New options for exam physics statgrad


Dates of trial work of the OGE for the next academic year.


15.09.2017 Friday Training work in biology

20.09.2017 Wednesday Training work on history

22.09.2017 Friday Training work in social studies

25.09.2017 Monday training work in computer science



10.10.2017 Tuesday Training work in the Russian language

12.10.2017 Thursday Training work in chemistry

17.10.2017 Tuesday Training work in physics

24.10.2017 Tuesday Preparation for the OGE. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Statement (position 1 OGE)".



09.11.2017 Thursday Practice Math

10.11.2017 Friday On request. Training work on history

20.11.2017 Monday Preparing for the OGE. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Text, expressive means in the text, spelling, vocabulary (positions 2-6 OGE)".

21.11.2017 Tuesday On request. Training work in biology

23.11.2017 Thursday On request. Training work in informatics

27.11.2017 Monday Training work in literature

29.11.2017 Wednesday On request. Diagnostic work in the Russian language


06.12.2017 Wednesday On request. Training work in social studies

08.12.2017 Friday On request. Training work in physics

12.12.2017 Tuesday Training work in geography

14.12.2017 Thursday Diagnostic work on geometry

14.12.2017 Thursday Diagnostic work in mathematics for students enrolled in programs of in-depth (or profile) study of mathematics

20.12.2017 Wednesday On request. Training work in chemistry


16.01.2018 Tuesday Preparation for the OGE. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Composition (position 15 OGE)".

18.01.2018 Thursday On request. Training work on history

24.01.2018 Wednesday On request. Training work in biology

26.01.2018 Friday On request. Training work in social studies

29.01.2018 Monday On request. Training work in physics

31.01.2018 Wednesday On request. Training work in informatics


08.02.2018 Thursday On request. Training work in the Russian language

13.02.2018 Tuesday Practice Math


27.02.2018 Tuesday On request. Training work on history


01.03.2018 Thursday On request. Training work in biology

05.03.2018 Monday On request. Training work in informatics

09.03.2018 Friday On request. Training work in literature

13.03.2018 Tuesday On request. Training work in geography

13.03.2018 Tuesday On request. Training work in social studies

15.03.2018 Thursday On request. Diagnostic work in the Russian language

20.03.2018 Tuesday Diagnostic work in English

20.03.2018 Tuesday Diagnostic work in German

20.03.2018 Tuesday Diagnostic work in French

20.03.2018 Tuesday Diagnostic work in Spanish

21.03.2018 Wednesday Practice Math

22.03.2018 Thursday On request. Training work in chemistry


03.04.2018 Tuesday On request. Training work in physics

06.04.2018 Friday Training work on history

17.04.2018 Tuesday Preparation for the OGE. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Syntax: phrase, simple sentence, complex sentence (positions 7-14 OGE)".

19.04.2018 Thursday Training work in computer science

25.04.2018 Wednesday Training work in biology


03.05.2018 Thursday Training work in physics

This manual is intended to develop the practical skills and abilities of students in preparation for the physics exam in grade 11 in the USE format. It contains options for diagnostic work in physics, the content of which corresponds to the control and measuring materials developed by the Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements for the unified state exam. The book also includes answers to tasks and criteria for checking and evaluating the performance of tasks with a detailed answer.
The materials of the book are recommended to teachers and methodologists to identify the level and quality of students' preparation in the subject, to determine the degree of their readiness for the unified state exam.

A small body moved along a straight line and had an impulse equal in absolute value to 8 kg m/s. At some point in time, a constant force begins to act on this body, all the time directed along this straight line. 4 s after the start of the action of the force, the modulus of the body's momentum increased by 2 times. What could be the modulus of the force acting on the body?
1) 2 N or 4 N
2) 4 N or 6 N
3) 2 N or 6 N
4) 4 N or 8 N

A block of mass 5 kg rests on a rough horizontal table. The coefficient of friction between the surface of the bar and the surface of the table is 0.2. This bar is acted upon by a horizontally directed force of 2.5 N. What is the modulus of the resulting friction force?

A 1 kg body at the base of a rough inclined plane is given an initial velocity of 2 m/s in an upward direction along the inclined plane. After some time, the body returned to its starting point, having half the kinetic energy. What is the work done by the friction force during the motion of the body?

Work instructions
Reference data
Option 1
Part 1
Part 2
Option 2
Part 1
Part 2
Option 3
Part 1
Part 2
Option 4
Part 1
Part 2
Option 5
Part 1
Part 2
Option 6
Part 1
Part 2
Assessment system for examination paper in physics
Answers to tasks with a short answer
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6
Evaluation criteria for a task with a detailed answer
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Option 5
Option 6.

Buttons above and below "Buy a paper book" and using the "Buy" link you can buy this book with delivery throughout Russia and similar books at the best price in paper form on the websites of the official online stores Labyrinth, Ozon, Bukvoed, Chitai-gorod, Litres, My-shop, Book24, Books. ru.

