Examples of mass culture on television. Characterization of television as a phenomenon of mass culture. Questions to the text


"If Rome gave the world the right, England - parliamentary activity, France - culture and republican nationalism, then the modern USA gave the world a scientific and technological revolution and mass culture"Mass culture A culture that is popular and dominant among the general population in a given society. It may include such phenomena as everyday life, entertainment (sports, pop music, mass literature), mass media, etc.

Mass culture does not express the refined tastes or spiritual quests of the people. The time of its appearance is the middle of the 20th century, when the mass media (radio, print, television) penetrated most countries of the world and became available to representatives of all social strata. Mass culture can be international and national. Pop music is a vivid example of this: it is understandable and accessible to all ages, all segments of the population, regardless of the level of education.
In social terms, mass culture forms a new social system, called the "middle class".
The goal of mass culture is not so much to fill leisure and relieve tension and stress in a person of an industrial and post-industrial society, but to stimulate consumer consciousness in a viewer, listener, reader, which, in turn, forms a special type of passive uncritical perception of this culture in a person. In other words, there is a manipulation of the human psyche and the exploitation of emotions and instincts of the subconscious sphere of human feelings and, above all, feelings of loneliness, guilt, hostility, fear.

Elite culture

Elite culture is high culture , opposed to mass culture by the type of influence on the perceiving consciousness, preserving its subjective features and providing a meaning-forming function.
The subject of an elitist, high culture is a person - a free, creative person capable of conscious activity. The creations of this culture are always personally colored and designed for personal perception, regardless of the breadth of their audience, which is why the wide distribution and millions of copies of the works of Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, Shakespeare not only do not reduce their significance, but, on the contrary, contribute to the wide dissemination of spiritual values. In this sense, the subject of an elite culture is a representative of the elite.
Elite culture has a number of important features.

Features of the elite culture:

  • complexity, specialization, creativity, innovation;
  • the ability to form consciousness, ready for active transformative activity and creativity in accordance with the objective laws of reality;
  • the ability to concentrate the spiritual, intellectual and artistic experience of generations;
  • the presence of a limited range of values ​​recognized as true and "high";
  • a rigid system of norms accepted by this stratum as obligatory and strict in the community of "initiates";
  • individualization of norms, values, evaluative criteria of activity, often principles and forms of behavior of members of the elite community, thereby becoming unique;
  • the creation of a new, deliberately complicated cultural semantics, requiring special training and an immense cultural outlook from the addressee;
  • using a deliberately subjective, individually creative, "deleting" interpretation of the ordinary and familiar, which brings the subject's cultural assimilation of reality closer to a mental (sometimes artistic) experiment on it and, to the extreme, replaces the reflection of reality in elite culture with its transformation, imitation - with deformation, penetration into the meaning - conjecture and rethinking given;
  • semantic and functional “closedness”, “narrowness”, isolation from the whole national culture, which turns the elite culture into a kind of secret, sacred, esoteric knowledge, and its carriers turn into a kind of “priests” of this knowledge, the chosen ones of the gods, “servants of the muses” , "keepers of secrets and faith", which is often played up and poeticized in elite culture.
  • Lead specific example phenomena of mass culture. Highlight the relevant features in it and explain how it affects the consumer
  • Example: contemporary stage (pop music, TV show)
    Signs: the most important thing is available to the majority, does not require monetary costs, arose at the time of globalization.
    Influence: positive, entertains people, makes it possible to get acquainted with the culture of other countries (example: manner of singing, dancing, speaking)
  • There can be many examples, but perhaps the most common is television. It is an example of mass culture, since it obviously has a mass character, that is, it is well distributed among people. Of course, television is of great importance and influence on the inhabitants, having a strong impact. On TV, people can get a lot of different information, which can even manipulate the masses.

  • Give an example of a phenomenon of mass culture, highlight the relevant features in it and explain how they affect the consumer
  • There can be many examples, but perhaps the most common is television. It is an example of mass culture, since it obviously has a mass character, that is, it is well distributed among people. Of course, television is of great importance and influence on the inhabitants, having a strong impact. On TV, people can get a lot of different information, which can even manipulate the masses.
  • 1) Explain how the concept of law differs from the concept of law.

