What to feed goslings for 2 months. We feed the goslings correctly: the best advice. Day old chickens from laying hens


It is not for nothing that such a valuable agricultural bird as a goose enjoys well-deserved love and popularity not only among farmers, but also in an ordinary private courtyard. Tasty meat, delicacy liver, healing goose fat, down of the highest quality - it is difficult to overestimate all the advantages of goose breeding. At the same time, the weight of an adult bird meat breed can reach up to eight kilograms, and these are very favorable indicators. A reasonable question arises: how to feed the geese in order to get the maximum benefit at the minimum cost? It is worth evaluating all aspects of goose breeding in order to approach this issue as a profitable enterprise.

Agricultural value of geese

Poultry is evaluated on several parameters: the types of profit that it can bring, the cost of keeping, the number of problems in breeding or fattening. Geese are distinguished by good endurance even to rather severe natural conditions, do not have any special maintenance requirements, do not have serious vulnerabilities to diseases or external aggressors. When a farmer or owner of a private backyard is thinking about what to feed the geese, then the ability of these birds to receive a significant share of food during free grazing can be a considerable plus. The amount of green mass in the diet of the goose herd is quite large, and this allows you to significantly save on concentrated feed or grain.

There are problems, perhaps, with a large livestock, when grazing becomes problematic. We have to resolve issues with the supply of green mass, with premises and walking poultry. However, the simplest calculations make it clear that keeping geese is beneficial, especially if everything is carefully thought out.

Breeding geese in a private backyard

AT subsidiary farm geese are often bred in the most natural way - they contain a family of a male and several females. Provided that all the geese will good hens, each year one bird will be able to incubate 10-13 goslings at a time, up to three broods in the spring and early summer. You can increase the number of chicks by using an incubator or by attracting hens from the outside - goose eggs can also incubate turkeys.

With this approach, it is not necessary to think about how to feed the geese in such quantities. Grown up chicks are willingly bought for fattening by other private farms, this is a good profit.

Economically sound management of geese

The calculation of the diet for the year will not be uniform - it is not advisable to keep a large herd in winter. Young animals are fattened for meat in the season when there is a lot of cheap or free greens, and only the mother stock with males is left for the winter. Based on the regulation of the livestock, the question of how to feed the geese at home should be considered in the application to the change of seasons.

The stock of feed for the winter is calculated for the maternal livestock; for the spring, a stock should be left with the expectation of the appearance of young animals. In addition to concentrated feed, it is also necessary to store hay and vegetables, this allows you to provide the bird with vitamins and green feed that geese need for normal development and maintenance of active reproductive functions.

Buying goslings for fattening

If the owner of the farmstead has no intention of breeding geese on his own farm, you can buy chicks for fattening in order to obtain marketable carcasses. Intensive fattening lasts an average of three months, longer is not economically feasible.

It is important not to miss the timing of molting. The first happens at the age of 10-11 weeks, hence the question arises: how to feed geese at 2 months? Chicks changing children's feathers for the plumage of an adult bird require additional feeding, enriched with mineral supplements, vitamins, and proteins. Specialized premixes containing all the necessary complex showed themselves remarkably well. These compounds are added to the grain mash, which geese actively eat in addition to green food. It is not recommended to add premixes intended for pigs or cattle: feed additives are not interchangeable.

What to feed geese for quick weight gain?

Intensive fattening implies a rapid weight gain, for this the bird is moderately limited in mobility with an increased calorie content of the diet. However, it is easy to overdo it here, the carcasses will become too fat. Despite the value of goose fat, this is a disadvantage, so it’s better to figure out how to feed geese for meat.

In order for the carcass to have a moderate amount of fat with the maximum amount of muscle tissue, it is recommended to make a poultry diet from juicy greens, a grain mixture and proteins. This composition must be enriched with a premix, then it will be as balanced as possible. Such feed has the highest efficiency, in this case it is the gain per unit of feed consumed.

