How to start a massage business. How to open a massage parlor without a license? To become a massage therapist, you need to


Hello dear readers! Coolest post today! The idea to highlight the issues and problems of micro-business in the field of massage services came to me a long time ago. Not knowing the intricacies of this issue, I turned to one of our readers for professional advice, who has been engaged in professional massage for many years and at the same time is the owner of several massage rooms. I prepared questions for him and based on them an interesting article turned out. We present to your attention our material.

Important Preface

The massage business is a kind of activity in which business entrepreneurial qualities, organizational skills of the business owner, combined with a fairly high professionalism of the massage service provider, are important.

If we talk about the Massage business from ZERO, then it is immediately necessary to identify a number of points.

What should be understood by the initial condition "from scratch"?

If you are an absolute zero in the profession and decide to make your own business, then leave this idea. Burn out. The best thing to do in such a situation is to focus on professional growth and qualifications. Train your hand as a hired worker, form your client base. This will take some time and possibly money to complete additional training programs. In a word, invest in yourself first, and then think about business.

A young ambitious businessman, for whom massage services are the first business project, in my opinion, is more likely to be disappointed. This type of business has its own characteristics associated with the scope (medicine, sports, cosmetology, SPA, etc.), legal regulation, seasonality of demand, etc. In addition, the project of a separate massage parlor is unlikely to be promising. In the starting business project, you need to focus on a network of several offices, or on a separate salon. This requires quite a significant investment. The second problem is recruitment. The opening salon should have enough professional staff and a competent manager. Good specialists are worth the corresponding funds. In a word, you can’t get off with the minimum wage here. So, we will not talk about this in our article.

A possible option is to invest the cabinet, for example, according to the p2p principle. But this is a different business.

In view of the foregoing, I believe that only a potentially competitive person can open a massage business from scratch (with minimal investment). He must not only produce the service itself with high quality, but also be able to adequately present it on the market and sell it profitably. In this variant, it is more correct to speak of "self-employment". With certain aspirations, you can develop to a full-fledged business.

So the decision has been made. Where to begin

Take a piece of paper and formulate the IDEA of your business in the form of a picture or summary text. Reflect the following questions:

  • office location.
  • what massage services will be provided, will there be specialization (for example, therapeutic massage, cosmetology, SPA, etc.), or a wider range of services is expected (then what?);
  • potential consumer of the service (age, gender, social group, income level, etc.)
  • the proposed organizational and legal form of the business.

It is better to open an office in existing specialized institutions: medical centers, sports clubs, bath complexes, beauty salons, etc.

Firstly, these organizations already have a sanitary and fire certificate, and medical ones also have a license, and you only need to draw up a lease agreement correctly.

Secondly, these institutions have good traffic, and some visitors will definitely be interested in your services.

At the initial stage, you can do without an office at all if you provide massage services to clients at home or in the office. Some of my friends do just that. True, more often it is not a business, but rather a part-time job.

Nevertheless, this option has existed for a long time and has its advantages, especially when working with corporate and "family" groups of clients. Among the shortcomings, one can note the instability of income at the start without a good client base, loss of time for moving.

Significant transport costs are possible. They are sometimes associated not only with the operation of the car, but also with the possible need to purchase it.

Then write a DESCRIPTION.

Draw an approximate diagram of the office and auxiliary premises (if any), determine the set of inventory and equipment, the need for preparatory work. Here, designate the corporate identity and features of the salon.

Marketing research

Competition assessment.

Deciding to open a business, you probably said to yourself - What? Why not me! Not bad, but not enough.
Identify your closest competitors, their strengths and weaknesses. After that, honestly answer yourself the question of why you are better than your rivals. Find at least 3-4 objective advantages. If you cannot do this, then postpone your idea until better times.

Advertising strategy.

Massage services are not just classified as personal services. The best advertisement will be your professional reputation. It will be distributed by word of mouth. Like it or not, this is one of the most effective ways of advertising, especially for small towns.

Do not forget to notify your regular customers, relatives, friends, colleagues, especially those who regularly refer clients to you that you open your own business. Inform the methods of communication and contacts, as well as the address of the new place of reception.

Purchase flyers and invitation cards ahead of time. This tool is especially effective in the hands of your grateful patients. We have many wonderful people who, inspired by the results of your work, will ask permission to give your contact number to relatives and friends. If you not only allow, but also provide such a client with business cards or handouts, then he will start the distribution with more initiative.

Various branded details with a logo and contacts are attractive enough for customers: pocket calendars, key rings, pens, notebooks, magnets. Give them to your customers as gifts. Customers often take them and keep them for a long time. At the right time, these souvenirs will remind you of you.

The Internet helps a lot. Especially if you are young, active in social. networks and in various forums. The presence of at least the simplest business card site, pages in social networks, etc. will become a mandatory attribute in a situation where a start or specialization in field services is planned.

Feel free to give information about yourself. It is clear that we love with our ears, but if real evidence is put up to confirm the words, then this is only a plus. Place copies of documents on education, diplomas of achievements, awards, photographs in the office. On the site, write a resume about yourself, your experience and competence. In the same place, make an album for photo and video materials. Well, if the site has a page of reviews.
This is your professional pride.

Near your office, if possible, arrange a small information stand for your potential visitors. Specify your full name, work schedule (days and hours of reception), contacts for pre-appointment. It is advisable to place several business cards there. At the stand it is possible to place a brief summary of your professional competence, give information about the types of massage services and their cost.

Almost every specialist has creative or socially active people in their clients. Many of them will definitely invite you to their concert, creative meeting, exhibition, meeting of the club of moms or hearty athletes. Don't hesitate, go for sure. Most likely, your client will introduce you to guests in public, or over a cocktail. You'll walk out of this meeting with a few new clients.

Sales promotion methods.

In this component, you do not need to rush and arrange high-profile promotions, such as "We are open, the first session is free, the rest are 50% off." However, a correct and well-thought-out sales promotion strategy creates conditions for the formation and expansion of a customer base.

At the beginning of your business, incentivize those who work for your business. First of all, these are "propagandists" from among colleagues, related staff and grateful customers. At the start, reasonable family and corporate discounts justify themselves. Later connect the bonus program for regular customers. Bonuses for repeat customers for pre-registration and for prepayment of half or the entire course work well.

