Subjects of communications in library marketing. Formation of a complex of marketing communications for the sphere of library services Samoilova Elena Vladimirovna. Duplication of a multicomponent system of library services


Promotion Complex (promotionmix) – the specific combination of advertising, personal selling, sales promotion and public relations activities used by a company to achieve its advertising and marketing goals.

In recent years, direct exchange of information with carefully selected target customers in order to obtain an immediate response has become increasingly important. New methods of direct communication with the consumer, commonly referred to as direct marketing, involve the use of mail, telephone, fax, e-mail and other non-personal channels to reach a specific category of consumers or get an immediate response. As direct marketing gains more and more importance in its own right, marketers rarely consider this approach as the fifth element of the communication process. However, direct marketing methods are not only a way of transmitting information, but are also full-fledged channels for the distribution of goods. Many companies use direct marketing channels to sell their products. For example, a fairly wide range of goods and services, including computers, software, financial services, clothing, and household appliances, can be sold by phone, mail, and the Internet.

direct marketing (directmarketing) - a system for the sale of goods through various means of advertising, which involves direct contact with the consumer and is usually aimed at obtaining an immediate direct reaction from him.

It is important that, given the advances in the latest technologies in the field of interactive communications, companies should ask themselves not only the question "How to convey their information to the consumer?", but also "How to make it so that consumers can transmit their information to us?".

We will give definitions of the elements of the communication process using the example of advertising for the Bytekhnika chain of stores.

- Sender. The party sending the message to the other party is Bytekhnika.

- Coding. The process of presenting an advertising message or idea in a visual form - an advertising agency that works for the Bytekhnika company (CJSC Video International - Krasnoyarsk) put together text and illustrations into an advertisement that conveys a marketing message (video clip).

- Message. The set of words, images or symbols transmitted by the sender is actually an advertisement for household appliances.

- Advertising media. Communication channels through which the message is transmitted from the sender to the recipient - in our case, television (Channel One, TV channel Russia / GTRK), chosen by Byttekhnika for advertising.

- Decryption. The process in which the recipient attaches a certain meaning to the symbols encoded by the sender - the consumer sees an advertisement for household appliances that is sold in the Bytekhnika chain of stores and interprets the text and illustrations contained in it (video sequence).

- Recipient. The party receiving the message sent by the other party is the consumer who sees the advertisement for home appliances.

— Reaction. The actions of the recipient after reading the proposed message. Actions can be very different - for example, consumers become more aware of the assortment of the Bytekhnika chain of stores, become buyers, or take no action.

- Feedback. Part of the response that the recipient communicates to the sender is that research conducted by Bytekhnika shows that most consumers like advertising and remember it.

- Interference: unplanned distortions in the process of transmitting information, leading to the fact that the addressee receives a message that is not the same as that transmitted by the sender - for example, the consumer was distracted while watching TV and missed the advertisement of Bytekhnika or did not remember its key points.

Stages of developing effective communications:

1) Definition of the target contact audience (stereotype analysis).

2) Formulation of the purpose of communication (stages of decision-making by the buyer: awareness, knowledge, sympathy (predisposition), preference, loyalty (conviction), purchase).

3) Creating an appeal (rational appeal, emotional appeal, moral appeal).

4) Choice of communication channels (personal channels, non-personal channels).

5) Determination of the total budget allocated for promotion (methods: assessment of opportunities, budget as a percentage of sales, the method of matching competitors, the method of goals and objectives).

6) Deciding on the means of promotion ( promotion - mix is a set of various methods and tools that allow you to successfully bring the product to the market, stimulate sales and create loyalty to the company (brand) of buyers; promotion tools: advertising, sales promotion, PR, personal selling, direct marketing). Factors influencing the formation of promotion programs - a mix: type of market, strategic objectives (strategies "on oneself" and "on oneself"), the consumer's willingness to make a purchase, the stage of the product life cycle.

7) Evaluation of promotion results.

