Modern heroes of the fatherland presentation. Presentation "heroes of the fatherland" presentation for the lesson (Grade 4) on the topic. For the coming day


Order of St. George On December 7, 1769, a year after the start of the Russian-Turkish war, Empress Catherine II established the highest military award of the Russian Empire - the Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George - and placed on herself the signs of the first Order of St. George, I degree. Before the revolution, "George" of the highest category, which was abolished by the Bolsheviks in 1917, was awarded only 25 times.

Kononov Alexander Ivanovich - head of the department of the special forces detachment of the Main Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, lieutenant colonel. Born on May 17, 1978 in the city of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai. Russian. In years he studied at secondary school 5 in the city of Nakhodka, then moved with his family to another city. In 1995 he graduated from 10 classes of high school. In the army in 1995. In 2000 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Military Institute (special intelligence course). In the years he served in the Special Forces Brigade of the Main (Intelligence) Directorate of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (the city of Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region). Participant in hostilities on the territory of the Chechen Republic and the Republic of Dagestan. He also performed special assignments in Iraq, Syria, Ethiopia and Yugoslavia. He was fluent in English, German, French and Persian. When performing a combat mission to identify and eliminate members of illegal armed groups on the territory of the Republic of Dagestan on August 12, 2014, a special forces group led by Lieutenant Colonel A.I. Kononov came under fire from militants at the time of returning to the base. In a critical situation, he retained his composure, organized a rebuff to the enemy and the exit of the detachment from the shelling without losses on the part of the personnel. Already at the end of the battle, during the evacuation to the base, he died in a car blown up by a high-explosive explosive device. He was buried on the Alley of Heroes in the cemetery of the city of Solnechnogorsk, Moscow Region. By Decree of the President of the Russian Federation 691 of October 28, 2014, for the courage and heroism shown in the performance of a special assignment, Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Ivanovich Kononov was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation (posthumously). Lieutenant colonel. He was awarded the Order of Courage (2014), medals, including the Suvorov medal (). In 2015, memorial plaques in his honor were installed in the city of Nakhodka on the building of secondary school 5 and on the house where he lived.

1. The Order of St. George was awarded only ...? a) 15 times b) 20 times c) 25 times 2. What was the title of Kutuzov Mikhail and Barclay de Tolly? a) Pilot b) General c) Soldier 3. Which of the listed Heroes of the Soviet Union did not die on the battlefield? a) Alexei Maresyev b) Alexander Matrosov c) Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya 4. Whose fate inspired Boris Polevoy to write "a story about a real man"? a) Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya b) Mikhail Kutuzov c) Alexei Maresyev 5. Who was the first to be awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation? a) S.S. Oskanov b) Sergei Krikalev c) Mikhail Kutuzov

6. Which of the following was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union? a) Sidorenko Boris Stepanovich b) Mikhail Kutuzov c) Sergey Krikalev 7. In what school of our city did Alexander Ivanovich Kononov, Hero of the Russian Federation, study? a) School 4 b) School 7 c) School 5 8. Which of the Heroes of the Soviet Union was disabled? a) Alexander Matrosov b) Alexei Maresyev c) B.S. Sidorenko 9. Who was the Hero of the Russian Federation Sergey Krikalev? a) Pilot b) Tanker c) Cosmonaut 10. Who was captured by the Germans during the Great Patriotic War? a) Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya b) S.S. Oskanov c) Alexander Matrosov

I present to you the slides for the presentation and the finished script.

"Heroes of the Fatherland Day".

The presentation tells about the history of the holiday, about St. George, after whom the order is named, and about the history of the St. George ribbon. Also, the guys will learn about the main state Soviet awards and about the awards of Russia. Animated presentation. Contains a regional component (Heroes of Kuban). Musical accompaniment - the bells of Russia and the song "Heroes" by O. Dubova. Contains poems to pass out to children.

Enjoy your viewing and interesting classroom hours!!























25-a animation






29-a (animation - picture change)


Sl. 25-27 - bells sound.

Listen or download Performer bell ringing for free on Prostopleer

Sl. 28-29. A moment of silence and the final song "Heroes" by O. Dubova sounds

Listen or download Olga Dubova heroes for free on Prostopleer

Presentation script:


They did not seek honors and awards, but simply fulfilled their duty to the end. There is a creative feat, a scientific feat, a sports feat, a simple human feat, after all. And they are also committed by people who can rightfully be called heroes. Behind one small breast star lies the story of a real feat.


Smolensk and Tula, Kyiv and Voronezh

We are proud of our past glory,

Where you can't touch our land with a staff,

Everywhere there are traces of the past.

The old time gives us treasures:

Dig with a shovel - and you will find everywhere

And there - an arrow, tempered in the Horde.

Buried a lot of rusty steel in the ground

Everyone who feasted with us at a party!

Like a monument stands on a pedestal,

So Russia stood on enemy bones.

To us, vigilant guardians of ancient glory,

Calls out our past, commanding

So that on the rusty iron of the enemy

And henceforth stood the Russian land!

Olga Berggolts


Our country is proud of military exploits, the very word "patriotism" is largely associated with pride precisely for military victories. And it is the struggle that creates heroes...

Heroes of Russia alive and gone

I will dedicate my lines

And I will strive your immortality forever

We are always indebted to you!

From ancient times in Russia, heroes were born,

For the glory of the Fatherland, going for a feat

Not a few names remember the history book,

That is the pride of Russia, her sons!

You appeased the Swede Mongol with a sword,

Chasing him away from the expanses of Russia,

Peter's orders were carried out on the seas,

They sank and burned the British ships!

You skillfully struck the Frenchman with a bayonet,

Moscow is not given to own it,

Will remember for a long time the history of the world,

Heroes of the battle, Borodino!

Much has been written about your courage,

Whether it's Przemysl, Civil War,

And you broke into the lair of the beast!

In the hungry years of military devastation,

Virgin land fed the country,

Then you conquered the Kazakh steppes,

Pleiad of labor heroes!

You flew to the stars, in space distance,

You were always the first

In Afghanistan, we did not need a duty

Damn this war!

In the history of New Russia,

No less heroes, names,

Russian women, they were born,

The feat has no names!