At the same time, do not strive to give discounts and bonuses to everyone. Determine, first for yourself, who should be considered a regular customer, who should be repeated, who should be given a “family discount”, in what situation you can talk about corporate service. It would be better if all this is attached to your price list, placed in your office in a prominent place, reflected on the website, in handouts.

Immediately stop those who immediately start talking about discounts. Charity is a must. But do it at will, and not at the compulsion of others.

Organizational planning

Having started an independent practice, it is necessary to clearly imagine the entire scope of work, duties and responsibilities. At the start, it is very important to decide on the work schedule, provision and support of the business.

Work schedule.

Set the days and hours of the appointment. Try to stick to the chosen schedule from the very beginning. Remember that compliance with the regime of work and rest is the key to longevity in the massage profession.

Organization of the record.

Divide the record into current (within the current working week) and preliminary (for subsequent periods). Determine the methods of recording and the means of fixing it. For pre-registration, be sure to set the customer feedback form to clarify the necessary information.

At the initial stage, to organize this work, it is enough to make a file cabinet, get a diary and a cell phone. The card file allows you to record clients, analyze the structure of appeals (gender, age, problem, etc.), distribute clients into categories: primary, repeated, permanent, etc. The analysis of the card file gives ground for reflection on the prospect of business development. Keep a small record for each patient. In it, indicate your full name. h.m.g. birth, contacts, date and reason for initial visit, technique used, number of procedures and outcome. Record all subsequent calls on the same card. Arrange cards in alphabetical order in folders.


Make a list of necessary consumables, establish the order of their purchase. Make purchases with a small margin.
If the office is rented, then immediately specify the cleaning procedure. Usually cleaning is included in the terms of the rental. Do not forget that general cleaning should be carried out weekly. Most likely, you will need to pay extra for a cleaner, or do it yourself.

Business support.

Your business may need consulting on tax reporting, finance, legal issues. The market for these services is replete with offers. It remains only to choose an acceptable option for yourself.

An important digression.

It is necessary to point out the ethical aspects of business, namely, issues in customer relationships.

  • Develop a strategy for behavior and communication with customers.
  • Be courteous, kind, benevolent.
  • Do not establish familiarity.
  • Do not give a reason for flirting, resolutely stop all such attempts.
  • Do not let your dignity and professional reputation be humiliated.
  • Feel free to put the insolent out the door.

Business registration

The tax base depends on many factors. In our business, not all expenses can be accounted for, even the rent of a room. I think the optimal tax regime. In general, there is an excellent article about the choice of taxation,.

Initial investment

To open a massage parlor, capital expenditures (initial investment) are required. These include: the purchase of equipment, furniture, inventory, start-up advertising costs and other start-up costs.

It makes no sense to dwell on the list of necessary inventory and equipment. It is covered in almost every textbook on massage. However, the main attribute of the cabinet will be a massage table. There is a great variety of them. For starters, it is better to purchase a folding table. It will be indispensable if outreach or corporate services are planned. Prices for such tables vary widely. A sufficiently high-quality folding table can be bought for 12-15 thousand rubles. Approximately the same amount will need to be spent on the rest of the furniture: a desk, a couple of chairs, a screen, a wardrobe, a rack for creams, towels, sheets, treatment hours.

Other start-up expenses include the purchase of a working cell phone (an option is recommended), a diary for recording clients, production of registration cards, and the purchase of comfortable work clothes and shoes. About 5 thousand rubles can be planned for this.

Thus, we sum up and get that it will take from 30-35 thousand rubles to open your own office.

This is not quite from scratch, but quite an affordable amount. At the same time, there is always room for maneuver and savings. Even with a not very successful start and consistently minimal attendance, it will be possible to return the invested funds in 3-4 months.

Financial and production planning

Based on the chosen work schedule and type of massage services, determine the approximate number of visitors and the monthly revenue of the office.

Different types of massage require different times for the procedure - from 20-30 minutes. up to 1.5 - 2 hours. When planning, it is wise to set an average duration of 60 minutes.

Divide the number of working hours by the average duration of the procedure, get the average number of patients per day at maximum load.

Calculate the average check.

This indicator can be determined in two ways:

  • take the average value from your price list;
  • take the average of the 2-3 most requested services according to your observation.

The second option is more preferable.

Now we can determine the revenue at 100% load by multiplying the average number of visitors per day by the average check and the number of working days in a month.

For a more accurate forecast, seasonality must be taken into account. Demand peaks in the spring, when people start getting ready for the beach season. There is a decline in summer. In autumn, demand rises (the garden season ends), and in winter, the demand for massage is at an average level.

In the first month of work, you can count on 3-4 clients per day, in the second and third months - on 5-6 clients. The total time to reach the planned indicators directly depends on the contractor. Reaching a stable rate of 7-9 people a day can be considered quite successful.

Determine your monthly costs.

The cost structure can be divided into four main groups:

  • the cost of renting premises and utilities;
  • costs of providing and supporting business;
  • mandatory payments (taxes, PFR, etc.);
  • other costs.

Rent and utilities will be the main item of monthly expenses. There are a lot of rental options. It can be a fixed monthly payment, a certain percentage from each client, etc. When concluding a lease, pay attention to the procedure for paying utility bills, providing cleaning services, and observing sanitary epidemiological conditions. mode and fire safety. It will be good if the terms of the contract take into account your business start and provide for reduced rates in the first 2-3 months. Feel free to talk to a potential landlord about this. If you have a choice of several options, also feel free to say so in the negotiations.

Avoid conditions, "let's start like this, and then we'll see." They can look later so that you will regret opening the office. The result of the negotiations for you should be clear terms and prospects, as well as a fixed transparent amount of rent, without hidden additional payments.

The cost of providing and supporting the business will include spending on advertising, the purchase of consumables (creams and oils, consumable soft inventory). Consider travel costs when planning your fieldwork.

If there is a need to attract additional staff or consultants, then plan the funds for paying them.

Obligatory payments.

Here we include the payment of taxes and.

Other current expenses.