8) Management of the implementation of complex marketing communications and coordination of this process (integrated marketing communication).

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Samoilova Elena Vladimirovna Formation of a complex of marketing communications for the sphere of library services: dissertation... Cand.Econ.Sci.: 08.00.05 Novosibirsk, 2007 148 p., Bibliography: p. 128-141 RSL OD, 61:07-8/4925


CHAPTER 1. Implementation of marketing in library activities 8

1.1. Library service and marketing in the modern library 8

1.2. Types of libraries and direction of communication flow 19

1.3. Marketing communications in promoting a library service.37

Chapter 47 Conclusions

CHAPTER 2 Study of the Library's Marketing Communications System 49

2.1. Quantifying the demand for library services 49

2.2. Duplication of a multicomponent system of library services 62

2.3. Library Services Selection Matrix 73

Chapter 80 Conclusions

CHAPTER 3 Formation of an effective complex of library marketing communications 82

3.1. Choosing effective marketing communication channels for the library 82

3.2. Algorithm for creating a complex of marketing communications of the library 92

3.3. Library website as a tool for promoting library services 114

Chapter 124 Conclusions

Conclusion 126

Bibliographic list

Introduction to work

The relevance of the topic of dissertation research. The process of reforming the Russian economy has caused the need to take a fresh look at the activities of almost all organizations. This is due to the rapid development of market relations and the emergence of fierce competition accompanying them. Most of the economic entities adapted to the changes and adopted the new rules of the game, while some structures continued to operate in the old way, existing outside of market relations. To a large extent, this also applies to the sphere of library services, which until some time, due to a certain inertia, did not participate in market relations.

However, the situation has now changed. The emergence and rapid development of the Internet, new electronic media have led to the fact that libraries today are forced to fight for their readers: solve financial issues related to updating collections, equipping the library with new equipment, computer networks; find new forms of relationships with their consumers, forming their own channels for delivering information; to solve the issues of promoting library services, that is, to engage in marketing activities.

Russian libraries need a clear methodology for assessing the state of communication activities, using modern marketing tools and allowing to form a universal approach to planning marketing communications. Therefore, the development of a methodology for obtaining quantitative assessments of marketing activities and planning of communication activities of organizations in the field of library services are very relevant.

This led to the choice of the topic of the dissertation research aimed at researching the system of library marketing communications and developing on its basis a complex for promoting library services.

The degree of development of the problem. The library's marketing activities have been considered by many authors. Practical and theoretical approaches to the organization of library marketing activities were developed, as well as the issues of adaptation of libraries to changing market conditions, and the possibilities of their further development were analyzed. At the same time, the evaluation of the marketing activities of libraries is based mainly on qualitative indicators, and the research is focused on general marketing issues and does not provide specific recommendations for promoting such a specific product as a “library service”.

Foreign experts B. Asherwood, B.V. Bayverstock, R. Savard and others. A number of authors considered service marketing in general, these are T. Ambler, G. Assel, G. Beckwith, T. Berg, D. Wieters, P. Gamble, F. Kotler, D. Crevens, M. Murphy and others. Their work examines the specific features of services and related marketing activities.

Russian scientists are also actively studying this issue. Among them are the works, N.V. Bubekina, L.N. Gerasimova, M.Ya. Dvorkina, V.E. Demidov, V.K. Klyuev, L.A. Kozhevnikova, O.N. Kokoikina, S.G. Matlina, G.B. Parshukova, A.V. Sokolov, I.M. Suslova, E.M. Yastrebova.

Service marketing is being actively developed as a scientific direction by professors V.V. Bakaeva, K.T. Dzhurabaev, M.V. Lychagin, A.V. Naumova, V.V. Saliem, V.A. Titova, E.V. Tyunyukova.

Purpose and objectives of the study. The purpose of the dissertation work is to study the library communication system and develop on its basis a complex of marketing communications to promote library services.