Features of geese and feed costs

Unlike other farm birds, geese require a very large proportion of green fodder in their diet. That is why for the owner of a private farmstead the question of how to feed the geese in the summer does not even arise: the bird is on free pasture. At the same time, it is often possible to do even without supervision, adult geese responsibly approach the upbringing of goslings, lead the herd in a disciplined manner to a meadow or to the shore of a reservoir, and bring them back in the same organized manner. You need to look after the herd if the area is generally unfavorable, there is a risk of attack by wild animals, stray dogs or people who are ready to steal birds for their own purposes.

The diet of a goose, which has the opportunity to walk freely in a meadow or near a reservoir, consists of a large amount of plant food, up to two kilograms per adult. Along the way, birds willingly eat worms, slugs, snails, this is an additional protein food.

Summer diet of goose herd

To give the geese an additional incentive to return home in the evenings after free-range, they are fed with a wet crumbly mash of crushed grain. You can also use special compound feed. But it is better to thicken viscous mixers, such compounds are poorly eaten, they clog the nasal openings in the beak, the birds begin to sneeze, often rinse their beaks in a drinking bowl.

Many owners are interested in how to feed the geese at home in the summer, if it is not possible to release the bird to the meadow or to the shore of the reservoir. In this case, the diet has to be increased, be sure to provide the herd with green fodder. Mowed grass can be given fresh, leafy vegetables, grated root vegetables, zucchini and cucumbers work well.

The dependence of the quality of goose carcass on the diet

What is the best grain to use as the basis of the diet and what to feed the geese so that they gain weight faster? On a private farmstead, you can use almost any feed grain. Geese equally willingly eat crushed wheat, barley and oats. But it is better to steam coarsely crushed corn with boiling water, it becomes somewhat softer, and then it can be used to prepare mash with boiled or simply chopped vegetables.

The quality of goose meat directly depends on the diet, protein feeds contribute to muscle building. Adding peas to the diet has a positive effect on weight gain, this is the cheapest type of legumes. The greens of clover and alfalfa also belong to legumes; geese pluck these plants with pleasure.

Different types of goose diet

Depending on the conditions of detention and the type of fattening, a diet is also compiled. Intensive fattening is aimed at quickly obtaining a marketable carcass, this requires more abundant feeding, while walking is not provided. Extensive fattening in most cases means the most economical fattening for maximum results. This species is seasonal, it takes no more than four months to fully use the possibilities of the warm season. When choosing how to feed geese at home in the summer, you first need to decide on the type of fattening, this will allow you to logically adjust the diet, use the type of feed that is currently beneficial.

What to feed geese in winter?

After the seasonal slaughter of young animals, as a rule, only the parent and replacement livestock are left on the farm. Depending on the temperament of the gander, an appropriate number of geese are left, on average 5-7 females per male. For peace of mind in the poultry house, it is recommended to allocate a separate room for each goose family. It remains only to calculate how to feed the geese in winter at home, when the possibility of free grazing is excluded due to natural conditions.

In addition to concentrated feed and grain enriched with vitamin and mineral supplements, it is advisable to stock up on vegetables for the winter, including cabbage, nettle brooms, and high-quality hay. Some farmers successfully feed geese with silage, which provides the necessary amount of green mass. It is desirable to maintain the amount of greens in the winter feed at a level of at least 30% of the total mass, in the summer diet - up to 50%.

What profit can be made from breeding geese?

Regardless of the choice of type of fattening, geese breeding has been and remains a very profitable occupation. In addition to meat carcasses, goose liver, valuable fat, down and feathers deserve special attention. Farmers and private households also make a profit by selling goslings and reared young animals live, for fattening or as replacement stock. Pedigree breeding of purebred geese can be called especially valuable, their young are valued much more than just birds intended for meat.

Goose eggs can be considered quite valuable food product, however, they are more profitable if intended for incubation rather than culinary purposes. Adult birds are also sold live: any farm may need a new male or female of reproductive age. This is faster than raising a bird from a gosling, with very vague prospects.

Keeping geese can be costly or very budgetary. It all depends on the terrain, the possibility of safe free range, the availability of a cheap forage base. But the content of geese is not as demanding as other poultry. They are less sensitive to cold and not as defenseless as the same quail. An adult gander is quite capable of driving away a dog or a stranger, vigilantly guards the herd and does not offend the chicks. So breeding geese is not as difficult as it is commonly imagined.

