Recognize wwf and greenpeace as foreign agents. Green Brotherhood. Why should ecology be patriotic? About fires in the Moscow region


According to the Federal News Agency, the idea to recognize Greenpeace as a foreign agent, and if any legal grounds are found to ban its activities in Russia altogether, was put forward by a representative of the Assembly of Deputies of the Arkhangelsk Region Alexander Dyatlov. In the region, for several years, environmentalists and timber merchants have not been able to agree on the boundaries of the reserve. The implementation of the ideas of environmentalists, according to the deputy, will lead to a drop in logging.

In December, Dyatlov was supported by several regional parliaments, including the Kamchatka Legislative Assembly. People's deputies in the region even discussed this issue at the presidium.

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, as reported, has already considered the appeal of the parliamentarians of the Arkhangelsk region. The department sent him to the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation for an audit and a decision to recognize Greenpeace as a foreign agent.

Like, Greenpeace also had disagreements with the authorities of Kamchatka. The government of the region planned to make changes to the boundaries of the natural park "Bystrinsky" in order to allow gold miners to conduct geological exploration in the Bystrinsky district. Ecologists insisted that the boundaries should not be changed, since the park, within the current boundaries, was included in the UNESCO World Natural Heritage List.


According to Russian legislation However, in order for a non-profit organization (NPO) to be granted the status of a foreign agent, two conditions are required - funding from abroad and proof that it is engaged in political activities. After being recognized as a foreign agent, a number of obligations are imposed on an NPO: to submit financial statements to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation, to indicate on all publications that the organization is a foreign agent, etc.

The international non-governmental non-profit organization Greenpeace is an environmental NGO. The goals declared by the activists are the preservation of nature and peace on the planet. Greenpeace says that the organization exists only on donations from citizens and private charitable foundations, does not accept money from government, commercial structures and political parties. The allocated funds, according to activists, are spent only on environmental projects.

Director of WWF Russia said that environmental NGOs that received prosecutorial orders would prefer to close, rather than register as "foreign agents"

Greenpeace and WWF Russia do not want to be "foreign agents"

Moscow. June 5th Interfax - About 20 major environmental non-profit organizations in Russia have received prosecutorial orders to register as a foreign agent.

"About 20 environmental organizations received prosecutorial orders. Those who are well-known, who make up the environmental movement, who are far from only of regional importance," said the director of the World Fund wildlife(WWF) Igor Chestin at a press conference at Interfax headquarters on Wednesday.

He noted that NCOs "in no case intend to register as a foreign agent." According to him, despite the fact that environmental organizations receive foreign funding, a significant part of the funds comes from Russian citizens and companies.

"Not a single self-respecting citizen - that's about 30 million rubles a year - not a single Russian company- this is about 60-61 million a year - they will not give money to a foreign agent, "I. Chestin believes.

"None of us is going to register as a foreign agent. We simply won't. If all the courts are lost (challenging the decisions of the prosecutor's office on recognition as a foreign agent - IF), environmental organizations will be closed," the ecologist added.

He also stressed that the activity of environmental organizations for the protection of nature is necessary for Russia itself, and "in no case can be considered as political activity."

At the press conference, an open appeal of environmental organizations was circulated, in which they appeal to the President of the Russian Federation, the Prosecutor General and the head of the Ministry of Justice with a request to change or cancel the law on foreign agents, and declare that they will never register as such.

"We appeal to the President of Russia with a proposal to take all necessary measures to bring the law "On Foreign Agents" into line with the Constitution of Russia or to cancel it. We demand that the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation immediately withdraw the submissions and warnings issued to public environmental organizations on registration as foreign agents ", the statement says.

The letter is addressed to Russian President Vladimir Putin, Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika, Minister of Justice Alexander Konovalov. The document was signed by the leaders of eight environmental organizations - Greenpeace Russia, WWF Russia, the International Social Ecological Union (Nizhny Novgorod), the Wildlife Conservation Center, the Baikal Ecological Wave (Irkutsk), the Council of the Kola Wildlife Conservation Center (Murmansk region), "SPOK" ( Petrozavodsk), Council of the Siberian Ecological Center (Novosibirsk).

The authors of the appeal note that since the beginning of 2013, the prosecutor's office has been conducting mass inspections of non-profit organizations, including environmental ones, in connection with the entry into force of the law on NGOs - foreign agents. According to this law, non-profit organizations Those receiving foreign funding and engaging in political activities must register as foreign agents.