Here it is necessary to take into account both planned expenses (for example, the delivery of drinking water to the office) and unforeseen expenses. They are unforeseen because it is difficult to predict them in advance. In general, when planning, it is best to allocate a certain percentage of revenue to this expense item, say 5-10%.

So now we have three main indicators:

  • start-up investments;
  • planned revenue;
  • monthly expenses.

Now you can evaluate the prospects for your independent business by calculating the net profit.
In our case, it will be determined by the difference between income and expenses. Compare the received data with your current financial situation. If you see the prospects, feel confident in yourself, then you can start.

I deliberately avoid specific numbers, because start conditions depend on a variety of factors, the characteristics of the local market for massage services, demand, the solvency of customers, the qualifications of a specialist, etc. Only general schemes and calculation methods are indicated.

Personnel control

Now let's talk about how to keep an eye on the masters so that they do not take clients into their pockets.

Yes, there really is such a problem. It is connected, in my opinion, with the lack of a normal organization of labor and production control, unformed traditions of corporate ethics, and the absence of progressive labor incentive programs.

Sometimes the personal qualities of both the employee and the employer work. When accepting an employee, it is necessary from the first day to explain his labor duties, the regime and regulations of working hours, the norms of corporate style and ethics, the procedure for accounting for his work, reporting, and financial discipline. For each type there should be forms of control. You can apply complex methods when several components of labor activity are checked at once. For example, you can simply log in and check your presence at the workplace. Or you can invite an employee with a register of procedures for the shift, customer registration cards, BSO forms (if the masseur himself accepts payment) or invite an administrator for financial verification. Such procedures should be fairly regular, then they are not perceived as something extraordinary.

At the same time, excessive control and unreasonably harsh penalties for violations create nervousness among conscientious workers. On the contrary, this situation stimulates fans of the “leftist” to look for even more sophisticated ways to shift your money into your pocket.

Analyzing my activities, I can confidently say that “leftism” cannot be eliminated at all. But it can be reduced to an acceptable size by legalization, calling it new forms of material interest and employee bonuses. For example, allow an employee, upon reaching certain indicators, one reception “for himself”, allocate a specific time for him. He will still drag one of his own without your permission. Do not prohibit employees from accepting gifts and money from grateful customers and do not impose your "local taxes" on them.

The second way is to develop partnerships with employees. Only equal and mutual focus on the result gives the desired result.

The combination of these two methods can form a good team and lead your business to success.

Small possible changes

Speaking about the massage business, it should be said about the possible future "prospects".

Today, massage can be performed as a medical service (medical massage), as well as a health and fitness service (OKVED code 93.04) and a beauty salon service (OKVED code 93.02)

From January 2016, a new OKVED 2 should come into effect.

The wording of health and fitness services will change.

Code 96.04. Sports and health activities.

This grouping includes: activities of Turkish baths, saunas and steam baths, solariums, weight loss and slimming salons, etc.

This grouping does not include:

  • activities of massage parlors, see 86.90;
  • activities of health centres, fitness clubs, bodybuilding clubs and gyms, see 93.13

Code 86.90. Other activities in the field of medicine.

This grouping includes:

  • human health activities not carried out by hospitals, doctors or dentists;
  • activities of nurses, midwives, physiotherapists or other paramedical professionals in the field of optometry, hydrotherapy, massage, occupational therapy, speech therapy, foot care, homeopathy, manual reflexology, acupuncture, etc.

These activities can be carried out in health care organizations operating in businesses, schools, nursing homes, and other organizations, as well as in private consultation offices, in patients' homes and in other places.

This grouping also includes:

  • the activities of ancillary dental personnel, such as dental therapists, nurses at school dental offices, dental hygienists, who may work separately or under the supervision of dentists;
  • activities of medical laboratories such as x-ray laboratories and other diagnostic centers; blood laboratories;
  • activities of blood banks, sperm, organs for transplantation, etc.;
  • activities for the transportation of patients by any sanitary means of transport, including aircraft.

These transportation services are provided in case of serious condition of the patient.

  • 86.90.1 Activities of organizations of the sanitary and epidemiological service
  • 86.90.2 Activities of organizations of forensic medical examination
  • 86.90.3 Activities of massage parlors
  • 86.90.4 Activities of health resort organizations

This grouping includes: medical care provided by medical organizations (health resort organizations) for preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitation purposes based on the use of natural healing resources in conditions of stay in medical and recreational areas and resorts.

86.90.9 Other activities in the field of medicine, not included in other groups.

So, now it is assumed that massage in our country is an exclusively medical service. Accordingly, everyone will need to obtain a medical license. This is quite difficult and expensive.

It is noteworthy that the introduction of the OKVED entering into force contains the phrase:

OKVED 2 is built on the basis of harmonization with the official Russian version of the Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (Version 2) - Statistical classification of economic activities in the European Community (NACE Rev. 2) by saving in OKVED 2 (from NACE Rev.2) .2) codes (up to four characters inclusive) and names of the respective groupings without changing the scope of concepts.

I was not too lazy, and looked at the official translation.

869 Other human health activities. See subgroup 8690.

8690 Other human health activities.

This subgroup includes: human health activities not carried out by hospitals and non-physicians or dentists, activities of nurses, midwives, physiotherapists and other paramedical personnel in the fields of optometry, hydrotherapy, therapeutic massage, occupational therapy, treatment of speech defects, foot care, homeopathy, manual therapy, acupuncture, etc.

These services may be provided in wellness centres, such as those operated by companies, schools, nursing homes, workers' organizations and societies, in residential care facilities but not in hospitals, as well as in their own premises at the place of provision of services, in patients' homes or in other places. These services do not include medical treatment.

This subgroup also includes:

  • activities of ancillary dental personnel, such as dental therapists, school dental nurses, and dental hygienists, who may work separately from, but under periodic supervision by, the dentist.
  • activities of medical laboratories, such as:
    x-ray laboratories and other diagnostic imaging centers
    blood test laboratories.
  • activities of blood banks, sperm banks, transplant organ banks, etc.
  • urgent transportation of patients by any type of sanitary transport, including air. These services are often provided as part of ambulance services.

