Rules for holding the republican contest of young readers within the framework of the project “Reading Belarusian with velcom


The collection of works for the republican competition for schoolchildren “Reading Belarusian with velcom” has been extended until December 20. The Gomel region is the leader in terms of submitted applications. Children in grades 7-8 can take part. The project participants have already been supported by well-known Belarusians. The winners of the republican final will receive Apple smartphones.

The organizers of the republican contest “Reading Belarusian with velcom”, which is held with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, announce the extension of admission creative works. Taking into account the desire of schoolchildren from all over Belarus to join the initiative, the period for submitting videos to the competition of young readers has been extended from November 30 to December 20, 2017. Other conditions remain unchanged. Detailed rules of the contest “Reading Belarusian with velcom” can be found at the link .

The best, according to the jury, the contestants will be named before December 29, 2017 and will take part in the regional stages of the competition in 2018.

More than 600 videos have already been accepted by the contest organizers. It will take about 15 hours to view all the videos sent to the competition. The most popular poets among the children are Yakub Kolas, Yanka Kupala, Ryhor Borodulin and Maxim Bogdanovich. The work that the participants choose most often is “You need to be at home for a while” by Rygor Borodulin. The ranking of the most popular works also includes Yakub Kolas's poem "The Stream", excerpts from Yanka Kupala's poem "Kurgan", "Slutsk Weavers" by Maksim Bogdanovich and Ryhor Borodulin's work "Batska".

Most active on this moment- pupils of schools and gymnasiums of the Gomel region. It is they who daily send the largest number of videos with their own reading of Belarusian works. In the rating of cities, Minsk has the first place - the capital's schoolchildren are still in the lead in terms of the number of videos. The second place in the activity of students at the moment belongs to the Slavgorod district of the Mogilev region. The third line is occupied by the Glubokoe district of the Vitebsk region.

The competition of young readers “Reading Belarusian with velcom” among students of the 7th and 8th grades of the country's schools and gymnasiums started on October 11. To participate in the competition, the children need to record a video in which they read any work from the school curriculum on Belarusian literature. Then you need to place a video on your personal page in one of social networks(Facebook, Vkontakte, Instagram), as well as mark the entry with the official hashtag of the competition - #readzwelcom or #readzvelcom.

The rules state that contestants are allowed to use additional paraphernalia, costumes, musical accompaniment and video editing. Many children read poems in national costumes, against the background of traditional Belarusian household items or against the backdrop of nature.

Every adult can also take part in the initiative and support the participants of the contest, as the players of the Minsk football club, the participants of the Junior Eurovision Song Contest Helena Meraai and Ruslan Aslanov, cultural figures, young poets, labor collectives and students of Belarusian universities have already done.

By the way, the youngest participant who supported the project is Vladislav Prokopenko, the winner of the Live Classics contest in his age category. Vlad is 8 years old. And the oldest member of the “support group” is actor and presenter Yuri Zhigamont, next year he will celebrate his 50th birthday.

You can support the participants by recording a video reading one of the works of Belarusian literature and posting the video on a social network with one of the official hashtags of the competition - #readyzwelcom or #readyvelcom.

We have already declared ourselves

Maria Bondareva from Gomel she sang the poem “You need to be at home for a while”:

Mikhail Zhevnyak from the city of Khoiniki declared for the competition the reading of an excerpt from the poem by Yakub Kolas "The New Land":

Anatoly Gavrilin from the Buda-Koshelevsky district he performed the work of Vasily Zuyonok “From the wars of the sisters of the matsyarki sons ...”:

1. General provisions
1.1 These Rules for holding the republican competition for young readers within the framework of the project “Reading Belarusian with velcom” (hereinafter referred to as the Contest, the Rules) have been prepared by the communication company Grand B.S. Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the Organizer). The initiator of the project is velcom company. The competition is held with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
1.2 These Rules define the goals and objectives of the Competition from the school to the republican stages.
1.3 The Organizer presents the award established in section 7 of the Rules (hereinafter referred to as the Award) to the participant recognized as the winner (hereinafter referred to as the Winner) for the best performance of the task established in section 8 of the Rules.
1.4. The Organizer has the right to cancel the Contest or change the Rules, notifying the participants about it, by publishing a corresponding message on the Contest website during the first half of the period established for the submission of works.