As noted in the letter, a large number of environmental organizations have already received representations and warnings from the prosecutor's office in connection with these inspections.

"The basis for the recognition by prosecutors of environmental organizations as 'foreign agents' is the presence in their charters of a clause on the right to participate in the development of decisions of state authorities in their field of activity, which, in their opinion, is 'political activity'," the open appeal notes.

The authors of the letter state that the provisions of the statutes of environmental organizations are based on the norm of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, according to which "citizens Russian Federation have the right to participate in the administration of the affairs of the state, either directly or through their representatives."

In addition, according to environmentalists, these decisions of prosecutors contradict many legal documents of the Russian Federation.

"Public environmental organizations in Russia declare that they do not consider it possible to register as foreign agents under any circumstances, since the law on foreign agents is contrary to the Russian Constitution and international legal norms," ​​the letter says.

Its authors note that environmental organizations are forced to receive funding from abroad, since institutions Russian state not yet developed enough to public organizations could fully carry out their statutory activities at the expense of domestic sources.

"Nevertheless, prosecutors in some subjects of the Russian Federation hastened to classify the most active regional environmental organizations as foreign agents. Among other things, such actions of the prosecutor's office cause serious damage to the image of Russia," the letter says.

About fires in the Moscow region

During the press conference, Ivan Blokov, director of programs for Greenpeace Russia, said that the difficult situation with smoke caused by wildfires will be repeated in the Moscow region in the coming years.

"In the next few years, the situation will repeat itself in the Moscow region," I.Blokov said. "With a guarantee, at some point Moscow will be covered in smoke," he added.

As I.Blokov explained, this is due to the fact that, in his opinion, the system of forest protection and fire prevention does not work. In addition, the number of wildfires and their frequency are increasing due to climate change.

He also said that over the past 10 years, official data on the area of ​​natural fires in Russia have been underestimated by 4.5-5.5 times compared to real figures. "It's easy to check on the basis of satellite imagery," said a spokesman for Greenpeace Russia.

He also noted that general system financing of fire fighting in Russia is designed in such a way that it cannot work effectively.

Meanwhile, Sergei Gildenskiold, Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Moscow Region, is confident that at least this summer there will be no peat fires in the Moscow region.

As he told reporters the other day, after the events of 2010, watering of peatlands was included in the environmental program of the region. 3 billion rubles were allocated for these purposes, and almost the entire planned territory has already been watered, the work is being completed. Swamps are being restored in place of peatlands.

The parties exchanged blows and are engaged in positional battles

Episode 2. (Greenpeace & WWF ) VS ( State authority of the Arkhangelsk region & regional timber industry complex)

The second serious fight unfolded around the declaredOn the website of Greenpeace Russia, a campaign to collect signatures under an appeal to the Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region Igor Orlov with a demand for immediate creation of a reserve in the Dvina-Pinega interfluve of the Arkhangelsk region (working official name "Verkhneyulovsky"). Already in the course of the campaign, Greenpeace PR people managed to rename the appeal into a petition and come up with a sonorous name for the campaign - "Save the camp of the forest reindeer."

The history of the creation of this reserve begins in 2001 . The initiator and author of the idea is Greenpeace Russia. For obvious reasons, another international organization provided active support to colleagues in the eco-protection of Russians -WWFRussia. Just like Greenpeace Russia, recognized in the Russian Federation as a “foreign agent”. Under the active pressure of "foreign agents", part of the loggers was already forced to suspend legal logging in part of the territories of the future reserve. As you know, a “kind word” and a revolver always work more convincingly than just a “kind word”. Given the enormous influence of these environmental organizations in Europe, as already mentioned above, "foreign agents" are able to be "more persuasive" in their "kind words".The thing is that today, in order to be able to sell their products to Europe, loggers and processors of their products need to obtain an international environmental certificate, which is issued by the already mentioned environmental organizations. And those, in turn, insist that the Dvina taiga needs care and protection, and if this taiga does not receive the status of a reserve, they threaten to withdraw already issued certificates or not to issue new ones.

