. They have an athletic body structure. They have great endurance. Superbly fly in a flock, cutting circles. They don't need the wind - Tipplers can soar effortlessly.

It was the English tipplers who set the record for the duration of being in the air - it was 20 hours and 40 minutes.

Breeding. The breed is often used in racing flights. Special conditions of detention are not required.

The breed is named after the place of its creation - it was bred in Perm. When crossing, local and imported birds were used.

Description. The plumage is varied, there are plain birds, there are also with a pattern. Strong body, strong muscles. The beak is light, medium in size.

Perm white-headed high-flying pigeons

Features of the breed. They fly at very high altitudes - alone and in groups. Flight duration - up to 12 hours. Flight style - circular. Tied to the dovecote, have excellent orientation. The eyes are bulging, black. Long wings touch the tail.

It is very difficult to find purebred "Permyaks" today, even eminent breeders mainly implement culling.

Breeding. Birds are bred for flying properties. Perm pigeons are used for sports. They have a strong attachment to the dovecote. This breed is bred throughout Russia.


The Belgian breed is one of the best among sporting pigeons. The breed has been improved in Belgium since the 19th century.

Description. Strongly built body. Small rounded head. Has a strong neck. Well developed chest.

Features of the breed. They have excellent aerodynamics, thanks to the rigid and dense plumage. The tail is thin and narrow. Paws are powerful and short. The eyes are dark, almost black.

Among the most popular Belgian breeds are Antwerp pigeons. They are the ones who win sports competitions more often than others.

Breeding. The maintenance of sports breeds is practically no different from the maintenance of decorative pigeons.


Unusual decorative breed from the group of warty pigeons.

Description. The bird has a distinctive feature - special skin growths around the eyes. The forehead is convex, the beak is small. Plumage - black, red, white.

Features of the breed. These pigeons are never variegated, only plain.

The breed with a unique plumage was bred in the Czech Republic - in Bohemia.

Description. The Bohemian swallow has a large build, with lush feathers on the back of its head. On the paws - plumage. There is an amazing chess pattern on the wings and on the legs. There is a mark on the head, in the form of a cockade.

Features of the breed. The breed is very elegant, for its unique beauty it is called "magic".

Breeding. The breed is decorative - it is bred for the sake of a beautiful, unusual plumage.

Saxon priest

A real decoration for the dovecote. The breed comes from Germany. It was introduced on German soil - in Saxony.

Description. The bird looks unusual. She has a rich feather plumage. On the paws - extremely long feathers, and on the head - two tufts. Feature breeds of the Saxon priest - a white forehead.

Features of the breed. Whatever the basic coloration, the forehead always remains white. The plumage is like a monastic hood - hence the name.

Breeding. The breed requires care and attention to maintain its unusual beauty.

The origin of peacock pigeons is not known for certain, but it is assumed that they come from India. The breed owes its name to a luxurious tail.

Description. The body is rounded and compact. The back is concave. The head is small, without marks. The eyes are large and dark. The beak is small, reddish or flesh-colored. Widely spaced paws are red. Plumage color from white-yellow to gray-blue.

Features of the breed. Not adapted for long flights. A graceful bird that loves to demonstrate its beauty - spreading its magnificent tail, they freeze.

Breeding. These beautiful birds are commonly used in festive events and weddings. You can teach to make circular flights.

berlin longbeak

Very rare german breed. You can meet her only in a few cities in Germany. The breed was bred in Berlin, in the 19th century.

Description. They have a slender posture, vertical head and body. The neck is also vertical. The beak is thin and elongated .

Features of the breed. They fly well in a flock. Good climb.

Breeding. The breed is decorative, pigeons are kept in spacious rooms with cells for each pigeon.

Breed King

This meat breed brought out by American breeders using carrier pigeons, Romans and Maltese.

Description. The dominant color is white. Less common are silver, red and black doves. The head is large, with a strong beak. The eyes are yellow or black. Thick long neck, broad chest. The little tail is up. Feet without feathers.

Marina Chernitskaya

City Novosibirsk

Publications: 234

High-flying pigeon breeds

Centuries-old, purposeful selection and selection of pigeons with good flying qualities, their systematic, thoughtful training, high-flying bird breeds were created. In Russia in the XVIII-XIX centuries. pigeon breeders valued only their flying abilities in their pets and were proud of their many hours of beautiful flight at high altitude.

High-flying pigeons of some breeds tumbled during the flight and were called tumblers. These were Odessa, Kursk, Volsky breeds and a number of others. Performing "aerobatics" - somersaults and returning to the flock takes a lot of energy and as a result the birds are in the air for less time than those that do not somersault.
The main quality of high-flying is considered to be the maximum height and duration of the flight. Therefore, in the last century, most tumbling pigeons, especially Volsky and Kursk, were culled and left only birds with a circular, long flight. Among these breeds, and now occasionally there are specimens with single somersaults during the flight. Therefore, the breeds of pigeons that retained their acrobatic qualities, but reduced the duration and height of the flight, we decided to attribute to.

