Transport transport equipment technology who to work with. Transport system. Transport and its components


Transport equipment includes:

  • - vehicles or rolling stock (TC);
  • - technical means of mechanization and automation of loading and unloading processes and transport and storage operations;
  • - service systems for transport users (clients);
  • - means of mechanization of processes in the transport infrastructure.

Vehicles (rolling stock) are designed to transport people and goods over a certain distance in a given period of time. Vehicles are classified according to various criteria. The classification scheme is shown in fig. 5.

Modern vehicles are characterized by a wide variety of types of vehicles, their interaction with the transport space and modes of transportation. In practice, such a detailed classification is replaced by abbreviated vehicle names with type indication, naming of historical figures and technology developers. For example:

  • - railway vehicles are called trains;
  • - automobile vehicles - cars, buses with the names of manufacturers (VAZ, KamAZ, Ikarus, etc.);
  • - water and air vehicles - by ships (ships) with the assignment of the name of historical figures and developers of equipment with a classification according to the type of working fluid of the engine or propulsion device (for example, the Vissarion Belinsky ship, the Ilyushin IL - 86 aircraft, the Kamov KA - 26 helicopter, etc. .d.).

In scientific and technical developments and the interaction of transport specialists, a detailed qualification characteristic of the vehicle is sometimes required. In this regard, for example:

  • - aircraft Il - 76: air main cargo vehicle with an autonomous chemical energy source and a winged suspension;
  • - the ship "Rocket" - a local river passenger vehicle with an autonomous chemical energy source and a winged suspension;
  • - the train "Red Arrow" - the main railway passenger vehicle with a mixed energy source (autonomous chemical and centralized electric) and wheel suspension;

Qualification characteristics of the bachelor of the specialty 5В071300 - "Transport, transport equipment and technologies"

A bachelor of this profile is prepared for activities in the field of material production, which includes a set of means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at solving complex problems related to the design, operation and repair of transport equipment.

2. Objects of professional activity

The objects of professional activity of graduates are: machine-building plants producing transport machinery and equipment; enterprises and organizations operating transport equipment; design, design and technological organizations; machine repair enterprises; company and dealer centers of machine-building and repair plants; marketing and forwarding services; logistics systems, transport management services.

3. Subjects of professional activity Subjects of professional activity are:

Transport machinery and equipment; power equipment; running equipment; working equipment; transport equipment drive systems; traffic control systems; life support systems;

Equipment for the manufacture, testing and disposal of transport equipment;

Equipment for maintenance and repair of transport equipment;

Instrumentation for the manufacture and operation of transport equipment;

Equipment for automating the working processes of transport equipment.

4. Types of professional activity

A bachelor in the specialty 5B071300 - "Transport, transport equipment and technology" can perform the following types of professional activities:

Organizational and technological activities:

Development of design, technological, design and estimate documentation for the creation and repair of transport equipment;

Compromise solutions taking into account various requirements (cost, quality, deadlines and safety) with different types of planning and determining optimal solutions;

Accounting for various types of costs in order to ensure the release of quality products.

Production and management activities:

Optimization of technologies for the manufacture of transport machinery and equipment;

Quality control of technological processes, materials and finished products;

Selection and efficient use of materials, equipment and other means for the implementation of production processes;

Carrying out activities for the standardization and certification of transport equipment and equipment, the technology of their manufacture and repair;

Organization and management of services, enterprises related to the operation and repair of transport equipment.

Project activity:

Determining the goals and objectives of the project, taking into account various factors when building the structure of their relationships and identifying priority areas for solving problems;

Development and analysis of options for solving problems of forecasting the consequences, planning and implementation of projects;

Development of projects of machines and equipment, taking into account technological, design, aesthetic, economic and other parameters;

5. Functions of professional activity

Bachelor in his professional activities performs the following functions:

Carrying out work on the preparation of technical documentation and established reporting in accordance with approved forms;

Conducting training and briefing on safety, labor protection and the environment;

Implementation of control over the fulfillment of requirements for the preparation of documentation on the quality management of transport equipment.

