Birds in cold climes. Settled, wintering and migratory birds: list, photo with names. What is the difference between migratory birds and wintering birds: a presentation for preschoolers. Do migratory birds nest in the south? Which birds are the first and last to arrive in spring,


In winter, it is cold and hungry for our feathered friends - wintering birds. It is about them that we will talk in our Internet lesson on the world around us.

Let's see what kind of birds there are.

  • migratory- birds that, with the onset of cold days, fly to places rich in food,
  • wintering(sedentary) - those of our feathered friends who stay with us for the winter.

What birds winter in our forests?


The bird got its name from its tick-like beak. Crossbills feed on spruce and pine seeds throughout the winter. In these plants, the seeds ripen by winter. This means that the most food for crossbills happens at this time of the year. Therefore, these birds breed their chicks in winter. Snow and frost all around, and babies in the nest. But they are not afraid of cold, because they are always full.


For the property to appear with the first snow - and they called him a bullfinch. Most often, in photos or paintings, these pichugs are depicted sitting on rowan branches. Her berries are their favorite food. Moreover, they do not eat the pulp, but only peck out the seeds. Because of this, gutted red crumbs of berries are always scattered under the tree in the snow. In winter, bullfinches eat the seeds of alder, maple, ash, hornbeam, and elderberry. In the summer, in the fields, they feast on the seeds of quinoa, burdock, horse sorrel and other herbs.


Who among us has not heard how the restless drummer of our forests, the woodpecker, is knocking, hammering on a tree. But you can recognize a woodpecker not only by knocking, but also by a characteristic cry similar to “ki-ki-ki”. Everyone calls him a forest doctor because he heals trees - he pulls out harmful insects and their larvae from the trunk and from under the bark. With its cone-shaped sharp beak, the woodpecker hourly hollows out the bark of a tree. To a depth of up to 10 cm, he hollows out a funnel and takes out an insect with a sticky tongue. The tongue is long, up to 4 cm.


You will see an etuptitsa with us only in winter - it flies to us to spend the winter from the north. You recognize her by her beautiful plumage, large tuft and sharp loud voice. The waxwing got its name from the sounds that it makes when singing: sw-ri-ri. In winter, their main food is the berries of mountain ash, viburnum, wild rose, lingonberries, and indeed any berry bushes. Waxwings eat a lot, stuff their stomachs tightly. But most of these berries are not digested, so in winter the place where the crested beauties feasted is easy to recognize. Under a bare tree, the snow is all strewn with bright spots of half-digested berries with seeds and pecked peel.


Sparrow is one of the most famous birds that live in the neighborhood of a human dwelling. Here he finds good conditions for building nests and a lot of food, nests in separate pairs, sometimes in colonies. Sparrow nests can be found in the crevices of buildings, in burrows in clay ravines, in tree hollows. The bird can also occupy a birdhouse and a swallow hole. Sparrows feed on seeds. They love hemp, sunflower, wheat grains, but they will also peck at bread crumbs. Watch how skillfully they fight in the yard with pigeons for their piece of bread.


Perhaps the most famous bird in the city is the dove. These birds are so accustomed to life in the city that they are not at all afraid of people, often taking food directly from the palm of a person. In addition to seeds and bread, pigeons eat various grains, seeds, plants, and berries. Pigeons also drink a lot of water so that solid food softens faster. These birds find places where they can hide from the cold, but at the same time fly out every day in search of food. Most often, attics of residential buildings serve as such a refuge for them. In winter, it is very difficult for birds to find food for themselves, and without food it is difficult for them to cope with the frost, so we must not forget about them and periodically feed the birds in the cold season so that they do not die.


The titmouse is a very mobile and fidgety bird: it will not sit still.Its beak is sharp and strong, and its paws are very tenacious, which allows the bird to cling to a branch and hang upside down.He sings loudly: “Xin-sin, ping-ping”, knows how to whistle and crackle. For her singing, she received the name "tit".Titmouse arrange their nests in hollows, mouse holes, various cracks and voids. Tits live everywhere: in forests, mountains, villages, parks and gardens. In winter, tits fly closer to humans. These birds eat everything in a row: grains, cereals, bread crumbs, pieces of meat, lard and even cottage cheese.


