Presentation of a student project on air pollution. Biology presentation on air pollution. Ozone layer depletion



Completed by student

4-B class

MBOU secondary school №8

Zelensky Artyom

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Air pollution

Atmospheric air - one of the most important life-supporting natural components on Earth - is a mixture of gases and aerosols of the atmosphere that has developed in the course of evolution.

Atmospheric pollution is the most powerful, permanent factor influencing plants, animals, microorganisms; on the quality of human life.

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Atmospheric pollution is the introduction into the atmosphere or the formation of physical and chemical compounds, substances in it, due to both natural and anthropogenic factors.

The natural sources of air pollution are primarily

volcanic emissions,

forest and steppe fires,

dust storms, sea

storms and typhoons.

These factors do not


impact on natural


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Ways of pollution:

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    Transport pollution

    The environmental impact of motor transport on human health depends on the amount of emitted substances, the level of exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations, and the length of time a person stays near highways.

    Analysis of air samples shows that air quality is deteriorating.

    The percentage of exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants on highways and near them in recent years is 11-16%

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    Cars today in Russia are the main cause of air pollution in cities. Now there are more than half a billion of them in the world. Emissions from cars in cities are especially dangerous because they pollute the air mainly at a level of 60-90 cm from the Earth's surface, and especially on sections of highways where there are traffic lights.

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    Radioactive pollution of the atmosphere

    There are natural sources of radioactivity everywhere in the biosphere, and man has always been exposed to natural radiation. External exposure occurs due to radiation of cosmic origin and radioactive substances in the environment.

    The greatest danger is the radioactive contamination of the biosphere as a result of human activities.

    In the second half of our century, nuclear power plants began to be put into operation. During normal operation of nuclear power facilities and industry, environmental pollution is negligible. A different situation develops in case of accidents at nuclear facilities.

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    Explosion in Chernobyl

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    Thus, during the explosion at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, only about 5% of nuclear fuel was released into the environment. But this led to the exposure of many people, large areas were so polluted that they became hazardous to health. This required the relocation of thousands of residents from the contaminated areas. An increase in radiation as a result of radioactive fallout was noted hundreds and thousands of kilometers from the accident site.

    At present, the problem of warehousing and storage of radioactive waste from the military industry and nuclear power plants is becoming more and more acute. Every year they pose an increasing danger to the environment. Thus, the use of nuclear energy has posed new serious problems for mankind.

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    Chemical pollution

    The main chemical pollutant of the atmosphere is sulfur dioxide, which is released during the combustion of coal, oil, and during the smelting of iron and copper. Sulfur dioxide causes acid rain.

    With a high concentration of sulfur dioxide, dust, smoke in damp, calm weather in industrial areas, white or wet smog appears - a poisonous fog that sharply worsens people's living conditions.

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    household pollution

    Serious negative consequences for humans and other living organisms are caused by air pollution with substances that are used in refrigeration units, in the production of semiconductors and aerosol cans.

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    Ozone layer depletion

    Currently, the depletion of the ozone layer is recognized by all as a serious threat to global environmental security. A decrease in ozone concentration weakens the ability of the atmosphere to protect all life on Earth from harsh ultraviolet radiation. It is no coincidence that therefore, in areas with a low ozone content, there are numerous sunburns, an increase in the incidence of skin cancer in people, etc.

    It has also been established that under the influence of strong ultraviolet radiation, plants gradually lose their ability to photosynthesis, and disruption of the vital activity of plankton leads to a break in the chains of aquatic ecosystems, etc.

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    Greenhouse effect

    Human activities lead to an increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. An increase in the concentration of greenhouse gases will lead to heating of the lower layers of the atmosphere and the surface of the earth. Any change in the Earth's ability to reflect and absorb heat will change the temperature of the atmosphere and the world's oceans and disrupt stable patterns of circulation and weather.

