Reasoning for work as for a holiday. To work as a holiday: a list of the most interesting professions. Relations with superiors


If you realized late and did not have time to book a restaurant, or your company is not aimed at a magnificent banquet, do not worry! We know how to save money and at the same time organize a memorable holiday.

How to make everything beautiful

So, let's start with something pleasant: if you spend money not on a restaurant with a rent and a full-fledged banquet, but organize a party in the office, you can save up to 30-50% of the holiday budget. Our agency is sure that if you do everything right, you can have great fun even in the usual working walls.

To get started, you need to consider a few things:
- decide where the party will take place (your office space should have a dining room, a cafe or a spacious hall);
- decide on the budget;
- decide who to entrust the organization of the buffet table;
- to develop a creative concept of the party, minimal decorations;
- come up with a program, find a DJ and presenter.

The last three points, of course, are best done with the help of professionals. Agencies always have proven options and friendly discounts. We can offer an economical algorithm for preparing such a holiday with an estimate-designer, from which you can choose the options you need.

By the way, about the festive treat. Off-site catering is often much more profitable than a buffet in a restaurant, because you do not pay for hall rental, service, dishwashing, but only for cooked meals and delivery. To further save time and budget, you can prepare disposable tableware, for example, eco-friendly bamboo dishes are in trend now, they are not much more expensive than plastic, but at the same time they look more solid. You can come up with a general concept for the design of the site and organically fit the table setting there.

As a rule, at an office party, alcohol is purchased independently, which is also a significant savings compared to restaurant prices. If you want to make the serving of alcohol part of the entertainment program, you can invite a bartender to the office party - he will prepare cocktails and show a bartender show.

From economical entertainment in the office, you can organize creative workshops, a photo zone with various accessories, a corporate intellectual tournament or "Mafia". Creative employees can prepare several performances or competitions for an entertainment program - with the right approach to lighting, an office can easily be turned into a stage venue.

Turn cons into pros

On the one hand, the office has a familiar, sometimes even homely atmosphere, which liberates, and this is an absolute plus. But on the other hand, we are in the office five times a week (or even more often), of course, everyone wants variety and a change of scenery.

To make this minus a plus, you need to create a wow-effect, that is, turn an ordinary office into something non-standard.

Even among familiar people in a familiar office space, everything can be turned upside down. To change the situation, it is enough to put a few lights on, turn on the music, hang up or arrange simple decorations.

The brighter the idea, the brighter the result! For example, for one company on February 23 we did a tropical party in the office. All employees dressed in bright summer clothes, some “worked” as waitresses, a man could order workplace a festive breakfast according to a special menu - right in the office we fried scrambled eggs, prepared smoothies. And in the evening they invited a bartender and danced on the tables.

And a few more tips:

Some surprises, elements of the script can be implemented during the working day and continued in the evening. Here, work really turns into a holiday! For example, during the day, employees become participants in the quest, perform several tasks during the day, and the culminating part takes place in the evening.

There is a beautiful new year game"Secret Santa", she will help management avoid having to spend money on gifts for all employees, they themselves will give them to each other. An anonymous lottery is held among the workers, thus determining who is whose Santa. On a festive day, gifts with nameplates are displayed in the office, and the game continues - it's incredibly interesting to guess who you get a gift from. A similar scheme can be implemented for other calendar holidays, for example, on March 8 and February 23.

In summer, you can make an economical party not in the office, but on the road, and for this it is not necessary to rent a camp site. For example, our agency has in mind several good glades on the lake, where you can go without rent. In this case, the budget is needed only for cleaning, barbecue, transfer of employees, organization of sports events. On the transfer of employees, by the way, you can also save. For example, to get to the place by train and then on the map, and the road to the holiday itself will become part of the scenario-quest.

Our agency can get involved in the organization of the holiday at any stage: develop or finalize the script, generate ideas for gifts, install professional light and sound in a small room, organize the work of the presenter or rehearse the role of the presenter with one of the employees, put on several numbers with the employees , organize a game in the office or creative workshops. Contact us, we will help you make a great holiday, and at the same time save money!

The words "work" and "slave" are known to have the same root. When the place where we spend a considerable part of our lives becomes a prison where we serve a heavy sentence, something must probably change. Either the place or ourselves. What makes us love our work? We have compiled a list of the most effective motives.