Domestic geese are hardy and unpretentious birds, however, in order to grow from little chick an adult will have to adapt to the rhythm of life of the chicks. In order for the livestock to grow healthy, small goslings should receive feeding and maintenance for the first 3 weeks according to their needs, since this age is important for the further formation of the immunity of an adult bird.

First days of life

In order for the yolk to completely resolve, the first feeding of goslings should occur immediately, as soon as the plumage has dried. Crushed corn mixed with wheat, soybean or sunflower meal with the addition of chopped eggs or low-fat cottage cheese is used as feed. But the basis of the diet is still grass, which they consume from the first days of life. Chopped greens of clover, dandelions, garlic, nettles are suitable here. In addition to the question of how to feed little goslings at home, you should also pay attention to the feeding regimen. The first days, babies eat 8 times a day every few hours. It is better to use shallow dishes with sides and a dark bottom for this.

The water in the baby drinker must be boiled!

A week later

At this age, it is enough for chicks to eat 5-6 times a day. Add to the diet:

  • grated - a source of carotene,
  • crushed peas - a source of protein,
  • fish oil is a source of Omega 3,
  • yeast rich in B vitamins,
  • bone meal is a source of protein.

Before feeding week-old goslings, it is necessary to prepare a drink for them. Now potassium permanganate is added to the water in a small amount.

Two weeks old

During this period of development, mash is added to the diet. They are prepared from boiled vegetables - carrots, beets, potatoes, etc.

Mixers should be crumbly so that the liquid consistency does not clog the respiratory tract of birds!

It is useful to add compound feed to the diet of the brood. In addition, chicks need gravel for proper digestion, as well as chalk, sand, crushed shells,

Three weeks

Salt is now added to the already formed menu of chicks, you can leave a little crushed milk for the night. The number of feedings is reduced to 3-4 times a day. At this age, babies can begin to be let out for walks, preferably on an area with suitable grass. If you follow these simple instructions, then the breeder will not have problems with how to feed goslings at home.

If the chicks are raised without a hen, it is important to maintain a stable temperature of 28-30°C.

Goslings do not have their own thermoregulation during the first 10 days!

If the babies are cold, they stay close to each other and hardly eat, and if it is hot, they drink a lot and keep their beaks open.

An important role in feeding and keeping goslings for the first 3 weeks is played by the cleanliness of the room. Dishes with sides are needed so that the chicks do not trample on food. All food that is scattered on the floor must be carefully removed, otherwise the kids will eat sour food. It is advisable to renew the bedding twice a week. In the cool season, the house is ventilated several times a day, and in the warm season around the clock. Newborn goslings are kept under round-the-clock light, gradually dimming the light at night. This mode will provide the kids with a good appetite and normal activity.

Another important factor in feeding and keeping goslings for the first 3 weeks of life is that the feathers of the babies must be dry. During this period, fly feathers grow in babies, and if they are wet, their weight can displace the joints. In this case, the wing will be turned outward.

Feeding goslings - video

Geese are not picky poultry.

Caring for them, as well as compiling proper nutrition, will not be a huge problem for you.

The first month of a newborn gosling plays a very important role in their life.

At this time, you need to organize the proper maintenance and nutrition of the chicks.

A special place is occupied by the nutrition of goslings. The main thing is that it be of high quality and rational.

You will learn about feeding goslings at different periods of their age in our today's article.

Feeding goslings at first in their lives

What is included in the nutrition of goslings that have just been born?

Today, there is a fairly diverse selection of feed for chicks.

The basis in their nutrition from the first days of life are: cereals (give them in the form of gruel or chopped), wheat bran, products that contain milk (various curd masses), hard-boiled eggs, root crops, chopped fresh herbs, as well as what you need to give them is shells and chalk (in order to prevent a lack of calcium).

An important factor in feeding goslings is the freshness of food and water. It is also important to keep the utensils with which they eat clean.

It is necessary to ensure that the feed does not turn sour in the feeders, mold does not appear there. All of these factors can lead to upset stomach in young chicks, and even worse, cause diseases of goslings that will affect their survival.

For example, the fungal disease aspergillosis can develop, it can be fatal, and there is no cure.

During the first couple of days of chicks' life need to feed them often about seven times a day.