In such conditions, 10 years later, the authorities of the Arkhangelsk region were forced to agree with the position of ecologists, including in their plans the creation of natural resources in four districts of the region. landscape reserve with an area of ​​489 thousand hectares with the working name "Verkhneyulovsky". In 2013, a positive opinion was issued for this project, and its environmental impact assessment was also carried out. Moreover, at the same time, public hearings were held in all areas where the new reserve was supposed to appear, during which neither local authorities nor local residents had any fundamental objections to giving these forests the status of protected areas. Which is understandable, since neither people nor authorities are enemies to themselves and their nature. But some significant questions remained, which the initiators of the idea of ​​the reserve, experienced in legal and environmental casuistry, beautifully avoided public difficulties, blinding the gullible and not experienced in this skill of the participants with the powerful radiance of their own international authority.

As you know, the devil is in the details. Therefore, after a while, both people and local and regional authorities, thinking over these very “details” and estimating their future and the real economy, came to disappointing conclusions.

At the end of last year 2016, a letter from the head of the Vinogradovsky district came to the regional Assembly of Deputies Alexey Taborov, in which he eloquently explained that the creation of a reserve between the Pinega and Northern Dvina rivers would lead to the economic collapse of the municipality. The head of the Pinezhsky district also expressed his agreement with his colleague Alexander Khromtsov, as well asand heads of logging enterprises, who currently lease 72% of the territory of the Dvina taiga, which turned out to be on the territory of the created reserve. At the same time, the gloomy prospect predicted by the heads of districts and voiced at a round table in the regional Assembly chaired by the head of the relevant committee Alexandra Dyatlova, similarly shared not all representatives of the authorities and timber merchants. Opinions of deputies, local heads of administrations expressing the interests of the population, timber merchants seriously and for various reasons diverged, which put the regional Government in a difficult positionrepresented by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Timber Industry and the regional governor. Therefore, the reaction of the head of the regional Ministry of Natural Resources Konstantin Doronin turned out to be the most natural and correct in this situation. He stated in particular: « We cannot make such a decision alone, without carefully studying the opinion of the population, heads of municipalities and enterprises that work here. Therefore, in the near future we will continue the dialogue with the participation of all interested parties, including representatives of environmental organizations.”

Apparently, this is the result of a long-term action by Greenpeace and WWF on the forced creation of another nature reserve in the Arkhangelsk region, which "foreign agents" considered almost completed, pissed off the leadership of Greenpeace. That found its direct reflection in the text of the petition already mentioned above. It is obvious that international ecologists really expected to enter the “Year of Ecology in Russia” with a beautiful and convincing victory on the territory of the enemy. The last straw that overflowed the patience of the “protectors of nature” was the plans announced at the beginning of this 2017 by some logging enterprises of the Arkhangelsk region to expand their activities, accepted for consideration by the regional government, taking into account the economic and social interests of their own population and business entities. That is why gentlemen eco-collectors decided to go “for bank” with their petition and collection of signatures under it, choosing the most vulnerable moment for the governor of the Arkhangelsk region Igor Orlov and his government during the preparation and conduct ofIV International Arctic Forum "The Arctic - Territory of Dialogue" in Arkhangelsk.

In this regard, it is impossible not to quote one of the paragraphs of the petition containing real threats Igor Orlov and the leadership of the region and municipalities:

“The massif preserved in the Dvina-Pinega interfluve is one of the best-known intact forest areas in Russia and in Europe as a whole. The loss of this territory or most of it cannot go unnoticed in the scientific and environmental communities of Russia and the world. It will inevitably lead to the formation of a sharply negative image of the Arkhangelsk forest sector, the consequences of which can significantly offset the insignificant temporary benefit from logging within the boundaries of the planned reserve.”

It is not clear where these ecologists were looking when “intact forest territories” were reduced in Europe? It is not clear why Russia and the Arkhangelsk region should take the rap for this, and at their own expense? It is not clear why "in the world" for this "smack" will be only us?

It is surprising that in this confrontation, environmentalists and public ecologists, who oppose the local population, as well as local and regional authorities, are represented exclusively by "international agents" - Greenpeace andWWF. The opinion of local independent ecologists is either absent or not taken into account by international masters of ecology if their position contradicts the position of international "authorities" from ecology.

