What does it mean to return goods to aliexpress. Is it possible to return the goods to aliexpress. How to exchange goods on Aliexpress



When purchasing goods on Aliexpress, you must be as careful and prudent as possible, carefully studying the characteristics, sizes and descriptions of the goods. It is equally important to consider pictures of lots. However, there are cases when the seller on Aliexpress also demonstrates his inattention. In some cases, they simply accidentally, or with a certain intent, send the ordered product that does not correspond to the one presented in the description.

We do not recommend rushing to return the goods, since the cost of returning the products to China may ultimately turn out to be more expensive than the goods themselves, therefore, the profitability of the transaction in this case will be very doubtful. You can always activate a dispute on Aliexpress, not forgetting to indicate the amount that you intend to receive as part of a claim for compensation. In some situations, the seller realizes that he “threw” the client and agrees to a refund of 100% of the order value. In most cases, you can count on partial compensation of the lot price - about 50%.

To clarify the data on the cost of the return shipment, you should call the nearest post office and indicate the approximate weight, as well as the dimensions of the parcel. They will tell you how much it will cost approximately to send the lot to China (to be honest, the cost is simply cosmic).

Optionally, there are many possibilities in disputes on Aliexpress. After confirming the dispute on the part of the seller, you can activate the option to return the money, after which a window will open in which you will need to enter the corresponding track number. As for the dispute, it can be withdrawn before the end of the time allotted for the dispute.

We have already written about how. After that, the situation will take place already on the knurled, after the return of the goods is successfully completed. In this case, the seller must confirm the receipt of the parcel.

How to return a parcel to the seller ordered on Aliexpress?

Be extremely careful and attentive! If the receipt of the goods is confirmed, or the protection time has expired, then it is almost impossible to return the money. The only way out of the situation is to exchange the goods, but in this case you will have to rely on your own fear, personally communicate with the seller.

If you received the package or confirmed it, but 15 days have not passed since then, you can open a full-fledged dispute. Before returning a product ordered on Aliexpress, we strongly recommend that you read general recommendations and rules for the exchange and return of products. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this procedure.


  1. The goods are returned exclusively by opening a dispute on Aliexpress. The rest of the methods do not bode well. There is a high probability of being left both without money and without goods.
  2. In accordance with the rules of Aliexpress, the parcel is sent back solely at the expense of the buyer / customer. No compensation is provided. It should be noted that in some situations it is much more efficient to initiate partial compensation. This will significantly increase the speed of the entire process. In this case, you can receive partial money.

A dispute aimed primarily at a full refund - to return the funds in full.

  1. Sellers from China usually promise buyers a cart and a small slide, while they ask them to press a button, and then close the dispute or adjust the terms of the dispute. Very often the seller sincerely says that he will send new product, as well as several nice bonuses as a reward. It is not worth having such conversations. In most cases, these are empty promises, as a result, you can end up without goods and without Money.

Note! If you accept the terms of the dispute and then change your mind, there will be no one to complain to and it will be too late. Be interested in advance and ask the seller, only in this case, count only on banal "excuses".

    1. If you do not want to constantly open disputes and file claims, as well as receive defective goods, then read carefully about that.

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buyer protection is in effect and you can always open a dispute, return money spent or exchange goods. How to do this and what you need to do this, we will tell in the article below.


What should the buyer do if he is not satisfied with the product: in size, color, quality?

Even the most experienced seller can make a mistake and send a product that does not match the selected parameters. If you are not satisfied with the situation, then you should not leave this matter. It is important to define a clear sequence of actions. In any case, you will have to open a dispute. You only need to do this within 15 days after receiving the goods. During this time, press the "Open Dispute" button.

After pressing the button, you need to answer the questions of the submitted questionnaire. Among them, the fact of receiving the goods, here you must indicate whether you received the goods, how much you want to return the funds. By the way, you can return both the full and partial cost of the goods. Usually part of the money is returned if the seller does not agree or a small defect is found on the product.

Also indicate if you want to return the item you received. Below is a window in which you need to provide detailed information about the disputed product. You can use several photos and a captured video, where you can clearly demonstrate the existing errors on the material. If necessary, indicate these facts with arrows or mark with highlighters from graphic editors.

