Lesson on the biography of Korolenko. Presentation on the topic of V. G. Korolenko. “It needs to be reprinted and distributed in millions of copies. No Duma speeches, no treatises, dramas and novels will produce a single


“I love my mother very much, this feeling comes to me to adoration!” V.G.Korolenko

  • Born in the family of a judicial official, who came from a family of Ukrainian Cossacks. The father, according to the memoirs of the writer, was distinguished by "quixotic
  • honesty and incorruptibility, so he was an obvious loser in the service. After his death, Evelina Iosifovna showed "truly female heroism", raising children.
“I then found my homeland, and Russian literature became this homeland ...” V.G. Korolenko
  • The writer graduated from the Rovenkov gymnasium with a silver medal. The only pleasant memory of the years of study was the lessons of Russian literature.
1871 - entered St. Petersburg -
  • 1871 - entered St. Petersburg -
  • Technological Institute, but the need forced me to leave my studies and earn
  • sewing atlases, drawings, proofreading work.
  • 1874 - entered the Moscow Petrovsky landowner
  • Kuyu and Forest Academy, but a year later he was arrested and exiled to Kronstadt.
  • 1877 - became a student of the Mining Institute in St. Petersburg, but was again arrested on the denunciation of an agent of the royal gendarmerie.
Fascination with populism
  • Populist ideology is a combination of the ideas of socialism with the idea of ​​an original way of development of Russia.
  • Populism- the movement of the raznochin intelligentsia in Russia in the late 19th - early 20th centuries.
"In a hungry year"
  • This book was published in 1893.
  • In it, the people's disaster is directly connected with the poverty of the countryside and serfdom.
1895 - 1905 - the heyday of creativity
  • The writer lives in Nizhny Novgorod, collaborates with a St. Petersburg magazine "Russian wealth" is the editor of the magazine "Northern Bulletin".
VG Korolenko believed that civil society is not sufficiently developed in Russia, the legal consciousness of the people is extremely weak, and there is almost no justice.
  • He repeatedly acted as a human rights activist at trials.
Siberian stories
  • The harsh but beautiful nature of eastern Siberia, the difficult living conditions of the settlers, the peculiar psychology of the Siberians are reflected in the stories:
  • "The Dream of Makar", "Notes of a Siberian Tourist", "Sokolinets" (1885).
Volga stories
  • Volga for Korolenko - "cola
  • Belle of Russian Romanticism.
  • Volga life with its
  • adversity and small
  • joys organically entered into
  • books:
  • "At the Eclipse", "Behind the Icon" (1887),
  • "Birds of the Sky" (1889),
  • "On the Volga" (1892).
Since the mid-80s, Korolenko has occupied a prominent place in Russian literature,
  • meets L. Tolstoy, A. Chekhov, N. Chernyshevsky, M. Gorky.
“Korolenko was the first to tell me about the meaning of the form, about the beauty of the phrase, I was surprised by the simple, understandable truth of these words and, listening to him, I felt that writing is not an easy thing!” M. Gorky "The Blind Musician"
  • The book, published in 1886, went through 15 editions during the author's lifetime.
  • The work is devoted to the theme of the triumph of the spiritual principle over the material side of life. A blind boy goes to his dream, despite the obstacles that stand in the way of life.
In 1900, VG Korolenko was elected an honorary member of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • In 1902, together with A.P. Chekhov, he refused the title of honorary academician in protest against the cancellation of the election of M. Gorky to the Academy of Sciences.
1905 - after the defeat of the first Russian revolution, the writer opposes the "wild orgy of death penalty", slander and slanderous persecution.
  • 1905 - after the defeat of the first Russian revolution, the writer opposes the "wild orgy of death penalty", slander and slanderous persecution.
  • "Everyday Phenomenon" (1910)
  • "The Beilis Affair" (1913)
“It needs to be reprinted and distributed in millions of copies. No Duma speeches, no treatises, dramas and novels will produce even one thousandth of the charitable effect that this article is supposed to produce ... "
  • Leo Tolstoy on the article "Everyday Phenomenon"
V.G.Korolenko in Poltava
  • During the Civil War, the writer lived in Poltava, which changed hands. He repeatedly spoke out against pogroms, atrocities, robberies, wrote that the changes taking place in the country "should be based on the best aspects of human nature."
  • VG Korolenko organized the collection of food for the children of Moscow and St. Petersburg, founded colonies for orphans and homeless children, was elected honorary chairman of the League for Saving Children, the All-Russian Committee for Assistance to the Starving.
Creativity V.G.Korolenko
  • The writer's work is imbued with "the search for the real people", he sought to show that in the Russian man, despite all his disasters, there is a spark of God, that not everything in his life is hopeless and lost.
  • “The main thing is to discover the meaning of the individual on the basis of the meaning of the mass.”
  • V.G.Korolenko
"... And yet ahead - the lights!" V.G.Korolenko
  • This is not mindless optimism. Korolenko is a realist, but his life has always been attracted by romanticism. The heroes of his works serve as a reminder of the "highest beauty of the human spirit."
Thank you for your attention!!)
  • V. Pirogov