The formulated goal makes it necessary to solve a number of tasks, the main of which are:

– analysis of the state of marketing and communication activities of libraries in modern market conditions;

– adaptation of the classical marketing mix to the sphere of library services;

- identification of channels of communication activities of the library;

– determination of preferred types of marketing communications;

– development of a methodology for assessing the communication activities of the library;

- development and ranking of the entire range of library services based on quantitative assessments;

- selection of key solutions for the formation of a library promotion complex that provides the necessary level of demand for services by readers.

Subject of research is a complex of library marketing communications that provides effective communication with the consumer in real market conditions.

Object of study the municipal and scientific and technical libraries of Novosibirsk and Moscow, including the library of the Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives, perform.

Field of study. The content of the dissertation corresponds to the field of study 3.23. "Development of a complex of marketing communications" Passport of the nomenclature of specialties of scientists (economic sciences).

Theoretical and methodological basis dissertation work served as the works of domestic and foreign scientists on the theory and practice of marketing services, the organization of marketing activities of the library. The analysis and scientific generalization of the experience existing in the field of strategic marketing are applied, the methods of experiment planning, economic evaluation, the foundations of the theory of reliability and marketing research are used.

The information base of the study is: laws of the Russian Federation, materials of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat), results of surveys of experts and consumers conducted by the author.

Scientific novelty of the dissertation research are as follows:

– the definition of a “library product” has been clarified as a rendered service to provide the information necessary for the consumer and an original classification of library services has been carried out, in which, unlike the previously existing ones, it is proposed to divide services according to several interrelated criteria: mandatory free library services, additional paid services and service library services;

– Segmentation of library users as “basic” and “attracted” was carried out, the novelty of which is the use of the benefits that they expect from the library as segmentation signs;

– a methodology for assessing the demand for library services has been developed, based on the use of the desirability function, characterized by obtaining quantitative indicators of demand, reduced to the coefficients of demand for library services, with the help of which a set of library marketing communications is formed;

– a unique methodology for selecting preferred channels and media for promoting a library service is proposed, which differs from the previously existing ones by using a weighted assessment system that allows optimizing the costs of the library services promotion complex by choosing the most effective forms of marketing communications based on their significance;

– an approach to the formation of a complex of marketing communications is proposed, the novelty of which is the use of communication decision matrices, which allow choosing effective communications and media for each service.

Practical significance of the results of the study is that the developed method for obtaining quantitative estimates of the organization's communication activities based on an expert survey is unique and acceptable for large-scale implementation in all libraries. Theoretical and practical conclusions and proposals are recommended for the practice of municipal and scientific and technical libraries.

Approbation of the research results. The main provisions and results of the work were reported at scientific and practical conferences, including the conference with international participation "Market space of modern Russia: advertising, commerce, marketing" (February 15-16, 2006, Novosibirsk).

The results of the study were tested in the State Public Scientific and Technical Library of Novosibirsk (State Public Scientific and Technical Library of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) (act of implementation dated December 15, 2006), in the Road Scientific and Technical Library of Russian Railways LLC, branch of the Moscow Railway (act of implementation dated February 19, 2007 No. 57/2) and in the scientific library of the Moscow University of Instrument Engineering and Informatics (act of implementation dated February 05, 2007 No. 06/2440).

Theoretical and practical results developed in the dissertation, which constitute its novelty, are used in the educational process of the Kemerovo State University of Culture and Arts.

Publications. The main content of the results of the dissertation research is reflected in eight scientific articles with a total volume of 3.5 pp. (author's - 2.7 p.l.). Of these, five author's articles with a volume of 2.1 p.p., three articles in co-authorship with a volume of 1.4 p.p. (author's - 0.8 p.l.). One author's article of 0.4 pp, published in a leading peer-reviewed scientific journal recommended by the Higher Attestation Commission.

