Job description of a laboratory doctor of a clinical diagnostic laboratory - instructions. Job description of a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics (sample text download) What does a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics do?


> Laboratory assistant

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The specifics of the work of a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics

Doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics (KLD) is an obligatory staff unit of each large and small medical institution, in which various biological materials are taken from patients for research and in which there is such a unit as a laboratory.

A doctor of KLD must have a higher medical education and a document confirming the relevant specialization. The laboratory doctor, as he is often called, perhaps has less contact with the patients themselves than other doctors. It works with biological material such as blood, urine, sputum, feces, gastric juice, cerebrospinal fluid, bone marrow and others.

What biological materials does the laboratory assistant work with?

But not a single doctor, not a single specialty can do without the help of a KLD doctor. Each of them, in order to make a correct diagnosis, requires not only the data of a clinical examination of the patient, but also the results of laboratory research methods. Therefore, we can safely say that doctors of absolutely all narrow and related specialties are most closely connected with the laboratory assistant.

Laboratories of modern clinics, as a rule, are equipped with all kinds of analyzers, in which it is enough just to place the material prepared for research and after a while get the result printed on paper. But there are tests that even the smartest machines cannot perform. Only the human eye can see, for example, the unusual shape of red blood cells, salt crystals in the urine, or worm eggs in the feces.

Peculiarities of the work of physicians with a narrow specialization

In order to improve the quality of analysis and obtain the most reliable results, physicians of the QLD usually specialize in one, narrower direction and perform a certain range of studies.

The doctor of the clinical laboratory performs the calculation of the leukocyte blood formula, performs microscopy of the sediment of urine, feces, cerebrospinal fluid and many other studies.

A biochemical laboratory doctor determines the content of glucose, bile pigments, cholesterol, enzymes, hormones and other indicators in the blood.

A laboratory assistant in a bacteriological laboratory works with material taken from a sick person (sputum, urine, etc.) in order to determine the causative agent of a particular infectious and inflammatory process.

The doctor of the immunological laboratory examines the blood for the presence of antibodies to pathogens, determines the level of immunity and conducts other complex studies.


I. General provisions

    The main tasks of the laboratory assistant of the clinical diagnostic laboratory are: constant monitoring of the quality of research carried out by nursing staff, training medical personnel research technique, preparation of special standards and reagents, performance of research requiring medical competence.

    The appointment and dismissal of a laboratory assistant is carried out by the chief physician in accordance with the established procedure.

    The laboratory assistant reports to the head of the laboratory.

    In his work, the laboratory assistant is guided by:
    - a list of mandatory minimum laboratory tests,
    - this job description,
    - guidelines for improving the quality control of the work of the clinical diagnostic laboratory.


II. Job Responsibilities

    To conduct qualifiedly the following types of research and manipulations: microscopy of blood smears, exudates and transudates, sputum; cytological examination of all types of material; reading the results of biochemical types of research; preparation of special standards and reagents.

    Learn new or proven techniques.

    Prepare monthly progress reports to the head of the laboratory.

    Advise doctors on laboratory diagnostics.

    Control the quality of research conducted by nursing staff.

    Prepare research forms and sign research results.

    Carry out systematic activities to improve the skills of nursing staff.

    Improve your theoretical level and professional qualifications, apply in practice all modern research methods.

    Supervise the implementation of safety instructions by personnel.

    Comply with internal regulations and principles of deontology.



III. The rights

The laboratory doctor has the right:

    check the correctness and timeliness of all assigned studies;

    to test and implement, with the permission of the head of the laboratory, new research methods;

    demand from middle personnel timely and high-quality performance of their work;

    make demands on the administration to create the necessary conditions for workplace providing high-quality and timely performance of research.



IV. Responsibility

The laboratory assistant with higher education is responsible for:

    failure to comply with the requirements stipulated by the current legal acts, this job description;

    poor-quality, untimely conduct of studies prescribed by attending physicians.