By the button "Buy and download e-book"You can buy this book in electronic form in the official online store" Litres ", and then download it on the Litres website.

From September 13, work in the Statgrad system in the 2016-2017 academic year begins. Completing the tasks of diagnostic and training work, students better learn the material covered, and also prepare for the Unified State Examination and the OGE.

Since the last academic year, the publication of some works has been based on preliminary applications. Works that do not receive a sufficient number of applications will be canceled a month before the event. Payment in the StatGrad system is made at the expense of educational organizations. Now each school decides for itself which of the works it will carry out.

You can view the full schedule of diagnostic and training work at the link below.

Update August 24, 2017: for the 2017-2018 academic year can be viewed.

Schedule of diagnostic and training work
for the 1st half of the 2016-2017 academic year


09/13/2016 Tuesday

Training work in chemistry

09/14/2016 Wednesday

Diagnostic work in mathematics

09/15/2016 Thursday

09/16/2016 Friday


Training work in social studies


Training work in biology

Training work in mathematics

Leveled starting work in mathematics

Training work in informatics


Training work in the Russian language

Training work on history

Training work in chemistry

Preparation for the exam. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. “Text (positions 1-3). Language norms (positions 4-7 of the Unified State Examination)."

Training work in physics

Preparation for the OGE. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Statement (position 1 OGE)".


By request. Diagnostic work in the Russian language

Training work in mathematics

Training work on history

(by request)


Preparation for the OGE. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Text, expressive means in the text, spelling, vocabulary (positions 2-6 OGE)".

Training work in biology

(by request)

Training work in informatics

(by request)

Training work in biology

(by request)

Training work on history

(by request)


(by request)

Training work in informatics

(by request)

Diagnostic work in the Russian language

(by request)


Training work in chemistry

(by request)


(by request)

Diagnostic work in mathematics

Diagnostic work in mathematics

Training work in social studies

(by request)

Training work in literature

(by request)

Training work in physics

(by request)


Training work in English

Training work in chemistry

(by request)

Diagnostic work on geometry

Diagnostic work in mathematics for students enrolled in programs of in-depth (or profile) study of mathematics

Preparation for the exam. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Spelling (positions 8-14 USE)".

Training work in geography

(by request)

Training work in social studies

(by request)


Diagnostic work in mathematics on the topic “Trigonometry”

Training work in mathematics

Training work in physics

(by request)

Schedule of diagnostic and training work
for the 2nd half of the 2016-2017 academic year


Preparation for the OGE. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Composition (position 15 OGE)".

Training work in informatics

(by request)

Preparation for the exam. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Punctuation (positions 15-19 USE)".

Training work on history

(by request)

Training work in biology

(by request)

Training work in mathematics

Training work in social studies

(by request)


Training work on history

(by request)

Training work in biology

(by request)


Training work in physics

(by request)

Training work in social studies

(by request)

Training work in informatics

(by request)

Training work in the Russian language

(by request)

Training work in mathematics

Training work in the Russian language

(by request)

Training work in chemistry

(by request)

Training work in mathematics

Training work in physics

(by request)

Training work in chemistry

(by request)

Training work on history

(by request)


Preparation for the exam. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Speech. Text. Vocabulary and phraseology (positions 20–24)”.

Training work in biology

(by request)


Training work in informatics

(by request)


Training work in mathematics

Training work in geography

(by request)

Training work in literature

(by request)

Training work in biology

(by request)


Training work in geography

(by request)


Training work on history

(by request)

(by request)

Training work in chemistry

(by request)

Diagnostic work in the Russian language

(by request)

Training work in informatics

(by request)


Training work in English




Training work in physics

(by request)

Preparation for the exam. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Composition-reasoning (position 25 USE)".

Training work in mathematics

Training work in social studies

(by request)

Training work in chemistry

(by request)

Training work in literature

(by request)


Training work in physics

(by request)

Diagnostic work in the Russian language

(by request)

Diagnostic work in mathematics

(Probability and statistics)

Training work on history


Training work in English


Training work in German


Training work in French


Training work in Spanish

Training work in biology

Training work in mathematics

Preparation for the OGE. Diagnostic work on the Russian language. "Syntax: phrase, simple sentence, complex sentence (positions 7-14 OGE)".

Training work in biology


Training work on history


Diagnostic work in mathematics

Training work in mathematics

Level final diagnostic work in mathematics

Final diagnostic work on the Russian language

Final diagnostic work on the Russian language

Final diagnostic work on the Russian language

Training work in informatics

Training work in physics

Training work in physics

Training work in social studies

Training work in chemistry

Training work in the Russian language

Training work in informatics


Training work in chemistry


Diagnostic work in mathematics

Diagnostic work in mathematics

(Probability and statistics)

Diagnostic work in mathematics

(Probability and statistics)

Training work in social studies

10-11 grade

Training work in the Russian language

You can view the description and download demo versions of the works on the website

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