  • The seller will agree with your dispute and fully refund all funds. This is usually done by suppliers whose goods absolutely do not correspond to the selected order: a large visual defect, non-working technical condition, substitution of goods, sending the order to the wrong address, lack of goods for several months after the extension of the order, discrepancy between the item on the “expectation-reality” scale »;

  • Partial consent of the seller with the dispute. In such a case, sellers will usually ask to accept the dispute with a "Partial Refund" solution. This option may be suitable for orders where there are small defects or some part of the kit is missing. For example, there are no laces on sneakers, no applications or a pattern indicated in the photo of the item, there is no charger on the tablet, there is a slight wear on the mobile phone case, or the badge on the branded item has been torn off. In this case, ask for a small compensation. You can get it just in a dispute with a partial refund of finances;

  • There are also cases when sellers completely disagree with the dispute and do not want to return a penny. In this case, aggravate the dispute and involve the administration of the online store. Contact the site manager, indicate the order number and ask for help to sort out the dispute. The status of the dispute will be changed to "Exacerbation of the dispute" about the decision you will be informed in personal account and by email.

How to open a dispute if the seller does not agree to a refund?

Each buyer needs to make it a rule: all purchases that are ordered for must first be thoroughly checked, and only then can you press the "Confirm receipt of goods" button. If you still clicked this button, then do not forget to test the ordered product within 15 days. After this period, the button with the opening of the dispute will no longer be available. All you can count on is a product warranty issued by the seller. And then, it does not apply to everything, only to household appliances and some electronic devices.

If it so happens that your product does not meet the declared characteristics, looks completely different, or came with damage, then open a dispute. Only through opening a dispute can you return the money spent. Even part of the money is returned by arguing. The fact is that sellers are not always willing to say goodbye to their income. Even if you contact the supplier through feedback, then know that he can promise you many interesting offers, and as a result, he will reach the moment when the dispute opening button ceases to work and you will be left with nothing.

The seller always responds faster to an open dispute than to a written message. Therefore, it is better to open a dispute, agree on a refund amount or other suitable conditions. In the end, it is better to open and then close the dispute than to be left without money. A dispute is a buyer’s protection in which customers can defend their rights and return the funds. It is especially suitable for those cases where sellers do not agree to a refund. In this situation, feel free to contact the administration and aggravate the dispute.

How to aggravate a dispute with an Aliexpress seller?

Every dispute has a different outcome. Sometimes sellers do not agree to a refund, some do not want to change the product. In any case, if you do not like the seller's offer, do not agree to accept it. Next to the "Cancel dispute" or "Make a decision" button, there is a button "Escalate dispute".

If the seller categorically does not hear you and does not agree to your terms, then click the "Exacerbate the dispute" button and contact the administration. So you will attract support specialists who will help you sort out the controversial issue. It’s worth making a reservation right away, in most cases, when the seller’s fault is proven, the administrators are on the side of the customer.

Sometimes there are exceptions. The fact is that there are not only unscrupulous sellers, but also unscrupulous buyers. The administration adheres to the rule: if the buyer has already won 3 disputes in a row, then he will be denied a positive dispute. Even if the amount of your order is more than $ 1000, you will still be refused and added to the black list of buyers. Therefore, be careful when opening disputes and exacerbating them.

The dispute is won, what to do next?

As in any business, there are obligations in a dispute. They touch two sides at once. We have already considered above the scenarios according to which disputes end. As a result of their decision, you need to get down to business. For example, if you decide with the seller that he will compensate you for the money spent on the goods, then you must agree to the terms of the dispute. That is, press the "confirm decision" button.

After this action, the money spent will be returned to you. Rest assured that they will reach your account within 10-14 days. Depending on the previously selected payment method, the return time may vary. The fact is that all the funds received by the seller on the account do not go to him immediately. Remember the 15 days after you confirm receipt of your purchase? It is after this period that the seller receives the proceeds. Until that moment, the money is kept on Alipay's inter-transactional account.

Further, the dispute may not be resolved in favor of the buyer. Yes, yes, this also happens. With a small amount of evidence or without strong arguments, you may be denied a dispute. Of course, you can try to involve the administration, but even here the chances are not always great. Another option for the development of events is a decision that is accepted by both parties - a refund to the buyer and the return of goods to the seller. You press the consent key, then you receive funds and send the goods to the seller's address.

Sometimes the dispute may drag on, between you and the seller there will be disputes with different proposals. The result may be as follows - you receive only a part of the funds, but at the same time you keep the goods for yourself. Then you will have to wait for the receipt of the return to the account of a bank card, mobile phone or electronic wallet. In any case, always follow the agreements that you discussed with the seller. Otherwise, you will be blacklisted.

