Management processes and project participants. Organization management process Organization of the management process in the form of


Less administrative spirit in business life,
more business spirit in administrative life.

1.1 Architecture of the control system

In the process of management, the company and its part - the management system - form a structure subordinate to the vector of goals. The quality of management is ensured by two factors:

  • structure architecture, i.e. the functional load of its elements (including communication channels) and the orderliness (organization, hierarchy) of the elements in the structure;
  • the functional suitability of the elements themselves included in the structure for the implementation of the functions assigned to them (a kind of “qualification” level of the elements).

Errors in the construction of the structure can practically negate the high functional suitability of the elements of the structure; therefore, with functionally suitable (good in this sense) elements that form the structure, the control error, however, will be outside the allowable limits.

When developing the architecture of a company's management system, it must be taken into account that the company is a production, economic, social, and environmental system. This definition of the control object means that:

  1. the company management system has a multi-purpose character;
  2. management objectives are of a different nature (industrial, economic, social, environmental and technical);
  3. the result of the enterprise's activities are effects of various nature, characterizing the degree of achievement of goals;
  4. in the control system, it is necessary to constantly monitor changes in goals and adjust the purposefulness of the control object;
  5. mistakes in setting goals will inevitably lead to a violation of the parity of goals and an unjustified expenditure of resources;
  6. the development of the company, as well as the production of products, is a continuous process and is carried out in the interests of achieving the entire vector of goals;
  7. corporate standards regulating the management system and managerial relations should actively contribute to the achievement of objective goals companies.

[ 1 ] companies, both in terms of composition and structure, are formed on the basis of production process systems product ( though it looks different). This system is strung on a system of production processes (functional structure) and maintains their stationary mode, promptly responding to possible deviations. In addition, the company is forced to maintain interaction with the external environment, stimulate favorable conditions in the external environment for the company and respond in a timely manner to various aspects of the environment, result, - additional links (posts, subdivisions, etc.) in the control system.

For large enterprises:

  • Management organization is a construction control systems and maintaining it in working condition, in particular the reproduction of management standards and organizational design;
  • is a process that takes place in control system carried by her.

Those. organization of management and management - two different cases which professionally far from always can be dealt with by the same people.

A tool for the company's management to achieve its goals, by influencing control object, with deviations of processes and manufactured products from a given value (in terms of quantity, quality and cost), under the influence of internal changes in the company and under the influence of external influences.

It is a set created before the start of the management process:

The stability and quality of the management process is ensured by the architecture of the management system, which remains standard (unchanged) in the management process and the presence of external working groups that are formed as needed and can be formed to resolve unforeseen force majeure circumstances or development tasks. The task of the working groups is to develop possible management decisions, which, in turn, must be implemented by the administrative structure.

The control system allows you to respond in a predetermined - standard - way to changes in the external environment and in the internal organization of the control object, as well as to changes caused by the control process itself.

1.2 Management standards

Except system budgeting, one of the functions that is the connection of various operating activities in the company into a single production and financial system, the role of this kind of "glue" that unites many private functions into one integrity, the corporate culture as a whole performs, and in particular - supported in the company standards system.

AT company management system in the process of functioning, there is always a large number of periodically recurring functions, processes and actions for making managerial decisions. At the same time, as a rule, there are a lot of different options for implementing the same management decision, process, and many different principles and approaches to making similar management decisions. Under such conditions, spontaneously and gradually begins the formation of certain typical models of behavior of the control system- so-called de facto standards. At the same time, “de facto” standards do not always fix the properties of the management system that are desirable for the owners and administration of the company.

The period of formation of such standards can be very long, during which the behavior of the company's management system in the absence of standard models will be characterized by a wide variation in the parameters of its functioning. In other words, in the same situations, under equal conditions, the control system can function differently, often unpredictably and far from the most effective option.

In accordance with the above, there is a need to provide targeted impacts on the process of forming management standards in the company (to manage the standardization of the management system) through the development, implementation and use of certain optimal standard principles, processes, functions and management tools.

On the other hand, the processes associated with the development of the company significantly update the issues of improving the manageability of decentralized, spatially distributed divisions (subsidiaries, branches, representative offices). Already now, many large companies form and disseminate common principles of doing business, planning and reporting; standard requirements for personnel and template management technologies, often fixed in corporate information systems.

