Administration building of the Sverdlovsk Railway 1925 1928. Administration building of the Sverdlovsk Railway (1925-1928) - rare. An excerpt characterizing the Sverdlovsk railway


It runs through the Urals and Western Siberia. The road uninterruptedly ensures the passage of trains from the central and northwestern regions of the European part of Russia to Siberia, Kazakhstan, and the Far East. The road administration is located in Yekaterinburg.

In the region of the Sverdlovsk railway, a network of small branches and access roads serving the mining, coal, woodworking and building materials industries is developed.


Soon, government surveys of the area were carried out. The construction of the route has begun. The construction was carried out by the "Society of Mining Railway". In the 1870s, land was alienated, buildings were demolished, deforestation was made, temporary roads were constructed, a telegraph was built, bridges were built, etc. On October 1 (14), 1878, traffic was opened along Uralskaya Gornozavodskaya road on the section Perm - Kamasino (Chusovskaya) - Nizhny Tagil - Yekaterinburg with a length of 669 versts.

Due to the low traffic capacity, the mining section of the road became a hindrance. It was decided to lay a new line through the Urals. And already in 1909 the route Perm - Kungur - Yekaterinburg was put into operation.


  • NOD-5 Nizhny Tagilskoe (head of department - Marenkov Gennady Vasilyevich)
  • NOD-1 Permskoe (head of department - Barinov Igor Yuryevich)
  • NOD-2 Sverdlovsk (Head of Department - Logachev Vadim Vladimirovich)
  • NOD-3 Tyumenskoye (head of department - Nekh Sergey Vasilyevich)
  • NOD-8 Surgut (head of department - Kirilyuk Alexander Leonidovich)

Since October 1, 2010, all departments have been transformed into regions. The Sverdlovsk branch was renamed the Yekaterinburg region.


There are 419 stations on the Sverdlovsk railway, including the recently commissioned Ignatievsky station.

The main nodes and junction stations of the road:

  • Sverdlovsk node: Ekaterinburg-Sorting, Ekaterinburg-Passenger, Shartash, Permit, Hardware, Gypsum, Shuvakish
  • Perm junction: Perm-sorting, Perm II, Perm I, Levshino
  • Tyumen knot: Voynovka
  • Tagil junction: Nizhny Tagil, San Donato, Vagonozavod, Zavyazovskaya, Prospector, Smychka
  • Serov node: Serov, Serov-Sorting, Kakva
  • Yekaterinburg-Sorting (the largest marshalling yard in Russia, and one of the largest in Europe)
  • Smychka (the second largest marshalling yard in the Sverdlovsk region and the second railway station in Nizhny Tagil)

Although previously there were nine. The following stations were also considered marshalling stations:

Passenger complex

To provide passenger traffic 47 stations, 418 stations, 3 passenger car depots, 550 ticket offices operate on the road. On May 20, 2003, the branded train "Demidovsky Express" was put into circulation with the message Yekaterinburg - St. Petersburg. This is the only branded train in Russia that was awarded the Diploma of the International Demidov Foundation, created on the initiative of UNESCO, for the revival and preservation of the industrial, spiritual and cultural heritage of Russia.

Now 11 branded trains run on the road: Yamal (message Novy Urengoy - Moscow), Kama (Perm - Moscow), Yekaterinburg (Yekaterinburg - Brest), Malachite (Nizhny Tagil - Moscow), Tyumen (Tyumen - Moscow), Demidov Express (Ekaterinburg - St. Petersburg), Yugra (Nizhnevartovsk - Moscow), Northern Ural (Serov - Moscow), Polar Ural (Ekaterinburg - Novy Urengoy), Rifey "(Yekaterinburg - Moscow), as well as a premium class train Yekaterinburg - Moscow (former branded train "Ural").