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    An increase in average temperatures in the polar regions could cause rapid melting of the ice in Antarctica and Greenland, leading to a sharp rise in global sea levels, flooding coastal cities and lowlands, leading to economic and social disruption.

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    Rain, snow or sleet with

    increased acidity. Acid precipitation occursSlide 24

    The atmosphere serves as a screen protecting life on Earth from destructive influences from outer space. It regulates the circulation of water, oxygen, nitrogen, carbon.

    To reduce natural and anthropogenic pollution of the atmosphere, it is necessary to:

    clean emissions into the atmosphere from solid and gaseous pollutants using electrostatic precipitators, liquid and solid absorbers, cyclones, etc.;

    use environmentally friendly types of energy;

    apply low-waste and waste-free technologies;

    to reduce the toxicity of automobile exhaust gases by improving the design of engines, as well as to improve existing and create new electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel engines.

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    Let's take care of the planet we live on!!!

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    Materials and photographs used in the presentation

    from the Internet and geography textbooks.

    View all slides

    Atmosphere. atmospheric air. Air pollution. Earth's atmosphere. Air pollution. Air and man. Air and atmosphere. Atmospheric air pollution. Atmosphere and climate. atmosphere and people. circulation in the atmosphere. Water in the atmosphere. 1.2 Atmosphere. Air purification systems. The problem of air pollution. Ecology of the atmosphere.

    The state of the air. Atmospheric protection. General circulation of the atmosphere. Lesson topic: Atmosphere. Sources of pollution of the atmosphere. Ecological state of the atmosphere. Air, water and technology. Aircraft are heavier than air. Generalization: "Atmosphere". How do people study the atmosphere. The role of the atmosphere in the life of the Earth. Atmosphere (end)

    Generalizing repetition on the topic "Atmosphere". Air quality management. Problems of air pollution. Air is a mixture of various gases. Final lesson on the topic "Atmosphere". Road transport as a source of air pollution. The role of air in our life. The use of air purification systems.

    Current state and protection of the atmosphere. KVN "Atmosphere". Determination of air purity by lichens. Atmospheric air pollutants and MPC. Air and its role in human life. Air pollution is one of the global problems of mankind. Study of air pollution by transport. Components of atmospheric air.

    Air hygiene problems. Anthropogenic impact on atmospheric air. Air is one of the four elements of our planet. MONITORING OF ATMOSPHERIC AIR AND EMISSIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF AZERBAIJAN. Study of air pollution from urban transport. Repetition on the topic "Atmosphere".

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    The presentation on the topic "Air pollution" can be downloaded absolutely free of charge on our website. Project subject: Ecology. Colorful slides and illustrations will help you keep your classmates or audience interested. To view the content, use the player, or if you want to download the report, click on the appropriate text under the player. The presentation contains 11 slide(s).

    Presentation slides

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    Impact of human activities on the environment Air pollution

    Completed by students of grade 11 of the MAOU "Secondary School" of the village of Medved Vasilyeva A. and Shebunko E.

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    Air is a natural mixture of gases, mainly nitrogen and oxygen, that makes up the earth's atmosphere. In accordance with the Federal Law "On the Protection of Atmospheric Air", atmospheric air is understood as "a vital component of the environment, which is a natural mixture of atmospheric gases located outside residential, industrial and other premises."

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    Air pollution - any undesirable change in the composition of the earth's atmosphere as a result of the entry into it of various gases, water vapor and solid particles (under the influence of natural processes or as a result of human activity).

    Approximately 10% of pollutants enter the atmosphere due to natural processes, such as volcanic eruptions, which are accompanied by emissions of ash, pulverized acids, including sulfuric acid, and many poisonous gases into the atmosphere. The remaining 90% of pollutants are of anthropogenic origin.

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    substances released directly into the atmosphere

    Secondary pollutants

    Primary pollutants

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    Photochemical fog (smog) is a multicomponent mixture of gases and aerosol particles of primary and secondary origin. The composition of the main components of smog includes ozone, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, numerous organic peroxide compounds, collectively called photooxidants.

