1c report of illiquid assets by timing. Identification and work with illiquid assets (stale goods) and stock shortages. Payment discipline of the client


Good day, dear forum users.

I studied the developments available on the resource, it seemed a little, and decided to put in my five cents for your judgment.

Purpose of the tool: identification of illiquid assets and shortages.

Difference from analogs:

Working with a table field, not a spreadsheet document

More useful information fields

Detailed information on the movement of the nomenclature in a separate window

Decryption of settings:

Date from, Date to - understandable;

Selection by nomenclature and warehouse - of course, it works (IN THE HIERARCHY);

Type of prices used - used when evaluating the warehouse;

The optimal liquidity period is the golden mean of stock balances. The value means the period in months equal to the amount of sales we want to keep in stock. It is clear that different items may have a different period of liquidity, mainly it depends on the frequency and delivery time. In experience, the liquidity period should be equal to (approximately) the period between 2 deliveries plus the delivery time, plus the clearance time. Those. for example, goods are delivered to us once every two weeks and in order to get into delivery you need to place an order no earlier than 3 days in advance, and it will be 2 days on the road, then it will be optimal - 3 weeks (7 * 2 + 3 + 2 days), or 0.7 in program terms. When working with the program, at the first stage, I recommend setting the value to at least 1. The parameter is used to calculate the frozen amount in the warehouse. All sorts of risks can also be included in this coefficient, for example, delivery disruption.

Upper and lower threshold of liquidity - cutting off the nomenclature by liquidity, for example, in order to see only illiquid assets.

Explanation of fields:

Selected- a checkmark by which we determine the positions with which we will do something, for example, inventory.

Nomenclature- clear.

Item group- clear, to sort the list into groups (pseudo-grouping).

Characteristics of the nomenclature- clear.

Nomenclature series- clear.

Remainder- a slice of the latest by register GoodsInWarehouses according to the report settings.

Buyers reserve- clear;

Order to suppliers- clear;

Remaining to be assessed- the sum of the balance and the order to suppliers, minus reserves.

Total consumption- expense according to the GoodsInWarehouses register according to the report settings.

Average monthly expense is the total expense divided by the number of months in the selected period. If the first receipt of goods was later than the beginning of the period ( new product), then the number of months is taken from this receipt.

Liquidity- the balance to be assessed, divided by the average monthly expense (I agree that it is rude, but quickly and in 95% of cases it is enough).

Price- item price for the selected price type.

Warehouse valuation at selected prices- clear.

Frozen amount- valuation of the warehouse at selected prices, minus the optimal liquidity period. Those. for example, if we have optimal liquidity equal to one month, and the stock balance corresponds to the average monthly sale, then the frozen amount is zero.

Receipt price- the average price from the register of the Lot of Goods in Warehouses, i.e. the average price of a product from unsold receipts. Checked only when conducting batch accounting for warehouses.

Warehouse valuation by receipt- valuation of the warehouse in the prices of parties. Important: the quantity is taken not from batches, but from goods in warehouses.

Detail table:

Monthly expense, income, final balance and days without a balance are displayed. In contrast to the standard report "Statement of goods in warehouses", zero months are added - for clarity. Sampling occurs when a row is selected in the main table.

The table can be opened/hidden using the corresponding button on the command bar.

Actions with selected positions:

Price setting- the document "Setting item prices" is formed with the selected price type and selected items of the item. Managerial sense - a high price, you need to slow it down. I will warn managers that this should be used in combination with other actions. Those. if you lower the price, but no one knows about it, then this NULL action is useless.

Inventory. Managerial sense - maybe the goods were lost in the warehouse, oversorted, so they don’t sell it, and you need to find it.

Write-off. Managerial sense - if the product is dead man-dead man. There can be all sorts of reasons: marriage, junk, non-core business, etc.

A task. Managerial sense - put in information system a task with a list of identified illiquid assets. These can be sales managers, and buyers, and heads of departments. In the description of the task, the selected product items and their liquidity are inserted. The text of the task, of course, can be manually supplemented with inspiring phrases like: “What the *nya is this??!”

