Why is a person happy? They are able to adapt


Every person, young and old, wants to be happy, whether they realize it or not. But then why is there no happiness in life, as many people think. What prevents a person from loving and being loved, rejoicing and enjoying life itself?

Today, on site website, you will learn the main (main) reasons why many people are not happy in life, what exactly prevents them from feeling happy and how to find their happiness in life: in relationships, in love, family, at work ...

Many do not have happiness in life - why?

In a nutshell, what is happiness: — happiness is love. And to be happy means to love and be loved, to feel needed and necessary, to enjoy life and enjoy every moment of it ..., to love yourself, others and the world around you, what else does a person need?!

Many people strive to be happy by accumulating, acquiring, getting rich, underestimating and “devouring” others ... They are ruled by greed, greed, dishonor, vanity, envy, jealousy, resentment, revenge, malevolence and the spirit of unhealthy competition, rivalry using cunning, deceit , strength and power.

But look at those who have achieved wealth, money, power, fame - have they become happy? Everyone knows that the rich also cry and get sick and they are also mortal.

Of course, no one cancels or detracts from the benefits of civilization: decent housing, high-quality transport, high technology, in the form of various gadgets, a comfortable life and safe living on your territory - all this is necessary for a quality, comfortable life, but not for happiness itself.

And everyone understands that it is desirable to be both healthy, and rich, and successful, and happy at the same time. But is it possible all at once in reality?

In practice, this may not be the case for everyone, for various reasons. But here a person can definitely become happy, regardless of his social status, money in his pocket, health, strength and power.

And there is no happiness in life only for those who set incorrect life priorities and values.

What exactly prevents a person from becoming happy

There are only three main reasons that prevent a person from being happy - they are usually unconscious, invisible, and even intangible: - this is not love for oneself, not love for one's neighbor, and not love for the world and life in general.

A person, for the most part, is controlled by the subconscious (unconscious), and it is irrational, so people often simply do not understand at the level of reason (consciousness) what is happening to them in life and why they are not happy.

In the depths of the psyche, in the unconscious, since childhood, various attitudes, beliefs and beliefs about oneself, other people and the world as a whole were laid from the outside. These beliefs unconsciously control the thinking, feeling and behavior of people ..., in fact, control all life, the fate of a person.

And if, for example, a young man, in order to capture the attention of a girl who loves to ride a car, will be malnourished, deprive himself of what he needs and save up for his car, thereby harming himself, then this is already an indicator of his dislike for himself, which means he a priori will not be happy, even with this girl, even without her.

Plus, if he does not love himself, then he simply cannot love another person, even if he is drawn to him and he is ready to sacrifice himself for him. This is not love, as it seems to many "in love" - ​​it is a neurotic attraction that turns into a neurotic attachment (essentially dependence).

And if this girl gets together with him because of the car, then what kind of love is it for him ?! Those. if they get close, both of them will not be happy, because Neither one nor the other loves themselves or each other.

These three interdependent components, based on deep beliefs, prevent a person from being happy. It doesn't matter if he is rich or not.

What to do so that nothing prevents you from being happy

Happiness actually exists in life, and it is enough for everyone. And in order to understand this and not prevent yourself from being happy, you just need to change your thinking, i.e. your attitude towards yourself (i.e., to love yourself is first of all), towards people around you and the world in general.

Set the right priorities, life guidelines and values, and learn to love life itself, every moment of it.

Are you unhappy in your personal life? Then you

Each of us experienced the state of happiness, but not everyone tried to understand what is special about this state. But there is a difference, and a very significant one. In a normal state, our brain performs dozens, and even hundreds of mental operations per second. It can be just thoughts, or it can be thoughts about desires, which are actually the majority.

As soon as our desire is fulfilled, thoughts disappear for a while. This is the state of true happiness! It is when your mind is free from desires that this very short emptiness under the influence of something realized fills our whole being with a feeling of boundless happiness.

Thus, desires may be different, the ways of their implementation too, but the feeling of happiness is certainly the same for everyone. True, it can also be expressed in different ways. Someone falls into a state of euphoria, even begins to do various stupid things, someone can smile quietly, someone just falls into a stupor, but, undoubtedly, happiness is the absence of current desires.

It is desires that make a person go somewhere and do something, and when this is not necessary, because everything has already been done, and there is no need to think about anything - is this not happiness? Therefore, the state when a person is happy is not difficult to recognize. It is difficult to make this feeling present with us as often as possible.

Everyone knows the expression of Kozma Prutkov “If you want to be happy, be happy”.

But the desire to be happy is not enough. Most often, there is not enough motivation - a person does not know why he should be happy.

11 reasons why you should be happy

  1. Happy people have more energy. A happy person has a lot of energy and his efficiency increases several times.
  2. Happy people learn faster. A happy person is open to new knowledge and learns everything much faster.
  3. Happy people are more motivated. Good motivation is already 80% of success.
  4. Happy people are more creative. When you are happy, you have a lot of new ideas.
  5. Happy people make more informed decisions. Happy people make the right decisions because they don't live in constant stress that narrows their ability to see priorities and perspectives.
  6. Happy people work better with others. A happy person has much better relationships with colleagues and, accordingly, productivity increases.
  7. Happy people solve problems, not complain about them. When a problem arises, a happy person will simply solve it without complaining about his fate and everything in the world.
  8. Happy people are more optimistic. And the path of an optimist is much more successful and productive.
  9. Happy people get sick less often. And save on pills.
  10. Happy people don't think about mistakes and therefore make fewer mistakes.
  11. A happy person does not program himself for failure, and it happens to him much less often.

