Density of oil tp 22s at different temperatures. Turbine oils. TP oil decoding


OKP 02 5371 0200

Group B23

Registered in VIFS for te __

AGREED Goskomneftsheprodukt of the USSR



item No. 02-07 / 1-1-, dated 18.08.82


Department for Transportation and Supply of Gas p. ® 06-3 / 702 dated II.10.82.

TURBINE OIL Тp-22С Specifications. TU38.

(Instead of TU38.YU1821-81) Valid from & to O/

I "O 8J DpL: X

director of the VNII NP |-^^^^^< || КОДЬНЖОВ » >dl ": / th _ 198 ''

Head of Sh^b^dolom No. 6

with Sh.K. Bogdanov "D / n G I98J

Head of Laboratory No. 65 *(" E.E. Dovgopoly

"27" /2 198?

Head of Department No. 14

[.AT. Bulatnikov

"n _£_198^/ g.

VTI named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky p. No. I8505 / 188 dated 09.09.82

l.® 06-717-AG dated 08/25/82

PO "Ferganagoteorgsintez" p.y? 34/178 from "09/03/82


These technical specifications apply to turbine oil Tp-22s of selective purification with a composition of additives, produced from a mixture of low-sulfur and sulphurous oils and used for lubricating bearings, auxiliary mechanisms of turbine units, as well as for operation in control systems as a hydraulic fluid.

Turbine oil Tp-22S contains additives that improve antioxidant, demulsifying and anticorrosive properties.

The values ​​of quality indicators set in the table of the "Technical requirements" section correspond to the requirements of the highest quality category.

Tp-22s oil must be produced according to the technology approved in the prescribed manner.


Turbine oil Tp-22S must comply with the requirements of these technical specifications specified in the table.



Name of indicator

1. p Kinematic viscosity at 50 s, cSt

3. Acid number, mg KOH per 1 g of oil, no more



| J/cj/tg. [Las gp ■; Las mat

Ministry of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Industry of the USSR

OKP 02 5371 1200

Group B 23

Registered in VIFS for №_

from "" 1985

th "shl" main


Goskompefteprodukt of the USSR p. No. 07/1-1-144 dated 17.04.85.

Mingazprom Department of gas transportation and supply

item No. 06-3/373 dated 05/24/85

Change #2

to specifications TU 38.I0I82I-83


about/, //. /G

Introduction period from

Director's Guide:;|VNII NP

. ^^^^^^J1 Pcolnicosis

VTI im., F.E. Dzerzhinsky p.K? 18/504-97 of 15.04.85

Production Association "Fergananefteorgsintez" vol. No. 165149/298 dated 19.04.85

Head of Department No. 14 "■ 2 ^ & ^ * ZuV? Bulatnikov

a-Head of department No. 6. K. Bo g d ano v

OS? by cKOTTiiu I

Head of Laboratory No. 65 "" E ^ E. Dovgopoly

. . ; . . ■ "4

: J RTOV AND 11 ..,. H-1l "A yCJ-" V (_

i ip: С..:; -STR I 1985; l S-VVN Ptft.STRA-DII/

i ACS // ./

By expiration date.

The term of validity of technical conditions TU 38.I0I82I-83 "Turbine oil Tp-22S" was extended until August 1, 1991.

Introductory part.

The first paragraph has been revised:

"These technical specifications apply to turbine oil Tp-22S of selective purification with a composition of additives, produced from sulphurous or a mixture of sulphurous and low-sulphurous oils and used for lubricating bearings, auxiliary mechanisms of turbine units, as well as for operation in control systems as a hydraulic fluid."

Section I, table. Paragraph I.I4 is revised; the table is supplemented by paragraphs I.I8, I.I9 and the note:



Norm Test method

18. Density at 20 ° C, kg / m3 (g / cm 3)

19. Base oil coking

"Note. Indicators for paragraphs I.I8 and I.I9 are not standardized until 01.01.1988. They are determined for the accumulation of data."


Razra8. Ermakova

TURBINE OIL Тp-22С Specifications

Change No. 2 TU 38.I0I82I-83

from "" 1987


Goskomnefteprodukt of the USSR P. No. 07 / I-I-275 dated 09.09.87.

Mingazprom. Gas Transportation and Supply Department

/ ?, (r- D6~2>fa3jt from J3. -H"&Ur

CHANGE No. 3 to the technical specifications TU 38.I0I82I-83 TURBINE OIL Tp-22s

Introduction period from

Section I, table. one

Paragraph 19 and note to the table shall be deleted.