    2) Why, in the entire vast system of legal acts of the country, only one constitution has the highest legal force?

    3) How does the separation of powers make other principles of the rule of law possible?

  • 1.) Unlike laws, rights are not always legislated. A right can be a moral judgment or a category.

    2.) According to the common European legal tradition, which originates in jurisprudence Roman Empire, it is the constitution that is the fundamental law of the state, and therefore has the highest legal force.

    3.) The separation of powers performs an important function in the functioning of the rule of law - it balances the balance of power and prevents its abuse.

  • The Constitution of the Russian Federation (Article 48, part 1) proclaims: "Everyone is guaranteed the right to receive qualified legal assistance." Explain how this constitutional provision is enforced.
  • In our life, this is manifested by the fact that there are offices with lawyers who can advise on any issue, there are also consumer rights organizations that can answer any of your questions who to contact and what to do in a given situation, but if the question is confusing, of course, this is already a consultation will cost money

    such that there is such a legal principle PRESUMPTION OF INNOCENCE - this is a legal principle according to which the accused is considered innocent until his guilt is proven in court! (Proved in the prescribed manner)

    that's why the defendants are given lawyers to protect their rights! And they proved that their client is not guilty!

  • How does the economy serve people?

    What form of economy most successfully achieves the goals of the economy?

    What is common and what is the difference between the economic interests of the producer and the consumer?

    How are the activities of the main participants in the economy interconnected?

  • The economy plays a huge role in the life of society. It provides people with the material conditions of existence - food, clothing, housing and other consumer goods. The economy gives rise to supply and demand, which will find their implementation in goods and services.

    An effective form of business is mixed economy, which is regulated by the state . This is such an economic system where the state and private sector play an important role in the production, distribution, exchange and consumption of all resources and material goods in the country /

    The common thing is that the consumer uses what the manufacturer has made, and the difference is that one pays for it, and the other receives.

    By how much one makes and sells, the other can understand how much he needs to produce his goods. For example: If one produces a lot of phones that sell out quickly, the other may produce more phone cases.

  • Will you help?

    I will be very grateful)

    Find information about small businesses in magazines and newspapers. Make a conclusion about the areas or sectors of the economy where a significant number of them operate.

    2. What, in your opinion, can morality in business rely on: upbringing, religion, conscience, responsibility? What moral qualities of an entrepreneur do you consider the most important? Explain why.

    3. "The firm is a system of relationships that arise when the direction of resources begins to depend on the entrepreneur." Justify the validity of this definition given by the English scientist Ronald Coase.

    4. Imagine that your friend creates an enterprise and personally invests 200 thousand rubles. , and his friend - 50 thousand rubles. This means that a friend owns 80% of the authorized capital, and his friend - 20%. Having successfully sold their products and paid taxes, they received a profit of 400 thousand rubles. How and in what amount will the profits be distributed among them?

  • 1. Mainly in trade.

    2. In principle, there is no such morality in business, but for me, education and responsibility are more important in business.

    3. Well, for example, the attitude of the team and the bosses, of course, depends on entrepreneurship, because together they went to a common success, that is, to a good one, for example, a review from an entrepreneur

    4. It seems to me that a ratio of 80% and 20% is needed. That's how I could help)

    Kind regards!

  • From the work of the Russian philosopher I. A. Ilyin “On legal consciousness” .... If a person wants to see his personal rights as civil and protected, then he must invest his legal consciousness in this social legal life and faithfully participate in its dispensation. As a legislator, he must faithfully create laws from the correct depth of his sense of justice; as a judge and an official, he must interpret and apply the law as required by his just conscience; as an ordinary subordinate citizen, he must accept the law in his legal consciousness and include orders, prohibitions and permissions contained in the law in the processes of motivating his behavior. In all these provisions, a person is called to voluntarily impute to himself the laws of his state, to try to understand them correctly and obey them from a feeling of a freely recognized obligation. Even if these laws seem formal and external to him, he must nevertheless accept them as self-binding and faithfully observe them. This is necessary for the following reasons. Firstly, because the very essence of law and order includes this ability - to improve through the loyal obedience of citizens. .. Secondly, a citizen is called upon to voluntarily recognize and comply with the laws of his homeland because it is the only way maintain law and order and at the same time remain free in it. QUESTIONS AND TASKS FOR THE DOCUMENT 1. What features of legal consciousness are noted by I. A. Ilyin? 2. Explain how a person can take part in the legal life of society. 3. What new aspect, in comparison with the text of the textbook, did the author reveal in the characterization of legal consciousness? What do you see as the special value of this aspect?
  • 1. Mainly in the text, such features of legal consciousness as responsibility for one's actions, readiness to comply with even those laws, the purpose of which is not very clear to a person, are noted.

