Achievements in sales. Professional achievements in a resume: examples for different specialties. Maintain the ideal resume length


Why is describing achievements and performance important?

  • The labor market today is not in favor of the job seeker: good vacancies there are few, but there are many times more competent candidates. It is the results of work and achievements that help you stand out from the crowd.
  • In most companies, employees solve the same problems. Consequently, the description of responsibilities in the resume of different candidates is almost the same. What gives a resume its individuality is different results work.
  • The level of competence of a particular candidate can be determined at the stage of reviewing a resume only by the description of his work. And achievements here are the best proof.

How to properly reflect achievements:

  1. remember KPIs (they are individual for each position) or assigned tasks;
  2. described in active verbs: introduced, developed, initiated;
  3. we make a logical connection between our actions and results: implemented - it allowed;
  4. We use numbers, preferably in comparison: it was - it is now.

Let's look at examples for positions with frequently encountered KPIs.

Examples of achievements for positions where it is difficult to digitize work results.

job title Key KPIs Examples of achievements
1 Financial Director Accounting setupOrganized accounting, tax, operational and management accounting from scratch.
Setting up a budgeting systemIntroduced a budgeting system by business area, which made it possible to increase accounting transparency.
Optimization of the financial flow management systemImplemented a payment calendar based on 1C UPP and carried out a number of measures to strengthen payment discipline, which made it possible to obtain financial resources to generate additional income.
2 Purchasing DirectorOptimization of procurement activitiesOrganized procurement activities without involving additional Money, this was achieved through successful negotiations with suppliers to increase deferment and improve other conditions.
Automation of business processesInitiated and led a project to automate the order generation system, which allowed to reduce labor costs for information processing.
3 Chief Engineer enterprisesModernization projectsImplemented a number of projects to modernize and reconstruct the enterprise: modernization of the access control system and installation of a fire extinguishing system, alarm system and video surveillance.
Development of regulatory documentsDeveloped and implemented everything regulations on occupational health and safety, fire safety, environmental safety, road safety, which made it possible to reduce the legal and financial risks of the enterprise.
4 LawyerDevelopment of document formsDeveloped forms of contracts: contract, supply, purchase and sale, etc., which made it possible to minimize labor costs for preparing documents.
Experience judicial practice Case No.... - collection of debt under a supply agreement in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. (In this paragraph, it is advisable to describe several diverse cases, but no more than three for each place of work.)
5 Secretary-assistantProjects or additional responsibilitiesInitiated the company's participation in charitable events and sponsorship support. Implemented the manager's project for office floral design.
Document flow optimizationInitiated the creation of a document flow database based on Excel, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
6 Sales AnalystDevelopment of reporting formsDeveloped a reporting system for tracking orders and sales of goods, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
Development of analysis toolsDeveloped mathematical models sales planning based on the performance of sales personnel.

Resume samples are available on the Internet, so recruiters receive thousands of well-made, but almost identical documents, and it’s good to list your achievements - The best way show professionalism and value to the employer.

Correct placement of achievements on a resume

Above you saw our example of a structured resume with highlighted achievements at the previous place of work.

Achievements at work on a resume help HR officers evaluate the performance of a hypothetical new employee.
It is clear that each employee's achievements are unique, but general recommendations there is still something to compile.

  1. Using effective words. It’s quite simple to understand what we’re talking about; you need to describe complete processes. Not “conducted”, but “conducted”, not “implemented”, but “implemented”. If an applicant writes that he did something, it is more likely job responsibilities, and to indicate your achievements, you need to list your successes, no matter what industry, the main thing is that they are relevant to the vacancy.
  2. Translation of results into numbers. An excellent recommendation from professional recruiters. You should use numbers, percentages, and quantitative indicators wherever possible, since the achievements indicated in the resume are the same for most applicants, and digital data makes the eye stop. Of course, numbers give weight to achievements, because “increased sales” sounds like banal words, but “increased sales by 28%”– a real indicator of effectiveness.
  3. Compliance with this vacancy. It is clear that the responsibilities and achievements in a programmer’s resume should relate to knowledge of certain programming languages ​​and participation in completed projects, but there are also more subtle points. Thus, for a leadership position, it is better to indicate experience in making independent decisions, filling the position of top managers, etc. If you plan to expand, increase work functions, you can talk about performing tasks that go beyond the scope of normal work activities.
  4. Linking to favorite places of work. It is useful to link professional achievements for a resume to recent jobs, and they should be directly or at least indirectly related to the open vacancy. Of course, if the candidate worked in one place, he can not pay much attention to this point, but many active people by the age of forty can boast of dozens of positions, so there is no need to list them all.

