Beauty contest "Little Miss. Scenario of the holiday-competition "Mini-Miss Thumbelina" Song "I was not born a boy"


This scenario is suitable for parents, primary school teachers, employees of cultural centers and leisure organizers in children's institutions. Cheerful and festive atmosphere, original defiles of participants, games and competitions, as well as musical breaks create an atmosphere of joy and a wonderful mood for children and adults.

The scenario "Little Fairy" is intended for girls aged 7-8 years. Its main goal is to awaken in girls the desire to demonstrate their creative abilities, as well as the acquired knowledge and skills. In addition, the children's beauty contest contributes to the desire of the participants to show their outer and inner beauty.

Every little girl wants to feel like a real princess or fairy. According to the author's idea, five girls of different external data and, if possible, of different nationalities participate in the competition. Thus, the author wants to convey to the audience that all children are beautiful and it is not so important what color their hair is and what kind of eyes they have.

It is advisable to invite a photojournalist and a representative of the local press.

The beauty contest "Little Fairy" is best held in the summer, for example, in the open area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe cafe. Warm weather and a sunny atmosphere favorably contribute to the ideal celebration. Guests, parents, children and spectators are seated at tables.

Buffet expected

with treats:

Morse or compote;
Ice cream.

The cost of the buffet is included in the price of the entrance ticket and is calculated in advance based on the estimated number of spectators.

Beforehand, an introductory conversation (mini rehearsal) is held with the children and their parents regarding homework and defile.

Design and paraphernalia of the competition

To arrange an event you will need:

Helium balloons (they can be tied to the backs of chairs);
Paper butterflies and flowers;
Advertising posters;
Music selection;
An impromptu catwalk (for example, a red carpet);
Gifts for participants and the winner of the contest;
Gift certificates;
Fresh flowers (for delivery);
Paper, pens or pencils;
For the jury - evaluation sheets;
Numbers for participants;
Blank cards for the competition "Mom's Helper";
Crown for the winner;
Tiaras for participants.

1. Introduction.
2. Competition "Business card" (homework).
3. Musical pause.
4. Defile of the participants "Cool girl".

5. Musical pause.

6. Competition No. 1 "Fairy tale, I know you."

7. Musical pause.

8. Competition No. 2 "Mom's Helper".

9. Musical pause.

10. Competition No. 3 "Flower stories".

11. The game "Broken phone".

12. Defile of the participants "Fairy of Flowers".

13. Competition No. 4 "Will you go to the ball?".

14. Ballroom dance.

15. Defile of the participants "Evening Fairy".

16. Final chords.

17. Musical pause.

1. Introduction

Music sounds (classical fanfares). At this time, the participants are in a separate room and are preparing for the first exit.


Good afternoon dear friends! We are glad to welcome you in our hall at the show - beauty, charm and charm contest "Little Fairy" (hereinafter indicate the city and year). There is an opinion that any beauty contest is a show doomed to 100% success! This is an extraordinary, amazing sight, because beauty in itself is an amazing and extraordinary phenomenon. Thousands of its fragments are scattered all over the world. They are in the first rays of the rising sun, the foam of coastal sea waves, they are in our children and in our soul. We hope that today this wonderful beauty festival will become one of the brightest pages in the history of our city.

The skill, beauty and charm of our contestants will be evaluated by an independent, incorruptible and very fair jury, which we will now choose.


We all come from childhood, right? And we all loved and love fairy tales. Today we will all together compose a completely new fairy tale, and we will start it like this: “It happened in one provincial town, where magic flowers bloom, colorful butterflies flutter, marvelous birds sing. Where wonderful rivers carry their waters, where good people live. This city was created from music and beauty, and it was called the Little Country.

The music is "Little Country". (N. Koroleva).


In this small country, ordinary girls lived. They went to school. They played with their peers in the yard, read books and chatted on the phone. But one day everything changed. Today in this hall there will be a real miracle of the transformation of our cute, mischievous, cheerful girls into real little fairies.

The first competition is called "Homework", and I invite our contestants to go to the hall. Let's greet them with thunderous applause.

Competition "Business card":

Girls enter the auditorium in turn (the style of clothing is arbitrary). The presenter attaches a number to each girl's hand (it is attached to the wrist with a ribbon or rubber band in the form of a bracelet). The competition is an introductory part, where participants talk about themselves and their hobbies. It can be poetry or a song, or maybe a dance. The girls prepared for this competition in advance together with their parents. The host introduces each girl with pre-prepared verses.

Musical pause.


* 1 *

Like bright candy
Energetic brunette.
She will show herself to you!
Meet Sidorova Dasha!

* 2 *

Sings the most beautiful thing in the world
ride a bike,
And paint a picture for you.
Meet Ekaterina Lukova!

* 3 *

This girl is like a picture:
Our natural blonde.
From Murmansk hurry with greetings,
We meet Kuleva Elizaveta!

* 4 *

Tashkent sunny born,
Studying, sports enthusiastic,
Mila, smiling slim -
Meet Evelina Khamzina!

* 5 *

She plays the piano
Dreams of becoming a car lady
And with its original appearance -
Polina Titova, I ask you to meet!

presenteraddresses the audience:

Moms and dads, dear viewers, friends! Well, our first acquaintance with the participants happened, each of which will have to go through a series of competitions today. And the results are entirely dependent on them. The culmination of the evening will be the transformation of our beauties into little fairy fairies. I ask the jury to proceed with the assessments of the first competition, which was called "Business Card".

Musical pause.


I ask the attention of the audience, now it's time for the first fashion show "Cool Girl". The participants are very worried, let's support them with a very friendly applause.

Energetic music sounds (preferably without words), to which the girls go to an impromptu podium and show off their outfits.

Defile "Cool girl":

The girls-participants come out one by one to the musical accompaniment. For this competition, they prepared clothes, shoes and style in advance. These can be caps and bandanas, sneakers, sneakers, jeans and short skirts, skateboards and balls, naughty pigtails and painted freckles. Full flight of fantasies! Each participant in turn goes to the podium and then returns to the dressing room.


The first defile of the participants has ended. The jury is asked to put down the evaluation points. And now we have a musical break, during which the participants will change clothes and prepare for a new task. But this is not just a musical break. I present to you an aspiring talented violinist! His name is not yet known to the public, but who knows what will happen years later. Perhaps we will be proud that we lived with him in the same city. We welcome (name) with applause!