6. Typical tasks of professional activity

The bachelor should be prepared to solve the following types of problems:

Technical and working design of components and parts of transport equipment;

Carrying out tests of transport equipment and its elements for reliability according to standard methods;

Development of standard technological processes for the manufacture of blanks, parts, assembly of transport equipment units;

Production management at the level of production sites of transport enterprises;

Technological support of the existing production;

Technical design of means of automatic control of transport machinery and equipment based on standard solutions;

Testing of automation equipment according to standard methods;

Development of vibration isolation systems for transport equipment and noise protection;

Analysis of the reliability and durability of transport equipment.

improvement of the design of transport machinery and equipment;

Integrated mechanization and automation of transport equipment and technological processes;

Establishment and provision of optimal modes of operation of transport machinery and equipment.

participation in:

Organization and management of services of production enterprises of transport;

Development of structures for production and technological, service and operational, installation and commissioning and design departments;

Creation and improvement of transport machinery and equipment.

9. Requirements for the key competencies of a bachelor in the specialty 5B071300 - "Transport, transport equipment and technology" bachelor must

have an idea about (about):

The main scientific and technical problems and prospects for the development of transport technology in conjunction with related fields of technology;

The main trends in changing the operating conditions of transport equipment;

Economic bases of production;

Methods for studying the state and demand for transport market services;


Methods of technical and economic analysis and making engineering and management decisions;

Legal and legislative bases of financial relations;

Fundamentals of management and marketing; know:

Fundamentals of comparison and evaluation of transport equipment;

Program-targeted methods and methods of using them in the analysis and improvement of production;

The design of transport equipment;

Fundamentals of legislation and regulatory framework of the industry;

Fundamentals of a market economy;

Methods of engineering calculations and making engineering and management decisions;

Fundamentals of certification and licensing of enterprises, service personnel;

Materials used in the construction of transport equipment and their properties;

Properties and features of the use of alternative fuels;

Features of the design of transport equipment using alternative fuels;

The state and directions of using the achievements of science in professional activities;

Methods of work and communication with personnel, selection and placement of personnel;

be able to:

Highlight program-target methods for analyzing technical, technological, organizational, economic and social issues;

Use advanced industry, cross-industry and foreign experience;

Determine the features of the conditions for the design, manufacture, operation and modes of operation of transport equipment;

Apply data from the analysis of wear mechanisms, corrosion, loss of structural strength;

Use the legislative acts and technical standards in force in transport, including traffic safety, working conditions, environmental issues;

Rely on the socio-psychological foundations of team management;

have skills:

Computer work;

Use of research methods and instruments;

Application of the main regulatory documents for the operation of transport machinery and equipment;

Use of metrological rules and norms;

Possession of methods of technical control in the conditions of the current production;

Rational methods of search and use of scientific and technical information;

In the organization of safe working conditions and the elimination of accidents; be competent:

In the field of interaction between transport and other related industries;

In the design, selection of rational modes of operation and repair of transport machinery and equipment;

in the area of ​​labor law.

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Transport equipment includes (Fig. 4):

path (as a constructive element);

vehicles (rolling stock);

technical means of mechanization and automation of loading and unloading processes and transport and storage operations;

computerized customer service systems;

means of mechanization of processes in the transport infrastructure.

Transport technology



Means of mechanization and automation

Service systems



Rice. 4. Composition of transport equipment.

Way. Each type of land transport has its own path laid on the surface of the earth. A strip of terrain is allocated for the track and arrangements of railways, motorways, and other roads.

Between the rolling stock of terrestrial species and the surface of the earth there is always some bearing surface on which movement takes place.

Vehicles: classification, structure, features.

Their classification according to various criteria is as follows:

By type of transportation: cargo, passenger, cargo-passenger, technological;

By transportation distance: mainline, local;

By type of energy supply: with an autonomous source of energy and with a centralized one (electric transport, pipeline transport);

By type of energy used: chemical, electrical, nuclear, wind, solar;

By type of supporting suspension: wheeled, caterpillar, air support, water support, winged, roller, rope, magnetic.