Remember that achievements are what you have achieved in your professional field, they should not be confused with personal and business qualities in your resume.

Using the right phrases to achieve

Accurate, specific information, quantitative indicators and management assessment of success- this is the information that recruiters are waiting for.

Employers want to get the best employees, so it goes without saying that the skills and achievements on a resume are perfect for self-promotion. Interesting achievements will push the applicant to the top, while trivial ones will leave him among thousands of similar applicants with “drab” resumes.

“Try to include quantitative indicators in your achievements, numbers speak volumes”

You can work on composing short but informative phrases even after the resume is sent for review, if useful and advantageous facts are remembered.

Functions and achievements on a resume might look like this:

  • concluded 24% more deals;
  • introduced a new video surveillance system, which made it possible to detect losses in the warehouse;
  • reduced debt by 13%;
  • received 8 certificates from public organizations;
  • opened a branch of the company, while reducing advertising costs by 17%;
  • was among the best sellers three times in a year.

It is better to place achievements in your resume in the work experience section.

Not only managers or office workers can list achievements on their resumes; miners, cashiers or teachers can do this.

A worker can produce 30% more parts in a month than his closest competitor, a cashier can work for a quarter without shortages, which is common for supermarkets, and a teacher can write about students’ successes in local or international competitions.

An example of achievements in a specific profession

How to Write Your Achievements on a Resume- perhaps the most correct question, which applicants ask, since only such information can interest employers.

Many applicants, especially older ones, count on their advantages in the form of experience and knowledge, but the situation is such that Without a good resume it is impossible to get a personal meeting. What are achievements in a resume can be explained by the example below, but it must be clarified that achievements cannot be written as a carbon copy; samples should be used only to understand the issue.

Now let's see one example of achievements on a resume (shop assistant):

  • over two years, exceeded the sales plan 6 times by 110–140%;
  • received 2 certificates from the company management;
  • buyers wrote 15 grateful reviews to me personally;
  • was invited to the New Year's corporate party as the best salesman of the network;
  • 16 months out of 24 received additional bonuses for first place in sales in the department.

Typical errors and methods for correcting them

The main mistake of applicants– listing, in the achievements column in the resume, work responsibilities.

There is a really fine line between the two, and your resume accomplishments turn into routine activities due to incorrect wording. The phrases “increasing efficiency”, “ensuring growth”, “implementing the current system” are used by almost all applicants, of course, recruiters leaf through such documents without looking.
If a person writes without specifics, he usually slides into listing job responsibilities: did this, did that, etc.

When phrases like “tightened 150 screws against a plan of 75,” they show the real success of the applicant for the vacancy.

“The main mistake is listing responsibilities at work instead of achievements”

Personal achievements in a resume, examples of which can be easily found on the Internet, must meet the criteria. It’s not enough to say that I play sports; it’s better to indicate disciplines, participation in competitions, even victories with school or student teams will turn simple information into information that is interesting for HR. What achievements can be included in a resume is up to the applicant to decide, although you can seek advice on “headhunter” forums and read the opinions of people who are closely involved in recruiting personnel.

How to come up with achievements without work experience?

You can, of course, come up with achievements on your resume if there are none, but such a method can seriously worsen your chances of a successful career.

The deception will easily be revealed during an interview, the applicant will end up on the list of “inadequate”, and then it will be more difficult, but what should newcomers, young graduates without experience or with a short period of work do?

If a young specialist simply did not have time to meet and exceed some indicators, he can describe his life achievements for his resume. Tell us how you were successfully involved, for example, in volunteering, or participated in the work of public organizations, but for this there is a separate column “About yourself” in your resume

You shouldn’t make up anything; you can embellish your successes, but within reason, because during the interview all controversial issues will become clearer. Achievements should definitely be present in the resume, but they must provide specific information related to the open vacancy.

“If you have no achievements at work, use the “About Me” column to describe achievements outside of work experience.”

Why is describing achievements and performance important?

