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Cancer is a malignant tumor that can form in any organ, and over time it only increases. The structure of the tumor depends on the age of the person and the presence of other diseases. Before describing the symptoms, you need to understand what cancer is.

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What is cancer (disease)

Basically, cancer is described depending on its location in the body, if the disease appears in the gastrointestinal tract, there is a sharp decrease in weight, called cachexia, then anemia appears. If cancer affects the liver, a person feels exhausted, metabolism slows down. The localization of a malignant tumor demonstrates a clinical picture, if it is located in the final part of the stomach, symptoms of stenosis will appear. Because of this, food will not enter the intestines. But if the disease appeared in the initial part of the stomach, then dysphagia will appear - food will not enter the stomach or will come, but in small quantities.

In the future, at a late stage of the disease, all symptoms intensify, but they are not associated with the main cancerous tumor, but with metastases that have penetrated deep into the tissues of the body. For example, the symptoms of lung cancer can be expressed through the brain if metastases penetrate into it. For example, doctors say that prostate cancer can only be detected after checking the bones, if there are pain sensations and metastases in the bones, this indicates prostate cancer.

All malignant tumors, not including local symptoms, which are associated with only one organ, have certain general symptoms. The further the tumor develops, the more it destroys the internal organs, and the most important systems of the body. Over time, changes occur in the metabolism, endocrine, nervous and immune systems. Because of this, the tumor has a double effect, either it destroys only one organ, or it destroys the whole system. When exposed to one organ, the tumor poisons healthy tissue, which is in close proximity to the neoplasm. The local influence of a cancerous tumor is detected during the test, if the patient complains of certain symptoms. There are several groups of cancer symptoms: obstruction, destruction, compression. Each group has its own characteristics: destruction - destruction of the tumor, obturation - narrowing of the lumen of the organ, compression - pressure on the organ.

Why is it important to confirm/deny cancer symptoms?

There are chances of a cure for the disease if it is detected as early as possible and treatment is started immediately. A person can immediately be examined and detect cancer when he did not have time to develop it, and the tumor does not have huge size. This means that the cancer has not had time to affect other organs, it is not large and can be cured. As a rule, doctors prescribe an operation with the complete removal of a cancerous tumor, this method can cure cancer in the first stages. It is imperative to start treatment if skin melanoma is present, it can be removed quite simply if it has not deepened and pierced the inner layers of the skin. But very often, melanoma develops rapidly and penetrates too deeply, so it is impossible to carry out any treatment, only if it has not yet deepened. A person has 5 years to be treated if the melanoma is not very advanced.

Often a psychological factor comes into play - a person is afraid to see a doctor, he believes that an operation or cancer treatment can provoke complications, and he tries to ignore any symptoms that he notices. Of course, symptoms such as fatigue and diarrhea are not necessarily related to cancer, but they can indicate the presence of cancer and should be checked anyway. Also, the girl may think that the standard uterine fibroids and cysts do not indicate the presence of cancer, perhaps this is a common disease that will pass with time. But the more a person ignores the symptoms, the greater the chance that the disease will deepen and become incurable after a while. Very often, perfectly healthy people discover that they have cancer after taking tests, while they did not have any symptoms, and if a person has at least one symptom related to cancer, you need to go to the doctor immediately.

Five Common Signs of Cancer

You need to understand what the non-specific symptoms of this disease are. First, a person may suddenly lose weight for no reason, or there will be changes in skin color and acne. Secondly, the presence of any infection is evidenced by a high temperature, cancer is no exception. Of course, there are general symptoms that apply immediately to all diseases taken together, but still remember the main symptoms of cancer in order to see a doctor in time.
  • Rapid Weight Loss - Almost all people diagnosed with cancer have lost most of their weight during the illness. If you lose at least 5-7 kilograms for no apparent reason, you need to be checked in the hospital for cancer. It may be related to gastrointestinal cancer.

  • Fever (high temperature) - A high temperature indicates the presence of cancer, especially if it affects entire organ systems. Basically, the fever is due to the fact that cancer negatively affects the immune system, and the body fights the infection and activates its forces, unfortunately, without success. But the temperature does not appear at the initial stage of cancer, so if there were no other symptoms before the temperature, this may not apply to cancer.

  • Weakness - weakness increases gradually, when the disease penetrates deep into the body. But fatigue can develop at the very beginning after the body is damaged, for example, if there is a hemorrhage in the stomach or large intestine. Due to the loss of blood, severe fatigue and discomfort appear inside the body.

  • Pain - pain appears in the initial stages of the disease, if there are several tumors in the body. Often, pain indicates damage to the entire body system.

  • Changes in the epidermis - hyperpigmentation occurs, jaundice, erythema, urticaria and so on appear. Tumors may appear on the skin and hair may grow stronger, which indicates the presence of cancer.

Seven symptoms of cancer that need attention

Above we have listed the main non-specific symptoms, but you need to know the main symptoms with which you can determine the presence of the disease. Immediately it is worth mentioning that the symptoms are not found in all cases, moreover, they are common to other diseases. But still, you need to immediately contact a therapist and tell about all the symptoms so that he can prescribe tests and a complete medical examination of the body.
  • Violations in the genitourinary system and stool disorders - chronic constipation or diarrhea often occurs, the amount of feces and its color may change, which indicates colon cancer. If you experience pain when urinating and you see blood in your urine, you should see your doctor right away. Often there is too frequent urge to urinate for no apparent reason, which indicates problems with the prostate gland.

  • Ulcers and wounds do not go away for a long time - very often tumors look like an ulcer, and at the same time they bleed heavily. If there is a small sore in the mouth that does not go away all the time, this is a sign of mouth cancer. It occurs most often in smokers and alcoholics. If there are sores on the vagina or penis, you should immediately undergo an examination, as this indicates a serious infection of the body.

  • Strange discharge of pus or blood - if the disease developed a very long time ago and you did not notice it, strange bleeding or discharge of pus may begin. For example, if you cough up pus with blood when coughing, this is lung cancer, and if blood is found in the stool, then this is colon cancer. In the presence of cervical cancer, there is a chance of bleeding from the vagina, and if blood appears in the urine, this is bladder cancer, it is possible that the kidneys are also infected. If blood comes out of the nipple, it indicates breast cancer.

  • Small lumps in any part of the body - if the tumor is palpable through the skin in the testicles, breast and other soft tissues, this indicates the presence of cancer. Moreover, it is impossible to say for sure whether this is the initial form or a neglected one, but if you notice a seal, immediately inform the doctor. Over time, it will increase.

  • Difficulty swallowing and problems with the gastrointestinal tract - very often the symptoms indicate cancer of the stomach or intestines, consult a doctor immediately.

  • The appearance of moles or warts - if there were already moles, and they became larger or changed color, you need to see a doctor. It is quite possible that this is melanoma, and if examined, it can be cured at the initial stage.

  • Hoarse voice or severe cough - A persistent cough indicates lung cancer, if the voice disappears, it is thyroid or throat cancer.

Atypical cancer symptoms

Far from the most common symptoms of cancer, which also indicate the development of the disease:
  • The appearance of sores on the tongue and mouth;

  • Changing the color of warts and moles, changing their size;

  • Sore throat, severe and painful cough;

  • Thickening and knots in the nipples, dense bumps in the testicles, mammary glands and other places;

  • Pain when urinating;

  • Strange discharge of pus and blood;

  • Trouble swallowing and abdominal pain, especially in the elderly

  • severe migraine;

  • Sudden loss of appetite or weight;

  • An increase or decrease in temperature for no reason indicates the presence of cancer;

  • Persistent infection for no apparent reason;

  • Violation of the cycle of menstruation;

  • Tumors that do not respond to treatment;

  • Redness of the lips and skin, yellowness in the eyes and on the skin;

  • Strange swelling that has never appeared before;

  • Bad breath.

But keep in mind that these symptoms indicate not only the presence of cancer, but also other diseases. In any case, you need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination and find out what the problem is.

Symptoms of cancer of different organs

  • Stomach cancer

With stomach cancer, it is impossible to say exactly which symptoms prevail the most, since there are a lot of them. Very often, doctors ascertain chronic gastritis and other non-serious diseases without doing serious examinations. They usually prescribe medications that do not cause even the slightest relief. But professionals can comprehensively analyze all the symptoms and identify the presence of cancer, the main system for detecting cancer was introduced by L. I. Savitsky. He compiled a list of mild symptoms and common symptoms for other illnesses that can reveal whether a person has stomach cancer or is a symptom that is not related to this disease.

Only when the cancer has gone deep into the tissues of the body does a person develop severe symptoms: severe pain in the stomach, which is felt even in the back, increased weakness and unwillingness to do anything, a sharp weight loss for a long time. Doctors pay attention to the skin, it becomes very pale, and in some cases acquires an earthy hue. But at the initial stage, the skin color remains the same.