It is not clear why these “unauthorized people” and “environmental Red Guards”, as the Ekho Moskvy journalist once called them Julia Latynina arrogated to themselves the right to judge our government elected by the people and expressing their interests, and to insist on their exclusive opinion without really taking into account the opinion of the government itself and the population, to blackmail both the government and our logging enterprises? That is why both this “petition” and the action to collect signatures for it via the Internet can be unambiguously attributed to PR terrorism, which she spoke about Julia Latynina.

For a retaliatory strike against "foreign agents" and a battle of local importance with them, representatives of the Arkhangelsk region chose Moscow. In mid-March, a press conference was held at Interfax on the topic: "North-West: how to find a compromise between the interests of nature, man and the forestry business?". From the government of the Arkhangelsk region, the event was attended by the Deputy Governor for Strategic Planning and Investment Policy Viktor Ikonnikov. The business was represented by the General Director of the Arkhangelsk Pulp and Paper Mill Dmitry Zylev and CEO of GC "Titan" Alexey Kudryavtsev.

Evgeniy Shvarts, Director for Environmental Policy of the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) Russia, and Andrey Ptichnikov, Director of the FSC Regional Office for the CIS countries, participated from the side of environmental and certifying organizations. Apparently, the representatives of Greenpeace, who “stuck in a pose” and started the most frank and brazen pressure on the leadership of the Arkhangelsk region in terms of demanding the immediate creation of a reserve, as simple lumberjacks say, turned out to be “reckless” to take part in this press conference. Therefore, the Greenpeace people with their fellow “foreign agents” from WWF once again played "bad and good cops". It is a pity that the official media and Internet resources of the Arkhangelsk region limited themselves to only a brief and overly politically correct summary of the results of this press conference in the sense that the main thing is“the task is to find a balance between ecology and economy” . Well, not much about what is being done in the region in the field of reforestation. Thanks to colleagues from the site "Echo of the North", who made and posted on their website a transcript of this press conference. There are real answers to many questions. The main thing is that the process of creating the reserve has not been stopped, as Greenpeace screams about it. “No one is against it, but we need a discussion…”, - the journalists of “Echo of the North” headlined the article. Everything needs to be read!

In the same article, I will give only one question and one answer with a small comment after:


— When I talked with Greenpeace Russia, they told me that if the borders are revised, then it should be done on the basis of the hydrological regime, because they want to preserve the mouths of the rivers and intact territories in these zones, and it turns out, is it possible to maintain the hydrological regime, not it is critical to preserve the territory of the reserve.

Viktor Ikonnikov, Deputy Governor for Strategic Planning and Investment Policy :

- Of course, we are talking about the need to find a compromise without losing the meaning.

The reserve is designed by itself landscape, that is, exactly what you said is guarded.

Landscape component of nature, we are not talking about the animal world here, which has also been discussed many times.

Surely there must be a compromise, once again, without losing the meaning of the reserve itself.

We can correct it up to some point, when the very meaning of creating a reserve is already lost .

Certainly, this cannot be allowed.

As times and speech goes about how, to experts have looked.

Those who developed, those who conducted the assessment and inventory of this territory, those who conducted the examination.

The sectoral ministry, environmental organizations and tenants sat down together and found a solution that would allow keep the essence of this undertaking”.

As I noted in a previous article, " Greenpeace NEVER presents true information. Greenpeace represents only OWN OPINION, which is substantiated by a professionally compiled infernal mixture of truth and outright lies. . At the same time, as follows from the internal documents of Greenpeace published on our website, the main tactic of this environmental organization is the constant dissatisfaction with the previously set requirements and the presentation of new requirements, the fulfillment of which introduces the object of a PR attack into ever greater and unmotivated costs. The goals of this PR racket are:

Or the surrender of the object of attack to Greenpeace and the fulfillment of its requirements in full.

Or an agreement to pay Greenpeace a "tribute" in the form of a "kickback" for the continuation of business without PR denigration and full compliance with the requirements of environmentalists (the President of Russia spoke about this option at his press conference Vladimir Putin at the end of 2016).

Or bringing the attacked to the economic insolvency of the project and refusing to implement it.

It can be seen from the above quotation thatViktor Ikonnikov, Deputy Governor of the Arkhangelsk Region very well grasped the essence of the so-called "claims" of international ecologists, who, with their ever-increasing demands, are trying to replace the meaning of creating a reserve, constantly winding up to the problem additional terms and demands and putting forward on this basis all new claims and accusations against business, government and the population. And what is there to hide, impudently blackmailing both the authorities and business oriented to foreign markets with threats of discrediting them at the international level. And the next and very powerful opportunity for such discrediting is the upcoming IV International Arctic Forum "Arctic - Territory of Dialogue" in Arkhangelsk.

