Sheep breed Kuibyshev how many lambs give. The most delicious barbecue or Kuibyshev sheep. Difference from other breeds


The Kuibyshev breed of sheep combines highly productive meat and wool qualities. This type is considered semi-fine-fleece. They easily adapt to various climatic conditions and tolerate both heat and cold well. In this article we will talk about their origin, as well as the exterior and productive characteristics.

The name of this breed comes directly from the breeding area of ​​this type of sheep. The ancestors of these sheep are English Romney March sheep and Cherkasy uterus. Breeding this type of animals began in the Kuibyshev region in the middle of the twentieth century. It is the Kuibyshev sheep that are considered the first domestic breed. The most highly productive individuals were selected for crossing, as a result of which this type appeared. The creators of this type of animal are considered to be such livestock specialists: Vasiliev, Vatagina and Nekrasova.

Crossing with English rams did not occur until the second generation, as the basic characteristics of wool and growth productivity began to decline. Further (after the second generation) the best individuals were selected for crossing with each other. The Fleece homogeneity index was the main criterion for the selection of desirable and undesirable individuals for further breeding work.


The main features of the exterior of the Kuibyshev rams and sheep is a strong physique with a body resembling the shape of a barrel. The legs of these animals are short and strong enough. The hind limbs are very well developed. Both queens and rams have no horns. The neck is short and the head is wide. The body is muscular, the back is straight, even. In general, the Kuibyshev type of animals is very similar in body structure to its English ancestor, the Romney March.

Another advantage of this type of conformation is strong hooves and a good degree of overgrowth. If we consider the characteristics of wool, it is worth noting that it is quite long. The length of the hairs is 13-15 cm. The coat is uniform and twisted, as well as shiny. The fleece belongs to the staple-braid type. Fineness 46-56 quality. Shearing in rams (on average) is 6-8 kg, and in queens, the weight reaches 5 kg. The output of pure wool is 60%. Color - white.

Conditions of detention

Kuibyshev sheep quickly acclimatize and tolerate heat and cold well. They are not picky and resistant to various climatic conditions. These are pasture-type animals, therefore they are grazed in the spring and summer. The transition to a dry diet should be carried out gradually. At the end of the grazing season, the animals are fed with dry feed. Root crops are also added to the diet of Kuibyshev sheep, but in a complex. Plants such as burdock, thorn should be excluded from the food of these animals, because they pollute the wool. During the fattening period, salt must be added to the water. You can also include various mineral supplements.

There is no need to keep the stalls warm. Unshorn individuals tolerate cold very well. The lowest allowable temperature in the room where the animals are kept is +3 degrees.

Under conditions of an artificial increase in daylight hours, Kuibyshev sheep gain weight faster, as they eat more food.

Since the hooves are strong enough, the animals are not prone to lameness. Hooves need to be trimmed once a year. This breed is very easy to breed, animals do not require special conditions of detention. They are also immune to various diseases.


The Kuibyshev breed of sheep has a meat and wool orientation. One of the advantages of this type is precocity. At the age of 6-7 months, the weight of individuals can reach 50 kg. At this age, the ratio of feed costs and muscle tissue growth is the most beneficial.

At the age of 10 months, animals of this breed have an optimal ratio of meat and wool qualities. The queens are characterized by an average fecundity, which is 130 percent.

The live weight of a sheep is 120-130 kg. The record weight for Kuibyshev sheep is 160 kg. The weight of the uterus does not exceed 80 kg. In rare cases, 90 kg. The slaughter yield is 45-50 percent. The meat has excellent taste, and also has excellent marbling.

Shearing in rams reaches 8 kg, and in queens - up to 5 kg. The amount of fineness in the wool of adult rams becomes 29.1-37.0 microns, and in the uterus - 27.1-34.0. These are indicators of the quality of the cut.

Breeding meat-wool type of sheep is considered very profitable. Firstly, animals can be kept to obtain and sell wool, which is of high quality and, accordingly, a high price. Secondly, lambs very quickly gain body weight at a fairly low cost of diet. This type is bred both on large farms and on small farms.

According to all the above parameters of productivity, we can conclude that we can be proud of our domestic breed. This type of sheep is one of the most popular in many regions of the country.

Video “Kuibyshev breed of sheep”

From the video you will learn about the features of keeping and breeding sheep of the Kuibyshev breed.

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A beautiful breed, each representative of which looks touching at a young age and impressive in adulthood. Kuibyshev sheep perfectly tolerate cold, heat, windy weather, but do not tolerate dampness, excessive moisture. A strong body constitution and a rather large head are recognizable features of the breed. Excellent resistance to heat and cold is another plus of these animals.