The main symptoms: retraction of the nipple and its compaction, bloody and incomprehensible discharge from the nipple. Very often, cancer is accompanied without pain, but in the presence of mastopathy, the pain appears and intensifies every day.

  • Skin cancer

There are several forms: infiltrative, nodular and ulcerative. Squamous cell carcinoma develops very quickly, in order to identify it, doctors conduct a painless crossing of all nodules that have a pink or yellow color. The nodes may have translucent pearl-colored edges with the formation of pigmentation. Tumor formation gradually progresses, and very quickly. But there are forms of cancer that develop slowly, they can develop for years, and a person does not even know about their presence. Further, several nodules communicate with each other and form a dense and painful neoplasm, which has a dark color. It is at this stage that people go to the doctor.
  • Rectal cancer

As in other cases, at the initial stage there are no symptoms of cancer, but the tumor continues to grow and after a while the intestinal lumen closes. There are painful sensations, since the feces cannot pass freely, this provokes the release of blood and pus. Over time, the feces become deformed and change their color, in medicine this is called a ribbon-like stool. Colon cancer has been compared to hemorrhoids, but with hemorrhoids, it appears at the end of a bowel movement, not at the beginning. In the future, there are frequent urge to defecate, frequent discharge of bloody-purulent masses that have a disgusting odor.
  • Lungs' cancer

It all depends on where the tumor appeared. It can appear in the tissue of the lungs or in the bronchus, if a tumor appears in the bronchus, the person begins to cough daily. The cough is dry and painful, after a while there is sputum with blood. Periodically there is inflammation of the lungs, for example, pneumonia. Because of it, other symptoms appear: chest pain, a temperature of 40 degrees, pain in the head, weakness and inability to concentrate.
If the cancer is formed in the tissue of the lungs, then the disease will pass without any symptoms, which only complicates the situation, because the person does not undergo a medical examination. If you take an x-ray, you can identify the initial tumor.

  • Uterine cancer

Mostly women complain of strange pains and regular bleeding even after menstruation. But these symptoms only indicate that the tumor is gradually disintegrating and the cancer is already in advanced form. The initial form of uterine cancer does not manifest itself in any way, so women are not examined. Leucorrhoea, an unpleasant watery or mucous discharge that is mixed with blood, also speaks of cancer. Often whites have a very unpleasant smell, but not in all cases, sometimes they do not smell of anything. In the presence of strange secretions, consult a doctor, it is quite possible that the cancer has not yet passed into a deep and advanced stage and there are chances for a cure.

Oncological diseases occupy a leading position in terms of patient mortality worldwide. A complete cure for cancer patients is possible only in the early stages of the disease, but many types of malignant neoplasms at the initial stage of formation are almost asymptomatic. However, there are a number of common oncological signs by which you can independently suspect the presence of cancer.

General symptoms

Oncologists point to the existence of the so-called small symptom complex, the detection of which is considered a reason for an immediate consultation with an oncologist:

  • severe fatigue and gradual deterioration of health;
  • headaches, dizziness, night sweats and progressive general weakness;
  • persistent subfebrile body temperature, periodic febrile conditions in the evening;
  • prolonged itching of the skin, violation of the structure and shape of birthmarks, nevi and moles;
  • an asymmetric increase in some areas of the papilloma with the formation of a red corolla, a sensation of a "foreign body" and tingling of the skin;
  • symmetrical enlargement of a group of lymph nodes in the cervical region, inguinal or axillary areas;
  • chronic course of ulcers, cracks and erosions on the skin or in the oral cavity;
  • an increase in the volume of soft tissues, which is accompanied by an atypical color and pattern of the skin in this area;
  • frequent attacks of bone pain, pathological fractures and local hyperthermia.

Specific signs of the disease

Oncologists are wary of the following symptoms:

  • severe and prolonged pain when swallowing food. Such pain can be repeated repeatedly. Over time, the patient may experience tingling, scratching, and a "foreign object" feeling in the throat;
  • retention of food in the esophagus;
  • constant feeling of fullness in the stomach with frequent belching during meals;
  • the presence of mucous and blood inclusions in the feces in combination with dull pain in the anus;
  • prolonged purulent discharge from the nasal passages, which are not associated with rhinitis and sinusitis;
  • persistent and recurrent bouts of dry cough, chest pain and bloody sputum;
  • changes in acuity and a decrease in the field of view;
  • constant headaches, lack of coordination of movements;
  • frequent urge to urinate, mucous-blood discharge from the genitals, chronic pain in the pelvic area.


Examination of feces

Examination of a patient with suspected bowel cancer necessarily includes an analysis of feces for the presence of blood elements. Recent research by scientists at the University of Potsdam has led to the development of an innovative method for diagnosing intestinal cancer. The essence of the technique is to identify cancer cells that stand out from a malignant neoplasm of the gastrointestinal tract. It is noteworthy that such an analysis is able to diagnose early forms of oncology in the absence of specific symptoms of cancer.

General urine analysis

It allows you to determine the general condition of the urinary system. By the color of urine and the inclusion of leukocytes and erythrocytes, oncology or inflammatory-destructive changes in the kidneys can be suspected. Subsequent diagnosis requires additional diagnostic procedures and a doctor's consultation.

AT recent times information appeared in the press about the successful scientific research of American scientists in the field of diagnosing bladder and prostate cancer based on the results of urine tests.

General blood analysis

The development of malignant neoplasms provokes an increase in the concentration of certain biologically active substances in the blood. These substances are called tumor markers. Determination of the amount of a specific protein in the circulatory system is considered an integral part of the screening examination.

Cancer screening

A diagnostic technique that allows to establish the presence of a cancerous lesion in the preclinical stage of tumor development. Is it possible to determine cancer by blood analysis by analyzing the number of tumor markers? A blood test has such goals as early detection of cancerous tumors, differentiation of malignant and benign processes, monitoring the results and effectiveness of anticancer treatment, as well as timely detection of recurrence of the disease.

For diagnosis, blood is taken from the patient on an empty stomach. The duration of a laboratory study, as a rule, is one day.

The traditional set of oncomarkers includes:

  1. CEA marker, which indicates the presence of neoplasms and metastatic lesions of internal organs;
  2. CA 19-9 marker for the detection of pancreatic tumors;
  3. CA-15-3-marker, which makes it possible to detect breast cancer;
  4. CA-125 is a marker of metastatic and cancerous lesions of the ovaries.

Is it possible to determine cancer on its own by the level of tumor markers? It is impossible to answer unambiguously. The concentration of such substances can increase against the background of chronic inflammatory processes or viral infection of the body. Concerning an oncologist should analyze the results of a laboratory study, which in most cases recommends that the patient undergo an additional diagnostic examination.

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Diagnosis of cancerous tumors is a comprehensive examination using specific instrumental and laboratory methods. It is carried out according to indications, among which there are violations identified by a standard clinical blood test.

Malignant neoplasms grow very intensively, while consuming vitamins and microelements, as well as releasing the products of their vital activity into the blood, leading to significant intoxication of the body. Nutrients are taken from the blood, the products of their processing also get there, which affects its composition. Therefore, it is often during routine examinations and laboratory tests that signs of a dangerous disease are detected.

Cancer can be suspected based on the results of standard and special studies. In pathological processes in the body, changes in the composition and properties of blood are reflected in:

  • general blood test;
  • biochemical research;
  • analysis for tumor markers.

However, it is impossible to reliably determine cancer by a blood test. Deviations of any indicators can be caused by diseases that are in no way connected with oncology. Even a specific and most informative analysis for tumor markers does not give a 100% guarantee of the presence or absence of a disease and needs to be confirmed.

Is it possible to determine oncology (cancer) by a general blood test?

This type of laboratory study gives an idea of ​​the number of basic shaped elements that are responsible for the functions of the blood. A decrease or increase in any indicators is a signal of trouble, including the presence of neoplasms. A sample is taken from a finger (sometimes from a vein) in the morning, on an empty stomach. The table below lists the major categories of CBC or CBC and their normal values.

When interpreting the analyzes, it must be taken into account that, depending on gender and age, the indicators may vary, and there are also physiological reasons for increasing or decreasing values.