Other organizations

  • Small Sverdlovsk Railway named after N. A. Ostrovsky

see also

  • An excerpt characterizing the Sverdlovsk railway

    Have you ever seen a red dragon? Leah shook her head in disapproval. – Well, you see, it happens to me, because this is my world.
    “Then what are you, God?” "But God can't be a girl, can he?" And then who are you?
    Questions rained down from her in an avalanche and Stella, not having time to answer them, laughed.
    Not busy with “questions and answers,” I began to slowly look around and was completely amazed at the extraordinary world that opened up to me ... It was, in fact, a real “transparent” world. Everything around sparkled and shimmered with some kind of blue, ghostly light, from which (as it should) for some reason did not become cold, but on the contrary - it warmed with some unusually deep warmth that pierced the soul. Around me, from time to time, transparent human figures floated, now condensing, now becoming transparent, like a luminous mist... This world was very beautiful, but somehow unstable. It seemed that he was changing all the time, not exactly knowing how to stay forever ...
    - Well, are you ready to "walk"? Stella's cheerful voice pulled me out of my dreams.
    – Where are we going? Waking up, I asked.
    Let's go look for the missing! The little girl smiled cheerfully.
    - Dear girls, will you still allow me to guard your dragon while you are walking? - not wanting to forget him, downcast her round eyes, asked little Leah.
    - Okay, watch out. - Graciously allowed Stella. “Just don’t give it to anyone, otherwise he’s still a baby and can get scared.”
    - Oh, well, you, how can you! .. I will love him very much until you return ...
    The girl was ready to go out of her way just to get her incredible “miracle dragon”, and this “miracle” puffed and puffed, apparently trying her best to please, as if she felt that it was about him ...
    – When will you come again? Are you coming very soon, dear girls? - secretly dreaming that we will come very soon, the little girl asked.
    Stella and I were separated from them by a shimmering transparent wall...
    – Where do we start? – the seriously worried girl asked seriously. “I’ve never seen anything like this, but I haven’t been here for so long… Now we have to do something, right?… We promised!”
    - Well, let's try to "put on" their images, as you suggested? Without thinking for a long time, I said.
    Stella quietly “conjured” something, and in a second she looked like round Leah, but, of course, Mom got me, which made me laugh a lot ... And we put on ourselves, as I understood, just energy images, with the help of whom we hoped to find the missing people we needed.
    - This is the positive side of using other people's images. And there is also a negative one - when someone uses it for bad purposes, like the entity that put on grandmother's "key" so that she could beat me. This is what Grandma told me...
    It was funny to hear how this tiny girl stated such serious truths in a professorial voice ... But she really took everything very seriously, despite her sunny, happy character.
    - Well - let's go, "girl Leah"? I asked with great impatience.
    I really wanted to see these, other, "floors" while I still had enough strength for this. I had already noticed what a big difference there was between this, in which we were now, and the "upper", Stella's "floor". Therefore, it was very interesting to quickly "plunge" into another unfamiliar world and learn about it, if possible, as much as possible, because I was not at all sure if I would return here sometime.
    – And why is this “floor” much denser than the previous one, and more filled with entities? I asked.
    “I don’t know…” Stella shrugged her fragile shoulders. - Maybe because only good people live here, who did no harm to anyone while they lived in their last life. That's why there are more of them. And upstairs there live entities that are “special” and very strong…” she laughed at that. "But I'm not talking about myself, if that's what you're thinking!" Although my grandmother says that my essence is very old, more than a million years... It's terrible, how many, right? How do you know what happened a million years ago on Earth?.. - the girl said thoughtfully.
    “Maybe you weren’t on Earth then?”
    – Where?!.. – Stella asked dumbfounded.
    - Well I do not know. Can't you see? I wondered.
    It seemed to me then that with her abilities, EVERYTHING is possible! .. But, to my great surprise, Stella shook her head negatively.
    - I still know very little, only what my grandmother taught me. “As if regretfully,” she replied.
    Do you want me to show you my friends? I suddenly asked.
    And without letting her think, I unfolded in my memory our meetings, when my wonderful "star friends" came to me so often, and when it seemed to me that nothing more interesting could be...
    “Oh, this is some beauty!...” Stella exhaled with delight. And suddenly, seeing the same strange signs that they had shown me many times, she exclaimed: “Look, it was they who taught you!.. Oh, how interesting it is!”
    I stood in a completely frozen state and could not utter a word... Taught???... Really all these years I had some important information in my brain, and instead of somehow understanding it, I , like a blind kitten, floundering in her petty attempts and conjectures, trying to find some truth in them?!... And all this was already “ready” for me a long time ago? ..
    Without even knowing what they taught me there, I simply “seethed” with indignation at myself for such a mistake. Just think, some “secrets” were revealed right in front of my nose, but I didn’t understand anything! .. Probably, they definitely opened it to the wrong person !!!
    "Oh, don't kill yourself like that!" Stella laughed. Show your grandmother and she will explain to you.
    - And can I ask you - who is your grandmother after all? I asked, embarrassed that I was entering “private territory.”
    Stella thought, wrinkling her nose funny (she had this funny habit when she thought about something seriously), and said not very confidently:
    – I don’t know... Sometimes it seems to me that she knows everything, and that she is very, very old... We had many photos at home, and she is the same everywhere - the same as now. I never saw how young she was. Strange, right?