    2. A person observes the laws, remaining free within their framework, perhaps improving them himself.

    3. But I didn’t see the text of the textbook (((

  • Absolutism - (absolute monarchy) - a form of feudal state, in which the monarch has unlimited supreme power. Under absolutism, the state reaches the highest degree of centralization, an extensive bureaucratic apparatus, a standing army and police are created; the activities of estate representation bodies, as a rule, cease. The rise of absolutism in the countries of the West. Europe falls on the 17-18 centuries. Absolutism existed in Russia in the 18th and early 20th centuries. in the form of autocracy. From a formal legal point of view, under absolutism, the hands of the head of state, the monk, concentrate all the fullness of the legislative executive power, he independently establishes taxes and manages state finances. The social support of absolutism is the nobility. The rationale for absolutism was the thesis of the divine origin of supreme power. The exaltation of the person of the sovereign was served by magnificent and palace etiquette. At the first stage, absolutism was progressive in nature: it fought against the separatism of the feudal nobility, subordinated the church to the state, eliminated the remnants of feudal fragmentation, and introduced uniform laws. The absolute monarchy is characterized by a policy of protectionism and mercantilism, which contributed to the development of the national economy, the commercial and industrial bourgeoisie. New economic resources were used by absolutism to strengthen the military power of the state and wage wars of conquest. With the development and strengthening of capitalism in European countries, the principles of the existence of an absolute monarchy, which conserved archaic feudal orders and class partitions, began to come into conflict with the needs of a changed society. The rigid framework of protectionism and mercantilism limited the economic freedom of entrepreneurs, who were forced to produce only goods that were beneficial to the royal treasury. Dramatic changes are taking place within the estates. An economically powerful, educated, entrepreneurial class of capitalists is growing out of the depths of the third estate, having its own idea of ​​the role and tasks of state power. In the Netherlands, England and France, these contradictions were resolved in a revolutionary way, in other countries there was a gradual transformation of the absolute monarchy into a limited, constitutional one.

    Questions to the text:

    C1 Plan your text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

    C2 What signs of absolutism are named in the test? Name at least three. How is their relationship carried out?

    C3 What is the progressive influence of absolutism at the initial stage of its formation? In what ways is absolutism regressive? In both cases, name at least two signs.

    C4 What class grows out of the "third estate" under absolute monarchy? In what two ways are the contradictions between him and absolutism resolved?

    C5 In Russia, during the reign of Peter I, the economy was dominated by the policy of mercantilism and protectionism. Explain how these facts are related. What role did this economic course play at that time? Provide a piece of text that will help answer this question.

    C6 One of the ideologists of the Russian autocracy gave the following assessment to the parliament: "Parliamentary figures belong, for the most part, to the most immoral representatives of society; with an extremely limited mind, with an unlimited development of selfishness and malice itself, with meanness and dishonesty of motives, a person with a strong will can become the leader of the party and then becomes the leading, dominating head of the circle or assembly, at least to him) to the assembly over which he dominates) belonged people far superior to him in mental and moral qualities "Do you agree with this point of view? Give at least 2 arguments to support your opinion.

  • The state reaches the highest degree of centralization; an extensive bureaucratic apparatus is being created; activity of estate representation bodies is terminated.

    Absolutism fought against the separatism of the feudal nobility, subordinated the church to the state, eliminated the remnants of feudal fragmentation, introduced uniform laws, this progressive initial influence. And the regressive influence - the rigid framework of protectionism and mercantilism limited the economic freedom of entrepreneurs, who were forced to produce only goods that were beneficial to the royal treasury.

    Under an absolute monarchy "out of the 3rd estate" a class of capitalists will grow. Contradictions are resolved between him and absolutism in two ways: in a revolutionary way, or there was a gradual transformation into a limited, constitutional monarchy.

