Al Pacino phrases from the movie The Godfather. Aphorisms and quotes of al-maarri. What is the secret of success? The secret is to associate with those who are better. Fight those who are stronger. Love the one you can't. Don't die where others die


At one fine moment, I realized that I like working much less than drinking and smoking.

(work, drinking, smoking)

Shakespeare does not need any of us, he will outlive us all - believe me. This I guarantee you.

I have never been married. And I probably never will. I don't like the idea itself.


Having children is the best thing that has happened to me in my life.


Books and plays helped me understand myself and the world around me, there was some kind of shift, I became more serious.


The theater is more like real life: you bring your achievements to the stage and show them for two or three hours.


Although my career started in the stand-up genre, I don't like doing comedies because I don't want to be funny on command. I can't do it.

Often I had nowhere to sleep. Sometimes I slept in the theater where we played, and sometimes I went to spend the night with friends. Sometimes these friends were women. It was good.

In truth, there was a time when the life of criminals seemed attractive to me. But now much more interesting life people living by the law.

(a crime)

If I suddenly start cooking, everything will end in murder. Seriously. I can play the part. Cooking dinner is not.

The key to success is desire. And it burns in me all the time.

(success, desire)

It's true, I'm tongue-tied. You need to live with me for 50 years to begin to realize what I'm talking about.


My main problem was that I was trying to ride on two tracks at once. This has affected some of my work. I am very sorry that I could not show my best in both arts.

It is easy to deceive the eye, but it is difficult to deceive the heart.

(eyes, heart)

I love opera. I even worked at Carnegie Hall... as an usher.

Vanity is my favorite sin.


Nobody ever asked me to play Hamlet. I don't think I'm entitled to this honor.

Any actor, whether he likes it or not, becomes a sensual athlete. It is this that suffers from personal life.


My melancholy image comes from Corleone. People completely identify me with him. On the streets of New York, many people call me Michael. Sometimes I think that I am.

If I could write, I wouldn't do anything else. Once I was writing a letter to a lady with whom I was very much in love. It was some kind of torture! When I looked at the clock, 5 hours had passed! I never sent that letter.

American theater and film actor, director, screenwriter.

Aphorisms and quotes

  • The key to success is desire. And it burns in me all the time.
  • There was a time when I was delivering a newspaper called "Showbiz" to the stalls. I'll never forget how much they paid me: twelve dollars. Ten and two dollar bills. I immediately exchanged a ten so that I would have twelve one-dollar bills. Paying at the bar, you drool on a dollar from a pack, and from the outside it seems that you have a lot of money.
  • One day I went to eat at the Howard Johnson's and saw the actor who starred in that play pouring coffee behind the counter. Then I realized that everything in life is relative: first he conquered me with his game, and now he was standing behind the counter at Howard Johnson and serving me.
  • I love opera. I even worked at Carnegie Hall... as an usher.
  • Shakespeare doesn't need any of us, he will outlive us all - trust me. This I guarantee you.
  • Books and plays helped me understand myself and the world around me, there was some kind of shift, I became more serious.
  • As a child, I prayed to God for a bicycle ... then I realized that God works differently ... I stole a bicycle and began to pray to God for forgiveness.
  • The first rule is don't give up. The second rule is to remember the first rule.
  • It is easy to deceive the eye, but it is difficult to deceive the heart.
  • I do not need a beautiful wife, for money I can give her any appearance. I don't want rich. I already have everything. I don't need affection. Almost all women become such for my money, and those who do not become, I can win. I need a decent wife. Loyalty and a good reputation cannot be bought by any money in the world.
  • When you are already over sixty, you see that you are rushing through some kind of tunnel without a return ticket and you begin to distinguish a mountain in the distance, which will be your last stop. But until I get there, I want to continue doing what I'm doing.
  • You know, there is a proverb: "He who persists in his madness will one day be a wise man."

The collection includes quotes from Al Pacino, personal statements and replicas of the movie characters played:

I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." Michael Corleone, "The Godfather"

There was a time when I delivered a newspaper called Showbiz to the newsstands. I'll never forget what I was paid: twelve dollars. Ten and two dollar bills. I immediately exchanged a ten so that I would have twelve one-dollar bills. Paying at the bar, you drool on a dollar from a pack, and from the outside it seems that you have a lot of money.

I'm American, hiding here from our police. The name is Michael. You can inform me - they will pay well, only your daughter will lose her father on this, but she could find a husband. Michael Corleone, The Godfather

There are no mistakes in tango, let alone in life. It's very simple, that's why tango is such a wonderful dance. If you make a mistake - pretend that this is how it should be, and dance further. Frank Slade, Scent of a Woman

Shakespeare doesn't need any of us, he will outlive us all - trust me. This I guarantee you.

Pride and arrogance are the servants of the devil. If you can't control them, they will control you.

Know how to benefit from everything, and then forget. John Milton, Devil's Advocate

If I could write, I wouldn't do anything else. Once I was writing a letter to a lady with whom I was very much in love. It was some kind of torture! When I looked at my watch, five hours had passed! I never sent that letter.