A tangible advantage of de facto standards is the relative painlessness of their implementation and use, since this process is implemented gradually (evolutionary). However, the process of developing standards is de facto unmanageable by the company's administration and can often fix the company's behavior patterns that are undesirable for management, in addition, the period of formation of such standards is quite long.

Therefore, there is a need to influence the processes of reproduction of management standards through their direct development.

Ordinary consciousness often identifies standardization and unification and, striving for diversity, which is a manifestation of the beauty of real life, objects to standard solutions of various kinds in many industries. However, in essence, the best standardizer is God: about a hundred elements of the Periodic Table form the basis for all the diversity that we see in life. And all this diversity is the combinatorics of standard elements and solutions at different hierarchical levels.

The solution of most of the problems that arise in the life of the company, the organization of the production of most products in the field of the company's activities, may well be solved by a combination of standard methods, this does not require any additional resources or additional staff training.

The system of standards allows coordinating the activities of various departments, setting uniform requirements for its implementation for all, and also forms the conditions for the constant reproducibility of this activity with a given result. In other words, the products are produced by the company STABLE.

In the same time standard depending on his level can have both positive and negative impact on the company's management system. The correctness of choosing and setting the level of the standard can lead to various effects in the company, and not every management standard has a positive effect, moreover mis-setting of standards may be dangerous for the company. You can not "underestimate" the requirements in the standards.

1.3 Standard control

Administration also has its own typical technology, i.e. a standard process for resolving various issues that arise in the course of work.

Administration (management) is a process in which it is considered how to organize or create the following conditions for any production activity (or correct defects in these conditions):

  • production area;
  • equipment, materials and tools;
  • coordinated movement of flows (material, informational, financial);
  • coordinated activities of staff;
  • lines of communication; etc,

in order to create product in the right quantity, quality and cost, as well as to ensure optimal sustainability of this activity.

Process administration (management), represents the targeted distribution of functionally oriented information on the elements of the management structure, unchanged during management.

STANDARD ADMINISTRATION means that the normal course of action is applied, which complies with company standards.

for example . There is a correct way to start a car. You check if there is gas in the tank, if the car is in neutral. You turn on the starter by turning the ignition key. Gas is supplied and the car starts. If you change this sequence. For example, if the car was in first gear, it will jerk and stall. However, the car does not start, and then the mechanic is called. And the mechanic discovers that either there is no fuel, or the ignition was not turned on.

The same is true with any standard situation that you have in the process of work, communication, etc. For her, too, there is some clearly defined, typical sequence of actions to solve the problem that has arisen, a certain kind of standard.

There is a way to do things right. The right way to do something is called TECHNOLOGY (algorithm). And most importantly, this method is clearly defined and, if followed by everyone, leads to the desired result.

In order for various areas of activity and divisions of the company to exist and develop normally, they must have their own kind of technology. And besides this, everyone should know this technology and APPLY. Law is an example. This is also a technology adopted by the state.

To be a good leader or employee, you need to know how to do things right, be able to apply what you know and get it done, be able to correct violations and get back to doing the right thing in standards.

Since any large area of ​​activity is invariably made up of a huge number of individual activities, administration will look complicated, unless you learn to consider one standard per unit of time and bring it into line with other standards .

The subject of management seems difficult only because those whose jobs involve administration RARELY LEARN THE RIGHT STANDARDS. Instead, they do some other, strange things (well-meaning things), which, when considered as a whole, add up to a mess.

The criterion for any system of standards is the following: will the result of the implementation of these standards be a well-functioning company that produces valuable end product in the right quantity for a given quality, and whether as a result of their implementation the stability of the company will be ensured.

Acting in accordance with the standard (knowledge and application of our procedures) is the common denominator in every case of sustainable development of a unit or company. Non-compliance with the standard (not knowing and not applying our procedures) is the common denominator of every crash.

So, if company employees who don't know or don't apply the standard create crazy situations every day, just know that they are trying to start the car by welding the trunk lid or polishing the tires!

The solution to a problem is always and invariably this: find a standard, apply it, and get rid of all actions that are not in accordance with the standard.

A generalized criterion for the effectiveness of administration should make it possible to evaluate all types of organizational transformations, and not just some individual aspects of the company's activities. This allows you to give all business processes a strictly targeted character and manage the company as a single system.

Management functions, their classification and relationship.