This subgroup does not include:

  • manufacture of artificial teeth, bridges and removable dentures by dental laboratories, see 3250
  • transportation of patients without the use of emergency equipment and personnel, see divisions 49,50,51
  • non-medical laboratory testing, see 7120
  • food hygiene inspections, see 7120
  • hospital activities, see 8610
  • medical and dental practice activities, see 8620
  • activities of nursing care facilities, see 8710

As you can see, the text is quite different, so it is incorrect to talk about “... without changing the scope of concepts”. The original text refers specifically to therapeutic massage, and nothing about massage parlors.

In addition, it should be borne in mind that in Europe, physiotherapists, reflexologists, chiropractors belong to the category of paramedics, for the most part they study in sports and physical education institutions, or in courses like VTCT Level 3 - 5.

The original contains one key phrase: “These services do not include medical treatment” (c).

In practice, this means that this type of activity is not licensed. Those who wish to engage in such a practice, in addition to solving tax issues, must take out civil liability insurance. When applying for such insurance, the level of education, documented qualifications, progression in the CPD (Continuing Professional Development Program), work experience in the specialty, membership in the professional community are taken into account.

Where can you find massage parlors in NACE Rev.2 that do not provide therapeutic massage services?

Here: 9609 Provision of other personal services n.e.c.

This subgroup includes: activities of Turkish baths, saunas and steam baths, solariums, weight loss and slimming salons, massage parlors, etc.

Thus, the proposed innovations do not correspond to established international practice. On the contrary, they contradict it.

In general, I agree that order in the field of massage services should be restored. But instead of finally deciding on the profession of a massage therapist (not to be confused with a massage nurse), creating competitive conditions and a transparent market, we are following the path of prohibitions by making massage a purely medical service.

Where it leads?

Nothing good will happen!

So many massage therapists simply will not be able to officially practice their profession, especially in private practice. The medical license provides for the presence of a secondary honey. education and experience in the specialty "medical massage". Specialists with physical education, who are much better prepared for such work than doctors, will not be able to obtain the license required by the new rules.

As a result, many will have to change the sign, go to the "folk healers", cunning in terminology and wording. This will confuse the situation even more. Both professionals and consumers of the service will lose.


But these amendments are only possible and not the fact that everything will be so bad. In any case, the business is interesting, profitable and there is room for development. If you have questions, then ask in the comments. We will leave no one unanswered.

Approximate data:

  • Monthly income - 352,500 rubles.
  • Net profit - 60,180 rubles.
  • Payback is approximately 1 year.
This business plan, like all others in the section, contains calculations of average prices, which may differ in your case. Therefore, we recommend that you make calculations for your business individually.

In this article, we will talk about such a type of business as a massage parlor / office and try to write a detailed business plan for a massage parlor with calculations. We also recommend reading an interview about a current entrepreneur.

Market analysis

Today, cosmetic services are quite actively used in Russia. As a rule, women show interest in this area. One of the most popular offers is massage. It can be divided into 2 types:

  • cosmetic;
  • medical.

The first is responsible for the aesthetic component, the second helps to fight various diseases and ailments.

Men use massage services less frequently.

The vast majority of visitors are women (over 70%). These are either wealthy ladies who prefer cosmetic types of massage (anti-cellulite, tightening, and others), or women who have certain diseases that require massage to treat.

We must not forget that in order to conduct therapeutic massage sessions, the master must have the appropriate qualifications.

Men rarely use cosmetic massage, usually they are rich and influential people who take care of their appearance and want to bring themselves back to normal.

Massage is a service formed on the Russian market. Therefore, it will not be possible to come up with any new methods. An important factor will be the availability of licenses and certificates from the massage therapist. The ideal option is to hire a person who has regular customers.

If we analyze competitors, then the greatest inconvenience will be brought by large cosmetology centers, well-known in the city, as well as those who actively promote the salon through advertising. Treatment centers will also become a serious competitor in the market.

It is important to note that the competitive struggle of the main market players is not aimed at ousting rivals, but at maintaining their own positions. Simply put, everyone is interested in securing their own customer base.

To become a competitive massage parlor, it will be necessary to offer affordable prices for services (preferably at the level of the average, but lower in the early stages). Special attention will also have to be paid to advertising.

On the positive side, the standardization of related products is easy to obtain.

Thus, the work of the massage parlor will be aimed at attracting females and males aged 20-40 mainly.

Before starting work on a specific project, it is worth studying the massage services market and analyzing prices. Own value should be set based on demand and the average competitive price.

SWOT analysis


The presence of a professional massage therapist with extensive experience and their own client base.

The use of high-tech equipment, as well as well-known effective methods that are in demand.

Providing high quality services.

Low initial and subsequent costs.

Free entrance to the market of massage services.

Individual work with each client.

Relevance and relevance of the services offered.

Weak sides:

High level of competition.

A rather complicated process of determining the qualifications of an employee being hired.

A long and laborious process of finding suitable personnel.

Zero business reputation (no one has heard of a massage parlor, does not know about the quality of the services provided).


Working with loyal customers, attracting them to permanent cooperation.

Favorable location of the massage parlor.

You can easily establish relationships with suppliers of high-quality equipment and the necessary funds.

Further expansion, opening of new points, provision of additional services.

Income growth, profits.

The use of outsourcing of any services, which will subsequently reduce the cost of costs.


High rates of possible risks.

Incorrect assessment of one's own capabilities.

Opportunity Assessment

The massage parlor will be open daily. The mode of operation will be as follows:

Total: 80 hours.

Thus, at least two qualified specialists will be required for the work.

Seasonality does not particularly affect the work of the center. The flow increases, as a rule, in the pre-holiday and post-holiday periods. At this time, people like to give gift certificates, put themselves in order.

Further development is possible through the introduction of additional services, new offices, expansion.