In the past, pigeons had a rather simple appearance, were strong, hardy, and their flight was beautiful. The constitution and color of the plumage of birds did not interest pigeon breeders. But since the middle of the XIX century. amateurs began to give the pigeons a beautiful look, and gradually a number of birds lost their excellent flying qualities. So, famous in the past, Russian Tumblers currently fly poorly, especially elite forms that have completely become . Pigeons of simpler forms have retained their outstanding flying qualities to the present day. Many years of great work of Russian pigeon breeders were not in vain, excellent flyers were saved by them. By purposeful selection, the birds have been given certain body shapes and plumage patterns.

At present, there are several dozen breeds of pigeons capable of flying at high altitude and being in continuous flight for many hours. In addition to high and long flight, different breeds of birds of this group have their own style of summer. Some of them rise in circles to a great height and circle there for many hours, others, without making a single circle, go up and seem to stand in one place for hours, and there are those who tumble over their heads in flight, falling down or knocking out like that. called the pillar, go up. Most high-flying pigeons have good orientation. They are unpretentious in the content, but love the observance of the regime of the day and light feed.

Pigeons with excellent flying qualities are often shown at shows, but birds usually do not receive high marks. Individual lovers, being carried away by the creation of beautiful pigeons, forget about their main purpose and spoil the breed. First of all, when creating new breeds of high-flying birds, you need to remember about their use and then think about decorativeness.

How to determine the flight altitude of a pigeon?

German amateurs have adopted a conditionally comparative scale:

    height of the bell tower (80-120 m),

    the height of the lark at which the dove appears from the lark (200-400 m),

    sparrow height (400-600 m),

    butterfly height (600-800 m),

    flickering height at which the dove seems to be a dot (800-1000 m).

Separate high-flying pigeons rise to such a great height that they disappear from the field of view of the naked eye (1200-1500 m).

Breeds of high-flying pigeons:

Stately high-flying:

STAFF pigeons - a group of pigeons with a pronounced body structure - an article. As a rule, with a proud posture, a special curve of the body, a raised tail and lowered wings. According to the state, they are divided into three subgroups:

    Lop-winged - do not shake their neck, have a tail raised by 20-30 mm, below which the ends of the wings are lowered - sometimes until they touch the floor.

    Shakers - pigeons of small and medium sizes, with a shortened body, a raised chest, an elongated neck with a bend, which birds often shake, and a wide tail raised by 45-70 mm.

    Kachuna - pigeons with a short body, a highly raised chest, an elongated neck with a bend, which is often shaken, a relatively short, flat and strongly raised (over 75 mm) tail. When walking or in an excited state, they shake the body back and forth.

Stately high-flying birds include all Lopwings and part of the shakers:

Pigeons can be found in almost any Russian yard. These are beautiful and noble birds that people have been trying to domesticate since ancient times. And many succeed: pigeons have served people as postmen for centuries. And in modern times, these birds surprise with the results in competitions and amaze with their grace. These species include high-flying pigeons.

Looking at high-flying pigeons is a real aesthetic pleasure. These are representatives of noble breeds that show amazing results in climbing to heights.

Such qualities in these birds are highly valued - since ancient times, pigeons have been evaluated according to two characteristics:

  1. The maximum height they can climb.
  2. The amount of time they are able to stay in the air.

Modern high-flying birds are distinguished by high rates of maximum altitude and flight duration. They quickly adapt to new conditions and do not require a special approach to catering. On average, these birds are able to be present in the air from 2 to 6 hours.

Important! High-flying birds set the world record for flight longitude in 1963. The record holders were representatives of the English breed: they spent 20 hours and 10 minutes at cloud level.


Only recently breeders have begun to pay attention to the exterior of pigeons. Now, in addition to functional, aesthetic qualities are also evaluated: body structure, feather color, head shape. After such changes, many pigeons moved from the category of high-flying pigeons to. These include Russian Turmans.

True high-flying pigeons outwardly differ in a unique structure that helps them in flight. This is:

  • streamlined body;
  • small sizes;
  • developed sternum;
  • small head;
  • strong wings close to the body.

Basically, high-flying pigeons are very well oriented. They do not need special nutrition and care. However, it is not recommended to give these birds very heavy food, because they need to keep fit.

Important! Pigeons show the best result in the area where they were born. The flight altitude is also influenced by the existing climatic conditions and the direction of the wind currents.

How high can pigeons fly?

It is quite difficult to objectively determine the height to which champions rise. It is evaluated according to subjective criteria. So, most poultry farmers correlate the size of a dove in the sky with the height to it. Such marks are also used in international competitions.

