The last anti-mine ships of the sea zone of the Soviet Union. Minelayers and minesweepers


The appearance of what at first seemed to be universal means of combating mines ahead of the course of the ship required the creation of very expensive anti-mine ships of a new class - minesweepers and minesweepers and their latest anti-mine weapons, which are based on reusable self-propelled underwater vehicles (PA). In addition, this led to the creation and introduction of special channels into bottom mines, causing the mines to explode from the physical fields of the underwater vehicle and destroy it, which turns out to be economically beneficial, given the higher cost of UA compared to a bottom mine and the incomparable numerical ratio of bottom mines and UA .

In addition, by the beginning of the 1980s, the combat capabilities of mines had increased many times over, including the depth of setting, the multi-channel and multiple actions of fuses, the difficulty of detection (dielectric materials of the hulls, silt, etc.), the secrecy of setting (submarines, aviation). Particularly dangerous in this regard was the anchor mine adopted by the United States in 1976 with a laying depth of 500-1000 m, which poses a serious danger to submarines.

Scheme of laying a mine (container with a torpedo) Mark 60 CAPTOR

Therefore, in the late 1970s - early 1980s, there was an urgent need to create a new generation of mine-sweeping ships with the widest use of automation and remote control, with improved habitability and increased navigation safety. More attention has been paid to environmental issues.

The first studies on the creation of a new sea minesweeper were carried out in the 1970s. The design of the ship began with the Western Design Bureau (chief designers N.P. Pegov and V.S. Sergeev) in 1972, then, according to one of the options, the installation of a minesweeper helicopter on the ship was worked out. However, even without this, the displacement of the ship increased to 1150 tons, and the power plant remained the same according to the 266M project. At the same time, a low-speed power plant and a bow thruster were additionally installed.

Project 12660 sea minesweeper

The armament of this ship includes a new anti-mine complex for searching for bottom, bottom and anchor mines along the course, as well as contact and non-contact trawls. The most advanced mine-sweeping armament was installed on the minesweeper: a mine destruction complex with a self-propelled homing anti-mine projectile-torpedo "Cobra" and a self-propelled anti-mine projectile - a torpedo for cutting minreps "Gyurza" according to the target designation of the ship (both projectiles were created at the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor"), self-propelled remote-controlled searcher-destroyer "Ketmen", searcher-destroyer "Halibut", electromagnetic and acoustic trawls, mine detection sonar "Kabarga", etc. The ship's combat equipment consisted of a 76-mm AK-176 gun, a 30-mm fire control "Vympel" and MANPADS "Strela-3".

The deep-sea sonar towed finder-destroyer of bottom mines "Halibut" began to be developed at the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor" in 1976. In comparison with the Luch-1 searcher, in the new product, the detected objects should not only be marked with markers, but, if necessary, destroyed directly in the process of towing. The GAS for the seeker was created at the Morfizpribor Central Research Institute. Soon, work on the entire Halibut system was transferred to the Ural branch of the Central Research Institute Gidropribor (Chief Designers Kh.Kh. Davletgildeev and V.I. K.E.Voroshilova. The seeker-destroyer was tested and in 1985 was adopted by the Navy, but due to shortcomings in the sonar system, it did not enter mass production.

The development of the new GASM "Kakarga", modifications of which were installed on the raid and sea minesweepers of the Navy, was completed in 1990 by the Research Institute "Breeze". However, in terms of the level of secondary information processing and interaction with anti-mine weapons, it practically does not differ from previous models of stations.

At the same time, after the appearance in the Soviet Navy of effective ship-based mine detection stations of the "Kabarga" type in the 1980s. work continues on the creation of self-propelled mine-destroyers. In 1989, the second-generation self-propelled remote-controlled seeker-destroyer of the second generation STIU-2 "Ketmen" was adopted by the fleet, working on target designation of the ship's sonar mine detection station at depths of up to 100 m. It was developed by the Ural branch of the Central Research Institute "Gidropribor" (Chief Designer A .A.Kazin).

STIU-2 provides search at a speed of up to 3 knots and the destruction of bottom and anchor mines ahead of the course of the minesweeper. A charge was placed on the detected mine (there are two of them on the apparatus with an explosive charge of 130 kg each), and after the SIU retreated to a safe distance, the mine was detonated.

Model of the self-propelled remote-controlled searcher-destroyer STIU-2 "Ketmen"

The construction of Project 12660 ships has been carried out at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard since 1983. The ships were built from low-magnetic steel to combat deep-sea anti-submarine mines of the Captor type and to provide mine support for ships and transports in remote sea areas. The lead minesweeper Zheleznyakov was built at the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard in 1988. The dimensions of the ship required, when removed from the slipway in the workshop, to increase the opening of the workshop gates, and the trigger device withstood the maximum load at the time of descent. Deliveries of new equipment were late, which complicated and delayed the timing of the installation work.