Additionally, there is a transition for the selected nomenclature to the report sheet for goods in warehouses.

Perspective and other thoughts.

The topic of nomenclature categorization has not been disclosed. If we take the BCG matrix (Boston) as a basis, then it is logical to break down the analysis of illiquid assets for each group: "cows", "stars", "dogs" and "difficult children". "Cows" need to be analyzed every week, while "dogs" will be enough once every three months. Do you think it's worth it? Accordingly, it will be necessary to add a selection by the properties of the nomenclature, if the implementation will be through them.

I also believe that it is more correct to make liquidity not general, but by product groups, or by supplier, if the product has one.

It is important to understand that a shortage of goods is just as dangerous for business as illiquid assets, so do not focus on illiquid assets.

You also need to understand that this is a late-action tool, i.e. Illiquid or deficit is already there when we saw it. Of course, it can be pressed online as much as possible if you use orders to suppliers and buyers' reserves. But ideally, to deal with illiquid assets and shortages, you still need to automate the work process of a purchasing manager, but I want to talk about this next time.

It seems everything, thanks for your attention!

The main purpose of the publication- discussion of the correctness and convenience of the instrument. Of course, I would love to hear the opinions of people who are knowledgeable in the subject.

By open source: everything is open.

The certificate indicates additional management actions that go beyond 1C.

If something is not clear- write, I will answer.

UPD 2015.02.19 (v.1.5.2):

  • Added work with nomenclature series.
  • The list now also includes positions with a zero balance, for which there were movements - obvious deficits. There were only remnants, now remnants and turnovers. (thanks to Pasha for the right advice).
  • A column has been added to the detail - days without a remainder.
  • Fixed minor bugs.

Mini-story about planned illiquid assets (2015.02.19):

Several times I have come across enterprises that have (sorry for the tautology) planned illiquid assets, here is an example:

Socket trade. There is such a position - a computer outlet. Its share in the turnover of other outlets is 0.01%, if not less. But then a customer comes to buy for the installation of a large, fashionable private household. It takes a long time to choose a color, model, etc. It comes to placing an order, he has 300 different, not the cheapest sockets and a bunch of additional fentiflyushki. And oh my god, he needs 2 computer sockets, and they are out of stock! And the client tells you, sorry, I need one style, and leaves. It's more than real. And the store is forced to keep a year's supply of these computer sockets.

UPD 2015.02.25 (v.1.6.1):

  • In the command line, a transition to the list of goods in warehouses for the selected item line has been added.
  • Now, when calculating the average monthly sales, the zero months that were before the first receipt are not taken into account. Those. if this is a new product - it is very important for a constantly updated assortment. This improves the reliability of the frozen amount.
  • Fixed minor and major bugs.
  • Slightly improved usability.

UPD 2015.04.03 (v.1.6.3):

  • In the command line, a transition to the list of orders to suppliers for the selected item line has been added.
  • AT command line added input based on the document "Order to the supplier".This is true for the deficit. Processing tries to place an order for the main supplier of the item. The quantity in the document is entered equal to the difference between the average monthly sales and the current balance to be assessed. Just use it carefully so that items under the order do not get there. In the long term, perhaps I will tie it to the method of supplying the stock (order point).
  • Now the nomenclature series are collapsing, before the analysis was in the context of series.
  • Added the "Include/disregard buyers' reserves" option in the settings.
  • The interface has been significantly redesigned. Since there were many columns, we divided them into quantitative and sum. Switching view modes on the command line using the numbers "1" and "2".
  • The "Liquidity" column is now highlighted and in front, as it is the main "pivot" of processing.

UPD 2015.04.10:

A modified version of the " " report has been published, which allows you to automatically calculate the reorder point and subsequently form an order to the supplier. This report is positioned as the first line to avoid surplus and deficit. In turn, the current processing is the second line of work with illiquid assets and deficit, when it is already there.

Processing updates information about non-liquid goods in the database (those that have not been sold for a long period of time) and writes changes to the additional attribute of the item.