Friends, our girls are ready to take the stage for the competition. It is called "Fairy tale, I know you." I ask the participants to enter the hall.

Competition "Fairy tale, I know you":

The essence of the competition is that the presenter asks questions to which the participants must quickly find the correct answer. The girls stand in a line and, with the correct answer, take one step forward. The participant who reaches the finish line first is considered the winner of the competition.

Which heroine wore pies to her grandmother? (Red Riding Hood).
What is the name of the girl who got into the Looking Glass? (Alice).
Who lives in a hut on chicken legs? (Baba Yaga).
To whom did they put a pea under the feather bed? (Princess).
Who was the fairy tale Cinderella good sorceress? (Godfather).
Who was left to sit with nothing? (Old woman).
Which lady had a heart of ice? (The Snow Queen).
Who caught the arrow of Ivan's younger brother? (Frog).
What did the princess prick her finger with before falling asleep? (Spindle).
Who walked around the oak on a golden chain? (Scientist cat).
Which boy pierced the hearth with his nose? (Pinocchio).
Which girl had blue hair? (Malvina).
What was the name of the girlfriend of the seven Dwarfs? (Snow White).
What is the name of the girl who brought the bear? (Masha).
Which bird saved Thumbelina? (Martin).

At the end of the competition, participants can sit at the tables with their parents and taste the treats.


The contestants are a little tired and want to rest. I ask the jury not to forget to fulfill their professional duties. And we will listen to music, those who wish can even dance.

Musical pause.


Well, have a little rest!? A fairy tale affects quickly, but the deed is not done quickly! The time has come for our participants to show themselves in business and prove to all of us which of them knows household chores best of all and how they help their mother with the housework.

Competition "Mom's Helper":

“He concludes that the girls choose one question card. They need to pick five or more answers to the question they got. Answers should be written on the back of the card. The time for answers is 5 minutes.

The contestant with the most correct answers wins the contest. It is important that the words are arranged in the order in which they are used. For example: water, potatoes, onions, and not vice versa.

Options for questions and answers for the competition:

What products are needed to cook delicious borscht? (Beets, cabbage, potatoes, onions).

What does it take to make a beautiful dress? (Needle, thread, fabric, buttons scissors lace).

What do you need for general house cleaning? (Broom, vacuum cleaner, mop, water).

What cutlery items are needed for table setting? (Tablecloth, knife, fork, spoon, plate, napkin).

What household duties does each housewife perform? (Cooks, does laundry, cleans, sews, washes dishes).


Everyone did an excellent job. You are real hostesses and wonderful mother's assistants, you deserve a loud applause from the audience (referring to the audience)! Friends, we do not hear applause! Our dear participants and future fairies, let's have a little rest and dance to your favorite music. Anyone interested, please join.

Musical pause.


Well, business time, fun hour. Our next competition will be called "Flower Stories". Real fairies love flowers. Now we will find out what flowers our participants know.

Competition "Flower stories":

The essence of the competition is simple, it concludes that the girls must write on a piece of paper the names of all the colors that they know. Time - 5 minutes. The contestant who wrote the most color names wins. In this competition, it is important to take into account not only the knowledge of ordinary flowers, but also those names that are rare, for example, orchid.


Wow, how many names of flowers our contestants know, it's time for us to open a real flower shop! And now I’ll ask the girls to go to the secret room and get ready for the next fashion show, which is called the Flower Fairy. And you and I, dear viewers, at this time we will remember our childhood and play the game "Broken Phone".

Game "Broken Phone":

We choose 5-6 people from the hall. The presenter speaks a phrase consisting of several words into the ear of the first participant. For example, Ivanov again forgot his diary at home. Each participant repeats it in the ear of the next. It's funny, but the output can be a completely different expression. Then the presenter voices to the audience the phrase that was originally conceived.


Everything worked out great for us, as if we had visited for a minute in childhood. And now I ask for a moment of silence. What you will see now will amaze your imagination, because you have never seen anything like it before! It's time to move into the real magic. Close your eyes for a moment and plunge into the world of harmony. I announce the “Fairy of Flowers” ​​defile and ask the participants to the podium.

The music is lyrical, natural with country style motifs, consonant with the theme of the competition.

Defile "Flower Fairy":

Contestants enter the hall to stylized music. Ideal for fashion shows: chintz and linen floor-length or mini dresses, wreaths in hair, ribbons woven into braids, a bouquet of daisies in hands, bare feet. This competition demonstrates tenderness and unity with nature.


Let's take a breath after what we saw. I understand how difficult it is for the jury to evaluate this competition, but work is work. In my opinion, all the girls were lovely, each in their own way, and I have never seen such beauty before! Dear participants, dear girls, our fabulous fairies. Where would you like to go now? Let's go to the ball with you!

Competition-game "Will you go to the ball?":

The presenter asks the girls questions, provoking them to say forbidden words (yes, no, black, white). The game begins with the words: “Yes and no, don’t say, don’t take black and white, will you go to the ball?”. In this game, you can ask any questions to confuse the participant. The girl who stays in the game the longest wins.


Well girls. Well, what good fellows, you won’t spend such around your finger! Thank you for a great game. But I look at the clock and see that it is time for you to prepare for the next exit. I'll ask you to go to the dressing room. And I will ask all the spectators to hold their breath, because guests have just arrived straight from the royal ball.

Ballroom dance performed by students of the art school to classical music.


Ladies and gentlemen! I present to your attention the most real show of unearthly beauty. The last defile is called "Evening Fairy". Applause to our participants.

The song "Unusual" performed by Ruslan Alekhno, Alexander Panayotov, Alexei Chumakov sounds.

Defile "Evening Fairy":

The contestants are wearing elegant evening dresses and shoes, their hair is styled accordingly. Minimal use of cosmetics is acceptable.It is important that girls are taken by the hand by a male representative. It could be an older brother or a dad. After the show, the contestants remain in the hall.


Well, our wonderful fairy tale is coming to an end, it remains to turn over its last page and find out which of our girls will put a real fairy crown on their heads. In the meantime, the jury is conferring and summing up the final results, I invite everyone to dance to the cheerful and incendiary music.

