JBL brand: a leader in the production of acoustics for professionals and amateurs. JBL portable speaker What brand jbl bags


r" - creates appliances for home use and the second " JBL Professional» - manufactures professional equipment for DJs, concert venues and recording studios.

The history of the company is as follows: James Lansing opens JBL a year after he quits the Altec Lansing company he had previously created in 1945. Initially, he designed several dynamic heads and related elements. They have been successfully used in cinemas and at home. He also created the most famous and not losing its popularity for 55 years, the D130 loudspeaker.

James Lansing was a poor businessman, but a high-profile and respected acoustic engineer. On September 24, 1949, he hanged himself, as his nerves could not stand it because of the accumulated debts and the deterioration of the company's affairs. Company JBL passed into the hands of the company's vice president, Bill Thomas. Turning out to be a more enterprising person, Thomas provides the company with growth and development in the next 10 years. Over the years the company JBL improves its reputation and becomes a leader in the production of high quality acoustic systems for the home. The Paragon and Hartsfield systems of that time sold well.

In 1969, Bill Thomas sold the company to Sydney Harman of the Jervis Corporation. In the 70s Sydney does JBL folk brand. The best-selling product is the L-100 speaker system. Also in the 70s, the production of professional monitor models began, and by the end of the 70s, most recording studios installed equipment of the brand JBL.

The next few decades JBL concentrates its production on the mass market, a line of acoustic systems "Northridge" comes out. In parallel, large high-end systems "K2" and "Everest" are being developed and put on sale. JBL wins leadership among manufacturers of systems for the sound industry.

USA K:Companies founded in 1946

JBL(rus. JB El, on behalf of James Bullough Lansing (James Bullough Lansing)) is an American company producing acoustic audio equipment, which is part of the association " Harman International Industries”, which includes numerous audio equipment companies.


JBL was founded in James Bullough Lansing. JBL products are high-end acoustic systems and related electronics. There are two divisions of this company: "JBL Consumer" and "JBL Professional". The first of them produces audio equipment for home use, the second - professional equipment for recording studios, sound engineers, DJs, etc.

James Lansing founded JBL a year after leaving the previously organized Altec Lansing company in . He originally developed a series of drivers and related components that came to be used in the home and theater environments. James Lansing created the famous D130 loudspeaker, which has remained popular almost 55 years after its creation.

James Lansing was a high-class engineer (his reputation as an acoustic engineer was very high), but a useless businessman. The result of this was the deterioration of business in the company: profits disappeared, huge debts appeared, as a result of which Lansing's nerves could not stand it and on September 24, 1949, he hanged himself. After Lansing's death, JBL passed into the hands of Bill Thomas, then vice president of the company. Thomas turned out to be a more entrepreneurial person, which ensured the growth and development of JBL in the next two decades. During this period, JBL has developed a reputation for producing high quality speaker systems for home use. Two speaker systems of that period "Hartsfield" and "Paragon" were in great demand in their market.

Bill Thomas sold the company to Sydney Harman of Jervis Corporation. By JBL becomes a real people's brand. Their L-100 speaker system became one of the best-selling at the time. Since 1970, JBL began to produce a number of models of professional "monitors" and by the end of this decade, most American recording studios used JBL acoustics. JBL L-100 speakers and 4310 monitors have become the most popular systems. In the 1980s, the JBL L-100, 4312 and many others were replaced by speakers with drivers made from more modern materials - a multilayer composite for low-frequency drivers and a titanium driver for high-frequency drivers. Models L-80T, L-100T, L-120T and the famous L-250ti appeared. After moving to Northridge, JBL began to use special sound-absorbing rooms to test their drivers.

The next two decades focuses its production on the mass market (a series of acoustic systems "Northridge"). At the same time, they begin production of large high-end systems of the Everest and K2 series. JBL is rightfully becoming the leading supplier of speaker systems for the sound industry, their speakers are used by famous rock artists on their tours, no famous music festival is unthinkable without JBL. JBL products formed the basis for the development of the THX standard, which is used for sound in home theater systems. In addition, JBL speakers are used as a basic sound installation in the cars of the world's leading automakers.