On December 9, Russia celebrates the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. This memorable date was established in 2007, after Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 24, 2007 amended the federal law "On the days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia."

This holiday covers the real elite of Russia. After all, to receive high awards from the heroes of the country or to become holders of military orders is a great merit that can touch far from every person. Only truly selfless people who are ready for direct self-sacrifice for the sake of their Fatherland have the right to be called real patriotic heroes. Special attention should be paid to these people, because they are that national pride, an example of patriotism and purposefulness, which should concern each of us.

Sl.5. History of the holiday.

Heroes of the Fatherland Day is by no means an ordinary holiday. This day should make us all think about what underlies civic responsibility and real, genuine patriotism. Indeed, very often we simply do not know about the feats that these wonderful people have accomplished - feats in the name of the country and in the name of each of us, and we do not realize that real heroes live next to us - in the same city or even in the same entrance.

Heroes of the Fatherland Day is a memorable date, which is a continuation of historical traditions and a way to preserve the memory of what feats were accomplished by the heroes of our country. It is interesting that on this day before the revolution, all the heroes and ordinary soldiers and the highest commanders of the armies were honored without exception. The celebration of such a memorable date as the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland will help not only restore historical justice, but also instill a sense of patriotism.

The Day of Heroes of Russia is celebrated in our country on December 9th annually - the decision was made by the Federal Law of 2007 "On Amendments to Article 1-1 of the Federal Law" On the Days of Military Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia.

But this holiday has a long tradition - its history began in the 16th century. During the reign of Catherine II, on December 7, 1769, the “Military Order of St. George the Victorious” was approved.


The brave warrior George lived in ancient times (284-305) approximately in the 4th - 5th centuries in the Roman Empire. He was raised by his parents in the Christian faith. George the Victorious - one of the most revered saints in Russia - patronizes both our capital, Moscow, and the distant seaside city of Vladivostok, and the entire Russian army. For many centuries, legends about the miracles of the saint have been walking the earth. England, Canada, Georgia and Greece are arguing about which of them he took under his special protection, but Russian epics ascribe to George the role of the Christian enlightener of Ancient Russia.

Near the pagan city in Lebanon there was a swamp in which 1 dragon settled. The inhabitants of the city paid tribute to him, giving him boys and girls to be eaten. The turn came to the ruler of the city, forced to send his daughter to be devoured by the dragon. When she was waiting in tears for her 1 death, George drove by, heading for the water to water his horse. Having learned from the girl what should happen, he expects a dragon. Then a duel takes place, and, according to most editions of the 4th life of the saint, he tames the dragon with prayer and the sign of the cross. Before the fight, George asks God for help, to which a voice from heaven replies: "Dare, do not be afraid: I am with you." The exhausted dragon falls at the feet of the saint, and the daughter of the ruler leads him on a leash to the city. Seeing this spectacle, all the townspeople, led by the ruler, listen to the sermon of St. George and are baptized, and George slays the snake with a sword and returns his daughter to his father.

"In the radiance of the sublime face

He stretched out his formidable right hand,

And a sharp punishing peak

Pierced a poisonous snake!

The crusaders, who visited the places of the legendary homeland of George, spread his glory in the West. The life of St. George penetrated into Kievan Rus along with the adoption of Christianity. Prince Vladimir gave his son Yaroslav the name George, testifying to the popularity of the saint. Yaroslav the Wise was proud of his patron saint and revered him in every way, believed in his intercession. The Russian Orthodox Church began to celebrate two days in honor of St. George: April 23 (as in Europe) and November 26. Moreover, November 26 was celebrated precisely as the day of the saint's miracle, associated with the victory over the dragon, that is, as the Victorious.


Keep us all, our great George,

And keep us until the last days.

You are the guarantor of victory for the army of Russia,

And in ancient times, and in the current Second,

Grandfathers prayed to you before the battle,

And felt your holy cover!


In folk poetry, he already acts as a defender of the Russian land from the invasion of infidels, etc. Here is how this role of George was reflected in the presentation of one icon painter: land and its physical culture, the zemstvo dispensation of the entire Russian kingdom, and its population ... a henchman and all giver to all living and doing what in Moscow and everywhere in all of Russia.

When war comes to Holy Russia,

And misfortunes and misfortunes multiply,

Saint George descends from heaven

At the tip of a spear bearing victory.

And every time, engaging in battle with enemies

We know everything there is to know:

We believe that Saint George is with us.

And the Lord is with him. And we are invincible.

A special fate went to the image of St. George the Victorious in Russian heraldry and the award system.


In general, the heraldic history of Russia has a very interesting history. But this is a topic for another presentation.

In Russia, there was already a tradition of depicting the prince on seals in the form of a horseman with a spear or a sword and a falconer. In Russia, it was the image of a prince. And only foreigners called the rider of the Russian coat of arms Saint George. This was based on iconographic similarities and on the fact that, unlike in Russia, in Europe it was customary to depict St. George without a halo. So, it is obvious that in pre-Petrine times, the horseman of the Russian coat of arms symbolized the sovereign, and only from the 1710s did they begin to call him the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. Since that time, the image of St. George defeating the dragon has become the coat of arms of Moscow. For the first time, the rider of the Russian coat of arms was named Saint George by Peter I in a handwritten note dated 1710s.

Back in 1036, Prince Yaroslav the Wise ordered to honor this saint, in honor of the final victory over the Pechenegs.

There was a Russian-Turkish war for Russia's access to the Black Sea. The Russian army, its commanders and soldiers showed miracles of courage and heroism.

Therefore, Empress Catherine II, in order to celebrate their military merits, approved the Order of St. George - the highest award of the empire. The order had four degrees, any degree gave the right to the title of hereditary nobleman. The sign of the order was a golden cross with flared ends and unfilled corners, it was covered on both sides with white enamel with a gold border around the edges. In the medallion, in the middle of the cross, on a red field, the Moscow coat of arms was depicted - George the Victorious on a horse in silver armor, with a golden diadem, striking a black snake with a spear. The order cross was allowed to be used by gentlemen in coats of arms and seals, but it was forbidden to decorate it with precious stones. Knights of St. George enjoyed annual leave for 2 months, once every 2 years for 4 months, free treatment, the benefits of preferential travel. Since 1849, the names and surnames of all St. George Knights have been immortalized by entering them on marble plaques in the St. George Hall of the Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow. The children of gentlemen were provided with benefits in obtaining education.