The Kuibyshev breed belongs to semi-fine-fleece species, it gives a lot of wool of excellent quality. It was the coarse-haired and fine-fleeced ancestors of the Kuibyshev sheep that made it possible to obtain a wonderful specimen of a semi-fine-fleeced animal. Thus, the breeders managed to increase the wool and meat productivity of the offspring. The fleece of the Kuibyshev sheep is staple, as well as staple-braid. Woolen fibers in length reach 15 centimeters.


The Kuibyshev breed was obtained by crossing Romney Marches and Cherkasy sheep. The name of the breed was given at the place of breeding - the Kuibyshev region (Russia). Thanks to a very dense layer of wool and unpretentiousness in food, sheep have perfectly taken root both in their homeland and in other countries. Currently, the Kuibyshev breed is bred and actively sold in Tatarstan, Mordovia, Ukraine, Bulgaria and other countries.


The body is strong, squat, the body is barrel-shaped and slightly elongated, the neck is wide and short, like the head. Peculiarities appearance Kuibyshev - this is polled. And they are born without horns and remain so all their lives. The withers of the Kuibyshev individuals are muscular and powerful, the femoral muscles are well developed. The weight of a ram can reach up to 110-150 kg, and a sheep - up to 65-70 kg.

Fine wool is another reason to be proud of this breed. With good care, the animal literally shines, its coat shines and fits well, as if combed. The uniform texture of the coat and the braided structure add value to the sheared material. Each haircut brings about 5 kg of wool, and rams - about 6 kg.


The diet of animals cannot but rejoice, because they eat any grass, cereals, fresh and dry hay. Very fond of mineral top dressing, wheatgrass, turnips, sweet root crops. The basis of the winter diet of bright and lambs is hay, compound feed and clean water. The more balanced the nutrition of pets, the less often they get sick and the better their coat looks. These animals eat a lot, they love to eat well and run free.

Experienced farmers do not advise giving finely ground grain to shaggy wards - the nostrils of animals can become clogged. The main thing is that the diet is nutritious and regular. It is unacceptable to fast with expired compound feed, affected by mold or damp during storage.


The fertility of animals is about 130%, lambs almost immediately after birth look funny, very good-looking. They quickly gain weight, in six months they can already weigh 65 kilograms. Due to precocity, the breed quickly pays for feed costs. The lambing period is mid to late spring. Insemination is carried out in the fall, but it is better to avoid the birth of young animals in the winter, because this way the animals will get sick more often.

Now let's talk about how to properly keep the breed and whether there are any secrets of the content. The sheepfold may be cramped, but never cold and damp. The herd tolerates the cold well if it is warm and dry in the paddock where they spend most of the daytime. Humidity is the biggest enemy of sheep wool quality and a concomitant factor for infections.

Raw wool will hasten the appearance of ticks and colds in sheep. The best fattening and weight gain in sheep will occur at a temperature of 6 to 12 degrees Celsius. The best product for weight gain is barley. The room must be constantly ventilated and cleaned, otherwise infections and a persistent unpleasant odor are inevitable, which the sheep already have a strong one.

Photo gallery

Video "Kuibyshev sheep at the livestock exhibition"

In this video, we offer you to watch the presentation of the Kuibyshev breed at an exhibition in Elista.

Among the huge variety of sheep breeds, one cannot pass by such a harmonious animal as the Kuibyshev sheep. It stands out noticeably against the background of other breeds by the high quality of the coat, it adapts perfectly to any natural conditions and has a high meat quality. It belongs to semi-fine-wool breeds with rather long hair. These valuable qualities allow us to appreciate this animal.

Sheep of the Kuibyshev breed

This breed comes from the Kuibyshev region, where they were bred by breeders back in the forties. They sought to create a breed that would not be inferior in terms of basic indicators to English wool sheep, but could also quickly gain weight even in the most severe climatic conditions. In order to combine all these signs in one animal, Circassian meat sheep, which have a large body weight, as well as long-haired English sheep, the hallmark of which is high quality wool. Both of these breeds have high rates in terms of endurance, they mature quickly and give strong offspring.