First we need to create the prop itself:

It must be called Item Status, one of its possible values ​​must be named illiquid. You can add any values ​​you want, and for liquid goods, fill them in yourself:

You can set an automatic start schedule (if the database is not a file one, but a client-server one):

Now let's start the process (from the list of scheduled tasks):

If you have a file type of the database, then we start forcibly by clicking Run now:

At the end, a new event will be created in the registration log (ZHR):

In order to show how the product updates liquidity data, let's create a sales document for the product Sliced ​​loaf and perform the procedure again.

In ZhR we will see a new event:

If after that the statuses of the goods have not changed, then the following message will appear in the ZhR:

The illiquid status can be seen in the product card:

Also, liquidity can be displayed on various forms of selection, selection or item list, it will be possible to set up sorting and selection in the list of goods:

Deadline for determining illiquid

By default, the period is 3 months, i.e. all goods that have not been sold in the last 3 months will receive the status of Unliquid. However, this rule can be specified in the context of product categories:

To do this, in the guide Product categories you need to create an additional attribute Non-liquid of a numerical type indicating the number of months to count:

The screen indicates that those electrical goods that have not been sold in the last 5 months will be recognized as illiquid.

Thus, in your database you will always have up-to-date (and visual!) information about which of the goods are illiquid.

Illiquid goods - goods that are not sold or sold very poorly and are in stock for more than 3-6 months (depending on the category of goods). Stale goods not only do not make a profit, but because of it the company suffers huge losses. In addition, no one needs the old models of goods and they just lie in the warehouse.

It is obvious that it is necessary to get rid of such goods as soon as possible, identify the causes and prevent the recurrence of this. But how do you spot a low-selling product?

All this and much more is easy to do with the report "Analysis of non-liquid goods for 1C: Trade Management".


There is no standard report for identifying illiquid goods in 1C Enterprise. That is why we have developed such a report, which is already used by hundreds of wholesale and retail stores in Russia, keeping their records in 1C. Now we will describe very briefly how the report is generated and you will understand why such a report cannot be made manually.

To identify illiquid assets, data is collected from five reports: sales for the period, stock balances, and retail stocks. For each product, data is compared and the speed of its sale is calculated. Moreover, the balances are taken not only on the end date, but on each day in the specified period. This is the only way to get the real speed of the sale of goods (after all, if the goods were out of stock for 10 days, then for this reason it was not sold, but could be sold). Also, thanks to this, the actual number of days the goods are in the warehouse is revealed.

Having received the rate of disposal of goods, the program calculates how long the current balance of the goods will last, and, according to the specified criteria, classifies it as liquid or illiquid. Further, the program pulls up information from two more reports on cost, retail prices and shows the current margin. This will help you make a decision - is it possible to get rid of illiquid assets by lowering the price, but at the same time making a profit.

The following shows how to work with the report. Look:

Report settings for identifying the liquidity of goods

In the main menu of the report, set the date by which you need to get the stock balance and determine the liquidity of the goods. We can specify selections for warehouses and goods on the “Selection and sorting” tab.

Here we indicate the period for which sales will be analyzed (we can set which divisions to take into account).

We set the parameters by which the product will be divided into illiquid and liquid. It could be:

  • number of days the item is in stock(for example, if a product arrived 10 days ago and there are no complete sales statistics for it yet, it is better not to classify it as illiquid for now);
  • number of days for the sale of the balance- if the current balance will be sold for more than 90 days, then most likely it is illiquid (the number of days can be changed)

Sales analysis results

After analyzing sales for the period, we get the first input data:

  • The number and amount of sales for each product;
  • Revealed how many days the goods were in the warehouse;
  • We calculated the rate of sale of goods per day / month. It is important that when determining the speed, we take into account not the number of days in the period, but how many days the goods were actually in the warehouse. For example, 300 laptops were sold in a year, but they were not in stock all year round, but only 200 days. Therefore, when determining the speed of sales, we divide 300 not by 365 days, but by 200 days. Because if the goods were in stock on other days, then there would be more sales.