Musical pause.


I want to say a huge thank you to our cute little fairies. You girls are the most beautiful, the smartest, the most charming. And yes, you are the best! It's time to take stock.

Points are calculated according to scorecards. Participants are awarded diplomas with nominations, fresh flowers and gifts. We put diadems on the girls' heads.


  • Miss Flower Fairy
  • Miss Fairy Fairy
  • Miss Fairy Charm
  • Miss Fairy of Smiles
  • Miss Little Fairy (winner) receives a special gift and a crown

At the end of the evening, sparklers are lit in the auditorium, and little fairies, their friends and parents lead a round dance to cheerful music.

Sayana Sayanovna Kuzhuget
Scenario of the Beauty and Elegance Contest "Mini-Miss 2017"

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

Kindergarten "Teremok"

I approve

senior educator

MBDOU d / s "Teremok"

___ / Hertek R. O. /

among the senior and preparatory to school groups

rhythm teacher: Oorzhak O. M.

Musical director: Kuzhuget S. S.

Ak-Dovurak - 2017

Target: to develop artistry, emotionality, to achieve expressiveness of performance, to work out the synchronism of the execution of movements, to develop the ability to improvise.

preliminary work: learning walking skills to music, learning dancing.

Leading: Hello dear friends, dear mothers, grandmothers, as well as guests of our garden! On this wonderful spring day, we are pleased to welcome you to beauty and elegance contest« Mini miss - 2017» . A girl is like a flower that is fragrant and blooms under the rays of the sun, and a girl is from the attention and admiration of her parents and adults.

Drops are ringing outside the window

Spring has finally come

Many happy moments

She prepared.

And not in vain we are in this room

Everyone gathered today

Let's start the show

under the title « MINI MISS» !

IN competition 16 girls participate - senior and preparatory to school groups.

1st round: Business card

2nd round: Talent show

3rd round: Vanguard

4th round: Demonstration of Tuvan national clothes.

The jury evaluates contestants according to the 5-point system.

So, I represent the jury:

1. Chairman of the jury - Senior educator MBDOU d / s "Teremok"- Hertek R. O.

2. Educator of the 2nd junior group "Fairy tale"- Padan S.S.

3. Teacher of the middle group "Smeshariki"- Kuular C.S.

4. Educator of the 2nd junior group "Sun"- Dongak Sh.S.

Leading: I remember a wonderful moment

You appeared before me

Like a fleeting vision

Like a pure genius beauty.

And so we begin our contest« Mini miss - 2017» ! We invite our dear contestants in the hall! Meet with thunderous applause!

(Exit girls)

Leading: Yes, the jury will have a very difficult job, as everyone the female contestants are equally beautiful and smart. We are starting the first round - Visiting Card. 1st participant - Oorzhak Aldyn-Sai, pupil of the group "Why". In her spare time she likes to play with her dolls and watch cartoons. "Barboskins", "Fixies". Her favorite dish is dumplings, and she also likes Coca-Cola and chips.

Participant number 2 - Saryglar Alisa, a pupil of the group "Geeks" coloring pages, to watch cartoons "Winx"

Participant number 3 - Saaya Ayunza, a pupil of the group "Geeks". In her spare time she likes to draw and sing, watch cartoons "The Lion King". Her favorite dish is pilaf and she also likes sweets "Chupa Chups".

Participant number 4 - Mongush Aldyn-Sai, a pupil of the group "ABVGDeika". In her spare time she likes to draw and color coloring pages, to watch cartoons "Winx". Her favorite food is dumplings and also loves candy.

Participant number 5 - Kuzhuget Veronika, a pupil of the group "Why". In her spare time she likes to draw and color coloring pages, to watch cartoons "Heroes in Masks". Her favorite food is plov and she also loves chocolate.

Participant number 6 - Saryglar Victoria, a pupil of the group "Why". In her spare time she likes to draw and color coloring pages, to watch cartoons "Masha and the Bear", And "Engines" "Brighter" And "Kinder Surprise".

Participant number 7 - Irgit Aida-Say, a pupil of the group "Why" "Masha and the Bear". Her favorite food is dumplings and plov, and she also loves chocolates.

Participant number 8 - Evgenia Kogel, a pupil of the group "Why". In her spare time she likes to draw and color coloring pages, to watch cartoons "Masha and the Bear", And "Engines". Her favorite food is buuza and she also loves chocolates. "Brighter" And "Kinder Surprise".

Participant number 9 - Kara-Sal Aiyraana, a pupil of the group "ABVGDeika". In her spare time she likes to draw and color coloring pages, to watch cartoons "Winx". Her favorite food is dumplings and also loves candy.

Participant number 10 - Yana Kuzhuget, a pupil of the group "Why". In her spare time she likes to dance and watch cartoons. "Winx". Her favorite dish is buuza, and she also likes sweets and tangerines.

Participant number 11 - Oorzhak Ayusha, a pupil of the group "Geeks" "Masha and the Bear". Her favorite dish is manti, and she also loves chocolates.

Participant number 12 - Alexandra Mongush, a pupil of the group "Geeks". In her spare time she likes to draw, sing and dance, watch cartoons "Masha and the Bear". Her favorite dish is buuza, and she also loves chocolates.

Participant number 13 - Oorzhak Alina, a pupil of the group "Why". In her free time, she likes to draw and sculpt from plasticine, watch cartoons. "Masha and the Bear". Her favorite dish is stewed chicken and fried fish, and she also loves Kinder Joy and pancakes with condensed milk.

Participant number 14 - Mongush Ai-Kys, a pupil of the group "Geeks". In her spare time she likes to sing and dance, watch cartoons "Spirit". Her favorite dish is dumplings, and she also loves chocolates.

Participant number 15 - Salchak Aiza, a pupil of the group "Geeks". In her spare time she likes to draw, sing and dance, watch cartoons "Barboskins". Her favorite dish is salad "Vitamin" and buuza, and also likes chocolates.

Participant number 16 - Oorzhak Serzhin, a pupil of the group "Why". In her spare time she likes to draw and count, watch cartoons "Winx". Her favorite dish is pilaf, as well as fruits.

Leading: So we met with all the participants competition. Now let's move on to the next round. « Talent show» . Participants will show their ability to dance, sing or recite a poem. And so we invite participant number 1.

