Device for cutting raw rubber. Rubber cutting. General safety requirements


Waterjet cutting is an excellent technology that is used to cut a wide variety of materials, including rubber. The density and thickness of the rubber layer can be almost any. For example, the thickness of the material can be from 0.1mm to 300mm and even more. Usually, waterjet cutting rubber ordered in the manufacture of gaskets and seals for various mechanisms, in the manufacture of non-serial samples or parts, where it is simply too expensive to order large quantities. In the manufacture of elements of complex configuration. And there were also situations when owners of rare cars needed to replace a damaged gasket and ordering one from the manufacturer was longer and more expensive than cutting it on a waterjet cutting machine. In addition, it can be used to make car parts from other materials such as metal or plastic.

We can cut to order a gasket of any complexity, if you have a drawing or a sample. When the machine program file is compiled, it can be saved to a USB flash drive or disk and used again in the future, or slightly edited and used again.

At water jet cutting rubber There are a number of advantages over other technologies. For example, low cost. In addition, during waterjet cutting, there are no mechanical and high-temperature effects, as when cutting with a laser, cutter or plasma, the characteristics of the material being processed do not change, the cut is very high-quality and accurate, the edges of the material being processed are not melted, and the characteristics of the web material as a whole do not change.

Prices for waterjet cutting rubber

Waterjet cutting of rubber - examples of work

Rubber cutting - video

An identification number: etks31-23



ID number: etks31-23-1

Job Description:

Cutting rubber products to a given size with a special knife on lathes or special machines with an accuracy of more than 0.3 mm or performing an operation only for unpacking rubber. selection of washers, selection and sharpening of cutters and knives. putting the workpiece on the mandrel and fixing it in the machine chuck. start-up of the machine and cutting of blanks in accordance with technical requirements. at the end of cutting - stop the machine, remove the products from the mandrel and store the cut products in containers.

Must know:

Methods for cutting rubber products, product design, product quality requirements, arrangement of cutting machines and fixtures, types and types of rubbers, their purpose in production

Work examples:

1) rings from scraps of bicycle tubes - cutting; 2) rings and covers for heating pads, bubbles for ice and other sanitary products - cutting; 3) Esmarch mugs, ebonite bushings for oxygen bags - cutting; 4) bicycle chamber tubes - cutting.



ID number: etks31-23-2

Job Description:

Cutting by hand or on lathes or special cutting machines of various rubber products with an accuracy of 0.2-0.3 mm or preparation for the production of rubbers. fixing products on the washer or shaft of the machine, installing stops, knives and cutters, cutting into parts in accordance with technical requirements. we will remove the cut roller of fabric from the machine, we will eat the cut tape of the roller and transfer it to the subsequent operation. sharpening and changing blades. performance of operations on lubrication and a bunch of cut belts when cutting belt plates on a Zhurmanov machine. in the preparation of rubbers, unloading of rubber, cleaning it from external contaminants and marking by types and grades. manual lamination of natural rubber into separate sheets for the manufacture of especially responsible rubber compounds, control of each sheet by transillumination with reflector lamps and removal of foreign inclusions from the processed sheets. cutting rubber, regenerate, gutta-percha and other elastomers by hand into pieces established dimensions and various configurations.

Must know:

Techniques for cutting rubber products; methods of pre-treatment of each type of rubber; product design; technical requirements applied to products; device and rules for setting up equipment

Work examples:

1) wickels for rings (fruit and vegetable production) - cutting; 2) electrical tape - cutting; 3) rubber eraser - cutting.



ID number: etks31-23-3

Job Description:

Cutting rubber products with an accuracy of 0.2 mm on lathes or other special machines. cutting various vulcanized plates into rubber threads or trailer belts and caterpillar tracks on specialized machines. cutting rubber products on a circular knife. cutting rubber, regenerate, gutta-percha and other elastomers manually or with the help of special devices into pieces of specified sizes and various configurations. cutting of the sponge chamber after straining with special knives. bringing the blank of the sponge chamber to a predetermined weight by cutting off excess rubber. bead and tread trimming on pneumatic or disc bead cutters. self-tuning and maintenance of machines for cutting plates. knife setting. monitoring the operation of the machine and the cutting process. knife change.

The method provides the possibility of cutting through thick rubber products to any desired depth due to the smooth and unhindered passage of the knife through the thickness of the material. The material is impacted with a frequency of 20-30 beats/s. The specific impact energy on the material is 2-4 J per 0.01 m of the cutting edge length. Additionally, to advance the knife as the rubber is cut forward, a feed force is applied to it. The sharpening angle of the cutting edge is 10-15 o . 1 tab.