Topic 5. Functions and technology of management

1. Management functions, their classification and relationship.

2. The process of managing the organization.

3. Process control technology

When studying this issue, the student should pay attention to the fact that management is a process aimed at achieving the goals of the enterprise. This process is a sequence of managerial actions to solve a number of specific production and social problems of the company. These actions are called managerial functions. The word “function” is of Latin origin and means performance, activity, obligation. Management functions can be defined as the types of activities necessary for the organization and management of a particular object.

Management functions were formed in the process of distribution and specialization of labor, since any management processes in an enterprise occur on the basis of functional distribution. Management functions reflect the essence and content of management activities at all levels of management.

Functions should be classified according to their place in the management system:

1) general management functions- functions typical for any management process, performed by the management bodies of all organizations, regardless of their purpose, forms of ownership. General functions express the content of the management process in any organization and do not depend on the specifics of the management object. These include: planning; organization; motivation; the control; regulation.

2) private management functions- are characterized by the features of the implementation of general management functions, and are performed by specialists based on the characteristics of the field of activity and the scale of management. The number of private management functions and their varieties are determined by the volume of functional activity, its final and intermediate results, and the depth of the division of labor. Private functions include: business management, marketing management, purchasing management, sales management, personnel management, etc.

3) unifying function of management- management - permeates all management processes in the organization.

The management process can be represented as a combination of both general and private management functions. Each general control function can be represented as a set of private functions and vice versa.

The distribution of functions into general and particular is conditional, since they are closely intertwined, mutually penetrating and complementing one another (Figure 5.1)

Rice. 5.1 - Interrelation of particular management functions

General management functions are performed at any enterprise, regardless of its purpose and characteristics of activity. The content of each general management function is determined by many factors and characteristics of the firm. First of all, from the above factors that affect the elements of management technology. A specific change in the content of general management functions is manifested in the technology for performing a specific function. Thus, management technology is described both by general functions (the nature of management actions) and specific functions (the object on which the management action is performed).

General management functions characterize only certain areas of management activity (for example, planning, accounting, control, etc.) and cannot be considered in isolation (separately) from each other. In the process of control, they, interacting, penetrate each other. The specific content of management is manifested only through management tasks.

Let us give a brief idea of ​​the content of the general functions of management.

Planning- this is a type of management activity related to the development of a set of measures that determine the sequence of achieving the goals of the enterprise, taking into account the most efficient use of resources.

The planning function follows from the content of management processes and is: a set of actions and decisions taken by managerial employees that lead to the development of strategies for achieving the organization's goals; development of current and short-term programs, policies, procedures and rules explaining how the goals of the organization should be achieved.

Organization- a type of management activity aimed at forming the organization's management structure, establishing a certain system of connections and relationships in it, which makes it possible to work effectively to achieve the goals.

The function of the organization follows from the need to coordinate the joint actions of people in the process of achieving common goals. It includes the following sets of actions:

§ Ensuring dynamic balance of internal processes occurring between the managed and managing subsystems, i.e. connection of people and means of production;

§ establishment of relations between the organization (enterprise) and the external environment to ensure dynamic balance;

§ organization of own production, i.е. the process of converting resources into finished products;

§ organization of the control subsystem;

§ organization of people's actions to perform other management functions.

It is the last set of managerial actions that determines the specifics of the organization's function. It consists in the fact that this is the only function that ensures the interconnection and efficiency of all other management functions.

Motivation- the process of motivating oneself and others to act in order to achieve personal goals and the goals of the organization

In the process of motivation, unmet needs are identified and evaluated; goals are formulated that are aimed at meeting needs; the actions necessary to meet the needs are determined.

The control is the process of measuring (comparing) the results actually achieved with the planned ones.

Well-planned plans and the organization of their implementation does not at all guarantee the effective achievement of results. The process of implementing plans is constantly exposed to both internal and external factors. Comparing the actual results achieved with the planned ones, i.e. answering the question: how far we have advanced towards our goals, the management of the organization gets the opportunity to determine where the organization has succeeded and where it has failed.

Regulation- a type of management activity aimed at eliminating deviations, failures, shortcomings, etc. in the managed system by developing and implementing appropriate measures by the management system.

This type of activity is aimed at ensuring that the organization maintains its dynamic stability, at maintaining and improving the state, its orderliness, maintaining links between the subject and the object of management.

The considered general control functions do not exist by themselves. They appear as types of management activities only when interacting with private functions.

Private functions are due to the need to manage a complex organization. They arise as a result of the horizontal division of human labor. Such a division can be carried out according to the purpose of the main processes occurring in the organization.