Clause 3.1. The second sentence should be amended to read: "A batch is any quantity of butter produced in the course of technological process according to the approved technology, homogeneous in terms of component composition and quality indicators, accompanied by one quality document issued upon acceptance based on the test of the combined sample.

Clause 3.2. Delete the words "According to him".

Introduction, first paragraph. The words "from sulphurous or mixture of sulphurous and low-sulfur oils" shall be replaced by "from sulphurous or low-sulphurous or mixtures of low-sulphurous and sulphurous Central Asian and West Siberian oils".



TURBINE OIL Тp-22С Specifications.

Change No. 3 TU 38.I0I82I-83

Litom sheet


OKI 02 5371 1200

USSR Ministry of Chemical and Oil Refining Industry

Group B 23

Registered with MCSM


Gossnab of the USSR P. Sh 083-31 / 276 dated 05/22/90


Deputy Head of the Department for the Development of the Production of Fuels, Viscous Oils and Lubricants of the USSR Minkhimneftecrom

L "P. Smirnov

State gas


item No. 03-2/226

dated 04.06.90

No. 18-504/69 dated May 24, 1990

Production Association "Ferghananefteorgsyytez" vol. 1473 dated 11.06.90 vol. 1778 dated 04.07.90

AMENDMENT JS 4 TU 38.101821-83 TURBINE OIL Tp-22s Introduction date

director of VNYYBP elnikov 1990

; y department L 14 ulatnikov 1990

/Deputy Head of Department $ 6 it V.V. Galkina

Head of Laboratory 65

E.E.Dovgopoly ___ 1990

By expiration date.

Validity period of technical conditions TU 38.I0I82I-83 "Turbine oil Tp-22S" was sold until August 1, 1996.

Introductory part. The third paragraph has been deleted.

Section I, table.

Paragraph 3 is set out in a new wording:

■ C I "shi. to I mm, c- dutsd. I 1 go, and dat

The table is supplemented with a note in the editorial: "The indicator according to clause 3, determined in accordance with GOST 5985-79, is not standardized until 01.01.93. It is determined for the accumulation of data."

Clause 5.2. excluded.

Change No. 4 TU 38.101821-83




OSH 02 5371 1200

Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation

Group B23

Registered in KShSOT for y_

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Name of indicator Norm Test method

4. Stability against oxidation:

Mass fraction of sediment after oxidation


Acid number after oxidation, yg KOH per 1 g of oil, not more than

5. Number of demulsification, sec, no more

6. Corrosion on steel rods



7. Flash point determined in an open crucible, V C, not below

8. Pour point, and C, not higher

9. Mass fraction of sulfur, no more

10. Mass fraction of water-soluble acids and alkalis

11. Transparency at 0°C



12. Soda sample of base oil in a cuvette 20 mm, optical density, no more

13. Mass fraction of mechanical impurities

14. Base oil color on CNT colorimeter, units of CNT, no more

15. Base oil ash content, %, no more




Name and designation of products

State standard designation

Designation of normative or technical document Name of the normative or technical document

G / t., * j yaiaz

1\id U ^sdirpl 1 PL L O 1 u!iOP1SLL

According to OKPO and barcode

iidnnc l OVANIS P rv D P r I l T p l


Manufacturer's address (zip code; city; street; house)

Name of original holder

Holder address (zip code; city;

original street; house)

Start date of product release Date of entry into force of a normative or technical document

Number of the certificate of conformity

Note. The norm for the indicator of clause 2, determined in accordance with GOST 25371-82, is not established until 01.01.85.


2.1. Turbine oil Tp-22S is a flammable liquid with a flash point of at least 186°C.

2.2. If the oil catches fire, the following fire extinguishing agents are applicable: sprayed water, foam; in case of volumetric quenching - carbon dioxide, the composition of the SFB, the composition "3.5" and steam.

2.3. Maximum allowable concentration of hydrocarbon vapors

in the air production premises- 300 mg/m 3 . The content of hydrocarbons in the air is determined by the UG-2 device ( technical description and operating instructions are attached to the device by the manufacturer; plant of chemical reagents, Cherkasy).

2.4. The maximum permissible concentration of oil mist in the air of the working area is 5 mg/m 3 . Determination of the content of oil mist in the air of the production room is carried out according to the method of determination harmful substances in the air, practical guide edited by O.D. Khalizova "Medicine", Moscow, 1966, ed. P, corrected and enlarged, p. 278.