Volume and structure of the dissertation work. The work is presented on 143 pages of the main text, consists of an introduction, three chapters, a conclusion, a bibliographic list including 170 titles, contains 23 tables, 14 figures, 3 appendices.

Types of libraries and direction of the communication flow

These factors testify to the need for the earliest possible introduction of marketing into the management activities of libraries, especially since “new” library competitors have recently appeared. Here we can note the fact that often we should not talk about libraries, which, as a rule, have funds oriented to different target groups, but about structures that master the free time of the population - video libraries, bookstores, interest clubs, Internet centers etc. . As a rule, modern libraries provide a significant number of services, such as access to the Internet, membership in various thematic clubs, assistance in learning, etc. But information about these services is available to a limited circle of people who are direct users of the library. Therefore, it is so important to organize a system for promoting these services with the help of modern marketing communications.

Since the term "library marketing" appeared in the 90s, its independent concept has been formed, the main principles of which have become a focus on maximizing the satisfaction of needs and the formation of demand for library products. At the same time, the work is carried out in two directions: charitable, associated with providing the user with information products that best meet his needs, and commercial, associated with increasing the sales of one's own information product and obtaining maximum profit from its implementation.

In this regard, there is a need to more clearly define what actually represents the product offered by the library. From the point of view of marketing, it consists of two parts - a material object (books, scientific and technical information, documents or their copies, thematic collections, written-off literature) and an intangible component, the actual library service. Due to the fact that the consumer does not become the owner of the book issued to him, we will call this material object the material component of the library service.

The subject of a library service is the provision of library services, the compilation and editing of bibliographic lists, the execution of bibliographic references, bibliographic information, a fact or a selection of facts, consultations, etc. A library service has all the characteristic features of a service indicated by J. Bowen, F. Kotler and J. Mackenz: intangibility, inseparability from the source, inconstancy of quality and perishability. The intangible nature of the service greatly complicates consumer choice and evaluation. Due to the fact that libraries are non-profit organizations, they are more socially oriented than other market participants, but in order to survive in market conditions they are forced to deal with legal and financial issues.

The definition given by M. Murphy can be considered the most adequate definition of a library service: library services are those services that a library, as a public institution, provides to a society that includes this library in its structure. Such services include the acquisition, organization and storage of materials, the search for and provision of information. Russian authors call a library service the activity of a librarian that satisfies the needs of the reader and has received the recognition of the latter. In addition, in the literature on library marketing, such a concept as "service" is considered, which implies the labor costs of a library worker, but does not always lead to the satisfaction of the reader's needs. In this case, service is the process from the beginning of the execution of the order for the book until the moment it is offered to the reader. If the reader is satisfied with the proposed book and the form of service, the final result is achieved and we can talk about the provided library service.

Let's compare these approaches with the classical definition of a service - “a service is a type of activity, work, in the course of which a new, previously non-existing tangible product is not created, but the quality of an already existing, created product changes. These are benefits provided not in the form of things, but in the form of activity. Thus, the very provision of services creates the desired result. Based on the foregoing, we believe that it is possible to define a library product as a service rendered to provide the information necessary to the consumer.

The analysis of literary sources allows us to perform the classification of a library product, presented in Fig. 1.1. In this classification, services are divided according to several interrelated features: mandatory (free) library services, additional (paid) services and the so-called service (library) services.

It is worth noting that the concept of "free services" is quite controversial. Almost all library services are paid, the only difference is who pays for them. Based on its interests and capabilities, the society determines those types of cultural and information activities that it considers necessary to provide free of charge to all its members, including those included in the number of social guarantee groups.

Marketing communications in the promotion of library services

The existence of any institution, including libraries, in the market conditions depends on their being in demand by the society. And a significant role in the adaptation of libraries to changing market conditions is played by their communication policy.

For library services to be sought after by consumers, at a minimum, they must be aware of library services and products and the particular benefits they can derive from the library.