  • 1) people build dams on rivers, and beavers build dams on rivers. Explain how human activity differs from that of a beaver?

    2) the spider skillfully weaves a web - a network with which it gets its own food. a man fishes with a fishing net. he uses the net in a sieve, in a tennis and badminton racket. the tulle curtain on the window, made by man, is also a net.

    Think about how the production of networks by a person differs from the weaving of a web by a spider?

    3) read the poem and express your attitude to the words of the author

    For man, thought is the crown of all living things.
    And the purity of the soul is the basis of being.
    By these signs we find a person:
    He is above all creatures on earth from time immemorial.
    And if he lives without thinking and not believing,
    That man is no different from the beast.

    4) Explain the difference between the two statements:

    1) Man is a biological and social being.
    2) Man is a biosocial creature

    5) indicate what is inherent in a person by nature, and what is society

    6) describe what the social (public) essence of a person is.

    7) name which of the considered human qualities you value most of all.

    8) refer to the above words of Chekhov and think about whether each person can play a prominent role in society; noble role? Can any of you make history? If yes, how?

    9) Express your attitude to the statement of the French historian Marx Blok: "History ... has its own aesthetic joys, unlike the joys of any other science. The spectacle of human activity, which is its special subject, is more than anything else able to conquer the human imagination."

  • 1) People build dams in order to survive and not drown, and beavers build them in order to survive, feed, and live somewhere.
    2) a spider spins a web for the same reason - it needs to eat and live somewhere. In houses, especially grandparents', spiders live right in the houses - they not only give freedom from mosquitoes and flies, but also give happiness. .. To throw a spider out of the house is to lose happiness from the house. Well, the fact that human networks are different from spider ones is true. After all, a person grows everything himself. That is, a person creates networks with the help of herbs, petals and roots. The same goes for curtains - they also do not constitute a pure product, but a harvested crop. The spider itself weaves a web without harvesting. The web is his own dignity.
    3) Thought is the result of the work of the brain. Without thought, a person could not make a decision or achieve something in life. To have no thought means to have no mind. Well, the purity of the soul, then this is the internal state of a person - pain, joy, sadness, etc. e. the soul is a reflection of your mood and your intentions. According to everything understood, this is a person, consisting of soul and thought, willpower and mood. He is stronger and smarter than all animals. Didn't a man come up with a gun that can even kill an elephant. If a person does not live peacefully, and always craves the blood of others, then this is no longer a person. He's already a beast.
    4) don't know)
    5) Nature laid down his form, thought and personality, parents and people similar to him. But society gave him a name, character, language, friends and much more.
    6) I don't know either)
    7) From human qualities it is necessary to appreciate - purposefulness, fidelity, honesty and friendliness.
    8) Anyone can create their own story. You can create in different ways. That is why Stalin, Peter 1 is so famous? Because they carried out a number of important reforms in Russia. Because we live in this century. That history can be created by writing a book, a story. You can do something important in life (It is not necessary to save the world from the invasion of strangers). You just need to do something good for a person, and he will remember it for the rest of his life. That is, in his memory there will already be a short episode, a good episode, from your life.
    9) With the help of history, we can imagine a picture, imagine the life of a person. Imagination is our assistant. And it can help to better understand the story, better accept the picture, and maybe create this picture. That's why we dream.
  • Detailed solution paragraph Questions for chapter 2 on social science for students in grade 10, authors L.N. Bogolyubov, Yu.I. Averyanov, A.V. Belyavsky 2015

    1. What makes it possible to single out culture as an independent sphere of public life? Name the areas, elements that form the sphere of culture, reveal the links between them.

    Culture is a concept that has a huge number of meanings in various areas of human life. Culture is the subject of study of philosophy, cultural studies, history, art history, linguistics (ethnolinguistics), political science, ethnology, psychology, economics, pedagogy, etc.

    Basically, culture is understood as human activity in its most diverse manifestations, including all forms and methods of human self-expression and self-knowledge, the accumulation of skills and abilities by a person and society as a whole. Culture also appears as a manifestation of human subjectivity and objectivity (character, competencies, skills, abilities and knowledge).