The two ships "Zheleznyakov" and "V. Gumanenko" that entered service significantly outperform mine action by several times. The construction of the hull of the third ship was discontinued due to lack of funding.

The creation of Project 12660 ships is a whole era in Soviet shipbuilding. They became the first sea minesweepers of the USSR Navy, capable of conducting mine action ahead of the course and combating modern deep-sea mines. The experience gained during their creation and use is invaluable in the further design of mine defense ships.

According to the MTSC shipbuilding program of project 12660 (known in NATO as Gorya) it was supposed to build much more than it was possible. Already in the process of testing, it became clear that the project was very complex and the ship turned out to be large. And besides, the Soviet Union collapsed, other times came, and funding for the defense sector dropped sharply. Therefore, it was decided to build new sea minesweepers in the hull of the well-proven MTShch project 266M, but with new means of searching for and destroying mines, which should not have been as expensive as the 12660 Rubin project.

Modern approaches to mine action

In recent decades, a significant technological breakthrough has been the creation of minesweepers-searchers. Only the leading maritime powers and countries with high level development of industry, mainly through the implementation of the principle of interstate cooperation.

The modern concept of mine action, known as , is based on the active use of sonar weapons of mine-sweeping ships to search, detect and examine all immovable underwater mine-like objects found within the given boundaries of water areas.

According to the results of the survey, mine-like objects classified as mines should be marked on an electronic map (entered into the data bank) and destroyed, and information about foreign objects (wrecks, industrial waste, large stones, noticeable bottom folds, etc.) should be also entered into the data bank to identify acoustic contacts during subsequent search operations in these water areas.

The basis of the anti-mine armament of modern ships of this direction are sonar mine detection stations, anti-mine remote-controlled vehicles and automated control systems for mine action.

As is known, the leading position in the construction of modern minesweepers and the creation of the main components of their anti-mine weapons is occupied by firms from Great Britain, France, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands and the USA. In recent years, firms from Japan, Sweden, Norway, South Korea have also joined them, building minesweepers with anti-mine weapons supplied in whole or in part by firms of the above countries. Most states are not able to build such ships and are forced to purchase them from exporting countries.

In an effort to keep up with the leading maritime powers, in the 1990s, the enterprises of the Russian defense complex prepared proposals for the modernization of anti-mine ships, then, for export to Russian minesweepers of the 10750E and 266ME types, it was proposed to install mine detection stations MG-89M, MG-991, MG -992M and MG-993M, self-propelled remote-controlled underwater vehicles for additional search and destruction of mines (ROV) "Ropan-PM", "Route".

In the promotional materials of the Western Design Bureau, it was noted that the satisfaction modern requirements contributes to the installation on the ship of project 266ME and the use of GAS mine detection (Propelled variable depth sonar - PVDS) with a receiving and emitting system located on a self-propelled remote-controlled underwater vehicle (Remotely operated vehicle - ROV), which ensures the detection, identification and classification of mines far ahead of the ship. The range of the GASM in this case is not limited either by the interference generated by the ship or by the hydrological conditions of the sea. The destruction of mines after detection can be carried out by an apparatus of the same family, which has the function of a mine destroyer.

As experts from the Central Research Institute Gidropribor noted at one time, the creation and development of means for searching and destroying mines will be a priority in the development of anti-mine weapons. New trends in this direction are seen in the creation of self-propelled sonar mine detection stations with a variable depth of immersion of their receiving and emitting antennas, anti-mine disposable projectiles - destroyers, towed mine detection stations as part of unmanned carriers.

In addition, the use of seemingly traditional anti-mine means with the greatest efficiency requires the use modern technologies. The latter was clearly visible during a visit to St. Petersburg by the permanent mine-sweeping formation of the NATO regional command of the NATO Allied Forces "North" at the end of 2004. Almost every ship had perfect means of space communications and navigation.

In addition, all ships in the group of minesweepers were equipped with special devices for remote search for mines. For example, a Belgian minesweeper (displacement 595 tons, length 51.5 m, crew 46 people) had two self-propelled remote-controlled underwater vehicles for searching for mines PAP 104 (operating depth up to 200 m), a mine detection sonar station, another necessary equipment and equipment. He, like the Dutch M857 Makkum, was created by a joint Franco-Belgian-Dutch development.

M857 Makkum

Even the oldest ship that came to the Neva is the Polish minesweeper Czajka (tail number 624, displacement 507 tons, length 58.2 m, crew 49 people) of the Krogulec class (type 206FM), built in 1967 in Gdynia, despite its advanced age conforming to NATO standards, it had two small submersibles to search for mines of Polish development.