Name, unit of measurement Description Quantity
Hemoglobin (HGB), g/l Component of erythrocytes, transports oxygen 120-140
Erythrocytes (RBC), cells/l Red cell count 4-5x10 12
color index Has diagnostic value in anemia 0,85-1,05
Reticulocytes (RTC). % young erythrocytes 0,2-1,2%
Platelets (PLT), cells/l Provide hemostasis 180-320x10 9
ESR (ESR), mm/h The rate of sedimentation in the plasma of erythrocytes 2-15
Leukocytes (WBC), cells/l Perform protective functions: maintaining immunity, fighting foreign agents and removing dead cells 4-9x10 9
Lymphocytes (LYM), % These elements are the components of the concept of "leukocytes". Their number and ratio is called the leukocyte formula, which is of great diagnostic value in many diseases. 25-40
Eosinophils, % 0,5-5
Basophils, % 0-1
Monocytes, % 3-9
Neutrophils: stab 1-6
segmented 47-72
myelocytes 0
metamyelocytes 0

Almost all of these blood counts in oncology change in the direction of decrease or increase. What exactly does the doctor pay attention to when studying the results of the analysis:

  • ESR. The erythrocyte sedimentation rate in the plasma is above normal. Physiologically, this can be explained by menstruation in women, increased physical activity, stress, etc. However, if the excess is significant and is accompanied by symptoms of general weakness and subfebrile temperature, cancer can be suspected.
  • Neutrophils. Their number has been increased. Especially dangerous is the appearance of new, immature cells (myelocytes and metamyelocytes) in the peripheral blood, which is characteristic of neuroblastomas and other oncological diseases.
  • Lymphocytes. These indicators of KLA in oncology are above the norm, since it is this blood element that is responsible for immunity and fights cancer cells.
  • Hemoglobin. It decreases if there are tumor processes of internal organs. This is explained by the fact that the waste products of tumor cells damage red blood cells, reducing their number.
  • Leukocytes. The number of white blood cells, as tests show in oncology, always decreases if the bone marrow is affected by metastases. The leukocyte formula is shifted to the left. Neoplasms of another localization lead to an increase.

It should be borne in mind that a decrease in hemoglobin and the number of red blood cells is characteristic of ordinary anemia caused by iron deficiency. An increase in ESR is observed in inflammatory processes. Therefore, such signs of oncology in a blood test are considered indirect and need to be confirmed.

Biochemical research

The purpose of this analysis, which is carried out annually, is to obtain information about the metabolism, the work of various internal organs, the balance of vitamins and microelements. A biochemical blood test for oncology is also informative, since a change in certain values ​​allows us to draw conclusions about the presence of cancerous tumors. From the table you can find out what indicators should be normal.

It is possible to suspect cancer by a biochemical blood test when the following values ​​​​are not normal:

  • Albumin and total protein. They characterize the total amount of proteins in the blood serum and the content of the main one. A developing neoplasm actively consumes protein, so this indicator is significantly reduced. If the liver is affected, then even with good nutrition, there is a deficiency.
  • Glucose. Cancer of the reproductive (especially female) system, liver, lungs affects the synthesis of insulin, inhibiting it. As a result, symptoms of diabetes mellitus appear, which reflects a biochemical blood test for cancer (sugar levels rise).
  • Alkaline phosphatase. Increases, first of all, with bone tumors or metastases in them. It may also indicate oncology of the gallbladder, liver.
  • Urea. This criterion allows you to evaluate the work of the kidneys, and if it is elevated, there is a pathology of the organ or there is an intensive breakdown of the protein in the body. The latter phenomenon is characteristic of tumor intoxication.
  • Bilirubin and alanine aminotransferase (ALAT). An increase in the amount of these compounds informs about liver damage, including a cancerous tumor.

If cancer is suspected, a biochemical blood test cannot be used as a confirmation of the diagnosis. Even if there are coincidences on all points, additional laboratory tests will be required. As for blood donation itself, it is taken from a vein in the morning, and it is impossible to eat and drink (boiled water is allowed) from the previous evening.

Basic analysis

If a biochemical and general blood test in oncology gives only a general idea of ​​the presence of a pathological process, then a study on tumor markers even allows you to determine the location of a malignant neoplasm. This is the name of a blood test for cancer, which identifies specific compounds produced by the tumor itself or the body in response to its presence.

In total, about 200 tumor markers are known, but a little more than twenty are used for diagnosis. Some of them are specific, that is, they indicate damage to a particular organ, while others can be detected during different types cancer. For example, alpha-fetoprotein is a common oncomarker for oncology, it is found in almost 70% of patients. The same applies to CEA (cancer-embryonic antigen). Therefore, to determine the type of tumor, blood is examined for a combination of common and specific tumor markers:

  • Protein S-100, NSE – brain;
  • , SA-72-4, - the mammary gland is affected;
  • , alpha-fetoprotein - cervix;
  • , hCG - ovaries;
  • , CEA, NSE, SCC - lungs;
  • AFP, SA-125 - liver;
  • SA 19-9, CEA, - stomach and pancreas;
  • SA-72-4, CEA - intestines;
  • - prostate;
  • , AFP - testicles;
  • Protein S-100 - skin.

But with all the accuracy and information content, the diagnosis of oncology by a blood test for tumor markers is preliminary. The presence of antigens can be a sign of inflammation and other diseases, and CEA is always elevated in smokers. Therefore, without confirmation by instrumental studies, the diagnosis is not made.

Can you get a good blood test for cancer?

This question is legitimate. If bad results are not a confirmation of cancer, can it be the other way around? Yes it is possible. The result of the analysis may be affected by the small size of the tumor or the use of drugs (given that for each tumor marker there is a specific list of drugs, the use of which can lead to false positive or false negative results, the attending physician and laboratory staff should be notified of the drugs taken by the patient).

Even if the blood tests are good and instrumental diagnostics did not give a result, but there are subjective complaints of pain, we can talk about an extraorgan tumor. For example, its retroperitoneal variety is detected already at stage 4, before that it practically did not let you know about yourself. The age factor also matters, since metabolism slows down over the years, and antigens also enter the blood slowly.

What blood parameters show oncology in women

The risk of getting cancer is approximately the same for both sexes, but the beautiful half of humanity has an additional vulnerability. The female reproductive system is at high risk of cancer, especially the mammary glands, which makes breast cancer the 2nd most common cancer among all malignant neoplasms. The epithelium of the cervix is ​​also prone to malignant degeneration, so women should be responsible for examinations and pay attention to the following test results:

  • KLA in oncology shows a decrease in the level of red blood cells and hemoglobin, as well as an increase in ESR.
  • Biochemical analysis - here the cause for concern is the increase in the amount of glucose. Such symptoms of diabetes are especially dangerous for women, as they often become harbingers of breast and uterine cancer.
  • In the study of tumor markers, the simultaneous presence of SCC antigens and alpha-fetoprotein indicates the risk of damage to the cervix. Glycoprotein CA 125 - the threat of endometrial cancer, AFP, CA-125, hCG - ovaries, and the combination of CA-15-3, CA-72-4, CEA suggests that the tumor can be localized in the mammary glands.

If something is alarming in the analyzes and there are characteristic signs of oncology in the initial stage, a visit to the doctor cannot be postponed. In addition, you should visit a gynecologist at least once a year, and regularly examine your breasts on your own. These simple preventive measures often help detect cancer in its early stages.

When is an analysis for tumor markers needed?

You should undergo an examination with a prolonged deterioration in well-being in the form of weakness, constant low temperature, fatigue, weight loss, anemia of unknown origin, swollen lymph nodes, the appearance of seals in the mammary glands, changes in the color and size of moles, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by discharge of blood after defecation, obsessive cough without signs of infection, etc.

Additional reasons are:

  • age over 40;
  • oncology in a family history;
  • going beyond the norm of indicators of biochemical analysis and KLA;
  • pain or prolonged dysfunction of any organs or systems, even to a slight extent.

The analysis does not take much time, while helping to identify a life-threatening disease in time and cure it in the least traumatic ways. In addition, such examinations should become regular (at least once a year) for those who have relatives with oncology or have crossed the age limit of forty.

How to prepare for the test for oncomarkers

Blood for research on antigens is donated from a vein in the morning. The results are issued within 1-3 days, and in order for them to be reliable, certain recommendations must be followed:

  • do not have breakfast;
  • do not take any medications and vitamins the day before;
  • three days before making a cancer diagnosis by a blood test, exclude alcohol;
  • do not take fatty and fried foods the day before;
  • a day before the study, exclude heavy physical exertion;
  • on the day of delivery, do not smoke in the morning (smoking increases CEA);
  • so that third-party factors do not distort the indicators, first cure all infections.

After receiving the results on hand, one should not draw any independent conclusions and make diagnoses. This blood test for cancer does not have 100% certainty and requires instrumental confirmation.

Cancer is a generalized name for numerous diseases that affect any organ or tissue. The terms "malignant tumor", "neoplasm" are also used as synonyms for the word "cancer". The essence of the pathology lies in the fact that in a single cell DNA is violated - biological information of a hereditary nature. The cell begins to divide uncontrollably, forming a mass of tissue called a tumor.
A malignant tumor is a pathological autonomous progressive growth of abnormal cells that penetrate and spread into adjacent tissues. The tumor has not only its own cells, but also a protective sheath (stroma), as well as blood vessels.
Depending on the type of tissue from which the oncological process begins to develop, tumors are classified according to the histogenetic feature:

  • cancer or carcinoma - from epithelial tissues;
  • sarcoma - from adipose, connective, bone and muscle tissues, as well as from lymphatic and blood vessels;
  • leukemia - from hematopoietic cells;
  • myeloma - from the tissues of the bone marrow;
  • lymphoma - from lymph tissue.