I. General provisions

  1. The main tasks of the laboratory assistant of the clinical diagnostic laboratory are: constant monitoring of the quality of studies carried out by nursing staff, teaching nursing staff research techniques, preparing special standards and reagents, and performing research that requires medical competence.
  2. The appointment and dismissal of a laboratory assistant is carried out by the chief physician in accordance with the established procedure.
  3. The laboratory assistant reports to the head of the laboratory.
  4. In his work, the laboratory assistant is guided by:
    - a list of mandatory minimum laboratory tests,
    - this job description,
    - guidelines for improving the quality control of the work of the clinical diagnostic laboratory.
  5. _________________________________________________________________.

II. Job Responsibilities

  1. To conduct qualifiedly the following types of research and manipulations: microscopy of blood smears, exudates and transudates, sputum; cytological examination of all types of material; reading the results of biochemical types of research; preparation of special standards and reagents.
  2. Learn new or proven techniques.
  3. Prepare monthly progress reports to the head of the laboratory.
  4. Advise doctors on laboratory diagnostics.
  5. Control the quality of research conducted by nursing staff.
  6. Prepare research forms and sign research results.
  7. Carry out systematic activities to improve the skills of nursing staff.
  8. Improve your theoretical level and professional qualifications, apply in practice all modern research methods.
  9. Supervise the implementation of safety instructions by personnel.
  10. Comply with internal regulations and principles of deontology.
  11. _________________________________________________________________.
  12. _________________________________________________________________.

III. The rights

The laboratory doctor has the right:
  1. check the correctness and timeliness of all assigned studies;
  2. to test and implement, with the permission of the head of the laboratory, new research methods;
  3. demand from middle personnel timely and high-quality performance of their work;
  4. present the requirements of the administration to create the necessary conditions at the workplace, ensuring the quality and timely completion of research.
  5. _________________________________________________________________.
  6. _________________________________________________________________.

IV. Responsibility

The laboratory assistant with higher education is responsible for:
  1. failure to comply with the requirements stipulated by the current legal acts, this job description;
  2. poor-quality, untimely conduct of studies prescribed by attending physicians.
  3. _________________________________________________________________.
  4. _________________________________________________________________.


I. General provisions

The main tasks of the laboratory assistant of the clinical diagnostic laboratory are: constant monitoring of the quality of studies carried out by nursing staff, teaching nursing staff research techniques, preparing special standards and reagents, and performing research that requires medical competence. The appointment and dismissal of a laboratory assistant is carried out by the chief physician in accordance with the established procedure. The laboratory assistant reports to the head of the laboratory. In his work, the laboratory assistant is guided by:
- a list of mandatory minimum laboratory tests,
- this job description,
- guidelines for improving the quality control of the work of the clinical diagnostic laboratory. _______________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________.

II. Job Responsibilities

To conduct qualifiedly the following types of research and manipulations: microscopy of blood smears, exudates and transudates, sputum; cytological examination of all types of material; reading the results of biochemical types of research; preparation of special standards and reagents. Learn new or proven techniques. Prepare monthly progress reports to the head of the laboratory. Advise doctors on laboratory diagnostics. Control the quality of research conducted by nursing staff. Prepare research forms and sign research results. Carry out systematic activities to improve the skills of nursing staff. Improve your theoretical level and professional qualifications, apply in practice all modern research methods. Monitor the implementation of safety instructions by personnel. Comply with internal regulations and principles of deontology. _______________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________.

III. The rights

The laboratory doctor has the right:

Check the correctness and timeliness of all assigned studies; to test and implement, with the permission of the head of the laboratory, new research methods; demand from middle personnel timely and high-quality performance of their work; present the requirements of the administration to create the necessary conditions at the workplace, ensuring the quality and timely completion of research. _______________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________.