2. Goals and objectives of the Competition
2.1 The competition is held for the following purposes:
- increasing students' interest in reading, the Belarusian language and literature;
- education of the younger generation on the best examples of national literature;
- drawing public attention to the importance of reading;
- expanding the reader's horizons of adolescents;
- search and support of talented youth.

3. Information about the Organizer
3.1 The competition is held by Grand B.S. Limited Liability Company, UNP 192280112.
3.2 Location of the Organizer: Republic of Belarus, Minsk, st. Melnikayte, 8, pom. 5N, of. 7.
3.3 Email address of the Organizer [email protected](hereinafter referred to as the Organizer's mail).
3.4 Contest Email: [email protected](hereinafter referred to as the Contest mail).

4. Information about the initiator of the Contest
4.1 The Tender Initiator is velcom, UNP 101528843, (hereinafter referred to as the Initiator).
4.2 Location of the Initiator: Republic of Belarus, Minsk, st. International, 36-2
4.3 Official website of the Initiator: .

5. Procedure and conditions for holding the Contest
5.1 Students of grades VII-VIII of institutions of general secondary education (hereinafter referred to as Participants) are invited to participate in the Competition.
5.2 The competition is held in three stages:
5.2.1 the first stage is individual (from October 11, 2017 from 00:00 to December 20, 2017 until 24:00), during which the Contest participants post videos on social networks with the official hashtags of the Contest. Based on the results of the first stage, from December 21 to December 29, 2017, the jury of the competition evaluates the performances of the Participants and selects the 30 best readers from each region and the city of Minsk. On December 29, 2017, the lists of the winners of the 1st stage are posted on the official website of the Initiator. In the period from January 14 to January 30, 2018, information about the Participants who are admitted to the second stage is brought to the attention of general secondary education institutions;
5.2.2 the second stage is regional (from February 15, 2018 to April 28, 2018), during which the regional stages of the Contest are held. In each regional city, at the site of the educational institution, a Competition of readers, regional winners of the 1st stage is held, from which the jury members of the 2nd stage select 5 winners from each region and the city of Minsk to participate in the third stage of the Competition. The winners in the region are the 5 Participants with the most points. The total number of Winners in the 2nd stage is 35 students. On April 28, 2017, the lists of winners of the 2nd stage are posted on the official website of the Initiator.
5.2.3 the third stage (May 2018), during which the final stage of the Contest is held in Minsk. At the third stage of the Competition, the jury members of the 2nd and 3rd stages of the Competition choose from the winners of the 2nd stage of the Competition 5 winners of the 3rd stage of the Competition. Stage 3 winners are the 5 Participants with the most points. The winners are awarded valuable prizes and certificates.
5.3 The time and place of the 2nd and 3rd stages of the Contest is posted on the official website of the Contest Initiator. The end time of the 2nd stage of the Competition is no later than April 28, 2018. The end time of the 3rd stage of the Competition is no later than May 31, 2018.
5.4 Entry of spectators to the events of the 2nd and 3rd stages of the Competition is free.