Many people wonder how some people manage to be constantly happy, see the positive in everything, rejoice and wake up every day with a smile on their face. Why Does absolute happiness exist or does it only appear at certain moments in our lives?

What is happiness?

Happiness is a philosophical concept that implies the state of a person in which he is completely satisfied with his life. If you ask ordinary people about what it means, the majority will begin to list some material benefits. Having your own house, an expensive car, a good job, the opportunity to travel - this is what many consider happiness.

In fact, happiness is It depends on how a person relates to what he has. You can not have untold wealth, but still be happy, at the same time, wealthy people often feel unhappy. A person can be happy simply because he internally accepts his conditions of life, is grateful for what he has, does not envy and does not crave the impossible.

For everyone, happiness is something different, there is no single answer to the question of why a person is happy. It is enough for someone to feel just a delicious dinner, but for someone to feel real bliss is possible only when buying the most expensive car.

Childhood is the happiest time

If you ask a person about when he was most happy, many are likely to remember their childhood years. Young children are open to everything new, they know how to find positive in those things that adults do not even notice. It is the ability to enjoy the little things that makes children truly happy.

Children do not hide their emotions. They laugh when they are happy and cry when they are sad, they sing and dance when they feel like it. Children know how to be what they are: direct, independent of the rules and standards of society. That is why a person is happy in childhood almost all the time.

With the birth of a child, parents are given a chance to look at the familiar world through children's eyes again. Children charge adults with positive energy, happiness and positivity.

Can a person always be happy?

Probably, there are no such people who have never experienced resentment, anger, despair, sadness in their lives. It is unlikely that in these moments you can feel happy. Why is a person not always happy? Why is there no absolute happiness?

Black streaks happen in everyone's life. Some people have less, some more. Even a seemingly always happy person sometimes experiences negative emotions. When people say they are happy, it doesn't mean they never get upset. It’s just that their life is filled with joyful moments, which together give a feeling of happiness.

The misfortunes and sorrows that sometimes happen to each of us make it possible, against the backdrop of contrast, to subsequently feel positive emotions more fully. Sometimes a person does not realize how happy he was until he loses something. Having rediscovered what gave a feeling of happiness, people begin to appreciate it and enjoy every minute of their lives.

Why are people unhappy?

Most often, it is very easy to explain the reasons why a person is not satisfied with his life. It can be boring work, problems in relationships with loved ones, financial difficulties, illness.

Sometimes you can meet such people who have almost everything in life: the second half, children, good job, the ability to travel. It would seem that under such conditions a person should be happy. However, many seem successful people do not consider themselves as such. Something constantly does not suit them, they make a tragedy out of everything and often complain. Why is this happening?

First of all, such people need to understand themselves, their goals and desires. Only by clearly defining what you really want, you can become truly happy. Very often, people simply do not know how. They are used to taking all the benefits that they have for granted, and do not notice their happiness.


Psychologists give a lot of advice about this. First you need to analyze your life and identify the moments that do not suit you. For example, it is worth considering why a person is happy at home with his family, but at work he constantly falls into depression. People have the power to change their lives for the better, so why not find a more interesting job that you want to go to with pleasure?

To find happiness, you need to stop complaining and see only the bad in everything. It is worth looking at the world differently, trying to find the positive in the simplest little things. If suddenly your favorite song started playing in the minibus or a stranger on the street smiled at you, isn't that a reason to rejoice?

There are many other tips on how to make your life more beautiful: do not waste time on useless things, relax more often in a pleasant company, live for today, but do not forget about plans for the future, develop and strive to learn new things. Following all these rules, you will certainly feel how the world is painted in bright colors, and the answer to the question of why a person is happy will become clear and simple for you.

It is impossible to find a universal way that would make every person happy. Someone is happy with a tidy sum, while others are inspired by travel. In general, there is no exact definition of such a condition, and for each person it has its own specific character.

What does it mean to be a happy person?

There are people who believe that the feeling of happiness is short-lived and is associated with certain life situations. It is simply impossible to predict these events in any way, these are fleeting phenomena that give incredible sensations and emotions. For example, many experience happiness when they hug a child, hear birds singing, watch a touching movie, and so on. Often this feeling is compared to a wave that suddenly covers, and then recedes. Many people, when thinking about why a person is happy, point out that this feeling occurs when life is full and interesting. In simple words a person feels joy when he has a favorite job, good health, a happy family, etc.

What makes a person happy:

In everyone's life there are various obstacles that prevent you from feeling joy and happiness, let's dwell on some of them:

  1. Approval of others. Many cannot take a step without knowing the opinions of other people. In principle, each person should live their own thoughts. You need to listen to advice, but decide how to act only with your head.
  2. Anger and negativity. Many grievances in a person's life arise because of unjustified hopes. Learn to look at the surrounding situations easier and control your own emotions.
  3. Desire to be perfect. Many people try to copy the lives of others, trying to repeat their happiness. It is worth learning to enjoy your own life and actions.
  4. Past. For many people, the main obstacles to happiness are past events that do not give the opportunity to develop and move forward. Try to put an end to it and start over.

Some more facts about happiness.

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