The results of numerous studies show that even regular users of libraries do not have a complete understanding of the services and products of the latter, and, of course, they remain unknown to potential readers. And from the point of view of marketing, if the consumer does not know what need this or that organization can satisfy, then he does not feel the need for it.

Libraries that actively work with modern marketing communications are recognized in the society due to the location of target audiences. Therefore, informing, persuading, revealing the possibilities of the library can radically affect its present and future. Today, to achieve this goal, libraries use a rather limited set of marketing communications tools - advertising, public relations, personal communication with users.

The strategic planning of an organization's marketing activities should include activities that ensure that the organization communicates with its audience. Communication activities should be implemented in two directions: in notifying markets about the readiness and ability to satisfy their information needs and remove barriers in the “document-consumer” system; in informing the public about the work, problems and achievements of libraries in order to promote library initiatives, attract investments and volunteers.

An integrated approach to organizing a communication system, that is, an approach based on the use of several communication channels, turns out to be effective.

The marketing complex contains all the activities of the organization in the formation of consumer demand. These areas were divided by marketing specialists into groups and called the “5 P complex”: people (people), product (product), place (place, product position), promotion (promotion), price (price). The entire activity of the organization depends on the complex use of these elements in the market, and decisions are made taking into account their relationship. In the marketing mix, promotion occupies a special position, performing communication functions with the consumer and informing him of the advantages and benefits of the organization's product. The goals of promotion are achieved with the help of marketing communications, which should be discussed in more detail.

At the heart of the marketing communications system are five main tools: advertising, public relations - public relations (PR), sales promotion, personal selling and direct marketing. Recently, this system has been supplemented with what are called synthetic means: fairs and exhibitions, sponsorship, charity, product placement and integrated marketing communications at the point of sale. Some authors include in this list all forms of communication that an organization has with consumers, for example, service elements in terms of direct contact at the place where the service is provided.

As one of the communication aspects of marketing, advertising impact is aimed at the consumer, therefore, the success of an enterprise in a particular market largely depends on the effectiveness of advertising communication.

The Federal Law “On Advertising”, which was adopted by the State Duma on February 22, 2006 and entered into force, provides the following definition of advertising (Article 3): “Advertising is information distributed in any way, in any form using any means, addressed to to an indefinite circle of persons and aimed at drawing attention to the object of advertising, the formation or maintenance of interest in it and its promotion on the market.

There are many definitions of advertising, but almost all of them have four characteristic features for advertising: it is a paid form of information transfer; presentation of information in non-personal form, i.e. the advertiser offers his product or service through an intermediary link, for example, through the media; the goals of advertising are always transparent and related to stimulating demand for a product or service, which is reported to potential consumers; in addition to the message about the product, advertising necessarily contains information about who offers it, as well as the name of the organization, its address and phone number, i.e. information by which the consumer can easily find the advertised product or service.

The classification of the main channels and advertising media is shown in Table 1.4. It should be noted that it presents the main genre forms, and their division by media channels is rather arbitrary, since in practice this list is much wider and, in addition, genre forms are constantly borrowed between media channels. When compiling this classification, a number of literary sources were used.

Duplication of a multicomponent system of library services

The issues of obtaining effective marketing communications today are one of the most significant in planning marketing activities. According to experts, only half of Russian companies evaluate the effectiveness of marketing communications qualitatively and only 10-15% quantitatively.

When planning marketing research, Russian organizations are often limited to studying consumers and competitors, while full-fledged marketing research must necessarily include such a direction as marketing communications. In addition, it is necessary in the course of such studies to obtain a quantitative assessment of their effectiveness, which will make it possible to avoid unnecessary costs in the future.

Existing approaches to evaluating the effectiveness of marketing communications mainly imply two areas - communication and economic (trade, commercial).