  • The labor market today is not in favor of the job seeker: there are few good vacancies, but there are many times more competent candidates. It is the results of work and achievements that help you stand out from the crowd.
  • In most companies, employees solve the same problems. Consequently, the description of responsibilities in the resume of different candidates is almost the same. It is the different work results that give a resume its individuality.
  • The level of competence of a particular candidate can be determined at the stage of reviewing a resume only by the description of his work. And achievements here are the best proof.

How to properly reflect achievements:

  1. remember KPIs (they are individual for each position) or assigned tasks;
  2. described in active verbs: introduced, developed, initiated;
  3. we make a logical connection between our actions and results: implemented - it made it possible;
  4. We use numbers, preferably in comparison: it was - it is now.

Let's look at examples for positions with frequently encountered KPIs.

Examples of achievements for positions where it is difficult to digitize work results.

job titleKey KPIsExamples of achievements
1 Financial DirectorAccounting setupOrganized accounting, tax, operational and management accounting from scratch.
Setting up a budgeting systemIntroduced a budgeting system by business area, which made it possible to increase accounting transparency.
Optimization of the financial flow management systemShe introduced a payment calendar based on 1C UPP and carried out a number of measures to strengthen payment discipline, which made it possible to obtain financial resources to generate additional income.
2 Purchasing DirectorOptimization of procurement activitiesOrganized purchasing activities without attracting additional funds; this was achieved through successful negotiations with suppliers to increase deferment and improve other conditions.
Automation of business processesInitiated and led a project to automate the order generation system, which allowed to reduce labor costs for information processing.
3 Chief engineer of the enterpriseModernization projectsImplemented a number of projects to modernize and reconstruct the enterprise: modernization of the access control system and installation of a fire extinguishing system, alarm system and video surveillance.
Development of regulatory documentsDeveloped and implemented all regulatory documents on labor protection and safety, fire safety, environmental safety, and road safety, which helped reduce the legal and financial risks of the enterprise.
4 LawyerDevelopment of document formsDeveloped forms of contracts: contract, supply, purchase and sale, etc., which made it possible to minimize labor costs for preparing documents.
Judicial experienceCase No.... — collection of debt under a supply agreement in the amount of 500 thousand rubles. (In this paragraph, it is advisable to describe several diverse cases, but no more than three for each place of work.)
5 Secretary-assistantProjects or additional responsibilitiesInitiated the company's participation in charitable events and sponsorship support. Implemented the manager's project for office floral design.
Document flow optimizationInitiated the creation of a document flow database based on Excel, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
6 Sales AnalystDevelopment of reporting formsDeveloped a reporting system for tracking orders and sales of goods, which made it possible to systematize work with documents.
Development of analysis toolsDeveloped mathematical models for sales planning based on the performance of sales personnel.

Work is the most important part of life. Getting it is everyone's goal. In the current conditions economic conditions When there is quite tough competition in the labor market, the applicant needs to show his best side so that the employer gives preference to him. A candidate may be accepted even if he does not have much work experience, but has success in a certain area. In practice, this task is embodied in a correctly composed resume. Whether the candidate will transfer to the position or not depends on what professional achievements are indicated in the resume.


Goals are close to this concept; they are the basis for achievements. They give direction to activities and indicate results that need to be achieved in the future. Achievements are a reward for their implementation. They contain a specialist’s program, which he can implement in his work.

They are also closely related to responsibilities - the range of actions required to be performed in a particular position. They are fixed in job description, depending on the organization and the nature of the work, they may vary.

A competent and detailed summary of previous responsibilities in a resume demonstrates achievements at the previous job. They cease to be a routine performance of their work and turn into successes when they go beyond the usual boundaries of deadlines, quantities, etc. They also pay attention to the work skills that the employee acquired in the course of his activities earlier. For commercial organization the primary indicator is increased profits.

Main classification

The main division is carried out by targeting.

1. Personal (meaning only for a specific person, i.e. the applicant). They change his life for the better; examples include winning a competition, receiving a prize or an award for participating in a competition. Such an event may be an achievement if it has something to do with a future position.

Personal achievements are also considered those from which the specialist himself has benefited. They talk about his career. Examples:

  • receiving a bonus, salary increase;
  • gratitude, encouragement;
  • career growth, obtaining a new position;
  • improving your professional level by acquiring new knowledge in
  • individually or collectively.