The main part of pathological tumors is cancer or carcinoma.
Malignant neoplasms develop in two stages: preclinical and clinical. The long course of pathology without the manifestation of any symptoms of its presence is called the preclinical period. In time, this stage is 75% of the total duration of the existence of malignant cells. During this period, early cancer most often develops. But sometimes large-sized tumors also progress invisibly.

In the clinical period, cancer begins to manifest external symptoms. There are many of them, they are diverse, but non-specific: each symptom of oncological pathology is also a sign of a non-tumor disease. Therefore, diagnosing a malignant neoplasm is difficult. At the same time, with cancer, characteristic symptoms are observed that tell the doctor the presence of a tumor in the body, since the neoplasm gradually increases, causes poisoning by the produced toxins, and disrupts the functioning of the affected organ.
In this regard, there are five clinical phenomena that serve as the basis for determining oncological pathology: obstruction, destruction, compression, intoxication, tumor formation.

Blockage (obturation)

This phenomenon occurs mainly in tumors of hollow (having a cavity inside) organs, but it also happens in other organs. A growing neoplasm narrows the lumen inside or squeezes it from the outside, disrupting the patency. Signs of obstruction associated with blockage are often the main ones in the clinical picture of the pathology, but they are different for each organ:

  • narrowing of the lumen of the esophagus leads to difficulty swallowing; cancer of the left side of the colon - to a violation of the passage of its contents, causing spasmodic pain in the abdomen, lack of stool and gas, bloating, vomiting;
  • narrowing of the opening leading from the stomach to the duodenum, gives a feeling of fullness in the stomach after eating, causes spasmodic pain, vomiting of stagnant food masses, splashing noise in the peritoneum on an empty stomach;
  • compression of the urethra in prostate tumors causes acute urinary retention;
  • lung cancer compresses the bronchi, causing shortness of breath, coughing, chest pain;
  • a tumor of the head of the pancreas clogs the bile duct, developing yellowness of the skin of a mechanical nature.

The formation of blockage of the lumen in most cases is gradual. Therefore, the signs of cancer are increasing progressively. But sometimes obstruction occurs suddenly:

  1. a neoplasm in the esophagus can cause a sharp spasm of the wall above the tumor;
  2. cancer of the final part of the colon, passing into the rectum (sigmoid colon), forms an acute obstruction, tightly clogging the cavity with feces.

There are also cases when the patency of the lumen is restored partially or completely despite the fact that the cancer is progressing. This happens when the tumor breaks down. Spasm or inflammation of the mucosa stops.

How pronounced the symptoms of cancer associated with obstruction will be depends on the form of tumor growth. In this regard, the following regularity can be traced: in organs with a cavity of large diameter, blockage is observed earlier and is more pronounced when malignant cells grow into neighboring tissues. In cancer of the branches of the respiratory throat and biliary tract, blockage occurs during growth into the lumen of the organ, connecting with its wall with a leg.

Destruction (destruction)

The phenomenon of destruction is characteristic of ulcerated and growing inside the cavity of the organ of cancerous tumors. The neoplasm disintegrates under the influence of some mechanical factor. For example, the dense contents of an organ touches and injures a soft tumor mass. In this case, the vessels of the tumor are damaged, bleeding opens.
Usually the outflow of blood is insignificant, as small vessels are damaged. Bleeding occurs periodically, but can last for a long time, repeat often. This leads to anemia - a decrease in the concentration of hemoglobin in the blood, which is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • skin blanching;
  • dizziness;
  • blood pressure drops;
  • weakly palpable pulse;
  • the tone of the heart is muffled.

If a large vessel ruptures, severe bleeding occurs, which is difficult to stop.
Symptoms of destruction are characteristic of neoplasms of internal organs:

  • with cancer of the rectum and cancer of the main part of the colon, there is a small amount of blood in the stool;
  • with tumors of the esophagus and stomach, there is hidden (visible only in a laboratory study) blood in the feces, vomiting with blood;
  • with lung cancer, the patient spitting blood;
  • cancer in the cervix occurs with blood secretion from the vagina;
  • a bladder or kidney tumor goes away with blood in the urine.

The appearance of one of these symptoms should alert a person, even if spotting was observed once. Immediately contact a specialist to examine the problematic organ.

Compression (squeezing)

This phenomenon is associated with the pressure of cancer cells on nerve fibers surrounding tissues and organs. It appears in two positions:

  1. pain;
  2. disruption of the organ.

When squeezing, pain is more common. They do not appear immediately, they arise only with an increase in the size of the tumor, its germination or pressure on the nerve endings.
At first, the pain is felt weakly, is dull, aching in nature. Further, it intensifies, does not interrupt, becomes acute, and when the tumor progresses to a late stage, it becomes unbearable. Pain during oncological processes of a certain organ is different:

  • with tumors of the kidneys, cancer of the body of the stomach, liver, pancreas, bone sarcomas, pain is called the main symptom;
  • with neoplasms in the esophagus, lungs, pain is not felt so often;
  • very rarely hurts with cancer of the external organs.

Colon cancer on the right side usually sprouts its limits, so aching pain is common. At the same time, for a tumor of the left side of the colon, blockage is more characteristic, causing intestinal obstruction and attacks of acute pain.

Intoxication (poisoning)

Cancer cells disrupt metabolism - enzyme, carbohydrate, protein, hormonal. This causes intoxication. Its symptoms are varied, but the leading doctors call the lack of appetite, weight loss, weakness general. The manifestation of these clinical signs increases with the growth of the mass of malignant cells, respectively, they are typical for the late stages of pathology.

However, there are also observations when lack of appetite, loss of body weight, weakness of a general nature are also manifested with small sizes of malignant tumors. Therefore, in case of unreasonable, unmotivated occurrence of such symptoms, it is important to consult a specialist who will prescribe an examination in order to detect a tumor in time.

Symptoms of toxin poisoning are characteristic of cancer of the internal organs and are more pronounced in cancer of the liver, pancreas, tumors in the stomach. And this is explained, among other things, by a disorder in the digestion of food in the stomach and intestines. The dynamics of systemic signs of malignant formation in the stomach develops in stages. At first, this is a slight loss of body weight, slight fatigue, a very slight decrease in mood, and unsatisfactory sensations after eating. The development of symptoms ends with an absolute loss of appetite, a sudden general breakdown, and extreme exhaustion. This complex of intoxication symptoms is called "small signs of a stomach tumor" and occupies a special place in the recognition of oncological processes.

Carcinomas of other organs of the digestive tract (liver, esophagus, pancreas) make themselves felt in the reverse order: first, a general breakdown, then weight loss, loss of appetite. Less often, these symptoms are found in carcinomas of the final part of the large intestine and the sigmoid colon.
Also, the symptoms of toxin poisoning are characteristic of patients with lung cancer, but practically do not appear in skin, uterus, and breast cancers.

Tumor formation

Tumor formation can be visible or palpable, revealing a reliable sign of the development of the oncological process. Cancer of the lip or skin usually appears as a small, scaly, ulcerated mass. When removing the upper layer, the bottom is visible in the bumps, drops of blood ooze.
Rounded nodes can be felt in the mammary gland, on the anterior part of the liver. Tumor formations of the kidneys are much less likely to be recognized by touch, in individual observations - of the pancreas. Blood vessels supply these organs relatively evenly on each side, so the disintegration of the neoplasm does not occur as often as in organs with a cavity.

A cancerous tumor accessible to the touch is painless, with a dense, bumpy structure. The tumor-like formation does not have a strong protective shell, so it moves along with the moving neighboring tissues. But if malignant cells have penetrated immovable organs or bones, the tumor also becomes immobile.
The described five phenomena are called the most typical signs of cancer. However, there are other manifestations that can suggest the presence of malignant cells in the body.

Violation of specific functions of organs

Many cancer cells interfere with the basic functioning of organs. This is especially pronounced in malignant tumors of the endocrine system and hematopoietic organs:

    • cancer of the lower cerebral appendage proceeds with symptoms of excessive fat deposition, extinction of sexual desire, regressive changes in the mammary glands and reproductive organs;
    • with carcinomas of the parathyroid glands, they are excessively produced

their secretion, increasing the level of calcium in the blood and destroying bone tissue and kidneys;

  • malignant cells in the adrenal glands provoke an increase in pressure, disrupt sexual development;
  • cancer of the insular apparatus of the pancreas reduces the concentration of glucose in the blood, causes nervous disorders;
  • hormonally active ovarian tumors are manifested by the development of masculine traits in women - body hair, low timbre of voice, the formation of female secondary sexual characteristics in men;
  • leukemia deeply disrupts the work of the bone marrow, the number of certain blood cells increases;
  • cancer of the vocal cords is detected if the voice is hoarse.