They look like this:

  • the pigeon reached the peak of the city bell tower: 80-120 meters;
  • a bird no larger than a lark: 200-400 meters;
  • feathered sparrow-sized: 400-600 meters;
  • similar to a butterfly: 600-800 meters;
  • no more than a flashing dot: 900-1200 meters.

Some farms use comparisons of flying pigeons with fruit. If a bird has risen to a height of 300 meters, it will be the size of an apple, at 700 meters - no more than a peach. At an altitude of 900 meters, the feathered one resembles a cherry in size.

Important! Sometimes birds are able to rise to such a height that without special equipment they cannot be seen at all. This means that they climbed to the level of 1500-1700 meters.

The maximum possible height to which pigeons rise is 1700 meters

Modern conditions prevent birds from reaching the maximum height achievable for them. Due to emissions into the atmosphere, high-rise buildings, TV towers, pigeons cannot normally navigate in space. The duration of the flight has also decreased: on average, it reaches 2-3 hours.

The diet of high-flying pigeons

Varieties of high-flying breeds

There are many classifications according to which numerous high-flying breeds are divided. Below are the 3 current classifications.

Classification 1: flying qualities

Pigeons "high flight" are divided into 3 large groups depending on the exterior and flight altitude. This classification is presented in the table below.

Table 1. Varieties of high-flying pigeon breeds

SimpleTo the maximum, they retained the original flight qualities and actively demonstrate them. Differ in the highest and longest flight.
  • Sverdlovsk;
  • Nikolaev;
  • Odessa;
  • Kursk.
StatelyValued for their beautiful exterior, close to decorative individuals. Single stately breeds were completely retrained as exhibition breeds. Flight performance is quite low.
  • Shawls;
  • Lugansk;
  • Tape;
  • Rostov.
slaughterReceived such a name because of the non-standard flight style - "combat". They can turn over for a long time at a height and soar to the clouds in an almost straight line.
  • Turkish;
  • Chile;
  • Pakistani;
  • Iranian.

Video - Flight of high-flying pigeons

Classification 2: flying styles

At altitude, each pigeon variety displays its own flying style. So, they can be:

  1. Round. They rise upward in a spiral and remain at a certain height. There they stay for a long time. An important advantage is the economical use of resources: the bird does not waste energy once again and can stay under the clouds for a very long time.
  2. Persistent. The height is gained along one trajectory without unnecessary "circling". The bird rises and freezes at one point. This style also contributes to a long stay in the air.
  3. Curly. They rise, but at a sufficient height they fold their wings and rush to the ground. Then they take off again in a straight line and hide behind the clouds.
  4. Fighting. They can rise like round or persistent pigeons, but in flight they begin to tumble. At the same time, they characteristically click their wings.

The latter variety is not very popular with poultry farmers. Such climbs require significant physical effort, which affects the length of stay at altitude. That is why such breeds are rejected for the sake of more effective varieties.

Classification 3: behavior in flight

In addition to flight styles, there is a classification that subdivides breeds according to the characteristics of their wing beats in flight. Modern waving styles are called:

  1. "Lark". They flap their wings in the same way as larks: they flutter quickly and sometimes hang in the air. The tail is wide open, and the wings are held strictly perpendicular to the body.
  2. "Butterfly". They flutter their wings in the same way as in the previous version. But here the setting of the wings is different: they are at an angle of 30 degrees from the bird's body. They move in the air continuously, without freezing.
  3. "End". Birds spread their tails wide and "sit down" on them. At the same time, the chest is highly upturned, the wings are above the head parallel to each other. After climbing, they freeze in place and slightly flutter with the edges of their wings.
  4. "Sickle". Identical to the previous type. However, in this case, the pigeon wings are bent in the form of a sickle, and the head is surrounded by them.
  5. "Oared". Quite a rare variety. Pigeons flap each wing in turn and gradually gain height.

Overview of high-flying pigeon breeds

There is a whole range of high-flying breeds, which may differ in body structure, colors, and nuances of behavior in flight. Representatives of the most common breeds are described in the table below. They are known not only in Russia, but also abroad.

Table 2. Overview of popular breeds of high-flying pigeons

Breedbreed standardflight qualities


They are considered absolute leaders among high-flying breeds. They have snow-white feathers, but the back of the head is decorated with a black mane. Because of this feature, they are also called "hryvnias".
Breed characteristics:
  • graceful physique;
  • excellent orientation in space;
  • good endurance;
  • powerful constitution.
Very accustomed to familiar terrain. From afar they will be able to find the way to the house, they do not take root in non-native dovecotes. They go flying as part of a flock, only the most hardy ones rise to the height. Weaker individuals remain below or go to the ground. They can stay at a height of 7-10 hours.


They were bred at the beginning of the 20th century. Very similar in their color to the breed of Perm pigeons. The eyes of the birds are black, the beak is small, the chest protrudes.