DC 10

Catherine placed the first order on herself in honor of the approval of this award. The second was in 1770 Count P.A. Rumyantsev-Zadunaisky, for the victory at Cahul. And the last full knight of the Order of St. George was the Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich the Elder in 1877, for mastering the strongholds of Plevna and capturing the army of Osman - Pasha.


Only four commanders became full holders of the Order of St. George. These are the great Russian commanders - Field Marshals M.I. Kutuzov, M. Barclay de - Tolly, I. Paskevich-Erivansky, I. Dibich-Zabalkansky.


Since 1849, the names of the Cavaliers of St. George have been inscribed on marble plaques in the St. George Hall of the Kremlin, which currently hosts meetings of the heads of different countries, ambassadors representing the peoples of the world.

The statute of the order said: "This order should never be removed, for it is acquired by merit."

Sl. 13

In 1914, the holiday became known as Heroes' Day. During the existence of the order until 1917, they were awarded: 1st degree - 25 people; 2-degree -125 people; 3-degree - 650 people. In 1917, after the October Revolution, the holiday and the order were abolished.

Only in 2000, the highest military award - the Order of St. George - the insignia of St. George's Cross on the St. George's Ribbon was returned. It took 83 years to understand that without knowing its roots, its history, a society is dying out. And since 2007, a bill has been adopted to revive the tradition of celebrating the Day of Heroes. We are proud of our warriors who showed valor and courage on the battlefields and praise the courage and fearlessness of accomplished feats in peacetime.

Ekaterina founded

Saint George! And by right

To honor the heroes

This order has been revived by us!

No, the times will not be canceled

Their virtues and their merits.

Ready to give their lives, country,

We are for you - sons and grandchildren!

But until 2008, no awards were made.

On August 13, 2008, in connection with the war in South Ossetia, the statute of the order was changed, it became possible to award them for conducting military and other operations on the territory of other states while maintaining or restoring international peace and security (peacekeeping operations).

On August 18, 2008, the commander of the North Caucasian Military District, Colonel-General Sergei Makarov, became the first holder of the restored Order of St. George, 4th degree, for the successful conduct of the operation, officially called "peace enforcement of Georgia." For the same operation, on October 1, 2008, Lieutenant Colonel of the Special Forces of the Airborne Forces Anatoly Lebed, already awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation, became the second holder of the Order of the 4th degree on October 1, 2008.

Not everyone is able to rush to save another person without sparing his stomach. Therefore, in peacetime, heroes are awarded the highest orders of military glory - George.

The image of St. George on a horse is a symbol of the victory of good over any evil! This image is present in all state symbols of Russia.

Sl. fourteen

Along with the order, the St. George ribbon also appeared. The St. George ribbon appeared under Catherine II along with the Order of St. George - the highest military award of the Russian Empire.

The St. George ribbon was established by Catherine the Second on November 26, 1769 during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768-1774 to encourage loyalty, courage and prudence for the good of the Russian Empire, manifested in courageous deeds or wise advice. The name of the tape received on behalf of George the Victorious. The ribbon was supplemented with the motto: "For service and courage", as well as a white equilateral cross or a four-pointed gold star. The ribbon was worn depending on the class of the gentleman: either in the buttonhole, or around the neck, or over the right shoulder. The tape was supposed to be a lifetime salary. After the death of the owner, it was inherited, but due to the commission of a shameful offense, it could be withdrawn from the owner. The traditional interpretation of the colors of the St. George ribbon states that black means smoke, orange means flame. What does black and yellow mean? In Russia, they were the colors of the imperial, state, corresponded to the black double-headed eagle and the yellow field of the state emblem. But, since the order was named after St. George the Victorious, the colors of the ribbon symbolize St. George himself and denote his martyrdom - three black stripes, and miraculous resurrection - two orange stripes. It is these colors that are now called when designating the colors of the St. George ribbon.

The color of the St. George ribbon, born in the flames of the Russian-Turkish war, becomes in the minds the color of military courage.

White, gold and black -

The colors of the St. George standards.

Under them, the grenadiers attacked,

The cavalry guards were cut to death.

St. George's regimental colors,

You have become a symbol of Russian victory

And always the colors of St. George, even when the colors of the state flag are changed to more “peaceful”, will remain a symbol of military prowess, glory and courage.

On Shipka and Plevna, Russian steel

Wash away the tragedy of the Crimea,

These colors will stand still in the crosses

Heroes of the Brusilovsky breakthrough!

When will the huge country rise

To fight with fascist evil spirits -

These colors will shine in orders

Fighters of the Great Patriotic War!

Since 1917, it has not been used on any Soviet state award until the restoration of the Order of St. George and the St. George Cross in 1992.

..... But ... In continuation of the traditions of the St. George ribbon in the USSR, on June 10, 1942, the Guards Ribbon was established. With the beginning of the St. George Ribbon campaign in 2005, the Russian media also began to call the Soviet "Guards Ribbon" the "St. George's Ribbon". Unlike a sash, it is given out as a gift to all comers, who attach it to clothes, bags and car antennas as a sign of respect for the feat of veterans of the Great Patriotic War. The motto of such an action is “I remember, I am proud.”
Cause without you I'm nothing.
Live hero! Your spirit is in my blood!
I want to be worthy of your fate!

Sl. 15. Hero of the Soviet Union

The new state, which appeared on the world map in the place of the Russian Empire and eradicated many of its traditions, has not lost the main thing - strength. The country, tormented by the First World War and the Civil War, quickly recovered and began to increase its power. And the country is the people who created this power, who were worthy of high ranks and the highest of them - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In April 1934, the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was established.

It was this award in the form of a modest five-pointed star that replaced St. George, but unlike him, she relied not only on the heroes of military operations, but also for other "merits to the state associated with the accomplishment of a heroic deed."

Although fate cruelly decreed that most of the holders of the Star of the Hero of the USSR deserved it precisely in the war, and very many posthumously.