Analysis of current balances

We add data from the balance report and determine the quantity of goods in stock on the specified date. Dividing the remainder by the sales rate, we get Estimated sale time(i.e. in how many days we can sell the goods that are in stock)

Goods without sale in 1C

Thus, we determined the goods that will be sold for several more months or even years (you will be surprised, but there are some). To complete the picture, we add data from the third report and see the cost of the current balance:

Analysis of the causes of illiquid goods in 1C

Why did the product become illiquid? Perhaps the buyer brought in a lot, perhaps the product is not presented in the window, or maybe it’s just overpriced? We pull the data on sales prices into the table and calculate the current markup:

Markdown of illiquid goods in 1C*

Having identified illiquid assets, having analyzed the margin, we can immediately assign a discount and form a new price. With one click, the prices will be transferred to the document “Setting item prices” and fixed in the database.

*This feature is only available in configurations: 1C: Trade Management 10.3. 1C: Integrated Automation 1.1 and 1C: Management manufacturing plant 1.3

How to look in 1C: How many days the goods were not sold?

To facilitate the analysis of information, from the report you can find out the date of the last sale of the item and how many days have passed since the date of the last sale (in this way, you can determine how many days the goods are not sold and lie idle in the warehouse):

The fight against illiquid assets in the warehouse is good way free up money and increase turnover. Therefore, most executives regularly demand from their managers. Those usually simply form a balance sheet and compare the "sales" column for the period and the "current balance". And since it is terribly inconvenient and takes a lot of time, for alternative way searching for illiquid assets, we are constantly contacted.

Usually, illiquid goods are understood as goods that have not been sold for too long. Two years ago, they bought an unsuccessful model and it is still standing in the window, no one takes it.

I also include stocks of goods that will be sold out for too long, even if they are in demand.

Suppose a supplier gave me a super discount and I bought 100 units of a new product from him, which had not been sold in the store before. Those. I don't know if he will go or not.

Based on the results of the first couple of months, it can be seen that 1-2 pieces per week are leaving. If the speed of sales does not change, I will sell the 90 pieces that are now in the store for about a year.

With the help of such a simple calculation, you can see in advance possible illiquid assets. And take some measures in advance to quickly push them, increasing the turnover.

And the profit received depends on the turnover, although to a lesser extent than on the margin.

I will show this dependence with an example:

  • I buy a thing for 200 rubles, I sell for 300 rubles. (50% mark-up), has been on the shelf for 1 year, earned 100 rubles. in year
  • I buy a thing for 200 rubles, I sell for 250 rubles. (surcharge 25%). has been on the shelf for 6 months. earned 100 rubles. in a year.

By the way, here you can clearly see why discounts should not be made if this does not increase turnover. In this example, we halved the markup even though the customer only saw a 15% reduction. If this doesn't double our turnover, then we've just reduced our profits instead of attracting customers.


The program works exactly as I showed above - it calculates the rate of sale and predicts the number of days it will take to sell its current balance.

  • In this example (taken by the way from the database of a real store), you can see products with overestimated balances:
    • The first line - sold in six months (177 days) 18 pieces, and now in stock - 36. This balance will be sold for another year.
    • The second line - sold in 232 days 10 pieces, now in stock - 50. The sale will be about 3 more years.
    • The third line - 108 pieces were sold during the year, now there are only 5 pieces in stock. With such dynamics, enough for half a month. This is certainly not overestimated, but quite normal balance.

Nearby, in the "Frozen amount" field, an approximate estimate of the surplus in purchase prices. A negative amount indicates that it is desirable to replenish the balance - there is not enough goods.

Of course, the value of stock days alone is not enough to classify a product as non-liquid.

It is necessary to take into account how much money we can invest in the warehouse, whether the product has an expiration date, the amount of the discount that the supplier gave us for the volume, the delivery time of the goods from the supplier.

The goods received from the report can be

  • assign the price group "Illiquid" or "Sale"
    • Such a product can be highlighted in color in general list goods.
    • it is convenient to track sales and balances of goods through reports
  • automatically fill in the documents “Setting prices” or “Setting discounts”.

Highlighting the product with color will give sellers and managers a visual signal that the product is not selling well and they need to make more efforts to sell it - look for additional arguments for the buyer or offer him special conditions.

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