Also, large neoplasms, their metastases can indirectly affect the body and provoke symptoms that are atypical for a particular cancer, since there is a profound shift in biochemical parameters in the body:

  • thrombus formation;
  • skin rash;
  • decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood;
  • kidney damage;
  • disorders of the blood circulation system;
  • increased destruction of erythrocytes - with carcinomas of the stomach, the initial section of the colon, ovaries;
  • systemic damage to small and large tubular bones - thickening of the nail plate, fingers in the form of drumsticks, mild inflammation in the joints with lung carcinomas.

These clinical symptoms sometimes appear first at the initial stage of tumor growth as a result of the body's immune responses.

Other causes that affect the clinical picture of the course of cancer

Cancer rarely occurs in a perfectly healthy body. Pre-cancerous diseases and concomitant infections have a significant impact on symptoms. The previous pathology, as a rule, masks the signs of malignancy and complicates the process of its recognition, since a false impression of the neglect of the disease is created.

An example is stomach cancer. Cells are reborn in chronic gastritis or ulcers. Constant pain and upset stomach in patients with these diagnoses are present for a long time. The malignancy of the cells of the organ slightly changes the picture of complaints - the pain is constantly haunting, it is aching, diffuse in nature, symptoms of poisoning with toxins appear. But it's hard to tell the difference.

Difficulties of a similar principle are observed in the detection of colon cancer in those who suffer from its inflammation - chronic colitis. In such situations, you should be wary if a small amount of blood is found in the stool or if rumbling and bloating in the abdominal cavity periodically occurs in the same place.
When the tumor disintegrates and ulcerates, there are observations of the attachment of infection. The biological parameters of the blood change, the pulse quickens, the temperature rises. This phenomenon is typical for lung carcinomas, when the blockage of the bronchus leads to a collapse of the lung, focal pneumonia occurs in this place of the organ. However, it is often diagnosed as a respiratory infection or tuberculosis.

Signs of systemic action of the tumor on the body

The main condition for successful treatment of malignant tumors is early diagnosis. To raise awareness of the early signs of cancer, the following are symptoms that should alert a person when they appear:

  1. Unexplained weakness, fatigue, malaise, feeling of general discomfort.
  2. The appearance of seals under the skin or on the skin, primarily in a woman in the chest, armpits, in men in the groin.
  3. Enlarged lymph nodes.
  4. Impurities of blood, pus, mucus in feces, in urine.
  5. Prolonged pain in the abdominal cavity, in other places.
  6. Loss of appetite.
  7. Persistent cough, feeling short of breath for a long time.
  8. Change in voice timbre, hoarseness, hoarseness.
  9. Long-term non-healing wounds or sores.
  10. Prolonged unmotivated increase in body temperature up to 38˚ C, chills, fever (temporary increase in temperature).
  11. Change in the rhythm of bowel movements.
  12. Sudden bleeding.
  13. Change appearance and size of moles.
  14. Night sweats.
  15. Unexplained (without special measures for weight loss) sudden weight loss of more than 5 kg in a relatively short period of time.

Sharp weight loss (cancerous cachexia) in oncological disease occurs even with those patients who do not suffer from a violation of normal digestion in this pathology. General wasting occurs due to a decrease not only in fat, but also in muscle tissue at the same time. And this sharp weight loss differs from that which occurs during diets, prolonged fasting.

If these signs appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Diagnosing a malignant neoplasm involves taking an anamnesis, clarifying the progression of the pathology, as well as the causes of its occurrence. The patient is examined, if possible, they palpate (palpate) the organ itself, secondary lesions. An examination is carried out using devices, special medical equipment to detect a neoplasm or its shadow projection, as well as to take biological material to study the microscopic composition of cancer cells.

Cancer in adulthood is often linked to the aging process. In our time, the diagnosis of cancer in the early stages and modern methods treatments help people cope with various types of this disease. We will describe how to find out if you have cancer.

What can cause cancer?

People talk about cancer so often, but few know what causes it and what doesn't. In order to separate the horror stories and the real threat of cancer, recognized world experts have compiled the following list of carcinogens:

tobacco. In the 1950s, the first study was conducted on the ability of tobacco to cause lung cancer. When calculating total cancer deaths, a quarter of them, one way or another, is associated with smoking.

Alcohol. 50% of cancers of the oral cavity, larynx, pharynx, 75% of esophageal cancer are associated with excessive alcohol intake. For some reason, this information does not frighten the Russians, judging by the fact that according to the Russian narcology, there are 7 million officially identified alcoholics.

Canned vegetables. Before the invention of refrigerators, canning was very popular all over the world, as was stomach cancer.

Dye. It is called one of the causes of bladder cancer and lung cancer. We are talking only about people who are constantly in contact with paint - professional painters.

Teflon coatings. There are many studies that indicate that the use of non-stick coatings can cause cancer.

Work in night shifts. Scientists believe that working at night can cause cancer. The fact is that, when working constantly on a night shift, the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the biological clock, can be disrupted.

Cell Phones. From the very beginning mobile phones they are blamed for all human ills, cancer is no exception. But this time, scientists disagreed, some argue that the mobile phone should be considered a possible cause of cancer, while others have not found a link between phones and cancer. In any case, it is better to play it safe and not use your mobile for long conversations.

How to know if you have cancer by symptoms.

In order to detect a cancerous tumor in the body in time, it is necessary to listen to it. You can find out if a person has cancer by the general and specific symptoms of this disease.

Common symptoms of cancer include:

Unexplained weight loss. During a certain period of the disease, most people with cancer experience a sharp drop in weight. Unexplained weight loss of 4-5 kg ​​is the first sign of cancer of the stomach, lung, esophagus or pancreas.

Fever (high temperature). With cancer, especially with a common process, an increase in temperature is very often observed.

Increased fatigue. This symptom may mean the progression of the disease in the human body, occurs with cancer of the stomach or colon.

Pain. It may be an early sign of tumors.

Skin changes. In addition to skin tumors, there are some types of cancer of the internal organs that can cause yellowing, darkening, redness of the skin, itching, or excessive hair growth.

Specific symptoms of cancer include:

violation of the stool or the work of the bladder;

non-healing ulcer or wound;

unusual discharge or bleeding;

tumor formation or compaction in the mammary gland (sometimes in other parts of the body);

difficulty swallowing, indigestion;

Cancer Symptoms

What is cancer (disease)

Basically, cancer is described depending on its location in the body, if the disease appears in the gastrointestinal tract, there is a sharp decrease in weight, called cachexia, then anemia appears. If cancer affects the liver, a person feels exhausted, metabolism slows down. The localization of a malignant tumor demonstrates a clinical picture, if it is located in the final part of the stomach, symptoms of stenosis will appear. Because of this, food will not enter the intestines. But if the disease appeared in the initial part of the stomach, then dysphagia will appear - food will not enter the stomach or will come, but in small quantities.

Why is it important to confirm/deny cancer symptoms?

There are chances of a cure for the disease if it is detected as early as possible and treatment is started immediately. A person can immediately be examined and detect cancer when he did not have time to develop it, and the tumor is not of a huge size. This means that the cancer has not had time to affect other organs, it is not large and can be cured. As a rule, doctors prescribe an operation with the complete removal of a cancerous tumor, this method can cure cancer in the first stages. It is imperative to start treatment if skin melanoma is present, it can be removed quite simply if it has not deepened and pierced the inner layers of the skin. But very often, melanoma develops rapidly and penetrates too deeply, so it is impossible to carry out any treatment, only if it has not yet deepened. A person has 5 years to be treated if the melanoma is not very advanced.

Five Common Signs of Cancer

You need to understand what the non-specific symptoms of this disease are. First, a person may suddenly lose weight for no reason, or there will be changes in skin color and acne. Secondly, the presence of any infection is evidenced by a high temperature, cancer is no exception. Of course, there are general symptoms that apply immediately to all diseases taken together, but still remember the main symptoms of cancer in order to see a doctor in time.

  • Rapid Weight Loss - Almost all people diagnosed with cancer have lost most of their weight during the illness. If you lose at least 5-7 kilograms for no apparent reason, you need to be checked in the hospital for cancer. It may be related to gastrointestinal cancer.
  • Fever (high temperature) - A high temperature indicates the presence of cancer, especially if it affects entire organ systems. Basically, the fever is due to the fact that cancer negatively affects the immune system, and the body fights the infection and activates its forces, unfortunately, without success. But the temperature does not appear at the initial stage of cancer, so if there were no other symptoms before the temperature, this may not apply to cancer.
  • Weakness - weakness increases gradually, when the disease penetrates deep into the body. But fatigue can develop at the very beginning after the body is damaged, for example, if there is a hemorrhage in the stomach or large intestine. Due to the loss of blood, severe fatigue and discomfort appear inside the body.
  • Pain - pain appears in the initial stages of the disease, if there are several tumors in the body. Often, pain indicates damage to the entire body system.
  • Changes in the epidermis - hyperpigmentation occurs, jaundice, erythema, urticaria and so on appear. Tumors may appear on the skin and hair may grow stronger, which indicates the presence of cancer.