Based on the study of the relationship of functions, management is being improved. Formation of an effective management system. elimination of redundant links. bureaucratic barriers. Overcoming resistance to change. The relationship between private and general management functions can be seen in Table 5.1.

Shared functions are abstract. They turn into real managerial activity only when they are used to implement private management functions. Therefore, general functions are considered as the basis for the implementation of any management process.

Table 5.1 - The mechanism for implementing private management functions through general functions (example)

Private management functions Implementation of private management functions through the use of general functions
Human Resources Management · Scheduling the work of the HR department. · Formation of the organizational structure of the personnel department and the selection of workers with the necessary qualifications. · Motivating employees of the personnel department. · Monitoring the results of work (the results of the selection of the necessary specialists for the organization, the execution of documentation in accordance with the norms established by law, the effectiveness of measures to improve the skills of employees, etc.). · Regulation by eliminating the deficiencies identified in the control process in the management of the personnel department.
Sales management · Planning of product sales. · Organization of relevant services, departments (sales department, marketing department, etc.). · Stimulation of employees involved in marketing activities. · Monitoring the results of marketing activities (sales volumes, volumes of products in warehouses, etc.). · Regulation (elimination) of deviations revealed in the control process.

When studying the second question of this topic, the student must learn that the implementation of control functions always requires a certain amount of time and effort, as a result of which the controlled object is brought to a given or desired state. This is the main content of the concept of "management process".

The management process in its simplest form is the activity of the leader in the team subordinate to him, through which the work in the team is combined. Such a connection is achieved not by single acts, but by a continuous process of managerial activity, which includes not only the current orders of the head, but also permanent regulations and standards, with the help of which he also exercises his influence.

Participants in the management process- leaders, executors and controllers.

Purpose of the management process– combining the efforts of participants to achieve a specific result.

The subject of the management process- information that performers, controllers and managers use in their activities.

Process means- these are documents and various means of receiving, transmitting, registering, storing, processing and issuing information.

The management process has specific properties , each of which has an impact on the formation and development of the management system.

1. Dynamism manifests itself in the constant change in the management process in terms of direction, issues, nature of the flow, as well as in the dynamism of the interaction of its various stages and operations.

2. Sustainability manifests itself in the emergence of certain channels for the flow of the management process, which form the natural structure of the management system, fixed in organizational acts.

3. Continuity reflects the need for continuous implementation of activities for the management of a trading enterprise.

4. cyclicity manifests itself in the fact that the management process is a regular repetition of the main stages and stages of its continuous implementation.

5. discreteness It manifests itself in the fact that in its internal features the management process proceeds unevenly.

A consistently implemented and completed management process forms a management cycle (Fig. 5.2). At the same time, the organization is modeled as an open system that has inputs and outputs and consists of control and managed systems that closely interact, since they are organically interconnected. control system form the elements that provide the management process, managed- elements that provide a direct process of production, economic, commercial and other activities.

The organization management process covers several successive stages:

1. Implementation of management functions, which include all types of management activities (planning the sale of goods, managing the development of new technologies, organizing personnel work, accounting, etc.). we are talking about management activities at all levels of the management system of the organization: heads of organizations and their deputies, heads of departments, specialists in all areas (economists, technologists, lawyers). This means that the management apparatus concentrated in the management system in the process of management activities must fulfill its main task: to create a system of management methods - a set of ways to influence the management system on the managed one in order to ensure the production and economic activities of the organization and obtain specific results (production, provision of services and etc.).

Rice. 5.2 - Graphical model of the control process

2. Formation of management methods as the results of the implementation of management functions. These include a sales plan, material incentives to work, pricing. However, the resulting management methods, as a rule, cannot exercise managerial influence, since in most cases they do not take the form of administrative levers. In order to give management methods an effective managerial impact, it is necessary to formalize them, i.e. turn into managerial decisions.

3. Formalization of management methods into management decisions. The peculiarity of this stage is the creation of mechanisms for the transformation of management methods into orders, instructions, instructions, etc. after that, management decisions (formalized management methods) through direct communication channels come from the management system to the managed one, exercising the necessary management impact that ensures the performance of business operations, production goods, provision of services, achievement of commercial, financial and other results.

If management decisions in the controlled system do not work enough (not implemented, partially implemented, performed with deviations), then information about all inaccuracies, shortcomings through feedback channels enters the control system (regulation procedure is carried out), in which the control apparatus develops the necessary measures.