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An excerpt characterizing JBL

Coming out to the izvolok, the peasant paused, looked around and headed towards the thinning wall of trees. At a large oak tree, which had not yet shed its leaves, he stopped and mysteriously beckoned to him with his hand.
Denisov and Petya drove up to him. From the place where the peasant stopped, the French were visible. Now a spring field was going down behind the forest like a semi-hillock. To the right, across a steep ravine, one could see a small village and a manor house with collapsed roofs. In this village, and in the manor house, and along the whole hillock, in the garden, by the wells and the pond, and along the entire road uphill from the bridge to the village, no more than two hundred fathoms away, crowds of people could be seen in the wavering fog. Their non-Russian cries were clearly heard at the horses in the carts tearing up the mountain and calls to each other.
“Give the prisoner here,” Denisop said quietly, not taking his eyes off the French.
The Cossack dismounted from his horse, removed the boy, and together with him approached Denisov. Denisov, pointing to the French, asked what kind of troops they were. The boy, thrusting his chilled hands into his pockets and raising his eyebrows, looked frightened at Denisov and, despite his apparent desire to say everything he knew, got confused in his answers and only confirmed what Denisov was asking. Denisov, frowning, turned away from him and turned to the esaul, telling him his thoughts.
Petya, turning his head with quick movements, glanced first at the drummer, then at Denisov, then at the esaul, then at the French in the village and on the road, trying not to miss something important.
- Pg "is coming, not pg" is Dolokhov, you have to bg "at! .. Huh?" Denisov said, his eyes flashing merrily.
“The place is convenient,” said the esaul.
“We’ll send infantry from below—by swamps,” Denisov continued, “they’ll crawl up to the garden; you will call with the Cossacks from there, ”Denisov pointed to the forest outside the village,“ and I’m from here, with my gusags.
“It won’t be possible in a hollow - it’s a quagmire,” said the esaul. - You will bog down the horses, you have to go around to the left ...
While they were talking in an undertone like this, below, in the hollow from the pond, one shot clicked, the smoke began to turn white, another, and a friendly, as if cheerful, cry of hundreds of voices of the French who were on the half-mountain was heard. In the first minute, both Denisov and the esaul leaned back. They were so close that it seemed to them that they were the cause of these shots and screams. But the shots and screams did not belong to them. Below, through the swamps, a man in something red was running. Obviously, the French were shooting at him and shouting at him.
- After all, this is our Tikhon, - said the esaul.
- He! they are!
“Eka rogue,” said Denisov.
- Leave! - screwing up his eyes, said the esaul.
The man whom they called Tikhon, running up to the river, flopped into it so that the spray flew, and, hiding for a moment, all black from the water, got out on all fours and ran on. The French, who were running after him, stopped.
- Well, clever, - said the esaul.
- What a beast! Denisov said with the same expression of annoyance. And what has he done so far?
- Who is this? Petya asked.
- This is our plast. I sent him to pick up the language.
“Ah, yes,” said Petya from Denisov’s first word, nodding his head as if he understood everything, although he decidedly did not understand a single word.
Tikhon Shcherbaty was one of the most needed people in the party. He was a peasant from Pokrovsky near Gzhatya. When, at the beginning of his actions, Denisov came to Pokrovskoye and, as always, calling the headman, asked what they knew about the French, the headman answered, as all the headmen answered, as if defending themselves, that they did not know anything, know they don't know. But when Denisov explained to them that his goal was to beat the French, and when he asked if the French had wandered into them, the headman said that there had been marauders for sure, but that in their village only Tishka Shcherbaty was engaged in these matters. Denisov ordered Tikhon to be called to him and, praising him for his activities, said a few words in front of the headman about the loyalty to the tsar and the fatherland and hatred for the French, which the sons of the fatherland should observe.

When planning to purchase high-quality and modern sound equipment, it is better to opt for the company's products. JBL, which has been known to the world for a very large number of years. It was founded in 1946 by James Bullough Lansing, who previously worked for Altec Lansing. Peculiarity JBL is that absolutely every buyer can purchase the product that will satisfy all his requirements.