    Seven symptoms of cancer that need attention

    Above we have listed the main non-specific symptoms, but you need to know the main symptoms with which you can determine the presence of the disease. Immediately it is worth mentioning that the symptoms are not found in all cases, moreover, they are common to other diseases. But still, you need to immediately contact a therapist and tell about all the symptoms so that he can prescribe tests and a complete medical examination of the body.

    • Violations in the genitourinary system and stool disorders - chronic constipation or diarrhea often occurs, the amount of feces and its color may change, which indicates colon cancer. If you experience pain when urinating and you see blood in your urine, you should see your doctor right away. Often there is too frequent urge to urinate for no apparent reason, which indicates problems with the prostate gland.
  • Ulcers and wounds do not go away for a long time - very often tumors look like an ulcer, and at the same time they bleed heavily. If there is a small sore in the mouth that does not go away all the time, this is a sign of mouth cancer. It occurs most often in smokers and alcoholics. If there are sores on the vagina or penis, you should immediately undergo an examination, as this indicates a serious infection of the body.
  • Strange discharge of pus or blood - if the disease developed a very long time ago and you did not notice it, strange bleeding or discharge of pus may begin. For example, if you cough up pus with blood when coughing, this is lung cancer, and if blood is found in the stool, then this is colon cancer. In the presence of cervical cancer, there is a chance of bleeding from the vagina, and if blood appears in the urine, this is bladder cancer, it is possible that the kidneys are also infected. If blood comes out of the nipple, it indicates breast cancer.
  • Small lumps in any part of the body - if the tumor is palpable through the skin in the testicles, breast and other soft tissues, this indicates the presence of cancer. Moreover, it is impossible to say for sure whether this is the initial form or a neglected one, but if you notice a seal, immediately inform the doctor. Over time, it will increase.
  • Difficulty swallowing and problems with the gastrointestinal tract - very often the symptoms indicate cancer of the stomach or intestines, consult a doctor immediately.
  • The appearance of moles or warts - if there were already moles, and they became larger or changed color, you need to see a doctor. It is quite possible that this is melanoma, and if examined, it can be cured at the initial stage.
  • Hoarse voice or severe cough - A persistent cough indicates lung cancer, if the voice disappears, it is thyroid or throat cancer.

    Atypical cancer symptoms

    Far from the most common symptoms of cancer, which also indicate the development of the disease:

    • The appearance of sores on the tongue and mouth;
  • Changing the color of warts and moles, changing their size;
  • Sore throat, severe and painful cough;
  • Thickening and knots in the nipples, dense bumps in the testicles, mammary glands and other places;
  • Pain when urinating;
  • Strange discharge of pus and blood;
  • Trouble swallowing and abdominal pain, especially in the elderly
  • Sudden loss of appetite or weight;
  • An increase or decrease in temperature for no reason indicates the presence of cancer;
  • Persistent infection for no apparent reason;
  • Violation of the cycle of menstruation;
  • Tumors that do not respond to treatment;
  • Redness of the lips and skin, yellowness in the eyes and on the skin;
  • Strange swelling that has never appeared before;
  • Bad breath.

    But keep in mind that these symptoms indicate not only the presence of cancer, but also other diseases. In any case, you need to undergo a comprehensive medical examination and find out what the problem is.

    Symptoms of cancer of different organs

    With stomach cancer, it is impossible to say exactly which symptoms prevail the most, since there are a lot of them. Very often, doctors ascertain chronic gastritis and other non-serious diseases without doing serious examinations. They usually prescribe medications that do not cause even the slightest relief. But professionals can comprehensively analyze all the symptoms and identify the presence of cancer, the main system for detecting cancer was introduced by L. I. Savitsky. He compiled a list of mild symptoms and common symptoms for other illnesses that can reveal whether a person has stomach cancer or is a symptom that is not related to this disease.

    The main symptoms: retraction of the nipple and its compaction, bloody and incomprehensible discharge from the nipple. Very often, cancer is accompanied without pain, but in the presence of mastopathy, the pain appears and intensifies every day.

    There are several forms: infiltrative, nodular and ulcerative. Squamous cell carcinoma develops very quickly, in order to identify it, doctors conduct a painless crossing of all nodules that have a pink or yellow color. The nodes may have translucent pearl-colored edges with the formation of pigmentation. Tumor formation gradually progresses, and very quickly. But there are forms of cancer that develop slowly, they can develop for years, and a person does not even know about their presence. Further, several nodules communicate with each other and form a dense and painful neoplasm, which has a dark color. It is at this stage that people go to the doctor.

    As in other cases, at the initial stage there are no symptoms of cancer, but the tumor continues to grow and after a while the intestinal lumen closes. There are painful sensations, since the feces cannot pass freely, this provokes the release of blood and pus. Over time, the feces become deformed and change their color, in medicine this is called a ribbon-like stool. Colon cancer has been compared to hemorrhoids, but with hemorrhoids, it appears at the end of a bowel movement, not at the beginning. In the future, there are frequent urge to defecate, frequent discharge of bloody-purulent masses that have a disgusting odor.

    It all depends on where the tumor appeared. It can appear in the tissue of the lungs or in the bronchus, if a tumor appears in the bronchus, the person begins to cough daily. The cough is dry and painful, after a while there is sputum with blood. Periodically there is inflammation of the lungs, for example, pneumonia. Because of it, other symptoms appear: chest pain, a temperature of 40 degrees, pain in the head, weakness and inability to concentrate.

    If the cancer is formed in the tissue of the lungs, then the disease will pass without any symptoms, which only complicates the situation, because the person does not undergo a medical examination. If you take an x-ray, you can identify the initial tumor.

    Mostly women complain of strange pains and regular bleeding even after menstruation. But these symptoms only indicate that the tumor is gradually disintegrating and the cancer is already in advanced form. The initial form of uterine cancer does not manifest itself in any way, so women are not examined. Leucorrhoea, an unpleasant watery or mucous discharge that is mixed with blood, also speaks of cancer. Often whites have a very unpleasant smell, but not in all cases, sometimes they do not smell of anything. In the presence of strange secretions, consult a doctor, it is quite possible that the cancer has not yet passed into a deep and advanced stage and there are chances for a cure.

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    How to recognize the symptoms of cancer

    Almost a person, the population of a small town, dies of cancer every year in Russia. You can discuss for a long time the lack of professionalism of doctors who for a long time cannot make an accurate diagnosis or about incorrectly prescribed treatment - the statistics are inexorable: the main cause of deaths is a belated request for medical help. Most patients in oncology clinics have an advanced form of the disease, when the chance of recovery is minimal.

    Survival in oncological diseases directly depends on the stage of the spread of the cancer process.

    Preinvasive cancer (cancer in situ - cancer in place), a limited tumor of microscopic size, without metastases. The survival rate reaches 98%.

    A localized tumor of small size that does not extend beyond the affected organ. Metastases are absent. Survival - up to 95%.

    The tumor grows into the muscle layer or the walls of the affected organ, without going beyond it. Solitary metastases in regional lymph nodes. Survival - up to 70%.

    The tumor reaches a considerable size with infiltration to neighboring organs and tissues. Multiple regional metastases. The survival rate is less than 40%.

    An extensive tumor that has spread to surrounding organs and tissues. distant metastases. Survival is less than 5-7%.

    In the early stages, many forms of cancer are highly treatable, but diagnosing cancer during this period is extremely difficult. This usually happens by chance - for example, during dispensary examinations. A few alarming symptoms that accompany the development of a tumor, most patients, alas, do not attach any importance.

    How to recognize the first symptoms?

    The nature of the symptoms of cancer depends primarily on the location of the tumor and its size. But there are a number of signs characteristic of all forms of cancer that should alert any person:

    • Sudden unexplained weight loss
    • Rapid fatigue, weakness
    • Subfebrile temperature that persists for many weeks in the absence of obvious inflammatory or infectious diseases
    • A constant feeling of discomfort in the area of ​​​​an organ (pain joins in the later stages of cancer)

    Many of the symptoms are specific to certain types of cancer, depending on the location of the tumor. It is necessary to pay attention to them if they appear for no apparent reason and do not go away for a long time.

    • Persistent cough (sometimes with hemoptysis)
    • Dyspnea
    • Hoarseness
    • Change in appetite
    • Aversion to certain foods (especially meat)
    • Problems with stool (constipation or diarrhea)
    • The presence of blood in the stool
    • Blood in the urine
    • Problems with urination
    • erectile dysfunction in men
    • Menstrual dysfunction in women

    One of the first symptoms of breast cancer is the uneven contours of the breast, its asymmetry, as well as the presence of seals. A suspicion of skin cancer can be changes in the appearance of moles - a change in color, size, jagged edges, itching, bleeding.