4. Providing managerial impact through leadership. Management of an organization is a type of management activity that unites the labor processes of all employees, ensures the implementation of functions and the formation of management methods, the development and adoption of management decisions, and also formalizes the impact of the management system on the managed one. Management is a unifying factor in the structure of management categories, since it determines the direction of the management apparatus, the effectiveness of management decisions, the degree of achievement of the organization's goals.

The implementation of the management stages is accompanied by communications, i.e. information exchange processes between employees, departments and other organizations.

An organization is a relatively autonomous group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal. It is a planned system of cumulative (cooperative) efforts, in which each participant has his own, clearly defined role, tasks or responsibilities that must be fulfilled.

These responsibilities are distributed among the participants in the name of achieving the goals that the organization sets for itself, and not in the name of satisfying individual wishes, even though the two often overlap. The organization has certain boundaries, which are determined by the types of activities, the number of employees, capital, production area, territory, material resources, etc. Usually they are fixed, fixed in such documents as the charter, memorandum of association, regulation.

Organizations are private and public firms, government agencies, public associations, cultural institutions, educational institutions, etc. Any organization consists of three main elements. These are the people included in this organization, the goals and objectives for which it is created, and the management that forms and mobilizes the potential of the organization to solve the challenges.

Any organization is an open system built into the external environment with which the organization is in a state of constant exchange. At the input, it receives resources from the external environment; at the output, it gives the created product to the external environment. Therefore, the life of the organization consists of three main processes:

1) obtaining resources from the external environment;

2) transformation of resources into a finished product;

3) transfer of the produced product to the external environment.

At the same time, a key role is played by the management process, which maintains the correspondence between these processes, and also mobilizes the resources of the organization for the implementation of these processes.

In a modern organization, the main processes are those carried out at the inputs and outputs that ensure the correspondence between the organization and its environment. The implementation of internal processes, the production function is subordinated to ensuring the long-term readiness of the organization to adapt to changes in the external environment.

Management levels

The division of labor allows the employees of the enterprise to perform their functions much more qualified, making less of their own efforts, and helps to reduce the costs of the organization. The division of labor can be horizontal or vertical. The horizontal division of labor provides for the creation in the organization of units specializing in various activities. Vertical - separates the direct performance of work from the work of coordinating the activities of performers; reflected in the hierarchy of management levels. The result of the vertical division of labor is the formation of different levels of management.

Organization management levels

Most often, there are three levels of control:

Technical level (lower level of management) - managers are in direct contact with employees-performers, solve specific issues;

Managerial level (middle) - managers are responsible for the course of production processes in departments consisting of several structural units; managers of staff and functional services of the administrative apparatus, heads of auxiliary and service industries, targeted programs and projects;

Institutional level (highest) - the administration of the enterprise, carrying out general strategic management; solves the issues of strategic management - financial management, choice of markets, development of the enterprise, only 3-7% of the total management personnel are employed at this level.

The highest level of management develops long-term plans, formulates tasks for the middle level. A significant place in the institutional level of management is occupied by the adaptation of the company to changes in the market environment, the management of relations between the enterprise and the external environment. Top management may be represented by the president, general director, and other members of the board.

Middle managers coordinate and supervise the work of junior managers. They determine the problems of a production, organizational, financial nature, develop creative proposals, prepare information for management decisions made by top managers. These are the heads of individual divisions, services, departments of the enterprise.

The lower level of control is correspondingly subordinate to the middle one. Lower-level managers include production foremen, foremen, and group leaders. These are highly specialized professional managers who perform clearly regulated duties for production, sales, marketing, material supply management, etc. They are responsible for the rational use of material resources, workers, and equipment allocated to them. Such a construction of the organizational structure ensures the clarity of management, takes advantage of the narrow, in-depth specialization of managers. However, at the same time, it makes it difficult to determine the contribution of each manager to the overall result of entrepreneurship, his responsibility for the decisions made.

At small and medium-sized enterprises, the management system has a slightly different organizational structure. Managers of such enterprises are more likely to face the problems of an unstable external environment, with unpredictable results of their activities. Therefore, in small and medium-sized businesses, managers are supposed to perform several management functions at the same time (interchangeability of individual managers).

The construction of the organizational structure of management in this group of enterprises depends on the organizational and legal form of entrepreneurial activity, the relationship between owners and managers. Under these conditions, the effectiveness of management as a whole depends on the entrepreneurial abilities of managers, their ability to work as one well-coordinated team. Therefore, the organizational structure of management in small and medium-sized businesses is built on a horizontal principle.