The vehicle includes:

Autonomous control systems;

transport carrier;

Systems for ensuring the functioning of the vehicle;

Energy installations.

Autonomous vehicle control systems are designed to control the movement of the vehicle according to a given program and include the following subsystems:

Control of the parameters of a moving vehicle in space;

Diagnostics of the state of structural elements (t0 of water, oil, tire pressure, etc.);

Traction control;


brake control;

The transport carrier of the vehicle is a supporting structure designed to accommodate all systems.

Systems for ensuring the functioning of the vehicle are designed to ensure the functional purpose of the vehicle and include:

Devices and equipment for accommodating passengers and cargo;

Household equipment;

Technological equipment.

Power (power) installations are designed to ensure the movement of the vehicle, as well as to supply it with heat, electricity and include:

Engines (ICE, turbine, etc.);

Propulsion (wheeled, caterpillar, etc.);

Devices for supplying vehicles with heat, electricity.

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A graduate in the specialty 050713 - Transport, transport equipment and technology is awarded an academic degree - a bachelor of transport.
Qualifications and positions are determined in accordance with the "Qualification Guide for the Positions of Managers, Specialists and Other Employees", approved by order of the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection dated November 22, 2002 No. 273-P.

Qualification characteristic of the bachelor of the specialty 050713 - Transport, transport equipment and technologies