Magpie lives in the forest. The nest is high up in a tree of branches. A magpie flies through the forest - it chirps, and flies up to the nest - it falls silent, does not want to show it to anyone.The magpie finds different food for itself: it eats beetles, larvae, caterpillars, loves bird eggs very much, steals them from the nests of other birds. For this, they called her the magpie-thief. It catches forty mice, frogs, and can drag a chicken.Magpie finds food at any time of the year, winter is not terrible for her. In winter, beetles and larvae do not appear, they hide from the cold under the bark of trees; in winter, there are no eggs in bird nests. So the magpie flies out of the forest closer to people.


. The crow is an omnivorous bird.All kinds of food waste is the usual and favorite food of the crow, so a large accumulation of these birds is often observed in city dumps. The crow feeds on insect larvae that teem in manure. In the absence of animal food, the crow eats plants and their seeds, fruits and vegetables. A modern urban crow can open a carton of milk, break a walnut, soak a rusk in a puddle, open a tin can. ATsevere frosts, you can watch their huge flocks that fly from place to place.The life expectancy of a crow in nature is 15-20 years.

Test your knowledge about wintering birds Birds of our region Grade 1 Mosaic Winter Birds

Why you need to feed birds in winter

Feed the birds in winter.
Let from all over
They will flock to you, like home,
Stakes on the porch.
Their food is not rich.
Need a handful of grain
One handful -
And not scary
They will have winter.
How many of them die - do not count,
It's hard to see.
But in our heart there is
And the birds are warm.
Is it possible to forget:
Could fly away
And stayed for the winter
Along with people.
Train the birds in the cold
To your window
So that without songs it was not necessary
We welcome spring.

Dining room for birds

Birdwatching in the winter canteen

You can not only feed the birds, but also watch them. And write down all your observations, i.e. try yourself as an ORNITOLOGIST.

Questions to help you in birdwatching.

  1. You can write by day what birds fly into the feeder.
  2. How they behave, whether they quarrel with each other, whether they drive away other birds from the feeder.
  3. What do they prefer from food.
  4. Do they fly in flocks or alone.
  5. What time do the birds arrive in the winter dining room.
  6. Do they eat food right in the feeder or grab a grain and fly away to another branch.

V. Bianchi

Who is full, the cold is not terrible

V. Bianchi

Forest newspaper No. 12. Month Endure until spring.

Video about wintering birds

wintering birds

Wintering birds. Educational video for toddlers

What birds winter in Ukraine? Which ones stay to winter, and which ones arrive, you can read all this information in the next article.

What birds winter in our area?

Here are the birds wintering in Ukraine: bullfinch, titmouse, woodpecker, sparrow, jay, hawk, dove, crow, magpie, etc.

The main goal of all birds in winter is to find food and survive the winter, severe frosts and cold. Many of the birds are migratory species, they seek salvation in "warm places". The northern regions of Ukraine are "warm regions" for some birds

What birds come to us for the winter?

Birds arriving to winter in Ukraine:

yellow-headed beetle

Breeds in Polissya, Carpathians and Crimean Mountains. In winter it roams all over Ukraine. Appears quite early, common in coniferous forests.

Where to look: forests, parks. Usually kept in the crowns of trees. Easily recognizable by voice.

When: October - April


Breeds in Polissya, Carpathians. In winter, they are found throughout the territory. They keep in flocks. They feed on mountain ash, ash lionfish, peck buds in spring.

Where to look: forest edges, parks. Easy to recognize by voice.

When: October-April

Regular tap dance

Often fly in large flocks, but not every year. Separate individuals are found together with chizhama, linnet.

Where to look: fields overgrown with weeds.

When November-March.

gray shrike

Nesting in the north of Ukraine. In winter, they are found throughout the territory. They keep alone in open spaces. Looking out for prey, they usually sit on the tops of bushes, low trees.

Where to look: fields, wastelands.

When: October-March.

mountain wagtail

Breeds in the Carpathians and Crimean Mountains. In winter, it can be found throughout Ukraine, where there is running non-freezing water. It is regularly observed in Dnepropetrovsk, Zaporozhye and Kyiv regions. Stay single.

Where to look: non-freezing flowing reservoirs (streams, canals, drains).

When: December - April

So, we hope that you have found the answer to the question “which birds stay for the winter”, and have learned something new for yourself.