The invention relates to the field machining non-metallic materials by cutting, in particular to the method of cutting rubber. The method can be used for cutting thick rubber products. A known method of cutting rubber, in which a high-pressure liquid jet is used as a cutting element [US Pat. RF 2114731, V 29 V 17/00, 1998; h. France 2650973, B 26 F 1/26, 1991; Tikhomirov R.A., Guenko V.S. Hydrocutting of non-metallic materials. - Kyiv, 1984, p.5]. The method makes it possible to cut through thick molded products to any given depth, however, it requires the use of expensive large-sized technological equipment. A known method of cutting rubber using cutting blades rotating on shafts, for example in the form of circular knives [and.with. USSR 941172, B 26 D 1/14, 1982; Pat. USA. 5024130, B 26 D 1/26, 1991]. During the cutting process, the cutting edge is moved in a direction coinciding with the line of the cutting edge itself, while, as a rule, the product is fed to the blades. The method is used for cutting sheet products of small thickness and is not suitable for cutting thick products to a greater depth. A cutting method is known, which consists in the fact that the cutting edge of the knife is moved with force in rubber perpendicular to the line of the cutting edge itself. In the process of cutting relative to the product, the translational movement of the knife is performed: the knife is fed to the product [c. France 2731645, B 26 D 1/10 // B 26 D 1/04, 1996] or a knife product [z. Japan (B4) 05073557, B 26 D 1/02 //B 26 D 3/00, 1993]. The method is suitable for cutting products with a small thickness. As the closest analogue, the method of cutting rubber was chosen, which provides for impact on the material with a knife [Smurygin A.S. Memo to the cutter of blanks and parts in the production of rubber goods - M .: Chemistry, 1984, p. 20]. With the help of one blow with a knife on a rubber product, a through section of the product is obtained. In this case, the cutting edge of the knife is moved perpendicular to the line of the cutting edge itself. In this way, rubber molded products are punched out with punching knives on punching presses from sheet blanks. The disadvantage of this method is its unsuitability for cutting thick rubber products and obtaining cuts of any desired depth in them. The objective of the invention is the possibility of using the method for cutting thick rubber products to any desired depth by ensuring a smooth and unhindered passage of the knife into the thickness of the material, without jamming and jamming. Smooth and unhindered passage of the knife into the thickness of the material is achieved by the fact that in the method of cutting rubber by impacting the material with a knife, according to the invention, the impact is produced with a frequency of 20-30 beats / s and a specific impact energy of 2-4 J per 0.01 m the length of the cutting edge, while in addition to the knife apply a feed force, in addition, the angle of sharpening the cutting edge is 10-15 o . In a new way, the cutting process rubber product consists of many elementary acts of cutting a solid material, following one after another at regular intervals. Any elementary act is caused by one blow of a knife and lasts a very short period of time, about 2.510 -4 s. When the impact frequency is 20-30 beats/s, the time interval between elementary acts of cutting is 510 -2 -3.310 -2 s, respectively, which is much longer than the duration of the act itself. The advance of the knife forward as the rubber is cut is facilitated by an additional feed force applied to the knife. If the speed of movement of the knife during an elementary act of cutting is more than 10 m/s, then mechanical glass transition of the rubber occurs and relaxation processes of friction are anticipated. These physical phenomena allow cutting without jamming and jamming. The speed required for high-quality cutting, more than 10 m / s, is provided by the value of the specific impact energy of more than 2 J per 0.01 m of the length of the cutting edge of the knife. With a specific impact energy of less than 2 J per 0.01 m of the length of the cutting edge, there is no advance in friction relaxation processes, and the knife gets stuck in the material, and at values ​​above 4 J, the knife falls into the material so sharply that it becomes difficult to control the cutting tool, the smoothness of the stroke is lost cutting. The impact frequency should be maintained within 20 - 30 beats / s. As a result of the experiments, it was found that at a frequency below 20 beats / s, the speed of the knife in rubber is very limited and is about 0.05 m / s. This speed is insufficient for performance reasons. At a frequency of more than 30 beats / s, the speed of the knife advance is more than 0.15 m / s, which makes it difficult to control the process. The value of the sharpening angle of the cutting edge is also an important condition. At an angle of less than 10 degrees, the cutting edge becomes dull very quickly, the knife stops cutting. When the sign of the angle over 15 o the speed of movement of the knife when performing an elementary act of cutting is less than 10 m/s, there is no mechanical glass transition of rubber and friction losses increase. The method is applicable for the production of both shallow and deep incisions. The new method was tested during the arrangement of a tram crossing. By cutting, rubber plates were processed, intended for installation in the floor of the crossing. The slabs had a thickness of 0.15 and 0.17 m. In order to ensure an accurate pairing of the pavement contour with the elements of the superstructure of the track, in the field, immediately before the installation of the slabs, they were pre-installed by cutting. Exact mating was created due to the implementation of the contour of the adjoining rubber plates according to the actual contour and the location of the track elements. First, a slab template was made from polyethylene film. A strip of film with a width of 0.6 m was stretched without wrinkles or distortions in the section of the crossing where the slab adjoining the rails should be located, and it was fixed with magnets. The contour of the upper surface of the future slab was applied to the film with a felt-tip pen, the sizes and locations of undercuts, interrail rods, crutch heads, and other features of the slab contour were noted. Then, a template was cut out of the film with scissors. The template was fastened to the upper surface of the plate using buttons or clamps. The contour of the template was marked on the surface of the plate with spray paint. The remaining contours were applied to the plate with chalk. Next, the rubber plate was fixed on the floor-workbench and the plate was processed by cutting. In accordance with the markings, the operator cut the side ends of the plates along the side contours of the rails, special parts and drainage hatches. He also formed protrusions on the side ends of the plates, which were included in the undercuts of rails and special parts, removed the bevels along the lower edge of the end surface, and cut channels for interrail rods. For cutting, tools made on the basis of a jackhammer and an electric perforator were used. Refer to the table for tool performance. The working body of the tools was a knife welded to the lance shaft. The body of the tools on the side of the socket for the pike was equipped with an additional handle. A leash is rigidly fixed on the spike rod, capable of moving along the guide during operation. The feed force was transferred to the knife by the operator himself through the feed of the tool into the plate material. Knives of various shapes were used in cutting the slab. The set of knives included a plow knife, a blade knife with a straight cutting edge, a chisel, and figured chisels. In order to maintain the initially given orientation during the cutting process, the plow knife and the chisel were made with skis sliding along the surface of the product during cutting. A sharpening angle of 12° was used. The length of the cutting edge of the chisels was 0.01 m, for the remaining knives - from 0.12 to 0.18 m. The plate surfaces in the cutting zone and the knives were periodically lubricated with a brush moistened with transmission oil. A little lubrication is needed to facilitate the removal of the knife from the product after it has stopped. A tool made on the basis of an electric perforator was used only for cutting with chisels. Using a plow knife, the contour of the upper surface of the plate was cut out. A knife-blade was used to cut the outer contour of the slab and to form a chamfer on the lower edge for the crutch. To form the protrusions included in the undercuts of the rails and special parts, a plow knife and a chisel were used. With the help of a chisel, an inter-rail traction channel was cut out, and with the help of chisels, small details were cut out. The new surfaces obtained as a result of cutting the slab exactly corresponded to the specified geometric parameters and were distinguished by their smoothness. The proposed cutting method is economical, does not require the use of expensive large-sized equipment, reduces the likelihood of injury and allows you to work in the field. The advantages of the proposed technology also include its relatively low labor intensity.


