Is it possible to make money on losing weight people. The main achievement is


In the modern world, losing weight is a very expensive task. After all, if earlier you could not pay attention to what you eat, now first of all you need to hire a trainer to make you an individual nutrition program. Plus, all organic products are much more expensive than a regular grocery basket. Well, if you order ready-made meals for yourself in a specialized company, then get ready to go broke by half average salary around the country. In general, you will have to invest very seriously, and whether any of this will burn out is a big question. Solid risks.

Now imagine how great it would be if you could be guaranteed to lose weight and even make money on it! And these are not just dreams, America has long had such an opportunity.

Everyone knows that Americans are leaders in obesity and the problems of obesity are in front of them in the first place. e.

Americans are spending millions of dollars on weight loss, and an entire weight loss industry is developing new ways to lose weight day and night. But let's be honest - things are still there. To be honest, doctors are not really trying, because if the problem of obesity is solved, then they will lose their earnings.

Recently, another non-traditional way to lose weight has appeared, which is more like a sweepstakes for gambling people:

But then - the most interesting. He begins to return to the client his own money in installments, provided that the client loses weight at the rate specified in the contract. Naturally, you need to lose weight without surgery. No tricks will work here - you need to really lose weight, or lose your money.

Now let's analyze this scheme using the example of earning money by losing weight.

We conclude an agreement with the doctor for a month. Let's say that the amount of the contract is $50,000, and every week you have to lose 5 kg. If in the first week you lose weight by the required amount of kg, then $ 12,500 is returned to your account. If you are just as successful next week, then another $12,500 will flow into your account. If the condition is not met, then all the money remains with the doctor. Even if only 50 grams were not enough to fulfill the terms of the contract!

How do you like that?

Benefits of the parties with such earnings on weight loss

The client receives the strongest motivation, because if he gives up and returns to lunch at McDonald's, he automatically loses a large amount of money.

Well, if he eventually loses weight, then he not only gets a beautiful healthy body, but also a full refund of all the money. It turns out that the weight loss service has become free for him. And we all know the saying: "Money saved is money earned."

The doctor, on the other hand, earns a very easy income simply for observing the client's weight. You perfectly understand that the number of those who "lost" even on such a "diet" will be huge. Well, if there was enough willpower and the client took the money, then he will definitely tell his friends about such a successful method and bring new clients.

Why not try to provide such services in our country?

How to organize weight loss marathons?

You can conduct trainings and evaluate the results through face-to-face meetings, forums or social networks. The organizer is only required to draw up an effective nutrition and training program. Of course, an important condition is the coach's own results. If you yourself failed to achieve your goal, then you are unlikely to get many customers.

The history of healthy lifestyle marathons

This now popular movement began in 2011, when Vasily Smolny started a group on Instagram and described everything he does. At the same time, the style of presentation and sense of humor attracted a large number of readers. The blog has gained immense popularity. Having achieved the goal, Smolny offered his help to subscribers. He gave advice on how to lose weight and tone up your body. At the same time, only a small part of people followed his recommendations, although there were several thousand subscribers at that time. As a result, the blogger decided to take a different path and motivated those wishing to lose weight by receiving a financial prize. This is how the Crazy Drying marathon appeared. The first season had 50 participants, and the main prize was 50,000 rubles. At the same time, Smolny gave out money from his own savings. From 2015 to 2017, there was a significant leap in the development of the marathon.

Last fall, the 17th season of this online battle started. The number of participants was 15,000 people, and the prize for the main place was equal to 13 million rubles!

However, in this article we will talk about marathons, for participation in which the participants themselves pay money to the organizer. There are a huge number of such projects on Instagram and there are also a lot of people who want to lose weight for money.
The results of frenzied drying delight many

Who are the participants?

The vast majority of clients are women aged 25-35. They do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, because they are on maternity leave with a small child or they work too much. About 10% are men, as well as women over 35 who take care of themselves and want to have beautiful forms.

What skills do you need to have to organize a marathon?

First of all, you must be a real pro in your field. But even this is not enough. You need to prove your qualifications. Fortunately, there are many different courses and even entire distance universities where you can get the appropriate education and diploma, for example, a nutritionist.

How to gather the right audience for an online marathon?