Leading: Skirts, jeans, hats beads

We know a lot about this fashion

Even Zaitsev and Yudashkin

They will envy us.

3rd round competition demonstration of avant-garde costume. I invite the participants to walk along the high fashion catwalk of the kindergarten "Teremok"!

(Exit girls)

Leading: The boys of the school preparatory group perform "Geeks". Meet!

Leading: I'm a Tuvinian! My people are proud.

I am the daughter of the silver mountain.

Child of the Tuvan people

And I am the heiress of Tuva!

Our last tour competition- display of national clothes.

(Exit girls)

Leading: Here comes the end beauty and elegance contest« Mini miss - 2017» . We see off our esteemed jury for summing up competition.

Leading: And now the most exciting stage. For us, for girls and for parents. And so we start the elections "Miss Audience Choice"! Everyone knows the rules - I will call the names of the participants one by one, and you will choose with applause.

And so, participant number 1.

Contestant number 2, etc.

Leading: The winner of the urban competition among boys"Tazhi - 2017", winner of the nomination "People's Choice"

Kuderek Kuzhuget!

(Speech by Kuderek)

Leading: And so, we invite members of the jury. Chairman of the Jury Khertek Raisa Ochurovna! Applause!

Prize-giving ceremony.

Scenario "Miss Contemporary"

Presenter: Good afternoon, dear guests!
Moderator: We are glad to see your smiling faces in this hall.
Presenter: Now it's autumn in the yard, but I really want it to be warm and sunny as long as possible. What else can please our eyes so much on these cloudy days if not girlish beauty. We associate it with such words as spring, charm, life.
Host: And it is not surprising that it was at this time that we decided to hold our Miss Contemporary contest.
Presenter: The participants of our competition will remind us of spring, as they are like spring flowers: they are just as beautiful, delicate, sensual.
Host: Their beauty captivates us. Who doesn't love beauty. Beauty will save the world!
Presenter: And so, meet our contestants.
(Contestants enter the hall).
Host: The holiday has begun, the participants are on stage. It remains only to get acquainted with our esteemed jury.
(The presenters take turns representing the jury).
Host: What's next?
Host: And then we announce the first competition.
Moderator: Our first competition is called “About myself”. Each participant will introduce themselves in any form.

Competition "The most charming and attractive."
Everyone wants to be beautiful, kind. Those who consider themselves the most charming and attractive live easily and happily. We offer the girls in turn to convince us that she is the most, most, most. Each girl sits in front of a mirror (all at the same time, but with her back to each other) and begins to convince herself and everyone that she is the most beautiful, kindest, etc. A prerequisite for the competition is that you can’t laugh, you can’t repeat the same expressions. The girl who fulfills all these conditions wins.
Competition "Intellectual"
1. What will happen to the crow when it is 7 years old?
(The 8th will go).
2. Why do village guys walk barefoot?
(On the ground).
3. The first syllable is a pet, the second is a measure of the area, all the copyright-by-holiday word is the name of the river.
4. Two people were walking and talking. "She's white," says one. “No black,” says another. “I also have a red one,” says the first. What is the conversation about?
(About currant).
5. How do day and night end? (soft sign)
6. What can you see with your eyes closed? (Dream)
7 When are hands pronouns? (When they are you-we-you)
8. What does half an apple look like? (For the second half)
9. What kind of sand is in the river? (Wet)
10 How many ears do five mice have? (Ten)
11. What dishes can not be eaten from? (From empty)
12. How many eggs can you eat on an empty stomach? (One, the rest will be eaten on an empty stomach)
13. Why do people walk in the forest? (On the ground)

14. Which is heavier: a kilogram of down or a kilogram of nails-)
g dey? (Equally))

Oh women! In all ages
They called you the weaker sex.
They dedicated serenades to you,
And they carried you in their arms.
Because of your beautiful eyes
Musketeers broke their swords.
Poets spent on you
Tens of thousands of tons of paper.
Time passed in eternal turmoil
And now you are no longer the same:
Well, do we have a reason
Call you the weaker sex?
After all, you have long been men
They didn't give up on anything.
2nd leader.
I propose from this moment to put an end to this historical injustice that has already taken shape.
1st leader.
I am for. But as?
2nd leader.
We will hold today's holiday in the form of a competition where girls will show their feminine qualities.
1. From the proposed rhymes, come up with verses:
hairstyle - comb,
very sharp eye,
eyebrow - blood,
make-up - boarding.

Where can I get a comb,
To do my hair?
And then paint the eye
To shine like a diamond.
I'll comb my eyebrow,
And hit the cheeks with blood.
That's all my makeup -
Take men for boarding.
Competition 2. Hairstyle competition (girls do their hair with the help of accessories prepared in advance and laid out on the tables: these are hairpins, hairpins, combs, varnish, elastic bands, artificial flowers and other decorations; young hairdressers give names to hairstyles and demonstrate them).
After this competition, it is worth giving the floor to the invited master. He will also give advice, maybe even in front of everyone to make a haircut or styling to one of the contestants.
Prizes are awarded for the most ridiculous or the most beautiful, or extravagant, unusual hairstyle.
Competition 3. Parade of hats.
The guys decorate the hats prepared in advance with artificial flowers, scarves, ribbons, feathers and demonstrate them.
Prizes can be given for the biggest, funniest, most realistic hat - it all depends on your imagination.
Competition 4. Sketch competition.
The guys draw sketches of a particular model on paper and present them to the audience.
Competition 5. Make-up competition.
With the help of cosmetics, the guys create images, for example, of a romantic lady or a militant girl. For this competition, you need to stock up on cream, petroleum jelly, so that later it is easy to remove makeup.
After this competition, invited makeup artists, cosmetologists will give their advice.
Competition 6. Cognitive.
The teams are asked in turn the questions "what is it?", "who is it?", to which the guys, after consulting, answer. For example:
The podium is an elevation where long-legged girls walk back and forth, demonstrating outfits.
A fashion model is a dazzling, long-legged girl who demonstrates wonderful outfits (one of the most attractive professions for a beautiful, long-legged young lady).
The needle is the most ancient tailor's tool, thanks to which one piece of an outfit can be connected to another, and which can sometimes become a "cold" weapon (a piercing object).