    “And you never asked?”
    - No, I think she would tell me if it was necessary ... Oh, look! Oh, how beautiful! .. - the baby suddenly squealed in delight, pointing with her finger at the strange sea waves sparkling with gold. Of course, it was not the sea, but the waves were really very similar to those of the sea - they rolled heavily, overtaking each other, as if playing, only at the break point, instead of snow-white sea foam, everything here sparkled and shimmered with pure gold spraying thousands of transparent golden sprays... It was very beautiful. And we, of course, wanted to see all this beauty closer...
    When we got close enough, I suddenly heard thousands of voices that sounded simultaneously, as if performing some strange, unlike anything, magical melody. It was not a song, and not even the music we are used to... It was something completely unthinkable and indescribable... but it sounded amazing.
    – Oh, this is a thinking sea! Oh, you will definitely like this! - Stella squealed cheerfully.
    I already like it, but isn't it dangerous?
    - No, no, don't worry! It's just to soothe the "lost" souls who are still sad after coming here... I've been listening to it here for hours... It's alive and "sings" something different for every soul. Do you want to listen?
    And I just now noticed that many entities are splashing in these golden, sparkling waves... Some of them simply lay on the surface, gently swaying on the waves, others dived into the "gold" with their heads, and did not appear for a long time, apparently, completely immersed to a mental "concert" and quite slowly return from there ...
    - Well, what - listen? The little girl pushed me impatiently.
    We came close... And I felt a wonderfully soft touch of a sparkling wave... It was something incredibly gentle, surprisingly affectionate and soothing, and at the same time, penetrating into the very "depth" of my surprised and slightly wary soul... Quiet “music” ran along my foot, vibrating in millions of different shades, and, rising up, began to envelop me with something fabulously beautiful, something beyond words ... I felt that I was flying, although there was no flight was not real. It was wonderful!.. Each cell dissolved and melted in the oncoming new wave, and the sparkling gold washed right through me, taking away everything bad and sad and leaving only pure, primordial light in my soul...
    I did not even feel how I entered and plunged into this sparkling miracle almost with my head. It was just incredibly good and I never wanted to leave there ...
    - All right, that's enough already! We have a job ahead of us! Stella's assertive voice broke into the radiant beauty. - Did you like it?
    - Oh, how! I breathed. - I didn't want to go out!
    - Exactly! So some “bath” until the next incarnation ... And then they don’t come back here anymore ...
    – Where are they going? I was surprised.
    - Below... Grandmother says that you also need to earn a place here... And whoever just waits and rests "works out" in the next incarnation. I think it's true...
    - What's down there? I asked with interest.
    “It’s not so nice there anymore, trust me. Stella smiled mischievously.
    - And this is the sea, is it only one or are there many of them here?
    – You will see... It is all different – ​​where is the sea, where is just a “view”, and where is just an energy field full of different flowers, streams and plants, and all this also “heals” souls and calms... just not so- then just use it - you must first earn it.
    Who doesn't deserve it? Don't they live here? I didn't understand.
    “They live, they live, but it’s not so beautiful anymore ...” the little girl shook her head. - Here, just like on Earth - nothing is given for free, only the values ​​here are completely different. And whoever doesn’t want to, gets everything much simpler. All this beauty cannot be bought, it can only be earned...
    “You are now speaking exactly like your grandmother, as if you learned her words ...” I smiled.
    - The way it is! Stella smiled back. “I try to remember a lot of what she says. Even what I don’t quite understand yet... But I’ll understand someday, right? And then, perhaps, there will be no one to teach ... That will help.
    Here, we suddenly saw a very incomprehensible, but very attractive picture - on a shining, fluffy-transparent blue earth, like on a cloud, there was a cluster of entities that constantly replaced each other and took someone away somewhere, then again returning back.
    - And what's that? What are they doing there? I asked puzzled.
    - Oh, they just help the "newbies" to come, so that it's not scary. This is where new entities come in. Stella said calmly.
    Have you already seen all this? Can we take a look?
    - Well, of course! And we got closer...
    And I saw an action, absolutely breathtaking in its beauty... In complete emptiness, as if out of nothing, a transparent luminous ball suddenly appeared and, like a flower, immediately opened, releasing a new essence, which looked around completely bewildered, nothing yet realizing... And then, the waiting entities embraced the "newcomer" with a clot of warm sparkling energy, as if calming, and immediately took him somewhere.
    - Do they come after death? .. - for some reason, I asked very quietly.
    Stella nodded and sadly replied:
    - When I arrived, we went to different "floors", my family and I. It was very lonely and sad... But now everything is fine. I went to them here many times - they are now happy.
    “Are they right here, on this ‘floor’…?” I couldn’t believe it.
    Stella again sadly nodded her head, and I decided I would not ask again, so as not to stir up her bright, kind soul.
    We walked along an unusual road that appeared and disappeared as we stepped on it. The road shimmered softly and seemed to lead, showing the way, as if knowing where we had to go... There was a pleasant feeling of freedom and lightness, as if the whole world around us had suddenly become completely weightless.
    Why does this road show us where to go? - I could not stand it.
    She doesn't point, she helps. - The little girl answered. “Everything here is made up of thought, remember? Even the trees, the sea, roads, flowers - everyone hears what we think. This is a truly pure world... probably what people used to call Paradise... You can't cheat here.