6. Competition Jury
6.1 Jury of the 1st stage of the Competition: an initiative group of students of the Faculty of Philology of the Belarusian State University in the amount of 35 people.
6.2 Jury 1, 2 and 3 stages:
1) Vladimir Stepanovich Lipsky - Belarusian writer, public figure,
2) Raisa Andreevna Borovikova - Belarusian writer and poetess,
3) Yuri Vladimirovich Zhigamont - Belarusian actor and TV presenter,
4) Vyacheslav Olegovich Smirnov - head of corporate communications department at velcom.
6.3 In addition to the permanent representatives of the jury, the participants will be evaluated by invited jury members (to be determined no later than February 1, 2018) in the amount of 1 person:
1) representatives of the education departments of the regional executive committees, the education committee of the Minsk City Executive Committee.
2) media personalities (athletes, musicians, actors, TV presenters);
6.4 Evaluation criteria:
- a deep understanding of the semantic load of a poetic or prose work (maximum score - 10 points).
- originality of performance (maximum score - 10 points)
- artistry and emotional performance (maximum score - 10 points)
- expressive reading (maximum score - 10 points)
- possession of speech, clarity of pronunciation, stress (maximum score - 10 points)
- maximum score for stage 1 50
- the maximum score for stages 2 and 3 is 50
6.5 Jury members must ensure:
- an objective assessment of competitive works,
- non-disclosure of information about the intermediate and final results of the Contest before the end date of the Contest.

7. Awarding of the Contest Winners
7.1 All Participants of the 2nd stage of the Competition are awarded with a diploma of the participant of the Competition (hereinafter referred to as the award).
7.2 The winners of the 2nd stage of the Contest are awarded with valuable gifts from the Organizer - a smartphone on the Android operating system with a diagonal of at least 5 inches.
7.3 The winners of the 3rd stage of the Contest are awarded with a valuable gift from the Organizer - an Apple smartphone on the iOS operating system.

8. General requirements to the videos submitted for the Contest
8.1 Video recordings made by the Participants, on which they read a work of Belarusian literature, must be uploaded to one of the social networks (Vkontakte, facebook, instagram).
8.2 The Participant's page on the social network must be open for viewing by other users.
8.3 To the official mail of the project - [email protected] a hyperlink to the publication of the video on the social network and information about the region (or in Minsk) the Participant lives in must be sent. The answer that the video has been accepted and all the rules for participation in the competition have been observed will come to the Participant within 24 hours on email The from which the hyperlink was sent.
8.4 A published publication with a video recording must be accompanied by one of the official hashtags of the Contest - #readzwelcom, #readzvelcom.
8.5 The video recording of each Participant begins with the introduction of the student (first name, last name, city, name educational institution, Class).
8.6 The duration of the video recording should not exceed the time limit - 2 minutes.
8.7 The pieces to be performed must be selected from the curriculum according to subject"Belarusian Literature", approved by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.
8.8 During the performance of a work, additional paraphernalia, props, costume, musical accompaniment, etc. can be used.
8.9 Use of video editing is allowed.
8.10 A participant can submit no more than 2 videos for the Contest.

9. Information Support Competition
9.1 The stages of the Competition are widely covered in the media.
9.2 During the stages of the Contest, stories are filmed and shown on the air of national and regional TV channels.
9.3 Representatives of the mass media are invited by the organizers to all regional stages of the Competition.

10. Financing of the Competition
10.1 Funding for the Competition is provided by the Organizer of the Competition.

11. Final provisions
11.1 The fact of participation in the Contest implies that its Participants are familiar with and agree with the Rules, and there is also the consent of the parents or other legal representatives of the Participants to participate in the Contest. The participant assumes the obligation to comply with the Rules.
11.2 All Participants and Winners shall independently pay all their expenses incurred by them in connection with participation in the Contest (including expenses related to Internet access).
11.3 By participating in the Contest, the Participant agrees to the collection, processing, storage of his personal data. All personal information, including full name, age, contact telephone number of the Participant will be used exclusively by the Organizer or persons authorized by him, acting on the basis of non-disclosure agreements, and will not be provided to any other third parties.
11.4 The Organizer reserves the right to use copyright works with the indication of the authors.
11.5 The Organizer is not responsible for incorrect information provided by the Participant. In the event that the Organizer cannot contact the Winner using the contact details provided by him, and the Winner did not contact the Organizer on his own within the prescribed period, the award and (or) prize is recognized as unclaimed.
11.6 Questions arising related to participation in the Contest, submission of works, receipt of awards Participants can send to the Organizer by e-mail [email protected].
11.7 All disputes relating to this Contest are governed by the current legislation of the Republic of Belarus

The results of the first stage of the republican contest “Reading Belarusian with velcom” for students of the 7th and 8th grades have been summed up. For 2 and a half months, the contestants recorded a video where they read works from the school curriculum on Belarusian literature. Schoolchildren from all over Belarus sent 2048 videos to the contest with a total duration of more than 45 hours. In social networks, these videos have already gained more than 700,000 views.