    Photochemical smog occurs as a result of photochemical reactions under certain conditions: the presence of a high concentration of nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons and other pollutants in the atmosphere, intense solar radiation and calm or very weak air exchange in the surface layer with a powerful and increased inversion for at least a day. Sustained calm weather, usually accompanied by inversions, is necessary to create a high concentration of reactants.

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    Global problems

    abnormally high values ​​of solar ultraviolet radiation coming to the earth's surface, due to a decrease in the ozone content in the stratosphere; climate change (global warming), caused by the entry into the atmosphere of a large number of so-called. greenhouse gases.

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    Global warming

    - the process of gradual increase in the average annual temperature of the Earth's atmosphere and the World Ocean. The scientific opinion, expressed by the UN Interstate Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and directly supported by the national academies of sciences of the G8 countries, is that the average temperature on the Earth has risen by 0.7 °C since the beginning of the industrial revolution (since the second half of the 18th century) and that "a large proportion of the warming observed in the last 50 years is caused by human activity", primarily the emission of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide (CO2) and methane (CH4). Greenhouse effect (greenhouse effect) of the atmosphere, the property of the atmosphere to transmit solar radiation, but retain terrestrial radiation and thereby contribute to the accumulation of heat by the Earth

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    The ozone hole

    The ozone hole is a local drop in the concentration of ozone in the ozone layer of the Earth. According to the theory generally accepted in the scientific community, in the second half of the 20th century, the ever-increasing impact of the anthropogenic factor in the form of the release of chlorine- and bromine-containing freons led to a significant thinning of the ozone layer.

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    Hazardous impact

    Air pollution has a harmful effect on living organisms in several ways: by delivering aerosol particles and toxic gases to the respiratory system of humans and animals and to plant leaves; increasing the acidity of precipitation, which, in turn, affects the change in the chemical composition of soils and water; by stimulating such chemical reactions in the atmosphere that lead to an increase in the duration of exposure of living organisms to harmful solar rays; changing the composition and temperature of the atmosphere on a global scale and thus creating conditions unfavorable for the survival of organisms.

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    Air pollution introduction of new uncharacteristic physical, chemical and biological substances into the atmospheric air or a change in their natural concentration

    Natural pollution is caused by natural processes. These include: volcanic activity, volcanic activity, Weathering of rocks, Weathering of rocks, Mass flowering of plants, Mass flowering of plants, Forest and steppe fires. Forest and steppe fires.

    Anthropogenic pollution is caused by emissions of various substances during human activities: Combustion of solid and liquid fuels, Combustion of solid and liquid fuels, Smelting of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, Smelting of non-ferrous and ferrous metals, Mining and processing of mineral raw materials Mining and processing of mineral raw materials

    Physiological pollution of the atmosphere mechanical (dust, solid particles), radioactive (radioactive radiation and isotopes), mechanical (dust, solid particles), radioactive (radioactive radiation and isotopes), electromagnetic (various types of electromagnetic waves, including radio waves), noise (various loud sounds and low-frequency vibrations) and electromagnetic (various types of electromagnetic waves, including radio waves), noise (various loud sounds and low-frequency vibrations) and thermal pollution (for example, emissions of warm air, etc.) thermal pollution (e.g. warm air emissions, etc.)

    The greatest contamination of the atmosphere with radioactive substances occurs as a result of explosions of atomic and hydrogen bombs. Each such explosion is accompanied by the formation of a grandiose cloud of radioactive dust. A blast wave of enormous force spreads its particles in all directions, lifting them more than 30 km. The greatest contamination of the atmosphere with radioactive substances occurs as a result of explosions of atomic and hydrogen bombs. Each such explosion is accompanied by the formation of a grandiose cloud of radioactive dust. A blast wave of enormous force spreads its particles in all directions, lifting them more than 30 km. In the first hours after the explosion, the largest particles are deposited, a somewhat smaller attraction for 5 days, and fine dust is transported by air currents for thousands of kilometers and settles on the surface of the globe for many years. In the first hours after the explosion, the largest particles are deposited, a somewhat smaller attraction for 5 days, and fine dust is transported by air currents for thousands of kilometers and settles on the surface of the globe for many years.