The presentation "Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko. Life and work" was made by a student of the 5th (philological) class Ekaterina Sirotkina. The material can be used in the first lesson dedicated to getting to know the writer and his work.

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"Presentation "Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko. Life and work""

Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko (1853-1921)

Writer's childhood

  • Born July 27, 1853 in Zhitomir in the family of an official of the judicial department. Korolenko spent his childhood and youth in Zhytomyr and Rivne.

Arrival in St. Petersburg

  • After graduating from a real gymnasium with a silver medal, in 1871 he arrived in St. Petersburg and entered the Institute of Technology. However, soon, due to lack of funds, he was forced to leave his studies and, for the sake of earning money, began to paint botanical atlases, did drawing work, and was engaged in proofreading.


  • In January 1873 he moved to Moscow and entered the Petrovsky Academy in the forest department. In March 1876, he was expelled for participation in student unrest, arrested and expelled from Moscow. From then until the February Revolution of 1917, the life of the writer consisted of a series of arrests and exiles.

revolutionary views

  • Vladimir Korolenko shared revolutionary views from his youth. Two years after entering for active work in the populist movement, he was expelled from the academy and exiled to Kronstadt. There he was under the supervision of the authorities, earning money by making drawings.

Six years of testing

  • When the link ended, the young man was able to return to St. Petersburg and again take up his education, but not for long. The next six years passed for him in exile, arrests and relocations. The hardships and deprivations of a bonded existence not only did not break, but even tempered his spirit.

Family V.G. Korolenko

  • January 1886 was marked for Vladimir Korolenko by his marriage to Evdokia Ivanovskaya. They knew each other long before the wedding and became a happy married couple. For the writer, this marriage was the only one.


  • A writer of bright and great democratic talent, he entered the history of Russian literature as the author of numerous novels, short stories, artistic essays, as well as a critic and publicist. Perhaps the most famous works of Korolenko are the stories “In Bad Society” (1885), “The Blind Musician” (1886), “The River Plays” (1892).

First literary steps

  • Having settled in Nizhny Novgorod with the permission of the government, Vladimir Korolenko began writing. The time from 1885 to 1895 is considered the most fruitful in the career of a writer. Here, his talent was fully revealed, provoking interest from the reading public throughout Russia.

Literary triumph

  • The books Makara's Dream, The Blind Musician, and In Bad Society, published after the first collections, showed a deep knowledge of human psychology and the philosophical approach applied by the writer when working on his works. They caused a real delight among readers.

Korolenko about happiness

  • Vladimir Korolenko insisted that happiness, fullness and harmony of life are available only through overcoming one's own egoism, as well as through serving the people.

What did Korolenko write about?

  • The main thing in the life and work of a humanist writer is respect for a person, the struggle for him. Depicting representatives of the people, the author revealed the theme of personality. The heroes of his works are ordinary Russian people, truth-seekers who do not fit into the general way of life. Many of them try to answer the question: “For what, in essence, was man created?”.

Moments of creativity

  • In his works, the writer teaches not to be afraid of life, to accept it as it is, and not bow to difficulties. A person must fight, seek his happiness, even if the last hope collapses. The writer wanted to see such people, because he believed that such people are the power and strength of Russia, its hope and support, and, of course, its light.

last years of life

  • The last two or three years before Korolenko's death, Poltava, like many other southern cities, experienced difficult revolutionary days. The authorities accused the bewildered townsfolk of treason and other crimes, sentenced them to various penalties, up to and including execution. Everyone was scared, everyone was trembling. Korolenko went around, asking, urging whom should be sorted out, wait - not to be executed.