German mine search apparatus Pinguin B3. Demolition charges are fixed under the hull.

Special purpose, whose task is to search, detect and destroy sea mines and guide ships (vessels) through minefields. They are the main component of mine-sweeping forces.

  • contact - which are usually strong chains with a number of knives mounted on them and a diverter-dipper at the end; with their help, minreps of mines are cut, pop-up mines are shot;
  • acoustic - designed to detonate mines with acoustic fuses, imitate the acoustic picture of the passage of a large ship;
  • electromagnetic (solenoid) - similarly to acoustic, they imitate the electromagnetic radiation of the target.

In accordance with this, requirements for acoustic, electromagnetic stealth are imposed on the minesweeper. To meet them, the following measures are taken:

  • Constructive. The hull of the minesweeper is made of non-magnetic materials (wood, plastic), dimensions and draft are limited, demagnetizing devices are installed, damping and soundproofing of mechanisms are used, non-cavitating propellers.
  • Preventive. Periodically, or before trawling, the physical fields of the ship (primarily acoustic and magnetic) are measured, and their reduction is carried out.
  • Tactical. The ship is used in modes that minimize induced fields: low speeds to reduce noise and dynamic pressure, movement along the Earth's magnetic lines, if possible, etc.

Minesweepers were first used by the Russian fleet in Port Arthur in 1904.

The appearance of minesweepers-searchers of mines was caused by the improvement of mine fuses, which reduced the reliability of etching. Therefore, a logical development of combat trawling was proposed: not to use trawls, but to search for and destroy mines with explosive charges. The main weapons here are search vehicles or swimmers-miners. The conditions for their use become more important, although the requirements for reducing the physical fields of the mine detector remain.

By 2000, the fleets of the world had 60 minesweepers, 181 minesweepers, one squadron of minesweepers (22÷24 vehicles).

Aircraft can also be used as minesweepers. So during the Second World War, a number of bomber aircraft of the British Air Force were converted for these purposes. At the same time, a number of aircraft of the German Air Force Junkers Yu 52 underwent similar modifications. Currently, US Navy MH-53E helicopters are actively used as minesweepers.

see also


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See what "Sweeper" is in other dictionaries:

    See trawler Dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language. Practical guide. M.: Russian language. Z. E. Alexandrova. 2011 minesweeper n. trawler Slo... Synonym dictionary

    - (Mine sweeper) a warship designed to detect and destroy mines with trawls and has special equipment for this. There are the following types of T.: 1) high-speed T., designed to travel together with the fleet or its ... ... Marine Dictionary

    A warship for detecting and destroying sea mines with the help of trawls and for guiding ships (vessels) through minefields following the trawls. Minesweepers are sea, river, etc ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Minesweeper, minesweeper, husband. 1. Small fishing vessel equipped with trawls (special). 2. A military vessel equipped with trawls for catching underwater mines (military sea). Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

    MINESWEEPER, a, husband. Military trawling vessel (previously also the same as trawler). Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

    minesweeper- a warship designed to search, detect, destroy sea mines and guide ships behind trawls through minefields. There are squadron, basic, raid, river minesweepers. Displacement 100 1300 tons, equipped with mine ... ... Marine Biographical Dictionary

    MINESWEEPER- a warship designed to search for, detect, destroy sea mines and guide ships (vessels) behind trawls (see (2)) through minefields. There are T.: sea, basic, raid, river; they are equipped with ship trawls, ... ... Great Polytechnic Encyclopedia

    BUT; m. 1. Fishing vessel equipped with trawls (1 character); = trawler. 2. A military vessel that catches underwater mines with trawls (3 digits) and destroys them. 3. A military miner on such a ship. * * * minesweeper warship for detection and destruction… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    - (see trawl) 1) a warship designed to detect and destroy mines; 2) the same as the trawler. New dictionary of foreign words. by EdwART, 2009. minesweeper [eng. trawler] - 1) a military vessel of small size and with a small draft, ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    I m. 1. A fishing vessel equipped with trawls [trawl 1.]. 2. Vessel designed to detect and destroy mines with trawls [trawl 2.]. II m. 1. The one who leads the fishing with the help of a trawl [trawl 1.]; trawlmaster. 2. The one who is working on ... ... Modern explanatory dictionary of the Russian language Efremova


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At the end of 2016, by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy, two rank III sea minesweepers of project 266M "Vice-Admiral Zhukov" (Black Sea Fleet) and "Komendor" (SF) were excluded from the fleet. While there is nothing to replace them with, the Sredne-Nevsky Shipbuilding Plant did not receive new orders for sea or raid minesweepers for the domestic navy.