Monday starts on Saturday

To be honest, I have some personal predilection for people who love their work. In them, as a rule, there is much more harmony and general satisfaction from life than in those who wake up without much joy on weekday mornings and go to the tired office. Work time is a huge part of life, so why waste it on a hateful activity? Meanwhile, we have a lot of people who consider love for work something strange. Whether this is a legacy of the Soviet system or a timeless phenomenon is a topic for a separate study.

The dislike of work seems to be an extension of the dislike of school obligations, but in fact common here few. We go to school because getting a secondary education is our duty. We choose education and profession most often at the call of our hearts (except for the cases when we enter a university “for the company” or “because it is fashionable”). But even so, at work, we live from Monday to Friday, celebrate payday, do anything but our immediate duties, complain to our friends about how tired we are of what we do day in and day out ... We understand the joys less and less magicians from "Monday begins on Saturday", who even on New Year's Eve hurried to their beloved NIICHAVO.

Work for us is a dull inevitability, a means of earning money and nothing more..

Familiar experiences? And some completely unfamiliar: they love their job and try to get the most out of it.
Moreover, it seems that there are not so many people who are constantly dissatisfied with their work. While collecting material for the article, I arranged an impromptu opinion poll among friends and acquaintances, asking if they love their job, and if so, why. It turns out that most people love her. For various reasons: because of an interesting, good team, loyal management… “I am spurred on by the possibility of constant self-improvement”; “I love the daily non-standard situations”; “I perceive difficulties at work as a challenge for myself”; “I like helping people solve their problems,” was the answer. Particularly pleased, apparently, those people who were able to turn a hobby into their work and achieved considerable heights in it.

The second group are people who are more tolerant of their work, because it gives them the opportunity to do something else: family, travel, or an unprofitable hobby. Or they perceive it as something temporary before moving on to the next stage: for example, starting their own business, which requires connections, experience and start-up capital. For them, the main incentives to work, besides the salary, are a convenient schedule or the opportunity to learn something.

But there are those who do not like their work and have no idea what they would like to do. Or they dream of not working at all - mostly women. The responses of this group show confusion: “I have no idea what kind of work I could love”; “I don’t seem to know how to do anything else in life.”

Most of all, oddly enough, what disorients us in relation to the business we are engaged in is such a seemingly obvious attitude: “Work is needed to get money.” Of course, this motive is always present, but when it becomes the only one or the leading one, problems begin. Business consultant Oleg Khomyak considers people who go to work just for money to be the most problematic clients: “Such a person is actually in a relationship with life at the level of survival, he does not grow. He does not see other possibilities, and a specialist is needed either to make a person aware of the existence of other prospects. “Working for money” is a dead end in self-development.” Business coach Tatyana Ivanova calls such employees people of instrumental motivation: “As a rule, these are the most disloyal employees. They always have little money, their needs are growing, so they usually do not stay at work for a long time, quickly exhausting their potential.”

If work is not only money, then what else? Here's a random list of ten items for you to review. Just remember that one motive is still not enough: usually we are driven by a complex of intricately intertwined and arranged in a hierarchy of motives.

1. Self-realization

The most complete realization of one's abilities is the top of the motivational pyramid. But this motive is not "turned on" for everyone. After all, in order to successfully realize yourself at work, find application for your experience and see the further direction of movement, you need to at least know yourself well and imagine what type of activity suits you best. It is not necessary to dream about a certain specialty and position - the “ideal job” can be just a set of characteristics. Moreover, in the same place, different people realize different qualities. “Let's say we are talking about a lesson that involves communicating with clients,” Oleg Khomyak gives an example. “But one of the employees just loves communication, another perceives the need to find an approach to difficult clients as a challenge, and the third likes to help people, he knows how to get into their position.”

Speaking about the implementation of one's skills, one cannot but recall the popular concept of "competence ceiling". This is the name of the highest post that an employee is able to occupy according to his skills and abilities. For some, this is the director of a division, for another, it is the executive director of the company, and for the third, the position of a middle manager is enough. However, it must be remembered that the ceiling of competence only makes sense when applied to the current moment, to work in only one area of ​​\u200b\u200bactivity or company. - the process is endless, and those who are aware of it, get an extra reason to love the work. Have you noticed how fat and boring successful people reaching some high position? This is because they stop moving forward.

2. Need for recognition

For some reason, the need for recognition and self-realization occupy the same position and even mean almost the same thing. In fact, of course, this is not the case. You may dream of becoming a department head because you see it as an opportunity to realize your leadership abilities, or because of the need for respect from subordinates and partners - and these are different reasons. But healthy vanity is not the driving force for everyone. “Recognition is a reason to love your work for extroverted people who need external evaluation of their activities,” explains Tatyana Ivanova. “Introverts, on the other hand, have enough of the assessment that they give themselves, they don’t need the attention of others.”