Grief in the Korolenko family

  • At this time, grief befell the Korolenko family: they arrested the husband of his daughter, Lyakhovich, who, having contracted typhus in prison, was dying. The death of the son-in-law had an effect on the writer: the nerves could not stand it from everything experienced, with V.G. Korolenko had a stroke, after which his health quickly went to destruction.

People have always needed it...

  • In recent months, when he lost his voice and hearing, when only his thought worked, people especially needed him. They wrote their questions, and he answered them in writing, gave advice, consolation. And so on until the last day, until December 25, 1921, when he died.

Poltava saw off her beloved writer...

  • On the day of the funeral, Poltava stopped all its business. The streets along which the sad procession moved were filled with people. The whole city knew him, especially during the years of disasters, knew how he shared the last piece, and to help the poor - the already sick, the infirm took up the old craft - he repaired shoes.

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From an early age, Korolenko joined the revolutionary populist movement. In 1876, for participating in populist student circles, he was expelled from the academy and exiled to Kronstadt under police supervision. From an early age, Korolenko joined the revolutionary populist movement. In 1876, for participating in populist student circles, he was expelled from the academy and exiled to Kronstadt under police supervision. In Kronstadt, the young man had to earn his living by his own labor. He was engaged in tutoring, was a proofreader in a printing house, tried a number of working professions. At the end of his exile, Korolenko returned to St. Petersburg and in 1877 entered the Mining Institute. The beginning of literary activity of Korolenko belongs to this period. At the beginning of 1879, the writer's first short story, From the Life of a Seeker, was published in the St. Petersburg magazine Slovo. But already in the spring of 1879, on suspicion of revolutionary activity, Korolenko was again expelled from the institute and exiled to Glazov in the Vyatka province. After refusing to sign a penitent, loyal petition to the new Tsar Alexander III in 1881, Korolenko was transferred to exile in Siberia (he was serving his last term of exile in Yakutia in Amginskaya Sloboda). However, the harsh living conditions did not break the will of the writer. The difficult six years of exile became the time for the formation of a mature writer and provided rich material for his future writings.

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The house-museum "Dacha Korolenko" is located in the village of Dzhankhot, 20 kilometers southeast of Gelendzhik. The main building was built in 1902 according to the drawings of the writer, and utility rooms and buildings were completed over several years. The writer lived in this residence in 1904, 1908, 1912 and 1915. In Nizhny Novgorod, on the basis of school No. 14, there is a museum that contains materials on the Nizhny Novgorod period of the writer's life. Museum in the city of Rivne on the site of the Rivne Men's Gymnasium. In the homeland of the writer, in the city of Zhitomir, his house-museum was opened in 1973. In the city of Poltava, there is the Museum-estate of V. G. Korolenko, in which he lived for the last 18 years of his life.

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Born on July 15 (27), 1853 in the city of Zhytomyr in the family of a district judge of the city - the Korolenko family moved to Rivne. 1871 – Graduated with a silver medal from the Rivne Real Gymnasium. In the same year he entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology - leaving the institute. Corrective work.

V.G. Korolenko By his father he is an old Cossack family, his mother is the daughter of a Polish landowner in Volyn. His father, who held the position of a county judge in Zhitomir, Dubna, Rovna, was distinguished by a rare moral purity. In the main features, the son described him in the semi-autobiographical story "In Bad Society", in the image of an ideally honest "pan-judge", and in more detail - in "The History of My Contemporary". Korolenko's childhood and adolescence passed in small towns where three nationalities collide: Polish, Ukrainian-Russian and Jewish.

V.G. Korolenko 1874 - studying at the Petrovsky Agricultural and Forestry Academy (now the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K. A. Timiryazev) - expelled from the academy for filing a petition on behalf of students protesting against the regime that reigned in the educational institution. He was exiled to the Vologda province, Ust-Sysolsk; the exile was replaced by a settlement in Kronstadt under police supervision. Drawing work.