2. Examples of professional achievements show the success of the entire company, not individual employee. Thanks to him, such results became possible. Examples include:

  • increasing the efficiency of one specialist or group of specialists
  • as a result of the actions of this employee;
  • developed, successfully completed project;
  • increase in labor productivity thanks to the methodology introduced by a specialist;
  • monetary profit of the company;
  • the company's entry into the world market.

By nature, professional achievements are:

  • quantitative - figures showing an increase in profits by so many%, the successful implementation by a specialist of a certain number of projects during the year, the conclusion of a large number of contracts;
  • qualitative - reflect success in the organization’s activities, expansion of the company’s geography, change of counterparties to more promising ones, attraction of new sources of income, some specific result.

Formatting a resume

Your professional achievements are most often discussed during an interview.

There is no invitation to an interview due to a weak resume, which either incorrectly indicates successes in previous work or lacks them.

Some applicants believe that their resume looks perfect without this point. But this is a misconception: the most important achievements should be written down.

They must be specified for the following reasons:

  • such an applicant looks advantageous compared to others;
  • they demonstrate passion for their work;
  • they show the ability to achieve their goals.

Sometimes this aspect is written about in order to apply for a higher position than previously, for a leadership position. In this case, a resume cannot do without managerial achievements (a team of such and such a number of people under the leadership of the applicant achieved such and such results).

Requirements for wording

For an employer to make your resume stand out from many others, it must be written properly. Primary requirements:

  • all facts presented must be specific - numbers, places, names;
  • professional successes should not overload the text; they should be described briefly and clearly;
  • they must be related to the activities that the applicant wants to do in the company;
  • the language used to describe professional achievements should be business-like, but without unnecessary complications; lack of conversational style, wording must be clear;
  • There should be no negative information; all past actions of the specialist should have a positive orientation.

Significant Achievements

Sometimes it is difficult for an applicant to choose which achievements to include and which to omit.

The following three groups should be present in the resume.

  1. Main achievements professional activity. They talk about the results of how you dealt with the tasks that faced you in the course of performing your current responsibilities.
  2. Main professional achievements. They demonstrate the effectiveness of the goals that you or management have set. Your main professional achievement may be leading a company out of crisis, or the fact that your developments have had a positive impact on people's lives.
  3. Significant professional achievements can also be included on a resume. They may be significant from your point of view, or from the point of view of your previous superiors, who rewarded you for this with a bonus or promotion.

Description methods and algorithm

It is important to write your resume correctly in order to convey information about your work successes to your future employer. The following procedure must be followed:

  1. make a list of professional achievements;
  2. isolate the main, significant ones from them;
  3. check the result for compliance with the requirements for the vacancy;
  4. Your resume should be written in literate language;
  5. work successes can be listed in a separate section or a subsection can be made in the section on work experience;
  6. you need to write a cover letter in which you need to emphasize that the successes you have achieved will help the employer solve the problems of his professional activity.

What can be described

  • introduction of new programs, management decisions;
  • numerical values ​​describing financial income, production growth;
  • reference to media reflecting achievements;
  • success in a new area of ​​work in the form of training a large number of employees;
  • saving company resources.

It has long been a well-known truth: personnel decides everything. The human resources market is that same perpetual motion machine. Time passes, labels, trademarks, faces, names of companies, positions change, but the pattern remains unchanged. At some point, everyone has faced the question of choosing a job.

The first step on the path to employment is drawing up a correct resume. A very fine line - you need to describe what you already have professional experience, without belittling or embellishing it, while presenting everything as structured and informative as possible. After all, how brightly and professionally you present yourself by describing your responsibilities determines whether you will receive an invitation to an interview, or whether your response will remain uninteresting to the employer.

Defining ambitions

So, we are faced with the task of creating competent advertising for ourselves as an employee.

The writing form is quite standard - the resume must contain the candidate’s personal data, including easy-to-reach contacts, information about education, experience, trainings or courses completed. An important point: in order to achieve the desired result, you need to identify your main professional or human advantages.

Correct resume. What it should be

When you sit down to write a resume, you should adhere to the “golden” principles:

Brevity. Your resume should be on 2-3 pages, no more.

Structure. The information you provide in your resume must be presented in a certain sequence and exactly correspond to the previously chosen form.

Objectivity. When indicating your experience and skills, moderate your creativity and imagination, be objective and realistic. Underline using action verbs. Using the same principle, we fill out the “Achievements” section in the resume. .

Selectivity. Analyze your existing professional experience, choose from it only what will be most useful in achieving your goal.