2.5. In order to prevent the ingress of vapors into the air of the working room, it is necessary to seal the equipment, apparatus,]

)/7of*. datkg

loading and unloading processes. The room in which oil is handled must be equipped with adequate supply and exhaust ventilation.

2.6. When working with oil, you must use individual funds protection in accordance with standard industry standards approved by the State Committee of the Council of Ministers of the USSR on labor and social issues and the Presidium of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions.

Select the equipment you need from the list!

Equipment for purification, heating, filtration, nitriding of industrial, transformer, turbine oils and technical liquids in Krasnoyarsk Installations for separation, purification from mechanical impurities of industrial, energy oils, working fluids and fuels in Krasnoyarsk SOG-913K1M Liquid purification stand (centrifugal separator for oil and heating oil purification) SOG-913KT1M Liquid purification stand (centrifugal separator for cleaning oils and heating oil) SOG-913K1VZ Liquid cleaning stand (centrifugal separator for cleaning oils and diesel fuel) SOG-913KT1VZ Liquid cleaning stand (centrifugal separator for cleaning oils and diesel fuel) SOG-913K1F Liquid cleaning stand (centrifugal separator for cleaning oils and heating oil with a pre-filter) SOG-913KT1F Liquid purification stand (centrifugal separator for cleaning oils and heating oil with a pre-filter) SOG-913K1FVZ pre-filter) SOG-913KT1FVZ Stand for cleaning liquids (centrifugal separator for cleaning and oils, diesel and heating oil with a pre-filter) SOG-913K1N Liquid purification stand (centrifugal separator for cleaning oils and heating oil with a pump) SOG-913KT1N Liquid purification stand (centrifugal separator for cleaning oils and heating oil with a pump) STs- 1.5 (UOR-301U I-OM4) Marine centrifugal separator (for cleaning oils and heating oil with RMRRS certificate) STs-1.5A (UOR-301U I-UZ) Industrial centrifugal separator (for cleaning oils and heating oil) STs -1.5AV (UOR-301U II-UZ) Explosion-proof centrifugal separator (for cleaning oils, diesel and heating oil) STs-3 (UOR-401U I-OM 4) Marine centrifugal separator (for cleaning oils and heating oil with RMRRS certificate ) STs-3A (UOR-401U I-UZ) Industrial centrifugal separator (for cleaning oils and heating oil) STs-3AV (UOR-401U II-UZ) Explosion-proof centrifugal separator (for cleaning oils, diesel and heating oil) Filtration plants purification from mechanical impurities industrial, energy BF-04 Waste industrial oil filtration unit BFN-1000 Waste industrial oil filtration unit BFN-2000 Waste industrial oil filtration unit BFN-3000 Waste industrial oil filtration unit BFN-5000 Waste industrial oil filtration unit oils BFN-10000 Filtration unit for waste industrial oils Installations for heating, filtering, cleaning from mechanical impurities and water, industrial, energy oils, electrical insulating liquids in Krasnoyarsk UVF-250 Waste transformer oil purification unit UVF-500 (micro) Waste transformer oil purification unit UVF-1000 (mini) Waste transformer oil purification plant UVF-1000 UVF-2000 R-50 Waste Transformer Oil Purifier UVF-2000 Waste Transformer Oil Purifier UVF-3000 Waste Transformer Oil Purifier UVF-5000 (maxi) Waste Transformer Oil Purifier UVF-10000 Waste transformer oil purification unit UVF-10000 R Waste transformer oil purification unit Units for heating transformer, turbine, industrial oils and pumping industrial liquids in Krasnoyarsk linseed oils BNF-30 Waste industrial oil heating unit with filtration BNF-45 Waste industrial oil heating unit with filtration BNN-90 Waste industrial oil heating unit BNN-150 Waste industrial oil heating unit Devices for topping up high-voltage bushings UDZh-15 UDZH-30 Mobile unit for topping up liquids Units for nitriding, thermal vacuum drying, degassing of insulating oils in Krasnoyarsk Equipment for turbine oil regeneration URM-1000 Mobile unit for used transformer oil regeneration URM-2500 Mobile unit for used transformer oil regeneration URM-5000 Mobile waste transformer oil regeneration unit LRM-500 Mobile waste transformer oil regeneration line LRM-1000 Mobile waste transformer oil regeneration line OTM-250 Mobile waste turbine oil treatment plant OTM-500 Mobile waste turbine oil treatment unit OTM-1000 Mobile waste turbine oil treatment unit OTM-2000 Mobile waste turbine oil treatment unit OTM-3000 Mobile waste turbine oil treatment unit OTM-5000 Mobile waste turbine oil treatment plant OTM-10000 Mobile unit for used turbine oil treatment Units for transformer oil treatment without heating VGB-1000 Mobile vacuum hydraulic unit for used oil treatment VGB-2000 Mobile vacuum hydraulic unit for used oil treatment VGB-3000 Mobile vacuum hydraulic unit for used oil treatment Installations for reducing acidity and bypass with zeolite and silica gel in Krasnoyarsk BAF-2500 Mobile adsorber unit with used oil filtration BAF-5000 Mobile adsorber unit with used oil filtration BAN Mobile adsorber unit with BFA oil heating Mobile filter-adsorber UVM-01 Mobile line for complex recovery of used energy oil UVM-03 Mobile line for complex recovery of waste energy oil Equipment for testing the parameters of insulation of high-voltage cables, testing the insulation of protective equipment in Krasnoyarsk Equipment for testing the parameters of insulation of high-voltage cables in Krasnoyarsk IM-65 