The first Heroes were seven pilots who rescued the crew of the Chelyuskin icebreaker from an ice floe in the Chukchi Sea. They were: M.V. Vodopyanov, S.A. Levanevsky, A.V. Lyapidevsky, N.P. Kamanin, V.S. Molokanov, M.T. Slepnev, I.V. Doronin. The last Soviet Hero was a military aquanaut captain of the 3rd rank Anatoly Solodkov, who dived to a depth of 125 meters in 1991. In total, 13 thousand people were awarded this high title. Among them are four times Hero of the Soviet Union - Marshal G.K. Zhukov, who was named Marshal of Victory. Two orders and more -126 people; among the awarded 91 women.

Sl.16. Order of Glory

In 1943, during the Great Patriotic War, the Order of Glory was established. It was intended to reward privates and sergeants. Full cavaliers of the Order of Glory were equated in their rights with the Heroes of the Soviet Union.

The Order of Glory is the only order of the USSR, issued only for personal merit and never issued to military units, enterprises, or organizations; the statute of the order provided for the promotion of holders of all three degrees in rank, which was an exception for the Soviet award system. Signs of different degrees of the order differed from each other in the materials of manufacture: the sign of the III degree was made of silver, the sign of the II degree was made of silver, and the central circle with drawings and inscriptions was made of gold; badge of the 1st degree - entirely of gold. The right to award the Order of Glory of the III degree was granted to the commanders of formations from the brigade commander and above, the Order of Glory of the II degree from the commander of the army (flotilla), and only the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR could award the Order of the I degree.

The awarding of the Order of Glory lasted from November 1943 until the summer of 1945. During this period, 980 thousand people became holders of the III degree of the order, 46 thousand people became holders of the II degree, and 1 degree, i.e. full cavaliers of the order - 2562 people.

Sl.17 Hero of the Russian Federation, Gold Star medal

On March 20, 1992, the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was established and a sign of special distinction - the Gold Star medal. Today, the "best sons of the Fatherland" are awarded the Star of the Hero of Russia. Fighting in "hot spots" for courage and heroism, and "civilians" - for outstanding achievements in the exploration of outer space, new aviation technology, special services to the state and people.

According to the Regulations approved by the Law, the title of Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded by the President of the Russian Federation for services to the state and people associated with the accomplishment of a heroic deed.

The Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded a sign of special distinction - the Gold Star medal and a certificate of conferment of this title. "Gold Star" at number 1 (Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 11, 1992) immortalized the feat of cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev. He is also the first holder of the highest distinctions of both the USSR and Russia: he became a Hero of the Soviet Union back in April 1989. The second medal "Gold Star" for the feat in the performance of military duty was posthumously awarded to Major General of Aviation Sulambek Askanov.

Many of those who, being worthy of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for front-line exploits during the Great Patriotic War, nevertheless did not become such in their time, receive an award today already as heroes of Russia.

Three female front-line soldiers were the first to receive this title in 1994, two of them posthumously: scout Vera Voloshina, who was shot by the Nazis, and aviation commander Yekaterina Budanova, who shot down 10 Nazi aircraft. Another Hero was Lidia Shulaykina, who fought in the attack aircraft of the Baltic Fleet.

In total, the title of Hero of the Russian Federation was awarded to about 100 participants in the Great Patriotic War.

The title of Hero of the Russian Federation is currently awarded for courage and heroism to soldiers who fought in "hot spots", as well as for outstanding achievements in the exploration of outer space, new aviation technology, and special services to the state and people.

Russia will not die, rich in heroes

Its wide, Slavic soul.

As the enemy does not hit her, girls and guys

Still take their own, immortality, breathing.

Sl. 18. Day of heroes in the Kuban.

Unfortunately, today even the most knowledgeable people in our region do not know exactly how many Heroes of Russia the Kuban gave to the country. Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation and full holders of the Order of Glory Viktor Markelov, it ranges from 40 to 50 people. In any case, this is a lot, considering that in two decades only a thousand people across the country have been awarded. By the way, almost half of them - posthumously.

Today, eleven Heroes of the Russian Federation live in our region. Most of them are pilots of various categories, from the flight commander to the division commander. Among them are Sergey Borisyuk, Andrey Volovikov, Vladimir Stepanov, Ivan Konyukhov and Viktor Markelov himself. We have heroes who received their stars as members of the Federal Security Service. For obvious reasons, we can name only one of them, who has already retired from the reserve. This is our legendary countryman Yevgeny Shendrik, who served in the regional special unit "Alpha". The youngest of our heroes is only 32 years old. This is a former tanker Yuri Yakovlev, who accomplished a feat during the well-known events of 2008 in South Ossetia. And the oldest Kuban Hero of Russia is Pavel Syutkin from Sochi, who will soon turn 91 years old. He received an award for the heroism and courage shown by him during the Great Patriotic War. It happens that way too.

Sl. 19

Ataman of the Labinsk City Cossack Society Igor Yurenko addressed the students with the words: “You CANNOT LEARN TO LOVE THE LIVING IF YOU CANNOT KEEP THE MEMORY OF THE FALLEN. Guys, please remember these words. We must know and respect the history of our Motherland Russia and the Kuban, no matter how cruel it may be. This is our history and it cannot be any other.”

Sl. twenty

In Krasnodar, the holiday traditionally begins with a prayer service served in the military cathedral of St. Alexander Nevsky. After a joint prayer, everyone goes to the temple in the name of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" in order to honor the memory of the heroes of the Patriotic War of 1812, the founders of the city, atamans N.S. Zavodovsky and A.D. Bloodless. There is no better place to celebrate the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland in Krasnodar - after all, it is here that the great heroes of the Kuban, who were awarded the highest awards of the Fatherland, are buried.

In Krasnodar there is a Memorial Arch "Kuban is proud of them" erected in the 60s of the twentieth century on the former cathedral square, where the military church of Alexander Nevsky used to be. The author of the memorial is Honored Architect of Russia R.F. Raylov. The names of 289 Heroes of the Soviet Union, 44 full cavaliers of the Orders of Glory, 11 Heroes of the Russian Federation, Heroes of Socialist Labor and full cavaliers of the Order of Labor Glory - natives of Kuban are carved on the marble slabs of the arch.

In the mid-90s, in honor of the fiftieth anniversary of the Great Victory, an equestrian sculpture of St. George the Victorious was installed on the top of the Arch, and a bust of G.K. Zhukov by the sculptor Alexander Appolonov.