  • Website with detailed information about the organizer and his marathon. You can expand your site using contextual advertising.
  • Social networks where useful posts about weight loss and healthy lifestyle are published daily.
  • Free classes and training as promotions and temporary offers.
  • Writing your own book or article for a magazine.

Social networks work best. But in order for the group to become interested, it is necessary to fill it, as well as constantly maintain it in working condition. It is also necessary to create useful videos with exercises, as well as articles on making a meal plan and the like.

Workout videos attract a lot of people

You can also use free reviews. For example, do mailings or fill the group with interesting content in anticipation of a sufficient number of subscribers.

To attract people to your project, it is recommended to make several free marathons on Vkontakte or Instagram.

How much can you earn?

First of all, income depends on your abilities, communication skills and ability to attract the right audience. Therefore, you should be considered not only a good specialist in your field, but also have the skills to promote groups, as well as be a sociable and polite person.

Earning online marathons can be pretty decent. Some Instagram bloggers who conduct similar trainings have 50,000 rubles or more per month. The limit depends only on you - the more people participate in the marathon, the more you earn.

It will be possible to promote such a business in less than 9 months. Initial costs are low. Apart from tuition fees and obtaining the necessary education, you will have to spend money on opening an individual entrepreneur, a bank account. You can shoot training videos in your own apartment, and communicate with your “wards” via Viber, Skype or social network chats. Everything is quite convenient and simple!

Everyone can lose weight, the main thing is desire!

Best of all, an eyewitness will tell about this business - an ordinary Khabarovsk entrepreneur Stepan V. When I met him last fall in one of St. Petersburg restaurants, he looked like a slightly well-fed citizen weighing under eighty kilograms.

Believe it or not, in July I weighed a hundred and ten. Weight began to gain in the past year and quite dramatically. In winter, my wife began to squeal - who do you look like, fat-bellied, etc. Of course, I went to our Siberian charlatans, I tried everything, but to no avail. In the end, they took me to one office, modestly called - CJSC "***".

The director there, a curvaceous lady of about forty, immediately says: “We undertake to solve your problem, but the service is expensive and will require you not only money, but also time - twenty days without getting out in our boarding house. If you agree - twenty-five thousand to the cashier and we start on Monday.

Of course, I began to be rude to her: “A piece a day, what kind of boarding house is this, a Hilton was built in our taiga? I ask, what will be the guarantees?“ She answers: “At the end of the course, you will stand on the scales. If you lose less than twenty kilograms, we will return all the money and apologize.” I really found this clause in the contract - well, I fit into this business. So, I dropped twenty-five and still, in my opinion, I'm losing weight, I can't wake up.

It was the Gestapo, not a boarding house. They brought me to such a quiet mansion on three floors, behind a high fence, took me to the hall, handed me a magnetic card and closed the doors. I spent two hours in the hall - waiting for someone to come out, invite me to procedures or somewhere else. He did not wait, he began to break into the first door that came across. I'm not a weak man, but there was such a spring on the door that I squeezed in there in just three steps - it turned out to be a toilet. It took me about ten minutes to get out of it, I look in the hall already people are hanging around, about seven men. We met - also experimental subjects, as they called themselves here, they came to be treated. They explain that we will have lunch now, but not for everyone, but for those who insert their magnetic card into that crack on the ceiling.

My eyes popped out of my head - a rope hangs near each crack, ten meters, no less. The last time I climbed a rope was in the sixth grade. I'm screaming, guys, someone get down for me, I won't stay in debt, I'll burst into tears in the city. And they sternly answer me like this - we ourselves are not poor people, but here there are video cameras everywhere. If you make someone so happy, they will leave you for a day without food at all, even though then you crawl all over the rope like a monkey. And climb yourself - cheerfully, almost with songs.

I didn't get to eat that day. But I honestly worked five-o-clock - I inserted the card into a filthy simulator and squeezed out two hundred times seventy kilos. The simulator gave me another card, a disposable one, which was supposed to be put into the feeder on the second floor. How I got there, by the way, is another story.

All the doors in this boarding house had springs like KamAZ shock absorbers - you could only walk in pairs, otherwise you wouldn’t open it. Ladders are generally atas, through a step there is a hole, you have to jump. Well, in general, there are a lot of jokes.