    The variety of activities included in the sphere of culture can be divided into four large groups:

    Artistic creativity;

    Preservation of cultural heritage;

    Club and entertainment activities;

    Mass creation and dissemination of cultural goods (cultural industry).

    The basis for distinguishing these four groups is the difference in the composition of functions (creation, preservation, distribution of benefits) and types of needs satisfied (aesthetic, entertainment, information), the orientation to which is the leading, fundamental for the respective types of activity.

    2. “Culture,” wrote the French philosopher J.-P. Sartre, - saves no one and nothing, and does not justify. But it is the work of man - in it he seeks his reflection, in it he recognizes himself, only in this critical mirror can he see his face. What did the author mean? Can you agree with him on everything? Can culture save a person?

    Sartre is absolutely right when he considers culture as a critical mirror in which only a person can see his own face. Is it a lot or a little? Obviously, it is not enough if a person is simply satisfied with the fact that he managed to look in the "mirror". And at the same time, it’s a lot if he, having peered, will be able to draw a practical conclusion: is he capable or not capable of accomplishing his plan in terms of his cultural appearance? The same applies to society as a whole. Consequently, the same Sartre is wrong when he assures that culture does not save anyone and nothing. It saves - even when it is able to help a person in his historical actions; and when, having critically assessed itself (which is undoubtedly also an act of high culture), society refrains from actions that are utopian and meaningless in the given socio-cultural conditions.

    3. According to the German-French thinker A. Schweitzer, the worldview must meet three requirements: to be conscious (“thinking”), ethical, the ideal of which is the transformation of reality on moral principles, and optimistic. What, in your opinion, is the detailed content of each of these requirements? Do you share the opinion of the scientist, or do you consider it necessary to revise or expand the range of these requirements? Justify your position.

    Any views and worldview of a person must have a certain basis, a person’s beliefs must first of all be comprehended by himself, and at some points everyone must rethink their views in order to ultimately find their “truth” based on life experience and observations, reasoning , thinking as such.

    The worldview must comply with general ethical standards and, above all, be aimed at improving the existing world and orders in accordance with moral principles, morality, humanity - a person should not get hung up on what has already been achieved and must look to a brighter future, while participating in its "building" rather than waiting for the world to change itself.

    I share the opinion of the thinker A. Schweitzer. Now this is very important for our society, because speech and thinking are heavily polluted, and this is repulsive.

    4. G. Hegel believed that an outstanding person who creates world-historical deeds is not subject to morality. What matters is the greatness of the deed, not its moral meaning. Do you share this position? Justify your point of view.

    Morality is heavily averaged. General rules are necessary for social balance. And save the state. Any new undertaking requires going beyond these limits. Genius always falls out of the general flow. Even the famous religious reformers violated the already established written laws, for which they were executed. Only history showed who was great and who attributed to himself the immortal glory of the maker of history. The opinion of contemporaries is often deceptive and hasty. And the farther from the event, the more adequate the assessment. Above the average morality, the creators of the consciousness of mankind, but they only expand the scope. Impostors have always been distinguished by unjustified cruelty and lack of modesty.

    5. What folk proverbs and sayings condemn laziness, indiscipline and irresponsibility? Use the collection of proverbs and sayings collected by V. I. Dahl.

    I want to swallow, but I'm too lazy to chew.

    A lazy man in the middle of the river asks for a drink.

    While the lazy one is warming up, the diligent one will return from work.

    Mother Sloth was born before him.

    Under a lying stone and water does not flow.

    You will become lazy, you will drag yourself with a bag.

    Him perishing and be lazy - the laziness.

    Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils.

    The day is long until the evening, if there is nothing to do.

    Boredom take matters into your own hands.

    A small deed is better than a big idleness.

    Tyap-blunder - the ship will not come out.

    You won't wake up a drowsy one, and you won't send a lazy one.

    The lazy always have a holiday.

    Postpone idleness, but do not postpone business.

    Drinking tea is not chopping wood.

    White hands love other people's works.

    The seat of the city is not taken.

    Long thread is a lazy seamstress.

    6. Russian scientist, Nobel Prize winner Academician Zh. I. Alferov, shortly after the award, stated that if Nobel Prize existed in the 18th century, then the first should have been given to Peter the Great for building an education system according to the triad: gymnasium - university - academy. Justify, based on modern experience, the essence and meaning of this triad.