    Regular preventive examinations are the main chance to detect cancer at an early stage. An annual visit to the examination room, performing fluorography significantly increase the likelihood of timely detection of a tumor. Women over 40 are recommended to have a mammogram at least once every 2 years, since this study allows you to determine breast cancer at an early stage, when the tumor cannot yet be detected during self-examination.

    Many of the early symptoms of cancer are similar to those of other diseases. But even with the slightest doubt, especially if you belong to a risk group (genetic factor, dangerous working conditions, the presence bad habits) be sure to consult a doctor. Do not attribute these symptoms to vitamin deficiency, stress, or the consequences of excessive workload. It is better to play it safe, but be calm for your health. And most importantly - never self-medicate!

    Indeed, the topic of cancer in our country is somehow not customary to raise until the moment of diagnosis. It is inconvenient to discuss the details of treatment (such as nausea and vomiting with chemotherapy). It is “shameful” to ask questions about possible rehabilitation (for example, mammoplasty or the selection of prostheses after breast removal). As a result, people are afraid to take real steps for preventive examination and timely treatment. And modern oncology is moving forward, leveling many "usual" problems. So, nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy are already quite successfully controlled by special drugs (Emend and Ondansetron in combination with Dexamethasone). And many other issues have been resolved for a long time. The main thing is not to be lazy and not to be a hypocrite in obtaining and using the necessary recommendations ...

    And I think it depends not only on the stage, but also on the strength of the patient's spirit. My grandmother was diagnosed with bowel cancer, very advanced (3b, if I'm not mistaken). They operated on, then they did several courses of chemotherapy. She also refused to drink emend antiemetic, they say, I’ll endure everything. Then I started taking it anyway, bought it anyway. So her prognosis was very poor. And she has been living for three years, thank God, and no metastases have yet been identified.

    How can a person not want to live? Yes, everyone is shocked when they hear the diagnosis “Cancer”, but they come to their senses and begin active treatment, undergo chemotherapy in combination with relieving drugs: antiemetics (Zodak, Emend), immunomodulating, vitamins.

    chemotherapy only kills it kills a person faster than cancer itself

    What is CANCER and how do you know if you have CANCER?

    Common signs and symptoms of cancer

    It is important to be aware of some common (non-specific) signs and symptoms of cancer. These include unexplained weight loss, fever, fatigue, pain, and skin changes. Of course, it must be remembered that the presence of some of them does not necessarily mean the presence of a tumor. There are many other conditions that may also have similar signs and symptoms.

    Most people with cancer experience weight loss at some point in their illness. Unexplained weight loss of 4-5 kg ​​can be the first sign of cancer, especially cancer of the pancreas, stomach, esophagus or lung.

    Temperature increase (fever) :

    An increase in temperature is often observed in cancer and most often in a widespread process. Almost all cancer patients develop a fever at some point during their illness, especially if the treatment affects the immune system and increases susceptibility to infections. Less often, a rise in temperature can be an early sign of cancer, for example, with Hodgkin's disease (lymphogranulomatosis).

    Fatigue can be an important symptom as the disease progresses. However, fatigue and weakness can occur early, especially if the cancer causes chronic blood loss, as occurs with colon or stomach cancer.

    Pain can be an early sign of several tumors, such as those of the bones or testis. Most often, however, pain is a symptom of a common process.

    In addition to skin tumors, some internal cancers can cause visible skin signs such as darkening of the skin (hyperpigmentation), yellowing (jaundice), redness (erythema), itching, or excess hair growth.

    Specific signs and symptoms of cancer

    In addition to the above general symptoms, it is necessary to be aware of other general symptoms that can be observed in cancer. Again, it must be pointed out that these signs and symptoms do not necessarily speak in favor of cancer, as they occur in other diseases. However, you should tell your doctor about the signs and symptoms that appear in order to make a decision about the examination.

    Impaired stool or bladder function: Chronic constipation, diarrhea, or a change in the amount of stool may indicate the presence of colon cancer. Pain when urinating, blood in the urine, or a change in bladder function (more or less frequent urination) may be associated with bladder or prostate cancer. These changes should be reported to the doctor immediately.

    Non-healing wound or ulcer:

    skin cancers may bleed and resemble a wound or ulcer. A long-standing mouth ulcer can be oral cancer, especially in those who smoke, chew tobacco, or drink alcohol frequently. Ulcers on the penis or in the vagina can be signs of both infection and early cancer and should therefore be evaluated.

    Unusual bleeding or discharge:

    unusual bleeding may occur against the background of early or advanced cancer. Blood in sputum may be a sign of lung cancer. Blood in the stool (or the presence of dark or black stools) can be a sign of colon or rectal cancer. Cancer of the cervix or the uterus itself can lead to bleeding from the vagina. Blood in the urine is a sign of possible bladder or kidney cancer. Bleeding from the nipple can be a sign of breast cancer.

    Thickening or tumor formation in the breast or other parts of the body:

    Many tumors can be felt through the skin, especially in the breast, testicles, lymph nodes, and soft tissues of the body. Induration or tumor formation may be the first signs of early or advanced cancer. Any such finding must be reported to the doctor, especially if you have just discovered it or the tumor (seal) has begun to increase in size.


    Carcinogen → neutralization of a carcinogen (the effect of a carcinogen on DNA)

    damage to the DNA structure → restoration of the DNA structure (initiation - fixing the mutation)

    initiation of a tumor cell → detection and destruction of the cell (promotion - selection and growth of a clone)

    tumor growth and malignancy → occasionally tumor involution (progression) is possible

    How to determine the presence of cancer in the body at home?

    Do not determine at home. Unless the temperature can be raised slightly to 37.2. A neighbor was treated with antibiotics, they thought it was pneumonia. There was no effect from the treatment. Then they began to purposefully look for ultrasound and it turned out to be kidney cancer.

    There are also special tests for the detection of cancer antigen, ask private laboratories. It is better to pay a small amount for research and live in peace.

    To begin with, understand that there are many more non-cancer diseases than cancerous ones. Therefore, tune in to live without panic when you find suspicious symptoms: the symptoms of cancer and other diseases are similar. And - to doctors who do not like "hypochondriacs" may refuse to examine. But hypochondriacs live longer because they look for diseases and find them.

    Further, cancer cells start up in the body regularly, at least once a week (I read so), but immune cells recognize them and constantly destroy them. Cancer is when a long-term weakened immune system has allowed growth. Keyword- lengthy. Cancer should be feared by people with chronically negative emotions(because immunity drops), whether they are righteous or not. Negative emotion itself is not righteous, claims to the world are unacceptable.

    It is necessary to find out where the lymph nodes are located in a person, and once a month to probe the available ones, this is a good practice. An enlarged node may indicate stage II cancer.

    Next, you need to pay attention to the growing weakness, sweating, pale skin and eyelids from the inside, yellowing of the skin. Coughing. Nausea. Loss of appetite. Blood in the stool (possible scarlet streaks or a black tint). The formation of bruises from light bruises or vice versa, an increase in clotting (it can be seen when the fingers are cut, how quickly the blood clots in the palm of your hand). Difficulty in emptying the bowels, narrowing of the excreted feces. Growth and ulceration of moles.

    And pains, in any place, which began to differ from the habitually experienced before.

    Almost all symptoms occur in aging from a bunch of diseases. Only enlarged lymph nodes will tell about probable cancer, ultrasound will confirm or refute suspicions.

    Doctors strongly advise you to go to the hospital if you experience the following symptoms:

    • constant feeling of fatigue, sudden weight loss, fever, weakness. For tissue growth, energy is needed, so the patient always has a breakdown.
    • there is some kind of compaction. Cancer cells release toxins into the blood, forming a tumor.
    • persistent pain is felt, caused by the influence of the tumor on the organs and nerve endings.
    • there are obscure bleeding from the nose, ears, mouth, etc.
    • non-healing ulcers appear in the oral cavity.
    • wounds and bruises do not heal well.
    • pale skin color, frequent infectious diseases.
    • the work of the digestive system changes, blood may appear in the stool.
    • the appearance of large moles that itch and bleed.

    When these signs appear, and especially if they do not go away within a few weeks, it is better to play it safe and consult a doctor.

    There is no way to determine if he is or isn't. But if you have seals or lymph nodes become inflamed, then you need to go for examinations. In general, cancer is such a thing that is difficult to find on your own, and even in the last stages it only manifests itself. If there are suspicions or someone in your family was sick, then you need to be examined at least once a year, and preferably every six months.

    I think that in case of suspicion of cancer, you should not engage in self-diagnosis and immediately go to the doctor.