The sea minesweeper "" was built at the Sredne-Nevsky shipbuilding plant in 1974. He was part of the 144th tactical group of minesweepers of the 7th guards brigade of ships protecting the water area of ​​the Red Banner Kola Flotilla. In 2009, the ship was undergoing repairs at the Nerpa shipyard.
Similar to the "Komendor" "" was also built at the SNSZ in 1978. It was part of the 150th tactical group of minesweepers of the Red Banner 68th brigade of ships protecting the water area of ​​the Crimean naval base. According to one of the former crew members, the minesweeper was repeatedly damaged. Even before signing the acceptance certificate, he received a hole on the starboard side. Also during the exercises in the 1980s, the minesweeper was damaged by a training missile. In March 2017, the ship expelled from the Navy was being dismantled at the berth of the 91st shipyard. At the same time, according to the sailor, Zhukov was in working order back in 2016 despite its age.

The situation when the domestic mine-sweeping forces experience a shortage of ships for decades is unacceptable, said the head of the veteran organization of the Navy’s minesweeping formations, Captain II rank, retired Nikolai Ivanov.

“I happened to serve, among other things, on the project 254 sea minesweeper, almost three hundred of them were built,” Ivanov said. “Modern basic project 12700 minesweepers may be effective, but only three dozen are planned to be built.” The officer added that "not providing the fleet with minesweepers is a crime."
“We, veterans whose service ended in the last century, are constantly raising the issue of providing the fleet with such ships. The Navy is in dire need of raid and sea minesweepers, as well as modern domestic equipment for them,” he concluded.

Minesweepers for the Navy are currently being built only by the Sredne-Nevsky Shipyard. The last sea minesweeper for the Navy - "" - was built by the enterprise in 2008. In early 2009, he became part of the Black Sea Fleet. The only ship of project 02668, code "Agat", was laid down in 1990.

SNSZ also built nine project 10750 road minesweepers, including the Alatau RT for Kazakhstan. On June 1, the Navy of the Republic put it into service. For the Russian Navy, such ships are not currently being built.

As TsVMP was told in the press service of the plant, the enterprise is ready to build raid minesweepers, but there are no orders yet. At the same time, the production capacities of SNSZ are not fully loaded.
From 2001 to 2014, the Baltic Fleet alone decommissioned at least seven minesweepers. At the same time, relatively new Project 12592 ships, built in 1990, were withdrawn from the fleet in 2014. We are talking about RT-254, RT-139 and RT-141. According to the "auction" documents, they were sold in parts. In the announcement of the auction, the hulls of three minesweepers were designated as "uncut mixed scrap of ferrous and non-ferrous metals"

Marine minesweepers of project 266M (code "Aquamarine-M") are designed for escorting ships and vessels behind trawls, reconnaissance and control trawling, laying fairways in minefields, as well as for participation in mine laying in the far zone from their bases.

Dmitry Zhavoronkov

Scheme of minesweeper minesweeping.

They are the main component of the Navy of the armed forces of individual states of the world.

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In connection with the appearance of a new type of weapon in service with the fleets of the armed forces of many states - a sea mine, retaliatory measures were also required to successfully solve the eternal sword-shield problem, and it was successfully solved for the first time in the Russian Imperial Navy. Minesweepers were first used by the Russian Imperial Navy in Port Arthur in 1904.

The appearance of minesweepers-seekers of mines was caused by the improvement of mine fuses, which reduced the reliability of clearing. Therefore, a logical development of combat trawling was proposed: not to use trawls, but to search for and destroy mines with explosive charges. The main weapons here are search vehicles or swimmers-miners. The conditions for their use become more important, although the requirements for reducing the physical fields of the mine detector remain.

By 2000, the world's fleets had 60 minesweepers, 181 minesweepers, one squadron of minesweepers (22÷24 vehicles).

Aviation equipment can also be used as minesweepers. So during the Second World War, a number of bomber aircraft of the British Air Force were converted for these purposes. At the same time, a number of German Air Force (Luftwaffe) Junkers Yu 52 aircraft underwent similar modifications. To combat magnetic mines, they were equipped with large conductive rings and separate engines with generators to create a powerful magnetic field. The disadvantages of such systems, in addition to complicated piloting, was that with overly sensitive mine fuses, they could detonate right under the plane, which was forced to fly above the very surface of the water. In addition, mines could only be destroyed in this way at a very shallow depth. Currently, US Navy MH-53E helicopters are actively used as minesweepers.