This can be done thanks to the convenient division of the company into two departments:
1. "JBL Consumer" - audio equipment for the home.
2. "JBL Professional" - audio equipment for professional use (DJs, sound engineers).

As early as 1946, James Lansing invented unique dynamic heads that have proven themselves both in cinemas and in a relaxed home environment. Another of his developments, the D130 loudspeaker, also brought fame to the inventor. It was so high quality and versatile that it remained at the peak of popularity for more than 55 years.

Despite the insightful mind of James Lansing, his life ended tragically. The great acoustic engineer, unfortunately, was a very bad businessman, which led to the deterioration of the financial condition of his company. This was the main reason for James' nervous breakdown. On September 24, 1949, constantly under stress, he hanged himself. After this tragic event, the head of the company JBL became its vice president, Bill Thomas. He had the qualities of an excellent entrepreneur, which made the company rise again from the decline and maintain this position for 20 years. Over this time JBL became known to the world as an excellent manufacturer of acoustic systems for use in the home. Proof of this can serve as "Hartsfield" and "Paragon" - systems that were in great demand at the time.

In 1969, the company was sold to Sydney Harman, formerly of the Jervis Corporation. One year later JBL acquires popular love and fame. The L-100 speaker system in those years brought a very large profit to the company as the best-selling invention. In 1970, JBL began manufacturing acoustics for professional use, which remain in many recording studios to this day. The most popular system is JBL L-100 and "monitor" 4310. Later, since 1980, many acoustic systems have been superseded by more advanced models. In their configuration, they had heads made of a multilayer composite (for low-frequency heads) and a titanium radiator (for high-frequency ones). Then there are the L-80T, L-100T, L-120T and the L-250ti model. Being in Northridge JBL begins to experiment with sound and his dynamic heads in special sound-absorbing rooms.

Next 20 years JBL is engaged in the production of acoustic systems "Northridge", which are sold throughout the world, as well as high-end systems of the series "Everest" and "K2".

Today without the company's products JBL it is difficult to imagine a concert of famous performers or various major festivals. In addition, development JBL began to be used for the emergence of the THX standard, which is used for sound in many home theater systems. Also, the acoustic heads of this company have found their application in the sound design of cars of world manufacturers.

The JBL country of origin is the USA. Here, in 1946, James Bullough Lansing founded a company dedicated to the creation of high-end acoustic systems and related electronics. The company to this day produces equipment both for professional use in concert halls, recording studios, and for home use, using modern solutions, thanks to which its products receive high quality ratings from experts.

JBL during the years of James Lansing

Initially, James Lansing developed a series of drivers and accessories for use in the home and cinema. At the same time, the D130 loudspeaker was created, which was a popular model for its time for more than half a century.

An excellent engineer, Lansing did his best to establish his company in the niche it occupied. He created electronics, which became a real discovery even for professional sound engineers of those years. However, for all his engineering talents, Lansing turned out to be a very bad businessman, which led his company to the brink of bankruptcy, and in 1949 the brand passed to Bill Thomas, who had previously held the post of vice president.

JBL as a manufacturer of professional acoustics

In the next two decades after the change of leadership, the JBL brand focused on the production of loudspeakers for private use. Until now, the world remembers the two most famous systems of those years - "Hartsfield" and "Paragon".

In 1969, the L-100 model appeared - the best-selling acoustics of those years. From that moment on, most of the American record companies switch to JBL products. Time passed, models of speaker systems changed, but the love of professionals for the manufacturer remained unchanged. People making money with sound systems, accustomed to the very best that had to offer them modern production, year after year remained loyal to the same company.

To this day, world-class rock performers use JBL acoustics on their tours. Heavy music is very difficult to bring to a clear sound, and the brand's success in this task demonstrates the skill of equipment developers and their true love for their work.

JBL appliances for home use

After establishing itself in the leading position among professionals, JBL moved on to conquering the mass market. A series of acoustic systems "Northridge" was released, and the systems of the elite level "Everest" and "K2" were immediately tested.