Sphere of professional activity
A bachelor of this profile is prepared for activities in the field of material production, which includes a set of means, methods and methods of human activity aimed at solving complex problems related to the design, operation and repair of transport equipment.
Objects of professional activity
The objects of professional activity of graduates are: machine-building plants producing transport machinery and equipment; enterprises and organizations operating transport equipment; design, design and technological organizations; machine repair enterprises; company and dealer centers of machine-building and repair plants; marketing and forwarding services; logistics systems, transport management services.
Subjects of professional activity
The subjects of professional activity are:
- transport machinery and equipment; power equipment;
running equipment; working equipment; transport equipment drive systems; traffic control systems; life support systems;
- equipment for the manufacture, testing and disposal of transport equipment;
- equipment for maintenance and repair of transport equipment;
- instrumentation for the manufacture and operation of transport equipment;
- equipment for automating the working processes of transport equipment.
Types of professional activity
A bachelor in the specialty 050713 - Transport, transport equipment and technology can perform the following types of professional activities:
Organizational and technological activities:
- development of design, technological, design and estimate documentation for the creation and repair of transport equipment;
- organizing the work of a team of performers, taking into account various opinions and making management decisions;
- compromise solutions, taking into account various requirements (cost, quality, deadlines and safety) for different types of planning and determining optimal solutions;
- Accounting for various types of costs in order to ensure the release of quality products.
Production and management activities:
- optimization of technologies for the manufacture of transport machinery and equipment;
- quality control of technological processes, materials and finished products;
- selection and efficient use of materials, equipment and other means for the implementation of production processes;
- metrological verification of measuring instruments of product quality indicators;
- carrying out activities to standardize and certify transport machinery and equipment, technology for their manufacture and repair;
- organization and management of services, enterprises related to the operation and repair of transport equipment.
Project activity:
- defining the goals and objectives of the project, taking into account various factors when building the structure of their relationships and identifying priority areas for solving problems;
- development and analysis of options for solving problems of forecasting the consequences, planning and implementation of projects;
- development of projects of machines and equipment, taking into account technological, design, aesthetic, economic and other parameters;
- the use of information technology in the selection of materials, transport equipment and equipment.
Functions of professional activity
Bachelor in his professional activities performs the following functions:
- carrying out work on the preparation of technical documentation and established reporting in accordance with approved forms;
- training and briefing on safety, labor protection and the environment;
- monitoring the fulfillment of the requirements for the preparation of documentation on the quality management of transport equipment.
Typical tasks of professional activity
The bachelor should be prepared to solve the following types of problems:
- technical and working design of components and parts of transport equipment;
- testing of transport equipment and its elements for reliability according to standard methods;
- development of standard technological processes for the manufacture of blanks, parts, assembly of transport equipment units;
- production management at the level of production sites of transport enterprises;
- technological support of the existing production;
- technical design of means of automatic control of transport machinery and equipment based on standard solutions;
- testing of automation equipment according to standard methods;
- development of vibration isolation systems for transport equipment and noise protection;
- analysis of the reliability and durability of transport equipment.
Areas of professional activity:
- improvement of the design of transport machinery and equipment;
- complex mechanization and automation of transport equipment and technological processes;
- Establishment and provision of optimal modes of operation of transport machinery and equipment.
The content of professional activity
Participation in:
- organization and management of services of production enterprises of transport;
- development of structures for production and technological, service and operational, installation and commissioning and design departments;
- Creation and improvement of transport machinery and equipment.
Requirements for the key competencies of a bachelor in the specialty
050713 - Transport, transport engineering and technology bachelor must have an idea about (about):
- the main scientific and technical problems and prospects for the development of transport technology in conjunction with related fields of technology;
- the main trends in changing the operating conditions of transport equipment;
- economic bases of production;
- methods for studying the state and demand for transport market services;
- taxation;
- methods of technical and economic analysis and making engineering and management decisions;
- legal and legislative bases of financial relations;
- basics of management and marketing;
- organizational structure of mechanical engineering and repair industries;
- basics of comparison and evaluation of transport equipment;
- program-target methods and methodology for using them in the analysis and improvement of production;
- design of transport equipment;
- Fundamentals of legislation and regulatory framework of the industry;
- fundamentals of a market economy;
- methods of engineering calculations and making engineering and management decisions;
- basics of certification and licensing of enterprises, service personnel;
- materials used in the construction of transport equipment and their properties;
- properties and features of the use of alternative fuels;
- design features of transport equipment using alternative fuels;
- the state and directions of using the achievements of science in professional activities;
- methods of work and communication with personnel, selection and placement of personnel;
be able to:
- identify program-target methods for analyzing technical, technological, organizational, economic and social issues;
- use advanced industry, inter-sectoral and foreign experience;
- to determine the features of the conditions for design, manufacture, operation and modes of operation of transport equipment;
- apply data from the analysis of wear mechanisms, corrosion, loss of structural strength;
- use the legislative acts and technical standards in force in transport, including traffic safety, working conditions, environmental issues;
- rely on the socio-psychological foundations of team management;
have skills:
- work on a computer;
- use of research methods and instruments;
- application of the main regulatory documents for the operation of transport machinery and equipment;
- use of metrological rules and norms;
- possession of methods of technical control in the conditions of the current production;
- rational methods of search and use of scientific and technical information;
- in the organization of safe working conditions and elimination of accidents;
be competent:
- in the field of interaction between transport and other related industries;
- in the design, selection of rational modes of operation and repair of transport machinery and equipment;
- in the field of labor legislation.

General education disciplines
Required Component
History of Kazakhstan
Kazakh (Russian) language
Foreign language
Selectable Component

Basic disciplines
Required Component
Math 1
Math 2
Physics 1
Physics 2
Descriptive geometry and engineering graphics
Theoretical mechanics
Theory of machines and mechanisms
Materials Science. Structural materials technology
Electrical Engineering and Fundamentals of Electronics
Transport economics
Strength of materials
Machine parts and design basics
Metrology, standardization and quality management
Selectable Component

Profile disciplines
Compulsory disciplines
Organization of production and enterprise management
Reliability of transport technology
Fundamentals of technical operation of transport equipment
Fundamentals of production technology and repair of transport equipment
Power plants of transport equipment
Fundamentals of the theory of automatic control
Dynamics of transport technology
Fluid and gas mechanics, hydraulic and pneumatic drive
Selectable Component

Additional types of training
Physical Culture
Educational practice

PGK Intermediate state control
IGA Final state certification
1) State exams in the specialty
2) writing and defending a thesis

The list of universities leading the enrollment of students in the specialty 050713 - Transport, transport equipment and technology

State universities
Kazakh Academy of Transport and Communications named after M. Tynyshpaev

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