Installation for testing insulation with rectified voltage UPU-6 Universal breakdown installation UPU-10 Universal breakdown unit AV-20-0.1 High-voltage test apparatus (for testing VLF cable insulation) AV-50/70-R High-voltage test apparatus AV-50/70 High-voltage test apparatus AV-50/70-2 High-voltage test apparatus AV- 45-0.1 Appara high-voltage test apparatus (for testing VLF cable insulation) AV-45-0.1 RP High-voltage test apparatus (for testing VLF cable insulation) AV-60-0.1 RP High-voltage test apparatus (for testing VLF cable insulation) AV-70- 0.1 High-voltage test apparatus (for testing VLF cable insulation) K540-3 Power transformer parameter meter PBNI-3 Low-voltage measurement unit UIM-90 Installation for testing the breakdown voltage of transformer oil Equipment for testing the insulation of protective equipment in Krasnoyarsk AV-50/ 70-3 High-voltage test apparatus SVS-50 Stationary high-voltage stand SVS-100 Stationary high-voltage stand Measuring equipment in Krasnoyarsk ITV-140R High DC and AC current meters RD-30 DC and AC high voltage meters RD-140 DC high voltage meters and alternating current "Tangens-3M-3" Automated installation for measuring the dielectric x losses of transformer oil IPI-10-MOLNIYA Meter of insulation parameters "GROZA-1" Measuring complex Equipment for searching for damage to the insulation of high-voltage cables in Krasnoyarsk GAUV-20-8 Generator of acoustic shock waves GAUV-5-130 Generator of acoustic shock waves GAUV- 5-260 Acoustic shock wave generator GAUV-20-16 Acoustic shock wave generator GAUV-22-3 Acoustic shock wave generator "ISKRA-3M" High-voltage oscillographic reflectometer "ISKRA-4" High-voltage oscillographic reflectometer GZCH-2500 Audio frequency generator P-806 Receiver for finding faults in power cables "POISK-2006M" Receiver for finding faults in power cables "POISK-2016" Receiver for finding faults in power cables SVA-6 High-voltage acoustic stand SVP-05 High-voltage mobile stand for burning defective cable insulation SVPA Stand mobile high-voltage stand for burning defective cable insulation SVPA-GPI High-voltage mobile stand for I burned defective cable insulation Autoelectrolaboratories cable, electrical in the city of Krasnoyarsk KAEL-3 Mobile cable electrical laboratory KAEL-5 Mobile cable electrical laboratory ETL-35 Mobile electrical laboratory KAELP-35-M Mobile cable electrical laboratory Equipment for the repair of transformers, electric motors up to 100 kW, high-voltage disconnections in Krasnoyarsk UVOS-1 Winding pull-out unit stator UVP-1 Installation for pressing out bearings UMN-1 Installation for heating bearings in oil UOOS-1 Installation for cutting stator windings UPSE-1 Installation for turning the stator of an electric motor Equipment for applying galvanic and electrolytic coatings, jet chemical treatment (etching, developing, removing photoresist) in g Krasnoyarsk Equipment for electroplating in Krasnoyarsk UGZP-500 UHN-20M protective electroplating unit chemical nickel plating UHN-200M Chemical nickel plating unit UHN-250M Chemical nickel plating unit UHN-400M Chemical nickel plating unit VK-5 Bell bath (immersion type) VK-10 Bell bath (immersion type) VK-20 Bell bath (immersion type) VK-40 Bell bath (immersion type) Equipment for electrolytic coating in Krasnoyarsk KN-3 Bulk bell KN-5 Bulk bell KN-10 Bulk bell KN-25 Bulk bell KN-40 Bulk bell Equipment for chemical blasting (etching, development, removal of photoresist) in Krasnoyarsk LSL-1 Laboratory jet chemical treatment line LSM-1 Small jet chemical treatment line LSM-1R Line for removing tin from the surface and holes of printed circuit boards LS-1 water IO-2 Installation of ion-exchange treatment of wash water Equipment for filtration, regeneration, filling and storage of electrical olita in Krasnoyarsk UDE-2 Alkaline electrolyte preparation and dosing unit UDE-2K Acid electrolyte preparation and dosing unit KR-1 Alkaline electrolyte regeneration unit KR-1K Acid battery electrolyte regeneration, finishing and dosing unit UFE-1 Electrolyte filtration unit Bath for the preparation of electrolyte (acid and alkaline) Automatic charging and discharging devices. Rectifiers for electroplating in Krasnoyarsk Multi-channel chargers AZU-N Automated charger VZA-20-18-4 Automated charging rectifier (four channels) VZA-20-36-2 Automated charging rectifier (two channels) VZA-20-36- 4 Automated charging rectifier (four channels) VZA-30-36-2 Automated charging rectifier (two channels) VZA-30-18-4 Automated charging rectifier (four channels) VZA-63-36-4 Automated charging rectifier (four channels) VZA-30-36-4 Automated charging rectifier (four-channel) Charge-discharge converters VZA-R-63-36 Charge-discharge rectifier VZA-R-63-80 Charge-discharge rectifier VZA-R-80 -80 Charge-discharge rectifier-converter VZA-R-80-110 Charge-discharge rectifier-converter VZA-R-110-55 Charge-discharge rectifier-converter VZA-R-110-110 Rectifier-converter charger-discharge VZA-R-150-80 Rectifier-charger-discharge converter Starter chargers PZU-600/50-130 Starter charger PZU-800/63-80 Starter charger PZU-800/80-40 Starter charger PZU-1000/80 -150 Starter charger PZU-1000/100-80 Starter charger PZU-1200/110-110 Starter charger PZU-1200/150-80 Starter charger PZU-2000/200-110 Starter charger Rectifiers for galvanization (electrolysis) TE1-100- 24T Rectifier unit TE1-100-48T Rectifier unit TE1-200-12T Rectifier unit TE1-200-24T Rectifier unit TE1-200-48T Rectifier unit