Distinctive features

According to external signs, the Kuibyshev breed of sheep is similar to a ball of yarn, which has a muzzle and four thin legs. But this is only outwardly. If you look closely, then this animal has:

  • strong physique,
  • massive skeletal system
  • the neck is large and short, the head is wide,
  • barrel shaped body
  • neither females nor males have horns,
  • the coat is dense, closes the muzzle to the level of the eyes,
  • the length of the wool cover reaches fifteen centimeters,
  • coat color is white with small patches of dark spots,

Kuibyshev sheep have white wool

Breed productivity

Kuibyshev sheep belong to semi-fine-fleeced and long-haired breeds. Their precocity allows you to significantly accelerate the maturation of young animals. Already at the age of four months, they reach about thirty kilograms in weight, and by eight months they weigh up to forty-five kilograms. Already at this age, their bone was formed, like in an adult ram. The maximum weight gain is observed in the summer, when the animals spend most of their time on pasture. Upon reaching the age of ten months, the young can rightfully be considered an adult. Their body is already fully formed, the meat indicators of young rams become at the level of an adult. Their meat is highly valued for its marbling. It is achieved due to the fact that muscle fibers are still relatively small in size, and fatty inclusions appear between them.

With age, the marbling of meat in young animals is lost, the fibers thicken and thicken. The quality, taste and characteristics of the meat are reduced.

Therefore, experienced breeders try to plan the slaughter of animals in advance so as not to miss an important moment.

Sheep are sheared twice a year

Grooming of adult animals is done twice a year: in spring and autumn. This is just a recommendation. Each breeder must independently decide for himself in which period to produce a haircut. In different climatic conditions, wool grows in different ways. Therefore, it is purely individual.

Pros and cons of the breed

The benefit from breeding sheep of the Kuibyshev breed consists of several indicators:

  1. Profit from the sale of meat, wool and products based on them;
  2. Production costs (they depend on the area and the peculiarities of keeping sheep);
  3. Opportunity to market and sell products.

Before deciding to breed Kuibyshev sheep, it is important to evaluate the pros and cons, assess the conditions for their maintenance, climatic conditions.

Kuibyshev sheep easily adapt to difficult climatic conditions. They are able to survive in hot climates and in severe winter colds. The Kuibyshev breed of sheep gives wool of the highest quality, and is also valued for its good meat performance. The precocity of young animals makes it possible to get about thirty kilograms of meat from an eight-month-old ram. At this age, it is especially appreciated for its taste and quality. It is also valued for the absence of foreign smell, which is characteristic of this type of animal.

Kuibyshev sheep gives tasty meat without a characteristic smell

The weight of an adult ram reaches about one hundred and ten kilograms, and the weight of a sheep is seventy-five kilograms of live weight.

A few disadvantages include fluctuation in wool fineness, as well as the difficulty of breeding on pastures with low productivity.

Experts attribute this to the fact that the sheep breed was created for keeping in the Volga region, where there is a lot of high quality grass and mild climatic conditions.

Sheep feed in the summer on pasture, green grass, root crops and gourds. In winter, they are transferred to feeding on straw, hay, concentrated dry food, root crops and silage. breeders and veterinarians it is not recommended to transfer animals from one type of food to another too abruptly, otherwise they develop a violation of the digestive tract. This has a bad effect on the health of not one animal, but the whole herd and lead to their death.

The Kuibyshev breed was bred almost before the Great Patriotic War itself. When breeding the breed, the breeders set themselves the task of obtaining such sheep, in which the wool would be semi-fine-fleeced, and the young would be distinguished by rapid weight gain even in the harsh conditions of the northern and high mountain regions of our country.

Sheep of the meat-wool Circassian breed were taken for crossing, which have coarse, but long hair and a large body weight, and males of the Romney March breed (Great Britain) with high-quality wool, strong, hardy and early maturing.

Representatives of the Kuibyshev breed took only the best qualities from their "parents". The result is very productive individuals with fine fine hair, quickly gaining body weight, not responding to sudden changes in weather from heat to cold.

Description and characteristics

Sheep of this breed look very unusual - they look like a big ball of wool with protruding limbs and a very cute muzzle. These individuals have strong bones, a short massive neck, a voluminous head, and an oblong body that looks like a barrel. Representatives of this breed do not have horns - this is the main feature of the Kuibyshev rams and sheep.

The main features of the breed, according to the State Register, are as follows:

  • the body is covered with dense long hair from head to tail;
  • coat color is white;
  • covering hair;
  • the presence of dark spots on the limbs and ears is allowed;
  • staple fleece (or staple-braid);
  • the length of the coat is usually 13–15 cm;
  • after shearing, the yield of washed wool is 55–57%.