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In accordance with this, requirements for acoustic, electromagnetic stealth are imposed on the minesweeper. To meet them, the following measures are taken:

  • Constructive. The hull of the minesweeper is made of non-magnetic materials (wood, plastic), dimensions and draft are limited, demagnetizing devices are installed, damping and soundproofing of mechanisms are used, non-cavitating propellers.
  • Preventive. Periodically or before trawling, the physical fields of the ship (primarily acoustic and magnetic) are measured, and their reduction is carried out.
  • Tactical. The ship is used in modes that minimize induced fields: low speeds to reduce noise and dynamic pressure, movement along the Earth's magnetic lines, if possible, etc.

Minesweepers "Clues" (TShch No. 54 / TShch No. 56) and "Drummer" (TShch No. 53 / TShch No. 57) were built at the Putilov plant in Petrograd and put into operation in 1917. In 1937, the ships were re-equipped. "Kluz" died in 1941, and "Drummer" - in 1942. The performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 190 tons, total displacement - 210 tons; length - 43.7 m, width - 6.1 m; draft - 2.5 m; speed - 12 knots; power plants - 2 steam engines and 2 steam boilers; power - 350 hp; fuel reserve - 18 tons of oil; cruising range - 1.1 thousand miles; crew - 37 people. Armament: 1x1 - 76 mm gun; 1x1 - 47-mm anti-aircraft gun; 2x1 - 7.62 mm machine gun; 36 min.

Minesweepers "Patron" and "Flame" were built at the British shipyard "Smiths Dock" by order of Russia and put into operation in 1914. "Patron" died in 1941, and "Flame" was disarmed in 1947. The performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 500 tons, total - 613 tons; length - 44.4 m, width - 7.5 m; draft - 4, m; speed - 12 knots; power plants - steam engine and steam boiler; power - 600 hp; fuel supply - 100 tons of coal; cruising range - 3 thousand miles; crew - 44 people. Armament: 1x1 - 76 mm gun; 1x1 - 37 mm anti-aircraft gun; 2x1 - 7.62 mm machine gun; 45 min.

A series of minesweepers of project No. 3 consisted of 8 units (Charge, Buoy, Cartridge, Land mine, Tral, Minrep, Cargo, Shield), built at factories No. 190 and No. 201 and put into service in 1936-1938. The minesweepers "Tral" and "Shield" were decommissioned in 1955 and 1956. The rest of the ships were lost in 1941-1943. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 428 tons, total displacement - 445 tons; length - 62 m, width - 7.2 m; draft - 2 m; speed - 18.5 knots; power plants - 2 diesel engines; power - 2.9 thousand hp; fuel supply - 62 tons of solarium; cruising range - 2.9 thousand miles; crew - 42 people. Armament: 1x1 - 100 mm gun; 1x1 - 45-mm anti-aircraft gun; 2x1 - 12.7 mm machine gun; 20 depth charges; 31 min.

A series of minesweepers of project No. 53 consisted of 10 units (Strela, Rope, Cutter, Conductor, Milestone, Cheka, Fuse, Seeker, Mine, Defender) built at factories No. 190 and No. 201 and put into operation in 1938. The minesweepers "Fuse" and "Defender" died in 1942 and 1943. The rest of the ships were decommissioned in 1950-1956. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 410 tons, total displacement - 503 tons; length - 62 m, width - 7.2 m; draft - 2.3 m; speed - 17.8 knots; power plants - 2 diesel engines; power - 2.5 thousand hp; fuel supply - 60 tons of solarium; cruising range - 3.4 thousand miles; crew - 70 people. Armament: 1x1 - 100 mm guns; 1x1 - 45 mm and 1x20 mm anti-aircraft gun; 4x1 - 12.7 mm machine gun; 20 depth charges; 28 min.

Minesweeper "T-205" (Gaffel)

A series of minesweepers of project No. 53-U consisted of 15 units ("Gafel", "Verp", "Shpil", "Pulley", "Knecht", "Gak", "Rym", "Stag", "Kramol", "Bougel ”, “T-215”, “T-216”, “Rear Admiral Yurkovskiy”, “T-218”, “Rear Admiral Horoshkhin”) built at factories No. 363 and No. 370 and put into operation in 1939-1944 gg. The minesweepers "Verp", "Pulley", "Knecht", "Stag", "Kramol", "Bugel" and "T-216" were lost in 1941. The rest of the ships were decommissioned in 1955-1961. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 417 tons, total displacement - 480 tons; length - 62 m, width - 7.4 m; draft - 2.2 m; speed - 18.2 knots; power plants - 2 diesel engines; power - 2.9 thousand hp; fuel supply - 62 tons of solarium; cruising range - 2.8 thousand miles; crew - 70 people. Armament: 1x1 - 100 mm gun; 1x1 - 45 mm and 1x20 mm anti-aircraft gun; 4x1 - 12.7 mm machine gun; 31 min.