A method for cutting rubber by impacting the material with a knife, characterized in that the impact is performed at a frequency of 20-30 beats / s and a specific impact energy on the material of 2-4 J per 0.01 m of the length of the cutting edge, while in addition to the knife is applied feed force, in addition, the angle of sharpening of the cutting edge is 10-15 o .

Cutting rubber or silicone is not a trivial task, because the question immediately arises - what to cut and how. The use of a laser cutter is not always a suitable solution here. We will try to dispel the myth that materials of this kind are difficult to process mechanically.

The properties of silicone known to us - its elasticity, durability, low electrical conductivity - make this material indispensable in the manufacture of various substrates, seals, gaskets, rings, elastic bands, belts for transmission mechanisms and assemblies, etc. But during processing, you can often encounter a number of problems, associated with a violation of production technology, with improper storage, overheating. Porosity appears, hardness decreases, strength decreases, deformation increases.

Efficiency laser cutting directly depends on the thickness of the material being cut and its combustibility. And the thicker the material, the more likely it is to damage the product, violating its geometry by thermal action, which ultimately spoils the presentation and quality of the product. Due to the action of the laser beam, a hole appears on the material with a diameter exceeding the thickness of the cut line. The entry point is shifted to the side, and the inlet hole is burned in the material outside the contour of the product or in its drop-down, non-working part, which leads to additional expenses. consumable and higher cost of the final product.