The Kubans, like the whole people, participated in the defeat of the Nazi invaders near Moscow and Stalingrad, in the snowy Arctic and on the forest slopes of the Caucasus, near the walls of Leningrad and in the very lair of the Nazis - Berlin, they freed the countries of Eastern Europe from the plague, but in essence the whole world.

And we have something to be proud of: 285 soldiers of the Great Patriotic War received the Gold Star, six of which were awarded high awards twice.

The highest degree of distinction - the title of Hero of the Soviet Union was established by the Soviet government on April 16, 1934. The first heroes were 7 pilots who participated in the rescue of the Chelyuskinites.

The Kuban people are rightfully proud that the Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union No. 1 was awarded to our fellow countryman, a native of the village. White Clay Anatoly Vasilyevich Lyapidevsky. In 1934, he removed from the ice floe and on his plane delivered to the mainland the first batch of women and children from the ice-covered and sunken steamer Chelyuskin. There was also a resident of St. Erivan.

George Cross 4th degree.

Cossack girl from the village of Rogovskaya. Elena Choba

"Cossack-girl" was called the military journalists of the First World War, the Cossack village of Rogovskaya Elena Choba. Since childhood, Elena has mastered the art of riding - "dzhigitovka", participated in village competitions. In August 1914, at the age of 19, she married the Cossack Mikhail Choba, who was famous for his beautiful voice and sang in the church choir. In the first months of the war, Mikhail died. Elena cut her blond braid, sewed Cossack uniforms and turned to the village authorities with a request to send her to the front. The impulse of the young Cossack was supported by the chief ataman of the Kuban Cossack army, Mikhail Babych, and in October 1914, Elena, under the name of her deceased husband, went to the front. In 1915, Elena was awarded three medals and St. George's Crosses of the 3rd and 4th degrees. The following year, she was badly wounded, and her secret was revealed in the hospital. In November 1916, with fellow soldier Fyodor Ryabchun, she returned to her native village.

Sl. 23. Anatoly Vasilyevich Lyapidevsky

- Soviet pilot, Major General of Aviation (1946), the first Hero of the Soviet Union (1934).

In 1934, A.V. Lyapidevsky took part in the rescue of the Chelyuskinites. He made 29 search flights in a snowstorm and in bad weather, before on March 5, 1934, having discovered their camp, he landed on an ice floe and took out 12 people from there - 10 women and two children.

For courage and heroism shown during the rescue of the Chelyuskinites, Lyapidevsky Anatoly Vasilyevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union on April 20, 1934 with the award of the Order of Lenin (No. 515). On November 4, 1939, at the presentation of the Gold Star medals, he was awarded medal No. 1.

Sl.24. Sergei Gennadievich Taranets

Major TARANETS Sergey Gennadievich Hero of the Russian Federation

TARANETS Sergey Gennadievich was born on April 9, 1969 in the city of Slavyansk-on-Kuban, Krasnodar Territory. After graduating from high school in 1986, Sergei was called up for active military service. It was in the army that he firmly decided to become an officer. In February 1999, Major S. Taranets was appointed to the post of intelligence chief of 752 SMEs. In the fall, as part of his regiment, he leaves for the Chechen Republic to participate in a counter-terrorist operation. Here, Major S. Taranets tried to fully realize his professionalism as an intelligence officer.

Sergei Taranets received from the command of the group "West" the task of providing fire support to the motorized rifle company of the neighboring regiment. The infantry was met with heavy fire from militants, from pre-prepared positions and suffered losses. It happened at the bridge over the Martan River, in the area of ​​​​the settlement of Alkhan-Yurt.

Continuing to carry out the combat mission of ensuring the advancement of units and military columns, Sergei Taranets decided to conduct reconnaissance of mine-explosive obstacles in the occupied territory, but our patrol came across a group of militants of 20 people who were trying to break through from Alkhan-Yurt towards Grozny. The oncoming battle was brutal. Two scouts were immediately injured. The chief of intelligence of the regiment was closer to them at that moment than others. And he, without hesitation, rushed to the rescue of his subordinates, covered their retreat with fire, made it possible to escape from certain death. It didn't turn out all that bad. It was time to shoot myself, but when changing positions, the officer was blown up by a mine. Despite the severe wound and shell shock, Major Taranets continued to lead the battle, organized the evacuation of the wounded. Only after the bandits were destroyed, the brave officer agreed to be sent to the medical battalion. From there he was transferred to the Mozdok hospital. All the efforts of doctors to save the hero were in vain. The next morning, Major Taranets died from his wounds. To breathe the air of freedom again into the chest,

A moment of silence!

Sl. 29. And I want to finish the presentation with a song by Olga Dubovoy.

You lived, hero! Your feat was high

You left him in your will.

Class hour for the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland

Who do we call heroes?

  • A hero is a person who has committed or is performing noble deeds associated with a risk to his life.
  • “Are there heroes in today's Russia?”
  • Heroes exist wherever there is a person - just as scum, cowards and scoundrels exist next to heroes. Two sides of the same coin.

  • According to the Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 22 of February 28, 2007 “On Amendments to Article 1-1 of the Federal Law “On the Days of Military Glory and Commemorative Dates of Russia”, an addition was made that “The following memorable dates for Russia are established in the Russian Federation:
  • December 9 - Day of Heroes of the Fatherland

  • The first award went to Catherine herself as the founder of the order, the second - to her favorite Field Marshal G.A. Potemkin, who managed to reorganize the Russian army as soon as possible.
  • It was extremely difficult to earn the Order of St. George in a combat situation. For example, in the first hundred years of the existence of this award, the order of the fourth degree for bravery in battle was received by 2239 people, the third degree - 512, the 2nd - 100 and the first - only 20.
  • In the entire history of Russia, only four people have become full Knights of St. George: M.I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov, M.B. Barclay de Tolly, I.F. Paskevich and I.I. Dibich-Zabalkansky.


  • Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (1745 - 1813), Field Marshal General, His Grace Prince Smolensky - was the first to be awarded all the degrees of the military order of St. George. This illustrious Russian commander, all his life, his entire combat path from ensign to field marshal, went along with the Russian army. The troops under his command took part in all the wars waged by Russia in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.