You may get the impression that ambitious people love only work in high positions. But in fact, any activity in which we feel indispensable satisfies the need for recognition. A smart secretary who knows all the secrets of the boss and the details of official intrigues sometimes has more reason to love her job than her superiors.

3. Team

And far from only professional themes occupies a large part of our working day. Men who boast of their taciturnity also find something to talk about with colleagues: sports, politics, cars, computers, the figure of Lenochka's secretary ... Strong friendships and novels can begin at work. Finally, if our colleagues are interesting, cheerful and full of optimism, they also infect us with their mood.

Tatyana Ivanova calls love for work because of a good team a conditional motivation: “Such people will go to work only under certain conditions: they feel good with their colleagues - they work with pleasure. Often they also prefer not to be too "stressed" and not encouraged to take the initiative. The second, however, is true if colleagues do not push for development, if among them there are no those whom you admire: “The value of a team is determined by the experience that you can gain in dealing with it,” says Oleg Khomyak. “The downside is the fragility of such relationships: once we outgrow our peers, it’s time to move on.”

4. Relations with superiors

"Chief - subordinate" - the continuation of relations with the team. Most often, we communicate well and are friends with colleagues, but at the same time we are at war with superiors. It happens the other way around: we establish an excellent relationship with the boss at the cost of losing the respect of colleagues. The habit of the collective to “befriend” the boss is the cost of the Soviet, semi-feudal perception of the holder of a high post as a gentleman who owns all the responsibility for the result of your work and for yourself. However, it is quite possible, if not to be friends with the management, then at least to experience mutual sympathy - in this case, going to work becomes even more interesting.

In addition, in a productive relationship with superiors, there is another advantage that is important for those who intend to open their own business in the future: we learn from the leader how to manage people. Unless, of course, the boss is competent enough in this. And if he himself loves his work, feeling himself in his place.

5. The result of labor

When I discussed with fellow journalists a list of reasons why they love their work, this one came out on top. We love to write for magazines, because every month we can hold the result of our work in our hands, and we like it. Of course, we could not ask ourselves the question: what is found in mechanical work or in the one whose result is postponed for a very long time?

It's simple: there is process people and result people. The first get pleasure from the very involvement in work, in common work. The latter need a purpose that gives meaning to the work. Creative people (which include my colleagues and I) belong to the second category. Ideal performers, responsible workers of conveyors fall into the first place. In addition, the result can be understood not only as the “formality” of the final product. For a competent accountant, for example, it may not even be the annual report itself, but the opportunity to win over the tax with its help. And the same secretary every day can see dozens of results of the successful completion of her small assignments - and this is quite enough for her.

6. Work schedule

A free schedule, which seems to be everyone around, is really needed by few. “Proactive people who are able to set goals and choose the means to achieve them can manage their time on their own,” says Tatyana Ivanova. - For those who do not know how to work in this mode, the activity "from call to call" is better suited, with precise instructions from higher authorities. These are the ideal performers that any company needs.” High level the awareness of employees and the presence of a free schedule in the company are directly related. So, it is known that at Google, employees are allowed to use 20% of their working time for any business that they see fit. But it is also known that getting a job at Google is prohibitively difficult: the best of the best are selected there, others simply will not be able to work in conditions of creative freedom.

The wrong schedule for you is one of the biggest reasons not to love your job. Because hardened owls, for example, find it unbearably hard to wake up in the morning: they should either agree with their superiors on the possibility of coming to the office later, or master technology and switch to home work. In addition, the ability to organize your workflow becomes more important, the higher the position. Not all top managers work twenty hours a day: four or five is enough for many.

7. Involvement in a common cause

For many, it is important to be proud of being part of famous company or brand: the success of the company casts its reflection on us, the humble creators of this success. However, this motivation works more often in the West than in our country: corporate culture the American model does not take root on our soil. “Our leaders make one mistake: they do not understand that corporate culture should be formed from below, as it was in the West, and not imposed from above,” explains Tatyana Ivanova. “Therefore, attempts to introduce it, primarily in the domestic divisions of Western holdings, are accompanied by a skeptical attitude of subordinates who perceive it as window dressing and fulfill these requirements only formally.”