Feeding goslings depends on their direction of growth.

List necessary products, which are included in the feed of goslings in the first period of their life:

  • Hard-boiled eggs, to which you need to add wheat or cereals (semolina, millet, oatmeal, barley, pearl barley).
  • Further, softened white bread should be included in their diet.
  • The third necessary component is compound feed, which you can cook yourself or buy in a store.
  • The next thing to add is bran.
  • A useful component is the addition of dairy products to the diet: curd masses, curdled milk, etc.
  • And last but also very important is fresh chopped greens or vegetables: carrots, beets, etc.

It is imperative not to forget that the food is crushed or ground.

The approximate amount of food for goslings aged from one to five days:

  • Grain in the amount of 15 grams.
  • Wheat bran in the amount of 3 grams.
  • Dry food in the amount of 2 grams.
  • Carrots in the amount of 5 grams.
  • Greens in the amount of 5 grams.
  • Milk in the amount of 25 grams.
  • Shell in the amount of 0.3 grams.

Feeding goslings at the age of six to ten days of life:

  • Grain in the amount of 21 grams.
  • Wheat bran in the amount of 6 grams.
  • Dry food in the amount of 4 grams.
  • Carrots in the amount of 20 grams.
  • Greens in the amount of 20 grams.
  • Milk in the amount of 50 grams.

Feeding goslings at the age of six to ten days, if the diet includes boiled vegetables:

  • Grain in the amount of 15 grams.
  • Wheat bran in the amount of 5 grams.
  • Greens in the amount of 30 grams.
  • Boiled potatoes or beets in the amount of 20 grams.
  • Animal feed in the amount of 7 grams.
  • Cake in the amount of 4 grams.
  • Milk in the amount of 50 grams.
  • Shell in the amount of 0.5 grams.

When wondering about the proper nutrition of goslings, you need to remember to add fresh greens to their daily diet. It is very important for their body in the first time of life.

Little goslings love finely chopped clover, nettle, alfalfa, dandelion, spurge, couch grass, legumes, and a host of other small-leaved herbs.

It must be remembered that all greens should be fresh, sluggish, rough, and they will not eat grass with thick stems.

Already at the age of five days from the beginning of birth, chicks can be added to their diet with fish or meat. bone meal. You can also add potatoes and cake to their diet.

The entire feed mixture for feeding goslings must be made wet and crumbly, but it must not be made sticky. Sticky food can be bad for their health, because when they eat such food, it can clog the sinuses, which can subsequently cause diseases of the nasal cavity.

It is very important to monitor the water diet of goslings. It must be remembered that the water does not contain any impurities. Water can be taken from a water supply system, a well, a flowing reservoir, but the main thing is that it be clean.

It is necessary to ensure that the chicks always have enough water, otherwise the lack of drinking can affect their growing body and their appetite.

In spring and autumn, fresh grass is the basis for feeding not only small goslings, but also adults. But it must be mentioned that goslings under the age of thirty days should not be given grass with drops of morning dew or drops left after rain.

You need to remember to add minerals to the diet of goslings. Near the feeder with the main food, it is necessary to put an additional tray with crushed chalk, gravel, shells, gravel or sand.

What should be included in the nutrition of chickens in early spring, so that there is no lack of green fodder? In the early spring, goslings should be fed with substances such as: fish oil, herbal vitamin flour, germinated oats and barley.

In order to reduce the possibility of the death of young goslings, it is necessary to properly ensure their maintenance, and properly feed the young.

Their nutrition should be complex and varied., in order to strengthen their immunity and health, prevent the occurrence of diseases, greatly increase their life span, and also increase their productivity.

Weak goslings should be given a mixture of milk and yolk. To do this, you need to take half a glass of milk, one yolk, a little sugar, penicillin and biomycin on the tip of a knife, mix it all up and feed the chicks until the final recovery.

It is important to give goslings access to water to wash their beaks. Because if the nasopharynx becomes clogged, then this can lead to sad consequences.

The diet of goslings depending on their age

Nowadays, the chicken feeding system has been improved. It indicates all the necessary daily requirement for various nutrients, dietary supplements, depending on their age and productivity.