Couturier is the French name for a first-class tailor.
Mannequin - almost a real likeness of "women, exhibited in shop windows.
A dress is an outfit that distinguishes a girl from a boy.
A hat is an indispensable addition to a fashionista, decorating her head.
Sketch - a preliminary image of the model before its execution in the material.
Fabric is what fashion designers sew their outfits from.
An iron is a machine used by a tailor to remove all unnecessary wrinkles and wrinkles from a suit.
Pants are a piece of clothing that used to belong only to men, but now no woman can do without them.
Fashion is a capricious changeable "young lady", about which you have been talking all evening tonight.
A fashion designer is a person who invents new interesting and unusual outfits.
Parade of all models.

You are in the final! Tremble! The prize is almost yours! But first, dance And please our eyes.

Competition "Dance"

Soundtracks of songs of different styles are included - Russian folk, "Lambada", oriental dances, rock and roll, tango ... The songs change suddenly, the contestants must quickly orient themselves and choose the right movements to the music, corresponding to the style.

The competition has ended. We thank the girls for participating in it.
2nd leader.
We also thank you, dear viewers, for your activity, for keeping the commitments made at the beginning of the evening.
1st leader.
And we will end our evening with poems that we dedicate to you - our dear, dear and beloved.
May your day be sunny, beautiful,
And your path will be strewn with roses.
And every evening - starry, clean, clear,
Oh, woman, always be happy!
When, playing with primal force,
This world was created by mother nature,
She is in you, oh woman, has contained
All beauty and grace.
You have a gust of thunder, dawn shine,
The splendor of the mountains and the burrows of the rivers,
A joy to the eyes, a charm to the soul,
Through you the world and man are eternal.
In you nature is all its art
Captured to say: "Praise!"
And for you later in a fit of feeling
Created a man in love.
Happy holiday, dear women!
1st leader.
May the men in love always be with you.
2nd leader.
May your faces always be illuminated by a sunny smile!

All contestants are invited to the stage. The jury sums up. "Mini-Miss" is chosen. She is given a crown, a ribbon with the title assigned is put over her shoulder.

The girls are just amazing! Beautiful in appearance and soul, Talented to a stunner, I was stunned myself from such beauty!

Oh, how much beauty charming! It's good that I was here! And our "Mini-Miss" wonderful I admired and appreciated!

Alsu Gabdullina

Miss« Young lady» " for children's sanatorium"Ural" city ​​of Uchaly.

Prepared and conducted by Gabdullina A.G.

Target: develop at children imagination and creativity, publicly

perform in front of an audience.


Interest children participating in the competition program.

Find contenders for the title « Miss Young Lady» .

Give an opportunity girls showcase your creativity



Attention! Attention!

Hurry to the hall with us.

Today in our hall

Fun day for you.

Beautiful and smart

Cheerful and noisy

Singers, craftswomen, beautiful girls!

The sun is beautiful in the sky

The birds sing merrily.

lift the mood

And hello spring send!

Good afternoon!

We wholeheartedly greet all those gathered in the hall for Miss contest« Young lady» .

Good evening dear guys!

Good evening.

I am glad to welcome you in this large cozy hall and invite you to a wonderful, magical holiday - a ball of charming girls. Open your eyes wide to see everything, stick out your ears to hear everything and prepare your hands for loud and friendly applause, because I invite you to scene our contenders for the title Miss« Young lady» !

And now attention, friends!

Today is such a wonderful day

And such an amazing one!

Stars came down to us from the sky

And everyone was warmed by beauty!

Representation participating girls.

You are beautiful like stars

And eyes sparkle with fire.

And your smiles are cute

Block out the sun during the day!

You are so nice to us!

You girls are just awesome!

That's why we all want

Be like you!

We wish you only happiness,

And we'll tell you a secret:

Our girls are more beautiful

It just doesn't exist all over the world!

Leading: Each of you knows that the best half of humanity is cute, kind, beautiful girls. Exactly girls drive our strong half of the planet crazy - these are you young people.

Look carefully at the heroines of the celebration. They amaze with their youthful beauty, girlish charm, sincere smile. Let's hope that each of them will please us with their erudition, artistry, originality in solving the most difficult problems. We wish them success! So, everything is ready, let's start contest!

Everyone girls who decided to participate in our Miss« Young lady» inherent beauty, charm, tenderness, mystery, elegance, charm, they are all delightful and talented, each in its own way. We will all cheer for each participant, wish everyone success and good luck.

Bolder to win

No need to be embarrassed!

You are young lady!


Well, what is competition without a jury!

Jury is awesome.

jury is power

Not everyone can judge fairly!

Who will get what title?

The jury will tell us about this at the end. The jury will tell us about this at the end. And evaluate the skill of our contestants there will be a competent jury composed of

Everyone is valued contest on a five-point system

So, all the participants stage. Today we have to choose the best of the best. It's very hard to choose just one girl and call her the best because they are all so beautiful.

1. contest -"Business card".

presenter: Attention! Attention! Let's start the first test "Business card"!

Now we will see how charming our girls how they can speak. We will find out what their character is and what they are interested in

Each of girls He will tell us in an interesting way about himself, about his interests and hobbies. The content and the form are taken into account.

2. Contest"Chupa Chups"

In order to successfully pass all the tests, not to lose heart, we offer the participants competition"sweeten life". You, the participants, are offered a candy (optional, no wrap). Determine the taste of what kind of candy it is (title).

3. Contest"Defile in costumes"

I don't have any trouble with these girls

They didn’t have time to grow up - they demand outfits!

Every day of excitement, every day of care!

Oh these girls,

Oh those mods!

And now we move on to competition -"Defile in costumes". Our participants were given homework to make costumes from improvised material. Now we will see what they have made.

4. Contest"Cleaning".

presenter: Everyone knows that Cinderella was very hardworking girl. She did any job. Now we will verify this. Contest"Cleaning". Girls you need to drain the basin, take a sponge, lower the sponge into a basin of water, soak the sponge and run to the finish line and squeeze until the basin is drained. Let's see how our girls know how to be careful, quickly and efficiently cleaning.

5. Contest"riddles about flowers".

Now let's dive into the so-called "world of beauty". What holiday can do without flowers? Flowers are joy, an eternal source of inspiration, good mood.

Contest"riddles about flowers".