And the most fun began in the evenings. Boring things, no books, no magazines, but there is a TV in the lobby. But he, the bastard, works only from an exercise bike, a dynamo is connected there, to generate electricity. And you need to turn it quickly, a normal person can stand it for ten minutes and fall. And so, in order to at least watch the news in the evening, we wound up there in turn, like idiots. And God forbid, they promised a good action movie in the announcement, and even a two-episode one - they played it until they were blue in the face.

In short, when they came to pick us up, we almost killed the driver right on the bus. They regretted it, however, he shouted that he was an outsider, he had nothing to do with this concentration camp.

And they arrived at the office, the hostess told us: “Get on the scales, fat-bellies.” I weighed myself and gasped - twenty-five in twenty days. And you know, that’s how they taught me there - I can’t live without a gym, I run myself to the simulators two or three times a week. Like a monkey, by golly.

Unfortunately, experimental Stepan did not tell any details about the turnover and prospects of CJSC “***”. But even so it is clear that the business of the hostess will take root.

The issue of losing weight, which is quite relevant today, among girls and women, there are also people who want to make money on losing weight. It means, based on your experience in losing weight, to help people lose weight, and for this to receive a certain amount of money.

But you need to know in advance that the method that helped one person lose weight is not a fact that will help another person. It depends on many factors like genetics, lifestyle, nutrition, etc. It may be worth contacting a professional nutritionist for help. But, no one forbids the use of those methods that helped other girls and women lose weight. Just before this or that course of weight loss, you need to know this.


How to make money on your weight loss on the Internet - the basics?

A worthy wish. If you can and know how to lose weight, citing your weight loss history as an example, then why not make money on it. In this case, both parties benefit, the client actually loses weight using your method or courses, and you receive a fee for this. An excellent scheme for making money on the Internet for weight loss. But you need to be honest with the client so as not to tarnish your name, and so that the client does not have a negative aftertaste if he fails to lose weight. It is necessary to warn someone that the method of losing weight really helped to lose 25-50 kg, but it did not help someone, since it is not easy to fight against genetics.

Slimming program -

Energy Slim

Weight loss program - Energy Slim from the manufacturer NL International and how to make money on it

There is a weight loss program on the market called Energy Slim, you may have heard about it somewhere, and so, you can use this course as a tool for making money on losing weight. Energy Slim cannot be bought in ordinary stores, since it is not there at all, this course is sold in a specialized store "NL Store", and in order to buy it, it is necessary to indicate the ID-007 number without fail .... The manager through whom you buy. You can read more about this course in another article. The product is of high quality, and really helps many people in losing weight, with full adherence to the course. The cost of the program is 3700 rubles.

Make money on losing weight on the Internet using the Energy Slim program

This is a great option for those who do not have their own weight loss method, but have a great desire to earn money. You can try the ready-made Energy Slim weight loss program yourself, and after you have the result, you will have something to show the client. Then you can recommend to those people who want to lose weight, and receive a percentage for the sold course in the amount of about 980 rubles.

For example, if 3 people buy a course on your recommendation, then your profit will be 980 rubles, of course, the earnings are small, but for that, a nice bonus! But, in order to gain access to such earnings, you need to fulfill the conditions of the company, you can read in detail.

There is also a great opportunity for you, which, I am sure, will be of interest to you, since you are aimed at making money on the Internet with the help of weight loss. The company that produces this product (Energy Slim program) gives everyone the opportunity to earn up to 100,000 rubles a month! Interesting?!

Let me tell you briefly, this is a network company that produces not only weight loss products, but also many other products: food for life activity, sports nutrition, etc. The main condition for making money is just to change your regular store to the NL International store . The motto of the company - Use yourself, recommend and EARN! Read more

Spring has come and many women, and often men, are concerned that soon those extra pounds will have to be put on public display and right now they are looking for the best way to lose weight quickly and preferably without much effort. So why don't we make money on it? Having searched the Internet, I gathered a bunch of options on how you can make money on the desire to lose extra pounds and systematized them by different industries and types of business. Original business ideas for weight loss they come up with constantly, and they all find their consumer. So you need to come up with something of your own or use someone else's idea to promote your business, using the desire of people to look beautiful.