Representatives of the Izhevsk breed of the following colors are especially common:

  • red;
  • yellow;
  • black.
Birds rise to great heights and can stay in the air for several hours. However, you should not worry, the bird is well versed in the area and always returns home.


The body is elongated and rather large. The head and beak are small, the eyes are yellow or whitish. The chest is turned up. The claws are black, the tail is flattened.

Popular shades:

  • dark grey;
  • black;
  • white;
  • a collection of the three above colors.
They have perfect flying qualities. Under the clouds they can hover for 6 hours.


The torso is of medium volume, representatives are athletic, fast and beautiful. Budapest pigeons have blue eyes, a reddish beak and a narrow tail. The first representatives appeared as a result of selection in Budapest in 1900.
Have interesting feature- females can only lay eggs if they see a male nearby.
Representatives of the breed rise very high above the ground, it will not work to see them with the naked eye.


The body is about 35 cm long. The head is wedge-shaped, rather small, the eyes look like pearls.
Pedigree representatives are mostly black. White feathers are visible on the tummy, legs and groin. The pattern on the plumage is certainly symmetrical.
The height and duration of the flight do not differ. Mostly bred for the sake of a spectacular appearance.


The body is up to 27 cm in length, the sternum is voluminous, well developed. The head is small. The plumage color is mostly light, usually white. Eyes can be black, red, blue, orange. The tail is very long.

The highlight of the breed is different shades of body parts. The head, wings, neck are most often darker than the rest of the body, and the plumage pattern stands out more clearly.

Mostly they fly alone, but flocking flights also occur. They look very nice in synchronous performance. The birds are very hardy, they can spend about 12 hours in flight even without much training.

How does the nature of pigeons affect training?

In order to accustom birds to a long stay in the air and to achieve good height indicators from them, it is necessary to train them regularly. The principles of training are made up of the features of the pigeon character.

The fundamental desires for compiling a training program are the following desires:

  • get rid of hunger as soon as possible;
  • return home faster, to familiar conditions, to your partner or owner;
  • once in an unknown place, fly higher to see familiar places.

These character traits have been the basis of many training programs. The experience of poultry farmers shows that algorithms created taking into account the nature of pigeons are the most effective.

Principles of training, or how to achieve results faster

Each poultry breeder makes up trainings independently, taking into account the characteristics of his brood. The general rules of learning look like this:

  1. Work on the condition of the pet. It is necessary to develop a nutrition system that will not allow birds to overeat. It is even better for growing individuals to fly in the morning on an empty stomach (if the first lesson takes place at 6-7 in the morning).
  2. When training, young birds are given priority. Adults fly on their own, while young ones need help. However, the "senior" are sometimes attracted to the training of teenagers as a thrust. For example, the “old men” are released first, and the young ones are connected to them at the end, so that the birds sit down all together.
  3. The birds are released in small flocks. Each group climbs up separately with an interval of 5-7 minutes. So it is easier to observe young individuals and you can quickly find the “lost”.
  4. We need to find a leader. In each group, a leader is determined who pulls everyone up. At the same time, it is necessary to find lagging behind - those who do not want to fly. Usually the reason for this behavior is poor health.
  5. Loads increase gradually. At the first lessons, the birds are released from the hand at a distance of no more than 15 meters from the dovecote. Gradually increase the distance to 400 meters. More experienced birds are released 1.5-2 km from the house, you can reach up to 5 km.
  6. One of the main principles of training is craving for home. It is based on the fact that, far from its native nest, the bird tries to rise as high as possible in order to see familiar terrain.

Summarizing all the principles in one workout helps to improve the physical form of growing pigeons, work on breathing, develop muscles and improve spatial orientation. The most effective training will be young pigeons: those that have only recently begun to coo.

In conclusion, a few tips from experienced poultry farmers that can help beginners achieve their goal:

  1. If the weather is good outside, pigeons are trained more than twice a day. You can train them in the morning and evening, as well as take them out during the day.
  2. The pigeon breeder needs to achieve perfect obedience from his wards. Birds must return to the dovecote and enter it at the signal of the owner.
  3. In rare cases, a bird may return after a 30-minute flight to the loft and sit on the perch for about 10 minutes. The dove has its wings lowered, its throat trembles, its beak is ajar. This suggests that the bird is not under the force of such loads and they need to be reduced.
  4. "Losses", which have already disappeared 2-3 times, it is better not to look for at all. Such individuals have poor health or an innate habit of aimlessly "wandering" around the neighborhood. Their training will not be effective.

If the heredity of the birds is good, they are able to climb to a height of 1000-1200 meters after 8-12 days of regular training. Most birds without good genetics will need about a month of systematic training. But there are also such capricious individuals who are able to show a good result only after a year and only in the presence of favorable climatic conditions.

Video - How to breed pigeons

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