Some breeders cross the Kuibyshev sheep with representatives of the coarse-wooled species; but their offspring do not always inherit the uniform fine coat of Kuibyshev females.

Productivity characteristics

Key Performance Features


Adult sheep weight

Weight of an adult sheep

Weight of a male at one year of age

Weight of a female per year

The amount of wool from one haircut of an adult ram

The amount of wool from one shearing of an adult sheep

Mass of lambs at 4 months

Slaughter yield of meat

Number of lambs born

Sheep can have from 1 to 2 lambs in one lamb. The first lambing can take place in different ways, but subsequent births usually proceed completely without complications.

Due to the high precocity, the young growth gains about 28–30 kg in 4 months after birth, and up to 50 kg by the year. It is in 10–12 months that the backbone of the older generation is almost completely formed. These animals gain the greatest amount of meat during the summer stay on pastures.

The meat of young lambs at 10-11 months is very tender and tasty, besides, by this time they are already gaining enough mass for slaughter. This meat is marbled (and later this quality of meat disappears), since the muscles have not yet grown completely, and fat builds up on them. This meat also lacks the smell characteristic of lamb, which usually has to be slaughtered with spices or various methods of its preparation. With the age of animals, the palatability of this lamb decreases.

Therefore, the breeders who breed this breed slaughter the young on time so as not to miss the moment when the meat has not yet lost its excellent taste.

These sheep, like all representatives of the meat and wool direction, are sheared in early spring and early autumn. But usually the owners themselves decide when and how to shear the Kuibyshev sheep. Another feature of these animals is that their hair in regions with different climates grows to different lengths.

Diseases that sheep can be exposed to are worms, pasture mites, tucked limbs when pasture grazing. Also, wild stray dogs can accidentally attack and bite the herd.

To assess the real economic benefits of breeding this particular breed, the following indicators should be taken into account:

  • benefit from the sale of meat, wool and other products that were produced on its basis;
  • expenses for the maintenance and feeding of animals;
  • in what volume and where the products from these meat and wool animals will be sold.

Therefore, before engaging in breeding this breed, you should weigh all the positive and negative sides.

Kuibyshev individuals are quite unpretentious, and this is one of their main advantages. They feel great in both heat and cold, and this does not affect their productivity. Usually, the female part of the offspring is left to grow in order to obtain high quality wool from her, but the lambs are slaughtered by 10 months (unless it is necessary to leave the strongest of them to reproduce offspring).

In summer, herds of these sheep are usually kept on pastures; during this period, in addition to grass, sheep can be given root crops, watermelons, and pumpkins. In winter, the diet of animals includes hay and straw, dry food, as well as potatoes and silage. It is impossible to transfer sheep abruptly from one type of feed to another, so that the animals do not have a violation in the digestive tract.

Among the wide variety of sheep breeds, it is not difficult for a farmer to find his own option. When choosing, he will take into account such factors as the productivity of the sheep, the conditions of its maintenance, acclimatization and nutritional characteristics. The Kuibyshev breed of sheep combines high quality wool and meat, it quickly adapts to the climate, and the animals are also able to produce milk.


There are several distinctive features of this breed, knowing which, you will be able to purchase a representative of the Kuibyshev breed.


The sheep received this name in honor of the Kuibyshev region, where it was bred in the 40s. The breeders set themselves the task of obtaining a domestic breed that would not be inferior in quality to the English.

At good quality wool, animals also had to quickly gain weight, as well as quickly adapt to heat or cold. It became possible to combine all these signs after the meat-wool ewes of the Cherkasy breed, which are distinguished by their large weight and long white woolen cover, were crossed. But the representatives of the male sex were rams of the English breed Romney March. They have high quality wool, and the animals themselves were precocious and hardy.

On the video - information about the Kuibyshev breed of sheep:


The appearance of the sheep of the Kuibyshev breed is quite funny. Looking at them, it seems as if you have a skein of slightly loosened yarn in front of you, only it has hooves and a muzzle. But under the wool cover hides a strong and muscular body. The neck of the animal is powerful, the head is wide and the body is slightly elongated. This breed does not have horns.

In the photo - sheep of the Kuibyshev breed:

Kuibyshev breed of sheep

According to the standard of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Kuibyshev breed has the following features:

  1. The body is completely covered with a thick and dense woolen cover.
  2. The coat and topcoat are pure white.
  3. The structure of the rune is spatula or spatula-braid.

The yield of pure wool will be 57%. On the muzzle of the animal, there is no wool cover. There are slight blackouts in the legs and ears. But what they look like can be seen in the article by clicking on the link.