M.B. Barclay de Tolly

Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly - prince, Russian commander. He has been in military service since 1776. Participated in the Russian-Turkish war of 1887-1891, the war with France of 1805-1807, the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-1809, for military merit in which he was promoted to the rank of general.

Ivan Fyodorovich Paskevich

Ivan Fyodorovich Paskevich- Russian commander and statesman, Field Marshal General. One of the four full holders of the Order of St. George. Member of the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812, Patriotic war of 1812

Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkansky

  • Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkansky- Russian commander Prussian origin, field marshal general. Fourth and last full cavalier Order of St. George. Member of the Turkish war and the Polish company.

On December 9, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory are honored.

St. George Order

Order of Glory

Golden Star

Hero of Russia

  • The memorable date "Heroes of the Fatherland Day" was established by the State Duma of the Russian Federation on January 26, 2007, when Russian parliamentarians adopted the corresponding bill in the first reading. The explanatory note to the document stated the following: "We not only pay tribute to the memory of heroic ancestors, but also honor the living Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory." In the same place, the authors of the bill expressed the hope that a new memorable date for Russia would contribute to "the formation in society of the ideals of selfless and disinterested service to the Fatherland."
  • On February 21, 2007, the deputies' initiative was approved by the Federation Council.

In the Soviet Union, heroes were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union

B. Gromov

GK Zhukov


M. Jalil

In Russia, the title Hero of Russia is awarded

1992 - 10 people 1993 - 55 people

1994 - 39 people 1995 - 146 people

1996 - 128 people 1997 - 49 people

1998 - 46 people 1999 - 68 people

year 2000 - 176 people year 2001 - 28 people

2002 - 31 people 2003 - 32 people

2004 - 35 people 2005 year - 23 people

2006 - 15 people 2007 - 16 people

2008 - 41 people year 2009 - 20 people

2010 - 18 people 2011 - 10 people

year 2012 - 16 people year 2013 - 7 people

year 2014 - 7 people

In Russia, the title Hero of Russia is awarded

In Russia, the title Hero of Russia is awarded

The hero of the USSR

The hero of the USSR

Akim Ivanovich Inozemtsev

The hero of the USSR

Akim grew up as a lively and agile boy, was hardworking, had a good memory, was fond of music and drawing. Due to difficult family conditions, he went to school only from the age of 12, but he studied well, thanks to his excellent abilities. In 1936, A. Inozemtsev graduated from the 7th grade of the Nizhne-Chulym school. From 1937 to 1938 he studied at the one-year pedagogical courses for teachers at the Tomsk Pedagogical College, after graduation he became a teacher in Novoshcherbakovskaya, and then Ryazhskaya, elementary schools in the district.

The hero of the USSR

On February 10, 1940, Akim Ivanovich was drafted into the Red Army and sent to a one-year command course. With the rank of junior lieutenant, he was seconded to the Transcaucasus. He took part in the battles with the Nazi invaders in the Kuban, in the battle for the Don, in the liberation of Ukraine and Crimea.

Inozemtsev showed special courage and heroism in battles on the Crimean land. On September 25, 1943, the company of Senior Lieutenant Inozemtsev got close to the height of the Seven Brat Kurgan. The enemy fortified strongly: barbed wire, mines, fields, continuous lines of trenches and communications, bunkers, well-organized artillery and mortar fire. But after a powerful artillery preparation, weaknesses appeared in its defense, which the attackers took advantage of.

The hero of the USSR

Company commander A. Inozemtsev was one of the first to break into Kurgan. He was seriously wounded, but he flatly refused to evacuate to the rear. He continued to command the unit, sending orders through messengers. At the bunker, Akim destroyed three Nazis with a grenade. And even after a secondary wound, he did not leave the battlefield. Bleeding, he still found the strength in himself to lead the fighting.

The enemy could not withstand the rapid assault and abandoned their positions, left the height. Thus, the breakthrough of the heavily fortified defensive line on the Seven Bratny mountain mound was completed. The division introduced fresh forces into the breakthrough, developed the offensive, and quickly moved forward.

The hero of the USSR

For an unparalleled feat in this battle, senior lieutenant, commander of the 4th rifle company, 1161st rifle regiment, 351st rifle division, 9th army Akim Ivanovich Inozemtsev was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 16, 1944 with the award of the Order of Lenin and the Gold Star medal.

The hero of the USSR

Union Copy



Hero of the Soviet Union



For your heroic feat, shown in the performance of combat missions of the command, on the front of the fight against the German invaders, the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, by its decree of May 16, 1944, awarded you the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

The hero of the USSR

In addition to these awards, Akim Ivanovich was awarded the Order of the Red Star on June 6, 1943 and by order of the commander of the 51st Army on May 18, 1944 - the Order of the Red Banner posthumously.

The hero of the USSR

Akim Ivanovich Inozemtsev died on April 48, 1944, without receiving heroic awards. He was buried in the village of Verkhniy Chorgun (now the village of Chernorechenskoye) of the Balaklava district (within the city - the hero of Sevastopol), Crimean region.

The hero of the USSR

Countrymen highly honor the memory of the Hero of the Soviet Union. By the decision of the executive committee of the district Council of People's Deputies of May 13, 1965, the Nizhne-Chulym secondary school was named after A.I. Inozemtsev, and Mostovaya Street in the river. The village of Zdvinsk was renamed Inozemtseva Street.

The hero of the USSR

The name of the hero - a fellow countryman forever in the memory of the people, the pages of the book by S.F. Starostin "Return to Memory", published in 2001 in our region, are dedicated to his unparalleled feat, N. Starostin composed a song about him:

The hero of the USSR

Song about Hero A.I. Inozemtsevo

During the harsh years of the Great War

Darkness has fallen over the Motherland.

The people rose to defend the country,

A Siberian went to war.

State enlisted in the rifle battalion

Chulym Akim Inozemtsev.

He was a school teacher before the service,

He hated the enemy with all his heart.

From the Volga to the Crimea through the roar and smoke

In campaigns and harsh battles

Fearless fighter of foreigners Akim

He commanded a rifle company.

In the village of Chorgun, a barrier was strengthened

Fascist unfinished gangs.