Depending on the content of goslings, three methods of feeding are used: wet, combined and dry. Most of all, a combined and wet type of food is suitable for feeding geese, especially these types are used in poultry farms.

For this, the use of inexpensive plant foods is used: green grass, carrots, potatoes, pumpkins, cabbage leaves, turnips, rutabaga, tops, mixed silage, and animal feeds are also used for feeding, which contain a lot of moisture: reverse, whey, fresh fish and many others.

When feeding small goslings with a wet mash, you need to feed them three times a day.

The first time they need to be fed in the morning, but it must be taken into account that the amount of wet mash they eat in the morning has time to digest before the next feeding in about one hour.

The second feeding with a wet mash should be done in the afternoon. When a wet mash is not eaten by goslings, it must be removed, otherwise it turns sour almost immediately and becomes covered with mold, therefore leftover feed must be removed from trays at least once a week.

The consistency of wet food for goslings is necessary to be such that when, taking it in hand and squeezing it, the mass crumbles into pieces. If such a state of feed does not occur, but on the contrary, the feed sticks together and becomes pasty, then it should not be given to goslings.

Twenty percent of mill waste can be added to wet gosling food. And if you add twenty percent of bran to the mash, you get a very good consistency of the mash.

Fresh wheat must be added to a wet mash, but only coarsely ground, otherwise the mash may turn into dough. Wheat should be no more than twenty percent.

Wet food can be placed on top of dry food.

In order to make the right diet and regimen for geese, you need to know about their biological characteristics:

  • The first biological feature is the consideration of the breeding season of geese. Because during this period their appetite decreases, so their food is made more high-calorie.
  • The second biological feature: females with increased egg production, more than sixty percent, consume more energy, therefore, to renew it, protein is added to the feed, and feed fat is also added.
  • The third biological feature: all geese digest protein very well, and they especially like animal protein: fish and meat and bone meal.

With the combined method of feeding geese, their feeding should consist of both compound feed and their succulent feed. For example, in autumn and winter, birds should be provided with silage in the amount of 200 grams, sugar beet in the amount of half a kilogram, potatoes in the amount of 300 grams per goose per day.

During the breeding season, the geese's diet should be more nutritious. It is impossible to reduce either nutritional value or the amount of feed, because more well-fed geese have more egg production than thin ones.

Birds can eat a very large amount of fresh greens, as well as very juicy and roughage, while they are very well absorbed.

During the day, an adult bird can consume about two kilograms of greens, which will satisfy its need for all nutrients and vitamins.

Birds can eat about two hundred grams of crushed corn cobs per day.. But that's not all, they can also eat millet or oat chaff, clover flour, about three hundred grams per goose per day.

When feeding birds with dry roughage, it is necessary to add flavored concentrates of sugar beet or pumpkin, fodder beet and potatoes to their diet for better absorption. Dry food is best fed to geese during unproductive times.

In the diet of geese, grain feeding is used. They can be fed with corn, oats, barley, wheat, millet, rye waste. At the same time, it should be taken into account that it should contain a minimum of cockle impurities up to 0.24%, ergot up to 0.05% and intoxicating chaff up to 0.1%.

In order to provide a complete biological protein part of the nutrition in goose food, it is necessary to monitor the amount and ratio of amino acids.

Most of all, goose feed lacks lysine and methionine. As a replacement, synthetic components of these substances can be added to the diet.

When feeding geese, the main part of the diet of which is corn, sunflower or flaxseed meal, meal, then lysine is not enough in such nutrition. And when feeding geese, the main part of which consists of cereals and legumes, cake and meal, then in such a diet there is not enough methionine.

The synthetic constituents of these amino acids are best added to the diet of geese raised for meat.

For the presence of minerals in the diet of geese, shells, chalk, bone meal, tricalcium phosphate and table salt are added there.

The trace elements contained in the feed are not fully used by the body of the chicks. Therefore, they are added to compound feed as preventive additives. These microelements allow the full use of calcium and phosphorus by the body of goslings, improving vitality and mineral metabolism.

The most important vitamins for the body of chickens are A, B2, B12, D, E, nicotinic and pantothenic acids, choline and folic acid.