Organizational and legal issues:

  1. The first thing you need to do is decide on the OPF. You can stop your choice either on LLC or on. The second option is more suitable, since it will be easier to register, while the tax regime is very loyal. In addition, IP involves working with individuals, which corresponds to the services provided. The OKVED code when opening a massage parlor in most cases will be 93.04 - sports and recreation activities.
  2. Obtaining the appropriate permit from the fire service and SES, allowing you to operate the premises.
  3. Obtaining licenses to conduct medical massage, as this activity is one of the medical services. Relevant documents must be submitted to Roszdravnadzor.
  4. It is worth choosing or. In the case of the simplified tax system, taxes are paid either on income (6%) or on the difference between income and expenses (15%).
  5. We also recommend accepting payments from our customers by bank cards. To do this, you need to open a bank account. By the way, we wrote an article about.
  • At least 8 m 2 should be allocated for any massage therapist. If 2 masters work with the client at once, then it is necessary to have an office with an area of ​​at least 12 m 2.
  • The optimal size of the massage room will be 70 m 2 if 2 massage therapists work at the same time. It is necessary to have on the territory of the massage parlor a bathroom, a bathroom, 2 massage rooms, a reception. It is better if each office has its own bathroom and bathroom.
  • For rent, it is better to immediately choose a commercial space. It could be an apartment, for example. You can also sign a contract with a fitness center that does not have its own massage room. In this case, the refurbishment of the premises will be cheaper.
  • Try contacting the employment service, perhaps they will support your organization as a small business. To do this, you must provide a detailed business plan for the project.

Service description

Initially, visitors will be able to use the following services:

  • general body massage;
  • massage of individual zones;
  • Anticellulite massage.

Registration is carried out by phone through the administrator or on the website (group) of the organization. It would be ideal if customers can leave an online application on the site or make a reservation for a certain time.

More outlets are planned to open in the future. This massage room can be expanded to a maximum of 5 specialists. It will be impractical to hire more at one point, and the payback of the service will decrease.

When working with a client, the master solves certain problems, satisfies the needs of the visitor. Each is treated individually.

It is very important to use high-quality oils that will not harm the body and skin in particular. It must be a certified product from a reliable supplier.

To increase demand and customer confidence, you need to hire qualified and experienced specialists. If it is impossible to evaluate professionalism on your own, you can consult with the administration of those organizations where the applicant for the position previously worked.

marketing plan

Pricing strategy :

At first, the price should be below the average in this market segment. This will attract more customers. At the same time, the quality should be at the level. You can change the price depending on the solvency of the client who applied.

Service promotion strategy:

The main means of promotion will, of course, be advertising. It can include the following varieties:

  • Organization sign. It is also very important to come up with an interesting and memorable name.
  • "Word of mouth radio". This is the most effective advertising, and free. It is based on informing potential customers through their friends and relatives. Its disadvantage is that it cannot be controlled by the administration of the organization. To stimulate, you can use discount programs, for example: "Bring a friend, get a free massage session."
  • Leaflets (distribution next to the salon itself, unfolding in mailboxes in the area).
  • Promotion on the Internet, including contextual advertising.
  • Creation of own site, groups, their advertising.
  • Information in the media. Don't get carried away with this type of advertising. As a rule, this expensive method does not give a large number of responses. You can, for example, limit yourself to advertising in a newspaper.

It is worth developing a system of discount cards, discounts dedicated to some holidays, for example. An excellent move would be the creation of gift certificates.

Let's calculate the expected revenue:

Name of service Price Quantity per month total revenues
General massage (1 hour) 800 r. 45 36 000 rubles
Back massage (30 minutes) 350 r. 100 35 000 rubles
Neck massage (30 minutes) 350 r. 70 24 500 rubles
Massage of the neck and collar zone (30 minutes) 350 r. 50 17 500 rubles
Lumbar massage (40 minutes) 500 r. 60 30 000 rubles
Thoracic massage (20 minutes) 200 r. 30 6 000 rubles
Abdominal massage (20 minutes) 250 r. 30 7 500 rubles
Hand massage (30 minutes) 300 r. 30 9 000 rub.
Head massage (15 minutes) 150 r. 20 3 000 rubles
Lower limb massage (40 minutes) 600 r. 30 18 000 rubles
Cupping anti-cellulite massage with honey (1 hour) 1 200 rubles 80 96 000 rub.
Complex anti-cellulite massage (1 hour) 1 000 rubles 70 70 000 rubles
Total 405 hours 352 500 rubles

2 massage therapists work at the same time (only four staff units). In a month, the hourly output for all is 680. Only 405 hours are involved. Consequently, only 59.56% of the opportunities were used.

The monthly income is 352,500 rubles.

Production plan

Before starting work, it will be necessary to repair the premises. These costs also include the cost of equipping the bathroom and bathroom. In the massage parlor, the total area is 70 m 2 . Of these, 12 are reception rooms, 29 are massage rooms. The total cost of repairs is 300,000 rubles.

You will need equipment for each office: medical couches (2 pcs.) And massage tables (2 pcs.). Their total cost is 140,000 rubles. We take the average cost of a table 40,000 rubles, couches - 30,000 rubles. You can get by with lower costs by buying used furniture, for example, on Avito. But still it is better to buy new high-quality equipment.

Furniture will also be needed for work. Including tables, chairs, a hanger for visitors, cabinets for oils and other accessories, screens for changing clothes (for the greatest comfort of visitors). In total, it will take 50,000 rubles.

The administrator will need a laptop, offices can be equipped with stereo systems for greater relaxation of visitors. Another 60,000 rubles will be spent on equipment.

It will also be necessary to purchase primary supplies of raw materials, including oils, cans (for anti-cellulite massage), towels, creams, napkins. This is another 50,000 rubles.

Administrators and cleaners, as well as massage therapists, work in shifts (40 hours each). The work is carried out as follows: administrator + cleaner + 2 massage therapists.

The responsibilities of the administrator include receiving calls and applications on the site, meeting customers, consulting.

The cleaning lady comes 3 times per shift. Her duties include not only washing the floors, but also the bathroom, the bathroom.

organizational plan

1st month 2nd month 3rd month
Organization registration 6 800 rubles
Obtaining a license (payment of state duty) 7 500 rubles
Finding a landlord, concluding an agreement +
Market analysis + +
Advertising 20 000 rubles
Website 15 000 rub.
Repair 300 000 rubles
Purchase of equipment 140 000 rubles
Personnel search + +
Buying furniture 50 000 rubles
Purchase of equipment 60 000 rubles
Purchase of a cash register 15 000 rub.
Purchase of primary stocks 50 000 rubles
Installation of equipment, arrangement of furniture, cleaning +
Conducting the Internet 600 r.
Purchase of medical gowns, caps 8 000 rubles
Launch of the project +
Total: 672 900 rubles

The lease agreement should be long-term, at least for a year. Administrators are responsible for maintaining and filling the site during their working hours.