Independent enterprising workers, especially those who aspire to open their own business in the future, as a rule, are not noticed in their ardent love for the company they work for. Too much loyalty is contraindicated for them, as it replaces their personal goals with corporate ones. If your goals coincide with the collective, then you have every chance to feel at work in the best possible way.

8. Additional bonuses

In our country, with its unstable economic conditions, we are increasingly choosing jobs that provide certain social guarantees: a “white” salary, medical insurance. Each company has its own "social package", which may include a travel ticket, an annual vacation at sea, and New Year's gifts for a child - from large bonuses to small, but pleasant ones. The sense of security that such conditions give us is a good reason to love our work.

Oddly enough, even such a condition as a dress code can be a bonus for us. Firstly, in the event that we like the style in which it is designed, and we feel comfortable in such clothes. Secondly, it is important that management expresses this requirement in the form of regular payments to update the wardrobe, and does not force us to allocate a certain amount from our salary for this. The attitude of employees to any bonuses is better if they are paid in cash. This is a demonstration of the same trust of management in subordinates, for which the latter usually pay handsomely.

9. Salary level

Of course, it matters - and this does not contradict what we talked about at the beginning of the article. But, firstly, the main role is played not by the amount of remuneration itself, but by its compliance with our competence, our ideas about our value as an employee. Secondly, money is in any case a means, not an end. The opportunity to please yourself or loved ones, even if unpretentious, is much more valuable than a large amount in your wallet and the satisfaction of primary needs. Finally, working for a paycheck is actually not bad. It’s bad to “work hard” solely for her sake, with the almost complete disappearance of other motives. Our attitude to work should be complex, like any relationship. Still, this is a huge part of our life, and it depends only on us how happy and fruitful the “romance” with work will be.

10. Place of work

To make us fall in love with our place of work, it is not necessary to move once again. Tatyana Ivanova told me a story about two divisions of the company, one of which was moved to new office with a fresh renovation and the latest models of office equipment, and the second one was left in the same place, but they installed coffee machines and an air ionizer with coffee aroma. According to the results next year It turned out that the second one worked much better. Sleight of hand and no feng shui!

To work as a holiday

An ironic interpretation of Soviet-era propaganda clichés glorifying labor (especially gratuitous work, on subbotniks).

Burning verb: Dictionary of folk phraseology. - Green age. V. Kuzmich. 2000 .

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    Feast of Weeks- Heb. Shavuot The Feast of Weeks (Ex. 34:22), also called "the feast of the harvest" (Ex. 23:16) and "the day of the firstfruits" (Num. 28:26), was celebrated seven weeks after the beginning of the harvest (Deut. 16 : 9ff.), or on the fiftieth day after the offering in ... ... Dictionary of Biblical Names

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  • I am an archaeologist. I am a zoologist. I am a paleontologist. I am a traveller. Logics. Space. Check. Proverbs and sayings. Color the holiday. Poems (number of volumes: 10), . I am an archaeologist! Searching for treasures, unraveling ancient mysteries, participating in dangerous expeditions - this is the dream of every child! Informative book 171; I am an archaeologist 187; introduce your children ... Buy for 382 rubles
  • Logics. Space. Check. Proverbs and sayings. Color the holiday. Poems. Vasilisa the Beautiful. Maria Morevna. Feather of Finist Yasna-Falcon. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka. Tale of Ivan Tsarevich. The Frog Princess (number of volumes: 12), . Logics. 171;Winter joys 187;- this is a series of bright, festive books with New Year's stickers. Colorful design and interesting tasks will make working with the book exciting and…

Everything here is so individual that there is simply no single methodology for all companies, and, probably, there cannot be.

But, despite this, many experienced HR managers still have very interesting and vivid examples that will suit any organization as the most effective HR tools in this difficult, but necessary task for modern business.

And in this thesis article, we will try to tell you about the most popular examples of non-material motivation of employees that we have encountered in various organizations. And we hope that it will be useful especially for young executives and HR managers.

Non-material motivation personnel: what do we do ...

1) Make it a rule to greet your work colleagues by name.

2) When communicating verbally or in emails, do not forget to say or write: "Thank you." Reward your employees as often as possible with various additional "goodies". For example, such as extra days off, days off, or allowing them to sometimes leave work early. So, this is especially true for women's teams. And for those people who study at universities or even those who have a hobby. Believe me - these temporary expenses will greatly increase both productivity and staff engagement to such an extent that "you never dreamed of it, you never dreamed it."