By the way, the case of the Verkhneyulovsky reserve well illustrates the technology of making a "mixture of truth and lies" by authoritative international eco-advocates. For example, the poetic name of the action "Save the country of the reindeer" to collect signatures under a petition to the governor of the region for the immediate creation of a reserve. A very effective tool for Greenpeace and WWF PR specialists to attract “useful idiots” from among the exalted mime and not delving into the essence of the problems of distant territories of the public and journalists (for “useful idiots”, see the program Yulia Latynina), without thinking, clicking the “support” button under the petition on the site, leaving their personal data, and often giving environmentalists their “hard-earned” money.

According to Wikipedia, then the "country of the reindeer" is Finland. Therefore, this deer is also called "Finnish". In Russia, such a "country" is some areas of Karelia, adjacent to the Finnish territory. Contrary to the lamentations of some journalists, who claim, at the suggestion of WWF and Greenpeace, that reindeer are in the Red Book, these deer are not included in the Red Book of the Arkhangelsk Region. Of the wild reindeer, only Novaya Zemlya reindeer are listed in this book. Only the forest subspecies of the wild reindeer of the Altai-Sayan population is included in the Red Book of Russia.

According to the same WWF, there is another "reindeer country" in the Arkhangelsk region. This is another created landscape reserve - "Uftyugo-Ileshsky" on the border with the Komi Republic. It is surprising that "foreign agents" are still silent about this reserve. It is obvious that "useful idiots" will not peck at two "reindeer countries" at the same time.

By omitting the official word "zakaznik" in the name of the action, environmentalists achieve another goal. They confuse in people's minds the meaning of the concepts "zakaznik" and "reserve", which in the philistine understanding are almost synonymous, although legally there is a huge difference between them. Therefore, in public discussion and through the media, environmentalists are beginning to bring to the fore the problems of preserving the "Red Book" deer and other living creatures living in the territory of the created landscape reserve. That is, they change the subject of discussion. That is why the Deputy Governor of the region Viktor Ikonnikov, which is called “grabbed the hand” of thimbler ecologists, making a hard emphasis on the fact that in the landscape reserve we are not talking about the protection of animals, therefore, in this part, compromises “until the meaning is lost” and the essence of the reserve are not needed.

Concluding the article, I can say that, unlike the Government of Norway, which gave a worthy rebuff to the Greenpeace Red Guards, the state authorities of the Arkhangelsk region smeared their retaliatory strike. As they say, they swung at the ruble, but hit on a penny. That is, they created an excellent informational occasion, gave an excellent texture, but they could not promote this occasion at a decent level and deliver a significant retaliatory blow, as Greenpeace PR people do. If not for the site "Echo of the North", the retaliatory strike, even blurry, would not have worked at all.

Andrei Shalygin: Constantly confronted with eco-terrorist, pirate, sometimes simply gangster, or outright thieving activities of Greenpeace, one should be aware that the activities of Greenpeace in its main direction are a form of America's influence on underdeveloped countries.

As soon as Obama realized that he had received on all fronts in Syria, retaliatory moves rained down on Russia, designed primarily to create a provoked scandal in order to somehow denigrate Russia - marches and demarches of pederasts, a pirate attack by Greenpeace, tantrums about nurses from PussyRiot, Saakashvilli's clownery from the UN rostrum ... - that's all clip of clowns of one owner.

And if in the Russian hunt for thoughtlessness and corruption of hunters, the subversive and thieving activities of Greenpeace have quite tangible forms, in which it is quite easy for the Prosecutor's Office to find potential inmates: ,

In the pirate action, for which 30 of its participants from 19 countries have just been quite rightly arrested, you need to be fully aware of this - there is no question of ecology at all, but there are only gangster actions of special forces and means directed against Russia.

Accordingly, the question arises of the pseudo-environmental nature of all the activities of Greenpeace, whose activities are generally prohibited in Canada and New Zealand, and in many countries are significantly limited. This is what the next material of Komsomolskaya Pravda tells about.