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Designed for high speed steam turbines, as well as turbocompressor machines, centrifugal compressors in cases where the viscosity of the oil provides the necessary anti-wear properties.

Price: 55224 rub. / 1 ton

Physical and chemical characteristics TU 38.101821-2001

The name of indicators Norm
1. Kinematic viscosity at 40С, mm2/s28,8-35,2
at 50С, mm2/s20-23
2. Viscosity index, not less than95
3. Acid number, mg KOH/g0,04-0,07
4. Stability against oxidation, not more than at 150С, 16 h and oxygen consumption 3 dm3/h:
mass fraction of sediment, %, no more0,01
acid number, mg KOH/g, max0,15
volatile acids, mg KOH/g, no more0,15
5. Demulsification time, sec, no more180
6. Corrosion on steel rodsAbsence
7. Flash point in an open crucible, C, not lower186
8. Pour point C, not higher-15
9. Mass fraction of sulfur, %, no more0,5
10. pH of the aqueous extract of the tested oil6,0-8,5
11. Color on the calorimeter of CNT, units of CNT, no more1,5
12. The content of mechanical impurities,%, no more0,005
13. Water contentAbsence
14. Phenol content in base oil, %, max0,005
15. Density at 15С, kg/m3, no more903
16. Oxidation characteristics of inhibited petroleum oils:
sediment after 1000 hours of oxidation, %, no more0,005
acid number after 2000 h. tests, mg KOH/g, no more2,00

Application conditions:

Used as delivered.

Warranty period of storage is 1 year.

packing: 205 l.

Lubricating technical liquid, or Tp-22s brand oil, is used for long-term operation of various types of turbines, turbine compressors and other mechanisms of a similar purpose.