Accounting is carried out by the head of the organization.

Financial plan

Monthly income - 352,500 rubles.

Initial costs - 672,900 rubles.

Calculation of recurring costs:

Thus, profit before tax will be equal to 352,500 - 281,700 = 70,800 rubles.

We calculate taxes based on the difference between income and expenses: 70,800 * 0.15 \u003d 10,620 rubles.

Net profit will be equal to 70,800 - 10,620 = 60,180 rubles.

Let's calculate the payback period: 672,900/60,180 = 11.19. The project will pay off in a little less than a year.

Profitability will be equal to 100*(60,180/352,500) = 17%.


Name of risk Probability of occurrence Ways to avoid Threats
Increasing competition, losing some customers Medium Individual work with clients.

Favorable offers, discount systems.

Decrease in incomes, profits, decrease in profitability. Losses are possible.
Change in rental price Medium Conclusion of a long-term contract. Increasing costs.
Legislative change Low Clear drafting of the documents of the organization, especially the Charter. Paperwork. Temporary suspension of activities.
Crisis, instability in the country Medium The ability to reduce prices to retain customers. Decrease in total revenue.
Internal risks
Unprofessionalism high Rigid selection among applicants for the position. Employee training, timely professional development. Decrease in the number of customers, as a result, a decrease in all financial indicators.
Bad placement high Conducting surveys, geomarketing research. Low number of customers, declining revenue

Today, Chinese massage is beginning to gain great popularity, you can try to open your own office in this direction.

A little more about obtaining a license to carry out activities:

If the office provides medical massage, a license must be obtained. Otherwise, an administrative fine may be imposed on the organization.

You will have to provide, among other things, the following documents:, Goskomstat codes, certificates of registration and tax registration, lease agreement.

You will also need contracts with employees, their medical books. Each massage therapist must have at least 5 years of experience in this field! You need a staffing table.

Equipment must also be certified.

There are other aspects that need to be taken into account. Of course, it is best to seek help from one of the companies providing legal services, because obtaining a license is a laborious and long process (consideration within 30-45 days).

Important: Remember that you can write a business plan for your business on your own. To do this, read the articles:

Last request: We are all human and we can make mistakes, ignore something, etc. Do not judge strictly if this business plan or others in the section seem incomplete to you. If you have experience in this or that activity or you see a defect and can supplement the article, please let us know in the comments! Only in this way can we jointly make business plans more complete, detailed and relevant. Thank you for your attention!

Of course, everyone is used to the fact that you need to travel to work. Those. get up in the morning, dress, put on make-up, then go out into the street, where a crowd of other such workers moves. Is it normal? Certainly, but some are still fortunate in that they can work from the comfort of their own homes. It was necessary to choose the right profession, you might think ...

But in fact, not only programmers can work remotely, as it may seem. People who are associated with any kind of creativity can safely work at home, making sure that they fulfill plans and meet deadlines. Doctors and, especially, veterinarians can take at home. Many masters who are associated with the field of beauty and health can open their office at home. Although, if they have the opportunity, it is better for them to work at home, but not for themselves - for the client. Then you won’t have to wait for someone in the morning, because you will know in advance what, who and when ordered from you, and you won’t waste time in vain, and you will have time to deal with personal matters. But the massage masters, for example, are unlikely to pull the massage table to the client, if, of course, he is not a very high-flying bird to walk around the apartments himself. You can go to this place, loading all the working belongings into the car. Others may be invited. You have already set up a massage room at your home, right?

If you are just thinking about it, you are already on the right track. After all, a massage parlor at home gives you some freedom of action and a little more income than working in the state of a beauty salon. From now on, you no longer have to give half of your earnings to the cashier of the salon. Clients will no longer be distracted by extraneous services, manicurists and hairdressers will not, passing by, expressively look at their watches: they say, your time is up, give us a client. Massage is not so much a cosmetic procedure as a medical one, so you can’t rush it. But it has to. And when they come to your home, the client will understand that nothing will distract them for at least an hour.

What do you need to open a massage parlor at home?

Firstly, the necessary work permits, licenses, diplomas, which, of course, the one who worked in the salon already has. You must definitely take your diplomas with you - from now on they should find their place on your wall. Secondly, it will be necessary to decorate all these walls in a certain way. Coming to you, the client should not think about the fact that he came to your living room or, God forbid, bedroom. Clients will be in a real massage room! There should be no desks or computer desks, wardrobes, torn sofas, TVs, or other systems that create additional sounds and remind you that this room is inhabited. Deciding to open a salon at home, you actually give up one room, because. in it now you will not be able to dine or watch TV; you work in it. Therefore, walls with ordinary wallpaper should be draped with silk or any other light fabric.

Heavy and thick curtains create a feeling of stuffiness, dustiness of the room. Blinds should certainly be hung on the window so that, at the first request of the client, sunlight can be limited as much as possible. It's also a good idea to put a stereo system - massage with music will be much more pleasant. You can, just in case, prepare scented candles, asking the client if he would not like you to light them.

What should be avoided?

No need to hang everywhere the so-called "Chinese wind", ringing with any draft. After a few minutes, this melodic ringing will evoke the same associations as the buzzing of a drill. You should not get involved in popular or heavy music. Instead, it is better to pay attention to the sounds of nature, jazz, blues or instrumental music (but not classical!). It is necessary to ensure that the colors chosen for decoration are not too bright and not “acidic”. Colors should also not be gaudy, geometric patterns should be avoided. The maximum that you can afford is a smooth transfusion of one soft color into another.

Of course, you need to have all the devices you need for massage at hand: a massage table, clean towels, volcanic stones, if these types of massage are chosen for home use. But the more you can offer customers, the better.

Very helpful video

How to open a massage parlor: we study the market + collecting documents for opening an individual entrepreneur + room for an office + equipment and materials for a massage parlor + whom to hire + advertising and marketing strategy + when the business will bring a net profit.

Relatively recently, only a doctor had the right to do massage, because it was considered a medical procedure. Today, such a service can be seen everywhere - in beauty salons, fitness centers and even at seaside resorts. She is in demand, because who does not dream of relaxing after a hard workout or just undergoing a procedure to cheer up?