1877 - enters the Mining Institute. Participates in revolutionary student circles. Proofreading in the newspaper "Novosti" - attracted by the idea of ​​"going to the people", leaves the institute; mastered the shoemaking craft of the city - the first work, Episodes from the Life of a Seeker, was published in the Slovo magazine. Arrested and exiled to the city of Glazov, Vyatka province, transferred to a settlement in the village of Berezovsky Pochinki.

V.G. Korolenko 1880 - arrested on a false charge of preparing to escape. The story "Wonderful" was written in the Vyshnevolotsk prison. Sent to Siberia. Returned from the road and settled in Perm. Serves as a timekeeper in the railway workshops. 1881 - refusal of the oath to Alexander III. - Yakut exile, the city - at the end of the exile settled in Nizhny Novgorod. Printed: "The Dream of Makar", "The Old Ringer", "In Bad Society" lives in Nizhny Novgorod.

S. Protopopov NOTES ABOUT V. G. KOROLENKO “Cheerfulness, even cheerful vivacity of V. G. Korolenko did not surprise me alone. Many Nizhny Novgorod residents, before meeting him, expected to see signs of brokenness in a man who had been in prison for a long time and experienced Yakut exile; anger and fatigue. But these natural expectations were not justified. Just as “heavy metal, crushing glass, forges damask steel”, so all the tests did not crush the forces of a healthy and strong body of V. G. Korolenko, did not kill in him either good nature, or humor, or cheerfulness, or gaiety, or energy.

V.G. Korolenko 1886 - marriage to Evdokia Semyonovna Ivanovskaya. Published: "The Blind Musician", "The Forest Noises". The first volume of "Essays and Stories" was published - a trip along the Volga. Travel materials formed the basis of the stories "The River Plays", "Behind the Icon". Acquaintance with A.P. Chekhov in Moscow - a trip to Saratov and acquaintance with N.G. Chernyshevsky. M. Gorky visits Korolenko in Nizhny Novgorod - the second meeting with M. Gorky - the fight against hunger. Canteen organization.

V.G. Korolenko 1900 - elected an honorary member of the Academy of Sciences in the category of fine literature. The story "Lights" was written (published in 1901). - the Poltava period of the life of the city - Korolenko visits Chekhov in Yalta; in Gaspra L. N. Tolstoy. Renunciation of the title of honorary academician in protest against the abolition of the election of M. Gorky to the academy.

V.G. Korolenko Autobiography “In 1868 (July 31) my father died. He was a man of strict and rare honesty for that time. Having received the most meager education and serving from the lower levels ..., he never allowed himself to accept even what at that time was called "gratitude", that is, offerings after the decision of the case had taken place. And since in those years it was inaccessible to the understanding of the average layman, while my father was extremely quick-tempered, I remember many cases when he drove “grateful people” out of his apartment with a stick that he never parted with (he was lame due to one-sided paralysis) . It is understandable, therefore, that the whole family (a widow and five children) was left after his death without any means, with one pension. I was in 6th grade at the time."

Y. Aikhenvald “He is, by the very essence of his nature, an intercessor and protector; in this area, where other people's help is needed and possible, he never remained indifferent and raised his soft and authoritative voice for many offended ... His obligatory strength is rooted in the fact that for every single injustice that he met many on his life path fell with such energy and conviction, as if all the world's evil was concentrated in it, and the further fate of all mankind depended on the victory over this random untruth.

How do you understand the meaning of the title of Korolenko's story "In Bad Society"? (The scene of action is Knyazh-Gorodok (Rivne)) How is the idea of ​​the story “In Bad Society” revealed in the words of Tyburtsy: “...maybe it’s good that your path ran through ours”? How are the people of the "bottom" "problematic figures" depicted in the story "In Bad Society"?

Why couldn't the obvious discrepancy between ideas about honesty and theft, about the attitude to the law and the rules of politeness, destroy the friendship that had arisen between the children and Vasya's respect for Tyburtsia? How did the incident change the relationship between father and son? How strong was the shock if "long-held love gushed in a flood ..."?

Tyburtsy How does Korolenko feel about his hero? What prevails in the characterization of the character: the forces of self-destruction or the preservation of personality? Is it possible to judge by the appearance of the hero about his origin and character? What features of the portrait speak "of the burden of misfortunes endured by Tyburtius"? How does his look combine "sharp insight, energy, remarkable intelligence" and "deep relentless sadness"? What does this indicate?