A forum of domestic environmental movements "Green" patriotism: towards the Year of Ecology in Russia" was held in Moscow. Moreover, this event was distinguished by extremely hot and sharp discussions. For example, the forum participants drew a clear dividing line between patriotic environmentalists and international organizations that receive funding from abroad. About what basic principles were discussed at the forum and what decisions were reached, told organizer of the event, co-chairman of the Russian Ecological Chamber Vladimir Semenov.

Sergey Morozov, Vladimir, your speech provoked a strong reaction from international environmental organizations - WWF and Greenpeace, which you accused of anti-Russian activities. What was the reason for this performance - the struggle for resources, grants?

Vladimir Semyonov: The fact of the matter is that we do not intersect with WWF and Greenpeace in terms of financing our activities. Our sources are located in Russia - this is both a presidential grant and transfers from other Russian NGOs. But foreign funds receive the lion's share of funds from abroad. In a personal conversation, a Greenpeace representative always complains that if they carry out insufficiently bright anti-Russian actions, then their budget will be cut from Holland. Who pays - he orders the music. And the purpose of my speech is only one - it's a shame for the state! After all, WWF and Greenpeace are admitted to many environmental projects, and their actions are directed against the interests of Russia.

— But Greenpeace is actively implementing the idea of ​​separate waste collection, they have a large fire prevention program. Where is the anti-state activity?

“This is the tip of the iceberg. Beautiful projects that cannot be done without the participation of the state. What does Greenpeace do? On the one hand, it demonstrates cooperation. After all, we are well aware that it is not Greenpeace that installs bins for separate waste collection in the yards of houses. And he's not building waste recycling plants. But, on the other hand, Greenpeace is trying to disrupt Russia's Arctic program by sending its ship to board the Prirazlomnaya platform. And at the turn of the 2000s, they tried to stop the entire nuclear program of Russia. WWF is also involved in the restoration of the leopard population in the Far East and the Caucasus and at the same time demands from the International Olympic Committee to ban international competitions in Sochi. This policy of "double standards" is rather annoying.

- The head of WWF answered you in absentia, giving a comment to the media that WWF Russia is a completely Russian organization and that all six founders of the fund are citizens of Russia. "And not the last," he stressed. Maybe you made a mistake in calling them foreign agents?

Igor Evgenievich Chestin over 80% of the funds are received from abroad - from the head fund of WWF, from the German Ministry of the Environment, the Embassy of the Netherlands. I even received from USAID until this organization was recognized as undesirable in Russia. He explains that he pays for the use of the WWF brand, in fact it turns out the other way around. And I attribute the phrase about the exclusivity of the founders of WWF Russia to Chestin's painful messianism. Our president also wrote in his article in The New York Times that he considers it very dangerous to plant the idea of ​​​​exclusivity in people's heads, no matter what motivates it. This is the problem - WWF and Greenpeace, over the long years of working in Russia, believed in their exclusivity and simply stopped hiding their true goals - to oppose all important projects in Russia.

“I can’t believe that respected international environmental organizations can interfere with something ...

— And here it is enough to look at the experience of other countries. So, recently in India banned the activities of Greenpeace in the country. In 2014, the new government of India promised to "reverse the stagnation" in the economy of their country, to set a course for large-scale GDP growth through the creation of modern infrastructure projects. The Intelligence Bureau of India presented a report on the activities of foreign-funded NGOs, among which Greenpeace ranks first, leading to real difficulties in implementing a number of important economic projects for the country. They directly write: “...Greenpeace activities pose a potential threat to national economic security. It is growing exponentially in terms of impact, outreach, volunteer exposure and funds. mass media". Impressive is the Bureau's assessment of damage to the national economy from the activities of "environmental" NGOs with foreign funding: 2-3% of India's annual GDP, which is about 50 billion dollars!

- And how do you see a way out of this situation, if everything is so bad?

“It's never too late to change everything. We offer the idea of ​​"green" patriotism as a basic one in environmental protection. The interests of the country must be paramount. And our task - patriotic ecologists - is to ensure that development occurs with minimal damage to nature. In accordance with the principles of sustainable development, when the interests of the economy, society and the environment are taken into account at the same time. Undoubtedly, for this it is necessary to reconsider the policy of state authorities - to recognize international environmental organizations as foreign agents, which they are de facto. And exclude them from the system of state decision-making, because they are members of various public councils of our ministries and departments.

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