"Rare Plants" - We will not pluck plants for bouquets. Lumbago meadow (sleep-grass). Roots and rhizomes have medicinal value. The flowers are small pale purple. "Rare and endangered plants of the Yaroslavl region - under protection." One-biennial herbaceous plant 10-60 cm high. Perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plant 25-50 cm high.

"Schools of management" - Fayol's management functions: Planning Organization Motivation Control Coordination. Goal setting. School of scientific management in modern management. Training. Quantitative School of Management (50-80s). Diagnostics. Schools « human relations"and" behavioral sciences "in modern management.

"Project management processes" - Project participants. First of all, the project necessarily has one or more goals. Applications of Project Management. Concepts of Project Management. Basic planning processes. Project Management Processes. Project Management Logic. Management processes. Achieving the goals of the project can be implemented in various ways.

"Management of urban development" - Basic compulsory disciplines. Organization of the master's program: elective disciplines. Components of the program. Town and Country Planning in Britain.14th edition, Routledge, 2006. Alumni skills and competencies. adaptation courses. Education on a contract basis: Educational direction: URBAN PLANNING.

"Sverdlovsk region" - Information Support cultural activities. The number of first-graders in dynamics for 4 years. Number of exhibitions, units Assignment of honorary titles. Provision of residents Sverdlovsk region new acquisitions in the library collections. List of objects of restoration in 2011. The number of events implemented by state regional theaters in 2009-2011.

"Railway" - Trans-Siberian Railway. Horses are usually harnessed to carts, less often - buffaloes, mules, buffaloes. Subway station. Roads of China. Commemorative kilometer sign on the Kushelevka-Piskarevka railway line. Manali-Leh road (India-China). Roman roads. Lorry trucks on the route. Railways of the Russian Federation.

The laying of the foundation of the future building of the Office of the Perm (now Sverdlovsk) railway took place on August 6, 1925 on Severnaya Street (now Chelyuskintsev, 11).