3) Each desktop of your employees should have a beautiful sign with his name (you can also indicate his position). So, all people, without exception, really like to feel their value and high significance for the company in which he works. And this is the corporate culture, or rather a small part of it. But everything big is made up of little things, isn't it?

Non-material motivation: the program should be developed according to the principle - "life is not only work" ...

4) Make it a rule to congratulate every employee on their birthday. So, for this you need to prepare a small congratulation in advance, buy a cake or other “sweets” - it will take about 30 minutes. But, how it will inspire and delight your employee. And that in itself is worth a lot.

5) Show more initiative and invention. Lead to some significant date, for example, mini-KVNs, skits, humor, the same quests. Life is not only work... But work that is joyful is the dream of any person.

6) For those employees of the company whose activities and usefulness are not particularly visible, develop some very special and very unusual award or prize. So, for them it will be a very important event.

7) Try to regularly (for example, once a week) arrange individual meetings for a confidential conversation with those employees of the company with whom you usually do not have the opportunity to communicate for various reasons. Ask them about problems, plans, work. In general, talk like a human being, at least about football. So, this is a colossally working tool for increasing self-esteem for any employee.

Once every six months, it is necessary to review the program for non-material motivation of personnel ...

8) And always try not only to inform your employees about something, but also invite them to express their opinion or ideas on a particular issue. And if people start talking, don't interrupt them. Let them speak, and you try not only to listen to them, but also to understand the meaning of their speeches as much as possible - to hear a person is much more important than just listening to him.

But any incentive systems (especially intangible ones) should not become “common”, it will just get boring. The practice of experienced HR managers shows that uniform long-term motivational programs are gradually starting to work not for good, but for harm. So, do not oppress them with such "age-old programs". Therefore, you need, for example, once a quarter or every six months, be sure to come up with a completely new motivational program.

Sincerely, Elena Mashukova,
HR expert, company analyst

A person spends a third of his life at work. But how many of us go there with pleasure? A few simple tips will help make your working day more positive.

For many of us, work feels like punishment. The week passes in anticipation of Friday, highlighted on the calendar holidays. By Sunday evening, dreary thoughts visit that tomorrow is Monday again, and again I will have to go to work.

We often hear about a dream job - one that does not burden, but brings pleasure. Such an idea is tempting. You can change jobs in search of the one, or you can learn to enjoy what you already have. Here 5 tips how to improve the state of your work and go to it like a holiday.


He is often overlooked. But at home we put so much effort to create comfort. No less time is spent at the workplace, so why not add it here as well. How to do this, everyone determines for himself. Bright accessories, photos of relatives and friends, a green corner. The main thing is that these little things please and cheer up.

No stress

Learn to reduce their number: reduce perfectionism in the performance of work tasks, make more compromise decisions. Do not allow deadlines, learn to plan time, be less distracted by empty things. Time management will help with this. Avoid multitasking. Trying to focus on several things at the same time leads to absent-mindedness in all.

atmospheric phenomena

Make sure you get enough light and fresh air. Illumination can be increased by changing the workplace and moving closer to the window. If this is not possible, add a lamp to the table. The work area should be regularly ventilated. During breaks, do not sit in the dining room: it is better to go for a walk. This will provide an opportunity to breathe fresh air, have fun and move away from work issues.

Cause time

Stick to your work schedule strictly. No wonder the duration of the working day is defined specifically - 8 hours. It is not necessary to transfer labor issues to personal time. This blurs the line between working hours and free time, creating the feeling that there is nothing left in life but work. In your free time, it is better to choose a hobby that is not even indirectly related to your profession. Also watch out for work emails and chats interfering with your personal life. Even if on vacation it was not a task that came to the post office, but corporate news, the effect would be equally negative. Discrimination will reduce job dissatisfaction.

Pamper yourself

This is also possible at work. Set yourself mini prizes for each success. It can be a bonus, a useful product. It is known that chocolate, bananas, milk, strawberries, grapes not only deliver gastronomic pleasure, but also contribute to the production of hormones of joy. When used in moderation, they are useful and will not harm the figure. Besides, when you know that after a hard labor day a pleasant evening awaits: a new book, a bubble bath, a meeting with friends - the mood remains upbeat throughout the day.

A properly organized workflow will allow you to recharge with positive energy for the whole day. Work is not a constant stress, but a place where you can express yourself and achieve success. Proper planning, motivation and pleasant little things will help to go to work like a holiday.

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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation