Why the track number is not tracked. Tracking Russian Post (internal). So what to do if the track number is not tracked


After selecting the product on the website of the online store and paying for it, the buyer waits until the seller sends the goods and gives the customer a track code. But there are times when the coveted track from Aliexpress is not tracked on the site, what to do then?

First you need to fully understand the principle of compiling a track code. It must necessarily consist of two Latin (English) letters, a nine-digit numeric code and two Latin letters at the end.

The first two letters indicate the country to which the parcel is on its way, and the last two indicate the country from which it is sent.

Letters at the beginning and at the end can only be capital (big).

Reasons why the parcel from Aliexpress is not tracked:

  • First of all, you need to go into your mailbox account linked to a foreign shop and check if there is one among the letters that confirms the shipment of the goods. The letter will contain a digital combination, it will be without letters and is the order number. Many people confuse it with the tracking number of the parcel, this is the first and quite common mistake among buyers.
  • You should go to the post office not to find the track combination, but to make sure that the seller has started sending the goods.

If 5 days have passed after payment for the goods, and there is still no such letter and the code has not been sent, the money from the Aliexpress storage will be returned to the account of the person who ordered the goods. Such a scheme helps to secure personal funds and is an incentive for sellers not to "yawn" with the shipment.

  • Within the specified time frame, the seller still sent a track code, but it is not tracked anywhere. There are many more reasons for this problem than the previous one:
  1. After you have seen the coveted track on the site, you should not try to find it on the trackers, only after 8-10 working days will the first information about the package appear. Such delays are due to the huge amount of goods sent by mail in China.
  2. A package with Aliexpress may not be tracked due to an incorrect tracking location. When an employee sends a track number, next to it he posts a link to a resource where the order can be tracked. It is this link, and not others offered on the Internet, that you should use. If the track number is international, you can find information about it at the post office of Hong Kong or Singapore (where the last 2 letters in the code combination will tell you to track). Transport option via transport company narrows the tracking method only to the website of this company, the mail of cities in China or other resources will not see this code.
  3. Changes to the track combination. It happens that some elements of the combination in the track change before being sent, the seller must inform about this on the website, so after two weeks of silence about the location of the parcel, you need to double-check the track number.
  4. If there are no changes in the track number, you should contact the sender. If the buyer made a mistake in the number in the track, he will write to you and apologize for not changing the data.
  5. Parcel size. There are a considerable number of cases when a package could not be tracked because it was too small in weight or size. Items like threads, stickers, small decorations, ribbons can be sent without a track.

Track number without letters

The situation in which unscrupulous merchants send a track code to the customer that does not contain letters deserves special attention.

This is only done to save money. And it will be impossible to monitor the status of the parcel due to the non-compliance of such a “fake” code with marking standards.

And there are several options for the development of events:

  • A parcel with a code that does not exist for your order was found, but it is responsible for sending another person. That is, you go to the tracking site, enter the number and see that the order is already in the mail. And at the post office neither sleep nor spirit.
  • You can also observe the case with partial tracking. While the goods are in the sender's country, they are visible, but as soon as they cross the border, there is silence.
  • In the latter version, it will not be possible to track the ordered item at all. The merchant gives your number, which is not real, but invented by him. In this case, you need to wait for the period until the goods can go to the buyer (up to 60 days).

If, after the methods done, the parcel from Aliexpress is still not tracked, the seller is silent or simply refuses, and the time after sending has already exceeded 20 days, the following steps must be taken:

  • All the same, give the seller a chance, believe in the veracity of his words for another couple of days and for now just ask for an extension of the order protection period;
  • In case of refusal, feel free to open a dispute without responding to the persuasion of the employee.

How to create a dispute?

To open a dispute, you need to go to the page with this order, mark the one with a non-working track. The button you need to open a dispute will appear. It is conducted in the form of a question-answer from the site.

Following actions:

  1. The first question will be whether you received the goods, the answer is basically obvious.
  2. The next question will give you a list of reasons why you are unhappy. From the list, you need to select the option that says that the track number on Aliexpress is not tracked (no tracking information).
  3. There are two refund options below. You should stop at the first - a full refund from the merchant. In the field below this window, you can write again about the reason. Something like how for a certain number of days you tried and could not find the package, the track number is not active.
  4. Your actions are done, you can click on the button to open a dispute.
  5. If the seller is ready to give the amount, carefully double-check the amount before accepting it and thereby closing the dispute.
  6. If within 5 working days there is no news and an answer from the side of the merchant, the dispute will be closed in your favor, and you will receive the money.

Be carefull! Do not respond to persuasion to close the dispute if there is still no use for the track number.

If the protection timer by the Chinese order shop has expired, you do not need to cancel the dispute either. In such a scenario, the dispute will not close in your favor, but the seller will still receive the money.

P.S. Friends, when shopping in online stores, be sure to use. As they say, saved - it earned!

On this I want to say goodbye to you, all successful shopping!

Often, when buying an inexpensive product, the sellers of AliExpress and other large Internet sites give you a track code that is not tracked anywhere or tracked only to the country of destination. To receive a long-awaited package, you need to follow some rules.

Should I be worried?

It's not worth worrying. The so-called "trackless" - parcels that do not have a track number in the international format are tracked only to the country of destination. Getting the status "Imported to the country of destination", which, by the way, should not be trusted, you can wait for your parcel for a very long time. If the parcel really arrived in the country of destination, then it is assigned an internal number that is not reported to either the seller or you, and it safely goes to you, straight to the post office. As soon as the parcel arrives, you will receive a notification. All that is required of you - watch the "buyer protection" timer and if less than 2-5 days remain until the end of the protection, request an extension or open a dispute / dispute on AliExpress. By the way, sellers can extend protection for no more than 120 days, in total for one order.

How to open a dispute and what reason to choose?

If the package has not arrived to you or the buyer protection timer is coming to an end, and the seller does not want to extend it, immediately open a dispute/dispute. When opening a dispute, you will have the opportunity to choose one of two reasons:

Order protection is already expiring, but the package is still on the way;
- no tracking information.

When opening a dispute for these two reasons, the refund will be 100% of the money you paid.

How to prove that the package did not arrive to you?

Basically, you don't have to prove anything. Those who consider disputes / disputes on AliExpress themselves understand everything perfectly. But if you were asked for proof, then you copy your "trackless" tracking number and drive it in on the website of your postal service. As a result of the check, information will be displayed that a package with such a track number was not found. Take a screenshot of the page where you check your "trackless" and attach it to the dispute. Examples of what the tracking results of "trackless" look like:

In the description of the dispute, you can specify the following text:

XX days have passed since the shipment, and the goods have not arrived. The seller did not fulfill his obligations, promising delivery in XX days. Please refund my money in full.

Submit a dispute for consideration and wait for a decision from the seller, he must accept it. If the seller does not accept the dispute, edit the dispute by repeating your message. And if he does not want to accept it in any way, then the dispute can be aggravated. After the escalation, the dispute will be considered by a special AliExpress service. As a rule, sellers do not bring such disputes to an aggravation. The most important rule do not click the "Accept dispute" button- this should be done only by the seller.

If the dispute is open due to "No tracking information", then you can not attach screenshots, just text will be enough.

What to do if the money was returned, and the parcel arrived after a while?

This happens, and there is no need to gloat about it. It is better to write to the seller that your package has arrived/received and you would like him to refund its cost. Wait for a response from the seller. But as a rule, you can simply place an order for the same amount, and as soon as the seller confirms the information that the goods have been sent, confirm receipt of the goods. Thus, the money will go to the seller's account - instantly. Do as you would like to be treated. In any situation, you need to remain human.

All the best to you and we wish you not to face similar situations. Fast delivery to you!

After placing an order in the Joom online store, the buyer wants to know how the goods are sent from China to his home. To do this, the service has created the ability to track the package directly from your personal account. After the goods are ordered, the track number appears in the profile, you can use it to find out the route of the parcel through the websites of postal companies and online tracking services. However, not every seller launches a tracking feature. In this case, the client does not see the location of the goods, which makes him worry once again. Let's try to figure out the reasons why the package from Joom is not tracked.

Joom parcel tracking

To clarify the current status of a parcel from the Joom online platform, you must specify it on the postal service website or on the parcel tracking website unique tracking number (parcel number). When this number is registered in a special line of the site, the "Enter" button or the "Track the parcel" virtual key is pressed. The screen will instantly display information about the movement of the ordered goods.

It should be remembered that the order number and track number are different formats. To search for your parcel in the tracking database, you only need a track number. If the user specifies an order number, the system will generate an error. Joom order numbers have uppercase Latin letters and numbers, and can start with both numbers and letters. For example: OUPXOUE, 8HLY992, 2L92JL4. Track numbers can consist only of numbers, or of capital Latin letters and numbers. For example: 020279495903, MT88954612377712367, NR765900121LF.

Why the parcel from Joom is not tracked - reasons

A question that worries many buyers is why a package from Joom is not tracked in your personal account. The main reason for the problem is that the seller is not open to this opportunity. After he sends the goods at the post office, a message will appear in your account "Package sent", the date and time of sending will be indicated. Further, the track may not be tracked, it remains to wait 2-6 weeks until the goods are delivered to the address.

The second reason is related to third-party services where parcels are tracked. If the order number is specified instead of the track number, the system will not display the goods movement route. And the third reason is that the parcel track can be displayed only 3 days after the purchase. This applies to both tracking through Personal Area Joom, and through other services. Wait a few days, try entering the tracking number again, and see the result.

Parcel sent by courier

Often parcels from Joom are delivered to addressees by state postal services. In this case, the buyer has to wait for a notification from the local post office that the parcel has arrived and pick it up on his own. You can look in your mailbox - often a service employee leaves it there if the package is small. But there are exceptions - if the package sent by courier , then for its customs clearance it will be necessary to indicate personal data so that tracking can be further tracked in the country of the recipient.