If you are interested in this direction, then think about how to open a massage parlor, and our material will help you with this.

Prospects for opening a massage parlor

As with any endeavor, you will encounter challenges. It will be difficult to find good specialists, rent a room to open an office, collect all the documents, etc. On the other hand, it is relatively inexpensive, and the business will pay off in 3-6 months.

In order not to miscalculate with your idea, study the competitors personally. If you are the first who decided to open this kind of salon, then immediately get down to business. Unfortunately, most cities, even small provinces, know about beauty salons and massage therapists, so you will most likely have to fight the competition.

Personally walk around all the massage centers of the city, study the list of services, pricing policy, interior features. Notice what other salons don't have that you can focus on to attract clients.

Try to provide as many services as possible - preventive back massage, anti-cellulite, cosmetic.

As a rule, the target audience of massage therapists is women from 20 to 55 years old. Experiment and always listen to the opinion of consumers of services, only in this way you can achieve success.

What documents are needed to register a “massage” business?

If the idea of ​​opening a massage parlor is your first steps in business, then be sure to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur at the nearest branch of the Tax Service of the Russian Federation (look for the address here -

  1. Copy of the passport.
  2. Individual taxpayer number.
  3. Application form No. Р20001. It can be downloaded from this link -
  4. Provide the original receipt of payment of the state fee in the amount of 800 rubles (you can do this online -
  5. Statement of the desire to pay tax under the UTII or STS system. Without this application, you will be transferred to the general taxation system.

Now let's delve a little into the process itself, how to open a massage parlor. In the application for the desire to register as an individual entrepreneur, you must indicate what kind of activity you plan to engage in. Your goal is to open a massage room for prevention - in OKVED this is code 93.04 "Physical and recreational activities."

If you use this code, then you do not need to obtain any license from the Ministry of Health.

When you plan to treat people with massage, then in addition to a license from Roszdravnadzor (it is valid only for 5 years), you must find a specialist with at least a secondary medical education. In this case, the type of activity according to OKVED will be completely different - 85.14 "Other activities for the protection of health."

Renting a room or where to open your own massage parlor?

To answer this question, you first need to understand who your target audience is.

If you will do massage exclusively for relaxation, then you need to rent a room in the city center. There should be a large traffic of people, as many potential customers as possible should learn about you.

In the event that you are going to open a massage parlor and receive people with a doctor's referral, it does not make much difference where you will be located. People go to a competent specialist in any part of the city. Ideally, try to find a location near a city clinic.

It is best to conclude an agreement with or a fitness center, and open your office on their territory. What will it give? You will be recommended by instructors or stylists, especially if you give them a free and high-quality massage. Their regular visitors will eventually become yours.

The rented premises should have an area of ​​20-30 sq.m. Of these, you will give 10 m2 to your massage therapist to receive clients, everything else will go under the reception and director's office. It’s good if you have a utility room where you wash towels, store detergents, oils and everything you need in order to open a massage room.

An approximate cost item for renting a room of 20 m2 is 25,000 rubles. It is best to choose a room where there is already a repair. Then you don't have to spend money on buying wallpaper, tiles, paint and calling workers.

Do not forget that an inspection from the Fire Inspectorate and SES will definitely come to you:

You will not be able to open an office without official permission from these two instances.

Purchase of the necessary equipment

Perhaps the biggest expense item that is needed to open a massage parlor is the purchase of all the necessary equipment and materials for work.

The massage therapist will need a couch, a rack for his tools, a massage table. In the administrator's office, you will have to purchase a computer for work, a table and chairs.

The reception area should have an administration desk, a clothes hanger, and a comfortable sofa for the waiting room. If possible, buy a plasma TV in the reception area so that customers do not get bored while waiting for their turn.

EquipmentQuantityFinal price (rub.)
Total: 110 500 rubles
1. A massage table
1 13 000
2. Couch
1 5 000
3. Rack for towels, oils, etc.
1 3 000
4. Administration desk
1 20 000
5. Sofa
1 9 000
6. Table
1 5 000
7. Chairs
5 10 000
8. Washing machine
1 20 000
9. A laptop
1 19 000
10. Clothes hanger
1 3 500
11. Stationery 1 000
12. Cleaning equipment (broom, floor cloths, mop) 2 000

In addition, for the work of a massage therapist, you will need to purchase oils, scented candles, towels for clients that need to be washed every time.

It is better to buy everything you need in bulk, because the expense is high, especially if there are a lot of clients in the massage parlor.

price, rub.)
Total: 32 750 rubles
1. Massage oil (volume 750 ml)
20 14 000
2. Aroma candles
50 250
3. washing powder
30 kg3 000
4. Towels (size "bath or sauna")
20 8 000
5. Hand towels
10 4 000
6. Means for cleaning and disinfection of the premises
5 3 500

Whom to hire in a massage parlor?

Your main employee is a massage therapist. It is important that he was with work experience or at least had a certificate of completed courses in this field of activity. Do not spare him a good salary, because business development depends on his work and skill.

At first, you will work in one shift of 8 hours. If the flow of clients increases, then hire another massage therapist and increase the hours of work.

You will also need a manager who will control the entire work, be responsible for the marketing strategies of your massage parlor. But at first, a businessman should take on these responsibilities - this will help both save money and get to know your business better from the inside.

You can not do without a friendly administrator who will receive customers at the reception.

An accountant can be hired part-time or work remotely. Employees can take turns cleaning the premises or you will have to hire a cleaner from a cleaning company.

№. PositionQtyWage
per month (rub.)
Total: 98 000 rubles
1. Masseur1 50 000
2. Administrator1 25 000
3, Accountant- 15 000
4. Cleaning woman- 8 000

How to open a massage parlor and tell about yourself?

Without advertising and a well-thought-out marketing strategy, no one will know about you. Contact someone who specializes in this area for help. For a certain fee, they will prepare a sign, a pillar, order advertising in the media.

At first, make discounts and bonuses for your customers. For example, give a 10% discount for a referred client, and a 20% discount for two visitors. You can print gift vouchers and sell them before the holidays. On the opening day of the massage parlor, make a small buffet, give customers balloons, calendars with the logo of your cabinet.