1. Until late autumn on us

Throws bold glances

Her cheerful yellow eye

Through the eyelashes are white. (Chamomile)

2. What flower was guarded by the shaggy monster in the work of the same name by Aksakov (Scarlet).

3. For which Anderson heroine did the flower become a permanent place of residence (Thumbelina).

4. Which flower is directly related to the king of beasts (Snapdragon).

There is a legend. A mermaid fell in love with a handsome guy who was plowing land for rye on the shore. He loved her too. But they couldn't agree Where to live: in water or on land. Then the mermaid turned the guy into a flower. She thought that the wind would tear him off the ground and he would fall into the river. But the flower firmly held on to the arable land with its roots. And people named the flower after this guy. (Cornflower).

5. According to legend, this flower appeared on earth in an unusual way. When Aphrodite was swimming in the sea, some daredevils decided to spy on her. Angry Zeus turned them into this flower... (Pansies)

6. I am a herbaceous plant

With purple flowers.

But rearrange the accent -

And I turn into candy. (Iris)

7. Which flower is a symbol of passionate love? (Red Rose).

8. What flowers are usually given on the first of September (gladiolus).

1.- There is an oak, full of cereals, covered with a roof. (Poppy)

2.- It blooms with a yellow flower, after flowering it is blown away.

What is this flower? (Dandelion)

3- Here's another baby

Bluer than day

What is her name:(forget-me-not)

That's right, friends.

4.-Golden middle and the rays go around

Could it be a picture? The sun is in the blue sky.

No, not the sun on a piece of paper -

In the meadow, guys flower -: (chamomile)

5. They call me the queen of flowers!

For the color and the smell of my petals

Though my green bush is ready to hurt you

But who will not forgive me the prickly thorns!

Who am I? (The Rose)

6. Always gloomy under the spruce,

Smells damp and musty.

Under her furry paw

Glowing lamps. (Lily of the valley)

7. In the meadows sister -

Golden eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile)

8. Head on a leg,

Peas in the head. (Poppy)

6. Contest"Specialty of the house"

Make a menu for tomorrow. House. ass

presenter: Scientists somehow calculated at their leisure that a woman washes 18 thousand knives, forks and spoons a year. In addition, it washes 30,000 plates and 8,000 cups. Add here another 3,000 dishes of other types, and moreover, gentle hands wash more than 40,000 items a year.

7. Contest"Dream Flower"

Dream up and draw the flower of your dreams, which you would like to see at home or receive as a gift. Time to complete the task 2 min.

Let's play a game with the audience "Name the Flower". The spectator who solves the most riddles about flowers receives a prize - stickers "Flowers".

cute contestants, time is over. The drawings are shown to the audience and handed over to the jury to evaluate the creative task.

8. Contest"Magic Words".

Everyone knows how nice it is for us, female representatives, to hear pleasant, laudatory words addressed to us. But in life you need to be able not only to accept compliments, but also to be able to say kind, affectionate words yourself.

How many wonderful words

Soft, kind, gentle

We speak with you

When we give, we ask

Farewell, meet...

We use.

Now our contestants show their knowledge of these words and their ability to be polite in competition"Magic Words".

(Girls demonstrate their knowledge of polite words and the ability to speak them).

9. Contest"Our Talents"

And also our girls are very talented love to sing and dance. And each of them has its own zest. And what is this highlight, the following test will show - "Here I am!" And now they want to show you their dancing talents and sing

I invite our participants to the next test.

Show us your talents and skills.

Sing songs and dance and read poetry to us.

Give everyone smiles, like rays of dawn,

So that our strict jury does not make mistakes!

Of course, each of our participants is well prepared for the upcoming competition.

While the jury is summing up, we will play for the audience award. We will play it like this: On my signal, applaud each participant. And we will evaluate, for whom they clapped louder, she will receive the main prize of audience sympathy.

Game with spectators.

In the meantime, the girls are preparing, I propose to test the strength of our viewers. I ask all fans to answer my questions.

Are there any fans of participant No. 1 in the hall?

Are those who support participant No. 2 ready to declare themselves?

Shout out in unison to everyone who supports the participant number 3?

We want to hear the fans of the participant number 4?

And this is applauded by those who are rooting for the participant number 5.

Their applause is given to the participant under number 6 by her fans.

And what are the fans of the participant number 7 silent about?

We see that our participants have real support in the hall.

# Miss Charm

# Miss Shy

# miss smile

# miss sane

# miss hostess

# miss charm

# Miss Young Lady.

Jury word!

Rewarding of all participants with diplomas and gifts.

This is where our contest. You saw once again how talented there are girls in our race.

We wish you happy, clear days.

For more light and goodness,

Health, joy, success,

Peace, happiness and warmth!

Game with spectators.

Here are the items in front of you. Take any of them. You should name a proverb, saying or catch phrase associated with this subject.

1. Needle and thread. (Where the needle is, the thread is there. The needle is small, but the whole world is dressed.)

2. Apple. (Apple of discord. An apple does not fall far from an apple tree.)

3. Rope. (How many ropes do not twist, but there will be an end.)

4. Mirror. (There is nothing to blame on the mirror, since the face is crooked.)

5. Spoon. (Road spoon to dinner)

riddles for the audience.

"Smart - intelligent"

Girls you have to solve riddles.

1. Balls hang on knots,

Turned blue from the heat.


2. The white stone melts in the mouth.


3. A motley cracker catches frogs,

Waddling, stumbling.


4. This eye is a special eye.

He quickly looks at you

And will be born

The most accurate portrait of you.


5. Sleeps during the day, flies at night,

Passers-by are scared.


6. My tail is indistinguishable from my head,

me always in the ground you will find.


7. From the hot well

Water flows through the nose.


8. On the squares of the board

The kings brought down the regiments.

No for battle with regiments

No bullets, no bayonets.


9. I held your tail in my hand,

You flew - I ran.


10. The tail is made of bone, and on the back - bristles.


11. Tail wags, toothy, but does not bark.


12. Two bellies, four ears.


13. The brothers were equipped to visit,

clinging to each other

And rushed off on a long journey,

They just left smoke.


14. He willingly inhales the dust,

Not sick, but sneezing.

(a vacuum cleaner)

15. Natket, will weave,

Sit down and wait for prey.


