Congratulations on the press day to colleagues. Congratulations on press day in prose Congratulations on press day in your own words


In 1703, by decree of Peter I, the newspaper Vedomosti was first published in Russia. It was published both in Moscow and in the northern "capital" of Russia - St. Petersburg, and the name was not constant: either "Rossiskiye Vedomosti", or simply "Vedomosti", or even "Vedomosti Moskovskie". The development of the newspaper business was in full swing - already in 1914 more than 3 thousand titles were registered.

In Soviet times, after 1917, the press day was celebrated on July 5 - the date the Pravda newspaper was published. But after the collapse of the USSR in 1991, by a special Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Russian Federation The holiday was renamed from "Soviet Press Day" to "Russian Press Day" and moved to January 13 - it was on this day in 1703 that the Vedomosti newspaper was published.

Show congratulations

Today is an important and invaluable day, the Day of the Russian Press. Everyone considers the printed word to be something natural and ordinary, but if printed products were not developed in our country, would we think so? That is why we wish the Russian press not to become history!


Today is a big holiday - the anniversary of the publication of the first newspaper. In honor of such an event, I want to congratulate the workers of the printing industry and wish them always to have readers for whom it is worth printing newspapers - Happy Russian Press Day to you!


Russian Press Day is not only a holiday. January 13 is a significant day when the first Russian newspaper began to be published in Russia in 1703. We congratulate the media workers, express admiration for their skill and talent. We wish you well-being, success and fair wind in any endeavors!


Happy Russian Press Day! More than 200 years after the release of the first newspaper in Russia, more than 30,000 printed articles are published. For reliable information, honestly, for efficiency and relevance!

With genuine interest
Let people read the press
Let the Russian press
It will only flourish!

May you, dear colleagues,
Always waiting for success
Develop day by day
Filling the world with good!

I wish everyone happiness
Live without troubles and without problems!
To shine happy eyes,
You never go out!

I wish the Russian press
We have flourished all the time in our country!
I want to wish all of us success
So that work brings joy to us!

Let newspapers buy more often
Keep people up to date!
Let our income grow
So that life develops from bright days!

Colleagues, I congratulate you on the Russian Press Day. May there always be inspiration and interesting material for successful work, let there always be enough strength and patience to translate wonderful ideas both in work and in life.

Happy Press Day Russian Cardio
Congratulations, colleagues, I congratulate you!
Let everything be flawless
Every moment, every day and now.

Let salaries grow faster
Let the authorities give us the will.
Let the mood be brighter
And in business, let, of course, be lucky.

The Russian press celebrates today
His rightful triumph.
With that, I congratulate you, colleagues!
Let everything work well.

Although not so, let it be great
You will have everything and everything.
May your world be kind, clear
And may your house prosper.

Everyone can print
But the holiday is only ours!
Good luck in your glorious work,
When you go into a rage!
Printer! - Sounds proud.
We have something to be proud of.
Who does not print - is silent,
Missing corners.
I wish you good health, create,
Love the Russian seal!

Happy Press Day, my colleagues!
Let our circulations grow
Good happiness will fill the days
And comfort will reign in the soul.

After all, we bring knowledge to the masses,
Let such an important work be appreciated.
You once again, friends, with our day,
May great success come!

Happy press day to you, colleagues,
In January I send congratulations,
Stops do not know
Let our printing press.

Let circulations fly
To unseen heights
Let our journalists
It will be so overwhelming.

And the Russian press
Give odds to the Internet
world wide web
Will not replace our newspaper.

I wish you good luck,
million copies,
To always be proud
We are our work.

Happy Print Day,
We sincerely wish you all
Thank you for your hard work
Keep honesty as a vessel.

Bring only the truth to the masses,
Have the new items in stock.
Expand our horizons
Soldiers of the invisible front.

You have press workers,
Always serious challenges.
We want to congratulate you on holidays
We tell you from the bottom of our hearts.

Let by every important date,
Increases to your salary.
And the record of happiness is spinning,
A grain of sand shines in the eyes of joy.

Russian seal -
She's important to everyone.
It must be read
Always our country!

Stay up to date with the news
Moreover, without the Internet!
How? ! run fast
Buy our newspaper!

I wish you prosperity
And new victories for us!
Thank you for your efforts
For many long years!