A characteristic feature of the horizontal management structure is the focus of the efforts of all managers without exception on solving a specific problem, for example, on the success of the company. This means that in small and medium-sized businesses there may not be a strict distinction between entrepreneurs in terms of their powers and responsibilities. Only a few senior managers have financial and human resources at their disposal. Others are working together to resolve critical issues. Thanks to this, it becomes possible to achieve the following benefits: Reducing management costs; Reducing the production cycle; Increased responsiveness to consumer and market needs.

Separate groups of managers may be responsible for certain areas of activity. Within these groups, personal success is determined by the ability to work at the intersection of various functional processes, with specialists of different profiles.

Management is the implementation of several interrelated functions (BASIC!):
planning, organization, employee motivation and control.

Planning. With the help of this function, the goals of the organization's activities, the means and the most effective methods for achieving these goals are determined. An important element of this function are forecasts of possible directions of development and strategic plans. At this stage, the firm must determine what real results it can achieve, assess its strengths and weaknesses, as well as the state of the external environment (economic conditions in a given country, government acts, trade union positions, actions of competing organizations, consumer preferences, public opinion, development technologies).

Organization. This management function forms the structure of the organization and provides it with everything necessary (personnel, means of production, cash, materials, etc.). That is, at this stage, conditions are created to achieve the goals of the organization. Good organization of the work of the staff allows to achieve more effective results.

Motivation is the process of inducing other people to act in order to achieve the goals of the organization. Performing this function, the manager provides material and moral incentives for employees, and creates the most favorable conditions for the manifestation of their abilities and professional "growth". With good motivation, the personnel of an organization perform their duties in accordance with the goals of this organization and its plans. The process of motivation involves creating opportunities for employees to meet their needs, subject to the proper performance of their duties. Before motivating staff to work more efficiently, the manager must find out the real needs of his employees.

The control. This management function involves the evaluation and analysis of the effectiveness of the results of the organization. With the help of control, an assessment is made of the degree to which the organization has achieved its goals, and the necessary adjustment of the planned actions. The control process includes: setting standards, measuring the results achieved, comparing these results with the planned ones and, if necessary, revising the original goals. Control links together all the management functions, it allows you to maintain the desired direction of the organization's activities and correct wrong decisions in a timely manner.

LECTURE №6. Internal environment of the organization

All businesses operate in an environment that drives their operations, and their long-term survival depends on their ability to adapt to the expectations and demands of the environment. Distinguish between the internal and external environment of the organization. The internal environment includes the main elements and subsystems within the organization that ensure the implementation of the processes occurring in it. The external environment is a set of factors, subjects and conditions outside the organization and capable of influencing its behavior.

Elements of the external environment are divided into two groups: factors of direct and indirect impact on the organization. The direct impact environment (business environment, microenvironment) includes such elements that directly affect the business process and experience the same impact of the functioning of the organization. This environment is specific to each individual organization and, as a rule, is controlled by it.

The environment of indirect impact (macro environment) includes elements that affect the processes occurring in the organization not directly, but indirectly, indirectly. This environment is generally not specific to a single organization and is usually outside its control.

Abstract on the subject of management on the topic:

Management processes in the organization

Introduction 3

Management process 4

Management cycle and its stages 6

Production and management 9

Management of the assortment policy of the enterprise 15

Material and technical support of the enterprise 20

Sales policy of the enterprise 21

Conclusion 24

References 25


Management as an activity is implemented in a set of management processes, i.e., targeted decisions and actions carried out by managers in a certain sequence and combination. Any management activity consists of the following stages:

1) obtaining and analyzing information;

2) development and decision-making;

3) organization of their implementation;

4) control, evaluation of the results obtained, making adjustments to the course of further work;

5) reward or punishment of performers.

These processes evolve and improve with the organization. They are primary and derivative; single-stage and multi-stage; fleeting and long; complete and incomplete; regular and irregular; timely and late, etc. Management processes contain both hard (formal) elements, for example, rules, procedures, official powers, and soft ones, such as leadership style, organizational values, and so on.

Management process and its characteristics

Any management process consists of certain phases (stages).

Phase (stage) - a qualitatively defined part of the process. The transition from one phase to another implies significant qualitative changes in both the process itself and the system in which it is carried out.