Quite recently, at the beginning of summer, early in the morning, bird polyphony burst through the open window. Here the gray warbler brings out its ornate melody, having made a cozy nest for itself in the fork of mock orange branches, and right behind the fence on the top of a tall spruce sits the recognized Orpheus of the bird world - the blackbird - and sings something under his breath (or rather, under his beak). Like teenagers whose voice mutation has begun, scurrying and squeaking in the bushes are the fledglings of the great tit who have recently left their nest in the old titmouse. It seems like it was only yesterday! And outside the window - snow, twilight in the middle of the day, and in general it is hard to believe that this timelessness can ever end. And suddenly…

"Apples in the Snow"

A handsome bullfinch sits in detail on a branch of a spreading mountain ash. Astrakhan tomato, and more! Perhaps it is he who serves as a standard bird for us, which adds a little optimism to the sad winter picture. The fact that bullfinches visit our gardens (and feeders suspended in them) in winter does not mean at all that we don’t have them in summer. The bullfinch is an absolutely common nesting bird in central Russia. Once you identify for yourself his simple song, you will easily isolate it from the summer bird polyphony. Quite often in mid-May, one can observe a red-breasted handsome man (or his more modestly colored girlfriend) on a branch of a flowering apple tree, where a bullfinch with the most thoughtful look eats away sweet stamens and pistils from a flower. Do not worry, for him this is not the main food, and he will not cause damage to your future harvest. Just pampering, like a lollipop for a child.

Bullfinch. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

It is interesting

It turns out that in winter and summer we see not the same individuals: this became clear from the ringing data. For example, bullfinches fly to St. Petersburg for the winter, which nested somewhere near Arkhangelsk. And from the vicinity of the Northern capital, they, in turn, fly to the "resort" - closer to Moscow. Such not very long migrations are very logical from the point of view of the survival of the species: there is a kind of voyage along the "hospitable" edges. In places of local abundance of food (mainly berries of mountain ash, hawthorn, chokeberry), the birds stop for a while. And, having raised the crop properly, they fly further.

In recent years, when there is almost no real winter, sometimes the mustachioed tit (P. biarmicus), a distant relative of both the powdery and the mullet, began to stay for the winter. So far, she keeps on the willow bushes and in the reed thickets around the reservoirs - she has not yet learned to derive undoubted benefits from the neighborhood with a person!

"Merry family"

Among the most notable birds in winter, without a doubt, are tits. We have several types of winters. The great tit (Parus major) is the most common. You can meet her even on Red Square, even in the inner courtyard of the Hermitage. Yellow breast, black tie. Busy and businesslike. This is a regular visitor to bird feeders, the main consumer of seeds and unsalted fat.

Puffy. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

Winter is a difficult time for all living things. And the birds do not spend it from a good life in our latitudes. It would seem much more logical to wait out the snow and frost somewhere in the Mediterranean or the Red Sea. But native species live there, and they do not want to share food and living space with aliens at all.

Her closest relative, one might say, a cousin, is the brown-headed tit, or puff (P. montanus). Like great tit, it is also very numerous. But in size and strength it is inferior to its “cousin” and in a dispute for the right to be the first to cling to a piece of bacon hanging on a wire, it almost always passes. There is another similar species of tits, which in winter we can see both in the forest and on the feeder. This is a black-headed, or marsh, tit (P. palustris). I would call this view almost virtual for a simple (not sophisticated) bird lover. Well, nothing, absolutely nothing, it differs from the powder! Only stubborn taxonomists find minor differences in plumage paint! Yes, the spring song sounds a little different.

Blue tit. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

Did you know?

Crested tit, or grenadier (P. cristatus) is a small bird with a flirtatious crest. It is interesting that for life it can be content with a very small area. Both the birth and rearing of offspring takes place on only a few hundred square meters! And she makes a nest in an unusual way: she hollows it out in the trunk of a rotten alder or birch. Neither give nor take - woodpecker!

and the feeder you can see and blue tit. And in the Moscow region, only blue (P. caeruleus). But a little to the north (in the zone of taiga forests and light forests) there is also a white (P. cyanus). Here you have another difference between the two capitals! But both species are absolutely charming - both in color and in behavior.

Slightly apart from other types of tits is the long-tailed tit, or pole tit. The bird received such a popular name for the combination of a long tail, reminiscent of some people the handle of a ladle, with a tiny head. Even its Latin name - Aegithalos caudatus - translated into Russian emphasizes that the bird is "tailed". In a systematic sense, this is probably the second cousin of the great tit, or in general some kind of sister-in-law. Our simple treat in the form of seeds and bacon does not suit her: with her microscopic beak, she simply cannot cope with the seed.


