What does the perfect presentation look like? Presentation on the topic of my family Material for the presentation on the topic of my family


Proverbs and sayings about the family A family is strong when there is only one roof over it. In a good family, good children grow up. What is the treasure when the family is in harmony. The whole family is together, and the soul is in place. Being a guest is good, but being at home is better. In the native family and the porridge is thicker. A tree is supported by roots, and a person is a family. When the sun is warm, when the mother is good. My family is my castle. A man without a family is like a tree without roots. A husband without a wife is like a goose without water. In a big family and big myself.

Poem about family. Family is happiness, love and luck, Family is a summer trip to the country, Family is a holiday, family dates, Gifts, purchases, pleasant spending, Birth of children, first step, first babble, Dreams of good things, excitement and awe. Family is work, caring for each other, Family is a lot of homework, Family is important! Family is hard! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, Drive insults and quarrels away, I want friends to talk about us: WHAT IS YOUR FAMILY GOOD!!!

Alexey Obzhorin

He explores communication in all its manifestations - foreign languages, psychology of communication, oratory and visualization - and willingly shares his discoveries with others. Uses a scientific approach to everyday things and believes that being a scientist is interesting.

Much has been said and written about how to make a presentation. Despite this, today students and high school students are clutching their heads, getting the task to prepare a presentation for their project. And then - and teachers with teachers, watching dozens of template slides and reading microscopic text written in red letters on a bright green background. What to do?

It is enough to look at the best world samples. To do this, let's go to Slideshare.net - a site with 70 million monthly audience dedicated exclusively to presentations - and choose the best work of all time and in all categories. These are not only presentations that have been watched by 100 thousand to 3.5 million people, but also those that are most often shared by users, marked as liked and downloaded. We will try to find what unites them in terms of design, content and in general.


1. Photos are used much more often than diagrams, diagrams and other graphic elements. Moreover, the pictures do not directly depict what is said in the text, but develop the symbolic meaning of the words (freedom is a bird, novelty is a light bulb, and so on). A large number of photographs are emotional faces.

2. The palette of the 15 most popular presentations in the world is dominated by warm shades (yellow, red, orange, brown) on a white or light gray slide background. It is noteworthy that the color and emotionality of the content coincide. For example, light web colors in a calm presentation about Google and emotional red hues in “What the hell is this social media?!”.

3. Use one or two types of fonts and constant text size throughout the presentation (larger for headings, smaller for body text). There is a clear trend towards sans serifs (13 out of 15 presentations use sans-serif fonts).

2. Ambiguous intriguing headlines that create the effect of mystery ("Mobile ate the world", "... secret empire", "No one really knows that ...", "How to find the meaning of life ..."). In the headlines of 8 of the 15 best presentations in the world there is a question: “How does it work?”, “What would you do?”, “What is needed?” and so on.

3. The information is divided into parts. For this, numbered lists are actively used, as well as the rule “one slide - one thought”. Another interesting feature was found: in nine presentations, the authors divide sentences into phrases, simulating pauses in a live conversation. The viewer has time to think about the line while the next slide switches.

General Features

1. Capturing attention at the start of a presentation. The technique is surprisingly repeated in all 15 presentations: on the first 3–10 slides, the problem is identified and its scale and significance are proved. “There are 350 presentations every second in the world… and 99% of them are bad”; “Who is doing the right thing with social media? Dell, Starbacks… and you?”; "Did you know that..?"; Why do we need to know what a strategy is? After that, the author proposes a solution, says: “I know how to solve this problem. Here are 10 tips to help...

2. Simplicity in everything - fonts, pictures, words used, language and so on. The most complex ideas are presented as simply as possible, broken down into understandable unambiguous theses, the authors avoid using terminology.

3. The concept or unifying idea is in all the best presentations in the world. And this is the most important thing. The concept is the feature that is interesting to the viewer. A simple sincere conversation or pathos emotional performance, sarcastic frankness or a benevolent explanation of the smallest details. The concept can be traced in the way information is presented, speech and visual accompaniment. Creates an image that highlights this particular presentation from thousands of others.

The found criteria are a guideline. The main thing in any presentation, as in any other speech, is the confident knowledge of what he is talking about.

Presentation on the topic: My family.

Completed by: Khorolskaya O.N.

Group "Ryabinka" middle age

Purpose of the presentation:

  • To consolidate ideas about the family, to develop the ability to navigate in family relationships.
  • Formation in children of a consciously correct attitude towards the family, towards themselves, as an integral part of their family.

My family

What could be more precious than a family? Warmly welcomes the father's house, Here they always wait for you with love, And see you off with goodness!

Father and mother and children sit together at the festive table, And together they are not at all bored, But five of them are interesting.

The kid is like a favorite for the elders, Parents are wiser in everything, Beloved dad is a friend, breadwinner, And mom is the closest, relatives.

Love! And value happiness! It is born in a family, What could be more precious in this fabulous land

Mom brings me toys, candy, But I love my mom Not for that at all. funny songs She sings We are bored together Never happens. I open it All your secrets. But I love my mom Not only for this. I love my mom I'll tell you straight Well, just for That she is my mother!

My dad is resourceful, smart and brave. He can handle even a difficult task.

My dad is cheerful, but strict and honest. It is interesting to read books with him and play with him.

You are the most caring, The most dear, You are kind, you are the best And you are only mine!

Who is in the kitchen with a ladle By the stove is always standing, Who darns our clothes, Who is buzzing with a vacuum cleaner? Who in the world is tastier than everyone else Always bakes pies, Even dads, who is more important And who is honored in the family? Who will sing us a song at night, So that we can fall asleep sweetly? Who is the kindest and most wonderful? Well, of course, grandmothers!

My grandfather dear, We are all proud of you! And I'll tell you a secret: There is no better grandfather in the world! I will always try to equal you in everything!

I love my little sister I'll give her a kitten I will play with him And feed and sleep nearby.

I love my sister Sharing strawberries with her And then I'll say: - Wait, Share with me too!

I love my sister And I'll rub a carrot for her, I'll give her half. And I'll eat the second one myself ...

I love sister And I don't hate myself...

I am unthinkably rich: I have a brother in my life, Troubles, squabbles over nothing, Nearby there is always a shoulder!

And I want to say again Brother - my native blood! Before the people and people I and my brother - we are not alone!


  • Family is happiness, love and luck, Family is a summer trip to the country. Family is a holiday, family dates, gifts, purchases, pleasant spending. The birth of children, the first step, the first babble, Dreams of good, excitement and awe. Family is work, caring for each other, Family is a lot of homework. Family is important! Family is hard! But it is impossible to live happily alone! Always be together, take care of love, Drive insults and quarrels away, I want friends to talk about us: What a good family yours is!

Thank you for your attention!!!

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