A series of minesweepers of project No. 58 consisted of 7 units ("Paravan", "Capsule", "Anchor", "Harpoon", "Explosion", "T-412", "T-413") built at shipyards No. 201 and adopted in system in 1938-1941. Minesweepers "Explosion" and "T-413" were lost during the war. The remaining ships were decommissioned in 1950-1956. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 406 tons, total displacement - 459 tons; length - 62 m, width - 7.4 m; draft - 2.2 m; speed - 18.5 knots; power plants - 2 diesel engines; power - 2.8 thousand hp; fuel supply - 62 tons of solarium; cruising range - 3.3 thousand miles; crew - 47 people. Armament: 1x1 - 100 mm gun; 1x1 - 45 mm gun; 4x1 - 12.7 mm machine gun; 2 bombers; 28 min; 20 depth charges.

From a series of sea minesweepers of project No. 59 during the war, two ships "Vladimir Polukhin" and "Vasily Gromov" were built, commissioned in 1942 and 1943. The ships were built at factories #363 and #370. Decommissioned in 1956-1957. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 690 tons, total displacement - 879 tons; length - 79 m, width - 8.1 m; draft - 2.5 m; speed - 22.4 knots; power plants - 2 steam turbine plants and 2 steam boilers; power - 8 thousand hp; fuel reserve - 190 tons of oil; cruising range - 2 thousand miles; crew - 125 people. Armament: 2x1 - 100 mm guns; 1x1 - 45 mm gun; 3x1 - 37 mm and 2x1 - 20 mm anti-aircraft guns; 4x1 - 12.7 mm machine gun; release gear; 20 minutes; 20 depth charges.

The first series "M-1" minesweepers of project No. 253-L included 34 units ("T-351" - "T-364", "T-370" - "T-389") built at the Leningrad Plants No. 189, No. 190, No. 370 and commissioned in 1943-1944. During the war, 6 ships were lost, the rest were decommissioned in 1953-1957. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 113 tons, total displacement - 127 tons; length - 38 m, width - 5.7 m; draft - 1.4 m; speed - 14 knots; power plants - 3 diesel engines; power - 690 hp; fuel supply - 10 tons of solarium; cruising range - 2.5 thousand miles; crew - 21 people. Armament: 2x1 - 45 mm guns; 2x1 - 12.7 mm machine gun; 2 bombers; 12 min.

The first series of M-2 minesweepers of Project No. 253-L included 58 units built at Leningrad Plants No. 189, No. 190, No. 370 and put into operation in 1945. The ships were decommissioned in 1950-1956. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 128 tons, total displacement - 143 tons; length - 38 m, width - 5.7 m; draft - 1.4 m; speed - 12.5 knots; power plants - 3 diesel engines; power - 480 hp; fuel supply - 12 tons of solarium; cruising range - 3.1 thousand miles; crew - 21 people. Armament: 2x1 - 45 mm guns; 2x2 - 12.7 mm machine gun; 2 bombers; 12 min.

A series of minesweepers of the "RT" type consisted of 28 ships similar in performance characteristics and architecture converted from fishing trawlers. The ships were built in 1928-1939. and mobilized into the Northern or Baltic Fleet in 1941. During the war, 7 ships were lost, the rest were disarmed after the war. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 1 - 1.5 thousand tons; length - 48 - 57 m, width - 9 m; draft - 4.5 - 5 m; speed - 9 - 12 knots; power plants - steam engine and steam engine; power - 650 - 700 hp; cruising range - 4 - 6 thousand miles; crew - 43 - 54 people. Armament: 2x1 - 76 mm or 2x1 - 45 mm guns and 1x1 - 37 mm gun; 2x1 - 20 mm anti-aircraft guns or 2-3x1 -7.62 mm machine guns; 2 bombers.

A series of fishing trawlers of the Glavdalvokrybprom trust, consisting of 6 vessels (Plastun, Ara, Gagara, Cormorant, Sokol, Terek), built in 1929-1933. was mobilized in 1933-1938. and in 1935-1939. rebuilt into minesweepers with the designation No. 11 - No. 17. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 1.1 - 1.3 thousand tons; length - 50 - 54 m, width - 8 - 9 m; draft - 4 - 5 m; speed - 8.5 - 10 knots; power plants - steam engine and steam boiler; power - 650 - 770 hp; cruising range -2 - 3.8 thousand miles; crew - 50 - 60 people. Armament: 1x1 - 102-mm or 76-mm gun and/or 2x1-45-mm guns; 3-5x1 - 7.62 mm machine gun; 40-70 min.