    The first symptoms of cancer: how to recognize oncology in the early stages

    Cancer is a malignant neoplasm that is constantly growing and as a result can metastasize first to the nearest tissues, organs and lymph nodes, and then through the blood to any place in the body.

    Before considering all the symptoms of cancer, it is necessary to clarify one small detail for readers. You must understand that even the totality of any signs may not necessarily indicate a malignant cancer. Often these are common diseases, infection, inflammation, which can manifest themselves in the same way.

    Organ cancer only early stages is attached to a specific tissue, later after development in phase 4, the tumor begins to spread metastases that can cover any organs.

    To find out exactly if you have cancer, you must take a general blood test, biochemistry and tumor markers. And after confirmation, connect additional diagnostic methods: MRI, CT, ultrasound, etc. Consider all the common symptoms of cancer and how to recognize oncology?


    If you have a constant headache for no apparent reason in one place, then this may also indicate brain cancer. At the same time, donating blood for tumor markers is not worth it, since the tumor does not have a specific antigen and it is better to immediately go for an MRI.

    Birthmarks of an unusual and strange shape

    Usually strange moles that are irregular in shape, as well as strange age spots, indicate melanoma or skin cancer. You can go first of all to donate blood for the oncomarker S-100.

    Elevated temperature

    If you are constantly chilly, fever without additional reasons - snot and other signs indicating a cold. It is impossible to say what kind of cancer this symptom indicates. Therefore, first of all, you need to pass a general and biochemical blood test. The temperature in cancer lasts quite a long time.

    Lumps in the chest

    Usually indicates breast cancer in women. On palpation, it is necessary to note exactly the solid clots inside the mammary gland. In the aggregate, any mucous fluids with an unpleasant odor may be released from the chest. In this case, you should immediately go to a mammologist, who, after examination, will send you to an oncologist for examinations.

    Deteriorated condition of nails and hair

    When the tumor is actively developing, a large amount of antibodies and waste products are produced in the blood, and severe inflammation is possible. Plus, the neoplasm itself consumes a large amount of energy and nutrients for growth. Therefore, nails and hair may not be enough. In this case, the hair may fall out, their color becomes dull, and the nails become brittle and constantly peel off.

    Bleeding from the vagina

    Usually indicates cancer of the body of the uterus, ovaries. In addition, the lower abdomen may hurt. In the intermenstrual period, there may be heavy bleeding, and it also happens that blood is present in the urine.

    NOTE! To quickly diagnose uterine cancer, you just need to visit a gynecologist once a year, who can recognize the disease in time. At the same time, a neoplasm is very clearly visible on the cervix.

    Frequent fainting

    If fainting occurs for no known reason. That could indicate brain cancer. In this case, a clinical and biochemical blood test is given, and then the doctor is already looking at the test results.

    Bumps on the bones

    If you have hard lumps on your legs, arms, thigh, or shoulder, then this may indicate bone cancer. But you must understand that they could arise from bruises or fractures. You should immediately consult a doctor and take an x-ray of the bones.

    Distractedness and memory impairment

    Indicates that a cancerous tumor has begun to grow seriously in the head. This is due to the fact that the tumor uses a lot of resources for its growth.

    Decreased appetite

    This is accompanied by significant weight loss. May indicate both gastrointestinal cancer and colon cancer. At later stages, it can refer to almost any oncology.

    Profuse sweating

    If everything was fine with you before, and then you abruptly began to constantly sweat, even in a cool room, then this may indicate a violation of the nervous system. Usually refers to a number of malignancies in the neuroendocrine region.

    If you feel hot flashes in your face and throughout your body at different intervals, then this may indicate cancer of the endocrine system.

    Mood change

    It can indicate both brain cancer and some tumors that affect the hormonal background of a woman.

    vision loss

    Indicates malignant neoplasms of the optic nerve. But it may be due to severe stress, physical shocks or external factors. Also, vision falls due to genetics. Against the background, general well-being worsens.

    Abdominal pain

    May indicate cancer of the stomach, pancreas, or intestines. At the same time, the type of pain is similar to gastritis or an ulcer. In this case, it is imperative to undergo an examination of fibrogastroduodenoscopy (FGDS) and fluoroscopy of the stomach. The disadvantage of this group of oncology is that the first signs of cancer appear only at stage 3.

    weight loss weight loss

    It should be noted here that the decline is rapid and despite the fact that a person does not lose weight, does not diet and does not play sports. It usually indicates cancer in the colon, small intestine, or rectum. In addition, there may be a difficult act of defecation, a constant feeling that the intestines are full.

    Skin color changes

    Yellow color usually indicates pathologies in the liver and pancreas. In this case, when the color changes, the color of the sclera of the tongue may change and skin itching may appear. I would like to add that this can also occur at the last stage of almost any cancer, when metastases reach the liver.

    Labored breathing

    Dry cough, later sputum appears. At the very beginning, a cough may be without any symptoms at all. After that, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, shortness of breath may appear. Indicates lung cancer, but cough may also be present in gastric cancer, but in more rare cases.

    Difficult to swallow

    May indicate cancer of the pharynx, throat. In this case, the tumor can grow to such a size that a person then simply cannot swallow, as well as breathe.


    When gastric juice enters the esophagus due to a tumor. In this case, a person constantly feels severe heartburn. It can indicate both stomach cancer and duodenal cancer.

    Enlarged lymph nodes

    By itself, edema mainly appears on the face. This is due to the fact that the lymph nodes react to the tumor. It can indicate cancer of anything, which is why it is better to immediately consult a doctor and take blood tests.

    Swelling of the upper body

    Squeezing of the lymphatic vessels and circulatory system near the lungs due to a growing tumor leads to the fact that puffiness appears on the face and in the upper body. Occurs against the background of frequent smoking.


    The tumor has waste products that are intensively produced in the blood, plus with the growth of cancer, the tumor can interfere with the normal functioning of the organ, which causes stagnation of substances. There is intoxication, pain in the head, malaise, constant weakness in oncology.

    Blood in stool

    Indicates bowel cancer. It may also be accompanied by a difficult act of defecation due to the fact that the cancerous tumor has already grown strongly. The stool becomes dark in color due to blood. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, because later, due to the tumor, the patient will not be able to go to the toilet at all. Blood appears as a result of damage to the vessels by the tumor as a result of violent growth.

    Constipation, diarrhea

    A general disorder of the digestive process may indicate several oncological zones: from stomach cancer to the intestines.

    Difficulty urinating

    It is not always accompanied by pain, usually it can already begin at stages 1, 2 of prostate cancer. This is due to the fact that the prostate gland swells and narrows the urethra. Then the man needs to make every effort and tighten the press in order to go "in a small way."

    In the last stages of cancer, the act of urination may not be possible at all, and doctors put a catheter. A cancerous tumor overwhelms the nerves responsible for male libido, and the man begins to have sexual problems.

    Blood in the urine

    In men, it can be associated with prostate cancer, and in women, cancer develops in the uterus. At the same time, these diseases at stage 3 begin to affect the nearest organs, kidneys, liver and bladder, from which there can also be blood.

    Swelling of the scrotum and penis

    Testicular or penile cancer. But in the last stage of a prostate tumor, these symptoms may also appear. Plus there is swelling of the lower extremities.

    Back pain

    This does not always indicate osteochondrosis or inflammation in the spine. Sometimes it can be cancer of the vertebrae.

    Discharge from the nipples

    Accompanied by pain in the chest. Indicates the defeat of breast cancer cells with metastases. In addition, it is best to check the breast itself for lumps and if there are any, then immediately consult a doctor. The discharge itself smells bad.

    What can cause cancer?

    The exact causes of cancer development have not yet been established, but there are several factors and assumptions.

    1. Improper nutrition
    2. Ecology
    3. Work related to pesticides and chemistry.
    4. Smoking
    5. Alcohol
    6. Genetics
    7. Unprotected sex and sexually transmitted diseases.
    8. Stress

    How to detect cancer at an early stage?

    Not all of the above symptoms of oncology indicate that you have a malignant tumor. But if there are at least 10 signs of cancer, then you should worry. But you must understand that it is impossible to identify the disease only by internal symptoms and it is worth resorting to other studies.

    How to fully detect cancer?

    1. Take a blood test with a leukocyte formula
    2. Donate blood for biochemistry
    3. Tests for tumor markers.
    4. Biopsy of suspicious tissue.

    Signs of cancer in women

    Oncological diseases in women appear a little brighter in the initial stages than in men. During pregnancy, this can lead to miscarriage.

    • Chest pain.
    • Clots on palpation of the breast.
    • Blood from the vagina.
    • Pain when urinating.
    • Chronic fatigue.

    5 signs of oncology in men

    Signs of an impending disease may appear late at stage 2.3 of cancer.

    • Difficult urination.
    • Burning in groin.
    • Pain when urinating.
    • Blood in urine and semen.
    • Swelling of the genitals.
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