Tyburtius How the moral principles of the hero are revealed through his actions: clowning for the amusement of the crowd (the tragic recitation of Cicero's speeches), seances of "witchcraft" and the ordinary theft of a beggar; touching concern for Marus and Valek; recognized primacy, authority among the inhabitants of the Chapel; democratism of relations; a fair attitude towards the judge and his son, although they are strangers, from those who judge such as Tyburtsy and Valek; gentleness and sincerity of the last conversation with Vasya and his father.

Tyburtsy Personal qualities of Tyburtsy: education and intelligence, strength of character, justice, independence and self-esteem. How are these qualities manifested, despite the usual ironic and mocking demeanor, which excludes the possibility of serious communication both with the inhabitants of the town and with the inhabitants of the dilapidated chapel? Essay 1. "Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight." 2. “Once in a lifetime, fate comes to every person and says: choose!” 3. "Every person has the right to dispose of his own destiny." 4. "Striving and achieving is worth it!" 5. "A man is dear, his freedom is dear, his possible happiness on earth." 6. The image of a revolutionary girl in the essay "Wonderful".

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Born July 15, 1853 in Zhytomyr; He outlined his father in the main features in the semi-autobiographical story “In Bad Society”, in the image of an ideally honest “pan-judge”, and in more detail in “The History of My Contemporary”; Korolenko's childhood and adolescence passed in small towns where three nationalities collide: Polish, Ukrainian-Russian and Jewish; In the artistic manner of the writer, the best sides of both nationalities harmoniously merged: Polish coloring and romanticism, and Ukrainian-Russian sincerity and poetry; The altruistic currents of Russian social thought of the 70s came to the aid of natural qualities; All these elements created an artist with a highly poetic mood, with an all-penetrating and all-conquering humanity.

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In 1870, Korolenko completed a course at the Rovno real school; When in 1871 Korolenko entered the St. Petersburg Institute of Technology, he had to endure the most difficult need; In 1872, thanks to the efforts of an energetic mother, he managed to move to Moscow and enter the Petrovsky-Razumovskaya Agricultural Academy as a scholarship holder; In 1874, for filing a collective petition on behalf of his comrades, he was expelled from the academy; After several years of exile in the Vyatka province, in the early 80s he was settled in Eastern Siberia, 300 miles beyond Yakutsk; Siberia made a great impression on him and provided material for his best essays: Makara's Dream, Notes of a Siberian Tourist, Sokolinets, In the Department under Investigation, The Murderer, The Sovereign Coachmen;

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Faithful to the basic disposition of his creative soul - love for the bright and sublime, the author almost does not dwell on the everyday aspects of Siberian life, but takes it mainly in its most majestic and high-tuning manifestations; In the Upper Volga life of the writer there is little romantic, but a lot of helplessness, grief and ignorance - and this is reflected in Korolenko's stories: "At the Solar Eclipse", "Behind the Icon", "The River Plays", in the semi-ethnographic "Pavlovsky Essays" and especially in the essays who made up the whole book "In the hungry year" (St. Petersburg, 1893); In Nizhny Novgorod, Korolenko became a kind of "institution"; the best elements of the region were grouped around him for a cultural struggle against all kinds of abuses; Among the most brilliant episodes of the Nizhny Novgorod period of Korolenko's life is the so-called "Multan case", when, thanks to Korolenko's remarkable energy and skillfully carried out defense, Votyaks accused of ritual murder were saved from hard labor;

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In 1894, Korolenko traveled to England and America and expressed part of his impressions in a very original story, Without a Language (Russian Wealth, 1895), somewhat straying into an anecdote, but in general written brilliantly and with purely Dickensian humor; Since 1895, Korolenko has been a member of the editorial board and official representative of Russkoye Bogatstvo, a magazine to which he has now completely joined; earlier, his works were most often published in Russkaya Mysl; Since 1900, Korolenko settled in Poltava; A brilliant place in Korolenko's literary formulary is occupied by extensive journalistic activities - his numerous newspaper and magazine articles devoted to various burning malices of the current day; For the article "Gentlemen of the Jury," Korolenko was brought to trial. The process was postponed due to Korolenko's illness, and then did not take place at all due to the 1917 revolution. At the request of doctors, he leaves for treatment abroad. From February 1914 to May 1915 he lives in Toulouse;