Tp-22s oil, characteristics:

Kinematic viscosity at 50 degrees Celsius - 20.3, and at 40 degrees - 30.4 square millimeters per second;
- the density of Tp-22s oil at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius is 875 kilograms per cubic meter of lubricating fluid;
- minimum flash point in the open state of the crucible - 198 degrees Celsius;
- maximum pour point of oil - "minus" 17 degrees Celsius;
- the percentage of sulfur in the composition of the oil is not more than 0.06 percent.

Advantageous features of TP oil

The oil of the line of lubricating fluids Tp, including Tp-22s, incorporates a complex of special additives that can ensure reliable performance of the equipment. In particular, it is approved and used at power generating stations of RAO UES. At the same time, it has such competitive advantages during application:
- exhibits high parameters of resistance to oxidation processes;
- possesses resistance to preservation of anticorrosive properties;
- not subject to foaming, being among the rotating parts of the equipment;
- has a good demulsifying ability;
- reliably and efficiently protects turbine shafts and their bearings from wear.

TP oil decoding

Turbine oils are marked with the letter indices "Tp" or "T" and a combination of numbers and letters that classify their intended use, in particular, TP-22s means that this is a turbine oil intended for high-speed turbines and centrifugal compressors. It has a wide range of applications and is therefore the most common.

TP 22 oil analogues

An analogue of Tp-22s in terms of the scope of the lubricating fluid is T30 oil.

operation of turbine oil tp 22s

Turbine oils operate under severe operating conditions, but the lubricant must not be allowed to overheat by using various cooling systems.

oil overheating tp 22s consequences

Overheating of turbine oil leads to such negative consequences as “oil aging”, which manifests itself:
- in increasing the oxidation of the lubricating fluid;
- in increasing the viscosity parameters;
- leads to a decrease in the flash point;
- and decrease in deemulsion properties.


Turbine oil TP 22C is a lubricant intended for use primarily in steam turbines. This is evidenced by the very designation TP, which means "steam turbines".

Application of oil TP 22S

In addition, turbine oil TP 22S is widely used in centrifugal compressors and turbochargers. The main reason for the use of turbine oil TP 22S is the need to improve the anti-wear properties of turbines, as well as compressors.

Due to its composition, this engine oil has become the most widely used in Russia and the CIS countries, thanks to which it began to be produced by the largest oil refineries in the country, such as Lukoil and others. It should be noted that TP 22C oils produced by Lukoil have two varieties - grades 1 and 2.

Its properties make this turbine oil excellent for use in gas turbines steam, as well as hydroelectric installations. It is also widely used in the operation of marine turbines, and often serves the operation of transmission mechanisms.

Turbine oil composition

Machine turbine oil TP 22S, the specifications of which are provided for by the technical conditions TU 38.101821-83, has a special composition, the reason for which is the raw material for the production of this oil.

As a rule, it is produced from crude oil with a fairly large capacity of sulfur and waxy compounds. The raw materials for the production of this turbine lubricant are purified by a special method, using selective solvents for cleaning. An important fact is that TP 22C oils do not contain additives with extreme pressure properties.

Like any other machine oil, TP 22C incorporates a certain package of additives that enhances its basic properties.

The main properties of this oil should be considered the following:

  • high antioxidant resistance to precipitation formation;
  • anticorrosive composition;
  • high demulsibility.

Technical characteristics of turbine oil TP 22S

This oil has the following characteristics that determine its scope:

  • Its kinematic viscosity is at different temperatures (50 and 40 degrees Celsius) values ​​​​from 20 to 23 and from 28.8 to 35.2 mm² / s, respectively. In this case, the viscosity index of the oil is 90 units.
  • The alkalinity of TP 22C has a fairly low value - up to 0.07 mg KOH / g, which makes it possible to largely avoid negative impact oxidative processes.
  • According to the specifications, the pour and flash point in an open crucible forms a range from minus 15 to plus 186 degrees Celsius, at which oil operation is possible, which ensures the operation of turbines with a sufficiently large amount of excess heat.
  • In addition, TP 22C does not contain acidic or alkaline compounds, mechanical additives, or phenol at all. But at the same time, turbine lubricant contains sulfur substances at a level of up to 0.5%.

These oils have a fairly high stability against oxidation. As an example, the mass fraction of sediment is not more than 0.05 ppm.

This and other indicators are the lowest among analogues, which allows this turbine oil to remain the most used among other types of lubricants for turbine installations.

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