    The triad: gymnasium - university - academy, in the modern world reflects the continuity of education.

    Continuing education is the process of growth of the educational (general and professional) potential of the individual throughout life, organizationally supported by a system of state and public institutions and corresponding to the needs of the individual and society. The goal is the formation and development of the personality both during periods of its physical and socio-psychological maturation, flourishing and stabilization of vitality and abilities, and during periods of aging of the body, when the task of compensating for lost functions and capabilities comes to the fore. The system-forming factor is the social need for the constant development of the personality of each person.

    7. Find in reference books on religious studies, for example, in the dictionary "Religions of the peoples of modern Russia", concepts related to the moral teachings of Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Judaism. Compare them and highlight their common or similar content.

    Christianity is an Abrahamic world religion based on the life and teachings of Jesus Christ as described in the New Testament. Christians believe that Jesus of Nazareth is the Messiah, the Son of God and the Savior of mankind. Christians do not doubt the historicity of Jesus Christ. Christianity is the largest world religion. The largest currents in Christianity are Catholicism, Orthodoxy and Protestantism. Christianity arose in the 1st century in Palestine and in the first decades of its existence it spread to other provinces and among other ethnic groups.

    Islam is the youngest and the second largest adherent after Christianity in the world monotheistic Abrahamic religion. Islam is the state or official religion in 28 countries. The majority of Muslims (85-90%) are Sunnis, the rest are Shiites, Ibadis. The founder of Islam is Muhammad (d. 632). Holy book - Koran. The second most important source of Islamic doctrine and law is the Sunnah, which is a set of traditions (hadith) about the sayings and deeds of the Prophet Muhammad. The language of worship is Arabic. Adherents of Islam are called Muslims.

    Buddhism is a religious and philosophical doctrine (dharma) about spiritual awakening (bodhi), which arose around the 6th century BC. e. in ancient India. The founder of the teaching is Siddhartha Gautama, who later received the name Buddha Shakyamuni. This is one of the oldest world religions, recognized by a wide variety of peoples with completely different traditions.

    Judaism is a religious, national and ethical worldview formed by the Jewish people, one of the oldest monotheistic religions of mankind and the oldest of those that still exist. Jews are an ethno-religious group that includes those who were born Jewish and those who converted to Judaism. About 42% of all Jews live in Israel and about 42% live in the US and Canada, most of the rest live in Europe. Judaism claims a historical continuity spanning over 3,000 years.

    8. How are culture and religion related? Show on specific examples the relationship between secular and religious principles in works of art.

    Religion is one form of culture. Religion forms a certain worldview, gives answers to questions about the meaning of life and death. Cultural monuments are created in the religious sphere: temples, icons, musical compositions.

    9. How is the knowledge of the world around through art? Why is art called "figurative knowledge"?

    Knowledge of the surrounding world with the help of art occurs as a person perceives. Let's take an example. Let's say pictures. They can depict people, plants, nature, interiors, landscapes, anything. Often art is based on reality, but there are exceptions. But these exceptions are the knowledge of the world of human psychology, which is also our environment. Art is called “figurative knowledge”, because there is an intuitive assimilation of new phenomena.

    Additional material:

    All art objects are a historical source. And through the study of this art, people learn about the world in the past, distant or not so far, as well as in the present. After all, say, contemporary avant-garde art is a good indicator of what excites modern man, what forms of expression he finds, what problems haunt him, and so on.

    On the other hand, while creating, a person also cognizes the world around him, first of all, through cognition of himself. Expressing oneself in art is one of the ways of reflection, ways not only to know, but also to come to terms with the surrounding reality.

    The subject of art - the life of people - is extremely diverse and is reflected in art in all its diversity in the form of artistic images. The latter, being the result of fiction, nevertheless reflect reality and always bear the imprint of real-life objects, events and phenomena. The artistic image performs the same functions in art as the concept in science: with the help of it, the process of artistic generalization takes place, highlighting the essential features of cognizable objects. The created images constitute the cultural heritage of society and are capable, having become symbols of their time, to have a serious impact on public consciousness.

    10. Give a specific example of the phenomenon of mass culture. Highlight the relevant features in it and explain how it affects the consumer.