At the same time, communication efficiency includes some parameters that can be assessed, and for library services it seems to be the most significant. The set of these parameters may be different, but we consider the most interesting approach proposed by Jean-Jacques Lambin, who considers communication effectiveness as the effectiveness of perception at the level of relationships and behavioral effectiveness. There is still no consensus among scientists regarding the assessment of the economic efficiency of marketing communications. The traditional approach interprets the concept of efficiency as some optimal ratio between costs and output, while the volume of output exceeding a given amount of costs will correspond to greater efficiency. However, the well-known marketing theorist and practitioner O Shaughnessy notes that “... we would like to be able to make statements such as “taking into account a certain type of distribution, pricing, competition, etc. an advertising campaign within a given market structure will attract (lure, etc.) so many buyers, whose cumulative sales will be $X per year. There is no theory that allows such predictions to be made. In addition, there are research results showing that there is no relationship between consumer reaction, the number of advertising hits and the size of the budget for advertising campaigns.

Therefore, to assess economic efficiency, indirect indicators are mainly used: sales volumes before and after the advertising campaign; the ratio of profit growth after an advertising campaign to the amount; share of advertising costs in total sales; the number of purchases or appeals to the organization provoked by advertising. However, in practice it can be quite difficult to isolate the effect of advertising events. After all, sales growth can occur not only in the situation of an active advertising campaign, and in addition, the costs of good and bad advertising can be the same. And in relation to library services, the issues of assessing communication and economic efficiency in general seem to be very problematic.

Previously, we carried out a classification of library services based on their division into mandatory, additional and service, fig. 1.1, in 1.1, and the coefficients of demand for each service of the library 84 are obtained. The library services model proposed in 2.2, fig. 2.6 is a set of services with a high degree of demand, and now the task arises of creating such a complex of marketing communications that would ensure the effective promotion of this set.

Libraries today use various forms of marketing communications - public relations (public relations), advertising, direct marketing and even sales promotion. The set of carriers of communication appeals is also quite wide. The following information distribution channels are most often used: a signboard, information in the library lobby and in the halls about the services provided, the library website, booklets distributed in the library premises. However, all these forms are quite traditional for the library and the consumer reacts to them only when visiting it. And since the number of library visitors is usually stable and depends on the type of library and the number of basic users (Section 1.2), it is necessary to expand the library's existing communication set to attract new readers.

In addition, the significance of the elements of marketing communications used is different, and their number is determined by the financial capabilities of the library and the range of services that need to be informed. At the same time, an assumption is made about the equal effectiveness of all the elements used, which does not always correspond to the real state of affairs. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the library as an organization. After all, being essentially a cultural center, it has been present on the market for a significant period of time, and therefore its services must be constantly promoted.

Typical media can be selected for each communication channel, but they will have different effectiveness in terms of promoting library services. This is connected both with the specifics of the promoted product and with a certain degree of inertia of both users and library workers. There is another problem related to the different reactions of users to marketing communications. So, for example, people of the older generation are very ambiguous about this type of communication as “personal selling”. Many consumers are distrustful of the promises generously distributed by advertising. A special place in the list of marketing communications is occupied by "sales promotion", non-price forms of which are very inactively used to promote the product to the final consumer - an individual. Price forms of sales promotion in the library can only be used to promote services and additional services.

Very significant for libraries is the activity in the field of public relations - public relations, which allows to establish harmonious, friendly relations with all groups of the public. PR actions developed by the library should be focused both on their own employees and on the external environment - on real and potential users, partners, competitors, administrative and government structures, media representatives, the general public as a whole.

These forms of communication make it possible to cover all goals, audiences, ways of presenting material, ways of communication and methods of psychological influence. The problem lies precisely in the systematic implementation of the complex of marketing communications.

Algorithm for creating a library marketing communications complex

Information products provided by library sites include electronic catalogs, electronic databases, electronic archives of periodicals and ongoing publications, lists of new acquisitions, and electronic documents.

For visitors to the site, the full texts of books and journals are of great value, but copyright laws prohibit libraries from publishing them on their servers. Libraries may offer to publish on their websites the most complete lists of links to full-text e-books and periodicals.