16. Flows, flows - does not flow out,

Runs, runs - does not run out.


17. A new vessel, but all in holes.


18. People live under water,

Walks backwards.


19. He does not sing songs, he does not build nests,

People and cargo are lucky.


20. The whole universe lives in it,

And it's an ordinary thing.


Game with spectators

(carried out by two boys 5, 6)

5. Each of you are fans. Now we will make riddles. For the correct answer - 1 point is added to the participant competition for which you are rooting.

6. dried up in the hot sun

and bursting from the pods ... (peas)

5. small, bitter, onion brother,

seasoning for food, and control for microbes. (garlic)

6. what was dug from the ground, fried, cooked?

that in the ashes we baked, ate, and praised! (potato)

5. there is a nesting doll on one leg,

wrapped up, wrapped up. (cabbage).

6. Came without paints and without a brush and repainted all the leaves (Autumn).

5. He sees and does not hear, walks, wanders, roams, whistles (Wind).

6. Sits - turns green, falls - turns yellow, lies - turns black. (Sheet)

5. They ask and wait for me, but when I come, they hide (Rain).

6. The more you take from it, the more it becomes. (Pit)

5. What a smart old man, eighty-eight legs.

Everything is shuffling on the floor, hot at work. (Broom)

6. Sir, but not a wolf, long-eared, not a hare,

With hooves, but not a horse. (Donkey)

5. Red Yegorka fell into the lake,

He did not drown himself and did not stir up the water. (Autumn leaf)

6. Not snow, not ice, but will remove trees with silver. (Frost)

The forest undressed, blue sky, this time of year -. (Autumn)

5. The cold frightens them so much, they fly away to warm countries,

They can’t sing, have fun, who gathered in flocks ?. (birds)

6. The sun no longer warms us, the wind is blowing cold!

A breeze blew into the puddle and bound it. (ice)

We invite you to stage of all contestants. They have a press conference.


Do you often have to change your appearance, hiding from the headmaster?

Would you like to sit in the director's chair?

Is it true that you dance the lambada alone in the evenings?

Is it true that you are a secret agent of Chinese intelligence?

Is it true that you can move your ears, nose and eyebrows at the same time?

They say that you are writing a message on the topic "Problems of using cell phones in the process of passing exams?"

They say that you are allergic to banknotes. This is true?

Is it true that you are afraid of the school bell?


Rumor has it that your favorite food is chocolate-covered lard. Is it so?

They say that you know where Barmaley is hiding. This is true?

It is said that you talk loudly in your sleep. This is true?

Do you often fall out of bed?

Do you love to eat?

Your beauty, your kindness are legendary. What do you think about it?

They say that you cannot sleep against the wall, your knees rest. It's true?

You are a very smart person, well, just a genius. Do you agree with this?

Tell me now something most important, the most intimate!

Nomination "Methodological work in the preschool educational institution"

Target: the formation in children of ideas of kindness, joy, friendly relations, the creation of a positive emotional mood among preschoolers.


1. Developmental tasks: to develop creative imagination, memory, coherent speech of children, a sense of rhythm, pace, coordination of movements.

2. Educational tasks: to summarize the knowledge of children about the holiday.

3. Educational tasks: to cultivate emotional responsiveness; strengthen friendly relations; to cultivate beauty, expressiveness and grace of movements, a conscious attitude towards them.

Members: Host, Juri members - postman Pechkin, Carlson, old man Hottabych; private traders - Kikimora, the old woman Shapoklyak.

Leading: Hello, dear guests! Today, on this amazing spring holiday, March 8, we are glad to welcome you to this hall!

Let the day flare up quickly
Let's not waste a minute
We are the sun, spring, all the women of the earth
Today we hasten to congratulate.
Who is in a hurry to congratulate all of you - you will find out now!
Constructor love to collect
And play on the computer
There are bumps on the forehead...
Who is it?

Guests: Boys! (Under the soundtrack “From what, from what ... (Author of the text (words): Y. Khamelsky. Composer (music) Y. Chichkov) the boys enter, build a semicircle near the central wall).

1 child.

The winter cold still ruffles
The eighth is just a day of spring,
But with golden flowers
All the streets are already full.

2 child.

Sunday is not an idle day
The boys have a hundred worries!
Spring holiday first
Walking through the streets!

3 child.

fluffy yellow color
He entered every house
Figure eight on asphalt
Student drawing!

4 child.

In the cloudless blue
The brave pilot took off,
Big number eight
He painted the whole sky.

5 child.

And bagels in the window
Eight spread out
The number eight is everywhere!
You just take a look!

6 child.

Number eight today
Loved by all others.
We congratulate you on the holiday
All dear women!


Drops are ringing outside the window,
Finally, spring has come
Many happy moments
She cooked!
And not in vain we are in this room
Everyone gathered today
Let's start the show
Under the name MINI-MISS!

The most tender, charming, smart girls will take part in this contest! And the boys, our esteemed guests, will support them with applause and smiles! And now it's time to welcome the members of our esteemed jury! These are: 1. The famous magician and wizard Old Man Hottabych! 2. The most charming and attractive, moderately well-fed and very well-mannered, adoring sweets and pranks - Carlson Sladkoezhkin! 3. And, finally, from the neighboring countries, the village of Prostokvashino - the postman Pechkin.

Leading: So, everything is ready, and I want to announce the beginning first round!

1. Demonstration of models to the music of Dunaevsky "concert waltz" - the girls of the older group come out.

2. Demonstration of models (girls of the preparatory group perform a dance and choreographic composition to the song performed by A. Pugacheva "Ballet").

The old woman Shapoklyak appears and dances with the girls. When the music ends, everyone sits down. Leading look at Shapoklyak, perplexed.

Leading: And who are you?

Shapoklyak: I? Yes, do you really not recognize me? Not smart though! I look pretty young in this outfit! I am Iraida Dormidontovna Shapoklyak!
(ironic). Mini-Miss March 8, that's all they say! They fuss and bustle, everyone wants to buy an outfit! And I bought a painting! It's super trendy!
She sewed, cut, hemmed, tried on! You, citizen, work hard, announce a mini-miss! (Points to himself, walks around with his nose up high).