How to send a parcel back from Aliexpress (step by step)?

Before proceeding with sending the parcel, consult with the seller at which address it will be convenient for him to receive the goods. It is not necessary to send a parcel through three countries. Perhaps your supplier has a warehouse or representative office in Russia or another nearby state.

  • Ask for a detailed address indicating the postal code, country name, city/province, street, house number, building, part of the warehouse, letter;
  • Transfer all characters carefully. Don't worry, you won't have to use Chinese characters. Usually sellers indicate the address in English;
  • Be sure to send the parcel by registered mail. Upon shipment, you will be issued a check with a track number, but you can track the movement of the parcel with it. If the parcel is lost, then you will have irrefutable proof;

  • As soon as you sent the package, inform the seller about it. Attach a photo of the receipt or a scanned file. So, the seller will be sure that you returned the goods to him;
  • Before ordering goods, the terms of shipment are usually discussed. If you agreed to ship at the expense of the seller, then send him a check and indicate your details for transferring the amount spent. Sometimes the buyer and the seller agree that the supplier on the next order will make a discount for exactly the amount that the buyer spent.

Is it profitable for the buyer to send parcels back to Aliexpress?

Sending parcels is paid according to the price list transport company or Russian Post. Depending on the weight of the parcel, the cost of delivery can cost 200, 300 or more rubles. Discuss with the seller whether he will reimburse unintentional expenses. If the seller agrees to such a condition, then the return of the parcel in case of a won dispute is a profitable business.

If you send the goods yourself, then this is a moot point. Let's say you ordered mobile phone for 18 thousand rubles. The seller returned the funds to you, this is a profitable return. If you're returning socks, a pack of tea, or a set of freezer bags, of course, it's absolutely priceless. You will spend much more money on shipping than on the product itself. Always be prudent and open a dispute if it's really worth it.

How much and when will money be returned from Aliexpress?

The refund amount does not depend on the conditions that you agreed with the seller. You can receive both full and partial compensation for a poor-quality purchase. Another issue is the timing of the return. Here the situation is much more serious and this process can be delayed.

If you came to a joint decision at the first stage of the dispute, then the return will be issued within 14 days. For those users who are regular customers Refunds can be credited up to 7 days. Sometimes it is 3 days. To do this, you need to have a user level of at least A2.

For an aggravated dispute, the return conditions change. The period allotted for the transfer of funds from the seller to the buyer may be more than a month. It all depends on the number of prairies and the involvement of the parties. Sometimes, in severe cases, it is necessary not only to reject the seller’s offers, but also to contact the administration of the online store, to aggravate the dispute. Therefore, the minimum return period is 3 days, the maximum can last a month, 45 days or more. Be careful when choosing purchases and let them be successful!

Return of funds and goods must be made through a dispute. Therefore, even if you and the seller have come to a mutually beneficial agreement in personal correspondence, all your further actions must be reflected in the dispute. Only this form of agreement matters to the administration.

The mechanism is designed in such a way that the concept of “exchange of goods” is absent in the interface. You can make an exchange only by returning the goods through a dispute. After the seller confirms the receipt of the parcel, the transaction will be completed, and the money will be transferred to your account. Further, you can place a new order for the product you are interested in from the same seller.

There is one subtlety in the procedure for returning goods. Your money is only protected if you send the goods to the address that the seller confirmed in the dispute. In other words, when opening a dispute, you must select the item "I want to send the goods back." The seller, in turn, must confirm his consent and provide the return address in the dispute itself.

They do not provide a refund of the amount exceeding the order value. That is, you cannot claim a refund from the seller for shipping costs. All costs associated with the return of goods are the responsibility of the buyer. The only way to try to recover postage is through an Escalate Dispute claim, but this is unlikely.

Sometimes sellers may ask you to close a dispute by offering an option to extend delivery times within an order. In this case, be extremely careful! As soon as the Aliexpress tracking system notices the status “Handing over to the addressee”, the order completion time can automatically be reduced to five days, despite the seller’s attempts to extend the deadline.

Return algorithm

In order to protect yourself from any unpleasant cases associated with receiving a defective or damaged product, it is recommended to film the process of unpacking it on video. In this case, you will have an “iron argument”, and you will not have to prove to the seller that this problem was not your fault.