Congratulations on the press day in prose

Every person on earth at least once in his life, but held in his hands either a newspaper, or a magazine, or a book. And some people cannot even imagine the morning of a new day without a fresh newspaper and news. But most of us do not even realize that so many people are behind one such small newspaper. Most do not even realize what a job it is to produce a new newspaper on time every day and make up the pages of the newspaper. Therefore, if you have acquaintances or relatives who work with printed products, then congratulate them on the holiday. And they celebrate their professional holiday on January 13th. For you, we have prepared congratulations on the day of printing in prose, which you can address to journalists, writers, newspaper sellers and everyone who is related to printing. Beautiful and original congratulations on the day of printing in prose is the best recognition of their merits and their work. It will be pleasant for them to receive such congratulations, and it will become an incentive to work even better and better.


Press Day is a holiday for millions of people. Because printing is one of the most demanded services in today's market. And today, January 13, on your professional holiday, I want to wish you all the best and the best. May your machines never break down, and may newspapers, books and magazines be printed in millions of copies. Happy holiday to you.

Happy Print Day! This is a holiday celebrated by people of different professions, a journalist, a writer, a designer, an editor, and a publisher. Because everything that people of all these professions do is united by printing. It is the press that helps to see the light of any book and newspaper. Therefore, accept the most sincere congratulations and may you have more readers every year.

In the era of computers, tablets and smartphones, print publications have not weakened in the slightest. People have not stopped reading paper editions of newspapers, people have not stopped buying paper books. And that is why printed matter, and hence the employees of printed publications, are still in great demand. Accept congratulations on your professional holiday, and let your publications come out in millions of copies. Happy Print Day!

Happy Print Day! I wish you success in life, good luck at work and large circulations. And let your products please us every day, and let there be more and more readers every year.

Press Day is a holiday for all people who are related to newspapers, magazines, books. And there are millions of such people. And they all do one thing, but a very important thing. And today, January 13, I congratulate all of you, press workers, on your holiday. May people never stop reading paper newspapers and books. And let your circulations be the largest. Congratulations!

A journalist writes an article, an editor checks it, and a publisher publishes it in a newspaper. And so from day to day. And not only in journalism. This is how it is done in the book business and in the magazine business. And all these people are of different professions, but they have one common goal - for their work to see the light of day and be printed. And on January 13 of every year we celebrate a beautiful holiday called Printing Day. Please accept my warmest and most sincere congratulations on the day of printing, and let it work smoothly and perfectly for you every day. Please people every day with new newspapers, articles and give people what they want. Good luck and Happy Holidays!

Dear friend! Happy Print Day! Let your machines work without breakage every day and print millions of sheets of paper. Please accept my best wishes and sincere congratulations. Please us every day with your newspapers and magazines.

January 13 is celebrated in Russia Russian Press Day". It was on this day in 1703 that in Russia, by decree of Peter I, the number of the first Russian newspaper"Vedomosti".

The first issue of the newspaper was called "Vedomosti about military and other affairs worthy of knowledge and memory that happened in the Moscow State and in other surrounding countries." The newspaper was published first in Moscow, then in St. Petersburg, while it actually did not have a permanent name - Vedomosti, Rossiyskiye Vedomosti, Vedomosti Moskovskie ...

From January 1, 1870, "by the highest command" it was allowed "to arrange, in the form of an experiment, the acceptance of subscriptions to periodicals, both Russian and foreign, in post offices." In Russia, this was the first order to subscribe to periodicals. And by 1914, more than three thousand periodicals were published in Russia.

After 1917, this holiday was moved to May 5, the day when the main Soviet newspaper Pravda was published, and renamed the Day of the Soviet Press. Only in 1992, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the celebration of the "Day of the Russian Press" was again returned to the historically correct date - January 13th.

Today, more than 33,000 printed publications are registered in Russia, and more than 20 million copies of newspapers are distributed daily. Traditionally, Russian Press Day is marked by the presentation of the Presidential Prize in the field of media and grants (scholarships) to support the most significant creative projects young journalists. The award has been awarded since 1997.

Happy Print Day
Everyone who makes newspapers!
Who prints magazines
Who loves this job!
I wish you readers
Loyal, indifferent,
So that all your newspapers
Sold out like buns!
To make us proud of you
You write about good things!
Let magazines be all about fashion!
And so that with a bright cover!
Bad news - no!
We are tired of horror stories!
Peaceful life for your families,
More joy, more smiles! ©

Happy Print Day

Dear Writer,
Poet, correspondent,
Happy Print Day!
At this festive moment!
We all want to publish
Only in huge numbers!
To be filled with inspiration
Every hour, every day! ©

Happy Print Day Poems for Colleagues

Everyone is in a hurry and bustle.
Awaiting the editor's response.
So the publishing house strives
For the "word" to come out!
We all know how much
Current material.
Happy Print Day
Dear our staff! ©