    Example: modern stage (pop music, TV show).

    Signs: the most important thing is available to the majority, does not require monetary costs, arose at the time of globalization.

    Influence: positive, entertains people, makes it possible to get acquainted with the culture of other countries (example: manner of singing, dancing, speaking)

    11. Try to independently develop a specific model of a work of one of the genres of popular culture. According to the laws of the genre, determine what the main character should be, what must be present in the plot, what the denouement should be, etc.

    The main character must first be a nondescript, loser, working 5/2, who suddenly has superpower / luck / money / fame (and everything that the loser dreams of from reality), then any test must necessarily appear (save the world / sister / bank / love, etc.), and of course ZhK is a brilliant villain whom no one could catch until this moment, but then he appears, nothing comes out of him the first time, but the second hero wins, but he must be injured in order to there was a tearful scene, a kiss at the end

    12. Name the works of elite culture. Explain why you assigned them to her. Show how they interact with the sphere of mass culture.

    Elite culture (high) is a creative avant-garde, a laboratory of art, where new types and forms of art are constantly being created. It is also called high culture, because it is created by the elite of society, or by its order by professional creators. It includes fine arts, classical music and literature. As a rule, elite culture is ahead of the level of its perception by an average-educated person, by the broad masses. The creators of an elite culture, as a rule, do not count on a wide audience. To understand these works, one must master a special language of art. Thus, the works of abstractionists in the form of color compositions are difficult to perceive by a person who is not familiar with the laws of painting, symbolic color images. The motto of the elite culture is “Art for the sake of art”. In modern culture, films by Fellini, Tarkovsky, books by Kafka, Belle, Picasso's paintings, music by Duval, Schnittke are classified as elite. However, sometimes elite works become popular (for example, films by Coppola and Bertolucci, works by Salvador Dali and Shemyakin).

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      Youth TV: general characteristics. Background: the emergence of youth programs on Russian television. Development of youth television. Specificity of youth TV channels. Popular programs of modern television and their analysis.

      term paper, added 12/28/2016

      Creation and development of Mongolian television. The nature of television broadcasting in the early years. Mongolian television in the 90s. Official Mongolian TV channels and cable TV. Television in modern Mongolia, the main problems of its development.

      term paper, added 11/25/2013

    All types of creativity have special features. We list the main features of mass culture:

    • accessibility for all people

    Works of mass culture are accessible and understandable to most people, they are created for recreation and enjoyment.

    Mass culture appeared during the period of rapid development of technology, the transition to widespread factory production - industrialization. Then a person began to need a simple, pleasant form of leisure after a working day. It was during this period that simple, entertaining books, films and music appeared.

    • consumer interest

    Works of mass culture attract viewers with understandable stories that tell about emotions and feelings close to them, forcing them to empathize with the characters. The action, as a rule, happens quickly, and the audience is waiting for a happy ending.

    • availability of whole series, large circulation

    Works of mass culture are produced in large quantities: books, CDs with films and music. Also, the repetition applies to the plots themselves, which, as a rule, do not differ in variety, but only the details change.

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    • passivity of perception

    Mass culture does not require large moral costs, special labor from the consumer. It facilitates perception due to the lightness of the plots, bright images. For example, when watching a movie, you don’t need to imagine, invent a plot, imagine characters, as when reading a book.

    • commercial purposes

    The peculiarity of mass culture is that the works in it are created by professionals who want to sell them and benefit from it. In order for the product to be bought by as many people as possible, they focus on simple and understandable things for most people.

    Some people are supporters of the point of view about the primitiveness of mass culture. But it cannot be unequivocally assessed as bad. Thanks to her, many remarkable figures of art and works were born, for example, the novel by M. Mitchell “Gone with the Wind”.

    Mass media

    An important role in the dissemination of mass culture is played by special channels through which works find their consumers by regularly broadcasting them. The media include television, radio, newspapers and magazines. Now the Internet has gained the most popularity.

    What have we learned?

    Having studied the topic of social science, we learned that mass culture is a type of human activity aimed at creating goods that have high demand in society. It can be films and books, music and painting. Their main difference from other types of art is that they are created by professionals for the purpose of sale and have simple and understandable plots, reflect emotions and feelings close to people.

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