And the battalion went on the attack,

Towards - a hurricane of fire.

From fiery explosions the earth hummed,

At least she's stronger than a human.

Moaned dear, as if praying

Soldier about the extension of the century.

The hero of the USSR

The attack died down under a barrage of fire:

“Yes, what is it, brothers!” -

Inozemtsev cried out: “Listen to me!

Forward! For the country, for Russia!”

My fatherland, we will stand up for you

And we will not regret life.

It's better to burn a fire for freedom,

Why smolder in vain!

Forward to the enemy! And rushed after him

Volcanic avalanche infantry...

Struck, fell Foreigner Akim,

Our commander died heroically.

They returned with victory, defeated fascism,

The country is flourishing more and more.

But remember, comrade, about those who gave their lives

For our bright happiness!

Heroes can become not only in war but also in ordinary life, those who have accomplished a feat

  • Give examples of heroic deeds that are performed in ordinary life.
  • What heroes - countrymen do you know? What act did they do?



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Heroes of the Fatherland Day Presentation for elementary school

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December 9 is the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. On this day, Heroes of the Soviet Union, Heroes of the Russian Federation, holders of the Order of St. George and the Order of Glory are honored.

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Peter I
In pre-revolutionary Russia, there was no more honorable award for an officer than the white cross of the Order of St. George the Victorious. The idea to create such an award belongs to Peter 1. He intended to make such an award the Order of St. Alexander Nevsky, established in 1725. But the tsar himself did not have time to honor anyone, and after his death both military and civil ranks complained of this order.

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Catherine II the Great
The idea of ​​Peter I was brought to life by Empress Catherine II. Paying tribute to the military glory of the Russian army and striving to strengthen its influence on the military, on November 26, 1769, it approved a new military order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George.

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This date was established in 2007 and timed to coincide with the events of the reign of Catherine II. The Empress in 1769 established the Order of St. George the Victorious.
This order was awarded to soldiers who showed valor, courage and courage.

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Saint George the Victorious
The military order bore the name of the saint not by chance. Saint George the Victorious is a Christian saint, great martyr, the most revered saint of this name. The cult of St. George, who professed Christianity and was put to death for this, came to Russia with the adoption of this religion by the Russian people. Prince Yaroslav the Wise was the first of the Russian princes to take the second church name George. In 1037, after the victory over the Pechenegs, he founded a monastery in Kyiv in honor of his patron.

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The symbol of the order - a rider sitting on a white horse, striking a dragon with a spear - personified the courage of a warrior capable of defending his land from enemies.
George the Victorious - one of the popular Christian saints

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The Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George is the highest military award of the Russian Empire.
"For Service and Courage"

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Catherine II honored herself with this award in honor of the establishment of the Order of St. George the Victorious

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The full name of the order is the Imperial Military Order of the Holy Great Martyr and Victorious George. This award could be received by one who “personally leading the army, will win over the enemy, who is in significant forces, a complete victory, the consequence of which will be his complete destruction,” or, “personally leading the army, will take the fortress.” The order was also awarded for capturing the enemy banner, capturing the commander-in-chief or corps commander of the enemy army and other outstanding feats.

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The order had 4 degrees of distinction.
Moreover, the award was made from the fourth degree, then the third was awarded, then the second, and, finally, the one who accomplished the fourth outstanding feat could be presented for awarding the Order of George of the first degree.

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The motto of the order: "For Service and Courage" The order consists of signs: a golden cross, a ribbon and a four-pointed star. The St. George ribbon of the Order of all degrees had alternating three black and two orange longitudinal stripes. Later, many military awards received an orange and black ribbon. The order was worn: I degree - a cross on a ribbon 10 cm wide over the right shoulder, a star on the left side of the chest. II degree - a cross on the neck on a ribbon 5 cm wide, a star on the left side of the chest. III degree - a cross on the neck on a ribbon 3.2 cm wide IV degree - a cross on the chest on a ribbon 2.2 cm wide

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Full cavaliers of the order, that is, having all four degrees, are four outstanding Russian commanders: Prince, Field Marshal M. I. Golenishchev-Kutuzov-Smolensky; Prince, Field Marshal M. B. Barclay de Tolly; Count, Field Marshal I. F. Paskevich-Erivan Prince of Warsaw; Count, Field Marshal I. I. Dibich-Zabalkansky.

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Full St. George Cavaliers
Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov

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Mikhail Illarionovich Golenishchev-Kutuzov First Full Commander of the Order of St. George
Russian commander, Field Marshal General, His Holiness Prince, Hero of the Patriotic War of 1812.

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Field Marshal General, His Serene Highness Prince Smolensky - was the first to be awarded all the degrees of the military Order of St. George. This illustrious Russian commander, all his life, his entire military path from ensign to field marshal, went along with the Russian army. The troops under his command took part in all the wars waged by Russia in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. He was born on September 5, 1745 in St. Petersburg. In 1757 he was assigned to an engineering and artillery school, and on January 1, 1761 he was promoted to ensign.
Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov (1745 - 1813)

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Kutuzov received his first St. George Cross of the fourth degree, being a battalion commander, for exceptional courage during the battles near the village of Shumy near Alushta during the Russian-Turkish war of 1768 - 1774. With a banner in his hands, he personally led the battalion to attack the Turks. During this battle, Kutuzov was seriously wounded in the head, after which he lost an eye. The victory of the Russian army near Izmail on December 1, 1790 predetermined the outcome of the Russian-Turkish war of 1778-1791. M.I. also played a significant role in its achievement. Kutuzov, who commanded one of the columns that stormed the Kiliya Gates. For Ishmael, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree.

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In the same war, in the battle near Machin on June 28, 1791, Kutuzov's troops, with a blow to the right flank of the enemy, largely contributed to the decisive victory over the Supreme Vizier Yusuf Pasha. For the victory at Machin, Kutuzov was awarded the Order of St. George of the second degree. In August 1812, Mikhail Illarionovich led the Russian army, which defeated Napoleon. In honor of the great victory, Alexander I awarded the field marshal with the Order of St. George of the first degree. With the receipt of this highest award, Kutuzov became a full holder of all four degrees of the Order of St. George.