We celebrate Russian Press Day,
Hey comrade, get in line.
And in a column we will follow together,
Congratulate those people with you
Those people who work invisible,
For more than 300 years now,
Provide abundance
News, magazines, newspapers! ©

Thank you, creators of the paper press!
Without you, we will say frankly, there is no life!
Make it interesting to read
And bought more newspapers!
I am very glad to congratulate you on the day of the press,
And wish you more news
Love your job, rule in a word,
And meet the press day more fun! ©

I'm not used to the forum and chat
To meet any news -
I trust since childhood print,
Especially since the Russian press.
Shame on you, mark it with red reverse -
Like, a retrograde that does not feel the waves ...
Happy Print Day
All the brethren of the printed country! ©

… I associate with printing
Not a gingerbread, an imprint and a brand,
And those people (you mark!)
Who writes subtly and sharply,
And also those who are close to them,
Whose fate is equally difficult ...
Well, Happy Russian Press Day!
Let there be press - for centuries! ©

In Russia, they never get tired of reading
Printing is important and necessary to us like water
Or maybe like air, so boldly
They print a lot, sometimes without shame.
And on the holiday of the Russian press, so different
I want to wish you more often
I had to read not paper garbage,
And what is deservedly praised everywhere.
Writers past and present
Today is their holiday, but only sometimes
In today's press, a sense of grace
They do not see in pursuit of the masses, the crowd.
Let only the best fall into your hands
What will make you think, pleasing to the eye.
I believe there is an opportunity for print
Worthy lines to please us. ©

We'll tell you, newspaper workers!
Thanks for coming home!
Not once a year, and not when you want -
We are constantly waiting for you!
We are ready to read it every day,
A newspaper full of news!
She came and we read again
About what the Russian country is famous for!
What to wish you on your printed holiday?
Look for good! And we have to carry it!
Let the newspaper be filled with good
From true reader love! ©

© - Congratulations on the day of the Russian press were written specifically for the holiday portal website. Copying is possible only if there is an active link to our site.

Press Day is a holiday that every inhabitant of the country and the planet should celebrate. Because each of us is involved in the press. Well, judge for yourself: someone writes articles and books, someone checks them and puts them into print, and someone prints them. On the other hand, someone reads all these newspapers and books, and someone sells them. And all these someone is you and me. We are ordinary people, without whom there would be no newspapers, no books, no press itself. Therefore, congratulate each other on a wonderful holiday with the day of the press. And we will help you with this. For you, we have written interesting congratulations on the day of the press in prose and in verse. Send, send by SMS and give them personally. And let everyone know that January 13 is the day of the press is a holiday for all people.

Happy Print Day! And on this joyful day for you, I would like to wish not millions of copies, but that people respect your work, that people read newspapers, and not wrap products in them. Happy holiday, and may your printing presses never stop.

I am writing this verse now
To congratulate you from the bottom of my heart,
All print workers
May success await you in your work,
Let your circulation grow
May there be a million sales!
Health, happiness forever!
Happy press day gentlemen!

In our modern world, everyone has access to the Internet, everyone has a phone or computer at hand, and everyone can find out the news and read books right on their phones. But all the same, print media live and thrive. Because reading paper editions is much more interesting. Accept congratulations on your holiday, on the day of the press, and may your work always be necessary and useful.

Happy Print Day! What do you have for this holiday? Yes, everyone is involved in this holiday! Because the press unites millions of people. From journalists writing articles to ordinary readers of these articles. So don't be shy and congratulations!

Anyone who has ever held a newspaper in their hands and read its latest issue knows that this is a very pleasant experience. It is the newspaper that conveys everything that we need. Therefore, accept congratulations on the day of the press and delight us every day with new and fresh newspapers. We are very grateful to you for this.

Every day we are told that newspapers and magazines, and other paper publications, are becoming obsolete. That the Internet is about to absorb everything. But you hold on and even prosper. Because people like to read paper newspapers, magazines and books. Happy holiday to you, our dear ones, happy press day. You are on the right track and we love you for it.

When printing appeared, millions of people had a favorite job. And other millions of people got favourite hobby- Reading books and newspapers. We congratulate both publishers and readers on the press day. Together we will make our work and passion even better and more interesting!

Create any magazine
It's a complicated ritual!
Material to be found
bypass competitors,
Think through everything to the smallest detail
Do not close your eyes at night
Go through a million ideas
To get people interested
design colorful create,
And then it's in print!
And put it up for sale
So that he was not lost!
To all the creators of the magazine,
Happy Print Day!
Less stress and pain
More new experiences!

Any paper product
Made by you, of course!
You are print workers!
From the bottom of my heart I wish you happiness
After all, your work, gentlemen,
We will always need!

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