Little titmouses, in particular Muscovy, are often unable to cope with seeds. “The eye sees, but the tooth is numb!” Such small pichugs need help: crush the hard shell of the seeds a little. Bird lovers should generally adopt this procedure. Strong birds do not care if the seeds are crushed or not, but for smaller ones it is just a gift from heaven.

Moscow. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

But our smallest tits with the patriotic name Muscovite (P. ater) willingly visit the feeders. They are rarely numerous, and differ from other species by a clearly distinguishable white spot on the back of the head.

Off-suit company

Other birds wintering in the middle lane can also look “at the light”. Here, for example, is the nuthatch (Sitta europaea). He is almost always in splendid isolation - not like sociable tits. He took a seed and flew off to a branch of the nearest bush. A complete feeling that he knows exactly why he came: everything is business-like, without stupid chirping and shadowing. I came - I saw - I ate!

Nuthatch. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

By the way, about chirping. Sparrows, of course, will not miss a meal. We have two types of them: brownie (Passer domesticus) and field (P. montanus). The first one has a gray female, one might say, plain (it sounds better - modestly colored), but the male, perhaps, is even smart. Although, of course, it does not shine with special beauty. But professional ornithologists are still arguing about the differences between “girls” and “boys” in a field sparrow. Someone sees a slight difference in the color of the plumage, while someone says that this is only individual variability.

Field sparrow. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

By the way, it’s still not clear to me why the sparrows were so guilty in front of a person that even the recommendations for making feeders specifically say what should be done so that they do not crawl into the “dining room”? Moreover, it is quite possible to separate them with titmouse according to the gastronomic principle: crumbs, millet, millet will be happy to peck sparrows, but seeds - tits.


A “closed type” feeder, i.e. a house with windows where birds fly in, is not to the liking of many birds. A bullfinch, for example, will not even try to squeeze into a narrow "loopholes". Yes, and sparrows, which are hollow nesters in their mentality, are in no hurry to crawl into the holes of the feeder-house.

"In the Crow's Village"

To see who else stayed to while away the winter with us, and did not fly away to distant warm lands, we will break away from watching our feeder and go for a walk around the country house. Without a doubt, the palm belongs to the diverse crow tribe. If you put all our corvids in one row as in a parade: a raven, a crow, a magpie, a jackdaw, a rook, a jay, then appearance and you can’t tell which of them is a sissy, and which is not afraid of any frost. In fact, all the corvids spend the winter with us, with the exception of the rook. It is understandable, of all the representatives of the corvidae family, the diet of the rook has the most insects. However, in recent decades, and he sometimes hibernates. Mostly in places where food is constantly available, namely, in suburban landfills. Together with crows, gulls and pigeons.

Crow. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

Mister in black

The crow can be safely called the head of the whole family. I hope it's not worth saying that this is not a crow's husband, but a separate species. The most freedom-loving of the corvids. Until now, he leads a fairly independent lifestyle (independent of people, of course). And by the way, a raven is a songbird! Of course, in a systematic sense, and not according to vocal data. Although the spring “cru-cru” of ravens may seem to many, if not melodic, then at least not repulsive.

It is interesting

The range of the gray crow, by the way, is very large, extending from the Ural Mountains to western Poland and the former GDR. But to the east of the Urals, a black crow lives. She is not even given the status of a separate species: it is listed as a subspecies. The same picture continues in Europe. There, the gray crow is also replaced by a black one.

The crow is grey. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

"Grey Personality"

Oh, someone, and we see gray crows all year round! In early March, they complete their nest with twigs in their beaks, in autumn they tear apart some package left at the bus stop, they try to get something out of the snow ... And it seems that these are the same specimens. But no! There are a lot of inaccuracies in the arguments about the sedentary nature of crows. Only adults lead a real sedentary lifestyle. And the young "roam around" in search of a better life quite far from their father's house. For example, a crow, ringed by me in May in the vicinity of St. Petersburg, was found in the autumn of the same year in the Middle Urals. Here you have a settled crow! Explicit and large-scale migrations of crows occur in November - autumn and in February.

Jay. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky


Thanks to the blue “mirror” on the wing, the jay (Garrulus glandarius) looks elegant in a foreign way. Perhaps this is the most herbivorous among the corvids. Hence the exorbitant interest in acorns, mountain ash and small apples. In winter and early spring, this bird is very noticeable. She seems to say: “Look how beautiful I am. Not like a crow! In winter, jays mostly fly in families. Includes mom, dad and kids. Young birds disperse only at the end of winter. They make their nests only at the age of less than two years, and all the next summer after birth they only idle. Well, in winter, of course, they visit bird feeders.