The THX standard - a set of requirements for sound in home theaters - took JBL acoustics as a basis. Among other things, car speakers also use dynamic drivers created by JBL engineers.

When you choose JBL products, you choose the highest quality and modern technologies, which has been worked on for decades by the best engineers who know a lot about pure sound.

Evgeny Sedov

When hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)


Modern speaker systems amaze users with the scope and breadth of possibilities, because the JBL portable wireless speaker is capable of playing music tracks day and night, anywhere and anytime. However, this is not all that a musical device can surprise consumers with. The speakers delight the eye with original LED backlighting, which emphasizes the individuality of the device.

What is a JBL speaker

To provide loud and high-quality music at sea or in nature, you need a device much more powerful than a tablet or smartphone. JBL speakers are compact and convenient to take anywhere. An additional advantage of portable speakers is the ability to pair with other gadgets, which allows you to listen to your favorite music directly from your phone.

JBL Charge

This model was developed specifically for outdoor activities at sea or near other water sources. Thanks to the protective coating, the column is not subject to negative impact fluids and performs well even in humid climates. The device has a rectangular shape and was released in three colors, standard equipment: power supply, USB cable, case.

JBL Pulse

A portable speaker from the Pulse series made a splash in portable music technology. The device produces a loud and high-quality sound track, which is accompanied by a bright backlight. Such an interesting and stylish design decision made the device the most desirable gadget for youth parties. The battery life is 10 hours.

JBL Clip

To replace the popular Micro model, manufacturers have released a more advanced version of the Clip. The device continues the traditions of its predecessor, but has several significant differences. The column is equipped with a special groove on the spring, due to which the device can be hooked to a backpack or bag. Clip is available in five colors.


The acoustic device is made in the most simple style, due to the compact shape, the column can be carried even in a trouser pocket. The small-sized device is convenient and easy to use, but the most significant advantage for the consumer is the relatively low price. The quality of the device is fully consistent with the cost.

Speakers JBL

You can buy a wireless speaker both in specialized stores and on the Internet. In the second case, the device will be delivered by mail, which sometimes has a bad effect on the condition of the goods. How much a JBL speaker costs depends on the model chosen, the minimum price is represented by the Micro series and is less than 1000 rubles. The most expensive today is the Pulse version, which will cost about 13,000 rubles.

For phone

Any device of this brand has the ability to connect to Apple or Android mobile devices, which facilitates the operation of devices:

  • model name: JBL Extreme;
  • price: 12480 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 2x20 W, waterproof case, battery and USB power supply;
  • pluses: powerful and clear sound;
  • cons: the model is inconvenient to carry.

In addition to the built-in recharging function, the portable gadget has a whole range of features that meet the high standards of acoustic technology:

  • model name: JBL GO;
  • price: 2151 rubles;
  • characteristics: signal-to-noise ratio 80 dB, input 3.5 mm, frequency response from 180 Hz to 20 kHz;
  • pluses: practical and stylish portable speaker;
  • cons: no stereo sound.

Portable speakers are a real find for any company that loves to have fun in their free time. However, you should buy a device after studying all the advantages and disadvantages:

  • model name: JBL Trip;
  • price: 4949 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 3.20 W, battery powered and USB, bluetooth present;
  • pluses: good study of the middle frequency range;
  • cons: passive diffusers without protection.


If outdoor activities are an integral part of your life, then JBL waterproof wireless speakers have all the features you need to ensure a comfortable weekend:

  • model name: Charge 2;
  • price: 7000 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 2x7.50 W, battery powered and USB, line-in;
  • pluses: cleaner sound compared to the previous version, built-in microphone;
  • cons: according to technical characteristics it is inferior to the first model.

The built-in splash protection system effectively protects the column from the penetration of any liquids, which allows the use of columns near water sources:

  • model name: JBL Charge 2+ Black;
  • price: 5890 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 15 W, powered by battery and USB, operating time 5 hours;
  • pluses: full compatibility with Android devices and Apple splash protection;
  • cons: the battery runs out faster than it says in the instructions.