All the time it is necessary to feed the goslings, if possible, with the same food, because they react very poorly to changing feeds. But if you replace one food with another, then you need to make sure that they are the same in terms of protein content. And be sure to add lysine and methionine when changing feeds.

Keeping geese without access to a pond

Of course, if the goslings have access to a reservoir, then this is very good. But some farmers cannot provide such conditions for the birds, so they are afraid to raise geese, because they think that they will have poor egg production, and for other reasons.

But many scientific studies prove otherwise. With the proper maintenance and nutrition of geese, the absence of a reservoir in the pasture will not affect them in any way. Birds need a pond only to clean themselves and wash themselves. But such water procedures can be provided to geese if you collect water in large containers.

The most important thing is to release geese for grazing. Fresh air is great for their health and development. But when grazing geese, they should have access to an exit to an enclosed space or under a canopy to hide from the scorching sun or rain. The advantage of grazing is a very large feed savings.

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helped Feeding the goslings

All birds that have just left the incubator need special care and geese are no exception. From the first days, you need to take care of their immune system and the intestines, which cannot yet digest full-fledged food. To do this, you will need to provide them with food to which the stomach and the whole body are already accustomed to - egg yolks. It was he who fed them in the egg and was the main source of energy. Now it needs to be boiled, crushed as much as possible and mixed a little with boiled (be sure to boil!) Water. Thus, you kill two birds with one stone: you give food to which the body is already accustomed and will be able to consume it without "side" effects, and you also accustom the stomach and intestines to dry food.

You need to give the yolks for the first 3-4 days, then gradually mix the chopped greens into them. The most suitable grass is a young onion. It must be cut into pieces no more than 2-3 millimeters and mixed with the yolk. Feed like this for a few more days. At the age of 6-7 days, you can try to give them more grassy foods, as it stimulates the release of enzymes in the stomach and helps to digest other foods. After that, you need to start introducing high-calorie feed, but not more than 15% of the total diet. For this, boiled wheat porridge, corn (necessarily small!) groats, boiled millet are suitable. One of the most effective foods is boiled potatoes - it will help you gain weight as quickly as possible, while remaining a fairly light product for the stomach. A lot of potatoes should not be given, in no case should it exceed 8-10% of the amount of food eaten per day, a maximum of 12%.

At the age of 14-15 days, raw root crops can be given, preferably in the form of porridge or finely chopped vegetables. It is necessary to saturate the body of the bird as much as possible with useful vitamins and macroelements, which are found in vegetables and herbs.

Feeding goslings aged 2 to 4 weeks

The best food for geese at this age is greens. Most summer residents completely transfer the bird to feed "he found it - he ate it himself." That is, they are driven out into a large paddock (in which these insatiable creatures have not yet had time to eat and trample everything) and generally stop giving food. All day long they must look for their own food and choose the grass they like best. As practice shows, goslings will choose only the plants most suitable for them and will feast on healthy and nutritious leaves and roots.

After a few days, when the amount of food on the “plantation” is significantly reduced, you can feed them with mealy feed and crushed grain. Their stomachs have already learned to produce all the necessary enzymes, and the body has been saturated with vitamins during the period of eating greens. They will easily digest even raw grains and cereals, which should make up no more than 20% of their diet so as not to overload the body with heavy foods.

At this time, it is worth starting to intensively feed beets, carrots and pumpkins. Such a diet will allow the bird to saturate the body with ascorbic acid, carotene and B vitamins. Thus, the metabolism will increase significantly and natural weight gain will go. You should not delay too much with the introduction of vegetables into the diet of geese, and if they perceive them normally, then you can feed them from the 4th week of growth.

How to fatten geese - diet for 4-8 weeks

This period is the most important, since at this time the entire profitability of your business is formed and how much money you will spend on subsequent cultivation depends on it. Starting from 4 weeks, the goslings are gaining weight intensively and you need to give them everything they need for this. Particular attention should be paid to high-calorie foods, since the body is already completely ready for their use. They will allow you to gain the greatest mass with minimal loss of finance.

The first and one of the most important ingredients is grain. Here it is necessary to choose the core, which contains a lot of flour and calories. It is advisable to buy grain waste at mills and cereal shops, where the kernel of the grain wakes up into a separate fraction. As a rule, such feed is expensive, almost at the price of ordinary grade 3 wheat, but it is worth it - the geese will gain 2-3 kilograms in this second month and increase the efficiency of your business by at least 65%.