On a note

The most sedentary of the corvids is, of course, the magpie. A pair of these birds can live happily ever after in the territory of some small gardening. Moreover, the offspring fly off very close - literally all blood relatives can live on an area of ​​​​several square kilometers.

Jackdaw. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

Stylish "thing"

The plumage color of the jackdaw (Corvus monedula) can be described as "wet asphalt". Very elegant! This bird is the most real hollow-nesting among the corvids. This circumstance helps her successfully survive severe frosts. While the crows are sitting and shivering from the cold on a tree branch, the jackdaws climb into some calm, and if you're lucky, a warm place. Stronger and larger birds sometimes offend the jackdaw, but she endures it stoically.

Goshawk. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

In the hunting grounds

Birds of prey, despite their "sinister craft", cause involuntary admiration. In the summer, it happens that they even look into our gardens without invitation. But how are things with them in winter?

"Sailor in a vest"

Have you noticed how sometimes the edge of the forest near your garden calms down - just before a thunderstorm? A few seconds of silence, and then the ubiquitous crows try to restore order with their cry. This means: a goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) flew out to hunt. A large, two-kilogram bird swept swiftly at a height of some ten meters. You could even see the gray back and dapper white chest with a transverse stripe - like a sailor's vest.

Majority birds of prey- from small falcons to the largest eagles - migratory. But the hawks often stay. Moreover, as in the case of other species of birds, adults usually turn out to be homebodies, but young birds roam widely. And predators have one feature: their males are smaller than females. Therefore, so that there is no competition with the larger "lady", they fly off together with the younger generation.

Not every year, but regularly adult Sparrowhawks (A. nisus) remain to winter. This predator is a two times smaller copy of the goshawk. These small hawks feed on any living creatures. A sparrowhawk that has settled near your feeder can bring many sorrowful minutes to your feathered guests.

Sparrow owl. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

"Night Witches"

Danger can lie in wait for small wintering pichugs not only during the day, but also at night, when owls rule. Most nocturnal hunters fly to warmer regions for the winter. But some of them remain.

The rather large Owl (Strix aluco) is quite capable of overcoming a prey the size of a crow. And our smallest owl - a sparrow owl (Glaucidium passerinum) - is a real thunderstorm of tit flocks. It is interesting that in other years the tawny owl starts nesting even in winter. The fact of finding her chicks, and quite feathered ones, was recorded already at the end of February. Which means the eggs were laid sometime between Christmas and Epiphany! The sparrow owl (namely, the owl, and not the owl - this is the completely scientific name of the genus of birds) does not perform such feats with winter breeding, but postpones this most important “event” until better times - until May.

around and around

At the thought of hawks and owls, one becomes anxious for the visitors to our feeder. Wouldn't it be better to go home? Moreover, on the way back we will surely come across other birds wintering in the vicinity of the dacha.

Woodpecker. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky


So it is: the first thing we meet is a large spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major). This is the most common view we have - it is always in sight: both in summer and in winter! Together with him, like a royal retinue, a mixed flock of tits, puffballs, grenadiers, and our smallest pichugs - kinglets (Regulus regulus), who stayed with us. Each such crumb weighs a little more than a five-ruble coin. Tits in comparison with them seem almost giants. But in winter there are only a few belated individuals. Still, the place of the kings is in the southern regions.

But the pika (Certhia familiaris) is a common bird in the winter forest. What she does in the company of a tit flock and a woodpecker is not entirely clear. Usually pikas keep alone and even differ in non-standard behavior. They do not jump along the branches, like all normal birds, but exclusively “crawl” along the trunk of a tree, examining all the cracks and cracks in the bark and removing hibernating insects from there. Moreover, they move “upside down”, that is, from the top of the tree to its base.

Pika. Photo: From the personal archive / Vasily Vishnevsky

By the way, unlike the big motley woodpecker, many species of woodpeckers are migratory. For example, the inhabitants of broad-leaved forests, green and gray-haired woodpeckers, fly from us to southern Europe. Such lovers of the velvet season, who decided to fly to Nice for half a year! But with us remains the largest of our woodpeckers - black, or yellow (Dryocopus martius). Big, simply huge, almost larger than a crow, it flies heavily, as if emphasizing its size and significance. The loud guttural cry of the yellow often makes you shudder in surprise. Even if you have never seen the bird itself, you most likely found traces of its vital activity: huge holes in the trunks of thick Christmas trees. So he looks for woodworm larvae.