Host (makes a preoccupied look, looks at the guys): Yes…. Contingency. And I think that our esteemed jury will agree with me, and I invite you to take part in our contests! Sit down please! In the meantime, our esteemed jury is summing up the results of the first round, evaluating the performance of the contestants, the members of the senior group will show a surprise for the guests.

(The ensemble “Girls - laughter”, r. n. m. “Whether in the garden, in the garden.” The girls play metallophones, and the boys dressed in birch trees dance. The boys come out smoothly, with their backs to the audience, turn over to the audience alternately jumping on each strong beat of the melody)

The host addresses the jury and announces that the results of the first round are not yet ready. And announces a musical pause -Children perform ditties.

1. We will sing ditties to you,
To congratulate you on Women's Day
Our mothers are dear
Hello hot helmet!

2. Who will tell, who will teach
Who can we work better with?
To receive a salary
And become a support in the family.
We understand that we must
Be the pride of your family!

3. I will become a skillful cook
I will cook delicious food for you!
I will open a new cafe
And treat them to diflop!

4. I dream of performing in the circus,
To shine on the posters of everyone!
And my experience will be invaluable
Wrap adopt!

5. And when I grow up,
I'm going to marry right away
I will choose a husband
Gold in every sense!

6. I will be a businessman
The family will have a great time!
I will buy a fur coat for everyone
And I'll save up for a jeep!

7. Good businessman
A better model!
I'll be on the covers
I will pass all selections
To get the crown
To outshine Vodianova herself!

Shapoklyak comes out. Sings:

Oh my legs
What do I do with myself
For good, for guests
You dance yourself!
patties, patties,
Clap for me, grandma! (dances elements of Russian folk dance).

Pechkin: Let me announce the results of the first round! We consulted and came to a common opinion! All members are very charming, attractive, graceful and elegant, all get 5 points! (hold up signs).

The host announces second round.

Pechkin: Wait a minute, I have a package for you. This is a package from men from Prostokvashino, from Uncle Fyodor, Matroskin and Sharik!

Presenter: In the second round, with the help of a parcel from Prostokvashino, we are holding the Young Hostess contest. Does everyone know dairy products from the village of Prostokvashino? (There are boxes of dairy products from different companies on the table. Participants in the second round need to choose only Prostokvashino products).

Summarizing. The presenter asks the jury to raise the score plates. (Again, the victory is common).

Third round.

Leading: And now I suggest that the participants dress the boys as if they were going for a walk. (Variants of clothing on the chairs in the center of the hall - boots, scarves, beads, skirts, hats, etc. Shapoklyak puts on herself the wrong clothes left on the chairs).

The jury unanimously raise fives.

Fourth round. Literary.

A kikimora runs into the hall, chattering, lisping:

Hello, hello, I'm glad I made it! That's what I wanted to tell you! I think I will win this competition! Because no one can say tongue twisters better than me.

Leading: Well, what are you, dear Kikimora, I think that the boys from the preparatory group will also do an excellent job with this task!

Kikimora: Sasha walked along the highway and sucked dry! Who can repeat? (Children are trying to say, Kikimora is commenting). Aha! Nothing happened!

Leading: Kikimora, and I think that the fathers and mothers of our guys will help their children out!

Kikimora invites parents to say the tongue twister “Shirt with a subfold” three times. Kikimora herself demonstrates her brilliantly!

Leading: Well, you see, Kiki, this case is not so difficult! Here you better listen to how our participants will show their expressive reading abilities! I invite the participants to read the poems! (An approximate list of poems: A. Tolstoy. "Last Snow", Tyutchev "Spring Waters", Prikhodko "Spring", Yesenin "Bird Cherry").

Leading: Jury word! (Carlson and Pechkin raise fives, Hottabych dreams enchanted). Old Hottabych, tell us your opinion!

Hottabych:(did not hear, puts a hand to his ear) Jam? Oh, beautiful of the beautiful, I really love jam!

Leading: No, Hottabych! Did you like the performance of our participants? Say your opinion!

Hottabych: Mood?

Leading: No, opinion!

Hottabych (with delight): Yes! Yes! (Raises five) And I'd like to give you all a surprise too! (Demonstrates the trick of turning milk and tea into ink. (Collection "Children's holidays, games, tricks, fun, p. 214). Mix a glass of water with iodine and a glass of water with starch. You get a blue liquid, into which children then dip an old pen and write the number "8" on a piece of paper attached to a magnetic board).

Leading: Thanks a lot! Children, did you like the trick? And now I'm announcing the start final round- song contest! (Solo performance of songs about mother by verse. Songs about mother and grandmother are recommended. Shapoklyak takes part, dances).

Leading: The word of the jury! (Pechkin, Hottabych put 5, Carlson turned away, does not put a mark). What happened? Did you like the performance of our participants?

Carlson: No, I decided to fool around a little, play with the participants, and I will add all the points that they earn to the victory in this round!

Leading: Well, okay, just let's ask the guys. (They agree, the teachers bring them out with plastic mugs, a candy is tied to each by a string. Carlson explains the conditions of the game.)

Carlson: You need to catch the candy in a mug like this. (Music sounds, game is played).

The jury raises points. (Fives).

Leading: Fine! And now we will give the jury an opportunity to sum up the results of our Mini-Miss show and determine the winner! The most charming, attractive, radiant girl in our kindergarten.

Hottabych: Attention! I would like to announce the result of the show contest! When summing up to our great joy, all participants received the same number of points, they all deserved the title of "MINNI MISS"! (claps hands). Please appear my assistants! (Teachers come out with trays, crowns for awards and a list of nominations lie on them. The host takes the list of nominations and reads Chopin's polonaise (A major) to the music. The awarding takes place.)

List of nominations:

1. Miss charm
2. Artistry
3. Tenderness
4. Modesty
5. Charm
6. Sympathy
7. Smile
8. Melody
9. Fantasy
10. Mysterious
11. Splendor
12. Uniqueness
13. Gracefulness
14. Diligence
15. Joy
16. Flirty
17. Curiosity
18. Pretty
19. Attractiveness
20. Playfulness.

Jury: And, finally, the title of “Miss Care” was awarded to the respected Miss Kiki, and the next nominee Iraida Dormidontovna Shapoklyak was awarded the title of “Miss Care!

Leading: Let's once again congratulate the winners with applause, and sweet prizes for the boys for their help!

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