On this occasion, a copper plate with an engraved text about the laying of the road administration building was made in two copies. The first copy was laid in the foundation, the second is stored in the Museum of the History of Science and Technology of the Road (Vokzalnaya Street, 14).

The land plot for the construction of the building was not chosen by chance. It is in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe station and station "Sverdlovsk-1", as well as the goods yard, that the divisions and facilities of the node begin to concentrate.

The history of the department began in 1888, when it was located in Perm, and Railway was called Perm, and from this year - Ural. Already in the first years of the twentieth century, there was a need to create a management structure beyond the Ural Range. Omsk and Yekaterinburg claimed for its placement.

In 1912, the Yekaterinburg City Duma instructed P. Ivanov, G. Olesov and a deputy of the IV State Duma, an engineer of communications, an honorary citizen of the city A. Bublikov, to petition for the construction of a management building in their city. The latter did a lot for the city - conducted surveys of a new railway line Kazan - Sarapul - Krasnoufimsk - Yekaterinburg, helped finance the future of the Mining Institute, donated a personal 100 thousand rubles to create a polytechnic.

The City Duma intended to build a railway department at the eastern end of the Main Avenue near the Yekaterinburg-1 and Yekaterinburg-2 railway lines. For the temporary accommodation of the road administration, the Duma planned to allocate the Kharitonov-Rastorguev mansion in the Voznesenskaya Gorka area. But, unfortunately, she did not receive consent for this. joint-stock company Kyshtym factories, which then owned the mansion.

Subsequent then First World War, the February and October revolutions of 1917 and the Civil War in Russia prevented these plans from being realized.

Taking into account the upcoming large volume of economic tasks to restore the railway infrastructure of the Trans-Urals destroyed by the war, as well as the central position of Yekaterinburg in the system of existing railway lines and the prospect of their development, on August 8, 1919, the People's Commissariat of Railways decided to form the Yekaterinburg branch of the Perm railway. And three months later, the administration itself was transferred to Yekaterinburg. For a long nine years, the management of the highway worked in the building of the former male gymnasium at 33 Lenin Avenue. But it could not accommodate even half of the workers. Therefore, the question arose of designing and building our own building for the road administration.

The development of his project was entrusted to the design and technical department, headed since 1923 by civil engineer Konstantin Babykin. Previously, he designed railway stations at Yekaterinburg and Solikamsk stations, railway workshops in Perm, Nizhny Tagil, Tyumen, Vereshchagin, Chusovoy, and many houses of culture for railway workers. From September 1926, engineer Babykin was appointed head of the civil structures department of the road administration and chief architect (author) of the project for his building.

The author based the architectural and planning composition of the road administration building on the “square” principle, in which the extended four-story buildings closed in the form of a square with a courtyard. In accordance with the plans, offices and workrooms were placed at the outer contour of the building, corridors were designed at the inner perimeter of the "square" (windows to the courtyard). As a result, eighty percent of office and work rooms received good natural light.

75 years ago, the administration of the Sverdlovsk road moved to a new building

History knows many cases when a particular work of art was recognized by the people, society and created a well-deserved fame for its author, regardless of whether he has other outstanding works or not. Such creations, no doubt, include the building of the administration of the Sverdlovsk railway in Yekaterinburg.

The history of its creation is very interesting. Perhaps few people will remember that at first the road administration was located in Perm and was called the Perm road, and since 1888 - the Ural road. Already in the first years of the twentieth century, there was a need to create a management structure beyond the Ural Range. Omsk and Yekaterinburg claimed to host it.

In 1912, the Yekaterinburg City Duma instructed P. Ivanov, G. Olesov and a deputy of the IV State Duma, an engineer of communications, an honorary citizen of the city A. Bublikov, to petition for the construction of a management building in their city. The latter did a lot for the city - conducted surveys of a new railway line Kazan - Sarapul - Krasnoufimsk - Yekaterinburg, helped finance the future of the Mining Institute, donated a personal 100 thousand rubles to create a polytechnic.