Svirestel. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky


On the way back, right in front of us, from a tall old mountain ash, whose branches are bent with many berries, a flock of waxwings flew off. These large, brightly colored birds with a perky crest and glowing yellow spots on their tails spend their summers in the forest-tundra, far to the north. In the same place, offspring are bred, feeding their chicks almost exclusively with mosquitoes and midges. But in adulthood they become exclusively berry-eating. Their cheerful flocks in winter are often found in the vicinity of holiday villages, where there is something to profit from.

Sometimes on the same mountain ash, if you are very lucky, you can see a handsome schur (Pinicola enucleator). Birders with experience from time immemorial have revered him for the "red bird". The one who caught the scura was considered a real ace. This bird really has all the necessary qualities to get into the elite of the bird world. Firstly, the shur is larger than the bullfinch. Secondly, it flaunts color - there are individuals with a bright crimson, carmine, brick, orange breast. In addition, schury have good vocal abilities. And yet, they are rare. They have always been rare.

Klest is a spruce. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky

It is impossible not to remember the crossbills. That's who the winter resident is! Almost the only bird that is not at all afraid of winter cold. Crossbills manage to raise chicks in the midst of frost! The fact is that they almost 100% feed on the seeds of coniferous trees. Moreover, the spruce crossbill gets them, according to its name, from spruce cones, and the pine crossbill, respectively, feeds on pine seeds. And there is also a white-winged crossbill, which also gravitates towards Christmas trees. But all of them will be with great pleasure to feast on the seeds in your feeder.

Did you know?

Crossbills can nest not only in winter. Their nesting season is quite clearly correlated with the presence of cones. There are cones - chicks appear from February to July. And there are no cones - there may be no chicks at all.

Tap dance. A photo: Vasily Vishnevsky


Quite often, for the whole winter, especially if it is mild, such representatives of the feathered kingdom as greenfinch, goldfinch, siskin, tap dance remain. And they usually arrive from wintering places very early - it seems that they did not fly away at all. But, perhaps, due to the general warming, you are no longer surprised to see these birds on New Year's holidays.

Some other birds, which do not winter at all with us, sometimes began to stay. The blackbird (Turdus merula) has long been settled in the Scandinavian countries and Great Britain. It seems that this trend has come to us. The sayings known since childhood about the fact that “a rook is a spring bird”, and “a starling is a herald of spring”, may soon lose their relevance. In one place or another, you can observe these birds right in the middle of winter!

What will be the feathered population of our cities, forests and gardens in the future, of course, we do not know. But, you see, the birds around us make this world more pleasant and diverse. Whether it's a flock of waxwings eclipsing the sky or just a couple of cooing pigeons.

Birds are warm-blooded creatures. Their average body temperature is 41°C. This means that they can remain active during the cold season, but need more food. Therefore, many birds leave their snow-covered native places and go for wintering to warm countries.

The main reasons why birds fly south in winter are lack of food and cold. Flights are more characteristic of species of high and temperate latitudes: in the tundra, almost all species of birds are migratory, in the taiga - three-quarters of the species. The number of migratory species in certain habitats also depends on how sharply the food conditions in them differ in summer and winter. So, among the inhabitants of the forests and settlements about half of the species are migratory, and among the inhabitants of fields, swamps, reservoirs - almost all species. migratory there are more birds among insectivores and carnivores, less among granivorous ones. This is understandable: if grain can still be found in winter, then there are no insects at all.


But there are birds that do not care about the cold. All year round they find suitable conditions for existence in their homeland and do not fly. These birds are called settled.

In the winter forest you can hear how the woodpecker is busily knocking, titmouse, pikas, nuthatches, jays are chirping. The wood grouse does not leave the winter forest either, because he always has food - delicious pine needles. But black grouse and hazel grouse eat alder catkins, buds and juniper berries.

The amazing bird crossbill in winter even manages to make nests and hatch chicks. The crossbill feeds on spruce seeds, which it extracts from cones with the help of its beak.

Some birds, during a favorable winter, remain in their homeland, and in severe winters they wander from place to place. This is nomadic birds. These include some birds nesting high in the mountains; during the cold season they descend into the valleys.