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In July 1913, the 60th anniversary of Korolenko's birth was widely celebrated. The Russian press called the writer "the sun of Russian literature." Ivan Alekseevich Bunin, when asked by a correspondent what he thinks of Korolenko, replied that he, Bunin, can live in peace, because in Russia there is Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko - "the living conscience of the Russian people"; Korolenko did not accept the Red Terror, calling it "excessive cruelty." He argued that a gradual transition to democracy would sooner achieve the desired goal than a merciless class struggle. With his characteristic frankness and fearlessness, Vladimir Galaktionovich expressed this opinion in the Ukrainian (in Russia, all printed publications were nationalized) and foreign press, which attracted the attention of Lenin; The years of the Civil War were very difficult in Ukraine, where the authorities changed almost every day. Korolenko could constantly be met either in counterintelligence or in the revolutionary tribunal, where he applied with petitions, trying to do everything possible to save people from the fate that threatened them;

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Ignoring the sharp deterioration in health, Korolenko continued to work hard on his autobiographical novel, The History of My Contemporary, begun twenty years ago; Unfortunately, The History of My Contemporary, like many of the writer's works, remained unfinished. Korolenko began writing the last chapter of the novel two days before his death; As he himself said at the end of his life, he does not regret that he left the artistic path for the path of a publicist or for the path of direct assistance, whether it was work to help the starving or the fight against death sentences; Vladimir Galaktionovich Korolenko died on December 25, 1921. He was sixty-eight years old; Critic A. Gornfeld, who worked with Korolenko for many years, wrote: “Disputes are hardly possible about the best work of Korolenko. His best work is not Makar's Dream, not Frost, not Without Tongue: his best work is himself, his life, his being. The best - not because it is moral, attractive, instructive, but because it is the most artistic.

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Work Date of creation and 1st publication Subject Story “Episodes from the life of a seeker” 1879, j-l “Word” Historical evidence of the moral upsurge that swept Russian youth in the 70s, a reflection of popular views Stories “Fake city” and “Temporary inhabitants of the prison under investigation department" 1880, j-l "Slovo" The writer's rest from the popular illusion, which was facilitated by direct acquaintance with the people during the period of exile. the power of a dying revolutionary Siberian stories: “The Dream of Makar”, “Sokolinets”, “The Killer” 1881, in 1884 gives “The Dream of Makar” / well “Russian Thought” Image of strong people seeking “white light and free will”, against the background symbolically gloomy and gloomy, oppressive and hostile to man of nature Stories “In bad society”, (abbreviated as “Children of the Underground”) 1885 Depiction of the life of the inhabitants of the dungeon, the formation of character and spiritual growth The story “ The forest makes noise” 1886 The tragic fate of serfs The story “The Blind Musician” 1886, the story went through 15 editions during the life of the author The fate of a blind musician who spiritually enlightened through rapprochement with the people. The idea that the absence of freedom cannot force a person to accept the fate of a slave. "Pavlovian essays" 1890 A true picture of the ruin of handicraftsmen, their complete dependence on capitalist buyers

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Essay "The river plays" 1892 The theme of the ability of a Russian person to accomplish a feat, the theme of the strength of his soul The story "Paradox"; essays "Fight in the house", "In the fight against the devil." 1894 "Man is created for happiness, like a bird for flight" Story "Without a language"; The story of the factory of death. 1895, Zh-l "Russian wealth" Patriotism, love for the motherland, dreams of freedom Essay "Sultan's sacrifice" 1895-1896 Protection of the Votyak peasants. The story “Instant” 1900 The theme of freedom The stories “The sovereign coachmen”, “Frost”, “Feudal lords” 1901 The hard life of people of forced labor, exposing the remnants of the feudal-serfdom order, the theme of the inhumanity of the bourgeois system is touched upon The story “Netroshnoye” 1903 Exposing the bourgeois intelligentsia The History of My Contemporary” 1905 (final design), journals “Modern Notes”, “Modernity”, “Russian Wealth” Artistic embodiment of the author's biography. Reflection of the era. The life path of a young intellectual-democrat. Rejection of passive love of the people.

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