The complete passage of the stages of the process and the return to the original forms a cycle. In general, a cycle is a complete set of sequentially implemented stages of a holistic process.

A stage is a narrower concept than a phase. Stages are distinguished only in results-oriented processes. The stages of management are specific actions included in the management process in order to obtain the planned result. They have a specific character, special content and can be carried out independently. At the same time, they are inextricably linked; moreover, they seem to penetrate each other. In other words, all management stages form an integral management cycle.

The management cycle is a complete sequence of repetitive active actions aimed at achieving the set goals. The management cycle begins with the clarification of a task or problem and ends with the achievement of a certain result. After that, the control cycle is repeated. The frequency of its repetition is determined by the specific type and nature of the controlled system. In social systems, this cycle repeats itself continuously. The ultimate goal of system control can be achieved by one or more control cycles.

The cyclic implementation of processes makes it possible to establish and fix characteristic features, common dependencies, common patterns of processes and, on this basis, ensure their rational processualization and foresight.

General system of stages:

1. collection and processing of information, analysis, understanding and assessment of the situation - diagnosis;

2. scientifically based prediction of the most probable state, trends and features of the development of the control object for the lead period based on the identification and correct assessment of stable relationships and dependencies between its past, present and future - forecast;

3. development and adoption of a managerial decision;

4. development of a system of measures aimed at achieving the set goal - planning;

5. timely communication to the executors of the assigned tasks, the correct selection and alignment of forces, the mobilization of executors to fulfill the decision made - organization;

6. activation of the activities of performers - motivation and stimulation;

7. receiving, processing, analyzing and systematizing information about the progress of the implementation of tasks, checking how the organization of the case and the results of execution correspond to the decisions made - accounting and control;

8. common for the last 4 stages - ensuring the proportional and continuous functioning of the entire management system by establishing current optimal links between individual performers - regulation.

This algorithm allows you to determine the place of each stage in the management process, to master the technology and methodology, skills and ability to lead a team. Strictly sequential arrangement of stages shows the dependence of the quality of the control system on each individual element and implemented functions. The beginning of the execution of the next stage does not mean the end of the previous one. For example, work with information is carried out throughout the entire management cycle, the plan is adjusted during its implementation, etc.

The cycle begins with the appearance of a managerial problem. As a problem, both tasks, instructions from the boss, and their own tasks can act. In our case, the problem can be defined as a question that objectively arises in the course of management, and the solution of which is of practical interest, corresponds to the goals set.

Management cycle and its stages

1. Diagnosis

Diagnosis - collection and processing of information, analysis, understanding and assessment of the situation.

Problem solving requires management information. This is a set of messages necessary for the implementation of the control process.

Information requirements: completeness, objectivity, reliability, efficiency, continuity of receipt.

Information comes from a higher level of management or can be collected independently. In the first case, information must be clarified, in the second case, the use of scientific methods of collection is necessary.

2. Forecasting

A forecast is understood as a scientifically grounded judgment about the possible states of an object in the future, about alternative ways of its development and the terms of existence.

The process of developing a forecast is called forecasting. These are special studies, mainly with quantitative estimates and indicating trends, the nature and certain timing of changes in the control object.

Forecasting has two aspects: predictive, implying a description of possible or desirable prospects, states, solutions to future problems, and predictive, providing for the actual solution of these problems. Consequently, the forecast is not an end in itself, but a means for making managerial decisions and planning.

3. Solution

Decision making is one of the fundamental tasks of managerial activity, and it is at this point in the managerial cycle that trouble often begins. And not only when the decision turns out to be wrong, there is a lot of trouble with the right, competent decisions (S. Makarov).

In the scientific literature, the management decision is presented in two aspects - broad and narrow.

In a broad aspect, a managerial decision is considered as the main type of managerial work, a set of interrelated, purposeful and logically consistent managerial actions that ensure the implementation of managerial tasks.

In the narrow sense of the word, a managerial decision is understood as the choice of an alternative, an act aimed at resolving a problem situation.

See: Meskon M.Kh., Albert M., Hedouri F. Fundamentals of management / Per. from English. - M.: Delo, 1992. Management decision is the process of preparing and choosing from a certain set of one or more interrelated methods of influencing the control object in order to change or stabilize it.

4. Planning

Based on the results of the forecast and the decision of the manager, planning is carried out and an activity plan is formed.