Another problem is that cutting rubber with a laser beam can be accompanied by charring of the end surface. This usually happens with a large thickness - more than 20-25 mm - of the processed material. And if, for example, rubber insulators are cut with a laser, an additional check for the conductivity of the resulting products may be required, since the insulating properties of the charred material deteriorate significantly.

CNC cutting

Plotter cutting of rubber is a way to get around these problems, and in our factory we have been cutting rubber and similar materials such as silicone, neoprene, etc. for several years using a CNC plotter. Products processed on the plotter are obtained with a clean, even and neat edge without soot and soot.

Cutting silicone or rubber is done with high-alloy steel knives that leave a perfectly smooth surface that does not require additional processing on cutting machines with a working table size of 1330 × 800 mm and 1800 × 3200 mm. The material is pressed by vacuum, which completely eliminates deformation of any kind. The beam height of 60 mm allows cutting thick rubber - up to 50 mm thick - or cutting in several layers, and the processing speed can be faster than with a laser. In our work, we use specialized software, with which you can arrange the sketch as efficiently as possible in order to save material and, consequently, reduce the cost per unit of product.

Sheet rubber cutting or figured cutting according to a sketch of any complexity is carried out in strict accordance with the layout provided by the customer.

Need or opportunity for some cost savings? What is a protector? How to cut it? Which tool to use - homemade or professional? Is it better to do everything yourself or contact a specialist? Such doubts and questions torment a lot of motorists who have or have approached the deadline for their replacement. First, you need to decide what a protector is, and only after that prepare for its resuscitation.

The tread is a part of the tire designed to purposefully increase the contact patch of the tire with the road surface.

In addition, it protects the inner part of the "rubber" from various damages.

Almost all tires by tread type can be divided into 4 categories:

In addition, the protector can be:

  • directed;
  • non-directional;
  • symmetrical;
  • asymmetrical.

Do-it-yourself tire tread cutting

There is no strict need for this procedure - if you have an obsolete tire, it is easier to throw it away and buy a new or used good quality tire. But after all, situations are not uncommon when the car owner evaluates the condition of the tires before installation and comes to the conclusion that they are almost enough for another season. In this case, there is a reason in the tread cutting, which will help the rubber to “hold out” to the last frontier.

Can tires be cut? There are many diametrically opposed opinions on this. Some argue that this can and should be done, justifying such actions with the dividends that the owner of the car will save. Others warn against such a practice, pointing out that during this procedure, the cord will be almost 100% damaged, and the rubber will be irretrievably damaged.

In fact, you can cut rubber, but only those products that are marked with one of the following:

A similar mark means that the manufacturer allows cutting the tread on this tire. In this case, during production at the enterprise, a special layer of rubber is deliberately created, which allows these manipulations with it, without fear that the strength characteristics will be reduced, and the integrity of the product will be violated.

The problem of controversy lies in the fact that many popular "kulibins" do not pay attention to such markings and cut the tread on all tires in a row. Naturally, on high speed the consequences will be disastrous, so it is not recommended to rely on chance.

What tool to buy?

There are many options for building a homemade cutter, but experts recommend abandoning such an idea and using only certified products.

For work, you must use only professional tools and rubber suitable for cutting!

Tread cutting machines can be different - from the simplest, without overheat protection and with a limited number of cutting blades, to "advanced" ones with power control, overheat protection of equipment, trapezoidal and rounded blades and other "devices".

The simplest models can be purchased at prices up to 8,000 rubles. For example, the German device S125B, priced at 7,800 rubles. It is used only for working with passenger car tires and has all the disadvantages and limitations listed above.

As for the top versions, the German S146B device, which is sold for 17,500 rubles, remains very popular. Such a tool has a special thermal sensor, as well as a housing equipped with a toroidal transformer. All this increases productivity. The transformer is made in a molded design, with moisture-proof insulation. The device is equipped with a convenient holder, as well as a flexible power cable, which greatly simplifies the work. There is a switch (high temperature type) and additional opportunity adjustment of knife settings, and it is fully compatible with knives like RILLCUT (already available). This device is designed for cutting grooves with a depth of 2 to 12 mm., As well as a width of 2 to 20 mm.

Process Technology

Before starting work, you need to stock up on professional tools, then carefully clean the tire and inspect it for defects or damage. If there are any, they need to be eliminated (if possible) and only after restoration to start work.

The described procedure can be seen in the video below.

As you can see, self-cutting tires is not so difficult. The main thing is to purchase high-quality equipment and competently perform all actions without neglecting any stage. Also, do not try to carry out operations on those tires that are not designed for treading.

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