IV. Responsibility

The laboratory assistant with higher education is responsible for:

Failure to comply with the requirements stipulated by the current legal acts, this job description; poor-quality, untimely conduct of studies prescribed by attending physicians. _______________________________________________________________. _______________________________________________________________.

A doctor in our time is one of the most sought-after and honorable professions. This specialist is respected, they hope for him, they thank him.

The position of a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics may be occupied by a person who has higher education in the field of medicine, as well as after the university training or specialization in the relevant specialty.

The job description of the doctor of the KLD defines the main positions that the specialist takes on, as well as his rights.

What does this specialist need to know?

A doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics (vacancies in St. Petersburg are of interest to many) needs to know:

  • The main provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation concerning health care.
  • Regulatory and legal documents that regulate the activities of medical institutions.
  • The main rules for the organization of medical, as well as preventive care provided in hospitals, outpatient and polyclinic institutions, emergency and ambulance services, disaster medicine services, and providing the population with medicines.
  • Principles theoretical basis and dispensary methods.
  • Fundamentals of the organization of health care and its economics.
  • Fundamentals of social hygiene.
  • Basic principles of organizational and economic activity of medical institutions.
  • Fundamentals of deontology and medical ethics.
  • Legal norms concerning medicine.

  • The main methods, as well as the principles of laboratory, instrumental, clinical diagnostics of the functionality of the systems of the human body, individual organs.
  • Pathogenesis, symptomatic manifestations, features of development and course, etymology and main principles of complex therapy of common pathologies and diseases.
  • Fundamentals of sanitation.
  • Fundamentals of ITU (medical and social expertise) and examination of the state of temporary disability.
  • The main rules for the provision of emergency medical care.
  • Internal regulations established in a medical institution.
  • Labor protection norms, rules and safety precautions.

Additional Knowledge

By virtue of his specialty, a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics must have knowledge of:

  • About general issues organization of laboratory activities in the country.

  • ABOUT modern methods laboratory diagnostics.
  • Contents and sections of QLD as an independent discipline.
  • On the tasks, organization, structure, staff, equipment of the KLD service.
  • On the current normative-legal, instructive-methodical documents in the specialty.
  • About the rules of registration of medical documents.
  • On the principles of laboratory reporting and the principles of activity planning.
  • On the methods and order of control of its work.

Who is appointed?

A doctor of the KLD can be appointed to the position and subsequently dismissed in accordance with the order of the head physician of the health facility, as well as on the basis of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

The doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics reports directly to the head of the KLD. If there is none, then - to the head or deputy of the health facility.

Main job responsibilities

The FLD doctor is obliged to conduct laboratory tests in strict accordance with the duties that were assigned to him. The specialist must:

Additional specialist options

The rights of the doctor KLD

In addition to his duties, the job description of a KLD doctor also contains the rights that he is vested with. Thus, a QLD doctor can:

  • Engage in independent laboratory research and interpretation of their results.
  • To control the work of employees who are subordinate to him, to give them tasks and orders that are within their competence and official duties also require their implementation.

  • Participate in meetings, scientific and practical conferences, if they are related to his work.
  • Request and use information regulations required for the performance of official duties.
  • Make proposals to the management that relate to administrative, economic, paraclinical services and directly to its activities.

Thus, a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics (there are a large number of vacancies in Moscow) can enjoy all the rights enshrined in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

Responsibility of the doctor KLD

Job description also contains information about the responsibility that lies with the doctor of the FLD. The doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics is responsible for untimely, poor-quality performance official duties, non-compliance with safety rules, as well as established internal regulations, failure to provide statistical and other information reflecting his activities, slow action, non-compliance with official duties by his subordinates.


If the doctor of the FDC does not comply with labor discipline, the law, does not perform or improperly performs his duties, then, depending on the severity of the misconduct, disciplinary, administrative, material or criminal liability may be imposed on him.

We have considered the job description of a doctor of clinical laboratory diagnostics.

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