For example, departure from Joom is planned with the delivery of courier services (SPSR, RETS, CDEK). Customs clearance will require the indication of the buyer's data and his TIN, otherwise the parcel will be returned back to the seller. If the parcel is handled by a courier service, it sends a letter or SMS message to the addressee with the date when it will be at the stage of customs clearance.

The message contains a tracking code, a link to the website of the courier service, where you will need to enter data from your passport and TIN. If you do not register this information, the goods will not pass. customs clearance and will be sent back. In case of successful registration, it is sometimes possible to further track the parcel in your country.

What to do if the parcel from Aliexpress is not tracked

What should I do if the parcel from AliExpress cannot be tracked? There is no need to worry too much about this. This is a very common occurrence. Sellers with Aliexpress often prefer to save money by providing buyers with incorrect track numbers. At the same time, parcels, as a rule, reach the addressee without problems. Usually left track numbers are given when buying cheap goods (up to $ 20).

If the parcel is not tracked, then you will still promptly learn about its arrival, since the postman will bring a notice. It remains only to go to the post office with a passport and pick up the goods. You can also receive an SMS notification, according to which the parcel can most often be picked up without presenting documents.

Tracking delay

Why doesn't tracking start right away? A delay of up to 5-10 days is considered normal. Also, do not forget that not all track numbers are supported by popular tracking services, and in some cases you will have to use Chinese sites that sellers indicate on the order page.

Sometimes during correct tracking, the last status freezes and does not change for a long time. This means that, most likely, the parcel with Ali was lost. In such a situation, it is necessary to open a dispute in order to return the money. You can wait until there are a few days left before the buyer protection expires, because sometimes such status freezes are due to technical problems, and everything will be fine with the package.

The parcel is not tracked anywhere

If the parcel is not tracked, it does not arrive for a long time, and the buyer's protection period is already expiring, then try asking the seller for help. If he cannot help you, then in extreme cases there is always a dispute on AliExpress, with the help of which you will definitely return the money paid for the order.

After you select the product and make payment for it, the seller will send your order after a while and give you a track number to track it.

You can find it in "My orders" in More

Usually, after receiving a tracking number, beginners immediately rush to check where their parcel is and, having not found any information, they begin to worry and look for answers to the question that has arisen - why is the track number not tracked?

But I want to reassure you - do not worry. In the first few days, there will be no data on the location of your parcel.

Even the Aliexpress website itself informs us that information about the parcel will be received within 5 to 10 days.

I wrote about how to track parcels in - check it out.

In the same article, I want to tell you about what to do if the parcel number is not tracked.

There may be several reasons why the track with Aliexpress is not tracked:

  • your parcel is “trackless” and goes without tracking;

Clarification! From February 7, 2017, for all orders for countries - Ukraine, Belarus, and for Russia for goods above $ 2, sellers are required to issue international tracking numbers. Read more about it - .

  • the seller is trying to deceive you by purposefully giving you a "left" track number;
  • he might have made a mistake while writing the tracking code;
  • the seller created an invoice, received a tracking number, but did not deliver the package to the courier service;
  • information about your order may come with a slight delay, especially if you look at the data on the Aliexpress site for this.

The track with Aliexpress is not tracked - what to do?

Situation 1. If the order is sent to you without a tracking number, then you just need to wait until it arrives at your post office and you can receive it. Follow , if it comes to an end, but the parcel is not, you need to open a dispute and return your money.

Situation 2. If after the seller gave you a track number, the package is not tracked for more than 10 days, I recommend doing the following:

  • write a message to the seller, ask if everything is in order with the package and if he did not mess up anything. (write in English, translate the text through Google or Yandex translator). If the seller made a mistake in writing your number, he will give you the correct track code;

  • also, he can write that everything is correct and you need to wait a few more days and you will receive data on your shipment;
  • Or maybe just keep silent and do nothing.

In the last two situations described, wait another 3 - 4 days and if the track does not start tracking -.

We open a dispute due to the fact that the track code of the parcel is not tracked

If you decide to open a dispute earlier than 10 days have passed since the date of sending, the system will not allow you to do this.

So, to open a dispute, you need to click "Open Dispute" in the order

On the new page, click "Open Dispute" again. Next, we proceed to fill out the form:

  • choose a full refund;
  • note that the goods have not been received;
  • from the drop-down lists, select that there is a problem with the delivery of the goods, for the reason - there is no tracking information;
  • indicate the amount of the refund, in this case - the entire amount;
  • and we write in English that a lot of time has passed, but the package is not tracked;
  • You do not need to upload videos and photos, so click "Submit".

After that, waiting for seller's decision, which within 5 days must give an answer on the dispute.

So what could be his answer:

  • he will remain silent and after 5 days, the dispute will end automatically and the money will be returned to your account;
  • he can accept a dispute - this happens if the seller did not actually send the order, but tried to either deceive you or forgot to send the order;
  • if, however, the parcel began to be tracked, he will provide you with information on it and ask you to close the dispute. Check the information if the track number has really started to be tracked - cancel dispute.

In our case, the seller accepted the dispute, since most likely he did not send any order, but simply wrote the “left” track number.

As you can see, everything is simple and there is nothing to worry about. Just be careful.

If you have any questions - ask them in the comments.

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