Remember that you can not feed the bird exclusively dry food, as this can lead to intestinal blockage. You need to give them along with greens, about 50/50. For maximum effect, add bone meal and shell rock. If possible, it would be good to organize a walk to the water so that the bird eats algae and the inhabitants of the reservoir. Then you can increase the amount of dry food up to 60%. Do not forget about biological additives. It is advisable to drink vitamins and give fish oil, somewhere around 1.5-2%. See what the geese eat and try to give them the food that they love the most, mixing in high-calorie supplements in the form of bone and wheat flour, vitamins.

We must not forget about sunflower (ideally - rapeseed) cake. This is the most high-calorie product that most types of poultry eat with pleasure. Unfortunately, the geese are quite finicky and refuse to use it in its original form, but they gobble up the food, into which 20-30 percent of the cake is mixed, in a matter of minutes. It is recommended to give them no more than 100 grams per individual once every 2-3 days, as this product is very heavy and can cause severe indigestion.

Feeding before sale

The most intensive fattening is carried out the last 2-3 weeks before the sale. Here, flour feed should occupy a large part of the diet, and bird walking is significantly reduced relative to the area. Thus, all the calories that enter the body of the geese remain and are converted into muscle mass and fat. During this time, they should gain at least 700-800 grams. The best addition to the menu is boiled potatoes, wheat flour and kernels, rapeseed cake, and some should be in equal portions with each other and make up at least 55% of all food consumed and not more than 65%.

Wheat bran is also a very useful product for weight gain, especially since their price is 4-5 times less than for the above products. They can be collected almost for nothing at any mill. Feeds of animal origin (especially proteins) are also required. They should make up at least 3% of the total menu and be given every day for the last two to three weeks, as they are best deposited in the body and contribute to weight gain. Thus, without any chemicals, you can grow geese weighing 4-5 kilograms in 2 months, and this is the main task for every farmer who wants to have an efficient farm. If everything is done correctly, then you will receive up to 170% of the profit, subject to the full sale of the product.

How to determine that the diet is wrong

  1. The behavior of geese is the main indicator of their proper nutrition, of course, if they are not sick with another ailment. Let's not take into account diseases and now consider the most popular problems with the bird's digestive tract. In the first days of their life (up to 7 days), the chicks are very sensitive to green fodder, so they often have intestinal upset. The litter is very rare and the buttocks are wet - this is the main sign that it is time to tie with greens and you need to feed a little more cereals and dry yolk. Another common cause of this problem is too much water, so you need to limit it and give it by the hour.
  2. If there is too much dry mealy food in the food, then the geese begin to cough or choke. It is necessary to immediately reduce the consistency of these substances and make the food more moist. Simply add water and bulk solids. You should also give first aid to the bird if it feels very unwell. The first way: pour wet sand or shells into the feeder and they themselves will clean their esophagus or force water into it (if they feel very bad and suffocate). For one day, give only vegetable and hard food. Then you can feed according to the standard scheme.
  3. Keep an eye on what geese eat, as they often feed on hemlock (especially small ones), nightshade, and other plants that can grow there while walking. These are very rare cases, as many geese smell danger and do not nibble on these bushes. If nevertheless this happened, it is necessary to give a large amount of water to the geese. In case of poisoning, wash the stomach and intestines.
  4. Very often, the bird gets severe indigestion and intestinal constipation in the first days of walking on the water. There, she can easily be poisoned by silt, shells, fish and other inhabitants of the water. The cause of poisoning is infections to which the bird's stomach is not yet accustomed. It is easy to treat - just drink a complex broad-spectrum antibiotic. You need to drink 3 times a day for 5-6 days. Further, such problems will no longer arise, since the body of the geese will get used to such food and it will only benefit.

Geese are considered picky in care and nutrition. The first month of life plays the most important role in their proper development. At this time, it is necessary to properly organize not only the maintenance, but also the nutrition of the chicks. It is extremely important that it be of high quality and balanced at all times. In this article, you will learn what the diet of geese should consist of from birth to full maturity.