    Electromagnetic pollution is a combination of electromagnetic fields, a variety of frequencies that negatively affect a person; this is a combination of electromagnetic fields, a variety of frequencies that negatively affect a person, human frequencies, human frequencies. Electromagnetic pollution depends on the power and frequency of the emitted signal. Electromagnetic pollution depends on the power and frequency of the emitted signal.

    Chemical pollution by gaseous substances and aerosols Today, the main chemical pollutants of atmospheric air are carbon monoxide (IV), nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr), ammonia, atmospheric dust and radioactive isotopes Today, the main chemical air pollutants are carbon monoxide (IV), nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxide, hydrocarbons, aldehydes, heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr), ammonia, atmospheric dust and radioactive isotopes

    Biological pollution of microbial nature air pollution by vegetative forms and spores of bacteria and fungi, viruses, as well as their toxins and waste products. air pollution by vegetative forms and spores of bacteria and fungi, viruses, as well as their toxins and waste products.

    Major pollutants Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide Carbon monoxide Nitrogen oxides Nitrogen oxides Nitrogen oxides Nitrogen oxides Sulfur dioxide Sulfur dioxide Sulfur dioxide Sulfur dioxide Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons Hydrocarbons Aldehydes Aldehydes Aldehydes Heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr) Heavy metals (Pb, Cu, Zn, Cd, Cr) Heavy metalsPbCuZnCdCr Heavy metalsPbCuZnCdCr Ammonia Ammonia Ammonia Atmospheric dust Atmospheric dust Atmospheric dust Atmospheric dust Radioactive isotopes Radioactive isotopes Radioactive isotopes Radioactive isotopes
    industry Thermal power plants emit sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide together with smoke; Thermal power plants emit sulfur dioxide and carbon dioxide together with smoke; Metallurgical enterprises - emit nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, fluorine, ammonia, phosphorus, mercury and arsenic compounds Metallurgical enterprises - emit nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine, fluorine, ammonia, phosphorus, mercury and arsenic compounds Chemical and cement plants Chemical and cement plants

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    Slides captions:

    Company Logo Air Pollution

    Air is something without which there is no life on Earth.

    Air pollution is the introduction of harmful and dangerous substances into it.

    Air pollution Penetration of cosmic particles, dust, volcanic ash, sea salt, forest fire smoke Human industrial activity Natural Artificial

    Pollution. Industrial plants, car emissions, air transport, rocket and space technology, volcanic emissions are the main sources of air pollution around us.

    When fuel is burned, a large amount of harmful substances are released into the air

    The treatment of fields with poisons and fertilizers pollutes the air

    Coal, oil products and gas, when burned, emit a large amount of harmful compounds.

    A huge amount of gases emitted into the atmosphere by cars

    Effects. All this leads to the greenhouse effect and the depletion of the ozone layer. These and other consequences lead to disasters.

    Global warming. This is one of the most important issues today. The ice is melting, the water level in the world's oceans is rising, the humidity of the air is rising, and the land area is shrinking.

    Harmful substances in the air lead to disease Chronic bronchitis Asthma Weakened immune defenses Lung cancer

    How to protect yourself Scientists have already developed a solar-powered car, but unfortunately they have not yet come into use.

    Plants that purify the air Ficus benjamina and dieffenbachia

    Geranium disinfects and deodorizes the air, helps with headaches.

    Asparagus absorbs heavy metal particles

    On the street, you need to grow more coniferous plants, or rather, Christmas trees and pines.

    What did we talk about today? What pollutes the air? What should be done to keep the air clean? Company Logo

    Save and protect the air!

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