A series of minesweepers of the "Soviet Russia" type consisted of 13 units of former cargo scows and cargo schooners: "Soviet Russia", "Kiziltash", "Khadzhibey", "Konka", "Sivash", "Valery Chkalov", "Khosta", "Beloberezhye ”, “Sary-Kamyshi”, “Egurcha”, “Manych”. They were built in 1880-1922. and mobilized in 1941. During the war, 5 ships were lost, the rest were disarmed in 1944-1946. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 0.3 - 1.4 tons; length - 43 - 74 m, width - 8 - 10 m; draft - 2.4 - 3.8 m; speed - 6 - 8 knots; power plants - 1-2 steam engines; power - 230 - 700 hp; cruising range 0.5 - 1.7 thousand miles; crew - 40 - 44 people. Armament: 3-4x1 - 45 mm guns; 1x2 - 20-mm anti-aircraft guns; 2x1 - 12.7 mm machine gun; 50 min.

The ship was built in 1916-1925 as a messenger ship. In 1927 it was converted into a minesweeper. In 1929 and 1933 passed overhaul. The ship was lost in 1943. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 400 tons; length - 40.5 m, width - 6.2 m; draft - 2.9 m; speed - 7 knots; power plants - steam engine and steam boiler; power - 300 hp; cruising range 300 miles; crew - 40 people. Armament: 1x1 - 45 mm gun; 6 min.

The coastal steamer was built in 1898. In 1924 it was converted into a minesweeper. It was overhauled in 1925 and 1930-1932. In 1944 she was reclassified into a self-propelled mother ship, and in 1945 - into an experimental vessel. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 500 tons; length - 46.2 m, width - 6.5 m; draft - 4 m; speed - 8 knots; power plants - steam engine and steam boiler; power - 400 hp; cruising range - 550 miles; crew - 40 people. Armament: 2x1 - 45 mm guns; 6 min.

A series of minesweepers of the "Pioneer" type consisted of 8 converted cargo ships of the Azov Shipping Company: "Pioneer", "Countryman", "Labor (Worker / Tractor Driver)," Worker "," Mestkom "," Delegate ", "Raykomvod", "Sudkom" . The ships were built in 1929-1930. and mobilized in 1941. During the war, 3 ships died, the rest were disarmed in 1944. The performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 2 - tons; length - 74 m, width - 10 m; draft - 3 m; speed - 10 knots; power plants - 2 diesel engines; power - 750 hp; cruising range 3.5 - 3.9 thousand miles; crew - 50 people. Armament: 2x1 - 76 mm and 1-2x1 - 45 mm guns; 1x2 - 20-mm anti-aircraft gun; 2x1 - 7.62 mm machine gun; 120 min.

A series of minesweepers of the Khenkin type consisted of 5 units of former tugboats mobilized in 1941 (Baikal, Gelendzhik, Kakhovka, Ochakovsky Canal, Khenkin) built in 1890 - 1935. All of them died in 1941-1943. The performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 200 - 345 tons; length - 31 - 35 m, width - 6 - 6.7 m; draft - 3.5 - 3.7 m; speed - 8 - 12 knots; power plants - steam engine; power - 350 - 450 hp; cruising range 1.0 - 1.5 thousand miles. Armament: 1x1 - 45 mm gun; 2x1 - 7.62 mm machine guns.

Minesweepers "Nord" and "Ost" were built as passenger ships in 1931-1932. and were mobilized in 1941. The minesweeper "Ost" died in 1943, and the "Nord" was disarmed in 1946. The performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 285 tons; length - 37.6 m, width - 6.6 m; draft - 2.9 m; speed - 8 - 12 knots; power plants - diesel engine; power - 375 hp; cruising range 1 thousand miles. Armament: 2x1 - 45 mm guns; 2x1 - 12.7 mm machine gun.

A series of minesweepers of the "Moscow" type consisted of 35 units ("Aunus", "Balmashev", "Barometer", "Beluga", "Combat", "Val", "Breakwater", "Zarnitsa", "Charge", "Zhelyabov" , "Emelyan Pugachev", "Engineer", "Crab", "Lyapidevsky", "Laine", "Moscow", "Olonka", "Lake", "Sturgeon", "Frost", "Molotov", "Sailor No. 1 ”, “Norek”, “Petrozavodsk”, “Pyarnu”, “Sigovets”, “Som”, “Sever”, “Stepan Razin”, “Rainbow”, “Tosmar”, “Seal”, “Shuya”) of former tugboats , icebreaking tugs, messengers and hydrographic vessels, close in performance characteristics and mobilized in 1941.

The ships were built in 1870 - 1938. During the war, 11 ships were lost, the rest were disarmed in 1944-1945. TTX of the ship: standard displacement - 140 - 488 tons; length - 22 - 47 m, width - 4.8 - 11 m; draft - 1.6 - 4 m; speed - 8 - 12 knots; power plants - 1-2 steam engines and 2 steam boilers; power - 200 - 750 hp; cruising range 0.2 - 1.3 thousand miles; crew - 30 - 38 people. Armament: 1-2x1 - 45 mm or 1x1 - 75 mm guns; 2x1 - 7.62 mm or 12.7 mm machine gun.