Since representatives of the Kuibyshev breed are precocious, this allows them to quickly build muscle mass. Already in a six-month-old lamb, it is 40-45 kg. It is at this age that the weight of animals is growing rapidly. Young rams have a rather massive meat build.

A suitable time for slaughter is 10 years. Meat products are distinguished by their high protein content. Later, the amount of marble fibers decreases, which adversely affects the quality characteristics of the meat. So sheep should be slaughtered at the age of 10 years. Then rams approach 75% of live weight.

A distinctive feature of the Kuibyshev sheep is that they can produce healthy milk. Each sheep after the birth of a lamb is capable of producing 2 liters of a dairy product. In addition to the classic nutrients, it contains vitamin B12, calcium and folic acid.

But what is the productivity and for what purposes they are bred is detailed in the article.


Caring for Kuibyshev sheep is not so difficult. It is important to carry out the prevention of diseases in time, to draw up a complete diet and conditions for keeping.


If you properly and balanced feed the sheep, they will quickly gain weight. Enhanced fattening will make it possible to achieve a weight of 45 kg in rams at the age of 7 months. Per day, one individual will consume 5.6-6.5 feed units per 1 kg of weight. Since the breed was bred in the steppe region, subcutaneous food is considered the best food for animals. You can graze sheep all year round if there is a thin layer of snow in winter.

When it's cold outside, you need to take care of additional nutrition. This should include hay, straw, barley and oats. Animals also gain weight if root crops, silage, cake and bran are added to their diet. Animals should have free access to food. Moreover, they themselves know how much food they need to increase fatness.

When compiling a diet for representatives of the Kuibyshev breed, it must be taken into account that they will need about 2 kg of hay and 400-500 g of additional feed. This is the average daily rate. If the nutrition is correct, then sheep and rams will give a large amount of meat product during slaughter.

In summer, animals need to be driven out to pasture or meadows. And if the snow cover is insignificant in winter, then you can arrange walks in the cold season. Sheep are not afraid of frost, as they have excellent protection in this regard in the form of a dense and thick woolen cover.

But animals should not get caught in the rain, since high humidity is the cause of the development of many diseases. In the room where the sheep will be, there should not be nails and sharp corners. Otherwise, the animals will not only spoil the wool, but also get hurt themselves. And since it is not always possible to detect a wound in time under thick wool, it can fester.

The temperature regime in the sheepfold can be below zero, then +5 degrees is considered optimal. Then the animals will feel comfortable. It is not necessary to insulate the barn, as well as install additional heating devices. In the sheep pen, you need to designate a place for a fleece. This will be a reliable protection against rain, snow and strong winds.


The following ailments can affect the Kuibyshev breed of sheep without non-compliance with the conditions of their maintenance and improper nutrition:

  1. Bradzot. This is the most dangerous disease that is of an infectious origin. The disease affects anaerobic bacillus, resulting in intoxication of the body. Bradzot causes inflammation of the abomasum. Transmission of the disease is carried out through contaminated feed and water, sick animals. You can recognize the disease by symptoms such as convulsions, increased salivation, teeth grinding, uneven gait.
  2. infectious mastitis. This is an acute infectious process that affects sheep, or rather their udders. Pathology occurs as a result of improper conditions for keeping animals and malnutrition. At risk are sheep that feed newborn lambs with milk. It is fashionable to recognize the disease according to the following clinical picture: an increase in body temperature to 41 degrees, frequent breathing, purulent inflammation of the udder, its redness and swelling.
  3. Footrot. This disease is infectious and chronic. Its peculiarity is the detachment and subsequent disintegration of the horn shoe. Pathology is formed as a result of dampness in the room and a lack of vitamins in the diet. The transmission of the infectious process is carried out through the infected sheep litter and through sick animals. The symptoms of the disease are as follows: a purulent process in the hoof horn, grayish mucus on the hoof, an unpleasant odor and inflammation of the skin in the interhoof gap.
  4. Contagious ecthyma. This disease is of viral origin. It is characterized by the presence of nodules, pustules and crusts that affect the oral cavity, udder, skin on the body. The virus is transmitted from a sick animal, feed or bedding. You can recognize the disease by the following symptoms: spots in the corners of the mouth, ulcers on the mucous membrane and ulcers on the skin.

On the video - diseases and maintenance of the Kuibyshev breed of sheep:


You can buy sheep of the Kuibyshev breed at a price of 3000 - 7000 rubles. But what is the price of a Dorper sheep, you can find out

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