Thus, for visitors, the library server can be an incentive to refer to primary sources. However, in almost any library there are such primary sources for which copyright restrictions have already expired, but they continue to retain a certain scientific or artistic value. It is the publication of such sources that can increase the content value of library sites, and a study of the demand for certain publications, conducted directly on the site, will help to identify the most popular information products.

As already noted, not all libraries have the ability to create and maintain a truly deep content site. Therefore, according to the categories of complexity and functionality, websites can be divided into four groups: "Business card", "Light", "Standard", "Corporate".

A site in the Business Card category usually contains brief information about the library, address, directions, and contact information (telephone numbers). Site of category "Light" (Light - light, lightweight) the most common form of the site, in addition to the information already listed, includes detailed information about the collections and structure of the library, services provided, events held and projects being implemented.

The site of the "Standard" category is a fully functional site containing, among other things, a logical navigation system and providing access to an electronic catalog and databases, it is characterized by the presence of such elements as a constantly updated calendar of events, a directory of regional (industry) Internet resources, a list electronic periodicals, guest book.

The site of the “Corporate” category implements a complete representation of the library on the Web - search in catalogs in this case is combined with the possibility of electronic ordering of documents, and through the server access is provided for remote (that is, physically located outside the library) readers to external information resources, including commercial full-text databases data, and each reader has the opportunity to open a personal workplace on the site and receive information support in accordance with their individual information needs.

However, the creation of the site itself cannot be of a one-time nature. Work on the content of the site lasts as long as the site is on the Internet. Its sections should be constantly maintained and updated, links to other Internet resources should be regularly checked so that the information posted on the site does not lose its relevance. This increases the efficiency of providing information and increases the value of the information product.

The library site can be considered not only as a source of certain information, but also as an intermediary between virtual and real library attendance. Therefore, the relevance of address and reference information (address, telephone, working hours, rules of use) and the list of library services is very important. At the same time, the news presented on the site, as well as information about the receipt of new documents, should be promptly and evenly updated.

The number of visits to library sites illustrates the high interest in them on the part of users. Thus, the actual number of library users increases significantly. At the same time, it should be noted that the analysis of sites does not allow establishing a relationship between the number of visits and the level of satisfaction with the information requests of users. However, according to research, 60% of people with computers connect to the Internet and use it as a source of information. In addition, all researchers note that the presence of a website at the organization improves its image not only among the real and potential consumers of the organization, but also among its competitors.

Also important is such a characteristic of the site as its information content, which, according to research results, is in second place after its design, so it is so important to post up-to-date and constantly updated information on the library website.

To date, there are a number of requirements that a library site must meet. These requirements are related to the depth of content (the amount of information available, the degree of detail), ease of navigation (the logic of the site construction scheme), the stability of information resources (the constancy of the information provided, the creation of archives), the promptness of updating information (keeping the site up to date), accessibility for users (technical support of the site, competent design) and with the unity of the design of all sections.

The fulfillment of these requirements increases the popularity of the site among users, works on the image of the library and allows you to effectively promote its services. The user should be aware that on the library website he can find maximum information, his information requests will be fulfilled in the shortest possible time and, if necessary, he will be provided with qualified advice. The more a site is visited, the more significant it is on the Web and the more attractive it is for advertisers.

It should be noted that the promotion of the site is quite a significant action in the complex of marketing communications of the library. In order for the Internet resources created by the library to be available to the maximum number of users, certain methods of promoting library websites are used. Basically, this is registration in search engines and directories of Internet resources. The most popular search engines where you should definitely register your site are Russian Yandex (, Aport (, Rambler (, as well as foreign Google systems ( .com) and Yahoo! ( Banner exchanges take place with the servers of other libraries and sites that are similar in subject matter. Forms that are interesting for users are participation in conferences, thematic forums and lists, mailing lists (forums and conferences are created to exchange information, discuss issues on a specific topic.

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