High power and purity of sound provide an unforgettable pastime, but in fact, the operating time of the acoustics is less than stated by the manufacturer:

  • model name: JBL Charge 3;
  • price: 8291 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 10 W, frequency range from 65 Hz to 20 kHz, signal-to-noise ratio 80 dB;
  • pluses: high class of protection against moisture;
  • Cons: Battery life is less than the Charge 2.

With light music

Bright moments of life require the appropriate surroundings, so a column with color music will perfectly complement a holiday or a party. Each device is equipped with LEDs, as can be seen from the characteristics:

  • model name: JBL Pulse 2;
  • price: 12990 rubles;
  • pluses: bright LEDs that shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow;
  • cons: mono sound.

The color scheme of the body of the portable gadget is made in conservative colors, which cannot be said about the backlight. Thanks to the bright LEDs, the column pleases the eye with an abundance of colors and shades:

  • model name: Pulse 2 Black;
  • price: 10500 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 16 W, powered by battery and USB;
  • pluses: 10 hours of continuous playback of color music;
  • cons: the backlight does not visualize the sound.

This device works several times longer than its predecessors, which has a positive effect on sales dynamics. The column quickly gained popularity among young people:

  • model name: JBL Pulse;
  • price: 8600 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 2x8 W, powered by battery and USB;
  • pluses: convenient and simple synchronization with the phone;
  • cons: the micro-USB connector quickly becomes unusable.

small speakers

The JBL mini speaker is an alternative version of the previous versions of the system, released in a more compact resolution. The column fits easily in your pocket:

  • model name: JBL Micro II;
  • price: 1860 rubles;
  • specifications: power 2.70 W, battery powered and USB;
  • pluses: high-quality sound;
  • cons: high cost.

The device has less power, some functions have been simplified or completely removed. However, such a simplified version will fit into the budget of any person due to the affordable cost:

  • model name: Radial Micro;
  • price: 2900 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 2x10 W, mains supply, iPod/iPhone support;
  • pluses: stylish design, control panel;
  • cons: phonite.

The ultra-portable speakers are available in four colors with a modern design. Quality product with Bluetooth support and built-in audio cable:

  • model name: JBL On Tour Micro;
  • price: 848 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 2.20 W, battery powered and USB;
  • pluses: convenient device of small size and weight;
  • cons: quiet playback.

From the radio

The multifunctional device of the new generation combines several functions at once. This is not just a column, but also an alarm clock, a radio and a lamp:

  • model name: JBL Horizon;
  • price: 4570 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 2x5 W, mains supply, Bluetooth, mini jack cable;
  • pluses: radio and alarm clock;
  • cons: the light sensor is very muffled in night mode.

With the help of the device, you can listen to music before going to bed or during the morning awakening, setting the alarm clock in accordance with the current wishes of the consumer:

  • model name: JBL Horizon White;
  • price: 4990 rubles;
  • pluses: radio alarm clock and additional charging for USB devices;
  • cons: the power supply is black, which violates the aesthetics of the device.

The gadget works in several modes, so if there is a desire to listen to the radio, this is easy to do using the switch. Using the system, you can simultaneously charge several mobile devices:

  • model name: JBL Horizon Black;
  • price: 4990 rubles;
  • characteristics: power 10 W, sensitivity 85.2 dB, frequency range from 70 Hz to 20 kHz;
  • pluses: built-in clock and alarm clock;
  • cons: it is difficult to make out the characters at a distance of more than two meters.

How to choose a JBL speaker

Acoustics should be selected based on specifications, however, do not forget about such important selection criteria as operating conditions and personal preferences. If you're looking for a powerful piece of equipment for outdoor adventures, then the waterproof Charge series is the best choice. The protective coating will ensure uninterrupted operation of the column even if accidentally immersed in water. The more compact versions don't have the best sound quality, so music lovers will love the backlit Pulse.

A gadget with a large battery, like the Clip series, will allow you to enjoy the device for a longer amount of time (compared to other versions). The GO device is compact and easy to carry around in your pocket or bag. However, the sound power and the number of bands in this version are inferior to its predecessors, so this speaker is best suited for solo walks or small companies.

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