A series of minesweepers of the "Izhorets" type consisted of 37 units ("No. 35", "No. 37", "No. 41", "No. 42", "No. 43", "No. 44", "No. 45", "No. 46" , "No. 47", "No. 48", "No. 59", "No. 63", "No. 65", "No. 80", "No. 81", "T-81", "No. 82", "T- 82", "#83", "#84", "#85", "#86", "#87", "#88", "#89", "#93", "#94", "# 103", "#104", "#121", "#124", "#125", "#126", "#127", "#128", "#129", "#175", "# 176", "No. 179", "UK-4") of the former tugboats mobilized in 1941. The ships were built in 1935 - 1939. During the war, 16 ships were lost, the rest were disarmed in 1944-1945. Performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 140 -150 tons; length - 23 - 35 m, width - 5.5 - 6 m; draft - 2 - 2.3 m; speed - 8 - 9 knots; power plants - steam engine and steam boiler; power - 200 - hp; fuel supply - 20 tons of coal; cruising range 0.6 thousand miles; crew - 30 people. Armament: 1x1 - 45 mm gun; 2x1 - 7.62 mm machine gun; 6 depth charges.

In 1941, 4 tugboats of the White Sea-Onega Shipping Company ("Dzerzhinsky", "Menzhinsky", "Sergey Kirov", "Ordzhonikidze"), built in 1934, were converted into minesweepers "No. 72, No. 73, No. 74 and No. 75 respectively. Ships No. 73 and No. 74 were lost in 1941, the rest were disarmed in 1944. The performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 460 - 470 tons; length - 38 m, width - 7.6 m; draft - 2.3 - 2.6 m; speed - 8 - 9 knots; power plants - steam engine and steam boiler; power - 450 hp; cruising range 0.6 - 1.3 thousand miles; crew - 48 people. Armament: 1-2x1 - 45 mm; guns 2x1 - 7.62 mm or 1x1 - 12.7 mm machine gun.

In 1942, 5 river wheeled tugboats of the Northern River Shipping Company ("Defense", "Plekhanov", "Limenda", "Natsflot", "Mighty") were converted into minesweepers of the White Sea Flotilla under the designation RTSC No. 429, RTSC No. 430, RTSC No. 431, RTS No. 432 and RTS No. 433, respectively. The ships were built in 1931. The minesweepers were disarmed in 1944. The performance characteristics of the ship: standard displacement - 200 tons; length - 38 m, width - 6 m; draft - 0.8 m; speed - 6 - 7 knots; power plants - steam engine and steam boiler; power - 450 hp; cruising range - 0.6 thousand miles; crew - 26 people. Armament: 2x1 - 45 mm guns; 2x1 - 7.62 mm machine guns.

A series of minesweepers of the Leningrad type consisted of 15 units of former river wheeled towing steamers: Babushkin, Baidukov, Belyakov, Danilin, Zhuravlev, Kuznetsk, Leningrad, Mazuruk, Papanin ”, “Stalingrad”, “Frunze”, “Kharkov”, “Chernenko”, “Chkalov”, “Yumashev”. They were built in 1932-1938. and mobilized in 1935-1941. The ships were disarmed in 1943-1945. TTX of the ship: standard displacement - 195 - 290 tons; length - 47 - 49 m, width -13 - 15 m; draft - 1 - 1.5 m; speed - 7 - 8 knots; power plants - steam engine and steam boiler; power - 200 - 300 hp; cruising range - 0.9 thousand miles; crew - 47 people. Armament: 1x1 - 45 mm weapon; 2x1 - 7.62 mm machine guns, 40 - 50 min.

A series of minesweepers of the Bosphorus type consisted of 15 units of former tugboats:. Patroclus, T-18, T-19, Diomede, T-22, T-23, T-24, Belyakov, Chkalov, Cloud, "Thunderstorm", "Polar explorer", "Drummer", "Shchors", "Chapaev". They were built in 1921-1938. and mobilized in 1932-1941. The ships were disarmed in 1994-1945. TTX of the ship: standard displacement - 180 - 480 tons; length - 29 - 41 m, width - 5.4 - 7.6 m; draft - 2.6 - 4.6 m; speed - 8 - 9 knots; power plants - steam engine and steam boiler; power - 400 - 750 hp; cruising range - 0.4 - 2 thousand miles; crew - 37 - 50 people. Armament: 1x1 - 75 mm or 2x1 - 45 mm guns; 4x1 - 7.62 mm anti-aircraft machine guns; 6 min.

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