Be sure to print business cards, which will include all contact information (phone number, office address, hours of operation).

№. ViewAdvertising volumeCost, rub.)
Total: 71 000 rubles
1. business cards1,000 pcs.2 000
2. Signboard1 PC.40 000
3. Newspaper ad blockPrice for 1 month10 000
4. pillar1 PC.4 000
5. billboardRent for 1 month15 000

Massage parlor in your apartment.

How to open your own business? Business idea
massage parlor.

To summarize: when will the massage parlor pay off?

Let's summarize: how much will it cost to open a massage parlor?

№. Item of expensesAmount (rub.)
Total: 378 250 rubles
1. Rent + utilities30 000
2. IP opening1 000
3. Purchase of equipment110 500
4. Purchase of the necessary material32 750
5. Advertising71 000
6. Staff salary98 000

Initial spending will be approximately 400,000 rubles. This amount is acceptable for novice entrepreneurs, which makes the idea of ​​​​opening a massage parlor even more attractive.

Now let's calculate how much income we will have, and when the business will pay off:

  1. For 1 session of wellness massage lasting 20 minutes in the salons, they charge a fee of about 1,500 rubles. For a relaxation massage, which lasts an hour and a half, the fee will be 2 times higher. Let's take as a basis for calculating the lowest cost for the services of a massage parlor - 1500 rubles.
  2. At first, 1 massage therapist will work in the salon. For 8 hours of shift, he will have time to spend, on average, 5 regular massages. Revenue for 1 day of work at full load will be 7,500. For 1 month, with the condition that the salon will work 6 times a week, we will receive an income of 180,000 rubles.
  3. The amount of monthly costs consists of the cost of rent, staff salaries and advertising campaign. In general, this will amount to about 150,000 rubles.
  4. With the right approach, advertising and well-chosen staff, you can fully recoup the costs of the business in 12-14 months.

We have described all the nuances and secrets of how to open a massage parlor and make it a successful project.

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Human life in the modern world is associated with constant stress and stress. Office work is very tiring, and constant fatigue eventually becomes the cause of a depressive state.

Probably for this reason, in recent years, many people are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle and take care of their health. This trend has made its own amendments to the field of health services, and entrepreneurs began to think about how to open a massage parlor.

This type of business is quite simple to organize and does not require large investments at the start. In addition, the funds invested in a massage parlor quickly pay off, especially if you hire highly qualified specialists with their own client base.

Market analysis

Before you open a massage parlor, you need to determine the main target audience and study the interests of potential customers. You should also take into account the possibility of business development and carefully consider the list of services based on the analysis of the market. It's great if you offer your clients various types of massage. This will allow you to expand the circle of potential audience and, accordingly, increase the profitability of your business.

Business registration

Before opening a massage parlor, it is necessary to prepare the legal basis for the business: register a private enterprise with the tax authorities, obtain permits and a license for the relevant activity. But first you need to decide on the services that you plan to provide.

In accordance with the Eastern classification of massage, it can be structured according to the following principle: wellness, sports, medical and cosmetic. The methods of carrying out the procedure also differ: manual, hardware and combined.

Licensing of a massage room is required only if the list of services includes therapeutic massage. If you have the appropriate certificate, and you will provide massage services to clients on your own or with the help of hired specialists, then it is enough to register an individual entrepreneur or legal entity. The first organizational form is more preferable, as it greatly simplifies the taxation system.

Documents for starting a business

In addition, before opening a massage parlor, you must obtain the following documents:

  1. Permission from the SES and the fire service.
  2. Certificate authorizing the provision of massage services to clients.

It is worth noting that the main requirement for obtaining a license is that the applicant has a building or premises on the right of ownership. At the same time, it is allowed to place massage rooms in rooms without natural light, if normalized indicators of the microclimate and air exchange are provided.

Room selection

Before you open a massage room, you need to find a room. When it comes to location, there are many factors to consider. If you have an experienced specialist with your own customer base, you can choose a room in any convenient place. His regular customers will come to any part of the city. You just have to take care of the availability of a convenient entrance to the building and parking for cars.

If you just have to develop a clientele, then you should give preference to a settled residential area or an area of ​​expensive new buildings. People prefer to visit massage parlors within walking distance. There is another option - opening such an office on the basis of an existing fitness or sports club, beauty salon, sauna, and so on. Here, every visitor of the club or salon can become your client.

SES requirements for the premises

In order to coordinate all issues with the SES, it is necessary that the premises you have chosen meet a number of mandatory requirements, namely:

  1. The area of ​​​​the massage room depends on the number of specialists who will work for you. One workplace should have at least 8 square meters. m.
  2. It is necessary to equip a relaxation area where customers can relax after massage procedures.
  3. All necessary communications must be present in the room: water supply, sewerage and a bathroom.
  4. It is necessary to allocate a zone for the administrator's workstation.

Therefore, to organize a massage room with one specialist, it is enough to purchase a room of 30 square meters. m. If your plans include the provision of diversified services, then you will need an area of ​​​​at least 70-100 square meters. m. In addition, the SES requires that there be tiles or washable wallpaper on the walls of the room, since once a week in the office it is necessary to carry out prevention and disinfection. You also need to take care of the availability of clean towels and purchase a washing machine to keep them in proper condition.

Before opening a massage parlor with more than 4-5 masseurs, consider whether it will be cost-effective. If your funds allow, then perhaps the best option would be to open several offices of different profiles. Or it is worth opening several small salons in different parts of the city.

To equip the massage room, you need to purchase special equipment. The main attribute, of course, is a massage couch or a stationary table. The choice of such tables is quite extensive both in functionality and in appearance. In addition, you will need furniture for the reception and reception, ionizers, consumables, massage accessories, cosmetic oils, massagers, and so on.

Massage staff

The work of a massage parlor cannot be established without specialists. To provide massage services to clients, you need to hire massage therapists with a secondary medical education and a certificate giving the right to engage in this type of activity. This requirement is also mandatory according to the norms of the SES. Hiring already established professionals with their own client base is, of course, profitable, but, as a rule, they have a private practice and want to receive about 50% of the cost of a massage, while the usual salary of a massage therapist is 30%.

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