Finally, there are birds that, in favorable winter conditions, are sedentary, but in unfavorable years, for example, when the seeds of coniferous plants fail, they fly far beyond the borders of their nesting homeland. These are waxwings, Muscovy tits, nuts, tap dances, bullfinches, jays and many others. Saji nesting in the steppes and semi-deserts of Central and Central Asia behave in the same way.

WINTERING AND Wandering Birds

Some widespread bird species are migratory in some places and sedentary in others. Among wild pigeons there are migratory, nomadic and sedentary birds. Hoodie from northern regions Soviet Union flies for wintering to the southern regions, and in the south this bird is sedentary. The blackbird is a migratory bird in our country, and in cities Western Europe- settled. Rooks in more northern latitudes - migratory birds, and in the more southern, for example, in Ukraine, in the Black Earth region - sedentary. The house sparrow lives in the European part of Russia all year round, and from Central Asia it flies to spend the winter in India.

In the cold season, many birds fly away for wintering to warmer climes. However, there are those who do not leave their native places.

We will talk about them, as well as how to help them survive this hungry and cold time. Who, if not we, can lend a helping hand to living beings!

The body temperature of our birds reaches 41 degrees, so although they are gentle creatures, they always remain active in the cold. And only severe frosts and lack of food make most birds leave their homes, but not all. There are birds that manage to find food, and they don’t care about the cold, which is why they are called hibernating.

How is the wintering of birds and who stays with us?


Guessed? This is a sparrow.



Since ancient times, these birds have been living side by side with humans, and have managed to adapt to the most difficult conditions of existence. They were even given a nickname - house sparrows.

They have long understood that you need to be closer to a person, then you will not be lost! It is not for nothing that people say about the sparrow: "Small, but daring", will not give offense and will not die of hunger - all day and is busy looking for food. And if he finds something to eat, he will call the whole family.

To keep warm, the gray bird spreads its feathers and becomes like a fluffy ball. You've probably heard the saying - puffed up like a sparrow. But not only her warm fluff coat saves the bird from frost and icy wind, but also universal mutual assistance: at night the birds gather in flocks and warm each other.

And so the wintering of birds passes, day by day approaching the long-awaited spring.


The whole winter in our parks and squares you can watch the handsome goldfinches.



They really have a festive outfit: a red mask near the beak and neck, and bright yellow stripes on black wings. A real fashionista is a dandy-dandy. It is for such a beautiful outfit that the bird got its name.

Goldfinches get food for themselves in the forest, where they find birch catkins, alder cones, burdock or thistle seeds.


These birds are not afraid of winter.



They will always find food at any time of the year. These birds are dexterous, but skillful and, moreover, omnivores. Magpies do not immediately eat their finds, but they can bury the remains in the ground or hide in the nest. Just don’t think that these white-breasted birds only chirp and steal everything that glitters. Magpies are useful and necessary birds, they save our trees from beetles.


An integral part of the city are pigeons, because they are always with us.



It turns out that in ancient times, pigeons lived in the mountains, which is why they now settle higher, in the attics of high-rise buildings. For dark gray feathers with a bluish tint, city pigeons are called "Sizari".

At the end of January, pigeons are already beginning to coo with their girlfriends and start mating dances.


Life is also in full swing in the winter forest, it is always full of sounds: somewhere a woodpecker is knocking, somewhere siskins and jays are calling. Capercaillie, black grouse, and yellow-breasted titmouse remain for the winter.



Hard-working titmouse at any time of the year rummage through every crack in the trees in search of their favorite delicacy - harmful insects. It is the titmouse that is one of the first to report the approach of spring - its song can be heard in February.

In severe cold, they move closer to humans, and so the wintering of birds takes place at this time of the year.


Crossbills, bullfinches, and tap dances come to us from far northern latitudes for wintering.



Where they come from, in winter there is such a cold that the climate of the middle zone will seem like a resort.

Surprisingly, it is crossbills that make nests in winter and hatch babies!

And in conclusion, I would like to remind you that everything in nature is interconnected, that we all come from planet Earth, and we should try to help each other in difficult times.

The simplest feeder

The simplest feeder

Many people do not stand aside, they feed our feathered helpers somewhere with bread, where with a grain, they make protozoa, because we all came into this world to live!

And you can see how we "caught" birds, but we didn't catch anyone and never will.

  • December 2, 2013 Currently, you can observe a real boom, a new surge in fashion ...
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