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Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly Full Knight of the Order of St. George
An outstanding Russian commander, field marshal general, minister of war, prince, hero of the Patriotic War of 1812.

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Field Marshal General, Prince. He was a member of the Russian-Turkish 1787 - 1791. and Russian-Swedish 1788 1790. wars. In the war with France 1806-1807. and the Russian-Swedish war of 1808-1809. commanded a division and a corps. In 1810 - 1812. - Minister of War of Russia. During the Patriotic War of 1812, he led the 1st Western Army. In the battle of Borodino, he commanded the right wing and the center of the Russian troops, and in foreign campaigns in 1813-1814. led the combined Russian-Prussian army. He successfully led it in the battles of Thorn, Kulm and Leipzig. M.B. Barclay de Tolly was born December 16, 1761.
Mikhail Bogdanovich Barclay de Tolly (1761 - 1818)

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His childhood years were spent in St. Petersburg. He began his service at the age of 14 in the Pskov Carabinieri Regiment. At the age of 16 he received his first officer rank, and soon he was appointed adjutant to Lieutenant General Prince of Anhalt-Bernburg. After a few years of his successful military career, Barclay de Tolly was assigned to the newly formed St. Petersburg Grenadier Regiment, with whom he went to Poland. He participated in numerous battles. For distinction in the war with the Polish confederates he was awarded the Order of St. George of the fourth degree.

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In September 1806, large-scale actions of the armies of the 4th anti-French coalition against Napoleonic France began. In November 1806, Russia entered the war. The first major battle of the Russian and French troops took place near Pultusk on December 14, 1806. Largely thanks to the skillful actions of the then Major General Barclay de Tolly, who commanded the advance detachment, the Russian troops not only managed to hold back the onslaught of the French regiments of Marshal Lannes, but also inflicted significant damage to them. For courage and distinction shown in the battle of Pultusk, Mikhail Bogdanovich was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree.

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Subsequently, during the Patriotic War of 1812, Barclay de Tolly was awarded the Order of St. George of the second degree for the skillful leadership of the troops in the Battle of Borodino and the displayed courage. In foreign campaigns 1813 - 1814. Barclay de Tolly led the combined Russian-Prussian army. Under his command, 64 French troops were defeated in the battle of Kulm (August 18, 1813), for which he was awarded the Order of St. George of the first degree.

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Full St. George Cavaliers
Ivan Fyodorovich Paskevich
Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkansky

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Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich (1782 -1856)
Field Marshal General, Count of Erivan, His Serene Highness Prince of Warsaw. Born on May 19, 1782, at the age of 12 he was appointed to the Corps of Pages, and in October 1800, among the first graduates, he was sent as a lieutenant to the Life Guards Preobrazhensky Regiment. Paskevich made his first military campaign in 1805, but he received real combat training during the Russian-Turkish war of 1806-1812. He went from captain to major general in five years. Paskevich was a participant in many battles of this war, and in 1810, for capturing enemy batteries at Cape Galotburg during the siege of the fortress of Varna, he earned his first Order of St. George of the fourth degree.

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18 days later, in the same place, the Vitebsk regiment, commanded by Colonel Paskevich, repelled the attacks of the Turkish army throughout the day. The fierce battle ended in a complete victory for the Russians, who not only fought on the defensive with a numerically superior enemy, but also counterattacked themselves. This feat became widely known in the army, and the young commander of the Vitebsk regiment was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree. Russo-Persian War 1826-1828 Paskevich met in the Caucasus, where he replaced General Yermolov as commander of the Separate Corps. In the war with the Persians, he acted decisively. During the campaign of 1827, Paskevich occupied Nakhichevan, the fortress of Abbas-Abad, which was of great strategic importance, and in October, the fortress of Erivan. The rescript of Nicholas I said: “For the excellent courage, firmness and skill shown by Adjutant General Paskevich during the conquest of Sardar Abbad and the important conquest of the famous Asian fortress of Erivan, welcome the Order of St. George the Victorious 2nd degree of the big cross.” With the capture of Erivan, the Russian-Persian war actually ended. In 1828 peace was signed in Turkmanchay.

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In June 1829, in a field battle, Paskevich utterly defeated the Turkish army under the command of Gakki Pasha. During the two-day battles near the village of Kainly, the Sultan's army ceased to exist. Then, having made a march of more than 100 km in three days, on July 5 the Russian corps occupied the Gasean-Kale fortress, and four days later the Russian soldiers entered rich Erzurum, the control center of Asian Turkey. For Erzurum, Infantry General Ivan Fedorovich Paskevich was awarded the Order of St. George of the first degree and became the third full holder of the highest military award of the empire.

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Ivan Ivanovich Dibich-Zabalkansky (1785 - 1831)
Field Marshal General, Count, participant in the wars with France 1805 - 1807. and the Patriotic War of 1812. During the foreign campaign of the Russian army in 1813-1814. - quartermaster of the corps, quartermaster general of the army and allied Russian-Prussian troops. From 1815 - Chief of Staff of the 1st Army, from 1823 - Chief of the General Staff. In the Russian-Turkish war of 1828 - 1829. - Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Army.

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Ivan Ivanovich Dibich was born on May 2, 1785 in the Grosleine estate in the family of a colonel in the Prussian army. His true name is Johann Karl Friedrich Anton. In the Russian manner, they began to call him from 1801, when the father of Johann, at one time the adjutant of Frederick the Great, was invited to St. Petersburg by Paul I. Russia became the true Fatherland for the young Dibich, in whose service he entered decisively and irrevocably. The seventeen-year-old ensign studied Russian intensively and studied military service. The first serious combat test was for Dibich Austerlitz (November 20, 1805). Wounded in his right hand, he intercepted the blade with his left, and did not leave the battlefield until the end of the battle. He was awarded a sword with the inscription "For Bravery". He also distinguished himself at Preussisch-Eylau (January 26 - 27, 1807).

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In 1807, Dibich took part in the battles of Gaustatt, Geislsberg and Friedland. For his "personal courage and diligence" in the last battle, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the fourth degree. Dibich met the Patriotic War of 1812 in the rank of colonel at the post of chief quartermaster of the corps of Count P.Kh. Wittgenstein. For the qualities shown in the battles of Klyastitsy, he was awarded the Order of St. George of the third degree.

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