The City Duma intended to build a railway department at the eastern end of the Main Avenue near the railway line Yekaterinburg-1 and Yekaterinburg-2. For the temporary location of the road administration, the Duma planned to allocate the Kharitonov-Rastorguev mansion in the Voznesenskaya Gorka area (opposite the infamous Ipatiev house). But, unfortunately, she did not receive the consent of the joint-stock company of Kyshtym plants, which then owned the mansion.

The ensuing World War I, the February and October revolutions of 1917, and the Russian Civil War prevented these plans from being realized.

Taking into account the upcoming large volume of economic tasks to restore the railway infrastructure of the Trans-Urals destroyed by the war, as well as the central position of Yekaterinburg in the system of existing railway lines and the prospect of their development, on August 8, 1919, the People's Commissariat of Railways decided to form the Yekaterinburg branch of the Perm railway. And three months later, the road administration itself was transferred to Yekaterinburg. For a long nine years, the management of the highway worked in the building of the former male gymnasium at 33 Lenina Avenue. But this building could accommodate less than half of the workers.

Therefore, of course, the question arose of designing and building our own building for the road administration. The development of his project was entrusted to the design and technical department, headed since 1923 by civil engineer Konstantin Babykin. Previously, he designed railway stations at Yekaterinburg and Solikamsk stations, railway workshops in Perm, Nizhny Tagil, Tyumen, Vereshchagin, Chusovoi, and many houses of culture for railway workers.

From September 1926, engineer Babykin was appointed head of the civil structures department of the road administration and chief architect (author) of the project for his building.

The land plot for the construction of the building was not chosen by chance. It is here, on Severnaya Street (now Chelyuskintsev Street), in the area of ​​​​the station and station Sverdlovsk-1, as well as the goods yard, that the divisions and farms of the node begin to concentrate.

The author based the architectural and planning composition of the road administration building on the “square” principle, in which the extended four-story buildings closed in the form of a square with a courtyard. In accordance with the plans, offices and workrooms were placed at the outer contour of the building, corridors were designed at the inner perimeter of the "square" (windows to the courtyard). As a result, eighty percent of office and work rooms received good natural light.

The laying of the foundation took place in the summer of 1925. On this occasion, a copper plate with an engraved text about the laying of the road administration building was made in two copies. The first copy was laid in the foundation, the second is stored in the Museum of the History of Science and Technology of the Road.

The management building of the Sverdlovsk Railway is notable primarily for the fact that it became a kind of protest of the architect against the simplification and primitivism of the supporters of the then dominant “constructivism” style. With his project, Babykin began to revive the architectural classics in the Urals, but in a new, modern interpretation.

The main facade in its middle part is distinguished by two protruding risalits, between which there is a beautiful four-columned portico. The corners of the building are rounded; In the design of the facades, as well as in the interiors, architectural details are masterfully executed - balconies, capitals, cornices, brackets, sandriks, garlands, etc. For many decades, the magnificently executed stone-like colored plaster of the facades has also served.

Babykin had to spend a lot of effort and energy to defend the landing of the building not along the red line of the development of Severnaya Street, but with an indent from it inside the site by thirty meters. By doing this, he raised the building in relief higher, onto the terrace, creating a solemnly ceremonial, well-arranged and planted space in front of its main facade.

In February 1974, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR, by its decree, approved the honorary status of an architectural monument of republican significance behind the administration building of the Sverdlovsk Railway and took it under state protection, as evidenced by a modest marble plaque on the main facade. The name of the author of the project and the builder of the building, Konstantin Trofimovich Babykin, is also indicated here.

An important role was played by the road management building in the town-forming plan of the Zheleznodorozhny district of the city. Before its construction, this area was swampy, with high level groundwater and many underground springs that come to the surface. All surrounding buildings were one-story, wooden. With the fixing of this area for the railway, the construction of the building of its administration here, the appearance of the area has changed dramatically.

Today there is already a multi-storey modern building with a high level of improvement. And the beginning of everything was the administration building of the Sverdlovsk Railway, erected 75 years ago...

Gennady ELAGIN,
member of the Union of Architects of Russia.

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