Planning consists in establishing a certain sequence and methods of accomplishing each of the tasks by the troops, distributing the efforts of the troops and material resources according to the tasks and directions of action, establishing the procedure for interaction and all types of support that make it possible to implement the solution and achieve the set goal.

A plan is an official document that reflects:

Forecasts of the development of the organization in the future;

intermediate and final tasks and goals facing it and its individual units;

· mechanisms for coordinating current activities and allocating resources;

· Strategies for emergencies.

When planning, it is necessary to take into account its principles:




coordination and integration;

· reasonableness;

stealth (in a combat situation).

5. Organization

It consists in establishing permanent and temporary relationships, as well as the procedure and conditions for the work of all elements and links of the system.

The stages of planning and organizing are closely related. In a sense, planning and organization are combined: planning prepares the ground for realizing the goals of the unit (unit), and organization, as a management function, creates a work process, the main component of which is people. Thus, planning and organization, as it were, materialize management, make it a fact of social reality.

Purpose: to achieve the desired results that an economic entity needs to obtain, based on the chosen concept of marketing management (industrial, commodity, marketing, traditional or socio-ethical) and development strategy, including four target areas:

  • 1) deeper penetration into established demographic and geographic markets with old products and services;
  • 2) penetration into new geographic and demographic markets with old services;
  • 3) development and production of new products for old, developed markets;
  • 4) diversified development, which consists in the development of the production of new products and services for new geographical and demographic markets.

Tasks: management makes it possible to formulate general laws of management, and the analysis and generalization of management practice makes it possible, based on these laws, to specify the content of management within the framework of management science.

The production units of the enterprise-workshops, sections serving the economy and services (directly or indirectly involved in the production process), taken together, constitute its production structure.

The construction of a rational production structure of the enterprise is carried out in the following order:

  • 1. The number of workshops, sections of the enterprise, their capacity in sizes that provide a given output are established;
  • 1. The areas for each workshop and warehouse are calculated, their spatial arrangements are determined in the general plan of the enterprise;
  • 2. all transport links within the enterprise, the necessary external communications are planned;
  • 3. The shortest routes for the movement of objects of labor in the course of the production process are outlined.

The production units include workshops, sections, laboratories in which the main products manufactured by the enterprise, components purchased from outside, materials and semi-finished products, spare parts for product maintenance and repair during operation are manufactured, undergoing control checks and tests; various types of energy consumed for technological and other purposes are converted, etc.

The main structural production unit of an enterprise (except for enterprises with a non-shop management structure) is a workshop, an administratively separate link that performs a certain part of the overall production process (production stage).

At a large (medium) enterprise, workshops are usually divided into four groups: main, auxiliary, secondary and auxiliary.

In the main workshops, operations are carried out for the manufacture of products intended for sale. The main workshops are usually divided into procurement, processing and assembly.

Auxiliary or maintenance workshops: tool, non-standard equipment, repair, energy, transport.

Secondary workshops: recycling and processing of used waste, consumer goods workshops.

Auxiliary workshops make containers for packaging products, print instructions for its use.

A special role in the production structure of the enterprise is occupied by design and technological divisions. They develop new products, technological processes for obtaining these products, and carry out experimental and development work.

The workshops include main and auxiliary production sites.

The main production sites are created according to the technological or subject principle. In areas organized according to the principle of technological specialization, technological operations of a certain type are performed.

In areas organized according to the principle of subject specialization, not individual types of operations are carried out, but technological processes as a whole. As a result, finished products for this area are obtained.

Auxiliary areas include areas for current repair and maintenance of equipment; a transport service, a workshop for the repair and maintenance of tools, etc. With a centralized system for organizing maintenance and current repairs, auxiliary sections are not created at the enterprise.

Auxiliary sites are created according to the same criteria as the main production sites.

Functions of structural subdivisions of LLC "BuonoChibo" restaurant

  • 1. Department of accounting: accounting and control at the enterprise for the consumption of funds, materials, control of the shipment of products, organization of financial activities at the enterprise, etc.
  • 2. Planning and economic department: production planning, economic analysis of the results of the enterprise.
  • 3. Service hall: sales of products.
  • 4. Engineering and operational service: organization of production, control over the progress and timing of production, quality control of manufactured products.
  • 5. Logistics department: provision of semi-finished products and products according to the production program.
  • 6. Workshops of the enterprise: carry out the manufacture of products in accordance with the production program, carry out maintenance and overhaul of equipment.
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Business processes. Investments. Motivation. Planning. Implementation