Positivity. Prefer positive information to negative information. Describing, defining, and narrating information through denial will not work to your advantage.

Focus on achievements. Identify and focus on your achievements. We will tell you how to fill out the “Achievements” column in your resume a little later. Confused, don’t know what to classify as your achievements? Think about it: maybe you should take a better look around? What do you already have, what has happened, what has been successful? Let us remind you that a well-written resume should ultimately be quite easy to read not only by professionals in your segment, but also by hiring managers. It is necessary to write responsibilities, functions, achievements (this also applies to the resume in general) briefly but succinctly in order to reflect all the work experience.

Standard chronological resume

Currently, the standard form is the so-called chronological resume. It starts with the last place of work and then lists all the others in descending order. Don’t rush to immediately write down your responsibilities and achievements in your resume; don’t rush things.

Let us explain with an example of step-by-step compilation of such a resume.

Start with last name, first name, patronymic, contact details and designation desired position. It would be a good idea to supplement your resume with a business-style photograph.


There is no need to put a strong emphasis on education if you have completed your studies quite a long time ago. It is quite possible to get by with the period of study, the name of the university, the faculty and the specialty. But students, on the contrary, are recommended to give education a key place.

You can specify a topic and some coursework that you completed during your studies. If you have multiple degrees, they are usually listed in reverse chronological order. When describing your education, you don’t need to go into global depth and remember your training in high school. It is unlikely that this fact, memorable exclusively for you, will characterize you as a professional.

Briefly about the main thing

So, we come to the key section of our resume - “Work Experience”. The main task here is to show that you can perform the proposed functionality efficiently. Responsibilities and achievements in your resume should be presented in such a way that you can convince the employer that he needs you. Your previous work experience will certainly help with this.

A few tips at once: present information according to the following scheme: period of work (dates of employment and dismissal), the correct and full name of the organization, then be sure to indicate the market segment occupied by the company, the scope of its activities, as well as the position in the resume. You can make it even more informative if after each job you indicate the reason for your leaving.

Primary screening

Do not forget that the “Work Experience” section is the most important, and also the most informative, paragraph of the resume. The “Skills and Achievements” section is reviewed first. Think about it: your resume is read for 1-2 minutes, and during this time the manager should find useful points in it. Try to help him with this, write your resume properly. Design it in a single, easy-to-read style.

The resume should be constructive

Quite common phrases: “have extensive work experience”, “good managerial experience”, “brilliant organizational skills“and others, besides the fact that they provide absolutely no information, will not interest the employer at all, because if you did not take the time to correctly state your responsibilities, then why should he spend this time on you?

Don't know how to describe professional achievements and results in your resume or are you afraid to indicate something incorrectly? Refer to your job description. But don’t make the mistake of many, you shouldn’t literally copy and paste paragraphs from the instructions into the book. At a minimum it looks ridiculous, at a maximum it casts doubt on such competence as communication skills: in your own words you cannot tell what you yourself were doing, the information presented was copied and awkwardly inserted like a template. We were faced with the question of what to write in the “Achievements” section of the resume, where to write it and who needs it anyway? It is necessary, no doubt about it.

No memoirs required

Talking about job responsibilities, don’t aim to mention every single one of them, choose about 5-7 main ones, and that’s enough. The employer is not interested in your entire life path; it is important for him to trace the last 3-5 years of professional activity. Therefore, do not overload your resume with additional and unnecessary information. It is worth telling in detail about a maximum of 2-3 last places of work. For others, it will be enough to simply mention without delving into the responsibilities.

Filling out your resume (the “Achievements” column, as well as the “Key Skills”) can be planned in such a way as to include actions that you really know how to do at least well and that were applicable in your work experience. Remember that it is not acceptable to be modest when writing a resume. Your main task is to increase your “marketability” and present yourself from your best side. In this case, the information must be objective, certainly based on facts from previous experience. What else should you remember when doing something like filling out a resume? The “Achievements” column, in addition to information about successfully completed projects and career advancement, should contain information about foreign languages, if the level of proficiency in them is really high.

In the final section " Additional Information"It is recommended to indicate your personal qualities that help you achieve your professional goals, and your professional guidelines in general. This section should help the employer determine why he should hire you.

Don’t forget to adhere to the requirements regarding formatting, impeccable literacy and stylistic unity, and your resume will certainly attract a potential employer.

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