The theater is more like real life: you bring your achievements to the stage and show them for two or three hours.

The key to success is desire. And it burns in me all the time.

Certainly, vanity is my favorite of the sins. It's so fundamental, self-love is a natural drug. John Milton, Devil's Advocate

When you are already over sixty, you see that you are rushing through some kind of tunnel without a return ticket and you begin to distinguish a mountain in the distance, which will be your last stop. But until I get there, I want to continue doing what I'm doing.

I love opera. I even worked at Carnegie Hall... as an usher.

I do not need a beautiful wife, for money I can give her any appearance. I don't want rich. I already have everything. I don't need affection. Almost all women become such for my money, and those who do not become, I can win. I need a decent wife. Loyalty and a good reputation cannot be bought by any money in the world.

My ex-wife lives in this house. Can you imagine? We ride in the same elevator. After meeting her, I drink three glasses to calm down. Benny "Lefty" Ruggiero, "Donnie Brasco"

Is it possible to forgive an enemy? God will forgive! Our task is to organize their meeting. Tony Montano, Scarface

Don't shrug, I'm blind. Save the body language for girls. Frank Slade, Scent of a Woman

I am often called a bore, a smart-ass and a misanthrope. I warn everyone: in fact, I am much worse.

People tolerate deceit, but they do not like it when their eyes are opened. Victor Toranski, "Simone"

It is easy to deceive the eye, but it is difficult to deceive the heart.

One day I went to eat at the Howard Johnson's and saw the actor who starred in that play pouring coffee behind the counter. Then I realized that everything in life is relative: first he conquered me with his game, and now he was standing behind the counter at Howard Johnson and serving me.

Books and plays helped me understand myself and the world around me, there was some kind of shift, I became more serious.

The first rule is don't give up. The second rule is to remember the first rule.

Do you know what capitalism is? This is when everyone has you! Tony Montano, Scarface

Do you know what the difference is between acting on stage and acting in a movie? Playing is like walking a tightrope. On the stage, the rope is stretched high, high. Bryakneshsya - so bryakneshsya for real. In the cinema, the rope lies on the floor.

Never explain anything to anyone - everyone will still understand how it is beneficial for him.

Justice is free, it's just that judges are expensive these days... Arthur Curland, "Justice for All"

Old records are put only on the first or second date. We need to get to know each other better. You play old records, and she immediately understands how thin and sentimental you are. And with a constant woman, all this is not necessary. Frank Keller, "Sea of ​​Love"

You know, there is a proverb: “He who persists in his madness will one day be a wise man.

Killing with kindness is our secret. John Milton, Devil's Advocate

Money inevitably leads to the top. John Milton. "Devil's Advocate"

Even though I played the chef in Frankie and Johnny, don't ask me to cook anything. If I suddenly start cooking, everything will end in murder. Seriously. I can play the part. Cooking dinner is not.

All history has taught us is that anyone can be killed.

It's true, I'm tongue-tied. You need to live with me for 50 years to begin to realize what I'm talking about.

As a child, I prayed to God for a bicycle, then I realized that God works differently, I stole a bicycle and began to pray to God for forgiveness.

I say what I think and do what I say. "Fight"

There was a year when I was immensely addicted to alcohol and pills. With all this, I have already tied up a long time ago, by the way. But at that time I was sitting at the ceremony and thinking: Will I even get to the stage if I am awarded? Not sure.

Collection themes: sayings, phrases, sayings, aphorisms and quotes Al Pacino, full name Alfredo James (Al) Pacino (Alfredo James "Al" Pacino) is a famous American theater and film actor, director, and screenwriter.

On this page you can read the best quotes of Al Quotion - the most beloved lines from poems, short stories, short stories and prose miniatures, many of which have managed to fly around the entire Internet, to be remembered and loved by readers.

Stylish men smell of expensive perfume. Men in love smell like their woman.

I was always taught, by all means, not to show that I feel bad. Do not open weak points, ever. No, I am by no means iron and by no means a hero, I whine and complain, like all of us, just when my heart hurts, I complain about my heel.

I was told that there are those who are smarter than you. I was told that there are those who are more beautiful than you. They told me, not understanding one thing: that you, my man, in my life, my soul, my fate, my heart are not higher than all other people. You are beyond comparison.

We are all trading ourselves seriously. Each of us. Just one sells the body, the other time, the third labor, the fourth his soul. And what is worse: physical or spiritual prostitution is a separate issue.

I tell you: be, last, sound, go on, live avidly, love desperately, laugh sincerely and, falling with knees knocked down in blood on the ground salted with tears, find the strength to get up.

But a person changes over time: his ideas, values, commitment and belief in certain words change. Personally, for myself, I have not found those words in which I am so sure that I can make them my motto, life credo or something similar. Which I just want to keep with me forever. Because tomorrow I will be different.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Just like sadness, thoughtfulness, love ... In the eyes of the beholder - the whole world. In you.

If I looked at anything but you, I would find a vast world, incredible in its wide-open beauty. But you know... I find my stars, fire, fall leaves, grass, flowers in you. And within the framework of my funny cold soul, this is incomparably larger than the vast world that sheltered us on a long journey called life.