So, if you find that a return is necessary, write to the seller, briefly stating your problem. As a rule, experienced sellers who value their reputation will immediately respond to you by offering a refund or replacement option. The next step will be indicating the appropriate solution.

To request a full refund, select the "Full Refund" item and check the box "Do you want to ship the goods back" (this means that you want to return the goods).

In the column "attachments" you can attach your photos or videos.

Specify the reason for opening the dispute and click "submit" (send).

At this stage, you must wait for the consent of the seller. The seller has 10 days to review the conditions. If during this time no action was taken on his part, turn the dispute into a claim by clicking "Escalate Dispute".

If the seller has given his consent and indicated the address for sending the goods, all you have to do is send the thing, packing it well. Otherwise, the seller may open a counter dispute against you. Please note that after the consent of the seller, the terms of the dispute cannot be changed! The buyer has 10 days to indicate the track number of the parcel in the form of a dispute. After the track number is entered, the countdown timer starts. If necessary, you can also extend the delivery time of the goods. As soon as the seller confirms receipt of the package, your money will be automatically returned.

In this article, we will give 10 tips for sending goods from Aliexpress back to the seller. The description of the return of goods does not apply to purchases in the "Mall" section. For the Mall, a different procedure for returning goods to the seller.

1) Return of goods is carried out only through the opening of a dispute.

In order to send the goods back to the seller, you need to open a dispute on Return of goods and money. After that, the seller must make your decision on the dispute, and indicate directly in the dispute the return address for sending. You will receive a refund only after the seller confirms receipt of the goods. Or after 30 days from the date of sending the parcel.

2) There is no exchange of goods on Aliexpress.

Any exchange of goods on Aliexpress occurs according to the scheme:

1) Opening a dispute on the "Return of goods and money." Then the goods are sent back.

2) The seller receives the goods, returns the money to you.

3) You re-order the desired product.

3) All shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer.

The buyer sends the goods back to China at his own expense. You can send the parcel in the cheapest way. For example, ground without specifying the cost and insurance. But be sure to have a tracking number. Often, the cost of sending the goods back can exceed the cost of the goods themselves. Therefore, before opening a dispute, go to the post office and ask how much it will cost to send this product to China. If the cost of sending the parcel is high, then it is more profitable to open a dispute for a partial refund without sending the goods back to the seller. The rest of the amount can be compensated by selling this product.

4) Pack well

Sellers often open a dispute due to the fact that you did not pack the goods well and it arrived damaged. Before sending, pack the goods well and film the packaging process on video.

5) Shoot the sending of the parcel in the photo

Before sending the goods, directly at the post office, take a photo of the parcel so that the delivery address and track number are clearly visible. Also, take a photo of the shipping receipt. These photos will come in handy if the seller opens a dispute.

6) You must send the goods to the address indicated in the dispute.

Do not send the goods to other addresses that the seller can send you in private messages. the parcel must be sent exactly to the address indicated in the dispute. If you send to another address, you will lose your money.

7) You must send the goods within 10 days.

After the seller has accepted your dispute proposal and indicated the address for sending the goods, ATYou are obliged to send the goods and indicate track number parcels within 10 days, otherwise it will be considered that you have not fulfilled your obligations, and the dispute will be closed in favor of the seller.

8) You can not cancel the return of goods.

Buyers, opening a dispute for the return of goods and money, do not think that the shipment will be at their expense. Or that the cost of shipping a product can be sky-high. Therefore, having learned this unpleasant news, they are trying to somehow cancel the return of the goods, since this is very unprofitable. But, after the seller has accepted your proposal for the dispute and indicated the address to which the parcel should be sent, you cannot change your mind and cancel the return of the goods. After your agreements, you are obliged to send the goods back, otherwise the dispute will be closed in favor of the seller. By canceling the shipment of the goods, you refuse to return the funds.

9) Do not extend the timer.

After you send the goods you will have a timer. Similar to the buyer protection timer, only protecting the seller. Do not extend the timer unless the seller asks you to. Since 30 days after the date of dispatch of the goods, you will be refunded, even if the seller does not receive the goods.

10) Do not believe the seller's promises.

The seller can write you personal messages with various requests and promises. For example, promising to return the money if you send the goods without opening a dispute, or he will ask you to close the dispute, since he has already sent you a new product again, or promising different bonuses, if only you canceled the shipment, etc. Do not believe the promises of the seller. Go according to plan. And then you will not fall for fraudulent activities and will be able to return the money for the goods.

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