Acceptance of works for the contest “Reading Belarusian with velcom”, which is supported by the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus, ended on December 20. Then a meeting of the jury took place, which determined 30 best representatives from each region and the city of Minsk, who will perform in the second stage of the competition. The list of winners of the first stage can be found link .

The jury of the competition included writer, editor of the Vyaselka magazine, laureate of the State Prize of Belarus Vladimir Lipsky, writer, laureate of the State Prize of Belarus Raisa Borovikova, chief specialist of the Department of General Secondary Education of the Ministry of Education Irina Bulavkina, actor and TV presenter Yuri Zhigamont, poetess Ekaterina Masse and Margarita Latyshkevich.

“It's a miracle! I am impressed with how children read the classics of Belarusian literature. How do they understand these works and let them into the very soul. They are real artists! It is also impressive how well they know the Belarusian language and speak it. I am grateful to the organizers for giving life to such a great project”,- Vladimir Lipsky, chairman of the jury, shared his impressions of getting acquainted with the competitive works.

The initiator of the competition is velcom. " We would like to thank all the participants of the competition, as well as their teachers and parents forextan affinity for the project and a genuine interest in Belarusian literature. We are glad that pproject “Reading Belarusian language with velcom” opens the world of Belarusian literature for students in a new way, and also uses the opportunities of social networks for education”, - noted in velcom.

Participants of the competition posted videos on their personal page in one of the social networks - Vkontakte, Facebook or Instagram. The leader among the regions was the Gomel region, from where 355 videos were submitted to the contest. Schoolchildren of Minsk became the most active participants of the competition among the citizens - they sent 326 videos. And the most active district turned out to be Slavgorodsky in the Mogilev region, pupils of the 7th and 8th grades from which read 34 works of Belarusian literature for the competition.

The most popular among the participants of the competition were the following works: “Spadchyna” by Yanka Kupala, “Stream” by Yakub Kolas, “Ramans” by Maxim Bogdanovich, “You need to be at home for a while” by Rygor Borodulin. The most “readable” author is Yanka Kupala, it was his works that students chose more often than others.

Participants of the contest “Reading Belarusian with velcom” showed their imagination to the maximum while preparing the contest videos. Belarusian national costumes, complex montage and even live musical accompaniment - these and many other things the participants tried to draw attention to their work. Interestingly, there are 3 times more girls who took part in the contest than boys, they sent 1564 videos. 484 videos were submitted from young men for the competition.

“I am very pleased that each student approached participation in this project with all responsibility and enthusiasm. It was very interesting to watch how everyone tries to stand out and decorate their performance. Thanks to all the participants for such attention to the project and for their talent, which really pleased us, members of the jury of the contest “Reading Belarusianvelcom» - commented the actor and presenter Yuri Zhigamont.

During the first stage of the competition, adults also joined the project and took the initiative to support the participants. They recorded their reading of Belarusian works on video CEO and top managers of velcom, representatives of diplomatic missions of foreign states, representatives of Belarus at the international children's competition Eurovision, players of football clubs "Krumkachy", "Isloch", "Minsk", labor collectives "MTZ" and "MMZ", young poets, students of Belarusian State University.

From February to April 2018, the regional finals will take place, where the readers will perform live in front of the jury. According to their results, the top five from each region will be awarded with modern smartphones and will have the opportunity to fight for victory in the big republican final. It will be held in Minsk in May 2018, and the winners of the competition will be awarded Apple smartphones.

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