As sometimes you want - to be cold. To the heart - to insensitivity. To the soul - granite, concrete, stone. To look - ice, snow, hoarfrost. Not to love, not to hurt. To breathe in the transparent sky and not know earthly passions. In order not to want hands, not to look for miserable crumbs of warmth in the deafened world. To be a rock - in any storm, to indifference instead of all broken hopes. So that a confident step instead of useless attempts, so that they don’t bend and break the words “we will remain friends.” To any words - remained only words. Not to live, almost dying, but to die, remaining alive. And sometimes it almost works out, and you already feel this cold in your chest, and you are already waiting for it, ready for it ... but for some reason, mom looks at your face and starts to cry.

Embrace me, and let the wind rise around and the stars endlessly fall, let new worlds be born and the ancient gods burn, let ... But between our bodies, hidden in silent embraces, there will remain something that justifies everything by its mere existence.

Tomorrow will be a new day. The sun will rise tomorrow. Big, bright, for everyone. And everything will be fine, and we will finally understand that happiness has always been with us, we just loved pain more, noticed it more often. And that those people whom we were so desperately looking for, losing ourselves, stood nearby and hugged their shoulders, silently and understandingly smiling at all the metamorphoses of the soul. And that any poems are beautiful only when your soul is alive and your heart breathes love into essentially dead words. And that the sun rises every day and this is the greatest miracle given to us. I love you too. And I'm with you.

Autumn is in the human soul. Like spring, summer, any season, any weather. And therefore, to the same rain, someone with joy and a premonition of purification will substitute his hands, and the other will frown heavily, brush his sadness into a random stream and tighten his cloak. The weather is in us, and the rain ... it just comes. Deprived of shades of good and evil, joy and sadness, the rain falls through our souls.

Together is when you know for sure that you are always expected. Loneliness is when you are always waiting, not knowing anything.

And there are stars in the sky. The most ordinary stars in the most ordinary sky. And I don't know and don't want to know their names. I just want to look, point my finger at them, smile, and tell you: "look, how beautiful." There complexity strives for simplicity. There, at dawn, dew falls and we slap on it barefoot, and I don’t read you poems about love and pain, life and death: I call you to swim, because the water is warm and pines and clouds are reflected in it. And if you strain your imagination, you can imagine that we are flying between them. In the evening we drink tea. With dryers. And all the secrets of life, rhetorical questions, painful thoughts and unresolved deeds silently await us from the other side of the door.

Even if you consider your opinion to be the ultimate truth, do not dare, you hear, never dare to cut someone else's soul. Leave everyone the right to love as he knows how.

The one you love is the night. It is darkness that reduces you to awareness of sound, taste, touch. This is a tight bandage on the eyes, forcing to recognize the world again, by touch, to hear the trembling of eyelashes in the incredible silence, to distinguish the nuances of breathing and again go crazy from the hot whisper on naked skin...

Escaping from yourself is like escaping from heaven. You can build walls, block the ceiling, but as it was above your head, it will remain there. In the same way, in games with your own soul, you can grow any illusions, break all the mirrors, but your face will still remain the same.

Entry 1. "I'll make him an offer he can't refuse." Michael Corleone, The Godfather

2. "Justice is free, just judges are expensive these days...". Arthur Curland, "Justice for All"

3. “Definitely, vanity is my favorite of the sins. It's so fundamental, self-love is a natural drug." John Milton, Devil's Advocate

4. “People tolerate deceit, but they don’t like it when their eyes are opened.” Victor Toranski, "Simone"

5. “Do you know what capitalism is? This is when everyone has you!” Tony Montano, Scarface

6. “I am an American, hiding here from our police. The name is Michael. You can inform me - they will pay well, only your daughter will lose her father on this, but she could find a husband. Michael Corleone, The Godfather

7. “My ex-wife lives in this house. Can you imagine? We ride in the same elevator. After meeting her, I drink three glasses to calm down. Benny "Lefty" Ruggiero, "Donnie Brasco"

8. "Money inevitably leads to the top." John Milton, Devil's Advocate

9. "Heroes made a revolution and shed blood for freedom, but scoundrels and assholes came to power." Tom Dobb, "Revolution"

10. “Don't shrug your shoulders, I'm blind. Save the body language for girls." Frank Slade, Scent of a Woman

11. “Old records are put on only on the first or second date. We need to get to know each other better. You play old records, and she immediately understands how thin and sentimental you are. And with a constant woman, all this is not necessary. Frank Keller, "Sea of ​​Love"

12. "All history has taught us is that anyone can be killed." Michael Corleone, The Godfather II

13. “Killing with kindness is our secret.” John Milton, Devil's Advocate

14. “There are no mistakes in tango, let alone in life. It's very simple, that's why tango is such a wonderful dance. If you make a mistake - pretend that it is the way it should be, and dance further. Frank Slade, Scent of a Woman

15. "Know how to benefit from everything, and then forget." John Milton, Devil's Advocate

16. “Can an enemy be forgiven? God will forgive! Our task is to organize their meeting.” Tony Montano, Scarface

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