How to feed goslings at home

From the first days of life

Goslings begin to feed as soon as they are dry after birth. It is at this time that the formation of immunity occurs. During this period, birds should be given food familiar to the body, namely egg yolk.

It is boiled hard, carefully crushed and the resulting mass is diluted with boiled water. Such a diet should be up to 4 days. After it is allowed to add the greens of a young onion. It is crushed and added to the yolk. Starting from day 6, goslings can be given food that adult birds eat, only grinding it and mixing it with water.

From birth to 10 days of age, the daily diet should consist of the following products:

  • grain feed 21 g;
  • wheat bran 6 g;
  • dry animal feed 4 g;
  • 20 g;
  • legume greens 20 g;
  • milk 50 g;
  • ground shell 0.5 g

Important! There should be enough food in the feeder so that the kids eat it at one time. The next portion should be prepared for the next feeding. A similar rule will preserve the health of the stomach of goslings.

10 days

During this period, geese are fed about 7 times a day, while it is important to take a break for the night. At this time, they begin to give babies, they soak it and grind it with a meat grinder.

This product leads to good weight gain. Additionally, at this age, the diet is introduced in the amount of 0.8 g per 1 individual per day and the same amount of fish oil is mixed. All other vitamins chicks receive from greens.

At this age, the daily diet consists of the following products:

  • grain feed - 41 g;
  • wheat bran - 13 g;
  • dry animal feed - 10 g;
  • carrots - 20 g;
  • legume greens - 60 g;
  • milk - 50 g;
  • ground shell - 1 g.

2 weeks

At this age, in order to obtain a full-fledged fortified diet, they begin to add boiled potatoes and a small amount of carrots and beets to food. All these components are carefully crushed and the resulting mixture is diluted with curdled milk or meat broth.

However, you should not forget about soaked peas and greens either. At the same time, you should always make sure that the wet food is crumbly, you can check this by lightly squeezing it in your hand, and besides, in order not to clog the nasal passages in babies, it should not be sticky.

During this period, the daily diet should consist of the following products:

  • grain feed - 35 g;
  • wheat bran - 40 g;
  • greens - 130 g;
  • or - 100 g;
  • animal feed - 30 g;
  • cake - 25 g;
  • ground shell - 2 g.

Did you know? geese-large birds, which are second in size only to turkeys. Ganders can weigh up to 10 kg, geese-slightly less.

3 weeks

The number of feedings is reduced to 4 per day. Salt and chalk are introduced into the diet, their amount should not exceed 1% of the total diet. With these components, geese cleanse their stomachs and also receive the necessary minerals and nutrients that may be lacking in the diet.

At this time, birds can begin to be released for walking, where fresh grass sprouts, if this is not possible, it is important to provide goslings with plenty of greenery. At this time, its amount should be more than 60% of the total diet.

At this age, the daily diet should consist of the following products:

  • grain feed - 35 g;
  • wheat bran - 40 g;
  • greens - 200 g;
  • potatoes or beets - 120 g;
  • animal feed - 30 g;
  • cake - 25 g;
  • ground shell - 3.5 g.

30 days and older

During this period, goslings are transferred to more mature birds and the diet also becomes adult. For a full life and weight gain, geese have enough 3 feedings a day. The diet includes the same products, in addition, they can be given bread crusts.

The main condition is to ensure that the product is fresh.

An approximate diet consists of the following products:

  • grain feed - 100 g;
  • wheat bran - 60 g;
  • greens - 400 g;
  • potatoes or beets - 130 g;
  • animal feed - 30 g;
  • cake - 25 g;
  • ground shell - 3.5 g.

Important! Until the moment when the birds begin to prepare for rapid weight gain, mash made on liquid should disappear from their diet. From this point on, water should be present exclusively in its pure form and only in drinkers.

What not to feed and the negative consequences of malnutrition

Proper nutrition leads to rapid weight gain in young animals, and also affects the quality of meat. Due to malnutrition, birds can start to get sick or even die.

Consider what foods can harm a young body:

  1. Moldy products.
  2. Compound feed of dubious quality, with a strange composition.
  3. Potato tops or root vegetable with green skin.
  4. foliage, and
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