Catering and food trade

Usually, we go to a cafe or restaurant, already firmly knowing that we are provided with extra calories. This is very stressful for someone who is on a diet and is determined to lose weight. Imagine how happy it will be female, which will find on the menu that the restaurant offers, in addition to the usual assortment, dishes for weight loss with a calorie content of no more than 475 calories. This original business idea was successfully implemented by the Seasons 52 restaurant chain, owned by Darden Restaurants. Why don't we take advantage of it, because developing and preparing a low-calorie dish is no more difficult than a high-calorie one?

Additives Skinny Mixes

In addition, besides sugar, you can offer stevia for tea, then those who are on a diet will distinguish your establishment from its kind. It is also known that there are low-calorie cola and other familiar products that have a lower calorie content than usual. American businesswoman Jordan Engelhardt has achieved success by inventing and patenting Skinny Mixes additives that turn alcoholic cocktails (we remember that they are terribly high in calories!) Into harmless 5-calorie drinks.

Everyone knows how unhealthy food chips are, but Keith Belling and Pat Tepin own the original Popchips business idea. They are not fried in oil, but are made using high pressure and heat. Popchips is free of cholesterol, trans fats and artificial food additives. At the same time, they taste no worse than ordinary chips. On the packs of this product, the composition is indicated: potatoes, 3 g of fat, 100 kcal.

Trade in industrial goods

robot robot

Products for weight loss invented innumerable. These are various simulators, underwear for weight loss, as well as such original business ideas like spoon-electronic scales, screaming scales, belts that remove belly fat, etc.

Intuitive Automata has created a robot that can keep up a conversation about a healthy lifestyle. She believes that communication with Autom, this is the best way to lose weight fast.

In addition, people have invented an incalculable number cosmetics for weight loss. Basically, these are various anti-cellulite products, fat burner creams, belly lotions, etc.

A special niche is things that help hide extra pounds - corsets, tights, modeling and corrective underwear. I think that their place should be next to weight loss products.

Fitness club

In the spring, the number of people who want to visit fitness clubs increases noticeably, but, unfortunately, not all of them reach them. They can be offered a special program - to throw off so many kilograms for short term and do homework. Such short-term fitness courses, which guarantee a positive result, will definitely not leave any woman indifferent.

Aerobics or dancing for weight loss are no less relevant, and when doing this type of business, you should always have programs in stock that help you get rid of extra pounds.

MLM (network companies)

Many network companies offer products to get rid of extra kilos. These are various cocktails, dietary supplements, slimming patches, exercise equipment, etc. Spring is just the time when it is on them that you should pay the main attention. Many companies themselves are aware of the surge in demand for such products, and therefore, during the season, I make discounts on it, offer bonuses and gifts. This is definitely worth taking advantage of. Of course, those who have been in this business for a long time take into account this moment, but beginners are not always up to date, so this information is more likely for them.

Earnings on the Internet

On the desire of people to get rid of excess weight, you can earn money on the Internet. Here you can do the following:

  1. Create a weight loss website, where there will be information about the latest diets, low-calorie foods, exercise complexes and where women will share stories about how they managed to lose weight after childbirth or fit into their favorite dress. Earnings on this type of site come mainly from contextual advertising, banner placement, affiliate programs and writing paid articles praising this or that means for losing weight.
  2. Sale of own information products. Are you recording a video with a fitness course or writing a book about yourself? the best way lose weight fast and advertise them over the internet. Moreover, not only themselves, but also through the affiliate program created by you, which helps to attract thousands of people to the distribution of your product.
  3. Online store. A weight loss business can be built by creating a platform on the network that specializes in the sale of weight loss products. Since virtual stores are truly unlimited in size, you can safely sell all of the above, and at the same time thousands of other items of goods.

Spoon-electronic scales

As you can see, you can make money on people's desire to lose weight in a variety of ways, you just have to offer them. Business gurus teach us that the only way to make big money is to offer people what they need, this is just a classic case. There is no doubt about the prosperity of such business ideas, because the number of those who suffer from excess weight is increasing every year.

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    Hey! I know a real way to lose weight and earn money at the same time! Checked - it works!


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    healthy lifestyle life in general is a klondike ...

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